- During an Agricultural exhibition, farmers brought 742 different breeds of sheep. What is the total value of digit 7 in this number?
- Hundreds
- 700
- 740
- Thousands
- What is the place value of digit 9 in the number 96 401?
- 96 400
- 90 000
- Tens of thousands
- Thousands
- After winning in a drama festival, pupils were given nine thousand and fifty shillings. What is this amount in symbols?
- Sh. 9 005
- Sh. 900.050
- Sh. 90 005
- Sh. 9 050
- What is 9 487 written in symbols?
- Nine thousand, four hundred and eighty seven.
- Ninety thousand, four hundred and eighty seven.
- Nine thousand, four hundred and eight seven.
- Ninety thousand, four hundred and eight seven.
- Fourteen girls went to a boutique to buy some dresses. If each of them bought twelve dresses, how many dresses did they buy altogether?
- 26
- 168
- 178
- 158
- In the fraction 6/7, which number is denominator?
- 6
- 13
- 1
- 7.
- 90 seedlings were planted by learners in their nursery bed. If each learner planted 6 seedlings, how many were the learners?
- 84
- 15
- 96
- 546
- A pickup carried 6 430 packets of maize flour. In the pick-up were Jogoo packets and Jimbi packets. If Jogoo packets: were 2 766, how many Jimbi packets were there?
- 3 664
- 2 664
- 3 674
- 3 764
- What is the next number in the pattern below? 816, 807, 797, 786, 774,
- 709
- 761
- 699
- 753
- Which multiple of 7 is just before 84?
- 91
- 70
- 77
- 98
- Add: 536m + 499m
- 1 135m
- 1 025m
- 1 125m
- 1 035m
- Omwae's school is 210m away from the market. The market is 104m from Omwae's home. If Omwae walks from home to school and back, what distance does he cover?
- 314m
- 628m
- 324m
- 614m
- The distance from Moroto to Korogosho is 230m. As Njega was cycling from Moroto, his bicycle got a puncture after covering 190m. What was the remaining distance to Korogosho?
- 420m
- 419m
- 39m
- 40m
- When walking toward different directions, Asha covered a distance of 300m while Rama covered 230m. How many more metres did Asha cover than Rama?
- 70m
- 71m
- 530m
- 529m
- Three classmates Ali, Otas and Kipili have lockers which weigh 11kg each. What is the total mass of their lockers?
- 22kg .
- 30kg
- 44kg
- 33kg
- Mapunda's bull weighs 110kg while Mwang'ombe's donkey weighs 93kg. By how many kilograms is the bull heavier than the donkey?
- 17kg
- 7kg
- 203kg
- 213kg
- A container had 34 litres of paint. A painter used 8 litres to paint a school wall. How many litres of paint remained?
- 421
- 161
- 261
- 431
- Some learners at Katikati primary school were asked to name some needs they new.
Ajigo: carrots
Mwashori: toys
Jokopai: computer games
Karani: balls
Who was right?- Mwishori
- Ajigo
- Karani
- Jokopai
- Work out:
Hours Minutes
8 10
-2 20- 6 hours 10 minutes
- 6 hours 50 minutes
- 5 hours 50 minutes
- 5 hours 80 minutes
- How many quarter litre containers are needed to fill a two litre container?
- 8
- 4
- 16
- 2
- Kibor and Chepng'eno had triangular cards like the ones shown below.
If they joined them at the points marked X, what was the shape of the bigger card?- Square.
- Circle.
- Oval.
- Rectangle.
- A four sided figure with all the sides equal is called
- an oval.
- a square.
- a triangle:
- a rectangle.
- The figure drawn below is called a
- circle.
- rectangle.
- square.
- triangle
- Which of the following patterns has been made using ovals?
- A figure with three sides only is called
- an oval.
- triangle.
- square.
- rectangle.
- What is the shape of your classroom door?
- Circle.
- Triangle.
- Square.
- Rectangle.
Use the illustration below to answer questions 27 to 30.
- How many circles can you see?
- One.
- Two.
- Four.
- Three.
- Count the number of rectangles.
- Three.
- Four.
- Two.
- One.
- How many ovals are there?
- Two.
- One.
- Three.
- Four.
- How many triangles can you see?
- Three.
- Two.
- Four.
- One.

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