Curriculum Vitae
- This is a written overview of a person’s experience as well as their qualifications.
- It brings out a person’s life accomplishments, especially those related to academic realm.
- Try to present all the relevant information that you can.
- The CV need to reflect your abilities within your discipline.
Sample Curriculum Vitae
DON MICHAEL OTIENO’S CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Details Date of Birth: 8th April, 1989 Personal Profile A highly motivated, enthusiastic and dedicated teacher of English who has been praised for hard work and perseverance. Committed to creating classroom atmosphere that stimulates and encourage learners. Has the passion to work under minimum or no supervision at all. Educational Background
Work Experience
Hobbies and Interests

- Speech delivery requires adequate preparation. Writing itself is part of that preparation.
- To write a good speech:
- Select a topic that you enjoy talking about.
- Compose your specific purpose statement.
- Compose your Thesis statement or central idea. This is the most important part of your speech.
- Writing your thesis statement is a four step process:
- choose your topic
- Determine your general purpose. For example, to persuade, entertain, educate, etc.
- Write your specific purpose statement. This is what the speaker wants to accomplish.
- Tie it all together by composing a clear concise thesis statement.
Sample Speech
“The principal, deputy principal, teachers, and my fellow students, good morning? I am grateful for being offered this rare chance to address this large crowd. Thank you for this great opportunity. Today I want to particularly address form fours who are only 3 months away from reaping the hard work.
Dear candidates, where are you going to be in three months? What will you be doing from the time you wake up to day fall each day? What will you achieve when KCSE Results are announced? In other words, what is your target? Some of you might be thinking that three months is a lot of time to first waste and only revise with one week left. They might be thinking it is too early to revise. Let me assure you that it is high time you decide on doubling your effort.
In fact, with my one year experience since I left this school, I can suggest you two alternatives. Either you think about your future after form four – now! – or you leave this a frustrated individual, and regret later in life. Not encouraging at all to depend completely on your parents. I like the proverb: You reap what you sow. Remember no one reaps beans when he plants potato. Only if you work hard that work of your hands will handsomely be rewarded.
According to my deepest conviction, happy person is the person who always brings his own sunshine, wherever he goes and whatever the weather. Hope to see these sparks in you in you next year March when the results will be announced. Thanking for you listening to me. ”
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