Social Studies - KCPE 2021 Prediction Set 3 (Questions and Answers)

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Study the map of Rapenda area and answer questions 1 to 7
rapenda_area ss set 3.jpg


  1. The highest point in Rapenda area is found to the
    A. West
    B. North west
    C. North East                      
    D. Central
  2. What is the direction of the tea factory from Kimiti market?
    A. South East
    B. South West
    C. North East                      
    D. North West
  3. The main economic activity in South Eastern part of Rapenda area is?
    A. cash crop farming
    B. beef farming
    C. mining                            
    D. fishing
  4. The type of soil in the North Eastem part of Rapenda area is
    A. Alluvial
    B. Sandy
    C. Loamy                           
    D. Volcanic
  5. What evidence in the map shows North western part of Rapenda arca receives low rainfall?
    A. Existence of settlements
    B. presence of hills
    C. presence of scrub vegetation
    D. existence of forests
  6. Which one of the following breed of animals are most likely to be found in the dairy farm in Rapenda area?
    A. Guernsey
    B. Zebu
    C. Sahiwal                          
    D. Boran
  7. What evidence on the map shows that there is likely to be security in Rapenda area?
    A. Chief camp
    B. Settlement
    C. Police station                  
    D. Rivers
  8. Which one of the following communities in Kenya compromise of Highland Nilotes only?
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  9. In which month is the sun in the Southern Hemisphere?
    A. March
    B. December
    C. September                      
    D. June
  10. Which one of the following mountains was formed as a result of folding?
    A. Mount Elgon
    B. Mount Kilimanjaro
    C. Ruwenzori mountains
    D. Cape Ranges
  11. Which one of the following rivers does NOT form a boundary between two countries!
    A. River Zambezi
    B. River Kagera
    C. River Tana
    D. River Ruvuma

Study the diagram below and use it to answer questions 12

land breeze.png

  1. The diagram above illustrates the formation of a
    A.Land breeze
    B. Sea breeze
    C. Ocean cool currents       
    D. Warm ocean currents
  2. Which one of the following African countries was the last to attain independence?
    A. Ghana
    B. Zimbabwe
    C. Kenya                           
    D. Tanzania
  3. French beans are exported from Kenya to the markets in Britain mainly through
    A. water transport
    B. air transport
    C. railway transport           
    D. road transport
  4. Which one of the following groups of commodities did the Maasai obtain from the Akamba during the pre-colonial days?
    A. red ochre and skins
    B. hoes and grains
    C. milk and honey
    D. wood carvings and grains
  5. In Kenya external enemies are prevented from entry by
    National Youth Service
    B. Prisons Department
    C. National Police
    D. Kenya Defence Forces
  6. The process that formed most mountains in Eastern Africa is?
    A. Faulting
    B. Folding
    C. Volcanicity                   
    D. Erosion
  7. Among the Ameru, people who were initiated together formed
    A. a clan
    B. a sub-tribe
    C. a generation                  
    D. an age set
  8. The political party that led Ghana to independence was formed in the year
    A. 1951
    B. 1949
    C. 1948                             
    D. 1961
  9. The cheapest method of preserving fish is by use
    A. salt
    B. ice
    C. fire                                
    D. sun
  10. Sheet erosion can best be controlled by
    A. crop rotation
    B. mulching
    C. planting grass                
    D. building gabions
  11. Which one of the following cash crops is commonly grown in South Sudan?
    A. cloves
    B. cocoa
    C. sugar cane                     
    D. tea
  12. Which one of the following statements is true about beef farming in Kenya? Beef farmers
    A. carry it along the River Tana valley
    B. use natural pasture to feed their animals
    C. uses fodder crops mainly to feed their livestock
    D. own small pieces of land
  13. In Kenya, parliamentary sessions are officially opened by
    A. The speaker of the National Assembly
    B. The speaker of the senate
    C. The clerk of the senate
    D. The head of the state
  14. The largest inland port in Eastern Africa is
    A. Mombasa
    B. Dare salaam
    C. Kisumu                         
    D. Bukoba
  15. For one to qualify to vie for membership of the County Assembly, one must be
    A. Twenty one years and above
    B. Eighteen years and above
    C. Thirty five years and below
    D. Fifty five years and below
  16. Which one of the following factors influence the climate of a place?
    A. High population
    B. Food crops
    C. Prevailing winds
    D. Permanent rivers
  17. The main function of the school committee in Kenya's public primary schools is to
    A. employ all the teachers
    B. promote hard working teachers
    C. expel indisciplined learners
    D. maintain the tradition of the school
  18. The Nandi rebellion in Kenya was led by
    A. Lenana
    B. Samoei
    C. Kimnyole                      
    D. Mukite
  19. Which one of the following is a characteristic of Mediterranean climate of Africa?
    A. The area receives rainfall in Summer
    B. The area receives rainfall in Winter
    C. The area has high temperatures all the year round
    D. A lot of rain falls in the afternoon
  20. If the time in Kajiado 60'E is 3.00 am, what is the longitude of Masaka if the time there is 1.00am?
    A. 15°E
    B. 15°W
    C. 30°E                             
    D. 30 W
  21. Which one of the following is a responsibility of children in a home?
    A. playing all the time
    B. caring for the parents
    C. providing the basic family needs
    D. Helping in the house chores
  22. Which one of the following countries in Africa is not a member of COMESA?
    A. Malawi
    B. Tanzania
    C. Uganda                         
    D. Ethiopia
  23. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The instrument shown is marked in units called
    A. Millilitres
    B. Millimeters
    C. Litres                            
    D. Degrees Celsius

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 35 to 38

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  1. The true statement about the lake marked P is that
    A. it is the source of river Nile
    B. it is found in the floor of the Rift Valley
    C. it is a home of flamingoes
    D. it was formed through down warping
  2. The ocean current marked Q
    A. causes high rainfall in the North Western part of Africa
    B. raises temperature in the Mediterranean lands
    C. is a cool ocean current
    D. is a warm ocean current
  3. Which one of the following types of climate is experienced in the area marked T?
    A. Mediterranean climate
    B. Desert climate
    C. Equatorial climate
    D. Savana climate
  4. The river marked W is
    A. Limpopo
    B. Zambezi
    C. Orange                          
    D. Cunene
  5. Which one of the following horticultural crops is mainly grown for export in the Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme?
    A. Onions
    B. French beans
    C. Pineapple                      
    D. Tomatoes
  6. The lake Victoria basin in Eastern Africa have high population density because
    A. the soils are fertile
    B. there is enough land for settlements
    C. there is reliable rainfall
    D. there is a warm climate
  7. The main reason why bananas are widely grown in Central Uganda is that it is
    A. grown as a fodder crop
    B. the people's staple food
    C. exported to earn foreign exchange
    D. cheap to produce
  8. The main source of revenue for the National Government in Kenya is
    A. income tax
    B. loan
    C. Excise duty                   
    D. grants
  9. Which one of the following courts in Kenya is the lowest?
    A. High court
    B. Supreme court
    C. Court of appeal
    D. Chief Magistrates Court
  10. The diagram below represents a type of a mountain.
    The type of mountain represented in the diagram above was formed as a result of
    A. Erosion
    B. Faulting
    C. Folding                         
    D. Volcanicity
  11. Which one of the following statements about a clan in the Maasai traditional society is true?
    A. They were founded by women
    B. They were formed by people who were initiated almost at the same time
    C. They were made up of famous rain makers
    D. They created kinship in the society
  12. Which one of the following factors mainly determines the location of a cement manufacturing industry?
    A. nearness to raw material
    B. nearness to the market
    C. availability of transport
    D. availability of labour
  13. Which one of the following is NOT a contribution of minerals to the economy of Kenya?
    A. Provides employment
    B. Leads to growth of towns
    C. Leads to growth of slums
    D. Leads to provision of good transport and communication
  14. Aduty performed by the Ameru council of elders during the pre colonial period was
    A. leading hunting expeditions
    B. controlling trade
    C. distributing land to clan members
    D. organising marriage ceremonies
  15. Which one of the following factors mainly explains why the Marakwet migrated from their original homeland into Kenya?
    A. population pressure
    B. search for pasture
    C. search for fertile lands
    D. spirit of adventure
  16. Which one of the following is elected to represent county in the legislative arm of government?
    A. member of parliament
    B. governor
    C. member of county assembly
    D. senator
  17. Which one of the following methods is used to mine Soda ash in Lake Magadi in Kenya
    A. deep shaft method
    B. evaporation
    C. dredging
    D. open cast
  18. Which among the following crops was introduced by the Europeans into Kenya?
    A. millet
    B. tea
    C. sorghum                        
    D. arrow roots
  19. The type of soil erosion commonly experienced on flat ground is
    A. splash erosion
    B. gulley erosion
    C. Till erosion                   
    D. sheet erosion
  20. Which one of the following Africa Traditional Societies lived in small group of families before the coming of the Europeans?
    A. The San
    B. The Khoikhoi
    C. Soninke                        
    D. Abawanga
  21. The method of colonial administration used by the Portuguese in Mozambique was
    A. direct rule
    B. paternalism
    C. indirect rule                   
    D. assimilation
  22. "Trees with numerous climbing plants is a characteristic of natural vegetation found in the
    A. Savana climate
    B. Mediterranean climate
    C. Equatorial climate
    D. Mountain climate
  23. Who among the following African traditional leaders resisted the establishment of German Colonial rule?
    A. Lewanika
    B. Chief Mkwawa
    C. Koitalel                         
    D. Kabaka Mwanga
  24. Which one of the following leaders was a founder member of the East African Community in 1967?
    A. Haile Sellassie
    B. Julius Nyerere
    C. Daniel Moi                    
    D. Oginga Odinga
  25. Which one of the following national government officers mainly explains the policy of the government to the citizens?
    A. Police officer
    B. Attorney General
    C. Assistant county commissioner
    D. Prison officer
  26. The main tourist attraction in Zimbabwe are
    A. Shona ruins
    B. Geli ruins
    C. Great pyramids              
    D. Sandy beaches




  1. From Genesis story of creation, the name 'Eve' means
    A. The mother of all human kind
    B. unreliable
    C. Man's companion
    D. Out of man
  2. The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him able to:
    A. hide his family
    B. worship God there
    C. fulfil God's wish
    D. be righteous and faithful
  3. Who among the following people is the father of the Jews?
    A. Moses
    B. Abraham
    C. Adam                            
    D. Jacob
  4. "I won't, unless you bless me, "Jacob answered. "What is your name?" the man asked. "Jacob, "he answered. These words were said to Jacob when he was at
    A. Bethel
    B. Canaan
    C. Desert                           
    D. Peniel
  5. God made Israelites to wonder in the wilderness mainly because:
    A. Canaan was very far
    B. Israelites were not faithful to God
    C. Israelites got tired on their way
    D. God wanted to punish them
  6. In 1 Samuel 17:40, David killed Goliath using
    A. A sling
    B. A sling and five stones
    C. A sling and two stones
    D. A sling and one stone
  7. King Solomon was against God's will by
    A. signing treaties with foreign countries
    B. marrying many wives
    C. building the Temple of God
    D. allowing the worship of foreign gods in Israel
  8. Which main lesson do we learn from the incidence when Gideon went to fight Midianites with only 300 men?
    A. we should be proud of ourselves
    B. God works with many people
    C. God doesn't work with the number
    D. we should depend on our own abilities
  9. Who among the following prophets prophesied that Jesus will be born by a virgin lady?
    A. Isaiah
    B. Micah
    C. Ezekiel                          
    D. Jeremiah
  10. The main lesson Christians learn from the announcement of the birth of Jesus and John the Baptist is that they should
    A. be prayerful
    B. be humble before God
    C. be ready to do God's work
    D. Trust in God power
  11. King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus because
    A. Jesus was born in a poor Bethlehem
    B. Jesus was born in a poor family
    C. He feared that Jesus would become famous
    D. Feared that Jesus would be a well-known person
  12. From the parable of the Pharisees and the tax collector Christians learns to
    A. be persistent in prayer
    B. be prayerful
    C. use their wealth wisely
    D. be humble and genuine when praying
  13. The son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath. (Luke 6:5) These words were spoken by Jesus when He
    A. calmed the storm
    B. healed a paralysed man
    C. visited Mary and Martha at Bethany
    D. healed a woman with the flow of blood
  14. Jesus turned water into wine at Cana of Galilee mainly because
    A. he was told by His mother
    B. people were hungry
    C. he had started his ministry
    D. he wanted to be famous
  15. The main reason why Jesus was rejected by the Jewish people was
    A. eating with unclean hands
    B. He mixed freely with sinners
    C. He healed on the Sabbath
    D. He claimed to be Messiah
  16. Jesus asked his disciples to pray on Mt. Olive because he wanted them to
    A. stay awake
    B. avoid falling into temptation
    C. save him from his enemies
    D. go with him to Pilate
  17. The disciples received the Holy Spirit on the day of the Pentecost, at
    A. Galilee
    B. Jerusalem
    C. Judea                            
    D. Bethlehem
  18. During the stoning of Stephen, approved his death
    A. Paul and Silas
    B. Barnabas
    C. Saul                              
    D. Jews
  19. During the conversion of Saul, the persecutor, he was on his way to
    A. Jerusalem
    B. Damascus
    C. Jericho                          
    D. Mesopotamia
  20. According to St Paul's teaching, a Christian should love his wife as much as:
    A. Christ loved the church
    B. He loves his friend
    C. His wife loves him
    D. Christ loves the world
  21. In Traditional African Communities, people showed that God is holy mainly by
    A. punishing offenders
    B. worshipping him
    C. telling stories about Him
    D. obeying religious specialists
  22. Which one of the following teachings from the creation stories is found in both Christians and Traditional African Communities? Human beings
    A. were created on the Sixth day
    B. were created in the image of God
    C. should take care of creation
    D. are God
  23. Shedding blood during initiation in some Traditional African Communities meant
    A. strong and healthy
    B. being ready to lead
    C. being separated
    D. being united to the ancestors
  24. The main reason why people shared things in Traditional African Communities was because they wanted to
    A. become famous
    B. show concern
    C. show unity
    D. obey ancestors
  25. Which of the following activities by Christians today is an example of the gifts of holy spirit?
    A. reading the bible
    B. collecting offerings
    C. cleaning the church
    D. singing in the choir .
  26. As Christians, which one of the following is the best advice to a person living with HIV/AIDS?
    A. Avoid sharing food
    B. Do not donate blood
    C. Do not greet others
    D. Avoid sitting close to others
  27. Boaz, a standard seven pupil finds two Std three pupils fighting on their way home. As a Christian, what should Boaz do?
    A. stop them from fighting
    B. leave them fighting
    C. report to the teacher
    D. tell them to go home
  28. Carol your friend is given money to buy a pen but she plans to buy sweets instead. As a Christian, what is the best advice to give her?
    A. buy sweets and share
    B. buy sweets another time
    C. share the money with the friends
    D. follow the instructions given
  29. Okoyo a class 6 pupil finds out that his friend Emondo has not been doing her morning duties. As a Christian, what should Okoyo do about it?
    A. report to class teacher
    B. report her to her parents
    C. tell her to be responsible
    D. do the work for her
  30. The main reason why Christian missionaries came to Kenya was to
    A. introduce Western Education
    B. stop slave trade
    C. spread the word of God
    D. stop female circumcision



  1. Which surah of the Quran promises the prophet (AS) a river in paradise?
    A. Maun
    B. Quraish
    C. Kauthar                         
    D. Fiyl
  2. Which angel of Allah (SAW) brought the Quran to the prophet Mohammad (SAW)?
    A. Mikail
    B. Izrafil
    C. Izrail                             
    D. Jibril
  3. Which one of the following activities is not associated with Aqiqah?
    A. Praying for the dead
    B. Slaughtering an animal
    C. Circumcision
    D. Naming
  4. Who was the wife of Nabii Adam(as)
    A. Maryam
    B. Hajar
    C. Hawa                            
    D. Aisha
  5. The mixing of good and bad quality goods is called
    A. Ghush
    B. Hoarding
    C. Interest                          
    D. usury
  6. All fardh prayers are compulsory for Muslims. The shortest fardh prayer is
    A. Asr
    B. Dhuhr
    C. Fajr                               
    D. Maghrib
  7. The attribute of Allah "RAHIM" means
    A. Beneficent
    B. Merciful
    C. Creator                          
    D. Truth
  8. In surah Al-Qadr Ruh refers to
    A. Malaika
    B. Jibril
    C. Ridhwan                       
    D. Izrail
  9. The verse of throne is found in surah
    A. Al-Baqarah
    B. Nas
    C. Falaq                             
    D. Al-Ikhlas
  10. In which month do we have laitalul Qadr?
    A. Ramadhan
    B. Rajab
    C. Swafar                          
    D. Yasin
  11. The main source of Islamic law is the
    A. Quran
    B. Sunnah
    C. Hadith                           
    D. Ijma
  12. ___was the first successor to the prophet
    A. Abubakar
    B. Umar
    C. Ali                                 
    D. Uthman
  13. The attendant of Nabii Musa(AS) was
    A. Khidhr
    B. Harun
    C. Yushaa                         
    D. Isa
  14. Eid ul Fitri is celebrated in the month of
    A. Shawwal
    B. Rajab
    C. Swafar                          
    D. Shaban
  15. Which surah is recited in every prayer?
    A. Falaq
    B. Fatiha
    C. An Nas                          
    D. Lahab
  16. Who was the first person to receive guidance from God?
    A. Adam
    B. Yunus
    C. Nuh                              
    D. Ibrahimof muharram
  17. Ashura takes place on the
    A. 1st
    B. 10th
    C. 27th                                       
    D. 25th
  18. The attribute mentioned in surah Ikhlas is
    A. Judge
    B. Powerful
    C. Forgiving                      
    D. Eternal
  19. The prophet preached Islam secretly for ____ years
    A. 5
    B. 4
    C. 2                                   
    D. 3
  20. Which holy book was revealed to Daud
    A. Taurat
    B. Quran
    C. Zabur                            
    D. Inji
  21. Abulahab was__of the prophet
    An uncle
    B. Acousin
    C. Father                           
    D. Brother
  22. Yathrib is one of the names of the city of
    A. Mecca
    B. Medina
    C. Yemen                          
    D. Egypt
  23. _____ means the day of clamour
    A. Zilzalah
    B. Lahab
    C. Al-Qaariah                    
    D. Al-Kauthar
  24. How many goats are slaughtered during the Aqiqa of a baby girl?
    A. Two
    B. Three
    C. One                               
    D. Four months
  25. The night of power is better than ___ months
    A. 100
    B. 500
    C. 1000                             
    D. 1500
  26. The Qibla of muslims is in
    A. Makka
    B. Maedina
    C. Palestine                       
    D. Syria
  27. The angel who brings rain is called
    A. Mikail
    B. Jibril
    C. Ridhwan                       
    D. Israil
  28. We ask Allah's protection in surah
    A. Nasr
    B. Falaq
    C. Ikhlas                            
    D. Kauthar
  29. Tawakul mean
    A. Fear of Allah
    B. Belief inAllah
    C. Trust in Allah
    D. Pray to Allah
  30. Which islamic month come just before Rajab?
    A. Jamadhul
    B. Shaban
    C. Safar
    D. Shawal



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