Displaying items by tag: exam


  1. Which come following parts of a flower produces sex cells?
    1. Stigma and style
    2. Antlers and ovary
    3. Style and filament
    4. Pollen grains and ovules.
  2. Which one of the following vessels is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Aorta - Transports blood away from the heart
    2. Venacava - Transports blood from the heart.
    3. Artery - Transports deoxygenated blood.
    4. Vein - Transports Oxygenated blood.
  3. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling parasites that causes irritation on livestock?
    1. Handpicking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  4. Which of the following pairs of plants depends on other plants for support? 
    1. Tomatoes and passion
    2. Mango and oranges
    3. Passion and arrowroots:
    4. Cassava and sweet potato
  5. Which one of the following describes the best way of handling medicines at home?
    1. Storing medicine near the source off heat.
    2. Sharing medicine with the same ailment.
    3. Using soft drink bottles to store liquid medicine.
    4. Completing dosage even when one is feeling well.
  6. The diagram below represents a setup that can be used to investigate a certain aspect of heat.
    The heat reaches the metallic spring through
    1. convection only
    2. conduction and radiation
    3. radiation only
    4. conduction and convection.
  7. Which one of the following plants are mainly grown to produce threads for making ornaments?
    1. Cotton and flux,
    2. Palm trees and sugarcane
    3. Sisal and barley.
    4. Pyrethrum and coffee.
  8. Which one of the following is an adaptation of animals that mainly feed on flesh?
    1. Strong hind legs.
    2. Modified premolars and molars.
    3. Streamlined body:
    4. Strong hollow molars.
  9. Which one of the following is an advantage of in-organic fertilizer?
    1. Have long term effects.
    2. Spread weeds.
    3. Locally available.
    4. Increases rate of production.
  10. The diagram below represents a breathing system
    Which is the main process that take place in part marked V?
    1. Warming air.
    2. Absorption of air.
    3. Cleaning of air.
    4. Storing of clean air.
  11. The following were used to investigate factor that affects sinking and floating.
    1. wooden spoon.
    2. 1 piece of steel wool.
    3. Water in a transparent basin.
      The factor investigated was
      1. shape of the material
      2. type of material
      3. size of material
      4. mass of material.
  12. Which of the following materials have definite shape and mass?
    1. Oxygen. oil, stones.
    2. Steam, candle wax, leather.
    3. Water, kerosene, diesel.
    4. Nails, Ieaves, gravel.
  13. Which one of the following diseases is correctly matched with the date they are immunized?
       At birth  Fourteen week 
    A  Polio   Hepatitis B
    B  Tuberculosis   Measles
    C   Yellow fever   Tetanus
    D   Whooping cough   Polio
  14. When modelling the solar system, which materials are used 10 mount sun and planets?
    1. Glue and manilla paper.
    2. Thorns and wires. 
    3. Plasticine and clay.
    4. Paper mache and nails.
  15. The quantity of matter in an object is called
    1. Weight
    2. friction
    3. mass
    4. magnetic
  16. Which one of the following is a myth and misconception about HIV and AIDS?
    1. HIV is mainly spread through both fluids.
    2. AIDS develop in stages.
    3. Unsterilized piercing objects may spread HIV virus.
    4. Mosquito bite may spread HIV virus.
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about weather instrument?
    1. The tail of a windvane is smaller than the head.
    2. Raingauge measures two aspects of weather. 
    3. Windsock mainly measures the strength of wind.
    4. Scale of air thermometer reads from bottom to up.
  18. The diagram below represents an excretory organ.
    Name the parts labelled M
    1. sweat glands 
    2. sweat pores
    3. sweat duct
    4. dermis,
  19. Which pair of characteristics is common to lizard, toad, spiny ant cater and hawk?
    1. Varying body temperature, breathe through lungs,
    2. Lay eggs, have scales.
    3. Varying body temperature, have scales
    4. Lay eggs, breathe through lungs.
  20. Which one of the following materials is not needed when investigating drainage in soil?
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Funnel
    3. Collecting jars
    4. Measuring jars.
  21. In a certain activity, pupils were told to drop text book above their desks from different heights. This was to investigate
    1. amplification of sounds
    2. Types of sounds
    3. pollution of sounds 
    4. types of special sounds.
  22. Which of the following is the most  appropriate event for creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS for the youth
    1. Wedding ceremony. 
    2. Chief Baraza.
    3. Job interview
    4. Sports and games
  23. In an activity to investigate types of soil erosion pupils poured water at different positions of a slanting soil surface with channels. Which type of soil erosion were they demonstrating?
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. Sheet erosion.
    3. Gulley erosion.
    4. Rill erosion,
  24. Which changes of state of matter below require a substance to loss heat to the war surrounding?
    1. Evaporation and melting 
    2. Freezing and evaporation.
    3. Melting and condensation. 
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  25. Which one of the following is not a reason  why animals are fed commercial feeds?
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. To supplement other feeds.
    3. Provide specific nutrients to animals.
    4. Only given 10 animals under stall feeding,
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason of spreading dry grass around the stem of young plants? To, 
    1. conserve moisture ;
    2. control soil erosion 
    3. suffocate woods
    4. add nutrients to the soil.
  27. Which of the following is a way of using energy efficiently?
    1. Cooking using firewood.
    2. Using water to produce electricity.
    3. Using improved jiko
    4. Improving and network.
  28. A lactating mother eat food rich in calcium and phosphorous i order to
    1. Improve blood formation in the baby
    2. Improve immunity of the baby.
    3. Replace blood lost during giving birth
    4. Help formation of teeth and bones of the baby.
  29. Which of the following pairs of animals move by leaping and hopping? 
    1. Horse and kangaroo.
    2. Grasshopper and toad.
    3. Frog and ticks.
    4. Cricket and chameleon,     
  30. The following figure shows a common sign among diseases caused by poor sanitation.
    Which sign will it under R?
    1. Skin rashes.
    2. Violent diarrhoea.
    3. Blood in the stool.
    4. Pain in the joint.
  31. Three of the following are uses of heat at home expect
    1. Ironing clothes
    2. Scaring away pests
    3. Cooking
    4. Warming ourselves
  32. Which of the following is the correct procedure of separating of salt, rice husks and copper fillings?
    1. Dissolving - filtering -- use of a magnet - Evaporation.
    2. Use of magnet- dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    3. Winnowing - dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    4. Use of magnet - dissolving - sieving - evaporation.
  33. Which two types of food can be preserved by drying?
    1. Milk and fish,
    2. Coffee berries and vegetables,
    3. Arrow roots and honey.
    4. Meat and fruits. :
  34. A child has the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Sores at the corner of the mouth.
    2. Slow growth.
    3. Swollen face and checks.
      The disease is likely to be
      1. marasmus
      2. anaemia 
      3. ricket
      4. kwashiorkor
  35. Which of the following materials is correctly matched?
       Magnetic  Non magnetic  
     A   Razor blades  Copper wire
     B  Office pin  Steel wool
     C  Hair strand   Aluminium foil
     D  Wooden rod  Rubber bands
  36. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving soil?
    1. Ploughing along the contour.
    2. Practising rotational grazing.
    3. Burning long bushes to control weeds,
    4. Disposing kitchen refuse in the farm.
  37. The diagram below represents a periscope
    Which letter represents the image and object respectively?
    1. V and B.
    2. W and X 
    3. X and W
    4. V and W
  38. The following plants depends on animals for food except
    1. bladderwort
    2. sundow 
    3. pitcher plant 
    4. waterlily.
  39. Which of the following is best way of removing permanent hardness in water?
    1. Adding chemicals. 
    2. littering using clean materials.
    3. Using high temperature:
    4. Warming water.|
  40. The energy transformation that take place when dry cells are connected to a bulb is
    1. Chemical - electrical - light - heat
    2. Electrical - chemical -- heat - light
    3. Chemical - electrical - heat - light 
    4. Electrical - heat - chemical - light
  41. Which of the following is the characteristic of soil with low capillarily?
    1. Coarse particles.
    2. Sticky when wet
    3. Smooth texture.
    4. Best in farming.
  42. In which of the following activities is friction least useful?
    1. Riding a bicycle.
    2. Writing on exercise books.
    3. Pushing a crate of soda on the floor.
    4. Skating along the tarmac road.
  43. Which of the following is the second last stage of birth process?
    1. Release of afterbirth.
    2. Dilation of cervix.
    3. Bursting of amnion sac
    4. Culling of umbilical cord.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form one layer when put in a glass?
    1. Ink and oil.
    2. Diesel and paraffin.
    3. Milk and oil.
    4. Spirit and kerosene,
  45. In an activity, pupils collected the following materials.
    1. Drycells.
    2. Two wires of 15cm each.
    3. Different materials.
    4. A bulb.
      What were they likely to investigate?
      1. Good and poor conductors of electricity.
      2. Making a simple circuit
      3. Good and poor conductors of heat
      4. How current flow in different materials.
  46. Which one of the following is a way of  maintaining all simple tools?
    1. Oiling metallic parts,
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Proper storage:
    4. Using regularly
  47. Which of the following sources of current electricity uses chemicals?
    1. Dynamo and solar panels.
    2. Dry cells and car ballery:
    3. Geothermal and biogas.
    4. Dynamo and dry cells.
  48. Which one of the followng is not a sign of food poisoning?
    1. Headache 
    2. Dehydration
    3. Fever
    4. Diarrhoea
  49. Which of the following parts of seed is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Radicle.- forms the seed leaf.
    2. Cotyledon - allow entry of water
    3. Hillum -- store food
    4. Plumule -- forms the embryo
  50. The diagram below shows a simple lever
    Which of the parts labeled E, G,T and II shows the fulcrum?
    1. H
    2. F
    3. G.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C


Read the passage below:It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank'space choose the BEST alternative choices given

Crying is not always a      1          of sadness. Many people,       2        , cry because of pain but       3          are cases when people cry due to the pain of      4            . Take , for example,       5            you go to an accident       6           . At first, you may see a         7       standing there, doing nothing but looking sad. then a friend you know well comes and       8         into uncontrollable wail after recognising the      9         . You would definitely join in because of your friend's pain.
People also cry when they are extremely happy      10          the cases are        11        few. Such people laugh until you see them shed tears. There are also who cry but because of some       12         reasons, no tears are       13        seen. To the very elderly ones , crying is accompanied           14   either a kind of        15       or movement. Crying , therefore, does not take a specific fashion.
that means the SAME. as the underlined one.

1 A. sign B. reason C. result D. cause
2 A. otherwise B. moreover C. of course D. furthermore
3 A. they're B. there C. they D. their
4 A. another B. the others C. other D. others
5 A. as B. while C. when D. then
6 A. scene B. spot C. scenery D. seen
7 A. mob B. crowd C. gang D. congregation
8 A. run B. looks C. goes D. breaks
9 A. person B. victim C. sick D. infected
10 A. so B. more C. although D. for
11 A. very B. so C. too D. more
12 A. funny B. comon C. minor D. strange
13 A. even B. ever C. rarely D. never
14 A. by B. to C. with D. at
15 A. pose B. hatch C. dance D. walk

For questions 16 to 17, choose the option which BEST fills the blank space in the sentences below.

  1. In our school, we write _________ a fountain pen.
    1. in
    2. with
    3. by
    4. from
  2. I could have gone to hospital if I _______ sick in the morning.
    1. had been feeling
    2. felt
    3. was feeling
    4. had felt

For questions 18 and 19 choose the sentence that means the SAME as the underlined one.

  1. You ought to pay attention in class.
    1. You may pay attention in class.
    2. You can pay attention in class.
    3. You should pay attention in class.
    4. You have to pay attention in class.
  2. He will not only come but also bring the present he had promised.
    1. He will come and likewise bring the present he had promised.
    2. He will come and confirm that he had promised to bring the present
    3. He will come and probably bring the present he had promised.
    4. If he  bring the present he had promised, he will come.

in questions 20 and 21, choose the best alternative that means the OPPOSITE of the underlined word:

  1. Wheat flour is very fine.
    1. Rough :
    2. Tough
    3. Coarse
    4. Hard
  2. He behaves in a civilised manner.
    1. Strange
    2. Barbaric
    3. Cruel
    4. Ancient

In questions:22 and.23, choose the, BEST, arrangement of the given sentences to make sensible paragraphs. :

    1. She could not use all that they had brought her.
    2. I became a beneficiary as a result of that
    3. My sister was once visited by her friends.
    4. She received a number of presents from them.
      1. (iii),(i),(ii),(iv)
      2. (iii),(iv),(ii),(i)
      3. (iii),(iv),(i),(ii)
      4. (iii),(ii),(iv),(i)
    1. I watched some passengers disembark from it. 
    2. The bus came to a halt at the bus stop
    3. We were soon on our way to town.
    4. The vacant seats were soon occupied again.
      1. (ii),(i),(iv),(iii)
      2. (ii),(iv),(i),(iii)
      3. (ii),(iii),(i),(iv)
      4. (ii),(i),(iii),(iv)

 For questions 24 and 25 choose the sentence which is CORRECTLY punctuated.

    1. Phares shouted, "Look out." 
    2. Phares shouted "Look out!"  
    3. Phares shouted, "look out!"  
    4. Phares shouted, "Look out!"   
    1. Maralal medical centre has run out of water.
    2. Maralal Medical Centre has run out of water.
    3. Maralal Medical centre has run out of water.
    4. Maralal medical Centre has run out of water.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

Long ago, Frog did not have the hoarse voice he has today. Infact, he was a well-known singer who would be paid handsomely to perform at various functions. He liked this and bragged about it openly, not knowing that one false turn could put a Stop to his fame.

Although he was famous, he was not liked due to one thing. He had the habit of stealing but this was unknown to many people. Hé stole cabbages and carrots from time to time but for sweet potatoes, it was like a daily routine. He liked eating them raw, boiled or roasted. He would salivate as they got roasted in an open fire just outside his house. He would not wait for them to roast as he greedily salivated. That is why he ate them while still warm. He was lazy and never watt farm like the others did.

During one harvesting season, people did not invite him much. He , therefore, found himself lacking food while the others had plenty to eat. Had he got the usual invitations, the situation would have been very different. He therefore resorted to his other way of getting food- stealing, For carrots and cabbages, he stole them late in the night and hid them in his bedroom so that not even his visitors would know he ever had anything edible in the house.

It was when he stole from Hare's farm that he got himself into trouble, Hare hid himself up in the big tree at the edge of his farm to keep watch over his carrots and cabbages that he had tended and watered for a long time. It was approaching midnight when he saw something moving towards the farm. After recovering from the fright, he identified the thief for he walked in a special way. As soon as the thief was through, he left and went home. 

The following day, he visited Squirrel. He was given instructions to follow carefully and stop thieves from reaping where they did not sow. So the very following day, he went to the farm. As soon as he saw the thief arrive, he ran to Frog’s home, lit a fire at the normal fireplace and started roasting some potatoes in which he had wedged in some pebbles carefully. He then went back to his waiting area, just behind the fence to wait for the thief to return. It was cold, dark and frightening, but he eventually heard the happy whistling, a signal of the return of a happy man.

He came straight to where the nice aroma of roasting potatoes was coming from. Whenever he saw some nice meat, he always stopped being cautious and this is what Squirrel had told Hare. Frog took two long Ieaps and was there. In just a couple of minutes, he had swallowed a number of them before he realised that it was actually quite hot. He had no time to think when the heat started burning him from within. He croaked loudly and headed straight for the pond where he dipped himself:

He survived but he lost his golden voice. From that day, Frog learnt a lesson of his life but décided to keep trying to sing again. This is what you hear at the ponds during the rainy season.

  1. From the first paragraph, it is true to say that
    1. frog's hoarse voice started because of singing.
    2. frog was very proud of his voice.
    3. frog wass well known though he had a hoarse voice.
    4. frog was not paid as much as he would have wished during the shows
  2. Which of the following was Frog ignorant about?
    1. Functions he was always needed to perform at.
    2. How much he was valued by others
    3. He was an excellent singer.
    4. The possibility of losing his talent.
  3. What made Frog’s popularty to drop?
    1. His shows were not as attractive as expected.
    2. He was too proud to be liked by many.
    3. Some people had known he was a thief.
    4. He had been caught stealing from others.
  4. The fact that the Frog would salivate as the potatoes got roasted shows that
    1. he was very greedy.
    2. the potatoes were very sweet,
    3. he used to steal daily.
    4. the stealing was not a sccret.
  5. Why.did Frog use to eat the sweet potatoes while they were still warm?
    1. They tasted sweeter when still warm.
    2. He lacked the patience to wait.
    3. He did not want others to find him eating.
    4. Stolen potatoes are usually sweeter.
  6. Frog liked eating sweet potatoes all the time because
    1. it was his favourite. 
    2. he found them easier to steal.
    3. many people grew it near his home.
    4. he was given a lot of it
  7. What caused Frog’s temptations to steal increase?
    1. People had too much work to do on their farms.
    2. Frog lacked visitors at his home
    3. He stole carrots and cabbages during the night easily.
    4. His shows became less popular with time.
  8. The movement that helped Hare to identify the thief in darkness is:
    1. hopping
    2. prowling
    3. staggering
    4. croaking
  9. How did the other animals contribute towards making Frog to steal?
    1. They took too long to catch him.
    2. His invitations to stage shows became less.
    3. They grew more crops than they could consume.
    4. They listened to him as he bragged about his voice:
  10. Why did Hare decide to wedge pebbles into the sweet potatoes before roasting them?
    1. To ensure the potatoes remained hot for along time —
    2. Tomake the potataes smell nice even at a distance.
    3. It could have been an instruction from Squirell
    4. He wanted Frog to eat less potatoes than usual
  11. Frog did not realise the potatoes he was eating had pebbles in them because
    1. he was too greedy to chew the potatoes. 
    2. he was used to eating thems
    3. hare had roasted them nicely.
    4. .it was not the first time he was stealing
  12. Whom do you think could bear the blame for Frog’s downfall? 
    1. Squirrel
    2. Those who invite him to perform.
    3. Hare
    4. The farm owners from whom he stole.
  13. Which of the following proverbs well BEST be used to Summarise this story?
    1. A new broom sweeps clean.
    2. Charity begins at home. 
    3. We never miss the water until thé well runs dry
    4.  The days of a thief are numbered.

Read the passage-below and then answer the questions 39-50

Teachers in the North-Eastern Kenya are an unhappy lot. It is said that people from other ethnic groups or religions perceived to be from far off regions are unwanted. They left the region and as they did so, most public servants who could find other jobs also left and there is no possibility of them returning there.

Those that felt their security was guaranteed braved their way back to serve the nation. They went there, knowing well that others have moved away and that means there would be more work for them. This is what led some teachers to camp at the Teaches Service headquarters in Nairobi. The teachers indicated that they were willing to serve anywhere else in the country except the North-Eastern. They expected to be posted to new stations.

One will ask if this is a fair decision to make given the children in those risky areas also leave an equal right to education like their counterparts in other regions. 

On the other hand, is it fair to force someone to work in an area he or she perceives to be unsafe? Which is stronger, the right of the child or the forceful posting of a disgruntled employee? Teaching is said to be a noble profession and cannot be equated to the amount of money the teachers get paid. It is a service that trains a whole,being into being an acceptable membér of the society.

The government has used threats, insults and intimidation to make the teachers go to work. They have been threatened with being sacked and even reminded to think of whom they are. The government should have remembered that the insecurity the teachers are running away from is real and not imagined. The main issue here is security and the government has only verbally repeated to the teachers that they would be safe. No additional police officers have been deployed in such areas to show the government’s concern.

One wonders why the employer, too, told the teachers that they could be replaced at the snap of a finger. This strategy, honestly can’t work because those replacing them will equally soon demand the same security immediately and they too are replaced, what happens next?

Education of a child has almost nothing to do with what the teacher verbally communicates. It has a lot to do with what the teacher expects to impart in the mind of the child. A teacher working under stress is more dangerous to the children's welfare and cannot be expected to deliver.

  1. What has made teachers in the North-Eastern Kenya unhappy?
    1. An anonymous statement regarding their security.
    2. People from some ethnic groups scared them off.
    3. Two religious groups were contradicting themselves on the teachers' issues.
    4. The government does not seem to want them in those regions.
  2. Public servants who returned tothe North-Eastern Kenya
    1. returned there because the teachers returned
    2. wanted tose if the threat was genuine or not.
    3. did so because they had no alternative.
    4. decided to go against the teachers' decision.
  3. Why would there be more work for the few who moved back to the North-Eastern Kenya? They would
    1. work against the wish of the local people.
    2. be unwilling to work as hard as expected.
    3. be harassed by the people they serve.
    4. still have to serve the whole population.
  4. The MAIN reason why some teachers camped at the Teachers Service Commission headquarters is because
    1. they had not received a pay rise for a long time. .
    2. the number of teachers returning was too small.
    3. they were protesting against those who had gone back to work
    4. they felt the security of all teachers was lacking.
  5. How would the government solve this problem after transferring the teachers but without employing more teachers?
    1. Increase the number of teachers willing to go there.
    2. Get teachers from elsewhere and post them to North-Eastern Kenya.
    3. Allow teachers to choose where they wanted to work.
    4. Force the unwilling teachers to return there.
  6. Transferring of teachers as demanded by the teachers would MOST LIKELY cause
    1. improvement of education standards .
    2. discomfort to the locals of North-Eastem Kenya.
    3. imbalance of teachers’ mumbers.
    4. indisciptine amonp seadents:
  7. As the teachers and the government maintained their stand against each other.
    1. Pupils suffered.
    2. teachers suffered.
    3. the government relaxed.
    4. the sucrity agents had no work.
  8. The government's use of threats, insults and intimidation to make teachers return to work suggests that
    1. It has finally found a way of dealing with the teachers
    2. the teachers have started returning slowly
    3. teachers can only be formed in order to return to work.
    4. it is desperate to ensure learning resumes.
  9. What do teachers expect the government to do in terms of their security?
    1. To be convinced that they will be safer than earlier.
    2. Practically put measures they can in place on the ground,
    3. To be assured of their security by the police.
    4. To be given guns to use for self-defence.
  10. A teacher, according to the passage
    1. works best under threats and intimidation.
    2. can work only where he or she wants
    3. is being paid less than what he or she should be
    4. needs to be given more security than any other employee
  11. Why is the teachers' employer not adressing the real issue raised by the teachers? It
    1. doesn't seem to respond to the teachers' demand.
    2. has enough teachers to replace the ones on strike.
    3. is used to the continuous strikes of the teachers
    4. does not believe the teachers are in any danger.
  12. the BEST title for this passage, would be
    1. Causes of strikes among teachers
    2. How security of the country can be improved.
    3. Security officers in North Eastern Kenya need education,
    4. The stand-off between teachers and government.


Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your won words, making it as interesting as you can

We arrive at the venue of a championship early. Already , many teams in brightly coloured kits had come and we were sure the whistle would soon be blown...

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
Friday, 10 September 2021 09:28

Science - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. The following are characteristics of clouds
    They are rain laden.
    They have a flat base,
    They are dark or grey in colour.
    They bring fine weather
    They are thick white feathery
    Which among the above characteristics describe cumulus clouds?
    1. (ii), (iv), (v)
    2. (iii), (iv). (vi)
    3. (ii)(iii).(v)
    4. (i)(iii), (iv))
  2. The fusion of sex cells in human being take place in the
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. oviduct
    4. testis
  3. Which one of the following farm practices conserve soil and water?
    1. Terracing
    2. Building gabions
    3. Planting trees
    4. Mulching
  4. The following are signs and symptoms of certain diseases.
    Skin rashes 
    Abdominal pains
    Sore on the walls of intestines.
    The disease is LIKELY to be
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Typhoid
    3. Cholera
    4. Malaria
  5. The diagram below shows a maize seed.
    Which one of the following statement is TRUE?
    1. Part Z is the endosperm.
    2. Part Y forms the embryo.
    3. Part W forms the shoot. 
    4. Part X store food for the young plant.
  6. Which one of the following pairs of materials are opaque?
    1. Oil and mirror
    2. Wood and windscreen
    3. Skylight and paraffin
    4. Frosted glass and metal
  7. The following are materials used to make a certain weather instrument.
    Metal sheets.
    The weather instrument is MAINLY used to measure
    1. strength of wind
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. air temperature
    4. direction of wind
  8. The following are sources of electricity EXCEPT
    1. car batteries
    2. solar panel
    3. torch bulb
    4. dynamo
  9. Which one of the following materials is used as insulator?
    1. Copper wire
    2. Rubber band
    3. Iron rod
    4. Aluminium wire
  10. The BEST way of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the school going pupils is by
    1. being faithful to one partner.
    2. encouraging the use of condoms.
    3. visiting V.C.T. 
    4. abstaining from sex.
  11. Which one of the following excretory product is NOT excreted by the skin?
    1. Carbondioxide
    2. Urea
    3. Excess water
    4. Excess salt
  12. Which one of the following sexual transmitted infections is caused by virus?
    1. Syphilis
    2. Gonorrhoea
    3. Chancroid
    4. Genital herpes
  13. The following are adaptation of a certain plant.
    Needlike leaves.
    Thick waxy cuticle
    Sunken stomata
    Folded leaves
    The plant growing in the same environment is also LIKELY to have
    1. large flat leaves.
    2. deep root.
    3. air sacs
    4. flexible stems
  14. Which of the following pairs of plants are non green and flowerless?
    1. Algae and bacteria
    2. Fern and liverworts . 
    3. Mushroom and mucor
    4. Pine and cedar
  15. The diagram below shows an experiment on change of state on matter.
    Which process take place at the point marked M?
    1. Evaporation
    2. Boiling
    3. Condensation
    4. Freezing
  16. Which one of the following is NOT as a result of bending of light?
    1. A coin in water appear raised.
    2. Formation of images on mirrors.
    3. Swimming pools appears raised.
    4. Formation of the rainbow.
  17. The following are effects of drug abuse.Which one is an economic effect?
    1. Loss of income.
    2. Accident
    3. Poor health
    4. Marital conflicts
  18. Birds that feed on flesh have
    1. short, straight, thick beak
    2. strong, curved beaks
    3. flat, serrated beaks
    4. long, slender beaks
  19. Which one of the following is NOT a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Rough coat.
    2. Reduced yields.
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Lower yields.
  20. In which of the following parts of digestive system is food NOT digested?
    1. Small intestine
    2. Stomach
    3. Mouth
    4. Large intestines
  21. The set up below can be used to investigate the presence of a certain component of soil.
    Which two components soil can be investigated by the set up shown above
    1. Water and humus
    2. Mineral particles and organic matter.
    3. Water and living organism.
    4. Ilumus and air
  22. The following are examples of straight fertilizer EXCEPT
    1. Munate of potash
    2. CAN
    3. Diammonium Phosphate
    4. Double supersphosphate
  23. The body require enough mineral salts for
    1. energy
    2. good health
    3. growth and repair
    4. muscle development
  24. The following animals lay unfertilized eggs and live partially in water EXCEPT
    1. salamander
    2. toads
    3. crocodile
    4. news
  25. Which one of the following pairs of plants have the same root system?
    1. Onions and sisal
    2. Coconut and mango
    3. Grass and beans
    4. Cowpeas and sorghum
  26. Which one of the following statement is NOT TRUE about all arteries?
    1. They carry blood rich in oxygen.
    2. They carry blood away from the heart.
    3. They have thick walls.
    4. Blood pressure in them is high.
  27. Which two form of energy. DOES NOT require medium for transmission
    1. Electricity and light
    2. Heat and light
    3. Sound and light.
    4. Sound and heat
  28. The diagram below represent the arrangement of the parts of a lever.
    The lever illustrated above is LIKELY to be
    1. spade
    2. wheelbarrow
    3. claw hammer
    4. crowbar
  29. Which one of the following is NOT a way of reducing friction? Using 
    1. ball bearing
    2. rubber 
    3. lubricants
    4. roller
  30. The diagram below shows a food chain
    Maize → rat → snake → vultures
    Which one of the following animal is in the same level with the vultures?
    1. Duck 
    2. Goat
    3. Hyena
    4. Lion
  31. The following are properties of matter
    Have definite volume
    Have definite muss.
    Change state when heated
    Occupy space.
    Which substance given below bave the above characteristics?
    1. Milk and water vapour
    2. Salt and ice
    3. Oxygen and nitrogen
    4. Water and milk
  32. Which one of the following immunizable diseases are immunized at 10 weeks and immediately after birth to young infants?
    1. Polio, Tetanus, Tuberculosis
    2. Whooping cough, Tetanus, Diptheria
    3. Tuberculosis, Measles, Polio
    4. Yellow fever, Polio, Fertusis
  33. The chart below represent approximate percentage of the component of air.
    Which portion represent the gas that is NOT used by living things?
    1. S
    2. T
    3. R
  34. Oil and grease are used in some simple tools to
    1. reduce opposing force
    2. make them more durable.
    3. increase friction.
    4. make them more attractive.
  35. Which of the following feeds provide livestock with protein?
    1. Maize germ 
    2. Lucem 
    3. Cotton seed cake
    4. Mollasses
  36. One of the following is NOT in the same group as a tick. Which one?
    1. Spider
    2. Scorpion
    3. Mite
    4. Crab
  37. The diagram represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter
    The aspect of matter demonstrated is that
    1. liquid expand and contract.
    2. gases expand and contract.
    3. water exert pressure
    4. air occupies space.
  38. Pre-test counselling is given
    1. after the result of the test are released.
    2. after the test is done.
    3. before one takes an HIV test.
    4. before results are released to the person who is tested.
  39. Which one of the following foods will help boost the immune system of the body?
    1. Egg, milk, bacon
    2. Carrot, rice, cassava
    3. Onions, spinach, tomatoes 
    4. Peas, beans, greengrams
  40. When tea leaves is put in a glass of cold water and heated at the bottom, the tea leaves are observed to rise and fall. This is because tea leaves
    1. are carried by hot water which come down on cooling.
    2. and water rise when heated and come down on cooling.
    3. becomes lighter than water when heated.
    4. rise when heated and come down on cooling
  41. Which one of the following is a MAJOR non living component of environment?
    1. Animal
    2. Buildings
    3. Plant
    4. Soil
  42. Which one of the following is NOT a use of water in factory?
    1. Making fountains.
    2. Surfing
    3. Mixing chemicals
    4. Cleaning equipments.
  43. Which one of the following activities is water conserved by re-using?
    1. Using domestic water for washing toilets.
    2. Treating sewage water.
    3. Turning off taps after use.
    4. Harvesting rain water from roofs.
  44. During pregnancy period, the placenta has all the following functions EXCEPT
    1. facilitates the exchange of foods from the mother to the foetus.
    2. allow the mother's blood to mix with foetus blood
    3. facilitates the exchange of gases between the mother.
    4. allows the passage of waste from the foetus to the mother.
  45. During the investigation of soil water retention all the following materials need to be the same EXCEPT
    1. size of the funnel. 
    2. time allowed for the experiment.
    3. types of soil
    4. amount of water added.
  46. A flower which has long feathery stigma and loosely held anthers is also LIKELY
    1. produce nectar.
    2. have sweet scent
    3. have brightly coloured petals.
    4. produce many pollen grains
  47. A beam balance is used fo
    1. comparing mass of different objects.
    2. measuring volume of objects.
    3. comparing size of different objects.
    4. measuring height of objects.
  48. Study the diagram below
    Which pair of blood vessels above carry blood that is bright red in colour? 
    1. W.X
    2. W.S
    3. ST D
    4. T.X
  49. Carnassial teeth found in the carnivorous animals are modified
    1. canine and premnolars
    2. pre molars and molars
    3. canine
    4. incisors
  50. The diagram below shows a method of separating mixture
    The method can be used to separate
    1. coarse and fine sand
    2. salt and iron filling
    3. sugar and water 
    4. maize and beans


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. A
  48. C
  49. B
  50. A
Thursday, 09 September 2021 13:44

Mathematics - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. What is 8 346 524 in words?
    1. Eight million three hundred and forty six thousand, five hundred and twenty four.
    2. Eighty three million forty six thousand five hundred and twenty four
    3. Eight hundred and thirty four thousand six hundred and fifty two and four tenth.
    4. Eighty three million four hundred and six thousand and twenty four.
  2. What is the value of
    1. 1
    2. 9
    3. 12
    4. 60
  3. What is 4 899.84 rounded off the nearest whole number?
    1. 4899
    2. 4 899.8
    3. 7890
    4. 4 900
  4. What is the LCM of 18, 24 and 36?
    1. 6
    2. 72
    3. 144
    4. 108
  5. What is the sum of the total values of digit 2 and digit 7 in the number 4 265 785?
    1. 200 000
    2. 700
    3. 200 700
    4. 265 700
  6. Hassan bought the following items from a shop.
    3 packets of maize flour at sh. 110
    2kg rice for sh. 210 1 1/2kg of ndengu at Sh. 140
    2 loaves of bread at sh. 55
    If he paid using 2-500 shilling notes, how much balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 140
    2. Sh. 860
    3. Sh. 199
    4. Sh. 805
  7. What is the value of x in the equation?
    1. 4  
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 1
  8. The area of a square is 3 364m2. What is the length of one side of the square?
    1. 1 682
    2. 58
    3. 841
    4. 52
  9. What is the CORRECT order of writing the fractions 2/3, 1/2, 3/5, 4/from the smallest to the largest? 
    1.  2/33/54/71/2 
    2.  1/22/33/5 ,4/7
    3.  1/2 ,4/7  , 3/5 ,2/3
    4.  4/7 ,3/5   , 2/3 ,1/2
  10. In the triangle ABC below, draw a bisector of angle ABC and angle BCD. Join the two bisectors and let them meet at x. Let point x be the centre of the circle and draw a circle touching the sides ABC. What is the length of the radius?
    1. 2.5cm
    2. 5c
    3. 42cm
    4. 8.4c
  11. A rectangular picce of land measures 215m by 65m. Fencing posts are put at an interval of 5m. How many posts are required to fence?
    1. 56
    2. 280
    3. 560
    4. 112
  12. Okello bought a jacket for sh. 1 350 after getting a 10% discount. What was the marked price of the jacket?
    1. Sh. 1 215
    2. Sh. 1 650
    3. Sh. 1 500
    4. Sh. 1 800
  13. The table below shows the number of crates of a soda delivered in a depot for six days.
    Days Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
    No of crates   24  32  18  25  27  33

    What was the median sale in that week?
    1. 27
    2. 18
    3. 33
    4. 26
  14. Nyar Gem and Jar Kisumu shared some money in the ratio 2:3. How much more money did Jar Kisumu get than Nyar Gem if they shared Sh. 8 400 in total?
    1. Sh. 3 360
    2. Sh. 1 680
    3. Sh. 5 040
    4. Sh. 4 200
  15. What is the value of 0.6+0.4+0.25
    1. 2.2
    2. 4.4
    3. 11
    4. 3.6
  16. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about a square?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Has two pairs of parallel sides.
    3. All interior angles are equal.
    4. Diagonals are not equal.
  17. Kamau had the following denominations of money.
    2 - 1000 shillings notes
    12- 500 shilling notes
    8 - 200 shilling notes.
    12 - 100 shilling notes
    He decided to change all the money into fifty shilling notes How many notes did he get in total?
    1. 408
    2. 216
    3. 10 800
    4. 108
  18. On a map a road of 12km is represented by 6cm. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:2 00
    2. B. 1: 20 000
    3. 1:200 000
    4. 1:2 000 000
  19. What is the simplest form of
    1.  8x +2y
    2. 6x
    3. 4.x + 2y
    4. 8x
  20. A rectangular plot has a diagonal of 170m. If the lenth is 150m, how long is the width?
    1. 120m
    2. 160m
    3. 80m
    4. 270m
  21. The triangle PQR below is drawn to scale.
    What is the size of angle QPR?
    1. 55°
    2. 74°
    3. 68°
    4. 52°
  22. Ogello is paid sh. 14 375 after working for 25 day's How much does he carn for working 12 days?
    1. Sh. 575
    2. Sh. 6000
    3. Sh 11 500
    4. SHS 750
  23. A meeting was attended by 600 people. Out of these 0.14 were men, 0.2 were women and the rest were youth How many youths were there?
    1. 84
    2. 204
    3. 120
    4. 396
  24. Terry is twice as old as Tracy but eight years younger than Iriza, If Tracy is y years old. what will be the sum of their ages in 6 years lo come?
    1. 5y +26
    2. 5y + 8
    3. 4y + 26
    4. 4y + 18
  25. A family uses 2 - 500ml packets of milk daily. How many litres of milk does the family consume in the month of January. February and March of a leap year?
    1. 92 litres
    2. 90 litres
    3. 89 litres
    4. 91 litres
  26. What is the square root of 0.0016?
    1. 0.0004
    2. 0.004 
    3. 0.04
    4. 04
  27. Kiprono ran round the track 7 times.
    How many kilometres did he cover?
    1. 3
    2. 30
    3. 300
    4. 3 000
  28. Wanjala bought a cow at Sh. 14 000. During the dry season he sold-it making a 15% loss. At what price did he sell the cow?
    1. Sh 11 900
    2. Sh. 16 100
    3. Sh. 2 100
    4. Sh. 12 150
  29. A wheel of radius 28cm makes 2 000 revolutions. How many kilometres docsit cover?
    1. 325 000km
    2. 3 520km
    3. 352km
    4. 3.52km
  30. What is the value of
    1/2 + 1/2(1/3 - 1/6) of 2/3 ÷ 1/4?

    1. 13/18
    2. 5/18
    3. 13/24
    4. 12/17
  31. Kawira bought 60 mangoes @ sh. 5 each. She spent sh. 100 on transport. During transportaion, 10 mangoes got spoilt and sold the rest at sh 12 each. How much profit did she make?
    1. Sh. 300
    2. Sh. 200
    3. Sh. 150
    4. Sh. 400
  32. Line AB below is part of a Rhombus. Angle ABC 65° Complete the Rhombus. What is the length of diagonal BD?

    1. 5.8cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 10.3cm
    4. 8.6cm
  33. A bus left Mombasa on Tuesday at 8:30pm. It took 8 hours 45min to reach Nairobi. On what day and time did it get to Nairobi?
    1. Wednesday 0515hrs
    2. Wednesday 1715hrs
    3. Tuesday 1515hrs
    4. Tuesday 0315hrs
  34. The pie chart below shows how Mkulima spent his sh. 36 000 salary
    How much did he save?
    1. 6 000
    2. 4 000
    3. 2 000
    4. 24 000
  35. A car travelled a distance of 216km in 3 hours hours and later covered another 144km in 2 hours. What was the average speed in km per hour.
    1. 72km/h
    2. 60km/h
    3. 80km/h
    4. 90km/h
  36. The diagram below shows a cuboid.
    Calculate the surface area.
    1. 220cm2 
    2. 196cm2 
    3. 168cm2 
    4. 112cm2 
  37. A carton contains 36 - 500g tins of blueband. How many tonnes does such 12 cartons carry?
    1. 216
    2. 21.6
    3. 2.16
    4. 0.216
  38. The diagram below sows a Trapezium ABCD
    What is the area of the trapezium?
    1. 840cm2 
    2. 420cm2
    3. 510cm2 
    4. 255cm2 
  39. A tank had water upto 4 full. When 120 litres of water were drawn from the tank, it became 1/2 full. What was the capacity of the tank?
    1. 160 litres
    2. 480 litres
    3. 360 litres
    4. 340 litres
  40. At a prayer rally 2 800 men attended. The number of women was 1 800 more than that of men but 3 200 less than that of children. How many people attended the rally?
    1. 15 200
    2. 10 600
    3. 7 400
    4. 7800
  41. In the figure below ABCDE is a rhombus and BCD is a triangle. Angle BDC = 54° and line BD = line BC.
    What is the size of angle DEA?
    1. 63º
    2. 68°
    3. 117°
    4. 78°
  42. The table below shows the charges of sending money via money order.
    Range Charged
    upto - 1000  110 
    1001 - 2500  165
    2501 - 5000  225
    5001 - 10000  285
    10001 - 20000  355

    Njagi sent two money orders one of sh. 12 000 and another one of sh. 7 500. How much money in total did he pay at the post office?
    1. Sh. 19 500
    2. Sh.20 040
    3. Sh. 640
    4. Sh. 20 140
  43. Kirinkai is paid a basic salary of sh. 18 000 and a commission of 4% on all the sales he makes. How much money did he earn in a month he sold goods worth sh. 480 000
    1. Sh. 19 200
    2. Sh. 18 000
    3. Sh. 37 200 
    4. Sh. 19 920
  44. What is the sixth number in the pattern
    1, 4, 9, 16,_____?
    1. 25
    2. 36
    3. 49
    4. 29
  45. The marked price of a generator is sh. 36 000 but a discount of 20% is given on cash payment. On hire purchase a deposit of sh. 6 000 and monthly instalment of sh. 3 000 for 12 months. How much more is the hirepurchase price than cash price?
    1. Sh. 42 000
    2. Sh. 28 800
    3. Sh. 12 000 
    4. Sh. 13 200
  46. The table mat below is made up of rectangular cloth joined to a semi-circular ones.
    What is the area of the table mat?
    1. 12 712cm2 
    2. 8808cm2 
    3. 4 704cm2 
    4. 8 710cm2 
  47. The table below shows the number of crates of broad sold by a supplier.
    No. of crates sold  16  15  7  6  13  8  12

    If a crate holds 15 breads, how many breads did he sell that week?
    1. 77
    2. 1155
    3. 1005
    4. 67
  48. The mass of an empty lorry is 7.2 tonnes. When loaded with 60 bags of maize each with a mass of 90kg and 45 bags of rice each of mass 50kg. What is the mass of loaded lorry in tonnes?
    1. 14.85 tonnes
    2. 7650 tonnes
    3. 7.65 tonnes
    4. 14 850 tonnes
  49. The number of road accidents recorded in the country in the year 2019 was 17 000.In the year 2020 the number decreased to 14 450. What was the percentage decrease?
    1. 1712%
    2. 85%
    3. 15%
    4. 20
  50. The graph below shows the journey by Kipkewewe from Kapchorua to Kiplagich and back.
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 12km/h
    2. 30km/h
    3. 24km/h 
    4. 40km/h


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. C
Thursday, 09 September 2021 08:39

Kiswahili - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Kina nafasi 1 hadi 15. Kwa kila nafasi, umepewa maneno manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa

Mtoto    1    aliacha mchezo    2    aliokuwa nao na akafuata maneno    3    akiambiwa afuate na baba yake. Alitokea     4     mtoto    5        6    wote    7    darasani    8    , kwa hivyo mtihani    9     yeye ndiye    10     wa kwanza.

  1. A. ule                           B. yule                         C. wale                  D. vile
  2. A. yake                        B. zake                        C. wake                 D. lake
  3. A. aliyokuwa                B. aliokuwa                 C. alizokuwa          D. alilokuwa
  4. A. kua                          B. kuka                        C. kuwa                 D. kukuwa
  5. A. mhodari                   B. hodari                     C. mbora                D. mshujaa
  6. A. kumliko                    B. kuwaliko                 C. kuliko                 D. kukiliko
  7. A. huo                          B. hilo                          C. hiyo                   D. humo
  8. A. mwao                       B. lao                          C. yao                   D. nao
  9. A. ulikuja                      B. ulipokuja                 C. uliyekuja           D. ilipokuja
  10. A. atakayekuwa           B. aliyekuwa                C. angekuwa        D. angalikuwa

Ama kweli, elimu ni bahari     11    haina mwisho. Kila siku, mja    12     jambo     13      ambalo hakulijua. Nayo elimu humfaa mmiliko wake kwa     14     na marefu. Mtu aliyesoma, kwa mfano, hupata kazi nzuri na hujua     15     na watu.

  1. A. ambalo                     B. ambao                     C. ambaye              D. ambayo
  2. A. amejifunza                B. anajifunza               C. hujifunza            D. atajifunza
  3. A. mpya                        B. jipya                         C. mapya                D. lipya
  4. A. mapana                    B. mengi                      C. machache         D. mageni
  5. A. Kutengana                B. kutengemana          C. kutangamana    D. kutegana

Kutoka swali la 16 mpaka 30, chagua jibu lililo sahihi

  1. Kitenzi 'choka katika kauli ya kutendesha ni
    1. chokesha
    2. choza
    3. chosha
    4. chokea
  2. Tumia kiunganishi mufti kujaza pengo
    Niliweza kumwua ndovu ______ swara
    1. laiti
    2. ilhali
    3. sembuse
    4. lakini
  3. Udogo wa neno 'mwana' ni
    1. jijana
    2. jana
    3. Kimwana
    4. kijana
  4. Chagua kinyume cha neno lililopigiwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo
    Baada ya kutabasamu, alianza kuhutubia hadhira
    1. kucheka
    2. kununa
    3. kughafilika
    4. kulia
  5. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo
    Dua la kuku halimpati
    1. mjinga
    2. ndege
    3. mbwa
    4. mwewe
  6. Sehemu ya chini ya sikio huitwa
    1. ndewe
    2. masharubu
    3. paji
    4. mashavu
  7. Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    Mti uzaao embe unaitwa mwembe.
    1. Miti zizaazo miembe zinaitwa maembe.
    2. Miti izaayo miembe inaitwa maembe.
    3. Miti izaayo maembe huitwa myembe.
    4. Miti izaayo maembe inaitwa miembe.
  8. Jaza pengo kwa kivurishi kilaache
    Mtoto _____ alianguka vibaya sana
    1. mwenye
    2. wenyewe 
    3. mwenyewe
    4. enyewe
  9. Mtu anayefanya kazi ya kujenga kwa mawe huitwa
    1. sonara
    2. mwashi
    3. hamali
    4. nokoa
  10. Tegua kitendawili hiki
    Njoo umwone umpendaye.
    1. Kioo
    2. Picha
    3. Runinga
    4. Filamu
  11. Malipo ya kuolewa huitwa
    1. nauli
    2. koto
    3. mahali
    4. mahari
  12. Kanchiri, shimizi, kaptura na kocho kwa jina moja ni
    1. nguo
    2. mavazi
    3. mapambo
    4. maumbo
  13. Bainisha akisami inayoonyesha subui
    1. 1/7
    2. 1/3
    3. 1/8
    4. 1/9
  14. . Tumia '-ingine kwa usahihi:
    Mama amenunua nguo _______ nyingi
    1. zingine
    2. ingine
    3. nyingine
    4. mengine
  15. Tumia 'amba' kwa usahihi
    Mwalimu aliyeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi.
    1. Mwalimu ambaye anayeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    2. Mwalimu ambaye aliyeingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    3. Mwalimu ambaye aingiaye na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi
    4. Mwalimu ambaye aliingia na vitabu ni Bwana Mirobi.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31-40

Adili alijiandaa kwa safari ya kuitikia wito wa mfalme.

Farasi watatu walitandikwa matandiko mazuri. Yeye alipanda farasi mmoja, na mmoja kwa kila nyani. Ikibali alipanda farasi wake mwenyewe. Farasi wa Adili na yule wa Ikibali walikwenda sambamba njiani. Nyuma yao waliandamana nyani juu ya farasi. Kila mtu aliyeona nyani wamepanda farasi alistaajabu. Mnyama kupandwa na mnyama! Ulikuwa mpeo wa miujiza kwa watu.

Vinywa vya umati wa watu vilikuwa wazi kwa kivumo cha lo salala! Wakati umefika wa mawe kusema, miti kujibu na wanyama kuwa watu! Ikibali aligeuza uso wake kwa Adili akasema kwa ucheshi, "Mbwa wanatubwekea kama walionusa kundi la wanyama wanaowindwa." Adili alikubali kwa kuinamisha kichwa akitabasamu. Walisafiri hivi mpaka nchiya mfalme. Baada ya kutua, Adili alipelekwa mbele ya mfalme na manyani wake.

  1. Adili alijizatiti kwenda
    1. kumsalimia mfalme
    2. kuonana na mfalme
    3. kumwua falme
    4. kuwatandika farasi
  2. Farasi watatu waliandikwa matandiko walikuwa ni wa kuwabeba
    1. Mfalme, Adili na Ikibali
    2. Adili, Ikibali na mfalme
    3. Ikibali, Adili na nduguze
    4. Adili na nyani wawili
  3. Farasi wa Ikibali na wa Adili walikwenda sambamba. Maana yake ni kuwa walikwenda
    1. mmoja mblele mwingine nyuma
    2. karibu karibu
    3. unyounyo mwendo wa asteaste
    4. sawasawa ubavu kwa ubavu 
  4. Manyani waliandamana nyuma ya Ikibali na Adili. Ndiko kusema Adili na Ikibali waliandamana na nyani
    1. sambamba
    2. unyounyo
    3. mkabala
    4. chapuchapu
  5. Kilichowashangaza watu zaidi katika habari hii ni
    1. Adili kuongozana na ikibali
    2. Adili kupanda farasi.
    3. Nyani kupanda farasi
    4. Mawe kusema, miti kujibu na wanyama kuwa watu
  6. kibali aliposema kwa ucheshi, bila shaka
    1. alinuna
    2. alighadhabika
    3. alinong'ona
    4. alitabasamu
  7. Mbwa alibweka. Je, wangekuwa fahali wangefanyaje?
    1. Wengeroroma
    2. Wangenguruma
    3. Wangekoroma
    4. Wangetetea
  8. Ikibali alipogeuza uso wake kwa Adili, bila shaka
    1. alimtazama Adili
    2. alimpa Adili kisogo
    3. alimkabidhi Adili
    4. hakumwangalia ana kwa ana
  9. Walipofika na kuwasili ughaibuni
    1. mfalme waliwalaki
    2. nyani walichoka
    3. Adili na Ikibali waliagana
    4. Adili alifikishwa maskanini pa mfalme
  10. Kauli ipi si sahihi kulingana na makara haya?
    1. Watu walishangazwa na nyani waliopanda farasi
    2. Watu walishangilia ili nyani wapande farasi
    3. Mbwa nao waliobweka walipowaona Ikibali na Adili
    4. Adili na nyani waliitwa na mfalme

Soma barua ifuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 41 hadi 50

Zera Ahmed.
S.L.P 27001,

Meneja wa Benki Kuu,
S.L.P 20101


Mimi nina umri wa miaka thelathini, nimesomea kazi hii ya kufanya kazi kwenye benki kama mhasibu. Niliupata waraka mliokuwa mmetuma mkitafuta mhasibu. Mimi ni  mmoja wa wahasibu wale bora na maarufu zaidi nchini.

Nimeisomea kazi hii katika mojawapo wa vyuo vikuu nchini. Nilikuwa katika chuo kikuu kisha nikajaribu kufanya kazi kwa miaka miwili kwani nilikuwa nikijua kuwa, haba na haba hujaza kibaba.

Mimi ni stadi katika hisabati na lugha nyingine nyingi kama vile Kiswahili, King'eng'e, Kifaransa, Kijerumani pamoja na lugha nyingine nyingi.

Sipendi mapendeleo labda katika kabila, aila au hata rangi ya sura.

Huu ndio mwanya peke yake ninao wa kupata kazi hii ya uhasibu. Tafadhali ninakusihi unipe kazi hii.

Wako mwaminifu,

Zena Ahmed.

  1. Barua ya aina hii huitwa
    1. barua ya kindugu
    2. barua ya kirafiki
    3. barua rasmi
    4. barua kuu
  2. Anwani ya pili katika barua hii ni ya
    1. mwandishi
    2. mwandikiwa
    3. Zena
    4. mhasibu
  3. Barua hii iliandikwa mwezi gani?
    1. Februari
    2. Machi
    3. Juni
    4. Januari
  4. Nia ya mwandishi huyu kuandika barua hii ni
    1. Kuwa meneja 
    2. kuenda chuo kikuu
    3. kuwa tarishi wa benki
    4. ombi la kazi katika benki
  5. Mwandishi amesomea kasi ya
    1. utabibu
    2. uhasibu
    3. ualimu
    4. ukadamu
  6. Kazi ya uhasibu ni ipi?
    1. Kazi ya kuhesabu pes
    2. Amali ya kuchunga pesa
    3. Riziki ya upelelezi
    4. Kazi ya ufundi
  7. Baadhi ya mapendeleo ambayo mwandishi hayapendi na yametajwa ni kama vile
    1. ukabila
    2. jinsia
    3. lugha
    4. elimu
  8. Mwandishi wa habari hii amesoma hadi
    1. shule ya msingi
    2. chuo kikuu
    3. shule ya upili
    4. chekechea
  9. Zena Ahmed alisomea kazi hii ya uhasibu wapi?
    1. Chuo kikuu 
    2. Shule ya upili
    3. Shule ya msingi
    4. Chuo cha ufundi
  10. Mwandishi wa habari aliandika barua akiwa wapi?
    1. Makerere
    2. Mombasa
    3. Benki
    4. Nairobi



  1. A
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. C
  17. C
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. B
  32. D
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. A
  39. D
  40. B
  41. C
  42. B
  43. D
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. A
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B
Thursday, 09 September 2021 08:04

English - Class 6 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Read the following passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 - 15.
Choose the BEST alternative to fill the blank spaces.

Finally.      1      day we had all      2       waiting       3       came. Nora and      4      had       5      up very early that morning      6     father had told us that we would not be leaving early. We prepared       7      and packed our      8       eager        9      the trip. Time seemed to move slowly as we waited for the driver who       10      be taking us to Moyale The driver finally arrived in a     11     car at about noon. He found us all      12     outside the front door of     13     house. Then, we left     14     Moyale. The first section of the road was so bumpy     15    we did not enjoy much.

  1. A. an                    B. the                   C. these                      D. this
  2. A. been                B. be                    C. to be                       D. being
  3. A. at                     B. by                     C. of                           D. for
  4. A. me                   B. myself              C. I                              D. mine
  5. A. woke                B. waked              C. woken                    D. wake
  6. A. although           B. and                  C. because                 D. since
  7. A. Our selfs          B. themselves      C. ourselves              D. myself
  8. A. luggages          B. lugage              C. lugagge                 D. luggage
  9. A. at                      B. for                    C. of                           D. by
  10. A. could                B. would               C. was                        D. will
  11. A. bigger               B. biggest             C big                          D. smaller
  12. A. waiting              B. waited              C wait                        D. to wait
  13. A. my                    B. his                    C. their                      D. our
  14. A. to                      B. at                     C. for                          D. by
  15. A. and                   B. than                  C. but also                 D. that

For questions 16 - 17. complete the sentences with the correct question tag 1

  1. The girl broke the vase,_____________?
    1. did she
    2. was she
    3. didn't she
    4. isn't it
  2. They will come tomorrow,________?
    1. willn't they
    2. won't they
    3. are they
    4. can't they

For questions 18 - 21, choose the correct word to complete the sentences

  1. She cannot seem ____________ she kept her keys.
    1. where
    2. why
    3. how
    4. what 
  2. The thieves broke ______ the house.
    1. into
    2. out
    3. up
    4. in
  3. The man was sufferng _______ malaria
    1. of
    2. by
    3. with
    4. from
  4. David can visit either Mombasa ____ Samburu
    1. and
    2. also
    3. and not
    4. or

For questions 22-24, choose the opposite of the underlined words.

  1. The interior of the tank was painted
    1. exterior
    2. inside
    3. bottom
    4. top
  2. The arrival time of the train was changed
    1. stopping
    2. depart
    3. coming
    4. departure
  3. The lazy pupil will be punished.
    1. idle
    2. industrious
    3. stupid
    4. kind

For question 25. choose the word that least fits in the group .

    1. Kettle
    2. Swarm
    3. Herd
    4. Flock

Read the following passage and then answer questions 26 - 38

Just before dark, we took up our abode for the night at a small village where I bought some food for myself and some corn for my horse at the moderate price of a button and was told that I would see the river Niger early in the next day.

The lions here are numerous. The gates of the compound are shut a little after sunset, and no one is allowed to go out after this curfew. The thoughts of seeing the Niger in the morning, and the buzzing of the mosquitoes, prevented me from sleeping until nearly dawn.

I saddled my horse and was in readiness to start before any of my followers but we were obliged to wait until the villagers were stirring and the gates opened. As this happened to be a market day at Sego, the roads leading to the village were crowded with traders and merchadise. However, we drew along fairly rapidly in spite of a few stops on account of false alarms, and after Passing through some marshy land, we at last saw in the distance the Niger!

  1. At what time did the writer and the rest take up abode at the small vilage?
    1. At dawn
    2. Late at night
    3. At dusk
    4. in the morning
  2. What did the writer buy for the horses?
    1. Corn
    2. Hay
    3. Biscuits
    4. A button
  3. Which word means the same as 'numerous' as used in the passage?
    1. Few
    2. Dangerous
    3. Very many
    4. Very big
  4. How did the writer know that river Niger was quite near?
    1. There were many mosquitoes
    2. He was told that he would be able to reach it early the next day
    3. The village was in a marsh
    4. The village shut its gates at sunset
  5. Why were the gates of the village shut a little after sunset?
    1. To keep off mosquitoes
    2. To discourage visitors
    3. Because of the many lions there
    4. They were expecting an attack
  6. What prevented the writer from sleeping?
    1. The buzzing of the mosquitoes and thoughts of seeing the Niger
    2. The constant roaring of lions
    3. The thoughts of seeing the Niger and mosquito bites
    4. The noise from the villagers
  7. Why didn't the writer leave early as he had planned?
    1. It was a market day
    2. It was very cold
    3. He was late to wake up
    4. The gates had not been opened
  8. We can say that the price of the corn was
    1. cheap
    2. expensive
    3. clear
    4. very high
  9. Why were the roads crowded?
    1. The people travelled away from Sego when the gates were opened
    2. The people of Sego were all merchants
    3. It was a market day in the village
    4. There were so many visitors in the village
  10. What was the purpose of the writer's journey?
    1. To trade in the village
    2. To buy food
    3. To spend the night at Sego
    4. To see the Niger
  11. Which word below is the synonym of obliged' as used in the passage?
    1. allowed
    2. compelled
    3. pleaded
    4. requested
  12. Teh writer made a few stops on the way due to
    1. false alarms
    2. marshy ground
    3. fatigue and hunger
    4. getting lost
  13. Choose the most appropriate title for the passage
    1. An insecure village
    2. A village market day
    3. The dangerous lions
    4. A journey to the Niger

Road the following passage and then answer questions 39 - 50

June 1978 was the 25th anniversary of the climbiig of Mt. Everest. This great mountain in the Himalayan mountains of Northern India, the highest mountain in the world, had always tooked down mockingly on mere man, seeming to say, "I challenged you to climb me, poor, weak morials." And try they did, "but failed to reach the top. There were avalanches, blizzards, extreme cold and hunger to contend with.

Then it happened! The news flashed around the world and Edmud Hillary and John Hunt had led a party of devoted climbers ever upwards until the fateful moment when Hillary himself and a Nepalese. Tensing Norgay set foot upon the roof of the world and looked down from a height of 3,848 metres

Celebrations followed to mark the great exploit Queen Elizabeth Il awarded him, Hillary and Tensing with the Biritish Empire Medal

  1. If June 1978 was the 25th anniversary of climbing the mountain, when was it climbed?
    1. June 1950
    2. June 1920
    3. June 1953
    4. June 1978
  2. In which country is Mt. Everest?
    1. Europe
    2. India
    3. Britain
    4. Nepal
  3. Those who tried to climb the mountain and failed taced the following problems except
    1. money
    2. cold
    3. hunger
    4. blizzards
  4. The word that is similar in meaning to 'climb' as used in the passage is
    1. ascend
    2. descend
    3. lower
    4. catch 
  5. Who led the party of devoted climbers?
    1. Queen Elizabeth II
    2. Tensing and Norgay
    3. Edmund Hillary and Queen Elizabeth II
    4. Edmund Hillary and John Hunt
  6. What is referred to as the roof of the world according to the passage?
    1. The metal they received
    2. The celebrations
    3. The peak of the mountain
    4. The party that climbed the mountain
  7. The following received medals according to the passage except
    1. Hunt
    2. Queen Elizabeth II
    3. Tensing
    4. Hillary 
  8. Which one of the following statements is false according to the passage
    1. The Everest is the nighest mountain in the world
    2. The first people to try climbing the Everest mountain did not reach the top.
    3. No climbers have ever reached the top of the Everest mountain
    4. The first people to reach the top of the Everest mountain were rewarded a medal
  9. Climbing of mountains is called
    1. mountaineering
    2. surfing
    3. skiing
    4. gliding 
  10. The height of the Everest mountain in metres is
    1. 8884
    2. 8848
    3. 8488
    4. 8084
  11. The great exploit was foiled by
    1. hunger
    2. punishment
    3. ridicule
    4. celebrations
  12. The most appropriate title for the passage would be
    1. The cold mountain
    2. The fateful journey 
    3. Climbing Mount Everest
    4. A failed attempt

Your neighbour has been disturbing your family by playing loud music at nigh over the weekends. Write a letter to the chief of your area to complain about it.


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. A
  13. D
  14. C
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. D
  21. D
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. C
  27. A
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. A
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. D
  36. B
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. B
  41. A
  42. A
  43. D
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. B
  49. D
  50. C
Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:41

Home Science- Grade 5 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2


  1. List five things we need in order to grow healthy
  2. Write the names of three illnesses that affect people 
  3. Making cleaning materials and tools from locally available materials is called __________________
  4. Write the names of the following cleaning tools 
  5. Name the materials used for making shoes
  6. Match the fuel with the item that uses it
  7. What is fuel conservation 
  8. A __________________is a person who buys or uses goods and services rendered to them.
  9. Name the three classes of food
  10. What is food hygiene? 
  11. What is the name of the needle work tool put on the index finger to protect it from harm __________________
  12. A child between the ages of 9 and 12 years is called a __________________
  13. List two changes that take place in both boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 12 years
  14. what is good grooming __________________
  15. Name three things we need to consider to be able to plan our time


  1. eating healthy food, exercising, drinking water, 
  2. malaria, pneumonia, typhoid, 
  3. Improvising
  4. dust pan, broom
  5. leathers, textiles, synthetics, rubber, foam, and plastic, threads
    • Kerosene - kerosene stove
    • Charcoal - Jiko
    • Wood - Traditional fire place
    • Electricity - Electric cooker
    • Gas - Gas cooker
  7. Fuel conservation is the attempt to conserve and preserve these fossil fuels. 
  8. Consumer/ consumer
  9. Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates
  10. Food hygiene can be defined as handling, preparing and storing food or drink in a way that best reduces the risk of consumers becoming sick from the food disease-borne.
  11. Thimble
  12. tween
    1. body changes e.g hair growth
    2. Increased need of privacy
  14. good grooming is taking care of yourself and your body through practising good hygiene techniques
  15. keep track of your activities, make a list and prioritize, Establish a routine, 



  1. List the responsibilities God has given us over his creation.(lmk)
  2. When God created Adam and Bve, He gave man the power to rule over animals. This means
    that taking care of animals is our _______________(responsibility, talent)
  3. The sentences below explain what happens to children who experience child labor. Choose an answer from the box below for each sentence.
    [Body injuries      absenteeism            tiredness         Poor health]
    1. Elizabeth misses school at least three times a week.____________
    2. One of Ezra's eyes is swollen. Some chemicals got into his eye while he was working in the flour factory_____________
    3. Malkia is very thin and weak.______________________
    4. David is always sleepy during lessons_______________________
  4. Rearrange the jumbled letters to get the correct words.
    1. SAENK  ____________________
    2. VEE  ____________________
    3. MADA  ____________________
    4. DOYSIEB  ____________________
  5. How did Adam and eve disobey God?
  6. Explain the importance of obeying school rules.
  7. What is family unity? 
  8. Write down the values that promote unity in a family. (3mk)
  9. What challenges does a family face? (2mk)
  10. Why is the bible referred to as a guide? (I mk) 
  11. How does the bible help you relate well with your teachers?
  12. The word puzzle below has some hidden values that we can acquire through reading the bible. Find the values. 
    A C  G  U  I  K  M O R
     H  Q  S  U  N  W  L  O V E
     O  B  D  I  E  N  C E S
     N  Y  A  C  T  E  G  I K P
     E  B  D  F  Y  H  J  L O E
     S  Q  T  R  U  S  T  X X C
     T  P  R  T  V  X  Z  A C T
     Y  E  G  I  K  M  O  N S T
  13. Who arrested Peter and John? ____________________
  14. Write what you will do to show courage in the following situations:
    1. Your friend asks you to smoke cigarettes.
    2. Your friend is asking you to watch an ungodly movie. 


  1. Which sura describe the events of the year the elephant.
  2. "Verily he who hates you O Mohammad will be cut off from all that is good". Which of the verses below matches this questions.
    1. Faswal-lilirab-rabika wanbar.
    2. In-nal aatwaynakal kaothar'
    3. Falyaboduu rab-ba haadhalbayi
    4. In-na shani-aka-huwal abtar.
  3. The virtues is taught in Suratul Asr.
  4. The story of the elephant is taught in which Surah?
  5. Complete the verse from surah Takathur
    Nata zur tumol ________________________________________
  6. "Worship Allah as if you see him for if you do not see him he sees you. This is a pillar of ____________________
  7. What is the best gift to our parents? 
  8. Complete the following hadith ____________________
  9. When visiting someone's house we should knock ____________________ times.
  10. Write the four sources of fiqh.
  11. In Islamic sheriah things that annoy others but are not sin are called
  12. The mother of Nabii Issa was called ____________________
  13. Blood is an example of  ____________________najis
  14. ____________________is the book that was given to prophet Daud.
  15. ____________________will blow the trumpet 15. on the day of judgement.


  1. rule over animals, fill the earth, cultivate the garden
  2. responsibility
    1. absenteeism
    2. body injuries
    3. poor health
    4. tiredness
    1. snake
    2. eve
    3. adam
    4. disobey
  5. they ate the forbidden fruit
  6. they keep us out of trouble with the teachers
  7. keeping the family together
  8. respect
  9. drug abuse
    child abuse
  10. because it tells us what God wants us to do/ to live
  11. it helps me to lern how to respect and obey my elders.
  12. love
  13. saducees
    1. say no
    2. say no and leave
Wednesday, 08 September 2021 07:04

Social Studies - Grade 5 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2



  1. What is the direction of:
    1. Lake Wasa from church
    2. Tea farm from chief's camp
  2. The main cash crop grown in Wasa area is ______________
  3. People in Wasa area belong to which religion?
  4. The main means of transport in Wasa area is
  5. Who maintains law and order in Wasa area
  6. Which economic activity takes place in Lake Wasa
  7. State 3 elements of a map
  8. Fill in the table below with the correct natural and built environment
    Natural environment  Built environment
  9. Which country borders Kenya to North West__________________
  10. What is weather___________________
  11. State three elements of weather
  12. The main language groups found in Kenya are:
  13. What is the longitude of Kenya _______E and _________E
  14. Name 4 lakes found in Kenya
  15. Name three roles of the school adiminstration
  16. The way of life of a particular community is known as
  17. Name five rivers that drain into Lake Victoria
  18. Who were the traditional teachers?
  19. Traditional society youths were taught through the following ways except
    1. Proverbs
    2. Songs and dances
    3. Riddles
    4. Writing
  20. The largest lake in Kenya is ____________________
  21. The most Northerly point of Kenya is at ____________________
  22. The largest valley in Kenya is ____________________
  23. Use the diagram alongside to answer the questions
    1. ____________________
    2. ____________________
    3. ____________________
    4. ____________________
  24. Our country is called ____________________
  25. Kenya has ____________________ counties.


    1. South West
    2. West
  2. tea
  3. christian
  4. road
  5. police
  6. farming
  7. key, scale, compass
    Natural environment  Built environment



  9. state of the atmosphere for a short period of time
  10. temperature, wind, air pressure, rain
  11. reciting, singing, riddles, proverbs
  12. bantus, nilotes( plain nilotes, highland nilotes, rive-lake nilotes), cushites
  13. 34° and 42°E.
  14. L. turkana, L. victoria, L. nakuru, L. bogoria. L. magadi
  15. maintain discpline, create school program, manage school activities
  16. tradition
  17. River Mara, Kagera, Yala, Nyando, Bukora and Katonga. 
  18. elders in society
  19. writing
  20. L. victoria
  21. ilemi triangle/ naitatitok
  22. rift valley
    1. north east
    2. north west
    3. east
    4. south west
  24. Kenya
  25. 47
Wednesday, 08 September 2021 06:53

Agriculture - Grade 5 End Term 1 Exam 2021 SET 2


  1. Grade 5 pupils were investigating on the best soil for modelling. Which answer did they give?
  2. When making compost manure which activity helps in quick rotting of the compost heap? (Adding ash, Adding kitchen waste, Sprinkling water)
  3. Which of the animals below can be classified as harmful
  4. The soil which holds very little water is
  5. Write True or False
    Cotton grows very well in loam soil.____________________
  6. Draw a watering can for practicing drip irrigation.
  7. Which of the following is NOT a use of water in the farm
    1. Mixing farm chemicals
    2. Watering animals
    3. Watering plants
  8. Explain the use of a scare crow in a farm
  9. Write 3 materials that can be used to make a scare crow (3mks)
  10. Write down 2 ways of soil recovery
  11. ____________________is the carrying away of top fertile soil by water or wind.
  12. A ____________________bed is a small raised area of land prepared to sow seeds.
  13. Write down two types of waste which should not be put in a waste pit.
  14. What is the importance of mulching?
  15. Removing the weak or thin seedlings to allow space for healthy growing seedlings is called (irrigation, transplanting, thinning)
  16. Draw the tool used by a farmer for transplanting
  17. What is the colour of unripe tomatoes?.
  18. Write down two leguminous crops
  19. Manure adds ____________________to the soil.
  20. Which animal gives us milk and mutton?


  1. clay
  2. sprinkling water
  3. mongoose
  4. sand
  5. true
  6. student should draw a watering can
  7. watering animals
  8. to scare away birds and other animals from destroying plants
  9. old clothes, sticks, straw
  10. crop rotation, planting cover crops, adding manure
  11. soil erosion
  12. seed bed
  13. plastics, human waste,
  14. it helps keep water on the soil/ stops the soil form loosing a lot of water to the air
  15. thinning
  16.  student should draw a trowel
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