- Introduction
- Rounding Off
- Operations on Whole Numbers
- Even Number
- Odd Number
- Prime Number
- Past KCSE Questions on the Topic

Place Value
- A digit can have a different value in a number because of its position in a number. The position of a digit in a number is called its place value.
Total Value
- This is the product of the digit and its place value.
Number | Hundred Millions |
Ten Millions |
Millions | Hundred Thousands |
Ten Thousands |
Thousands | Hundred | Tens | ones |
345,678,901 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 1 |
769,301 ,854 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 8 | 5 | 4 |
902,350,409 | 9 | 0 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 9 |
- A place value chart can be used to identify both place value and total value of a digit in a number. The place value chart is also used in writing numbers in words.
- Three hundred and forty five million, six hundred and seventy eight thousand, nine hundred and one.
- Seven hundred and sixty nine million, Three hundred and one thousand, eight hundred and fifty four.
- A billion is one thousands million, written as 1, 000, 000,000.There are ten places in a billion.
What is the place value and total value of the digits below?- 47,397,263,402 (place value 7 and 8).
- 389,41 0 ,000,245 ( place 3 and 9)
Solution- The place value for 6 is ten thousands. Its total value is 60,000.
- The place value of 3 is hundred billions. Its total value is 300,000,000,000.

Rounding Off
- When rounding off to the nearest ten, the ones digit determines the ten i.e. if the ones digit is 1 , 2, 3, or 4 the nearest ten is the ten number being considered.
- If the ones digit is 5 or more the nearest ten is the next ten or rounded up.
- Thus 641 to the nearest ten is 640, 31 89 to the nearest is 31 90.
- When rounding off to the nearest 1 00, then the last two digits or numbers end with 1 to 49 round off downwards.
- Number ending with 50 to 99 are rounded up.
- Thus 641 to the nearest hundred is 600, 31 89 is 3200.
Rounding off each of the following numbers to the nearest number indicated in the bracket:- 473,678 ( 1 00)
- 524,239 (1 000)
- 2,499 (1 0)
Solution- 473,678 is 473,700 to the nearest 100.
- 524,239 is 524,000 to the nearest 1000
- 2,499 is 2500 to the nearest 10.

Operations on Whole Numbers
Find out:
- 98 + 6734 + 348
- 6349 + 259 +7954
- Arrange the numbers in vertical forms
71 80 - 6349
Find: 73469 – 8971
- The product is the result of two or more numbers.
Work out: 469 x 63
1407 → 469 x 3 = 1407
+28140→469 x 60 = 28140
- When a number is divided by the result is called the quotient. The number being divided is the divided and the number dividing is the divisor.
Find: 6493 ÷ 14
We get 463 and 1 1 is the remainder
6493 = (463 x 14) + 1 1
In general, dividend = quotient x division + remainder.
Operation | Words |
Addition | sum plus added more than increased by |
Subtraction | difference minus subtracted from less than decreased by reduced by deducted from |
Multiplication | product of multiply times twice thrice |
Division | quotient of divided by |
Equal | equal to result is is |
Word Problem
- In working the word problems, the information given must be read and understood well before attempting the question.
- The problem should be broken down into steps and identify each other operations required.
Otego had 3469 bags of maize, each weighing 90 kg. He sold 2654 of them.
- How many kilogram of maize was he left with?
- If he added 468 more bags of maize, how many bags did he end up with?
- One bag weighs 90 kg.
3469 bags weigh 3469 x 90 = 31 2,21 0 kg
2654 bags weigh 2654 x 90 = 238,860 kg
Amount of maize left = 31 2,21 0 – 238,860
= 73,350 kg. - Number of bags = 81 5 + 468
=1 283

Even Number
- A number which can be divided by 2 without a remainder E.g. 0,2,4,6 0 or 8
3600, 7800, 806, 78346

Odd Number
- Any number that when divided by 2 gives a remainder. E.g. 471 ,1 23, 1 1 97,71 29.The numbers ends with the following digits 1 , 3, 5,7 or 9.

Prime Number
- A prime number is a number that has only two factors one and the number itself.
- For example, 2, 3, 5, 7, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 7 and 1 9.
Note:- is not a prime number.
- is the only even number which is a prime number.

Past KCSE Questions on the Topic
- Write 27707807 in words
- All prime numbers less than ten are arranged in descending order to form a number
- Write down the number formed
- What is the total value of the second digit?
- Write the number formed in words
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