Work with @ Easy Elimu by setting SMART goals
Want to learn how to set SMART educational goals? Then you are in the right place!!!
After the turbulent educational period resulting from COVID-19 and the change in curriculum (8-4-4 to CBC), it is finally over.
In a sense.
The year 2023 is upon us, and there is no better time than this to start thinking about and setting up what your educational goals are going to be for the this educational year.
You want to improve your grades? Get an A? Be more articulate when speaking in public? Learn to play a musical instrument? Then set SMART goals that will help you focus your energy, time, and efforts to help you achieve your 2023 educational goals.

Below are the steps that will guide you in creating your SMART education goals for this educational year.
Step 1: Have a vision / a general goal
Answer this: Why do you want to improve your grade? or learn more?
Whatever that is it is your main goal for learning and that is YOUR vision.
I find it useful to have a general goal, which is like the main aim.
Then you can break that general goal down into smaller, more specific goals that will help you achieve the overall goal (your vision).
For example, you can set your general goal as "To improve my grade from a C+ to a B by the end of the year 2023, that is, by the end of term 3 exams in 2023, as it is the next level in my educational journey and aligns with my long-term goal of getting above a B+ in my KCSE exams."
In the above example, the vision of that person is to get above a B+ in his/her KCSE exams.
Step 2: Set SMART Goals
To succeed at anything, you have to first set up a framework for it.
You already have one of the components of a good framework for success, which is your vision.
You want to go from a lower grade, e.g., a C, to a higher grade, e.g., a B, and that's a really good vision to have.
Note: You don't need to take big leaps for your improvement to be deemed a success. Small steps matter! So clap for yourself when you make even the smallest improvement, and let that motivate you to keep improving and pushing forward.
Once you have your vision from there there you then need to set SMART goals.
These goals will help you focus your energy, time, and efforts to help you achieve your vision.
SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
These specific goals will majorly focus on the how or the effort that you need to put in to bring that lower grade to a higher grade.
Tip: For the specific goals you can looks at the individual subjects.
For example, you can set your general goal as
"To improve my grade from a C to a C+ by the end of the year 2023, that is, by the end of term 3 exams in 2023, as it is the next level in my educational journey and aligns with my long-term goal of getting above a C+/B-/B/B+/A-/A in your KCSE exams.
As you can see from the above example, its a S.M.A.R.T goal.
Then, for specific goals, you can look at the various subjects that you need to improve on the most.
For example:
Specific goal 1: Get my English grade from a D to above a C+ by the end of 2023 by:
- Reading the various notes.
- Reading all the set books thoroughly.
- Doing practice revision papers every 2 weeks and also topical revision questions.
In the specific goals, you have to specify the who (you), what (English grade), where (from a D to above a C+), by when (the end of 2023), why (to improve the English grade and ultimately the overall grade), and lastly, how.
In the specific goals, you have to specify the;
- who (you),
- what (English grade),
- where (from a D to above a C+),
- by when (the end of 2023),
- why (to improve the English grade and ultimately the overall grade),
- and lastly, how. The how is especially important. and it outlines the EFFORT that you need to put in to attain that specific goal.
Note: You can have many specific goals as long as they align with your vision / main goal.
Step 3: Create a timetable
To avoid wasting resources, including your time and efforts, create a timetable that is aligned with your goals.
You need to create a timetable to outline your daily, weekly, and monthly study structure so that you can use your limited resources more efficiently.
Remember, you have to revise while also learning new contents for the class that you are moving in, so don't overburden yourself.
Leave yourself time to play and relax so that you don't burn out.
Step 4: Share your educational vision and timetable with someone who will keep you accountable
Are you a person who is self-disciplined?
If you feel like you will not follow through with the timetable you have written then you can tell someone( a parent or a sibling or a friend) about your vision and ask them to help you follow your timetable.
Having someone to be accountable to can really help you be consistent and follow through with your studying
Step 5: Follow-through
Once you have your vision, goals, timetable and coach/mentor its then a matter of following-through.
It may seem like alot right now but developing a good framework/structure at the beginning of this educational year will seriously set you up for success.
5 reasons why it is important to have SMART educational goals
Setting SMART educational goals sets you up for success because:
- SMART goals help provide you with a clear direction so that you can better focus your efforts.
- SMART goals help you evaluate your strengths and weaknesses objectively.
- SMART goals assist you in making the best use of your limited time and resources to achieve your educational objectives.
- SMART goals motivate you.
- SMART goals help get you out of your comfort zone and take action, as you are the only person who can improve your circumstances by working smarter.
Set SMART educational goals for this educational year and know that Easy Elimu will be with you all the way.
With quality notes on all subjects, comprehensive topical revision questions and unique past papers that will help you revise for whichever subject you want to improve on.
Set SMART goals with @ Easy Elimu
Work SMARTer today for a better tomorrow.
Want to chat with us and get quality revision materials? Contact us via whatsapp @ +254 703 165 909.
Get revision materials to help you up your game this academic year here.
(Click the links to get access.)
- Notes and topical revision questions (You can also find study guides for all setbooks in English and Kiswahili here.)
- Past papers with answers
- 2023 Schemes of work (for teachers to help you plan your students' academic year)
Happy reading, and remember: hard work beats intellect, so put in the effort in your studies!