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noga area

Use the map of Noga area answer questions 1 -7

  1. River Noga flows towards one of the following directions. Which one is it?
    A. South-West
    B. South-East
    C. North-East
    D. North-West
  2. Which of these types of soils are likely to be found in the Northern part of Noga area?
    A. Sandy soils
    B. Black cotton soils
    C. Alluvial soils
    D. Red volcanic soils
  3. Who among the following elected officials represents Noga area in the National Assembly?
    A. The senator
    B. The women representative.
    C. The governor
    D. The ward representative
  4. What is the approximate area of the tea farm in the area represented by the map?
    A. 20 km2
    B. 4 km2
    C. 12 km2
    D. 24 km2
  5. One of the following sets of economic activities are carried out in the South Western part of the map. Which one is it?
    A. Mining and pastoralism
    B. Mining and tourism
    C. Fishing and trading
    D. Trading and mining
  6. Three of the following social services are available in Noga town. Which one is NOT?
    A. Educational services
    B. Recreational services
    C. Prison rehabilitation services
    D. Health services
  7. One of the following statements is NOT true of the area represented by the map. Which one is it?
    A. There is a processing industry in the North-Eastern part of the map?
    B. All parts of Noga area receive heavy and reliable rainfall
    C. Some parts of Noga area receive littlerainfall
    D. The main source of water for the residents of Noga town is the river
  8. The following countries are found in Africa.
    (i) Cape Verde.
    (ii) Rwanda.
    (iii) Equatorial Guinea.
    (iv) Gabon
    Which of the above countries is the largest in terms of physical size?
    A. (i)
    B. (ii)
    C. (iii)
    D. (iv)
  9. Which of these statements about deserts in Africa is true?
    A. They are only found in Northern Africa
    B. They are only found in Southern Africa
    C. They are located to the North and south of the Equator
    D. They are only found in countries crossed by the Equator
  10. Berbera in Somalia is located at 45° East. What will be the time in Accra if it is 6.20 pm in Berbera?
    A. 3.20 am
    B. 3.20 pm
    C. 9.20 pm
    D. 9.20 am
  11. Which of these statements about revolution of the Earth is NOT true?
    A. The Earth revolves around the sun following its own path known as the orbit
    B. It takes 365 1/4 days for the Earth to revolve around the sun
    C. Revolution of the Earth takes twenty four hours
    D. Revolution of the Earth influences the position of the midday sun
  12. One of the following is a negative effect of physical features on human activities. Which one is it?
    A. Rivers encourage establishment of hydroelectric power projects
    B. Alluvial gold is obtained from rivers.
    C. There is displacement of people whenever floods occur along major rivers
    D. Some cultural and religious activities are carried out in some rivers
  13. Which of these traditional methods of weather observation indicated a dry spell?
    A. Presence of the full moon
    B. Presence of the new moon
    C. A sudden onset of high temperatures at night
    D. Appearance of toads and frogs
  14. The instruments that has both a dry-bulb thermometer and a wet-bulb thermometer is
    A. Known as a barometer
    B. Known as the six's thermometer
    C. Used to measure the amount of water in the atmosphere
    D. Used to measure the atmospheric pressure
  15. Three of the following contribute to global warming. Which one is NOT?
    A. Use of petroleum to run vehicles .
    B. Planting trees where non existed
    C. Cutting down trees to pave way for settlement
    D. Establishment of many industries
  16. One of the following statements about the Nyika plateau region in Kenya is NOT true. Which one is it?
    A. It borders the coastal region to the West
    B. It is narrow in the South and wider to the North
    C. It has few scattered hills
    D. Forests cover a large part of this physical region
  17. The following are uses of soil
    (i) Soil is used to grow food and cash crops.
    (ii) Sandy soil is used in making glass.
    (iii) Soil is used for decoration during cultural events.
    (iv) Soil is used by some communities during initiation ceremonies.
    (v) Soil is used in making some household utensils.
    Which of the above are economic uses of soil only?
    A. (i), (ii) and (v)
    B. (ii), (iii) and (iv)
    C. (i), (ii) and (iii)
    D. (i), (iv) and (v)
  18. Three of the following are effects of soil erosion on human activities. Which one is NOT?
    A. Poor crop yields
    B. Flooding of rivers
    C. Silting of dams
    D. Heavy vegetation cover
  19. One of these sets of lakes were formed through faulting of the earth. Which one is it?
    A. Lake Chilwa, Lake Malawi and Lake Jipe
    B. Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika ang Lake Edward
    C. Lake Eyasi, Lake Chad and Lake Nasser
    D. Lake Volta, Lake Chala and Lake Wum
  20. Which of these rivers found in Africa has its mouth in the Indian Ocean?
    A. River Gambia
    B. River Chari
    C. River Kagera
    D. River Rufiji
  21. One of the following plateaus is found in Guinea. Which one is it?
    A. Bie plateau
    B. Jebel Abyad plateau
    C. Fouta Djalon plateau
    D. Jos plateau
  22. Which of these mountains is CORRECTLY matched with the process of its formation?
    A. Drakensburg - Volcanicity
    B. Mount Cameroon - Folding
    C. Mount Marsabit - Faulting
    D. Oldonyo Lengai – Volcanicity
  23. Three of the following towns are likely to experience land and sea breezes because they are located near large water masses. Which one is NOT?
    A. Jinja in Uganda
    B. Lagos in Nigeria
    C. Kigoma in Tanzania
    D. Addis Ababa in Ethiopia
  24. The following countries are found in Africa. Which among them is CORRECTLY matched with its capital city?
    A. Lesotho - Mbabane
    B. Cape Verde - Praia
    C. Mauritania - Port Louis
    D. Senegal – Banjul
  25. Winds that blow across the sea towards land are known as
    A. Offshore winds
    B. Onshore winds
    C. Prevailing winds
    D. Harmattan winds
  26. According to archaeological findings, one of the following creatures is likely to be the earliest human ancestor. Which one is it?
    A. Ramapithecus
    B. Australopithecus
    C. Home habilis
    D. Zinjanthropus Boisei
  27. Which of these pre-historic sites is NOT located in Tanzania?
    A. Olduvai Gorge
    B. Kondoa
    C. Laetoli
    D. Amara
  28. One of these sets of communities are all Plains Nilotes of Eastern Africa. Which one is it?
    A. Dinka, Nuer and Turkana
    B. Karamojong, Iteso and Njemps
    C. Iraqw, Burungi and Hawa
    D. Iteso, Acholi and Nandi
  29. Three of the following communities found in Africa migrated and settled in Southern Africa. Which one did NOT?
    A. Zulu
    B. Ovambo
    C. Tukolor
    D. Bakwena
  30. The Galla displaced the Eastern Bantu communities from one of the following areas in Eastern Africa. Which one is it?
    A. Bahr-el-Ghazal region
    B. The lake region
    C. Shungwaya
    D. Pubung-Pakwach region
  31. The following are Mijikenda communities found in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    A. Wadawida
    B. Wachonyi
    C. Wajibana
    D. Warabai

    Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 32 – 35
    map of africa q32

  32. The sun is directly overhead the latitude marked X on the map of Africa in the month of
    A. June
    B. March
    C. September
    D. December
  33. The river development project marked B on the map
    A. Is known as the Kariba dam project
    B. is located along river Zambezi
    C. Was established to get power for smelting bauxite in Ghana
    D. Was establishing mainly to provide water for irrigation purposes
  34. Which of these statements is true of the country marked T on the map?
    A. It is the largest African country
    B. Its capital city is known as Harare
    C. It was a farmer Belgian colony
    D. It was a former British colony
  35. The shaded area found to the East Coast of the country marked AAA on the map is found within one of the following climatic regions. Which one is it?
    A. Tropical climatic region
    B. Desert and semi-desert climatic region
    C. Mountain climatic region
    D. Equatorial climatic region
  36. The MAIN mineral mined in the country marked Z on the map
    A. Is use in making electric wire
    B. is mainly mined through the dredging method.
    C. Is used as a measure of value of world currencies
    D. Is used in making glass and soap
  37. Which of these statements is true about the population structure of Germany?
    A. The population is mostly composed of the youth
    B. Majority of the people live in rural areas
    C. The birth rate is low
    D. The birth rate is very high
  38. One of these types of marriage systems is conducted by clan elders?
    A. Hindu marriage
    B. Customary marriage
    C. Civil marriage
    D. Islamic marriage
  39. According to succession and inheritance of family wealth, a will is
    A. A document that directs how the property of the deceased is to be shared out
    B. The property left behind by the deceased
    C. Prepared after death of the head of the family
    D. A court document that permits a spouse to manage the property of the deceased partner
  40. Three of the following are functions of the school management committee except one. Which one is it?
    A. It has power to employee and dismiss school workers.
    B. It sometimes employs teachers on temporary basis.
    C. it ensures that standards and traditions of the school are maintained.
    D. It maintains the pupils' progress records
  41. Which of these areas found in Kenya did not attract many settlers during the colonial period?
    A. Mandera County
    B. Kiambu County
    C. Nakuru County
    D. Trans-Nzoia County
  42. Settlement schemes were introduced in Kenya due to the following reasons except one. Which one is it?
    A. To resettle the landless people.
    B. To reward a few individuals who supported the independent government.
    C. To reduce population pressure in some areas.
    D. To increase food production
  43. One major crop grown in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    A. Rice
    B. Seed maize
    C. Tea
    D. Sugarcane
  44. One difference between horticultural farming in Kenya and Netherlands is that
    A. Advanced mechanized methods are used in Netherlands
    B. Greenhouses are only used to grow crops in Netherlands
    C. Land used by Kenyan horticultural farmers is mainly reclaimed from Swamps
    D. Farmers in Netherlands grow flowers unlike their counter parts in Kenya
  45. Which one of the statement below is true about wheat farming in Kenya?
    A. It is Kenya's leading foreign earner.
    B. It is mainly grown in hot and dry areas
    C. It is harvested by use of combine harvesters
    D. It is mainly grown under irrigation
  46. One major aspect of forests in Swaziland is that
    A. They mainly consist of hardwoods
    B. They mainly consist of softwoods
    C. They mainly consist of trees that mature very slowly
    D. Small market for industrial goods
  47. The following factors have led to industrial development in South Africa. Which one is NOT?
    A. Large reserves of a wide range of minerals
    B. Availability of labour
    C. Highly developed infrastructure
    D. Small market for industrial goods
  48. Which of these fishing methods does NOT involve use of nets?
    A Trawling
    B. Purse-seining
    C. Net-drifting
    D. Long-lining
  49. One of these sets consists of COMESA member states only. Which one is it?
    A. Kenya, Zambia and Comoros
    B. South Africa, Rwanda and Gabon
    C. Egypt, Mauritius and Benin
    D. Uganda, Ghana and Niger
  50. The Trans-Africa Highway crosses the following African countries except one. Which one is it?
    A. Kenya
    B. Uganda
    C. Sudan
    D. Democratic Republic of Congo
  51. The following are tourist destinations in an African country.
    (i) Black River Gorges National Park.
    (ii) Coastal sandy beaches.
    (iii) Ruins of European settlements.
    (iv) Warm climate
    The above tourist destinations are found
    A. Egypt.
    B. Mauritius
    C. Zimbabwe
    D. Morocco
  52. Which of the following is NOT part of the social organization of the Khoikhoi community in the pre-colonial period?
    A. They lived in clans
    B. They brewed alcoholic drinks during social occasions
    C. They celebrated festivals of the new moon
    D. They lived in units known as hunting bands
  53. Samori Toure was able to resist French occupation in West Africa due to the following reasons except one. Which one is it?
    A. He had a well disciplined and strong army
    B. He was assisted by the British soldiers to fight the French
    C. He used Islam as a unifying factor.
    D. He used a tactic known as the scorched earth policy
  54. Which of these African countries were all under the Portuguese during the colonial period?
    A. Guinea Bissau, Angola and Mozambique
    B. Gambia. Malawi and Libya
    C. Algeria, Tunisia and Guinea
    D. Morocco, Kenya and Zambia
  55. Three of the following facts relate to water transport. Which one is NOT?
    A. It is cheap for transporting goods for long distances.
    B. It can transport a large volume of bulky goods
    C. It is the most developed form of transport in Africa
    D. It is a slow means of transport
  56. Which of these political parties led Zimbabwe to its independence in 1980?
    A. Zimbabwe African People's Union (Z.A.P.U)
    B. Zimbabwe African National Party (Z.A.N.U)
    C. Convection People's Party (C.P.P)
    D. African National Congress (A.N.C)
  57. Who among the following early visitors to Eastern Africa found Doctor Livingstone at Ujiji near Lake Tanganyika?
    A. Vasco Da Gama
    B. John Speke
    C. Henry Morton Stanley
    D. William Mackinon
  58. The County Assembly in Kenya is made up of the following except
    A. The County governor
    B. The County speaker
    C. The elected ward representatives
    D. The nominated members of the County Assembly
  59. In Kenya a parliamentary by-election is held under the following circumstances except one. Which one is it?
    A. When a member of parliament misses eight consecutive sitting without official permission
    B. When the election of a member of parliament is nullified by a court of law
    C. When a member of parliament becomes a leader of a political party.
    D. When a member of parliament resigns from the seat
  60. The following are functions of the body incharge of elections in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    A. Registering voters and maintaining a voter's register
    B. Creating new constituencies and electoral wards
    C. Setting out the rules and requirements governing election
    D. Providing adequate funds for candidates to conduct their campaigns


  61. The following statements are true about the creation story except one. Which one is it?
    A. Human beings were given dominion over all other animals.
    B. Man was put in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and guard it.
    C. God said, "It is not good for man to live alone".
    D. All sea animals and the birds were created on God's fourth day of creation.
  62. Which one of these animals sent by Noah during the great flood came back with fresh olive leaf?
    A. A raven
    B. A dove
    C. A sparrow.
    D. An eagle
  63. The following were God's promises to Abraham except one. Which one is it?
    A. He would have many descendants
    B. He would be father of a great nation
    C. His descendants would become prophets
    D. God would give him a son
  64. Who among the following patriarchs of Israel was a son of Jacob?
    A. Abraham
    B. Moses
    C. Isaac
    D. Joseph
  65. Plagues befell the land of Egypt before the Israelites were set free. Which of these is NOT one of the plagues?
    A. The plague of gnats
    B. The plague of frogs
    C. The plague of death
    D. The plague of darkness for one day.
  66. When Abraham was about to offer his son as a sacrifice to God, a ram was provided to him. This happened on Mount
    A. Moriah
    B. Ararat
    C. Horeb
    D. Carmel
  67. On the night of the Passover in the land of Egypt, the Israelites ate
    A. Boiled meat
    B. Leavened bread
    C. Bread with yeast
    D. Bitter herbs
  68. Which of the following is NOT associated with prophet Jeremiah?
    A. He was called by God to be a prophet when he was young
    B. He was not a good speaker
    C. He was the son of Josiah
    D. He was the son of Hilkiah
  69. Which of these books of the Bible is in its CORRECT group of classification?
    A. Ruth - Book of law
    B. Habbakuk - Historical book
    C. Psalms - Poetic
    D. Genesis - Prophetic book
  70. One of the following Kings of Israel was promised by God of an everlasting Kingdom. Whom is it?
    A. King Solomon
    B. King David
    C. King Josiah
    D. King Saul
  71. The following describes a king in Israel
    (i) He annoyed God due to his disobedience.
    (ii) God failed to answer his prayers through dream, Urim and Thummin or even through prophets.
    (iii) He visited a medium at Endor.
    The king described above is
    A. King Zedekiah
    B. King Ahab
    C. King Rehoboam
    D. King Saul
  72. Prophet Isaiah described Jesus with all the following names except one. Which one is it?
    A. King of Jews
    B. Mighty God
    C. Eternal Father
    D. Wonderful Counsellor
  73. The following women are mentioned in the Bible. Who among them was involved in sexual misuse?
    A. Gomer
    B. Abigail
    C. Phoebe
    D. Priscilla
  74. When Jesus healed a paralysed man at Capernaum the Pharisees and the teachers of the law accused him of
    A. Arrogance
    B. Not paying taxes
    C. Blasphemy
    D. Corruption
  75. The man who was healed by Jesus in the territory of Gerasa
    A. Was visually impaired
    B. Had an evil spirit in him
    C. Was a lame beggar
    D. Was accompanied by his parents
  76. Certainly he was a good man!" On which occasion in the life of Jesus were these words said?
    A. During His arrest
    B. During His dedication
    C. During His transfiguration
    D. During His crucifixion
  77. James the brother of John was martyred by
    A. King Herod
    B. Pontius Pilate
    C. Caesar Augustus
    D. Governor Quirinius
  78. Which of these parables of Jesus is about prayer?
    A. Parable of the ten young women
    B. Parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector
    C. Parable of the master and his three servants
    D. Parable of the hidden treasure
  79. The man who wanted to buy gifts of the Holy Spirit from Peter and John in Samaria was known as
    A. Justus
    B. Joseph
    C. Simon
    D. Elymas
  80. Three of the following can lead to emotional suffering except one. Which one is it?
    A. Breakdown of relationships in a family
    B. Being in a state of unemployment.
    C. Being bullied in school
    D. Having sores and rashes on the body
  81. Which of these phrases is NOT found in the Apostles' Creed?
    A. Creator of heaven and earth
    B. The Holy Catholic Church
    C. He descended to hell
    D. Deliver us from evil
  82. Which of the following events took place during the transfiguration of Jesus?
    A. God's voice was heard
    B. The Holy Spirit descended on Him in form of fire
    C. The Holy Spirit descended on Him in form of a dove
    D. There was an earthquake
  83. According to the beatitudes taught by Jesus during the sermon on the mountain, the poor in spirit should be happy for
    A. They shall see God
    B. They shall receive what God has promised
    C. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them
    D. God will satisfy them fully
  84. Who among the following disciples of Jesus witnessed the resurrection of Jairus' daughter back to life by Jesus?
    A. John
    B. Philip
    C. Matthew
    D. Judas Iscariot
  85. Three of the following were problems faced by Christians in the early church except one. Which one is it?
    A. Some Christians were not sincere in their actions
    B. Christians were persecuted by the Jews
    C. The number of Christian converts had become high after the Pentecost
    D. The Jewish religious leaders were against disciples of Jesus.
  86. In the traditional African society young people who were ready to become adults underwent initiation. This rite of passage can be compared to one of the following in Christianity. Which one is it?
    A. Holy Communion
    B. Baptism
    C. Holy Eucharist
    D. Reconciliation
  87. Which of the following African traditional religious beliefs is compatible with Christianity?
    A. Marrying of many wives by a man
    B. Weaving of charms and amulets for protection
    C. Giving offering in form of farm produce
    D. Slaughtering animals as a sacrifice to God
  88. In the traditional African society, people reconciled with God in the following ways except one. Which one is it?
    A. Offering burnt sacrifices to God
    B. Sprinkling of blood on the people as a sign of cleansing
    C. Reading scriptures from the Bible to pronounce reconciliation
    D. Praying and asking for forgiveness from God
  89. Peninah is a class seven girl who takes other pupils geometrical sets without borrowing. As a Christian, how can you BEST help her?
    A. Remind her on the importance of integrity
    B. Report her to the parents
    C. Report her to the school administration
    D. Humiliate her in front of the whole class
  90. Which of these fruits of the Holy Spirit enables us to help others?
    A. Humility
    B. Faithfulness
    C. Patience
    D. Kindness



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