Displaying items by tag: Marriage

Family, Love and Marriage

Types of Families

  • A family is a group of people who are related by:-
    1. Blood
    2. Marriage
    3. Adoption.
  • There are two types of families namely :-
    1. Nuclear family
    2. Extended family.
  • A nuclear family is made up of:-
    1. Father
    2. Mother
    3. Children
  • An extended family is made up of:
    1. The nuclear family
    2. Other relatives.
  • A Christian nuclear is complete even without children
  • Family members should love and respect one another.
  • God established families and wants them to stay united.


  1. Name members of the extended family other than the nuclear family 
    1. _________________________
    2. _________________________
    3. _________________________
    4. _________________________
    5. _________________________
    6. _________________________
  2. List two complete biblical families.


Factors Considered When Choosing A Marriage Partner

  • Marriage is a legally recognized union between a man and a woman.
  • The legal union between marriage partners makes them one
  • There are various factors considered when choosing a marriage partner.
  • These factors include :-
    1. Maturity
    2. Self-discipline
    3. Good character
    4. Respect
    5. Family background
    6. Hard work
  • When choosing a marriage partner, one should not consider :
    1. Physical beauty
    2. Wealth
    3. Sexual demands
  • Factors when choosing whom to marry are considered during courtship
  • The bible teaches that a sensible wife is only given by God.
  • Joseph was engaged to Mary and married her according to God’s law.


  1. List two types of families
  2. List three thing that join family members.

Benefits of A Christian Marriage

  • A Christian marriage has many benefits
    1. The couple is given guidance and counseling.
    2. Marriage partners are taught about their responsibilities in advance
    3. A Christian wedding is conducted in public and has many witnesses
    4. The wedding gives one a sense of belonging when it is conducted in his/her church. 
    5. Prayers said during a Christian wedding bestow blessings on the couple
    6. Wedding rings are an outward mark of a Christian marriage.
    7.  Marriage certificate given during a Christian wedding makes it legal.
    8. Christian marriages are recognized by God and the state.
    9. A Christian marriage is monogamous and gives one a sense of security.


  1. The bible teaches that whoever God has put together
  2. List three Christians virtues that bind marriage partners
    1. _______________________
    2. _______________________
    3. _______________________

Factors to Consider When Getting Married

  • Marriage is voluntary and binding for a man and a woman to become one.
  • It is a lifelong commitment that should be entered in sobriety.
  • There are several factors one should consider when getting married.
  • These factors include
    1.  Religious background.
    2. Likes and interest
    3.  Age of a partner
    4. Family background.
    5.  Level of education
    6. Economic background
  • Abraham organized for his son Isaac to get a good wife.
  • Abraham servant prayed before choosing Rebecca for Isaac.
  • Christians should pray for God’s guidance when choosing a marriage partner.


  1. Match the following bible personalities with their wives
    1. Amram _______________________
    2. Aquila _______________________
    3. Nabal _______________________
    4. Mahlon _______________________
  2. Dowry is_______________________

Essential Needs of A Family

  • A family has member who have essential needs
  • The essential needs of a family can be classified as
    1. Physical needs
    2.  Social needs
    3.  Spiritual needs
  •  Physical needs include food, water, shelter and clothing.
  • Social needs of a family include:-
    1. Security
    2. Love
    3. Acceptance
    4.  Self esteem
  • The need for God stands above every other need of a family.
  • Family members need to live with hope and assurance of eternal life.
  • Jesus taught that human beings cannot live on bread alone.
  • Just as we need food for physical growth, we need the gospel for spiritual well-being.


  1. Give examples of the following
    1. Basic need
    2. Secondary need
    3. Tertiary need
  2. The word essential means

Obstacles To A Good Marriage

  • There are many factors that may lead to failure in a marriage
  • Some of the factors include
    1. Unfaithfulness
    2. Childlessness
    3. Communication breakdown
    4. Mistrust
    5. Different likes and interest
    6. Poverty
    7.  Interference from the extended family.
    8. Alcoholism and drug abuse
    9. Un- forgiveness and intolerance
    10. Failure to pay dowry.
  • Marriage partners should strive to overcome all obstacles.
  • God values the institution of marriage
  • No one should separate those whom God has put together,


  1. Partners who have marriage problems should go for ___________ and ___________
  2. The first marriage was ordained by ___________ in ___________
  3.  List three factors considered when choosing a marriage partner
    1. ___________
    2. ___________
    3. ___________

Traditional African View on Love And Marriage

  • Africans traditionally valued and respected the marriage institution
  • Marriage was an obligation and every African was expected to marry.
  • African marriage was mainly for child-bearing or procreation.
  • An African family was not complete without children.
  •  Africans valued chastity and sex before marriage was considered immoral.
  • African marriage extended kinship bands; one got more relatives.
  •  An African marriage raised the status of a couple.
  • Polygamous unions were encouraged in African marriage eradicating adultery and prostitution
  • Polygamy also raised the status of the first wife and the husband.
  • The bible teaches that riches can be inherited but a sensible wife comes from the Lord.


  1. State three reasons why children were valued in African communities
  2. Dowry is also known as

Christian Teaching On Love and Marriage

  • A Christian marriage is highly valued.
  • The marriage unit forms the foundation of a strong nation
  •  Among the Christian teaching on marriage are:-
    • Marriage was established by God
    • Courtship should be pure and mature
    • Fornication is not allowed
    • Procreation should be within marriage
    • Love and fitfulness are the cornerstones of marriage.
    • The wife should submit to the husband.
  • The bible teaches that God ordained marriage from the very beginning.
  • Celibacy is a gift from God but it is not for all people.
  • Apostle taught that marriage partners should honour their roles towards each other.
  • Windows and widowers can remarry to avoid temptations.


  1. Define courtship
  2. List two types of sexual immorality.
  3. Husbands should love their wives just as

Qualities of A Good Parent

  • A good parent provides the basic needs of his or her family.
  • Such parent advises children concerning good conduct and character.
  • Z good parent provides both formal and non-formal education.
  • Good parents provide security and protection for their families.
  • Children should get love and attention from their parents.
  • Parents should give directions to their children in all matters especially about God.
  • The bible teaches that children are a gift from God.
  • Family members should always be committed to the family cause.
  • Jesus admonished his disciples for barring children from him.
  • He said “let the children come to me”


  1. List three biblical parents and their children
  2. Mathew 19:14 says

Qualities of A Good Child

  • A good child takes the initiative to help in family duties
  • Such a child offers encouragement to his or her parents.3. A good child provides physical protection for the family where need be.
  • An obedient child is a role model to the rest of the family.
  • He/she can be relied on to provide for the family when the parents are away
  • A good child accepts and takes correction positively when wrong
  • Above all, a good child is God fearing
  • The bible teaches that children have a chriatian duty to obey their parents.
  • Those who obey their parents have a promised of a long and prosperous life.
  • We should desire to honour and obey our parents.


  1. State two types of families
  2. Define a family
  3. The words, “let the children come to me” were said by _____________
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes

The School

  • A school is a centre where learning takes place both formally and informally.
  • It is also a place where the learners acquire knowledge.

School Management

  • The public schools are run by the government through the ministry of education.
  • At the district level, the schools are managed by:


  1. the District Education Board. (D.E.B)
  2. The chairman of the district education board is the district commissioner.
  3. The secretary of the District education board is the district education officer (D.E.O)The D.E.O is in charge of all the education matters in the district. He/She:-
    1. Ensures there are teachers in the school.
    2. Inspects schools to ensure standards are set and maintained.
    3. Organizes co-curriculum activities.
    4. Assigns teachers responsibilities by posting and transferring them.

The Teacher

  1. He/She is the secretary to the school committee.
  2. He/She signs duties and responsibilities to all the teachers in the school
  3. Receive information from the ministry and pass them on to teachers.
  4. Ensures that the school is stable and runs smoothly.
  5. He supervises the work of teachers, pupils and school workers.
  6. He ensures that good academic standards are made and maintained.
  7. He writes minutes during school committee meetings.
  8. He maintains discipline among pupils.

The Deputy Headteacher

  1.  He is the principal assistant of the head teacher.
  2. He attends to lessons by planning and teaching.
  3. He acts in the absence of head teacher.
  4. He is in charge of discipline.

The Senior Teacher

  1. Ensures all lessons are attended to.
  2. Acts in the absence of head teacher and the Deputy head teacher.
  3. Plans and teaches the pupils.

Head Prefects (head boy and head girl)

  1. They co-ordinate the activities of other prefects.
  2. Ensures the pupils are orderly.
  3. Prefects act as the eyes of teachers on other pupils.

Importance of School Administration.

  1. It promotes high academic standards.
  2. It promotes high standards of discipline.
  3. It helps in maintaining school facilities like chairs tables and desks.
  4. It co-ordinates the daily academic activities in the school.
  5. It maintains proper school records.
  6. It organizes and promotes co-curricular activities in the schools e.g. games, music, athletics, drama.
  7. It acts as the link between the community in school.
  8. It ensures that the school maintains cleanliness.
  9. It acts as a link between the school and the government education agents like:
    1. Assistant education officers (AEO)
    2. District Education Officers
    3. Provincial director of education
  10. It allocates teachers their teaching subjects and other duties.

The School Motto

  • It is a phrase that expresses the beliefs of a school.
  • It describes the goals that a school intends the school learners to achieve by the time they leave the school.
  • School routine is the program of activities in the school either on daily or weekly basis.
  • The school timetable forms a major part of the school routine.

The Family

  • Family is a group of people who are related by blood or marriage.

Main Types of Family

  1. Nuclear family - father, mother and child/children
  2. Extended family - nuclear and other relatives.
  3. Single parent family - One parent and child/children

Needs of Family Members

  • Needs are requirements that are necessary for people to live.

Types of Needs

  1. Basic needs - things we cannot do without.
  2. Secondary needs - Things that add comfort to our lives but we can do without them.


Basic needs Secondary needs
  1. Food
  2. Shelter
  3. Clothing
  4. Water
  1. Education
  2. Motto vehicle
  3. Television set
  4. Radios
  5. Mobile phones
  6. Sofa sets
  7. Friends

Resonsibilities of Family Members

  • Roles and duties in a family are well defined.


Responsibilities of Parents

  1. Providing basic needs for the family.
  2. Providing security in the family.
  3. Providing medical care for the family.
  4. Installing good morals in the children.
  5. Providing financial assistance.
  6. Teaching religious values.
  7. Providing love for the family members.


  • Marriage is a permanent union between adults.
  • Marriage systems recognized in Kenya are:
    1. Religious marriage.
    2. Customary marriage.
    3. Civil marriage.

Religious Marriage

  • It is usually conducted in a church , mosque , or a temple.
  • A wedding ceremony is conducted.
  • Christians and Asian marriages are monogamous (one man and one wife)while Muslim marriages are polygamous (more than one wife).
  • Couple exchange marriage vows.
  • A marriage certificate is issued.

Customary Marriage

  • Conducted according to the African customs and beliefs.
  • Polygamy is allowed.
  • Bride wealth is given before the wedding ceremony.
  • It is usually conducted by the clan elders.

Civil Marriage

  • It is presided over by a magistrate or an authorized government officer.
  • A couple intending to marry must issue a 21 day notice to the district commissioner or the district registrar of marriage.
  • The marriage partners pay a marriage fee.
  • A marriage certificate is issued.
  • Divorce or separation is granted by a court of law.

Importance of Marriage

  1. It provides companionship.
  2. It ensures the continuity of the family name and culture.
  3. It unites different families hence promotes unity and harmony in the society.
  4. It ensures good upbringing of the children.
  5. It provides security and legal rights to the children, wife, and the husband.
  6. It helps to regulate social behavior of the couple.
  7. It helps to enrich culture especially when man and wife are responsible.

Rights and Responsibilities of Spouses in Marriage

  1. To be loyal and faithful to each other.
  2. To stand by each other as a source of comfort and strength.
  3. To love one another.
  4. To give each other emotional and physical security and protection.
  5. To earn an income to support the family.
  6. To promote the family’s standard of living.
  7. To discuss the decisions regarding the family matters.
  8. They should be caring to the children.

Succession and Inheritance

  • Succession means taking over property after the owner dies or give up ownership.
  • Inheritance is receiving property left behind when the owner dies.
  • People succeed or inherit the estate (belonging of the deceased ) through:
    1. customary laws
    2. written wills
    3. parliamentary acts (law of succession).
  • The property of the diseased is called an estate.
  • A written document that shows how the property of the deceased should be shared out is known as the will.
  • The person who inherits the estates of the deceased is known as an heir.
  • The distribution of the estate of the deceased is done by:
    1. Court of law.
    2. The public trustee.
    3. The bearer of the letter of administration or the grant of probate.
  • The authority to manage the estate is granted by a court of law.
  • The following are entitled to the estate of the deceased :
    1. wife or wives
    2. former wife ( in case of a divorce in a court of law).
    3. sons
    4. daughters
    5. parents
    6. Any other person with proof that they depend on the deceased.
  • Where both the parents have died, the adult first born child should apply to get a letter of administration, if the parent did not leave a will or a grant of probate, if the parent left a will.
    NB: daughters of the deceased whether married or not have the right to benefit from the property of the deceased.

Resources and Economic Activities.

  1. Resources are the things that are useful to human beings e.g. Soil, water, money, land, forest, mineral, wildlife, domestic animals.
  2. Economic activities are the different ways that we use the resources to earn income.
  3. The main economic activities in Kenya include:
    1. Transport and communication.
    2. Livestock keeping.
    3. Wildlife and tourism.
    4. Fishing.
    5. Mining.
    6. Crop farming.
    7. Forestry.
    8. Manufacturing.