Tuesday, 02 November 2021 09:35

Social Studies and CRE Activities Questions And Answers - CBC Grade 4 End of Term 2 Exam SET 2 2021

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  1. Name the physical feature located at the North East of Mole area
  2. What is the direction of the river from the school
  3. People in Mole area get water from the __________________________
  4. The part of the river on the map marked W is called
    (source, mouth, delta, end)
  5. The people of Mole area belong to
    (Christianity, Islam, Hinduism)
  6. A compass has __________________________ cardinal points.
    (4, 6, 8, 10)
  7. The arrow of the compass always points to the __________________________ of the compass
  8. The sun sets to the __________________________
  9. My county is called __________________________
  10. There are __________________________ sub counties in my county.
  11. The smallest county in Kenya is __________________________
  12. The direction point of a compass between South and East is called __________________________
  13. A fairly flat land is called__________________________
  14. The small rivers which join a major river is called a __________________________
  15. Rivers which only appear during the rain season are called__________________________
  16. Name the largest sub-county in your county. 
  17. The two physical features in my county are __________________________and __________________________
  18. The physical feature that give us water for domestic use is called a __________________________
  19. There are __________________________ seasons in a year.
    (12, 4, 5, 6)
  20. People wear heavy clothes during which season?__________________________
  21. Name your neighbouring county __________________________
  22. Name one historic built environment in your county __________________________
  23. Name one way of taking care of historic built environment __________________________
  24. Name one way how people in your sub county depend on each other  __________________________
  25. __________________________help children to learn.
    (Teachers, Traders, Pastor)
  26. We depend on__________________________  to make our uniforms.
    (drivers, divers, tailors)
  27. Patients depend on __________________________for their treatment.
  28. Which one of the following is a sad ceremony? __________________________
    (burial, wedding, graduation)
  29. Name the physical feature drawn below
  30. The number of people living in a particular area is called
    (population,population distribution)
  31. Areas with many houses built together are said to be
    (unevenly distributed, densely populated, sparsely populated)
  32. The symbol of our national unity below is called a
  33. The above symbol has how many colours 
  34. Most primary school pupils go to school by which means?
    (bicycle, walking, bus)
  35. The head of a county is a __________________________
  36. How many school holidays for primary school going children are there in every calender of the year?
    (1, 2, 3, 6)
  37. A weather instrument that is used to measure the temperature of a place is called
  38. A person who use compass direction to land at an airport is called a
    (pilot, captain, boy scout)
  39. The way of peoples life is called
    (tradition, culture, religion)
  40. When was your school started?


  1. Why are human beings special?
  2. Which book of the Bible do you find these verse?
    "You created every part of me, you put me together in my rother's womb"
    (Senesis, Psalms, Matthew)
  3. Which one is not a good thought?
    (sharing, fighting, forgiving)
  4. How many books are there in the new testament?
  5. Who are members of a nuclear family
  6. Which promise are children given in Ephesians 6:1-3 when they obey their parents?
  7. Who abused his half sister sexually?
    (David, Amnon, Tamar)
  8. Complete: my body is the of the __________________________Holy Spirit.
  9. God created all things. Which name do we call Him?
    (Holy, creator, loving)
  10. Why should you handle the Bible with respect?
    (It is a big book, it is a holy book, it was written by Jesus)
  11. How many books are there in the old testament?
  12. Which is the first book in the new testament?
  13. What did Zacchaeus do to show that he had repented? He
    1. climbed a sycamore free
    2. shared a meal with Jesus
    3. gave back what he had  taken
    4. followed Jesus
  14. Who did king Balak send to curse the Israelites?
  15. Why is it good to obey our parents?
  16. Who killed a lion with his hands
  17. Who interpreted the king's dream?
  18. Where was Abraham living when God called him?
    (Canaan, Haran, Egypt)
  19. Who announced the birth of Jesus?
  20. Write the names of the parents of John the baptist?


  1. Hill
  2. South
  3. River
  4. delta
  5. christianity
  6. 4
  7. North, 
  8. West
  9. Kenya
  10. (student should answer depending on t he number of sub counties in the county)
  11. Mombasa County
  12. South East
  13. Plain
  14. tributaries
  15. seasonal rivers
  16. (student should name the largets sub county depending on their county)
  17. (award for any 2  physical features in the county)
  18. River
  19. 4
  20. Cold
  21. (Student should name any county adjacent to their county/ school's county)
  22. (award for any correctly answer of a histric site within the student's/ school's county)
  23. Cleaning it/ replacing broken down parts
  24. trade/ market/buying and selling, education/ school/ teaching, work/ job, security/ police, treatment/ hospital/ health care
  25. teachers
  26. tailors
  27. doctors
  28. burial
  29. rift valley
  30. population
  31. densely populated
  32. flag
  33. 4
  34. walking
  35. governor
  36. 3
  37. thermometer
  38. pilot
  39. culture
  40. (student should give the correct answer on when their school was started)


  1. They are made in the image of God
  2. Psalms
  3. fighting
  4. 27
  5. mother, father, brother, sister ( children)
  6. long life
  7. Amnon
  8. temple
  9. creator
  10. it is a holy book
  11. 39
  12. Matthew
  13. C
  14. Balam
  15. It is the first commandment with a promise
  16. Samson
  17. Daniel
  18. Haran
  19. Angel Gabriel
  20. Elizabeth, Zechariah
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