Displaying items by tag: exams 2022


  1. The undigested food material is temporarily stored in the 
    1. anus
    2. rectum 
    3. colon
    4. small intestine
  2. Which one of the following pairs shows living components of an environment? 
    1. Plants and animals
    2. Animals and soil 
    3. Air and water
    4. Plants and water
  3. When setting and carrying out an investigation on soil drainage. What should not be the same? 
    1. Amount of soil 
    2. Size of funnels 
    3. Size of collecting jars
    4. Amount of cotton wool used 
  4. Cross pollination is the transfer of pollen grain from the
    1. anthers to stigma of any flower. 
    2. anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower 
    3. anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different king of a plant 
    4. anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower on a different plant of the same kind 
  5. The diagram below shows female reproductive system.
    Which letter above shows where fusion of sex cells take place? 
    1. W
    2. Y
    3. Z
  6. Which one of the following diseases cannot be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene? 
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Cholera
    3. Anaemia
    4. Typhoid
  7. Which one of the following leads to water pollution? 
    1. Burying banana peels in soil. 
    2. Washing clothes and vehicle in river 
    3. Releasing treated sewage into rivers
    4. Using farm chemical sparingly 
  8. Which of the following does not take place during inhalation? 
    1. Diaphragm flattens 
    2. ribs move outwards 
    3. pressure in lungs decreases
    4. volume of the chest cavity decreases 
  9. Std 6 pupils prepared the set up below.
    The aspect of light investigated was 
    1. making of a rainbow 
    2. reflection of light by a mirror 
    3. refraction of light in water
    4. transfer of heat from sun by radiation
  10. Which material below is not required when making liquid thermometer? 
    1. water
    2. ink 
    3. manila paper. 
    4. funnel
  11. Which one of the following is untrue about duck billed platypus and ostrich? Both 
    1. lay fertilized eggs 
    2. are warm blooded 
    3. suckle their young ones 
    4. breath through lungs
  12. Which stage of HIV/AIDS infection can the victim test positive without signs of the diseases?
    1. Full blown AIDS 
    2. Asymptomatic stage 
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Window stage
  13. Sheet erosion is also called
    1. landslide 
    2. splash 
    3. rill
    4. spatter
  14. The following are characteristics of a certain soil.
    • Least air spaces
    • Crack when dry
    • Smooth texture
    • Make the longest ribbons
      The soil above is likely to be 
      1. loam 
      2. clay 
      3. sand
      4. silt
  15. The charts below shows method of food preservation?
    Which one of the following represents M, N and P respectively?
    M N P
    A.Canning Drying Salting
    B.Salting Use low temperature Drying
    C.Canning Smoking Drying
    D.Drying Use of  honey Low temperature
  16. Which one of the following is not an importance of water in the diet? 
    1. Blood formation 
    2. Helps in food digestion 
    3. Helps in removal of faeces 
    4. Prevent dehydration
  17. Std 7 pupils did the experiment below by dropping paper on burning fire as shown below.
    What were the pupils investigating? 
    1. Radiation
    2. Convection 
    3. Conduction 
    4. Air movement
  18. Which blood component fight germs in the body? 
    1. White blood cells 
    2. Red blood cells 
    3. Platelets
    4. Plasma
  19. Which type of teeth helps in cutting food?
    1. Canine
    2. Incisors
    3. Molars
    4. Premolars
  20. The following are characteristics of a cloud.
    • Flats at the bottom
    • Look like cotton balls
    • Found high in the sky
      The clouds above are likely to be 
      1. cumulus
      2. nimbus 
      3. cirrus
      4. stratus
  21. What is the main purpose of mulching?
    1. Remove weeds 
    2. Control soil erosion 
    3. Conserve water
    4. Remove excess water from soil
  22. The following are effects of livestock diseases. Which one is not?
    1. Death of animals 
    2. Increased appetite 
    3. Low yields
    4. Transmission of diseases to people
  23. In a farm water is used for
    1. boat racing 
    2. washing coffee berries 
    3. sport fishing 
    4. irrigating crops
  24. The experiment below was done by Std 5 pupils while investigating transfer of heat.
    After sometime the pins dropped starting with W to the last pin Z. This was due to transfer of heat through a process called 
    1. radiation 
    2. convection 
    3. conduction
    4. expansion
  25. The following are signs of a certain disease 
    • Pain in the chest 
    • Loss of weight
    • Sweating at night 
    • Blood in sputum and saliva
      The disease is likely to be 
      1. bilharzia
      2. tuberculosis
      3. malaria
      4. cholera
  26. Which statement is true about liquids?
    1. Has definite mass and shape 
    2. Has definite size and shape 
    3. Has indefinite shape and size
    4. Has definite volume and mass
  27. The force that resist motion is called 
    1. pressure
    2. weight 
    3. inertia
    4. friction
  28. Which one of the components of the environment is abundant on the earth surface?
    1. Water 
    2. Air 
    3. Soil
    4. Animals and plants
  29. Which crop below is not a tuber? 
    1. Carrot
    2. Arrowroot 
    3. Onion
    4. Beetroot
  30. The component of air that is used in photosynthesis is also used for 
    1. plant germination 
    2. putting out fire 
    3. metal rusting 
    4. light bulbs
  31. Which of the following crops pest is correctly matched with the damage they cause on crops? 
    1. Cutworms - Eat grains in the field 
    2. Aphids - suck sap on leaves 
    3. Weevils - cut stems of young plant
    4. Weaver birds - bore holes in stems
  32. The set up below was used by pupils to investigate a certain component of soil.
    The soil component investigated is 
    1. inorganic matter
    2. organic matter 
    3. air
    4. water
  33. Which one of the following is not a social effect of drug abuse?
    1. Truancy 
    2. Poor judgement 
    3. Accidents
    4. Rape
  34. Which one of the following is true about both miraa and alcohol? They 
    1. cause liver cirrhosis 
    2. are depressants 
    3. are legal drugs
    4. are prohibited in Kenya 
  35. The diagram below shows interdependence between plants.
    This shows plants interdependence on 
    1. habitat
    2. shade
    3. support
    4. nutrients
  36. Which experiment below can be used to demonstrate what happens to the passengers when the car brakes abruptly?
  37. Which vaccine is given to an infant at the age of 9 months 
    1. Tuberculosis 
    2. Polio 
    3. Cholera
    4. Measles
  38. Which animal below has scales on its body?
    1. Frog
    2. Ostrich 
    3. Whale
    4. Salamandar
  39. The chart below shows classification of crops.
    Which crops can correctly replace letters M, R and X respectively?
    M R X
    A.Tea Flax Sisal
    B.Sunflower Sisal Beans
    C.Coffee Simsim Sunflower
    D.Cocoa Cotton Maize
  40. The tips of the thread-like structures found in the maize cob are 
    1. styles
    2. stigmas 
    3. anthers
    4. filaments
  41. A metallic bowl floats on water due to its
    1. weight
    2. material 
    3. shape
    4. size
  42. Insectivorous plants grow in soil that lacks
    1. oxygen
    2. water 
    3. nitrogen
    4. living organisms
  43. Draining stagnant water can help in controlling diseases called 
    1. Cholera and Typhoid 
    2. Malaria and Typhoid 
    3. Bilharzia and Malaria
    4. Cholera and Malaria
  44. Which group of foods below shows a balanced diet?
    1. Kales, oranges, meat 
    2. Cassava, onion, milk 
    3. Chapati, milk, meat
    4. Chips, chickens, soda
  45. Std 4 pupils carried out the experiment shown below.
    In order for the water to flow out smoothly from the tin, you should 
    1. raise the tin 
    2. reduce water
    3. make another hole on the lid
    4. make another hole next to the small hole
  46. Which deficiency disease below is caused by lack of vitamins and minerals? 
    1. Rickets
    2. Anaemia 
    3. Kwashiorkor 
    4. Marasmus
  47. Which weed has black seeds with hooks? 
    1. Oxalis
    2. Thorn apple 
    3. Black jack
    4. Mexican marigold
  48. The best method to control the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youths is 
    1. use condoms 
    2. being faithful to the partner 
    3. by use of medicines
    4. abstinence
  49. Which one of the following component of air keeps varying from time to time 
    1. water vapour 
    2. oxygen
    3. carbon dioxide 
    4. nitrogen
  50. Which blood vessel carries deoxygenated blood to the heart?
    1. Aorta
    2. Vena cava
    3. Pulmonary vein
    4. Pulmonary artery


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B


The broken passage below contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given
Last year_1_ was in standard six_2_ we went_3_ a school trip to Lake Victoria. We had many kilometres to _4_ so we had to leave_5_ early. On the way, we saw other_6_ using different means of transport_7_ as buses, car and trains to travel. At one point we 8 some cyclists riding9 bicycles in a single file.
We stopped at one point to 10_ a hand to some people_11_ bus had a tyre burst. Only the adults could help, our driver, conductor_12_ teachers. We stood at a distance and _13_ . After they_14_ the wheel, our journey continued. We saw many _15_ things

    1. whenever
    2. as
    3. wherever
    4. when
    1. ,
    2. ;
    3. :
    4. .
    1. for
    2. to
    3. on
    4. at
    1. travel
    2. depart 
    3. cover
    4. eat 
    1. So
    2. very 
    3. quite
    4. too
    1. passengers 
    2. passangers 
    3. people's 
    4. peoples
    1. like 
    2. including 
    3. so
    4. such
    1. past
    2. passed
    3. stopped 
    4. waved
    1. there
    2. the 
    3. those
    4. their
    1. give
    2. offer 
    3. get
    4. herd
    1. who's
    2. whom 
    3. whose
    4. which
    1. or
    2. and 
    3. but
    4. ever
    1. inspected
    2. saw 
    3. viewed
    4. watched
    1. had changed 
    2. changed 
    3. will change 
    4. change
    1. surprising 
    2. interesting 
    3. funny
    4. strange

For questions 16 to 21. choose the alternative that best complete the sentences given

  1. So tired was the troop of a scouts_____
    1. to walk any further
    2. when they could hardly walk
    3. but they could hardly walk
    4. that they could hardly walk
  2. These machines have_____here since Webuye paper mill closed down.
    1. lain 
    2. laid
    3. lay 
    4. lied
  3. Pal like Peter____to church on foot.
    1. go
    2. have gone
    3. goes 
    4. has went
  4. The new pair of trousers___torn already
    1. are 
    2. is
    3. were 
    4. have been
  5. Omwami has____smoking following  the doctor's advise 
    1. give up
    2. give in
    3. given out
    4. given off
  6. The chief promised to the case. 
    1. look over
    2. look forward
    3. look up
    4. look into

For questions 22 to 23. choose the choose the correctly punctuated sentences.

    1. I found this ring in the lady's washrooms. 
    2. Children's movies attract all people. 
    3. I shall see you in a weeks' time.
    4. It's tail is wounded.
    1. "What a pleasant surprise!" exclaimed Opiyo. 
    2. "What a pleasant surprise!" Exclaimed opiyo. 
    3. "What a pleasant surprise"! exclaimed Opiyo.
    4. "What a pleasant surprise"! Exclaimed Opiyo.

For questions 24 and 25. choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined 

  1. They were extremely tired at the end of the day.
    1. finished
    2. famished 
    3. worn out
    4. irritated
  2. Omondi goes to work in spite of the fact that he is aged.
    1. despite 
    2. moreover 
    3. but 
    4. although

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38.
Main lived with his elderly aunt in a small village called Yondo. He was fourteen years old. He was kind, hardworking and listened to his elders. His parents had passed on when he was still a baby. His aunt therefore decided to raise Maina as her own son. Though she had sons and daughters of her own, she loved and cared for Maina in equal measure. He loved her back as well.
Every morning, Maina woke up early before the first cock crowed and went to the well to fetch water, because his aunt was too old to fetch the water herself. He also cleared the house After this, he rushed to school and he was always the first one to get there. He arranged the classroom chairs and desks. All the teachers liked him because he was responsible.
One day, Maina did not go to school. All teachers and pupils got worried sick. Maina had never missed attending school. This was strange. The head teacher, Maina's class teacher and his Science teacher decided to go to his home. Science was his favourite subject. Not that he hated other subjects. No, not at all. He had a lot of interest in Science because he aspired to become a doctor to treat and help the sick. Had he had money to take his mother to a reputable hospital he would. Maybe just maybe, she would have lived longer. She would be there with him, by his side. When they got there, they found that Maina was being taken to hospital.
"Maina is sick," his aunt explained". I called my neighbour to help me to take him to hospital.
Maina's head teacher and teacher were sorry to hear that. They wished him a quick recovery and promised to visit him. After a week, Maina had fully recovered and went back to school. The doctor had warned him against over working himself and eating unwashed fruits. Maina loved eating fruits so much, especially on his way back home in the evening. Upon arrival home, he would wash utensils, prepare supper and embark on doing his homework. By the time he retired, he would be too tired to lift anything.
I am sure you are asking where his aunt's children were? Two of them were out of the country studying and the first born was working in the city where he lived with his family. His family occasionally came to visit them.
Everybody was happy to see Maina again. The other pupils offered to help him until he regained his energy. He was happy to see them around. At least the sense of belonging and affection was not lost after all.

  1. What do we learn about Maina from the first sentence? He 
    1. lived in Yondo far away from his elderly ant
    2. lived with an aged aunt in Yondo
    3. was as elderly as his aunt in Yondo
    4. loved his aunt who lived in Yondo 
  2. How best can you describe Maina?
    1. Industrious obedient and responsible 
    2. lazy, faithful and listening 
    3. listening, hardworking and kind
    4. loyal, hardworking and respectable
  3. Maina's parents passed on means they 
    1. survived
    2. were banished 
    3. ran ways
    4. died
  4. Why didn't Maina feel lonely and helpless after his parents passed on? 
    1. He was still a baby to understand. 
    2. His aunt decided to take him.in. 
    3. He was in the middle of other children.
    4. The aunt brought him up well.
  5. According to the passage, Maina woke up in the morning 
    1. in order to get to school early 
    2. because he was hardworking 
    3. to finish the house chores and go tom school early enough 
    4. to make things easier.
  6. Why did the teachers like Maina?
    1. He dusted the teacher's desk besides his.
    2. He was responsible.
    3. He looked respectable.
    4. He arrived in school the first.
  7. What was the most surprising thing about Maina?
    1. He never complained about tiredness
    2. He never got tired of assisting the elderly aunts.
    3. He needed to clean the house as well
    4. despite doing a lot of chores in the morning he still arrived early before any other pupil
  8. How best can we describe Maina's school attendance?
    1. Punctuated.
    2. Regular
    3. Irregular.
    4. Prompt
  9. Which one of the following was not among those who went to visit the sick Maina?
    1. The games teacher.
    2. The head teacher.
    3. The teacher of Science.
    4. The class teacher.
  10. Maina's head teacher and teacher 
    1. helped the aunts to rush Maina to hospital
    2. contributed money to help settle Maina's bill 
    3. wished Maina quick recovery and  promised to visit him
    4. sympathized with Maina and accompanied him to hospital 
  11. What was the cause of Maina's illness?
    1. Fatigue and eating unwashed fruits.
    2. He was exposed to a lot of cold 
    3. He was beaten up severely 
    4. The death of his mother numbed him.
  12. The word retired has been used to mean 
    1. he went back home 
    2. he finished the day's work and relaxed 
    3. he called it a day
    4. he hit the day
  13. The best title for the passage above would be
    1. The orphaned Maina
    2. The hardworking boy.
    3. Maina falls sick.
    4. Maina's elderly aunt 

Read the passage below and answer questions 39 to 50.
Foodstuffs are basically divided into carbohydrates (mainly starch and sugars) protein and fats from animals or plants sources. Often, one particular source contains more than one constituent but may be predominantly carbohydrates, proteins. Vitamins and minerals, though not providing direct energy, are essential for many bodies functions. They are usually required in relatively small amounts and are obtainable from the primary food sources unless one is eating highly refined foods or there is an inability within the body to extract them from these foodstuffs. Under these conditions, supplementation becomes necessary. Therefore it is important to eat fresh wholesome foods grown in places with no known minerals deficiencies or excesses.
dy's energy requirements and supplies all the essential building blocks. These include nine amino acids (from proteins, one fatty acid (from fats) and glucose (from carbohydrates). The body has an in-built mechanism for converting types of food into different building blocks, those listed above, which together with vitamins and minerals have to be acquired from the diet.
It should be appreciated that, while food is only eaten at certain times, the body requires energy continuously. Thus, the composition of a meal should be such that it can provide energy immediately and also in a sustained manner. Carbohydrates provide energy in the short term, proteins in the medium term and fats in the long team. The same process is replicated in the body when it is using up stored food. The type of activity one is involved in also influences energy needs, people leading actual lives require more energy than those with a sedentary lifestyle. Children, pregnant women and breast feeding mothers also require more energy
The biological value of food is also important. Animals' protein has a higher biological value Act than plant protein and hence, a small portion may suffice. Unsaturated vegetable fats are also safer to use compared to animal fats. Generally, a balanced diet should supply fifty percent of energy requirements from carbohydrates, thirty percent from proteins and twenty percent from fats.
Though associated with good factors, the use of mega-doses of vitamins cannot be a substitute for energy requirements. It is especially not advisable to have a high intake of fats, soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and foods with high minerals content, especially of sodium and potassium. Where deficiency exists due to the soil type or food preparation style, supplementation via manufactured foodstuffs for example, iodized salt or fortified bread and milk, may do as a substitute.

  1. From the first sentence we learn that basic food include
    1. starch, sugars and proteins 
    2. proteins, fats and carbohydrates 
    3. salt, proteins and fats
    4. carbohydrates, starch and fats 
  2. According to paragraph one, fats come from
    1. animals and proteins 
    2. plants and carbohydrates 
    3. starch and sugar
    4. plants and animals
  3. What do we learn about vitamins and minerals? They 
    1. provide direct energy to the body 
    2. are important for supplying carbohydrates and proteins 
    3. are ossential for many bodies functions
    4. are vital for primary ford weed.
  4. Why do we take a balanced diet? it
    1. provides energy and essential body building blocks 
    2. provide minerals and vitamins to correct deficiency
    3. takes care of bodies functions 
    4. provides the feel-good factors to the body
  5. The body's in-built mechanism converts types of foods into 
    1. energy, body building blocks, vitamins and minerals 
    2. body building blocks only 
    3. vitamins and minerals
    4. all the body requirement
  6. Which one of the following comprises the essential body building blocks?
    1. Starch, sugar and carbohydrates. 
    2. Minerals, vitamins and proteins. 
    3. Nine amino acids, fatty acids and glucose 
    4. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
  7. According to the passage, the body needs energy 
    1. at certain specific time 
    2. continuously 
    3. only occasionally
    4. at given tines of the day
  8. Which type of food provides energy in the long term? 
    1. Fats 
    2. Glucose 
    3. Proteins
    4. Carbohydrates
  9. According to the third paragraph people who require more energy are those,
    1. with small bodies 
    2. with big bodies 
    3. with a sedentary lifestyle
    4. leading actions lives
  10. Which protein has a high biological value?
    1. Plant. 
    2. Both plant and animals. 
    3. Fried.
    4. Animals
  11. From the passage we learn that fats are safer to use. 
    1. fats are soluble vitamins 
    2. small amounts of animals 
    3. unsaturated vegetable
    4. saturated vegetable
  12. The best title for the passage above would be 
    1. Why we should take less fats. 
    2. The importance of a balanced diet. 
    3. The various body building blocks. 
    4. Foodstuffs and age limits.

Write a very interesting composition starting with the following words,
I arrived home late.................


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B


Study the map of Makuto area above and use it to answer questions I to 7.

  1. Mato area is headed by 
    1. chief 
    2. governor 
    3. assistant county commissioner
    4. senator
  2. River Peo flows towards
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. North
    4. South West
  3. Tosa town may have developed mainly because of 
    1. availability of industries. 
    2. reliable rainfall. 
    3. good means of transport.
    4. good medical facilities.
  4. The settlement pattern in Mato area can be described as 
    1. linear
    2. sparse 
    3. dense
    4. nucleated 
  5. What is the approximate area of theirrig ation scheme? 
    1. 3km
    2. 6km
    3. 8km
    4. 10km
  6. The climate of the South Eastern part of Mato area is
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and wet
    3. cool and dry 
    4. hot and wet
  7. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Mato area? 
    1. Farming 
    2. Lumbering.
    3. Pastoralism. 
    4. Fishing, 
  8. Below are roles of a school in community development. Which one is not? 
    1. Offering employment to the support staff. 
    2. Identifying and developing pupils' talents. 
    3. Donating land to the community. 
    4. Preserving the culture of the community.
  9. The main reason why the floor of the Rift Valley receives little rainfall is because 
    1. it is low in altitude, 
    2. it lies on the rain shadow 
    3. it is influenced by the harmattan winds.
    4. it is far from large water bodies.
  10. Which one of the following communities migrated from the Horn of Africa? 
    1. Sange.
    2. Dahalo. 
    3. Duruma.
    4. Pokomo.
  11. Below are conditions that favour the growth of a certain crop:
    1. Low altitude of below 400m above sea level.
    2. Deep well drained fertile soil.
    3. Rainfall of between 1500-2000mm annually
    4. High temperatures of 24"-28°C.
    5. Shelter from strong winds.
      The crop that requires the above conditions is likely to be:
      1. tea
      2. cloves
      3. cocoa
      4. coffee.
  12. Which of the following ways of interaction among communities is both modern and traditional?
    1. Trade.
    2. Games and sports. 
    3. Education. 
    4. Burial ceremonies.
  13. Which one of the following areas in Africa is least populated? 
    1. Nile Valley in Egypt 
    2. Mouth Kenya Peaks. 
    3. South East Africa.
    4. Highlands of Ethiopia.
  14. The main reason why John Speke came to Eastern Africa was to 
    1. control trade. 
    2. stop slavery and slave trade. 
    3. find the source of R. Nile.
    4. spread the good news.
  15. The following are reasons why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa. Which one of them is political? 
    1. To settle their surplus population. 
    2. Search for raw materials. 
    3. To protect traders and missionaries.
    4. For National pride and prestige.
  16. Which one of the following features in Africa formed as a result of erosion of materials? 
    1. Rift Valley 
    2. L. Victoria
    3. Bie plateau 
    4. Mt. Tibesti

The table below shows a type of climate in Africa.

  1. Which one of the following is true about the climate of the area? 
    1. It is hot and wet throughout the year. 
    2. It has two rainy seasons. 
    3. It is very hot at night and cold during the day. 
    4. It has cool wet winters and hot dry summers.
  2. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the areas is it mined? 
    1. Oil - Klarksdorp, Niger delta 
    2. Copper - Ndola, Kitwe 
    3. Soda ash - Gongoni, L. Magadi 
    4. Gold - Johannesberg, Luhumbashi
  3. The speaker of the county assembly 
    1. is the head of the county government. 
    2. is appointed by the senators. 
    3. is nominated by the IEBC. 
    4. chairs the debates in the assembly.
  4. In Africa the biggest producer of fish is 
    1. South Africa 
    2. Nigeria 
    3. Morocco
    4. Tanzania
  5. In the Baganda Kingdom the clan heads who assisted the Kabaka to rule were known as 
    1. Ssaza
    2. Batongole
    3. Bataka
    4. Gombolola
  6. Which one of the following courts in Kenya determines election petitions involving members of parliament? 
    1. Supreme court 
    2. High court 
    3. Court of appeal 
    4. Court martial
  7. Time in Bamako 10º West is 11.32a.m. What time will it be in Kismayu 30ºE? 
    1. 2.12p.m. 
    2. 1.32p.m. 
    3. 8.52am. 
    4. 9.52p.m.
  8. Below is a process of elections in Kenya:
    1. Parliament is dissolved.
    2. Mass registration of voters. 
    3. Nomination of candidates.
    4. Ballot papers are printed
    5. Delivery of materials to the polling stations.
      Which of the following is the correct order in which they occur? 
      1. ii, iii, iv, i,v 
      2. iii, iv, iii, v 
      3. ii, iii, i.iv. 
      4. v. i, iv, ii, ii
  9. Which one of the following statements about O.AU. is true? 
    1. It was transformed to African Union (AU) in 2000. 
    2. It was formed to promote trade in the continent.
    3. It helped fights for independence in Kenya. 
    4. The headquarters are in Tripoli Libya.
  10. The following is a group of countries in Africa.
    1. Chad
    2. Lesotho
    3. Botswana
    4. Ethiopia
    5. Mali
    6. Zambia
      Which one of the following statements is true about them? 
      1. They are members of COMESA. 
      2. They are in the Northern hemisphere. 
      3. They are headed by a prime minister. 
      4. They do not have a Coastline.
  11. The climate of Namibia is mainly influenced
    1. prevailing winds. 
    2. distance from a large water body. 
    3. shape of the Coastline. 
    4. the horizontal movement of water in the ocean.
  12. Which one of the following groups consists only of hard wood trees? 
    1. Spruse, fir, teak 
    2. Cypress, mvule, obeche 
    3. Camphor, meru oak, rosewood 
    4. Pine, ebony, cedar
  13. The main reason why the government is evicting people from the forests is to 
    1. protect rare species of trees. 
    2. protect the water catchment areas. 
    3. protect the natural habitats of animals. 
    4. ensure there is provision of natural medicines.
  14. The following are tourist attractions in Africa. Which one is correctly matched with the country it is found? 
    1. Aksum Valley - Ghana 
    2. Robben Island - Zanzibar 
    3. Shimoni Caves . Kenya 
    4. Fort Milna - Egypt
  15. The following are statements about a river in Africa.
    1. It carries the largest volume of water. 
    2. It is navigable in most parts. 
    3. It has very many tributaries.
    4. It is the deepest river in Africa.
      The river described above is 
      1. R. Nile
      2. R. Congo
      3. R. Orange 
      4. R. Niger
  16. Which of the following countries did not use armed struggle in the fight for independence? 
    1. Kenya, Zimbabwe 
    2. Ghana, Mozambique 
    3. Tanzania, Ghana 
    4. Zimbabwe, Namibia
  17. The diagram below is a physical feature.
    3In which one of the following countries is it likely to be found? 
    1. Ghana
    2. Congo 
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Algeria
  18. The feature above was formed through 
    1. erosion and deposition. 
    2. faulting and sinking. 
    3. volcanicity. 
    4. residual activities.
  19. In which chapter of the constitution is the bill of rights found? 
    1. 5
    2. 11 
    3. 7
    4. 4
  20. Which of the following countries were both colonised by Portuguese? 
    1. Congo, Namibia 
    2. Mozambique, Namibia 
    3. Libya, Eritrea 
    4. Togo, Cameroon
  21. Which one of the following statements is not true about the Khoikhoi? 
    1. Their original economic activity was hunting and gathering. 
    2. They speak with a click sound. 
    3. Major decisions were made through general agreement.
    4. They were organized in small hunting bands
  22. The Swazi national council is known as 
    1. Tinkuhndla 
    2. Libandla 
    3. Liqoqo
    4. Ngwenyama
  23. Drug and substance abuse is being discouraged in Kenya because it 
    1. affects people's health. 
    2. it is a misuse of money. 
    3. pollutes the environment.
    4. it is a source of happiness.
  24. Which of the following people are voltaic speakers? 
    1. Soninke, Susu, Bambara. 
    2. Fulani, Tukorol, Wolof. 
    3. Songhai, Zarma, Kanuri. 
    4. Ndendi, Ibo, Kanuri.
  25. In Kenya most rivers are polluted by
    1. effluent from industries. 
    2. fertilizers from farms. 
    3. human wastes. 
    4. soil particles.
  26. The main type of democracy carried out in Kenya is 
    1. participatory 
    2. representative 
    3. direct
    4. consensual
  27. Mediterranean climate is experienced in the following countries except. 
    1. Morocco
    2. South Africa 
    3. Libya
    4. Burkina Faso
  28. Three of the following may lead to loss of parliamentary seat in Kenya except 
    1. when one stops being a Kenyan citizen. 
    2. when one misses six consecutive sittings without speaker's permission. 
    3. when one loses an election petition. 
    4. when one is jailed for eight months.
  29. Below are descriptions of a prominent leader in Africa.
    1. He set up private schools to increase the number
    2. He abolished the ownership of slaves.
    3. He was a founder member of 0.A.U.
    4. He invited foreigners to advise on development issues.
    5. He introduced a new constitution.
      The leader described above is: 
      1. Nelson Mandela 
      2. Gamel Abdel Nasser 
      3. Haile Selassie 
      4. Nyerere
  30. Which one of the following people collaborated with the Europeans? 
    1. Lozi.
    2. Ababukusu. 
    3. Madinka. 
    4. Nandi.
  31. The main problem facing Tswana pastoralists
    1. drought 
    2. pests and diseases 
    3. cattle rustling
    4. limited market.
  32. Which one of the following statements is not true about both religious and civil marriages? 
    1. Marriage certificate is given
    2. There are wedding bans. 
    3. It is monogamous.
    4. Dowry must be given.
  33. The main reason why Nile Valley in Egypt is densely populated is that 
    1. it has fertile soils. 
    2. it receives reliable rainfall. 
    3. there is enough water for irrigation
    4. it has presence of previous minerals.
  34. The arm of the government that implements the laws made in the parliament is 
    1. executive
    2. senate
    3. judiciary
    4. national assembly

Below is a map of Africa. Use it to answer questions 51-54.

  1. The river marked H is 
    1. Limpopo
    2. Congo 
    3. Zambezi
    4. Orange
  2. What is the capital city of the Island marked
    1. Moroni
    2. Pria 
    3. Antananarivo 
    4. Comorros
  3. The main economic activity carried out in the shaded area marked K is
    1. cocoa farming
    2. mining 
    3. pastoralism 
    4. fishing
  4. The physical feature marked L on the map was formed as a result of 
    1. compressional forces. 
    2. tensional forces. 
    3. faulting and uplifting. 
    4. faulting and sinking.
  5. The main source of conflict in a society is 
    1. favoritism 
    2. illiteracy 
    3. transparency
    4. poverty
  6. The main cash crop grown in Zanzibar is 
    1. rice
    2. pyrethrum
    3. cocoa
    4. cloves
  7. Which one of the following factors leads to slow population growth? 
    1. Education
    2. Religious beliefs. 
    3. Better health 
    4. Cultural practices
  8. Which one of the following methods of preserving fish involves the use of temperatures? 
    1. Sun drying
    2. Freezing 
    3. Smoking 
    4. Salting
  9. Which one of the following is the main source of revenue for county governments? 
    1. Taxes 
    2. Cess 
    3. Sale of properties 
    4. Grants from Central government
  10. Which one of the following would be the main factor to consider when starting a bakery?
    1. Availability of wheat 
    2. Market 
    3. Space 
    4. Government policy


  1. The main reason why man was created is to
    1. name all the things created. 
    2. be in the image of God. 
    3. take care of God's creation.
    4. reproduce and fill the earth.
  2. Which one of the following best explains why God chose Noah to build the ark? 
    1. He was faithful to God. 
    2. He agreed to build the ark. 
    3. He took animals to the ark.
    4. He obeyed God.
  3. Jacob's name was changed to Israel when
    1. he obeyed the voice of God. 
    2. he fought with the Angel.
    3. he took the birth right from Esau. 
    4. he married Rachel.
  4. During the Passover night 
    1. the angel of death killed all the firstborns of Israelites. 
    2. there were the ten plaques. 
    3. the Holy Spirit descended in form of flamestivat 
    4. the Israelites were freed from slavery. 
  5. Three of the following were Judges in Israel. Which one was not? 
    1. David
    2. Othniel. 
    3. Shamgar. 
    4. Deborah
  6. "I am who I am" Exodus 3:14. These words were spoken to Moses when he was 
    1. given the ten commandments. 
    2. before King Herod. 
    3. looking after Jethro's sheep. 
    4. crossing the red sea.
  7. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Jesus and prophet Elisha? 
    1. Making an axe float. 
    2. Healing lepers. 
    3. Driving away evil spirits. 
    4. Commanding a bear to kill children.
  8. King Ahab and King David had one thing in common. It was that 
    1. they both killed because of coveting. 
    2. they both worshiped foreign gods. 
    3. they both fought with their predecessors. 
    4. they were both anointed by prophet Samuel.
  9. Who among the following was the father of prophet Isaiah?
    1. Manasseh. 
    2. Shecaniah. 
    3. Dan.
    4. Amoz.
  10. The main reason why Joseph fled to Egypt with Jesus is because 
    1. there was famine in Israel. 
    2. to run away from Herod. 
    3. to take the census. 
    4. to trade.
  11. Which one of the following was not among the temptations of Jesus in the wilderness?
    1. To get power and wealth. 
    2. To turn stones to bread. 
    3. To get knowledge and wisdom. 
    4. To throw himself down.
  12. Who among the following disciples were nicknamed the sons thunder by Jesus? 
    1. Peter and John 
    2. John and James 
    3. Thomas and Luke 
    4. James and Peter
  13. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He is the light of the world? 
    1. Calming the storm 
    2. Feeding the 5000 men.
    3. Healing the blind man
    4. Walking on water.
  14. What did the parents of Jesus offer as a sacrifice during His dedication? 
    1. Lamb 
    2. Myrrh and frankincense 
    3. Gold 
    4. Pigeons
  15. Which one of the following parables teaches about forgiveness and repentance? 
    1. The parable of the yeast. 
    2. The parable of the sower. 
    3. The parable of the lost son. 
    4. The parable of the mustard seed.
  16. In which one of the following activities did God send an angel to strengthen Jesus? 
    1. Baptism 
    2. Resurrection 
    3. Crucifixion 
    4. Prayer at Gethsemane
  17. In which one of the following towns did Peter see a vision of animals of all kinds and God told him to eat? 
    1. Joppa.
    2. Bethlehem. 
    3. Damascus. 
    4. Antioch.
  18. Jesus said that for one to be His true disciple he must be ready to
    1. be a dedicated Christian. 
    2. share his riches with the poor. 
    3. suffer for doing good. 
    4. leave one's family and relatives.
  19. "Today you shall be with me in paradise" These words were said by Jesus to 
    1. Peter
    2. robber 
    3. Mary Magdalene 
    4. Stephen
  20. Which one of the following was not among the accusations leveled against Jesus? 
    1. Claiming to be Messiah. 
    2. Healing people on Sabbath. 
    3. Telling people not to pay taxes. 
    4. Starting riot in Judea.
  21. Believers in the early church received the Holy Spirit during the 
    1. Passover
    2. transfiguration 
    3. the last supper 
    4. Pentecost
  22. The ability to find solutions affecting our Acti lives is known as
    1. Knowledge 
    2. craftiness 
    3. creativity
    4. cunningness
  23. Which one of the following acts of worship is carried out by priests in traditional African communities? 
    1. Making sacrifices. 
    2. Administering holy communion. 
    3. Baptism. 
    4. Foretelling about the future.
  24. In traditional African societies children were taught how to respect their elders mainly by
    1. worries
    2. peers
    3.  parents
    4. priests
  25. The main reason why Christians should obey the authority is 
    1. all authority is from God. 
    2. to get promotion at work, 
    3. to avoid beefs with leaders. 
    4. to show good examples.
  26. Christians are encouraged to take part in community development because they 
    1. want to eam a living. 
    2. want to share with others. 
    3. use it as a hobby.
    4. to be recognized.
  27. James found his friend fighting with another boy. As a Christian what should James do? 
    1. Help his friend beat the boy. 
    2. Separate them and help them reconcile. 
    3. Report them to the teacher. 
    4. Walk away to avoid more trouble.
  28. Which one of the best shows how Christians spend their leisure time? 
    1. Reading stories 
    2. Playing games 
    3. Dancing Christian music. 
    4. Visiting the sick.
  29. Why one of the following does not lead to the spread of HIV and AIDS? 
    1. Sharing sharp objects. 
    2. Sex before marriage. 
    3. Blood transfusion. 
    4. Shaking hands.
  30. Which one of the following was not one of the activities of missionaries? 
    1. Training the laity. 
    2. Introduction of schools. 
    3. Spreading the good news. 
    4. Supporting African traditions.


  1. Which of these Surah's is the same as a third of the Qur'an? 
    1. Suratul Ikhlas 
    2. Suratul Faatiha 
    3. Ayatul Kursiy
    4. Suratul Yasin
  2. Which Surah of the Qur'an warns people who ignore prayers?
    1. Kafirum
    2. Маun
    3. Fatiha
    4. Falaq
  3. We learn about the revelation of the Qur'an in suratul 
    1. Alay
    2. Maun 
    3. Qadr
    4. Tanzil
  4. Which of these acts shows Tawakkul? 
    1. Spending all your time in mosque. 
    2. Relying on Allah for protection 
    3. Asking your broti er for lielp. 
    4. Seeking education,
  5. What is the total numer of Takbiraat in Salatul Janaza? 
    1. One
    2. Two 
    3. Three
    4. Four
  6. Which one of the following is not an attribute of the Angels? 
    1. They do not eat or drink 
    2. They do not have wings. 
    3. They do not sin. 
    4. They are neither male nor female.
  7. Who among the following was not among the earliest people to convert into Islam? 
    1. Ali bin Abi 
    2. Abubakar 
    3. Khadija
    4. Waraqa
  8. The attribute of Allah "The peaceful" means 
    1. Ihsan
    2. Islam 
    3. Iman
    4. Taqwa
  9. The seventh month of Islamic calendar is 
    1. Swafar
    2. Babiul Thani 
    3. Rajab
    4. Shaaban
  10. The lady who helped the sick in the prophet's mosque was 
    1. Amina
    2. Sumaiya 
    3. Khadija
    4. Rufaidah
  11. How many prophets are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an? 
    1. 25
    2. 99
    3. 20
    4. 50
  12. Prayers end with 
    1. Allah Akbar 
    2. Taslim 
    3. Tahiyyatu 
    4. Alhamdulillah
  13. Who among the following was created first? 
    1. Musa
    2. Adam 
    3. Muhammad 
    4. Ibrahim
  14. Which of the following is not Najis? 
    1. Pork
    2. Saliva 
    3. Urine
    4. Dog
  15. How old was the prophet when he married Khadija? 
    1. 25 years
    2. 40 years 
    3. 55 years 
    4. 63 years
  16. Mixing good quality good with low quality goods is 
    1. ribua
    2. hoarding 
    3. ghush
    4. usury
  17. How old was the prophet (S.A.W.) when he went for his second business trip to Syria?
    1. 12
    2. 25
    3. 40
  18. Dini was about to eat Siefudin's food when he remembered that Allah (S.W.) is seeing him. This is a good sign of 
    1. Iman
    2. Taqwa 
    3. Ihsan
    4. Islam
  19. Which one is not true on Angels? 
    1. They see Allah (S.W.) 
    2. They can change to any form. 
    3. They were created from light. 
    4. They never disobeyed Allah (S.W.)
  20. When performing Tayamum, it is sunnah to wash 
    1. Bana: Who is sick and cannot touch water: 
    2. Mafta: Who is travelling to Nairobi. 
    3. Ghaniim: Who has no water at all. 
    4. Jalal: Who has little water bul wants to give to his cows for drinking
  21. The Angel who has not been properly paired with his duty is
    1. Jibril - wahy 
    2. Mikail - blowing trumpet
    3. Malik - rain 
    4. Izrail - death
  22. Prophet Ibrahim was 
    1. not given anything.
    2. given suhuf. 
    3. given ten commandments. 
    4. not among Ulul - Azm
  23. The belief in the last day is one of the pillars of 
    1. Islam
    2. Iman 
    3. Ihsan
    4. Sunnah
  24. Salat is the ___ pillar of Islam.
    1. second
    2. fourth 
    3. third
    4. fifih
  25. Zakat means 
    1. to pay money. 
    2. to think about the poor, 
    3. to sacrifice. 
    4. to purify
  26. Ramadhan is the__ month of the Islamic calendar.
    1. 2nd
    2. 5th
    3. 9th
    4. 12th
  27. " Your classmate who is a non-muslim invites you to his birthday party. You arrive and find beer being served. As a Muslim you should 
    1. refuse to take the beer. 
    2. leave the party 
    3. tell him it is wrong to serve beer. 
    4. pretend to be drinking beer.
  28. Which pillar of Islam shows the difference between Muslims and non-Muslims? 
    1. Zakah
    2. Swalah 
    3. Saum
    4. Haji
  29. The Muhajireen were 
    1. the Muslims of Madina. 
    2. the Muslims of Taif. 
    3. the Muslims who migrated to Madina. 
    4. all Muslims in the world.
  30. Who was the leader of the group that broke away, from the Muslims army in the battle of Uhud? 
    1. Ubayy bin Khalaf. 
    2. Abdallah bin Ubay. 
    3. Abdallah bin Mas 'oud. 
    4. Abdullahi bin Rawahah.



  1. B
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  1. C
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  1. C
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  6. C
  7. A
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  9. D
  10. D



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  2. B
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  4. A
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  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


  1. The diagram below shows a certain blood vessel.
    The blood vessel shown above is 
    1. an artery 
    2. blood cell
    3. capillary 
    4. a vein
  2. In the human alimentary canal, mineral salts are absorbed in the
    1. large intestines 
    2. duodenum
    3. mouth
    4. small intestines.
  3. Which one of the following physical changes is not experienced in adolescent girls? 
    1. Increase in weight and height. 
    2. Voice deepening. 
    3. Growth of breasts. 
    4. Pimples appear on the face.
  4. Which one of the following pairs of vertebrates lay unfertilized eggs?
    1. Newt and chameleon. 
    2. Frog and tilapia. 
    3. Lizard and salamander. 
    4. Snake and crocodile.
  5. Which one of the following is not true about incubation stage in HIV infection? 
    1. One can affect others intentionally 
    2. One looks healthy 
    3. Signs and symptoms begin to show off 
    4. One tests positive
  6. The main function of the red blood cell is to
    1. help in clotting blood. 
    2. transport other blood cells. 
    3. fight disease germs. 
    4. transport oxygen.
  7. Human intestinal worms can best be controlled by 
    1. treating infected people in hospital 
    2. regular deworming 
    3. observing proper hygiene and sanitation 
    4. proper cooking of foods eaten raw
  8. Which one of the following is true about molars and premolars? They 
    1. are equal in number in an adult 
    2. have ridges and cusps 
    3. are used for cutting and grinding 
    4. are shed from the age of six years
  9. The method of grazing shown below is
    1. paddocking 
    2. strip grazing 
    3. herding
    4. tethering
  10. The method of food preservation that removes water from food is 
    1. use of honey 
    2. salting 
    3. canning
    4. freezing
  11. An embryo in a seed is composed of 
    1. hilum and testa 
    2. endosperm and cotyledon 
    3. plumule and endosperm 
    4. radicle and plumule
  12. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follows
    Which of the following is false about part Z? 
    1. Helps to moisten air. 
    2. It has hair and mucus. 
    3. It allows entry of food. 
    4. it has e-shaped rings.
  13. Malaria can be prevented by the following methods except 
    1. ensuring that there are no long grasses and bushes around 
    2. immunization.
    3. draining stagnant water.
    4. covering water storage containers.
  14. The nutrients required by plants in large quantities are the 
    1. macronutrients
    2. micronutrients
    3. compound nutrients 
    4. straight nutrients
  15. Which one of the following is not true about fibre in the diet? 
    1. It has no nutritional values 
    2. It is not digested in the body.
    3. It helps prevent constipation. 
    4. It can be obtained from fats and oils.
  16. Three of the following materials can be attracted by magnets except 
    1. aluminum material 
    2. iron rod 
    3. tinrod
    4. cobalt rod
  17. Wilch one of the following paits consists of immunisable discases only?
    1. Tuberculosis and cholera. 
    2. Typhoid and malaria.
    3. Typhoid ani kwashiokor. 
    4. Bilharzia and tuberculosis.
  18. Which one of the following plants is not attacked by stalk borer? 
    1. Sorghum
    2. Maize
    3. Green grams 
    4. Sugarcane
  19. Pufi hails. mushrooms and toad stools are classified under which group of plants 
    1. Non-green plants. 
    2. Green-non-llowering plants.
    3. Fungi. 
    4. Carnivorous plants.
  20. The diagram below shows an experiment that was set up by std 6 pupils.
    Which of the following statements is true about the experiment?
    1. Water in the basin decreases after the candle went off 
    2. Water in the jar went down when the candle went off 
    3. The candle went off immediately. 
    4. The experiment was investigating that air occupies space.
  21. Which of the following animal parasites attack the intestines of sheep and goat only?
    1. Tapeworm.
    2. Lung worms. 
    3. Hook worms. 
    4. Liver fluke.
  22. A pupil set up the apparatus as shown below.
    Which of the apparatus Q R S shows drainage in clay soil ?
    1. Q
    2. R
    3. S
    4. None of the above
  23. A baby born by a mother who smokes might be born with the following problems except 
    1. stomach ulcers 
    2. poor inental growth
    3. weak immune systems 
    4. under weight
  24. Which one of the following characteristics of clouds is found during fine weather? 
    1. Low in the sky
    2. Dark grey in colour. 
    3. Irregular shaped clouds. 
    4. Bundle of cotton wool.
  25. The surrounding of living organisms is referred to as 
    1. habitat
    2. atmosphere 
    3. environment 
    4. shelter
  26. Below are signs and symptoms of a certain water borne disease
    1. skin rash
    2. aches in muscles and joints
    3. headache d)sore in the walls of intestines
      The disease is likely to be 
      1. typhoid 
      2. malaria
      3. bilharzia
      4. cholera
  27. Which one of the following parts of the digestive system is involved in storage of undigestible food materials before egestion?
    1. Large intestines. 
    2. Rectum. 
    3. Appendix. 
    4. Small intestine.
  28. It is true to say that all animals 
    1. feed by chewing. 
    2. give birth. 
    3. react to changes in the environment. 
    4. move by walking
  29. Below is a diagram that represents an investigation on the transfer of heat
    The wax melted and the pins fell one after the other because of 
    1. conduction and expansion
    2. convection and radiation 
    3. radiation and conduction 
    4. conduction and convection
  30. If the stigma of a flower was cut off when the flower was young, which of the following would take place! 
    1. Ovules would become seeds
    2. Ovary would come a fruit. 
    3. Self pollin would take place. 
    4. Pollen grains could still be produced.
  31. Which one of the following groups of livestock parasites are found in the liver?
    1. Hookworms, liveriluke, lungworms. 
    2. Tapeworms, hookus, roundwonas. 
    3. Lungworms, tapewonins, hookworms 
    4. Liverfluke, roundworms, lapeworms.
  32. Which one of the following parts si a plant is correctly matched with its function? 
    1. Style - Allows the formation of the pollen tube. 
    2. Stalk - Protects the inner parts of the flower. 
    3. Sepal - Tran insects. 
    4. Anthers !duce ovules.
  33. Which one of the plants grows where the soil lacks nitrates? 
    1. Bracket tree 
    2. Moss
    3. Buttercup 
    4. Lichens
  34. The clouds that are usually mountainous and white in colour are also known for 
    1. being found low in the sky 
    2. a sign of a bad weather. 
    3. having a flat base. 
    4. bearing rain.
  35. Which one of the following pairs does not consist of methods of controlling cron pests?
    1. Trapping and mulching 
    2. Spraying ar.d weeding
    3. Scaring and handpicking 
    4. Trapping and parang
  36. The pie chart drawn presents the composition of air
    Which of following parts is wrongly matched to its importance?
    1. W-Supports burning
    2. Z-Germination of seeds
    3. Y-Making protein
    4. X-Preservation of soft drinks.
  37. Food in a maize seed is stored in a part called 
    1. teste
    2. endosperm 
    3. plumule
    4. radicle
  38. The main difference between paddocking and strip grazing is 
    1. size of the grazing area. 
    2. movement of the animals.
    3. type of the fence used 
    4. number of animals kept.
  39. Three of the following are examples of carnivorous plants except one. Which one is
    1. Bladder wart 
    2. Sundew 
    3. Cactus
    4. Cobra lily
  40. Study the food chain below and answer the question that follows.
    What would happen if all the snakes were killed? 
    1. The number of hawks would increase. 
    2. The number of rats would increase. 
    3. There would be an increase in the amount of grains. 
    4. The hawks will start eating grains.
  41. Blood is seen to be red because of the red pigment known as 
    1. oxyhaemoglobin 
    2. platelets 
    3. haemoglobin 
    4. chlorophyll
  42. One of the following pests is wrongly matched with the part of the crop it attacks. Which one is it? 
    1. Aphids - Roots 
    2. Cutworms - Stems 
    3. Weevils - Grains 
    4. Stalkborer - Stems
  43. Which one of the following is not a method of water-conservation? 
    1. Irrigation
    2. Harvesting rain water.
    3. Using water sparingly. 
    4. Re-using water.
  44. Drugs that slow down body functions such as heartbeat and breathing rate are called 
    1. preventive medicines. 
    2. curative medicines 
    3. depressants. 
    4. narcotics
  45. The following are traditional methods of preserving food. Which one is not? 
    1. Use of honey
    2. Freezing
    3. Salting
    4. Smoking
  46. Standard five pupils set up the experiment shown below to demonstrate a certain type of heat transfer
    In which position in the diagram should the candle be placed for the convection box to work effectively?
    1. Q
    2. S
    3. R
    4. T
  47. Which one of the following pairs of organs in the human body both produce sex cells? 
    1. Ovary and testis. 
    2. Penis and testis. 
    3. Uterus and ovary 
    4. Vagina and penis.
  48. Farmers practise mulching mainly to stop which type of erosion? 
    1. Gulley
    2. Splash 
    3. Rill
    4. Sheet
  49. The type of animal feed that is cut and fed to animals directly is known as 
    1. fodder
    2. silage 
    3. hay
    4. concentrate
  50. The diagram below shows a coin that was placed in a container with water.
    What made the object to be observed at image W? 
    1. Splitting of light.
    2. Absorption of light. 
    3. Bouncing back of light. 
    4. Apparent bending of light.


  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A
  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi / mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi.
Kutokana na hali _1_ya hewa taifa la Kenya huwavutia watalii_2_kutoka kila pembe ya dunia. _3_. hali ya hewa hutofautiana sana kutoka sehemu moja hadi_4_ Ukizuru maeneo ya milimani hasa milima Kenya na Abadea utapata hali ya baridi. _5_ kilele kuna theluji ilhali kwenye nguu kuna msitu. Iwapo utatembelea maeneo ya Pwani na Ziwa Viktoria utapata kuna viwango vya juu vya joto. Aidha ipo misitu iliyojaa wanyamapori wa kila aina. Isitoshe zipo mbuga na hifadhi za wanyamapori. Hali ya uchukuzi_6_ kuelekea kwenye mbuga _7_. Pia kuna hoteli za kifahari. Hoteli hizo zinawahudumia wageni hawa. Ukitembea kwenye baadhi ya mito kuna maanguko ya maji. _8_. janibu za Thika kuna Thika na Chania. Maeneo ya Nyahururu kuna Thompson. Kenya kweli imebarikiwa sana.

    1. shwari
    2. shari
    3. swali
    4. hali
    1. chungu kubwa 
    2. chungu kizima
    3. chungu nzima
    4. chungu mzima
    1. Kwa hivyo 
    2. Hata hivyo
    3. Kama vile
    4. Kwa vile
    1. kwingine
    2. pengine
    3. jingine
    4. nyingine
    1. Kwenye
    2. Penye
    3. Katikati
    4. Kati ya
    1. imedunishwa
    2. imedidimishwa
    3. imeimarishwa
    4. imechukiza
    1. hizo
    2. hiyo
    3. ile
    4. hilo
    1. Maadamu
    2. Mathalani
    3. Minghairi
    4. Aghalabu

Maridhia alikuwa kijana _9_ kwa mapenzi _10_ na wazazi wake. Ingawa walikuwa mafukara, wazazi wote wawili walijitolea kwa _11_kumkidhia mtoto wao mahitaji yake ili akue kama mtu _12_angeifaidi jamii Hawakukosa kumrudi au kumtahadharisha dhidi ya hulka _13_ ya utu kwani walielewa kuwa _14_. Maridhia alifuata mwongozo wa wazazi na akatokea kupendwa na wengi kwa sababu ya nidhamu _15_

    1. aliyelewa
    2. aliyelelewa
    3. aliyekopoa
    4. aliyezaa
    1. makubwa
    2. kidogo
    3. kubwa
    4. matele
    1. udi na uvumba
    2. uta na upote
    3. maji na maziwa
    4. kinu na mchi
    1. ambao
    2. ambazo
    3. ambayo
    4. ambaye
    1. yenye
    2. isiyo
    3. iliyo
    4. zisizo
    1. juhudi si pato
    2. sikio halipiti kichwa
    3. kinolewacho hupata
    4. cha kuvunda hakina ubani
    1. yake
    2. yao
    3. zetu
    4. yangu

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi.

  1. Kutokana na nonimo tiba, tunapata kitenzi 
    1. matibabu
    2. tabibu
    3. utibaji
    4. tibu
  2. Andika wingiwa:
    Mnyororo ulikatwakatwa ukatupwa jaani. 
    1. Minyororo zilikatwakatwa zikatupwajaani. 
    2. Minyororo ilikatwakatwa ikatupwa majaani, 
    3. Minyororo ilikatwakatwa ikatupwa jaani. 
    4. Maminyororo ilikatwakatwa ikatupwa majaani
  3. Ni sifa gani kati ya zifuatazo isiyochukua kiambishi cha nyeli?
    1. -bora
    2. -ororo
    3. -chafu
    4. -ekundu
  4. Ni sentensi ipi iliyoandikwa katika hali tegemezi?
    1. Nitakuletea kikapu unitilie mboga. 
    2. Zeda hukanza maji kabla ya kuoga. 
    3. Hawajakuwa wakipita huku. 
    4. Shule yetu ingepata ufadhili ingejengwa vizuri.
  5. Chagua kikundi kilicho na vivumishi pekee.
    1. Pole, sana, taratibu, tangu.
    2. Ebo! Ala! A kha! Lo! 
    3. Sisi: wewe, wao, nyinyi.
    4. Wote, salibaya. yake.
  6. Kati ya nomino hizi.ipi iliyo katika ngeli ya LI-YA? 
    1. Manukato
    2. Mali 
    3. Madoa
    4. Manowari 
  7. Nilijipaka poda usoni 
    1. Wangu
    2. pangu. 
    3. yangu.
    4. mwangu.
  8. Tunasema eupe kama theluji na zito kama
    1. nanga
    2. mzigo 
    3. usuli
    4. kanini
  9. Ni sentensi gani iliyo sahihi?
    1. Wanafunzi huenda shuleni kwa miguu. 
    2. Nyanya aliingia kwa kanisa akasali.
    3. Mlangoni wenye kufuli umefungwa. 
    4. Tutaenda ziarani na basi.
  10. Ni sentensi ipi iliyotumia kirejeshi amba ipasavyo?
    1. Majaribio ambao yalifanywa yalifaulu. 
    2. Gari ambalo lenye tuliabiri ni la mjomba.
    3. Huo ndio wimbo ambao nilitamani ucheze 
    4. Sukari ambayo iliyotiwa katika chai ni nyingi
  11. Ni sentensi gani inayoonyesha wingi wa sentensi hii? Mama yangu amewasili. 
    1. Mama yetu amewasili. 
    2. Mama wetu amewasili. 
    3. Mama zetu wamewasili 
    4. Akina mama zetu wamewasili.
  12. Jaza kwa vivumishi vifaayyo:
    Kiatu____ ni hiki 
    1. wenye, jingine 
    2. vyenyewe, vingine
    3. chenyewe, kingine
    4. zenyewe. nyingine
  13. Kanusha:
    Umesafiri mapema sana. 
    1. Haujasafiri mapema sana. 
    2. Hujasafiri mapema sana. 
    3. Hakusafiri mapema sana.
    4. Huwa husafiri mapema sana.
  14. Nilikuwa wa kwanza kufika darasa ndiko
    kusema, nilifika___watu wote.
    1. baada ya
    2. mbele ya
    3. kabla ya
    4. nyuma ya
  15. Andika udogo wa:
    Mkono wake ni mkubwa. 
    1. Kono lake ni kubwa. 
    2. Makono yake ni makubwa. 
    3. Mikono yake ni mikubwa. 
    4. Kikono chake ni kikubwa.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.
Kila mwanadamu ulimwenguni ana haki ambazo ni faradhi kila mmoja kuzingatia kile kinachonitia kiwewe ni kwamba wengi wetu tumekuwa tukizipigania haki zetu na kuzizika katika kaburi la liliwala zile za watoto. Ajabu zaidi ni kwamba wazazi wa watoto hawa ndio waliotia fora katika kuji watoto. Wanazivalia miwani hasa. Ninashikwa na jitimai na kibuhuti kikubwa, nikiona namna wavyele hawa wanavyosahau dhima na wajibu wao wa kuwatunza watoto wao. Wao, uajibikaji wa kuwalea watoto wao kwa njia nyofu na ongofu wameutia katika kaburi la sahau. Ikumbukwe kuwa kila mtoto ana haki zake na ni sharti kama mauti haki hizo zipewe kipaumbele na yeyote aliyewikwa jukumu hilo na Mola Mkawini.
Mathani, tunaelewa kuwa watoto wana haki ya kupata elimu. Wazazi wapende wasipende, watake wasitake, ni jukumu lao kuwapeleka watoto wao shuleni kusoma. Kwani haijawafikia masikioni kuwa climu ni taa gizani huzagaa? Enzi za zamani za uwaacha watoto kuzurura mitaani kivoloya bila lengo wala nia, zimepitwa na wakati. Elimu ndiyo nuru ya jamii. Tukiwaclimisha wana wetu, tutaupiga vita ulalahoi. Tutakuwa na wataalamu waliotaalamika katika nyanja na bila shaka tutajivunia watoto wetu.
Mtoto anayo haki ya kulelewa vizuri. Mlezi ama mzazi wake hana budi kuhakikisha kuwa mtoto amepatilo chakula cha kutosha na chenye lishe bora. Isitoshe watoto wanayo haki ya kuvishwa mavazi yatakayowakinya dhidi ya baridi yabisi na jua kali. Ukipita mitaani, utapigwa na butwaa kuviona vitoto vikicheza cheza vikiwa raham: wazazi hawa kwani hawaoni soni? Vikiwa katika harakati zao za kucheza, hujipata wakichezea takataka vilizosheheni makombo ya vyakula vilivyooza na kuozeana. Kwa hivyo, wanajipata wakivitumbukiza vinywani na hatimaye kuugua maradhi mbalimbali.
Sikonei hapo katu, lazima aidha nikujuze kuwa watoto wana haki ya kupata malazi bora na kuishi katika nyumba ili kumkinga na mabadiliko ya hali ya anga kama vile mvua, baridi na jua. Alalapo sharti pawe pazuri.
Asiachwe alale sakafuni penye baridi kali kama barafu. Husemwa, mwana wa yungi hulewa sembuse wa mwanadamu?
Familia iwe na watu watulivu, wenye mapenzi na wanaowajibika. Tusiwarushie watoto maneno makali ya kuwaumiza kwa udhuru wa kuwarekebisha. Akikosea, mtoto ascmezwe kwa upendo na aonyeshwe kuwa alilolifanya si zuri na asirudie. Endapo atarudia, basi aadhibiwe kama mwanadamu bali si kama mbwa aliyetabawali msikitini
Mtoto akilelewa vyema katika mazingira mazuri na matulivu, atainuka kuwa mwajibikaji wa kutegemewa na jamii yote. Aidha akilelewa vibaya, atakua akiwa mzigo sio tu kwa wazazi wake, bali pia jamii nzima. Sote tushirikiane zaidi ya kiko na digali, kinu na mchi ili kwa pamoja tumlee mtoto vizuri kwa kuzingatia haki zote zote ili tukijenge kizazi kijacho..

  1. Ni jambo lipi kulingana na aya ya kwanza, linamtia wasiwasi mwandishi? 
    1. Watu wengi wanazingatia haki za watoto. 
    2. Watu wengi wanazingatia haki zao. 
    3. Watu wengi wanazipigania haki zao na kuzisahau za watoto."
    4. Watoto huzipigania haki zao wenyewe.
  2. Maneno "waliotia fora" yametumika, yana maana gani? 
    1. Waliofanikiwa kim: 
    2. Wasiotetea haki za watoto. 
    3. Waliopata ufanisi katika kupigania haki za watoto. 
    4. Waliopendelea haki za watoto kuliko zao. 
  3. Ni akina nani wanaostahili kuwa katika mstari wa inbele kupigania haki za watoto?
    1. Watoto wenyewe. 
    2. Wazazi na watoto. 
    3. Serikali na mashirika yasiyo ya kiserikali.
    4. Wote walitwika jukumu la kuwalea watoto.
  4. Ni kwa nini inasemekana kuwa ni lazima watoto wapate elimu? Elimu 
    1. itayaboresha maisha ya baadaye ya mtoto. 
    2. inatolewa bure na serikali.
    3. inapatikana popote.
    4. ni vigumu kuipata maishani.
  5. Elimu ni taa, gizani huzagaa ni
    1. methali.;
    2. balagha.
    3. nahau.
    4. msemo.
  6. Wazazi watajivunia watoto wakati gani?
    1. Watakapocheza pamoja na kujichafua.
    2. Watakapoelimika na kuwa watu wa. kutegemewa. 
    3. Watakapovaa mavazi mazuri kila siku.
    4. Watakapokaidi kukosolewa na wakubwa wao
  7. Taka wazichezeazo watoto,
    1. huwa majalalani na zimefunikwa vizuri. 
    2. huchezwa tu na mbwamwitu. 
    3. huwa ni chafu na zer ye mabaki ya chakula 
    4. huwa zinatumiwa na watoto kutoka familia tajiri.
  8. Kulingana na aya ya nnc, mtoto
    1. ana haki ya kukomewa anapokosea. 
    2. anahitaji kulishwa vyema.
    3. anastahili kupata elimu ya kutosha.
    4. anafaa apewe malazi ya kuishi
  9. Aghabu sakafu nyingi,
    1. zina baridi kama barafu.
    2. hutengenezwa vizuri. 
    3. Lulaliwa na watoto wengi
    4. huwa makao mazuri ya familia nyingi.
  10. Watu hushirikiana kwa namna zote hizi ila
    1. kiko na digali. 
    2. tui na maziwa. 
    3. jembe na mpini. 
    4. kinu na mchi.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50.
Maisha yangu yalikuwa yale ya Sultan bin Jerere. Nilichokihitaji nilikipata bila kutoa jasho hata. Wazazi wangu walinionyesha mapenzi ya dhati. Nyumbani kwetu kulikuwa peponi. Hakuna kilichokosa na endapo kilikosa, kilikuwa kimeendewa popote ulimwenguni. Nguo zetu hazikutengenezwa barani sembuse nchini? Magari ya kifahari yaliyonunuliwa ghali yasingehesabika. Nilipelekwa shuleni kwa shangingi na kusubiriwa na dereva wangu mpaka wakati ule ningemaliza masomo. Sikupata masaibu katu na niliishi maisha ya raha mustarehe kweli.
Hata hivyo, raha yangu ilifikia tamati ya ghafla. Ajali isiyojali ilinipokonya wazazi wangu wapenzi. Ndege waliyokuwa wakisafiria ilianguka baada ya kupata hitilafu za kimtambo na kuwasafirisha jongomeo abiria pamoja na wote waliokuwa humo. Vifo hivyo vya ghafla bin vuu, viliyabadilisha maisha yangu. Maajabu ni kuwa mali ya wazazi wangu yalitoweka ghafla. Sijui mali hiyo walitoa kupi wazazi wangu.
Wajomba wangu pamoja na jamaa kwa jumla walitoweka nyusoni. Nilibaki peke yangu bila wa kunilea wala kuniongoa. Hakuna aliyenijali, marafiki wa wazazi wangu nao waliniambaa na kutoweka zaidi ya umande wa alfajiri jua lichomozapo,
Hapo ndipo wazazi wa rafiki yangu Zena walipoamua kuingilia kati na kunichukua. Hii ni baada ya rafiki yangu kuwasimulia masaibu yaliyokuwa yamenisibu. Faraja iliyoje! Bwana Fadhila alikuwa mzee aliyebugia chumvi si haba. Aliishi na mkewe Bi. Moyo. Ingawa walikuwa hawana hawanani, waliona ni heri umaskini wa mali na utajiri wa utu na wema, Bwana Fadhula na mkewe walishirikiana kama kiko na digali kulusomesha mimi na rafiki yangu wakinichukua kama mmoja wa watoto wao. Tulipokosa, walituadhibu sawia bila kutubagua Chakula tulikula pamoja, kiwe wali ama pure. Upendo ulikuwa katika familia hii ulizidi utajiri wowote.
Nami niliamua kukaza kamba masomoni ili nisije nikawaibisha wafadhili wangu. Aidha nilimhimiza Zena kuuma uzi shuleni ili kujijengea mustakabali aula. Shuleni tulitia fora na kuenziwa na kila mmoja shuleni. Tulimaliza masomo ya shule ya upili na kujiunga na chuo kikuu ambapo mimi nilisomea udaktari naye Zena akiridhika na uhasibu. Pamoja, tulikuwa kama mtu na kivuli chake.
Kwa kurudisha mkono wa fadhila, tuliwajengea nyumba nzuri na kuwaajiri wafanyakazi wa kuwasaidia nyumbani na shambani. Niliamini kuwa miili yetu ni kama mimea. Ikitunzwa inanawiri vyema. Wazee hawa walibadilika na kuwa kama vijana. Waliishi maisha ya raha mustarehe walifurahia juhudi walizozifanya kumtunza mtoto wa watu, mwanamkiwa ambaye sasa amegeuka kuwa mwana wa maana katika uzee wao.

  1. Maisha ya mwandishi yalikuwa ya aina gani?
    1. Ya kikabwela. 
    2. Ya kilalahoi. 
    3. Ya kitajiri.
    4. Yakimaskini.
  2. Maisha yake mwandishi yalitatizwa na nini? 
    1. Masaibu
    2. Sherehe 
    3. Kutosoma
    4. Vifo vya wazazi wake
  3. Jamaa na marafiki wa wazazi wake mwandishi
    1. walikuwa wenye huruma na utu. 
    2. walikuwa wanafiki ambao hawakumsaidia. 
    3. walikuwa wengi na walimfaa sana.
    4. walikuwa watu wazuri lakini mikono mirelu.
  4. Mali ya wazaziwe mwandishi ilipatikana vipi?
    1. Biashara walizofanya.
    2. Ajira ya donge nono. 
    3. Mwandishi hakubaini.
    4. Kufuga mifugo mengi.
  5. Ni nani aliyemsaidia mwandishi hamda ya kukosa mhisani? 
    1. Zena rafikiye. 
    2. Wazazi wa Zena 
    3. Wajomba wake wandishi
    4. Marafiki wake mwandishi
  6. Taarifa ya uhitaji wake mwandishi uliwafikiaje wazazi wa Zena?
    1. Zena ndiye aliyewaambia wazazi wake
    2. Wazazi wa mwandishi waliwasiliana na Bwana Fadhila kabla ya kifo chake
    3. Wazazi wake mwandishi walikuwa wameandika urithi. 
    4. Wajombawe walimwomba Bw. Fadhila amsaidie mwandishi.
  7. Kulingana na aya ya nne, ni sahihi kusema
    1. Bwana Fadhila na mkewe walikuwa wazee
    2. Bwana Fadhila na mkewe walikuwa matajiri sana.
    3. Familia ya Fadhila ilikuwa na watoto wengi.
    4. Wazazi wa Zena walimbagua mwandishi.
  8. Nami niliamua kukaza kamba. Maneno haya yana maana kuwa mwandishi 
    1. aliaga dunia
    2. alianza kuzembea. 
    3. alifanya bidii.
    4. alihuzunishwa na kifo cha wazaziwe.
  9. Rafikiye mwandishi alisomca kazi gani?
    1. Wanasheria
    2. Uhandisi 
    3. Uandishi
    4. Uhasibu
  10. Ni methali gani inayoweza kuelezea kifupi taarifa hii?
    1. Asiye na wake aeleke jiwe. 
    2. Kuvunjika kwa mwiko si mwisho wa upishi.
    3. Mwana akibebwa hutazama kisogo cha nina
    4. Aisituye mvua imemnyea

Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako
Kamilisha insha hii kwa kuifanya iwe ya kusisimua zaidi.
Tulimaliza kula chajio na kuingia vyumbani mwetu kulala. Punde si punde......


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B


Read the following passage. It contains blank spaces numbered I to 15. For each blank space, select the best alternative.
_1_ we heard the noise, we all _2_ outside and headed to the road. _3_. we soon 4 that we were not the only ones _5_ had heard it for we were _6_ the first nor the last _7_, there was a sizeable _8_, all talking excitedly and _9_ at the same time. Being both short and young, I was unable to _10_ the centre of the crowd and see for _11_ I did not want to rely _12_ others because _13_ often than not, they too end up relying on others and the version of_14_. happened is usually far from being accurate. On this particular _15_, I had to rely on others.

    1. When
    2. As
    3. If
    4. While
    1. run
    2. ran
    3. runs
    4. running
    1.  However
    2. Moreover
    3. But
    4. Although
    1. saw
    2. discovered
    3. realized
    4. knew
    1. whom
    2. which
    3. when
    4. who
    1. then
    2. neither
    3. also
    4. either
    1. Even
    2. Also
    3. Already
    4. Because
    1. mob
    2. crowd
    3. spectators
    4. congregation
    1. just
    2. approximately
    3. exactly
    4. almost
    1. arrive
    2. reach at
    3. reach
    4. arrive in
    1. yourself
    2. myself
    3. ourself
    4. themself
    1. at
    2. with
    3. in 
    4. on
    1. much
    2. many
    3. more
    4. most
    1. whatever
    2. whenever
    3. wherever
    4. whichever
    1. ocassion
    2. ocasion
    3. occasion
    4. occassion

In questions 16 and 17, choose the words that can best replace the underlined words.

  1. After being taken away by force, the parents paid a ransom. 
    1. arrested
    2. kidnapped
    3. abducted 
    4. hijacked
  2. I will call on you next week.
    1. give a call
    2. pass by 
    3. visit
    4. stop briefly

For questions 18 and 19, choose the correct question tags.

  1. She needs to work hard,___
    1. doesn't she 
    2. needn't she
    3. need she 
    4. does she
  2. Your ought to be good, ___
    1. aren't you 
    2. shouldn't you 
    3. ought you 
    4. oughtn't you
  3. Choose the most suitable ending
    Hardly had we heard the noise,___
    1. when we all fainted. 
    2. than we all fainted 
    3. and we all fainted. 
    4. as we all fainted.
  4. Would you prefer milk,___ 
    1. than porridge?
    2. to porridge?
    3. or porridge?
    4. for porridge?
  5. The book was so interesting,___
    1. that I could not stop reading it. 
    2. and I could not stop reading it. 
    3. but I could not stop reading it. 
    4. then I could not stop reading it.

For question 23 and 24, choose the alternative that bests completes the sentences given.

  1. He read a ____ story book 
    1. big, thrilling, new 
    2. big, new, thrilling
    3. new, big, thrilling 
    4. thrilling, big, new
  2. My mother bought a__bucket 
    1. green, large, plastic, circular 
    2. circular, plastic, green, large 
    3. large, circular, green, plastic
    4. green, large, circular, plastic

In question 25, choose the correctly spelt word. 25.

    1. Behaviar
    2. Continuous 
    3. Recieve
    4. Beggining

Read the following passage and then answer questions 26 to 38.
Teacher Nicholas was also our class teacher. He had a rather difficult surname and hence his request to refer to him simply as Nicholas. He was a piteous-looking, bespectacled man ever in a brown corduroy coat. After bombarding our brains with figures and formulas, he always retreated to his desk at the front of the classroom where he slumped and dozed off only to be awoken by the jingle of the bell. Of all the teachers, he was our favourite because he never administered corporal punishment
Before today's class, teacher Nicholas had mentioned that we needed to think of subjects we hoped to specialize in, in the coming year. There had followed a heated discussion about the merits of various careers.
I had no distinct talent, never felt inclined to any career There was a girl in our class who constantly dreamt of being a nurse. Two classmates had connections to make it to the armed forces. As army generals, with big guns, our homeland could rest safe and secure. A pious student behind me in class was sure of his calling. Even before finally mouthing it we had already nicknamed him .Pope', his deskmate fantasized at being a farmer, a horticulturist to be precise, planting carrots and cabbages. But my future career was just a plain plateau where the horizon was hazy and vague. A few times my mother had tried to help by compiling a list of what she considered to be distinguished professions. From this menu she had read, top to bottom, some familiar and alien names of occupations and watched keenly for a flicker of interest. After she read the last one and I remained still uninterested, she sighed and resignedly. "I guess the time will come."
As much as I did not know what I wanted to be when I grew up, there was one thing I was definite about.! knew what I never wanted to be an accountant. I lost my best friend when he dropped out of school. His father who was an accountant had used his position to embezzle funds from his employer then deserted his family.
"Well, find out what you do best and then work hard at it," the teacher was saying as his voice dragged me back to present. "Another way of finding your life's longing is to read widely: reading will open your eyes to the vasiness and wonders of life's possibilities. Do you like reading?"
I nodded after I realized that the question was directed at me..
"I can help you recognise and develop your own potential," he said. But from now on, he added, paramount in my pursuits, was to perform exemplary in class. With great firmness of purpose which he knew I possessed, I positively could count on his encouragement to improve my academic profile. Was I ready to do that? I hurriedly replied in the affirmative.
I was reminiscing on my session with Teacher Nicholas when mother arrived tired and drenched

  1. How did the students come to address the teacher as Nicholas? 
    1. They were very close lo cach other. 
    2. The teacher permitted them duelo his difficult surname 
    3. They were used to cach other. 
    4. They nicknamed him so.
  2. After explaining the concepts, the teacher 
    1. sat at the front and marked the books.
    2. sat at the front and told the students to discuss. 
    3. discussed with the students their future career. 
    4. sat at the front and dozed off.
  3. Why was Mr. Nicholas liked by majority of the students? 
    1. He never administered corporal punishment 
    2. He did not give them a lot of work.
    3. He guided and counselled them, 
    4. He slept the whole lesson without giving work.
  4. Why was there a heated debate in class? 
    1. The students were having a debate session 
    2. The teacher did not attend the lesson. 
    3. The students were discussing various possible careers. 
    4. The students were discussing arithmetic.
  5. My future career was a plain plateau with a hazy horizon means 
    1. the writer had many career options. 
    2. the writer had no clear career in mind. 
    3. the writer was confused on what to do. 
    4. the writer was spoilt for choice.
  6. From the career discussion we can conclude that
    1. the writer's village was yet to be safe and secure. 
    2. all the students had preferred careers,
    3. the students knew each other well. 
    4. the class had focused students.
  7. Below are some of the careers chosen by the students except 
    1. farming
    2. army general. 
    3. religious leader.
    4. accountant.
  8. From the passage we can say that the writer,
    1. was very sure of what he did not want to become. 
    2. was very unfocused in life. 
    3. was very stubborn, 
    4. was very sure of what he wanted to be.
  9. The writer's friend must have dropped out of school because 
    1. his father was an accountant. 
    2. his father was rich and wealthy. 
    3. his father deserted them as so he could not pay his fee. 
    4. his father embezzled his employer's funds.
  10. The writer dreaded being an accountani because 
    1. he wanted his children to have education. 
    2. he did not like his friend's experience. 
    3. he did not want to be jailed 
    4. he did not want to embezzie funds.
  11. From the passage, we can say that reading broadly 
    1. exposes one to vericiles or opportunities.
    2. heipsone choose a good career
    3. makes one have knowledge
    4. makes one pass the exams.
  12. The word exemplary has been used in the passage to mean all these except: 
    1. disappointing
    2. admired 
    3. deserving
    4. extremely good
  13. From the passage, we can conclude that
    1. the writer was in school. 
    2. the writer was dreaming.
    3. the writer was in class. 
    4. the writer was at home

Read the passage below carefully and then answer questions 39 - 50
Of all the melon varieties, the watermelon is the most popular among consumers and farmers in the country
There is also the sweet melon, but the growing of this crop has not picked up partly because many farmers are not familiar with it. yet it has huge potential
Sweet melon belongs to the cucurbits family, just like watermelon. The varieties grown in Kenya include Safari F1. It is normally green, and during ripening, it turns light grey or yellow,
The fruit has several health benefits, such as reducing the anti-inflammatory properties, oxidative stress and kidney cell damage. It also has cancer preventive antioxidants. The melon seeds are rich in fat and protein. The fruits have lower sugar levels, unlike others.
Just like watermelon, sweet melon requires warm conditions with loam and sandy soil that is well drained and fertile. The melon can be planted by sowing the seeds and later transplanting direct seeding though the latter is preferred since the seeds are large.
The crop can be grown under irrigation or it can be rain-fed. The former is preferred to prevent long periods of leaf wetness that encourage fungal diseases. Soil moisture test should be done before watering to avoid water logging.
Weeding should be done during the early stages of development to prevent competition of nutrients and space. The crop later develops a cover that helps to conserve moisture and the growth of weeds.
Once the seeds have germinated, it's vital to control cutworms that cut the seedlings at the base of the plant. The crop is also affected by spider mites.
Unlike watermelons, the crop is not easily attacked by fruit flies during the early stages of growth. However, during the ripening stage, the plant is easily attacked by fruit flies which are controlled by use of cultural methods, biological methods and chemicals.

  1. From the first paragraph, it is true to say that 
    1. there are only two types of melons. 
    2. watermelon is liked and enjoyed by many people. 
    3. all the different types of melons are popular. 
    4. watermelon is well known by many people.
  2. According to the passage, why is sweet melon not popular? 
    1. Many farmers do not know about it. 
    2. It is not liked by many people. 
    3. Many farmers fear its lowyield. 
    4. It is very expansive to the consumer.
  3. Which of the following is not true about sweet melon? 
    1. It changes colour when ripe. 
    2. It is of different types. 
    3. It is drought resistant. 
    4. It grows underground.
  4. All these are benefits of sweet melon except 
    1. it is believed to prevent cancer. 
    2. it reduces kidney damage. 
    3. it cures cancer. 
    4. it reduces inflammation.
  5. The main distinction between watermelon and sweet melon is that 
    1. water melon fruits do not have high sugar. 
    2. sweet melonhw...a lot of water. 
    3. water melon has a lot of water.
    4. sweet melon fruits do not have a lot of sugar.
  6. Why is it advisable to plant sweet melon seeds directly? 
    1. To reduce the labour involved in transplanting.
    2. The melon seeds are very tiny. 
    3. The sweet melon seeds are large enough 
    4. Direct seeding promotes early maturity.
  7. According to the passage, wetness of the leaf 
    1. reduces transpiration. 
    2. protects the crop from drying. 
    3. enables the fruits have plenty of water. 
    4. encourages the growth of disease.
  8. Below are similarities between water melon and sweet melon except 
    1. they both have a similar colour. 
    2. both require fertile soil. 
    3. both need well drained soil. 
    4. they both require warm conditions for growth.
  9. Why is weeding important in the early stages? 
    1. It helps conserve moisture. 
    2. It reduces competition for nutrients. 
    3. It improves the quality of the fruit. 
    4. It controls the spread of pests and diseases.
  10. Cutworms are deemed dangerous because 
    1. they cut the seedlings hence killing them. 
    2. they deprive the plants of nutrients. 
    3. they infect the plant with diseases. 
    4. they produce poisonous liquids that burn the plant.
  11. From the passage, we can conclude that 
    1. sweet melons are never attacked by fruit flies. 
    2. water melons are the best. 
    3. sweet melons are the best. 
    4. eventually, sweet melons are attacked by fruit flies.
  12. The best title for this passage would be 
    1. Growing water melon. 
    2. Growing sweet melon. 
    3. The different types of melons, 
    4. Effects of growing melons.


You have 10 minutes to write your composition. The following is the beginning of a composition. Write it in your own words making it as interesting as possible.
The day we had all been waiting for was finally here ...


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  1. B
  2. D
  3. C
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. D
  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  1. A
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D


  1. What is 90601854 written in words? 
    1. Ninety million sixty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. 
    2. Ninety million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. 
    3. Nine million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
    4. Nine million thirty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,
  2. What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 70805102? 
    1. Hundred thousand 
    2. Sixty thousand
    3. Eight thousand 
    4. Eight hundred thousand
  3. What is the number 984.2793 rounded off to the nearest hundredths? 
    1. 984.30
    2. 984.28
    3. 984.279
    4. 984.3
  4. Subtract 4. from 7.
  5. What is the value of 34136 divided by 34? 
    1. 104
    2. 10004 
    3. 1004
    4. 14
  6. What is the value of 3/8 - of 4/5 2/3?
    1. 1/5
    2. 3/10
    3. 3/40
    4. 3/20
  7. Work out 7.5 x 0.45 
    1. 13.5
    2. 0.135
    3. 1.35
    4. 0.0135
  8. What is the size of the angle marked g in the figure below?
    1. 48°
    2. 132°
    3. 40°
    4. 38°
  9. A square has an area of 619/25 cm. Find its length
    1. 169/25cm
    2. 102/5 cm
    3. 5/13 cm
    4. 23/5 cm
  10. What is the expression
    12(p+5k +2)+5(2p-4k+3) in its simplest form?
    1. 22p - 40k +39
    2. 32p+80k+ 39
    3. 22p+40k+ 39 
    4. 32p+ 70k - 39
  11. Wamai sold a pair of trousers for shs. 1530 after making a 15% loss. What was the buying price of the pair of trousers?
    1. shs. 1275
    2. shs. 2100
    3. shs. 1800
    4. shs. 1600
  12. Senaipei covered a distance of 54km within I hour. What was her speed in metres per second?
    1. 15
    2. 54
    3. 0.9
    4. 30
  13. Which of the following fractions is a non terminating fraction?
    1. 1/5
    2. 1/9
    3. 1/8
    4. 4/16
  14. What is the value of 384+89+10-44 of 45 +15? 
    1. 142
    2. 351
    3. 3785
    4. 461
  15. Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 11? 
    1. 7238
    2. 60311
    3. 90937
    4. 81730
  16. Work out the perimeter of the figure shown below twice. (Take n=22/7)
    1. 120cm
    2. 148cm 
    3. 240cm
    4. 280cm
  17. A farmer packed 5.4 tonnes of maize in bags of 600 grammes sending them to the market. How many packets of maize did he send to the market?
    1. 90
    2. 9000
    3. 900
    4. 90000
  18. The following are properties of a quadrilateral 
    • All sides are equal. 
    • Diagonals are equal. 
    • All angles are right angles. 
    • Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
      Which quadrilateral is described above? 
      1. Rhombus 
      2. Trapezium 
      3. Square
      4. Rectangle
  19. A school parents meeting ended at 12.10p.m. after taking a periodef 2 hours. At what time had the meeting started in 24hr clock system? 
    1. 0925h
    2. 1455h 
    3. 0255h
    4. 0825h
  20. Karega, Mutahi and Mbithe shared some money. Mutahi got 2/7 of the money and Mbithe got 2/3 of the remainder. What fraction of the money did Karega receive?
    1. 16/21
    2. 11/21
    3. 5/12
    4. 1/21
  21. What is the next number in the sequence below? 16,21,28, 37, 48,
    1. 85
    2. 61
    3. 59
    4. 63
  22. Muli bought 8 chairs at shs. 240 each. He later sold them all at shs. 1000 more than the buying price. What was the profit for each chair? 
    1. shs. 365
    2. shs. 225
    3. shs. 125
    4. shs. 135
  23. What is the product of H.C.F. and L.C.M.of 18, 24 and 36? 
    1. 72
    2. 432
    3. 78
    4. 66
  24. Find the area of the shaded part.
    1. 96cm2
    2. 192cm2 
    3. 720cm2
    4. 528cm2
  25. The mean of seven numbers is 4. Six of the numbers are 2,3. 1.2.7 and 8. What is the seventh number?
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 2
  26. Miriam bought the following items: 3 packets of maize flour a shs. 90 2kg of rice for shs. 170 1½ kg of potatoes at shs.50 per kg 2 loaves of bread at shs. 48 cach If she had shs. 800, how much money was she left with?
    1. shs. 708
    2. shs. 611
    3. shs. 92
    4. shs. 189 
  27. In the diagram below line RV=VS=ST and angle VRS=70°
    What is the size of angle TVR? 
    1. 75°
    2. 35°
    3. 40°
    4. 90°
  28. What is the value of (0.14)2
    1. 0.0196
    2. 19.6
    3. 0.196
    4. 1.96
  29. A bicycle wheel, has a diameter of 70cm. How many kilometers will it cover after making 4000 turns? 
    1. 0.88km
    2. 8.8km 
    3. 88km
    4. 880km
  30. After the increase of fuel, the fare from Malindi to Kilifi was increased by 20%. What was the new price if it was shs. 150 before increasing? 
    1. shs. 60
    2. shs. 180
    3. shs. 120
    4. shs 30
  31. Simplify the inequality below 4m-14<14 - 3m
    1. m=4
    2. m<0
    3. m<28
    4. m<4
  32. Momanyi sold eggs from 5" January to 5 March 2019. For how many days altogether did he sell the eggs? 
    1. 59
    2. 61 
    3. 58
    4. 60
  33. What is 6.5% as a decimal?
    1. 0.065
    2. 0.60
    3. 0.65
    4. 65
  34. Find the volume of the rectangular tank below when ¾ full of water in m
    1. 160000cm2
    2. 40000cm2
    3. 0.12m2
    4. 0.04m2
  35. The area of a rectangle is 350m2. The length of a rectangle is 25cm. Calculate its perimeter. 
    1. 50m
    2. 64m
    3. 78m
    4. 39m
  36. The table below shows commission rates by the post office for sending money locally.
    Commission Inland
    Value of the order shs cts
    Not exceeding 500
    501 - 1000
    1001 - 3000
    3001 - 5000
    5001 - 10000
    10001 - 20000
    20001 - 30000
    30001 - 35000
    Wothaya sent shs. 9500 to luis son and shs. 13450 to his daughter for school fees using money order. How much did he pay at the post office altogether?
    1. shs. 736
    2. shs 3950
    3. shs. 23686
    4. shs. 22950
  37. What is the sum of faces vertices and edges of an open cuboid?
    1. 480
    2. 26
    3. 25
    4. 20
  38. A family uses 2-2dl packets of milk everyday. How many litres did the family use in the month of February year 2020? 
    1. 116L
    2. 11.2L
    3. 112L
    4. 11.6L
  39. Workout twice the value of
    3x + 4y - 27
         2x + y
    if x=2. y=4 and z=3
    1. 8
    2. 16
    3. 4
    4. 2
  40. What is the sum of the first 17 odd numbers?
    1. 153
    2. 167
    3. 289
    4. 169
  41. Tumaini primary school has 480 pupils. 45% are boys. Has many more girls than boys are there in the school?
    1. 264
    2. 44
    3. 220
    4. 48
  42. What is the value of 82(92 - 32)?
                                       42 x 62
    1. 8
    2. 30
    3. 26
    4. 74
  43. What is the place value of digit 9 in the product of 2.45 and 0.12? 
    1. Tenths
    2. Tens 
    3. Hundredths 
    4. Thousandths
  44. In Majimatamu primary school std. 7 class has 24 boys and 36 girls. During a Kiswahili lesson 1/8 of the boys and ¼ of the girls didn't do their homework. How many pupils did their homework?
    1. 12
    2. 48
    3. 27
    4. 21
  45. The pie chart below shows how Kalewa spent his monthly salary of sh. 48000
    How much did Kalewa spend on schoolo fees than on rent?
    1. shs. 800
    2. shs 12000
    3. shs. 3000
    4. shs.4000
  46. Arrange the following fractions from the smaijest to the largest 2/3, 4/7, 0.75, 0.6 
    1. 2/3,0.6,0.75,4/7
    2. 2/3,0.75,0.6,4/7
    3. 0.75,2/,0.6,4/7
    4. 4/7,0.6,2/,0.75
  47. A farmer fenced his rectangular plot of land shown below using 3 strands of wire. He also left a gate of 10m.
    What is the total length of the wire?
    1. 270m
    2. 830m
    3. 810m
    4. 280m
  48. A path is drawn on a map on a scale of lem rep 80m. What length on the map would represent a distance of 7.2km?
    1. 9cm
    2. 0.9cm 
    3. 90cm
    4. 0.09cm
  49. Construct triangle ABC such that AB =6cm, BC= 8cm and AC-10cm. What is the measure of angle ACB? 
    1. 90°
    2. 37°
    3. 53°
    4. 60°
  50. The graph below shows Mwakanda's journey from Kericho to Nakuru.
    How many kilometres had he covered at Act 11.30a.m?
    1. 45km 
    2. 50km
    3. 55km 
    4. 60km


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A



  1. River Pawa rises from; 
    1. North East
    2. North West 
    3. South West 
    4. South East
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road found in Maloba area? 
    1. 18 km
    2. 20 km 
    3. 10 km
    4. 15 km
  3. The chief administrator in Maloba area is LIKELY to be; 
    1. governor 
    2. county commissioner 
    3. deputy county commissioner 
    4. chief
  4. The settlement pattern in Maloba area is MAINLY influenced by: 
    1. transport networks 
    2. economic activities
    3. climate
    4. types of soil
  5. The climate of North Eastern part of Maloba area is; 
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry 
    3. cool and dry 
    4. hot and wet
  6. Most people in Maloba town worship on; 
    1. Sunday
    2. Friday 
    3. Saturday
    4. Monday
  7. Which type of industry is found to the South Western part of Maloba area? 
    1. Manufacturing 
    2. Processing 
    3. Service
    4. Assembly
  8. Which one of the following fishing methods is used to catch fish at the sea bed? 
    1. Long lining 
    2. Trawling 
    3. Purse seining 
    4. Use of basket
  9. The basic unit of the society is the; 
    1. marriage
    2. family 
    3. clan
    4. age group
  10. Which one of the following is NOT a social use of soil? 
    1. Decorating houses 
    2. Constructing houses 
    3. Burrying the dead 
    4. Smearing on bodies during iniation
  11. In Kenya, one may lose a civic seat if he/she 
    1. does not visit his/her ward 
    2. is jailed for five months 
    3. is elected leader of majority 
    4. is declared bankrupt by court of law
  12. Who among the following school administrators is in charge of school discipline? 
    1. Headteacher 
    2. School prefect 
    3. Deputy headtheacher 
    4. Classteacher
  13. In traditional African societies goods were transported using;
    1. cars
    2. trains 
    3. bicycles
    4. animals
  14. The statements below describe uses of a mineral mined in Kenya;
    1. To make sulphuric acid
    2. To mkae toothpaste
    3. To manufacture cement
    4. To strengthen steel and aluminium
      The mineral described above is;
      1. gold
      2. diatomite 
      3. copper
      4. flourspar
  15. The policy of administration that was used by the British in Northern Nigeria was; 
    1. association 
    2. indirect rule 
    3. direct rule 
    4. assimilation
  16. The diagram below shows the vegetation zones on a mountain.
    The vegetation zone marked K represents:
    1. savannah
    2. bamboo 
    3. rain forest 
    4. heath and moorland
  17. The vegetation above is influenced by the;
    1. types of soils 
    2. altitude 
    3. climate
    4. topography
  18. The country that borders Kenya to the North East is;
    1. Somalia
    2. Ethiopia 
    3. South Sudan 
    4. Tanzania
  19. Lakes found in the Great Rift valley were formed as a result of: 
    1. downwarping
    2. faulting 
    3. glaciation 
    4. depositional
  20. The MAIN problem facing wildlife in Kenya is;
    1. insecurity 
    2. poor roads
    3. poaching 
    4. few game parks
  21. Which one of the following is a food processing industry? 
    1. Oil refining 
    2. Cotton processing 
    3. Pineapple canning 
    4. Tyre retreading
  22. In which year did Tanganyika merge with Zanzibar to form the United Republic of Tanzania (URT)? 
    1. 1963
    2. 1961 
    3. 1964
    4. 1965
  23. Which one of the following groups of people shows the River lake Nilotes of Sudan? 
    1. Bok, Suk, Sabaot 
    2. Acholi. Lango, Labwor 
    3. Jie, Karamajong, Iteso 
    4. Dinka, Shilluk, Anuak
  24. Countries in North Africa experiences summer season during the months of; 
    1. June and August 
    2. December and February 
    3. September and November 
    4. March and May
  25. Which one of the following is the ODD one out? 
    1. Chad
    2. Elementaita 
    3. Kyoga
    4. Victoria
  26. Which of the following communities in West Africa belongs to Afro-Asiantic? 
    1. Ashanti
    2. Wolof 
    3. Tuareg
    4. Fulani
  27. Which of the following cultural artefacts was used as a storage item? 
    1. Slings
    2. Spears 
    3. Bows
    4. Calabash
  28. Which of the following lists below consist of block mountains? 
    1. Cape ranges, Drakensburg, Atlas 
    2. Usambara, Danakil Alps, Pare 
    3. Meru, Elgon, Kilimanjaro 
    4. Aberdare, Mau ranges, Menengai
  29. The time in Kigali 24°E is 9.20 am what will be the time in Accra, Ghana? 
    1. 7.44 am
    2. 10.56 am 
    3. 7.44 pm
    4. 10.56 pm
  30. The nomination of the twelve MPs in the National Assembly in Kenya was done by the; 
    1. speaker
    2. president
    3. political parties 
    4. IEBC
  31. A person who loves his country is said to be;
    1. loyal 
    2. responsible
    3. faithful 
    4. patriotic
  32. The statements below describe an early visitor to Eastern Africa. He;
    1. arrived in the year 1846
    2. helped in translating bible
    3. he became blind
      The early visitor described above is; 
      1. Vasco da Gama 
      2. Ludwig Krapf 
      3. Johann Rebmann 
      4. David Livingstone
  33. Three of the following are benefits of tourism in Kenya. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Creation of job opportunities 
    2. Earns foreign exchange 
    3. Promote international relationship 
    4. Bad western influence on our culture
  34. The BEST way of curbing drugs and substance abuse among the youths today is by: 
    1. passing strict rules on drug traffickers 
    2. employing more anti-narcotic police officers 
    3. establish more rehabilitation centres 
    4. creating public awareness on dangers of drugs
  35. Among the following officers in Nyamwezi chiefdom, who was the council of elders? 
    1. Wanyamphala 
    2. Ntemi 
    3. Ruga ruga 
    4. Kabaka
  36. The following are conditions favouring the growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. Grows within the tropics 
    2. Harvested during bud stage
    3. Mainly used to spice food
    4. Requires high humidity throughout
  37. The crop described above is: 
    1. Cocoa
    2. Coffee 
    3. Pyrethrum 
    4. Cloves
  38. The capital city of Chad is at; 
    1. N'Djamena 
    2. Gaborone 
    3. Tripoli
    4. Lome
  39. Who among the following early men discovered fire? 
    1. Homo erectus 
    2. Homo habilis 
    3. Zinjathropus 
    4. Homo sapiens
  40. Among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa, who is the ODD one out? 
    1. Carl Peters 
    2. William Mackinon 
    3. Seyyid Said 
    4. Dr David Livingstone
  41. Which of the following religious marriages allows polygamous? 
    1. Traditional 
    2. Customary 
    3. Islamic
    4. Civil
  42. Which arm of the government approves national budget?
    1. Executive 
    2. Cabinet 
    3. Parliament 
    4. Judiciary

Use the map of Africa to answer questions 42 - 45


  1. The winds marked H are known as: 
    1. North East monsoon 
    2. Harmattan 
    3. South West monsoon winds 
    4. Westerlies
  2. The plateau marked Z is known as: 
    1. Andarawa
    2. Bie
    3. Fouta Djallon 
    4. Jos
  3. Which was the MAIN reason that led to decline of the kingdom marked W? 
    1. Soldiers lacked food 
    2. Succession disputes 
    3. Attack by the strict muslims from North 
    4. Decline in long distance trade
  4. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the vegetation region marked X? 
    1. Trees have broad evergreen leaves 
    2. Trees are cone shaped 
    3. It is also known maquis 
    4. Trees have thick barks
  5. Who among the following advices the government on legal matters?
    1. Chief justice 
    2. Cabinet secretaries 
    3. Attorney General 
    4. Deputy president
  6. The MOST commonly used means of transport in Eastern Africa is, 
    1. air
    2. water
    3. railway
    4. road
  7. Three of the following are pre-historical sites in Uganda. Which one is NOT? 
    1. Ntusi
    2. Mahosi 
    3. Dire Dawa
    4. Ishango
  8. The Tropic of Capricon passes through all the following countries EXCEPT, 
    1. Namibia
    2. Madagascar 
    3. Swaziland
    4. Mozambique
  9. Cases involving militants is heard and determined by the; 
    1. Supreme court 
    2. Kadhi's court 
    3. Chief magistrate court 
    4. Martial court
  10. Three of the following are relief features EXCEPT; 
    1. swamp
    2. plateau 
    3. plains
    4. valley
  11. The colour of the national flag that symbolises blood shed during struggle for independence is; 
    1. red
    2. green 
    3. white
    4. black
  12. Omollo, a trader in Kondele wants to communicate to her son in Meru. Which one of the following is the MOST effective means of communication for him to use? 
    1. Radio
    2. Newspaper 
    3. Television
    4. Mobile phone
  13. The following are people arrested during the state of emergency in 1952 by Sir Everlyn Barring. Who was NOT? 
    1. Kung'u Karumba 
    2. Jomo Kenyatta 
    3. Oginga Odinga 
    4. Paul Ngei
  14. Which of the following was NOT a way of interaction during the pre-colonial period? 
    1. Intermarriage 
    2. Raids 
    3. Trade
    4. Media
  15. Which one of the following is the MAIN fresh water fish in Kenya? 
    1. Nile perch
    2. Trout 
    3. Tilapia
    4. Mud fish
  16. During the German colonial rule in Go to Tanganyika the title of African headmen was; 
    1. governor
    2. Liwali 
    3. Jembes
    4. Akidas
  17. Which one of the following countries is NOT a member of IGAD? 
    1. Sudan
    2. Eritrea 
    3. Tanzania
    4. South Sudan
  18. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to; 
    1. life
    2. education 
    3. work
    4. privacy
  19. Three of the following are factors that promote peace in a society EXCEPT: 
    1. nepotism 
    2. transparency 
    3. obeying the law 
    4. respect of one another


  1. According to Genesis story of creation, what did God create on the second day? 
    1. Sky
    2. Animals 
    3. Heavenly bodies 
    4. Vegetation
  2. During the time of Noah, how many people survived the floods! 
    1. 120
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 8
  3. Which one of the following is not a promise given to Abraham by God? 
    1. Land
    2. Many descendants
    3. Curses
    4. Blessings
  4. The following conditions were to be met by the Israelites during the passover. Which one was not a requirement? 
    1. Eat bread without yeast 
    2. Eat bitter herbs 
    3. Eat roasted bread 
    4. Keep some meat for the next day
  5. Which of the following was a problem faced by the Israelites in the wilderness? Lack of; 
    1. leaders
    2. weapons
    3. shelter
    4. water
  6. The sign of the covenant between God and Israelites at Mt Sinai was; 
    1. fire 
    2. The ten commandments 
    3. the blood from animals
    4. the smoking fire pot
  7. Which one of the following statements is not true about the judges in Israel? 
    1. Samuel was the last judge 
    2. Judges were annointed by kings
    3. Othniel was the first judge 
    4. Deberah was the only female judge
  8. Who among the following kings of Israel brought the covenant box to Jerusalem? 
    1. David
    2. Solomon 
    3. Saul
    4. Jeroboam
  9. Prophet Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would be called; 
    1. the son of the most high 
    2. the giver of life 
    3. a wonderful counsellor 
    4. the king of kings
  10. When the wisemen visited baby Jesus they worshipped him by presenting to him; 
    1. ornaments
    2. silver
    3. clothes
    4. gold
  11. Who among the following people was in the temple when Jesus was being dedicated? 
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Simeon 
    3. Zechariah
    4. Peter
  12. "Man cannot live on bread alone." (Luke 4:4). A lesson christians learn from this response given by Jesus during his temptation is that they should;
    1. not put God to test 
    2. not desire earthly riches 
    3. work for their needs 
    4. use the word of God in their daily lives
  13. Jesus helped the disciples to have a great catch of fish to show that he had power, 
    1. over the weather 
    2. to forgive sins 
    3. to give life 
    4. to change any situation
  14. During the baptism of Jesus, the following events took place. Arrange them in the right order in which they happened;
    1. The spirit of God came down like a dove and alighted on him
    2. The heaven opened 
    3. A voice came down from heaven. 
      1. 111, ii, i
      2. i, ii, iii 
      3. ii, i, ili
      4. ii, i, ii
  15. Which one of the following parables of Jesus shows that prayers should be said in humility? 
    1. The persistent widow and the judge 
    2. The Pharisee and the tax collector 
    3. A friend at midnight
    4. The rich man and Lazarus
  16. After trying Jesus, Pilate washed his hands to show that: 
    1. he was afraid of the Jews 
    2. he was the rule of the Jews 
    3. he was obedient to the Jewish laws 
    4. he had nothing to do with the caso
  17. Which one of the following happenings took place on the day Jesus died? 
    1. The stone of the tomb was rolled away 
    2. Jesus ascended into heaven 
    3. The curtains hanging in the temple was torn into two 
    4. People spoke in many languages
  18. On the way to Emmaus Cleopas and his friend were talking about: 
    1. the coming of the Holy Spirit 
    2. the death and resurrection of Jesus 
    3. the miraculous deeds of Jesus 
    4. how they would preach at Emmaus
  19. Who approved the death of Stephen after he was stoned? 
    1. Saul
    2. Peter 
    3. Barnabas
    4. John
  20. Which one of the following activities in the early church best shows how the members live in unity? 
    1. Sharing food 
    2. Offering sacrifices 
    3. Singing and dancing 
    4. Baptising each other
  21. A common practice in marriage in both traditional African and christian communities is; 
    1. tatooing the body 
    2. marrying more than one wife 
    3. pouring libations 
    4. blessing the couple
  22. Who among the following in African society was punished by being sent out of the clan? 
    1. Liars
    2. Murderers 
    3. Land grabbers 
    4. Adulterers
  23. Which one of the following is a rite of passage in traditional African communities?
    1. Pregnancy 
    2. Death 
    3. Baptis
    4. Confirmation
  24. In traditional African communities sacrifices are made in order to; 
    1. show one's bravery 
    2. reduce the number of livestock 
    3. appreciate God's gift of life 
    4. prove one's abilities
  25. The main reason why christians pay taxes to the government is to 
    1. enable them get services 
    2. avoid punishment from leaders 
    3. give their wealth to others 
    4. show their social status
  26. Joshua your classmate does not respect the school president's instructions. What should you do as a christian? 
    1. Tell Joshua to transfer to another school 
    2. Remind Joshua that leaders are chosen by God 
    3. Report him to the teacher 
    4. Tell the president to punish him
  27. Which one of the following leisure activities should a christian not do during the day of worship? 
    1. Visiting the sick 
    2. Singing in the church choir 
    3. Gossiping with friends 
    4. Doing voluntary work in the church
  28. When we pray and God does not answer our prayers, what is the best thing to do as a christian? 
    1. Consult a magician 
    2. Use shorter words to pray 
    3. Stop praying 
    4. Continue praying
  29. Vallary has been given a thousand shillings by her uncle. As a christian the best way to spend this money is to; 
    1. organise her birthday party 
    2. buy food for orphans 
    3. go for a retreat 
    4. buy a new dress
  30. Diana is in standard seven and says she wants to stop schooling. How can you advice her? 
    1. Seek advice from the classteacher 
    2. Look for a well paying job 
    3. That you will pray for her 
    4. Give her some money to start a business



  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. B
  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. D
  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. A


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B


  1. Which of the following is false about arteries? 
    1. Have thick walls 
    2. Have pulse 
    3. Blood flows in them under high pressure 
    4. Carry blood to the heart
  2. Which one of the following consists of minor components of the environment only? 
    1. Heat, sound, light 
    2. Water, heat, air 
    3. Water, air, soil 
    4. Light, animals, plants
  3. The force of friction might be useful in the following activities except in
    1. drawing 
    2. walking 
    3. riding a bicycle 
    4. using a pulley
  4. Grade 4 pupils collected the following materials during their Science lesson:
    1. Soil
    2. Test tubes
    3. Candles
      They were likely investigating 
      1. water in the soil 
      2. humus in the soil 
      3. air in the soil 
      4. living organisms in the soil

The diagram below is used to demonstrate a certain property of matter

  1. A drop in the level of water in the narrow tube was as a result of
    1. Expansion of the liquid
    2. expansion of the air 
    3. contraction of the air
    4. contraction of the liquid
  2. Which one of the following pairs of nutrients constitutes most essential in commercial animal feeds? 
    1. Protein and vitamins 
    2. Minerals and roughages 
    3. Fibre and carbohydrates
    4. Water and proteins
      Grade 5 pupils wanted to make a raingauge. They collected the following materials:
      1. Measuring jar
      2. Stopper
      3. Tin can
      4. Funnel
      5. Thin tube
  3. Which of the following items collected were not necessary for their assembly?
    1. (ii), (iv)
    2. (iii), (v) 
    3. (i), (iv)
    4. (ii), (v)
  4. An athlete uses the type of shoe shown below
    2Spikes were fitted to help the runner by
    1. increasing the stepping area 
    2. decreasing friction 
    3. allowing breaking 
    4. holding firmly on track
  5. Which one of the following is an artificial method of lighting a house?
    1. Windows 
    2. Bulbs that use H.E.P electricity 
    3. Transluscent roofs 
    4. Large doors
  6. Which one of the following functions is performed by all stems? 
    1. Transportation of food and minerals 
    2. Food manufacturing 
    3. Protection of the plant 
    4. Storage of food and water
  7. Which one of the following is true of animals? They all 
    1. give birth to live young ones 
    2. have mammary glands 
    3. locomote 
    4. live on land
  8. Which pair contains drugs that are legalised in Kenya? 
    1. Bhang and alcohol 
    2. Heroin and khat 
    3. Khat and tobacco 
    4. Cocaine and alcohol

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 and 14

  1. Which one of the following is the main function of the part marked M? 
    1. Removal of waste products from the foetus to the mother. 
    2. Acting as a shock absorber 
    3. Nourishing the foetus 
    4. Facilitating the exchange of oxygen from the mother to the foetus.
  2. Which part in the diagram above carries oxygenated blood and nutrients from the placenta to the foetus?
    1. M
    2. P
    3. O
    4. N
  3. Which one of the following pairs consists of parasites that are found in the small instestines?
    1. Liverflukes and tapeworms 
    2. Lungworms and roundworms 
    3. Tapeworms and round worms 
    4. Lungworms and liverflukes
  4. Which of the following is the last stage during the birth process? 
    1. Tying and cutting of umbilical cord 
    2. Contraction of uterine walls
    3. Amniotic sac breaks and releases the amniotic fluid 
    4. Release of the afterbirth
  5. Which vaccines are giren to a child orally and on the left lower arm respectively?
    1. B.C.G, polio
    2. Yellow fever,PT
    3. Polio, B.C.G
    4. DPT, measles
  6. The following measures were taken to prevent a certain disease:
    1. Proper disposal of waste
    2. Keep toilets and latrines clean
    3. Wash fruits thoroughly before eating
    4. Drain stagnant water
      Which of the four can best prevent typhoid?
      1. (i)
      2. (ii) 
      3. (iii)
      4. (iv)
  7. Which one of the following is not a safety measure while handling chemicals at home? 
    1. Store chemicals out of children's reach 
    2. Store chemicals on the table, not the floor 
    3. Do not put chemicals in soda bottles
    4. Store chemicals in a lockable cabinet
  8. Which one of the following standard weights can be used on a weighing scale to measure one kilogram of meat?
    1. Two 500g standard weights 
    2. Two 1kg standard weights 
    3. Two 100g standard weights
    4. Two 200g standard weights
  9. Roots of a plant do all the following except 
    1. storage of food 
    2. absorption of mineral salts 
    3. making of food 
    4. support the plant in the soil
  10. Pupils grouped materials as follows.
    Which pair of materials were correctly grouped?
    Good conductors of heat Poor conductors of heat
    B. Plastic
    C. Aluminium
  11. The main reason why the government has banned the use of plastic bags is because plastic bags
    1. are expensive to import 
    2. are difficult to recycle 
    3. are a threat to the soil 
    4. pollute air and water
  12. Which of the following are the third, fifth and seventh planets from the sun respectively? 
    1. Earth, Jupiter, Uranus 
    2. Mars, Uranus, Neptune 
    3. Earth, Saturn, Uranus 
    4. Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune
  13. Soil that cracks easily when dry is known for all the following characteristics except 
    1. good drainage 
    2. fine soil particles 
    3. very sticky when wet
    4. easily rolls into a ribbon
  14. Which one of the following is not in the excretory organ? 
    1. Kidneys
    2. Anus 
    3. Skin
    4. Lungs
  15. Curative drugs are mainly taken to 
    1. prevent people against diseases
    2. treat known diseases 
    3. protect children against childhood diseases 
    4. stimulate people
  16. Which one of the following is not part of the solar system? 
    1. Planets
    2. Moon 
    3. Sun
    4. Stars
  17. Repairing leaking taps specifically helps in 
    1. re-using water well
    2. harvesting rain water
    3. using water sparingly 
    4. recycling water
  18. Which of the following is not a use of transluscent materials? They are used in making 
    1. sky lights 
    2. bathroom window panes 
    3. vehicle windscreens 
    4. ambulance window panes
  19. Which one of the following is the strongest form of static electricity? 
    1. Lightning 
    2. Electric shock 
    3. Charged balloons 
    4. Hydroelectric power

The diagram below represents a simple machine.

  1. Which of the following positions labelled W, X, Y and Z represents the load distance? 
    1. Y, Z
    2. X,Y 
    3. X, Z
    4. W,Z
  2. Which one of th following changes takes place during adolescence in girls only? 
    1. Releasing of sex cells
    2. Fast body growth
    3. Growth of hair in pubic area 
    4. Widening of hips

Study the food chain below:
Plants → mice → snakes → hawks

  1. What is not likely to happen if all snakes die?
    1. Plants will increase 
    2. Hawks will eat mice 
    3. Hawks will starve
    4. Mice will increase
  2. Which one of the following lists does not contain foodstuffs that provide the same nutrients?
    1. Maize, wheat, rice, millet 
    2. Meat, eggs, beans, peas 
    3. Beans, peas, groundnuts, blackbeans
    4. Milk, eggs, rice, mutton
  3. Pressure in liquids can be increased by
    1. changing depth 
    2. lifting the container 
    3. adding water 
    4. enlarging the container

Grade 5 pupils poured water into different containers as shown in the following diagrams

  1. Which one of the following is true about what the pupils were investigating?
    1. Density in liquids depends on the container 
    2. Liquids take the shape of the container 
    3. Pressure in liquids changes with the container 
    4. Mass of the material changes with the container
  2. Which one of the following behaviours of light would make an object in water appear bigger than it really is?
    1. Splitting of light 
    2. Dispersion of light
    3. Refraction of light SED.
    4. Reflection of light
  3. Which one of the following is not a source of useful electricity? 
    1. Hydroelectric generators 
    2. Torch cell
    3. Geothermal generators
    4. Lightning
  4. Which one of the following can not be done using force? 
    1. Slowing down motion 
    2. Speeding up motion 
    3. Determining motion
    4. Starting motion 
  5. The ability of two liquids to mix depends on
    1. density
    2. amount 
    3. colour
    4. pressure

Below are characteristics of a certain animal:

  1. It lays eggs
  2. its body is covered with scales
  3. It breathes through lungs
  4. Its body temperature varies with that of the surrounding
  1. Which of the following animals can not be put in the same group with the animal having the characteristics above?
    1. Snake
    2. Salamander 
    3. Gecko
    4. Crocodile
  2. Which of the following is the main advantage of using organic mulch on a farm? To
    1. prevent soil erosion 
    2. prevent weeds from growing by suffocation
    3. conserve soil moisture
    4. enrich the soil with nutrients 
  3. All the following are immunisable diseases except
    1. polio
    2. tetanus 
    3. measles
    4. malaria
  4. Which one of the following is incorrect about HIV and AIDS?
    1. It is caused by a virus 
    2. It can be spread by insect bites 
    3. It is a fatal disease 
    4. It infects children and adults

The diagram below shows the composition of air

  1. The gas marked S is used in
    1. breathing 
    2. fire extinguishers 
    3. electric bulbs
    4. germination 
  2. All the following are precautionary measures during lightning. Which one
    1. Not leaning on walls 
    2. Avoid walking bare foot 
    3. Not holding metallic objects
    4. Avoid wearing a red cap
  3. Weight is a force. It is measured using a 
    1. spring balance 
    2. beam balance
    3. wagning balance 
    4. see saw
  4. When preparing compost manure, what is the main purpose of soil layer? To
    1. add nutrients 
    2. prevent water loss 
    3. introduce bacteria
    4. speed up decomposition
  5. The tooth shown below is used for
    1. crushing and tearing 
    2. holding and gripping 
    3. grinding and biting 
    4. chewing and crushing


  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
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Soma vifungu vifuatavyo kwa makini. Vina vihasho kumi na vitano. Tumia viteuzi ulivropewa i kuchagua libiilifaalo zaidi kuiania vihasho.
Uwanjani _1_ palijaa mashabiki _2_ Walikuwa tayari kujionea mchuano _3_ timu ya Simba naile ya Dubu. Timu hizi mbili zilikuwa maadui katika mchezo wa_4_ Hivyo basi hata mashabiki_5_ timu hizi walijipata na uadui. Kwa sababu ya _6_ wao, ilibidi polisi wawe pale uwanjani kwa wingi sana. Walijaa pale ili kuzuia vurugu yoyote baina ya mashabiki na wachez wa timu hizo.
_7_ muda wa kujiandaa hapa na pale, refa alipuliza kipenga ishara kuwa mchezo ulianza rasmi. Wanatimu wa Simba walikuwa waanzilishi. Walisakata dimba kama kwamba hawakuwa na mifupa. Hata bila ya timu ya Dubu_8_ mpira, bao la kwanza lilikuwa wavuni. Wacha basi mvua _9_ ianze kunyesha. _10_ukawa mwisho wa mchezo huo.

    1. kule
    2. mle 
    3. ile
    4. pale 
    1. wengi 
    2. mengi 
    3. wingi
    4. haba
    1. Miongoni mwa 
    2. mkabala wa
    3. baina ya
    4. ndani ya
    1. kambumbu
    2. soka 
    3. kadanda
    4. kambubu 
    1. za 
    2. la
    3. ya
    4. wa 
    1. hasira 
    2. uhasama 
    3. chuki
    4. usuhuba
    1. Kabla ya 
    2. Baadaye 
    3. Baada ya
    4. Baada
    1. kuuguza
    2. kuugusa
    3. kuuona
    4. kuigusa
    1. nzito
    2. mzito
    3. mazito
    4. Kizito
    1. Hiyo 
    2. Hapo 
    3. Huo
    4. Hicho

Nyuki ni _11_ wa ajabu sana. _12_ kuwa mkali sana na kuogopwa na binadamu, _13_ anapendwa sana na binadamu_14_ Nyuki ana uwezo wa kuua mtu. Si mtu tu lakini inaweza kuua mnyama yeyote yule hata awe simba. La ajabu ni kwamba, mdudu huyu hutengeneza asali _15_ ina manufaa chungu nzima kwa binadamu na kwa wanyama wengine.

    1. mdudu
    2. kimelea
    3. mnyama
    4. hayawani
    1. Baada ya 
    2. Licha ya
    3. Mighairi ya
    4. Badala ya
    1. Kwani 
    2. pia
    3. senbuse
    4. japo
    1. Wawa hawa
    2. hawa wawan
    3. huyuyuyu
    4. wawa wawa 
    1. ambazo
    2. ambacho
    3. ambaye
    4. ambayo

Kuanzia swali la 16 - 30. jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo

  1. Chagua sentensi ambayo ni sahihi.
    1. Maseremala waliwaokota makinda wadogo mitini.
    2. Seremala waliyaokota makinda madogo mitini. 
    3. Maseremala yaliyaokota makinda madogo mitini.
    4. Seremala aliliokota kinda dogo mtini.
  2. Kuna mambo ambayo yanafaa kushughulikiwa na kurekebishwa yakiwa bado mepesi. Tukisubiri sana, huenda yakawa magumu. Ni methali ipi inayoweza kutumiwa kueleza hiki?
    1. Jitihada huiondoi kudura
    2. Maji yakimwagika hayazoleki. 
    3. Udongo upatilize uli maji. 
    4. Fimbo ya mbali haiui nyoka.
  3. Chagua neno ambalo lina silabi funge. 
    1. Mauzo
    2. Maksai
    3. Marekebisho
    4. Shati
  4. Tegua kitendawili hiki Ninacho ila siwezi kukiona kwa urahisi. 
    1. Goti
    2. Chanda
    3. Kisogo
    4. Wayo
  5. Chagua ukubwa wa neno dirisha.
    1. Jijidirisha
    2. Dirisha
    3. Jidirisha
    4. Kijidirisha
  6. Ni kipi kiwakilishi katika sentensi hii?
    Lolote atakalolisema, nitalikubali kwa moyo mkunjufu.
    1. Mkunjufu 
    2. Moyo 
    3. Lolote
    4. Kwa
  7. Alama hii ya kuakifisha huitwa vipi?
    1. Kiulizi au kisaili
    2. Alama ya hisi
    3. Parandesi
    4. Mabano
  8. Chagua orodha yenye viunganishi pekee. 
    1. Lau, sembuse, kando ya
    2. Hadi, yule, chochea
    3. Lo! Yamkini, sana 
    4. Licha ya, ijapokuwa, bali
  9. Nomino Mungu inapatikana katika ngeli ipi? 
    1. i-zi
    2. a-wa
    3. a-a
    4. u-i
  10. Chagua nomino ambata ambazo pia ni visawe.
    1. Kifunguamimba - kitindamimba
    2. Kiamshakinywa - kifunguakinywa 
    3. Kichinjamimba - kifunguamimba
    4. Kiamshakinywa - kifunguamimba
  11. Je, kiambishi-na-kimetumikaje katika sentensi hii?
    Mwanajuma ana huzuni kwa sababu ya kumpoteza shangazi yake. 
    1. Kuunganisha sentensi
    2. Kuonyesha wakati uliopo
    3. Kuonyesha umilikaji 
    4. Kuonyesha hali.
  12. Mimi ni fundi stadi wa kuunda vifaa kutoka kwa udongo. Mimi ni nani?
    1. Seremala 
    2. Mfinyanzi 
    3. Mwashi
    4. Mhunzi
  13. Pale shuleni, wanafunzi wote walikusanyika katika jumba la ili kukila kishuka
    1. maamkuli
    2. maakuli
    3. maankuli
    4. makuli
  14. Ni mchezo gani ambao huchezwa tu na watoto? 
    1. Kodwa
    2. Riadha
    3. Soka
    4. Kuogelea
  15. Chagua sentensi ambayo imetoa matumizi ya kiambishi-ka-cha kusudi.
    1. Mgonjwa ataenda kwa daktari akatibiwe. 
    2. "Simameni mkaimbe kwa sauti!" Mwalimu aliwaamuru wanafunzi. 
    3. Baba alipoingia nyumbani, alioga, akaketi, akala, akasoma gazeti na akalala.
    4. Chakula kimepikwa kikapikika.

Soma barua ifuatave kisha mwaibu maswali 31-40
Simba Mwana Marara,
S.L.P. 675, Maskani.
Kwa sahibu Dubu,
U hali gani kaka? Maisha huko mwituni yanakupelekaje? Ni tumaini langu kuwa unaendelea vizuri licha ya kwamba unaishi msituni. Mimi niko vivi hivi tu hapa Maskani. Wenzangu pia wako lakini si wazima sana. Sote hapa tuna mengi ya kusema lakini cha umuhimu ni uhai. Naam, bora maisha.
Nina mambo mengi ya kukuambia ndugu yangu. Tangu tuachane, ninajutia sana uamuzi wangu wakukuacha kichakani ili nije kuishi na binadamu. Nilidhani kuwa maisha ya hapa Maskani yalikuwa asali kumbe wapi! Laiti ningalijua, nisingalipapia jambo hili. Kweli, ni wazi kuwa utamu wa chai si rangi. Kwanza kabisa, chakula hapa ni kama dawa. Tunapatiwa chakula kidogo sana. Huwa tunakula mara mbili kwa siku kando na kule msituni ambako tulikula hata mara nne kwa siku moja. Watoto wangu wamekonda na kukondeana utadhani wana maradhi. Mimi mwenyewe ngozi yangu imekauka kana kwamba ninaishi katika jangwa la Sahara.
Mbali na hayo, Chumba chetu kina uchafu wa ajabu. Hatuwezi kukisafisha kwa sababu tumefungiwa kama mahabusu. Tunakubaliwa tu kutoka nje usiku kwa sababu ya kazi. Naam! Kazi ya ulinzi wa boma la binadamu huyu katili. Hata tunapotolewa nje, bado huwa tumefungwa kwa nyororo nzito pale karibu na lango kuu. Wakati huu wote, huyu binadamu na jamaa zake huwa wamelala wakikoroma. Hawajali hata wakati ambapo kuna mvua au baridi ya kuzizima. Aisee! Maisha haya yamenichosha sana.
La kuhuzunisha sana ni kwamba, watoto wangu hawana uhuru wowote ule. Kila wanapozaliwa, huwa wameshapangiwa maisha yao pasi hiari yao. Wengi huuzwa kwa binadamu wengine. Tumesikia fununu kwamba kuna binadamu ambao huwafanya kitoweo na wengine huwafanya watumwa wao.
Kila nikumbukapo jinsi ulivyonikanya kuwafuata binadamu, machozi hunitiririka sana. Najuta mwenzangu. Maisha ni magumu. Magumu hata kuliko mwamba. Upatapo barua hii, ya mkini unaweza kuwaeleza ndugu zetu wengine kuhusu matatizo yangu. Waeleze kina mbwa mwitu, fisi, chui na duma. Mnaweza kusuka mpango ili mfanye mashambulizi ya kuniokoa. Mkija usiku, huenda mashambulizi haya yatafua dafu. Wasalimu wote na Mola awabariki sana. Wako wa dhati, Simba Mwana Marara

  1. Mwandishi wa barua hii ni nani? 
    1. Dubu 
    2. Maskani 
    3. Sahibu 
    4. Simba Mwana Marara.
  2. Jambo gani sahihi kwa mujibu wa aya ya tano? 
    1. Watoto wa mwandishi hawakuwa na uhuru wowote. 
    2. Mwandishi alikuwa amekanywa na Dubu dhidi ya kugura mwituni, 
    3. Kulikuwa na uhasama mkubwa kati ya mwandishi na chui. 
    4. Kuna uwezekano kuwa binadamu huwala vilebu.
  3. Neno wakikoroma lina kisawe kipi? 
    1. Waking'orota 
    2. Wakingorota
    3. Wakiforota
    4. Wakinguruma
  4. Gani si tatizo analopitia mwandishi? 
    1. Kupewa chakula kidogo. 
    2. Kubebeshwa mizigo mizito.
    3. Kunyimwa haki ya uhuru. 
    4. Watoto wake kuuzwa.
  5. Usemi huu umetumiwa katika barua. Je, umetumia tamathali gani ya lugha? Nilidhani kuwa maisha ya hapa Maskani yalikuwa asali kumbe wapi! 
    1. methali
    2. istiara 
    3. methali
    4. tashbihi
  6. Aya ya pili imedhihirisha kuwa;
    1. Mwandishi anaishi katika mazingira machafu. 
    2. Mwandishi anamhimiza inwenzake asuke mpango wa kumwokoa. 
    3. Kabla ya kuhama mwituni, mwandishi alikataa kukubali mawaidha aliyopewa. 
    4. Mwandishi anafurahia Maisha ya Maskani ila tu wanawe wanateswa.
  7. Mwenye kupokea barua hii ni nani? 
    1. Simba Mwana Marara 
    2. Fisi 
    3. Chui
    4. Dubu
  8. Taja tarehe ya kuandikwa kwa barua hii.
    1. 12/12/2021 
    2. 12/12/2012
    3. 12/12/2202
    4. 12/12/2002
  9. Eleza maana ya usemi kusuka mpango kama ulivyotumika katika ufahamu. 
    1. Kupanga njama. 
    2. Kutengeneza mpango kwa kutumia uzi. 
    3. Kukaa faraghani. 
    4. Kupiga vijembe
  10. Yape makala haya kichwa kifaacho. 
    1. Uzuri wa kuyu ndani mabuu. 
    2. Mwenda tezí na omo, marejeo ni ngamani. 
    3. Mbwa hafi maji akiona ufuo. 
    4. Baniani mbaya kiatu chake ni dawa.

Soma ufahamu kisha ujibu maswali yafuatayo.
Kuchubora alijipata katika panda shuka pale mjini Pendaraha. Alikuwa tu ameyakamilisha masomo ya shule ya msingi. Huo ulikuwa wakati ambao alikuwa ameusubiri sana. Akiwa shuleni, alishinda akikaidi amri na maagizo ya wazazi na walimu. Alijiona kama mfungwa aliyetaka kupatiwa uhuru. Alijiona kama nyuni aliyefungwa mbawa na alitamani sana kufunguliwa ili aruke juu angani.
Hakuwa peke yake. Wapo wanafunzi wengine waliokuwa na hamu kama yake Kuchubora. Ingawa hawakuwa na uwezo wa kufika mjini, hamu yao ilikuwa ya juu sana. Kuchubora alikuwa na shangazi ambaye ndiye angekuwa mwenyeji wake wa mjini. Alisismama pale stanini kwa muda wa dakika arobaini akisubiri shangaziye ajitokeze. Alikuwa na fikra chungu nzima. Je, dharura ingetokea ambayo ilihitajiwa tu kukimbia, Kuchubora angefanya nini? Angekimbia akielekea wapi?
Akiwa katika harakati hizo za kupambana na mawazo, alihisi mkono baridi ukimgusa begani. Alipogeuka, alimwona mwanamke mrembo akiwa amebeba mkoba mkononi. Mwanamke huyo alitabasamu na
kumwita Kuchubora kwa jina kamili. Kuchubora ingawa hakumjua, alitabasamu na kuitika. Hata bila kusemezana mawili au matatu, mwanamke huyo alimwashiria waende. Kuchubora alianza kumfuata bila kujisaili maswali yoyote. Wakavuka barabara mbili zilizokuwa na umayamaya wa watu. Hapo. Kuchubora akawa hajijui waia lajifahamu.
Alipozinduka, alijipata katika chumba kimoja katika jumba la kifahari. Jumba la mabwenyenye. Msichana wa watu kwa mara ya kwanza alidhani kwamba nyumba hiyo ilikuwa ya shangaziye. Kumbe wapi? Ghafla, mwanamke yule aliyempokea kule mjini akaingia chumbani. Kuchubora alipewa maagizo pamwe na masharti makali ambayo alifaa kuyatii kila uchao. Akatembezwa mle jumbani kwa utaratibu. Akaonyeshwa vyumba ambavyo hakustahili kuvitazama sikwambii kuingia ndani. Mahali pake rasmi palikuwa jikoni na roshani mahali pa kufulia nguo.ro
Marucrue yakamtoka machoni. Akafahamu kuwa ni dhahiri alikuwa ametekwa nyara na kufanywa mjakazi. Maisha aliyoyatamani ya mjini yakabaki ndoto tu.Alitamani ajinasue kutoka kwenye utandabui huo lakini jambo hilo lilikuwa sawa na kumkama chui. Alijuta majuto ya mjukuu. Akakumbuka wosia alioupuuza kutoka kwa walimu na wavyele wake. Akakumbuka jinsi alivyokuwa msumbufu mithili ya mkia wa mbuzi. Akakumbuka jinsi alivyowaona wanafunzi wenzake kama mazuzu wasiofahamu maisha. Sasa alikuwa ameanguka motoni. Kiburi chake kikawa sawa na cha mende ambacho hatimaye huishia motoni.

  1. Kuchubora aliingia mjini wakati gani? 
    1. Alipoguswa begani na mwanamke. 
    2. Muda mfupi tu kabla ya kuyakamilisha masomo ya msingi. 
    3. Pindi tu alipoyakamilisha masomo ya shule ya upili. 
    4. Baada tu ya kuyakamilisha masomo ya al shule ya msingi..
  2. Hoja gani ya kweli kulingana na aya ya kwanza? 
    1. Pale mjini, Kuchubora alipewa wosia ingawa aliupuza. 
    2. Walimu na wazazi wa kuchubora waliwajibika alipokuwa shuleni. 
    3. Pale shuleni palikuwapo mahali pa kuwafungia wanafunzi wa tukutu, 
    4. Kuchubora alikuwa amefungwa mbawa zake hivyo basi asingeweza kupaa.
  3. Mjakazi ni: 
    1. Mfanya kazi wa kiume wa nyumbani ambaye pia huitwa kitwana
    2. Mtumwa wa kike wa nyumbani ambaye pia huitwa mtwana.
    3. Mfanyakazi wa kike wanyumbani ambaye pia huitwa kijakazi 
    4. Mfanyakazi wa nyumbani ambaye kazi yake ni kumlea na kumtunza mtoto mdogo.
  4. Eleza maana ya usemi: jambo hilo lilikuwa sawa na kumkama chui 
    1. Ilikuwa kazi ngumu ya kumkama chui. 
    2. Kuwezekana kwa jambo hilo kulikuwa kugumu sana. 
    3. Jambo hilo lilikuwa rahisi sana mithili ya naia wa ya chui. 
    4. Aghalabu jamoo hilo lilitendeka.
  5. Kwa mujibu wa aya ya pili, ni kweli kusema kuwa: 
    1. Ni Kuchubora tu aliyetamani kufika mjini baada ya kukamilisha masomo ya shule ya msingi. 
    2. Kuchubora alikuwa miongoni mwa wanafunzi wengine waliotamani kufika mjini baada ya masomo ya shule ya msingi. 
    3. Wanafunzi kadhaa akiwemo Kuchubora walifika mjini baada ya kukamilisha masomo ya shule ya msingi. 
    4. Shangazi yake kuchubora alimpokea pale mjini.
  6. Aya ya tatu imedhihirisha haya yote isipokuwa: 
    1. Kuchubora alipoguswa begani, hakuwa na mwao kuhusu aliyemgusa. 
    2. Alipoguswa begani, Kuchubora alikuwa katika hali ya kuwaza. 
    3. Kuchubora hakuweza kumfahamu shangaziye alipomgusa begani. 
    4. Aliyemgusa Kuchubora begani, ingawa hakuwa mbiomba wake, alimfahamu kwa jina.
  7. Mahali pake rasmi palikuwa jikoni na roshani mahali pa kufulia nguo.' Hili ni thibitisho kuwa: 
    1. Alitengewa mahali maalum ambapo asingesumbuliwa 
    2. Kulikuwa na watu wengi mle nyumbani. 
    3. Alipendwa sana hivyo basi akateuliwa mahali spesheli pa kuvinjari. 
    4. Alidunishwa na kudharauliwa.
  8. Majina ya Kiswahili yanayotumiwa kutaja mahali au wahusika huku ya kionyesha sifa zao huitwa: 
    1. Chuku
    2. Balagha 
    3. majazi
    4. Uhaishaji
  9. Eleza maana ya neno maruerue.
    1. Ndoto
    2. Ruiya
    3. Jinamizil
  10. Hali yakuona mambo yasiyo ya kweli. 50. Methali ipi inaweza kutumiwa kama mada ya ufahamu huu?
    1. Jitihada haiondoi kudura
    2. Pema usijapo, ukipema si pema tena hadi zizini.
    3. Usimwage kuku penye kuku wengi.
    4. Ng'ombe akivunjika mguu hujikokota

Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu mada ifuatayo:


  1. D
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