KLB Form 2 Biology Schemes of Work Term 3 2020/2021

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                                SCHEMES OF WORK    FORM 2   BIOLOGY        TERM 3     2020/2021
 1   1  


Introduction – Definition and importance of respiration.

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able:          To define respiration.  To explain significance of respiration.

Q/A: Definition Brief discussion of significance of respiration.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 73-74

    2 Burning food. To describe an experiment investigating the gas given off when food is burnt.

Teacher demonstration: Burning a food sample.      Testing for the gas evolved during combustion.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 73-74

   3,4 The mitochondrion. To state functions of mitochondrion in respiration.

Drawing structure of the mitochondrion. Explain function of the mitochondrion.

Wall charts- The mitochondrion.

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 74

 2  1 Aerobic respiration.

To explain phases of aerobic respiration.        To state difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

Detailed discussion. Writing down equations of food breakdown.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 74-76

   2 Anaerobic respiration. To describe anaerobic respiration.

Observe set up experiments. Detailed discussion punctuated with probing questions:

Glucose                  Yeast          Thermometer

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 77

   3 Oxygen "debt"

To explain the term “oxygen debt”.                To explain the effect of “oxygen debt” on the amount of energy released during respiration.

Probing questions. Detailed discussions.  

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 78

   4 Applications of anaerobic respiration. To explain applications of anaerobic respiration.

Q/A: Products of fermentation process.      Listing down various applications of anaerobic respiration.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 79

 3  1

Respiratory substrates  & respiratory quotient.

To identify respiratory substrates in the body.                To define respiratory quotient.            To calculate R.Q.

Brief discussion/ explanations. Exposition of definition and its significance. Problem solving.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 79

   2 Rate of respiration To state and explain factors affecting rate of respiration. Detailed discussions explanations.  

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 80-81



Introduction- Definition and importance of homeostasis and excretion.

To define homeostasis and excretion.          To explain necessity of excretion in plants and animals.

Q/A: Definitions of digestion, ingestion and egestion, secretion and excretion.  Discuss importance of excretion in plants and animals.


K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 83-84

4  1 Excretion in plants.                                                                                  

To name plants excretory products.          To state uses of excretory products of plants.

Probing questions. Exposition of new terms.        Discuss uses and abuses of plant excretory products.

Some plants excretory products.

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 83-84

    2 Excretion and homeostasis in unicellular organisms. Describe excretion and homeostasis in an amoeba and a paramecium.

Q/A: Review diffusion, structure of an amoeba.    Discuss excretion and homeostasis in an amoeba and a paramecium.


K.L.B. BK 2

PP. 84-85
   3,4 Excretion and homeostasis in animals. To identify excretory organs in various animals.

Exposition and discussion. Observe drawings of various animals showing excretory organs.

Specimens of platyhelmin-thes, annelida, insects.

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 85

 5  1,2 The mammalian skin.

State functions of the mammalian skin as an excretory organ.

Draw and label the structure of the mammalian skin.

Detailed discussion.
Wall chart- The mammalian skin. K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 85-86  
   3,4 The mammalian skin.

Draw and label the structure of the mammalian skin.                To describe functions of parts of the mammalian skin.

  Permanent slides of mammalian skin K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 86-87  
 6  1 The lungs.

To explain the role of lungs as excretory organs.

Exposition and discussiion.

Chart/ model- Mammalian lungs.

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 87  
   2              C.A.T  
   3,4 The kidneys structure

To describe the external structure of kidney.              To describe the internal structure of the kidney.

Observe external features of a kidney.      Observe internal drawing and labeling of the kidney.

Wall-Charts—internal organs of a kidney.

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 89-90  
  7  1,2  The nephron. Describe features of the nephron.

Discuss features of the nephron. Draw structure of the nephron. Label the diagram.

Chart- kidney nephron.    
   3,4 Urine formation. To explain formation of urine. Detailed discussion.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 90-91  
 8  1 The loop Henle.

To explain the function of the loop of Henle; and how it’s adapted to its function.            To discuss the role of ADH in determination of concentration of urine.

Discussion and explanations. Probing questions.

Chart- The nephron K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 91-92  
   2 Kidney diseases and disorders. To name kidney diseases and disorders and state methods of prevention and / treatment. Discussion and explanations   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 92  
   3  The Liver. To draw and label a diagram of the liver. Drawing and labelling diagram of the liver. Chart-Structure of the liver K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 93-94  
   4 Deamination. To explain the function of the liver in  deamination. Probing questions Discussion   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 95  
 9   1  Other functions of the liver. To state and explain other functions of the liver. Probing questions Discussion   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 95-96  
    2  Liver disorders. To name and discuss kidney disorders.          To identify methods of preventing and treating these disorders. Exposition and discussion.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 96-97  
    3  Homeostasis. To define the concepts of internal environment and homeostasis. Exposition and discussion.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 97-98  
    4 The feedback mechanism. To differentiate between positive and negative feedback and state their roles in maintaining the desirable point. Exposition and discussion.

Chart-Schematic diagram of feedback mechanism

K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 97-98  
 10  1 the hypothalamus. To explain the role of hypothalamus in thermoregulation. Exposition and detailed discussion.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 98  
   2 The skin and thermoregulation. To explain the function of the skin in thermoregulation. Exposition and discussion.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 98  
  3-4 Blood vessels and their functions in thermo-regulation To explain the adaptation of blood vessels and their function in thermo-regulation Exposition and discussion. Drawing schematic diagrams.   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 98-99  
 11  1 Homeostatic behavioral activities. To state and explain various homeostatic behavioral activities.

Discussion on control of body temperature.
Probing questions.

  K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 99  
   2 Osmoregulation. To describe water and salts balance in the body. Detailed discussion   K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 100-101  
   3 Blood sugar.

To discuss effects of insufficient/ excess sugar in the blood.

To explain regulation of blood sugar.

Detailed discussion 
Detailed discussion
  K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 101-102  
   4 Diabetes.

To distinguish diabetes mellitus from diabetes inspidus.
To identify simple symptoms of diabetes mellitus and diabetes inspidus.

Detailed discussion 
Probing questions    Topic review.
  K.L.B. BK 2 PP. 103  
 12,13                                                END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS
Read 1276 times Last modified on Friday, 21 May 2021 09:36

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