- Short for electronic mails.
- They are messages sent via a computer connected to internet.
- Emails must be short and precise.
Email Address
- An email address is what identifies an electronic post office box on a network where email can be sent.
- Usually, there is no capitalization or spacing between the characters.
Component of Email Address
- All email addresses have three parts:
- Username;
- @ symbol; and
- The domain
- Username is the unique name that you select. It can be your real name or nickname. Example: sumudawa
- @ symbol separates the username from the domain. When you insert this symbol, your email program recognizes the character and sends the email to the domain name that follows it.
- Domain is broken into parts: the mail server and the top-level domain.
- The mail server is the server hosting the email account. There are such mail servers as yahoo, hotmail and gmail.
- Examples of top-level domains include: com, net, org, edu, etc - Example of email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Email Format
Email consists of:
- “FROM” Field. Write your email address.
- Date .
- “TO” Field. The recipient’s address is written here.
- “Cc” Field. Add the email address of other people whose copy of the message should reach.
- Subject. Write short but accurate subject header.
- Attachments. Include the document that should be attached if required.
- Salutation. Use proper salutation beginning with ‘dear’, etc.
- Message body. Get your point across without rambling.
- Leave-taking. Depending on your level of intimacy with the recipient, you can use phrases and words like:
- Yours sincerely,
- Yours faithfully,
- Yours cordially,
- Best,
- Your loving daughter/son/mum/dad/sister/brother,
- Respectfully,
- Your student, etc
- Signing. Write your full name.
Sample Email
FROM: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this email in response to your advertisement listed in The Standard Newspaper on 11th June 2016 for the vacancy of teaching Chemistry and Physics that has arisen with your school. I am a degree holder from Kilgoris University. I have taught for three years now. While teaching at Ungwana Secondary school, I developed my teaching skills. I have a strong communication and interpersonal skills, and have the ability to make students understand my two subjects properly. I can help students with their decision making. I desire to be part of the teaching team at Naikuma School where I could nourish the minds of young students. I will be highly obliged if you could go through my curriculum vitae attached herewith. Yours faithfully, |

- Fax is short for facsimile.
- Also known as telefax or telecopying.
- It is the telephonic transmission of scanned printed material usually to a telephone number which is connected to a printer.
How it Works
- To transmit the material, the process to follow include:
- Scanning of the original material using a fax machine(telecopier).
- Telecopier processes the content and converts it into a bitmap.
- The content is then transmitted through the telephone system to the receiver .
- The receiving telecopier interpretes the message and reconstruct it.
How to Write Notes and Fax Cover Sheet
- Add a letter head to the top of the fax cover sheet. It can either be for a company or an individual.
- The letter head can include the name of the company or individual’s name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address.
- Write “TO” followed by a colon some lines down. Fill in the name of the person who should receive the fax.
- Write “COMPANY” and fill in the name of the company where you are sending the fax.
- Write “FROM” and the colon on the next line. List the sender’s name.
- List the date.
- Write the recipient’s fax number.
- Write “NUMBER OF PAGES”. Enter this number including the cover page to help the recipient make sure no page is missing.
- Write “RE” followed by a colon. Enter the subject of what you are writing under notes.
- Write “NOTES” and then a colon. Enter additional information here. Write the message.
An institution can design a facsimile Transmittal Sheet depending on their taste. Below is an example of a facsimile transmittal sheet.
FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO ………………...…………… FROM……………...……..... COMPANY …………………………………………………....... DATE: …………………………………………………………...... FAX NUMBER .........………………………………………... PAGE TOTAL INCLUDING COVER ................... PHONE NUMBER: …………………………………………...… RE: __________________________________
NOTES: ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. |

Instructions to Family and Friends
- To give instructions is to let others know how to do something or reach somewhere.
- Instructions when written, can take the form of letters, notes, e-mails, and many others. Be careful on which to use and which will work well with your recipient.
- We give instructions to family and friends:
- To help us do something in our absence.
- On how to use a newly bought garget.
- On how to prepare some meals.
- On how to how to write their exams.
- On how to be successful individuals. Etc.
What to Do
- When writing instructions:
- Use simple words. Save the verbatim words.
- Use imperative form of sentences.
- Give one instruction at a time. Numbered.
Sample Instruction Note
Here, we have a sample of a note with instructions
INSTRUCTION ON WHAT TO DO WHILE I AM WAY Dear Kish, I have left for work. I will not come back as usually. After you wake up help do the following:
I hope you will not forget any of the above. When mum comes back she will bring you the fruits you asked for. Your loving mum, |
Your cousin has bought a mobile phone but she doesn’t know how to type text message and send it. In a letter, give her instructions that will help her do that with ease.
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