Physical Education - 2021 Grade 4 Revision Papers and Exams - Set 1

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  1. Name four ways you can play using a ball (8 marks)
    1. _____________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________
    4. ______________________________________
  2. Name three play items used in your school (6marks)
    1. __________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
    3. ___________________________________
  3. Some games are played using a ball in an organised given number of players. Name three of these games (6marks)
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
  4. Draw the following (6marks)
    1. A ball
      rectangle science
    2. A bean bag
      rectangle science
  5. You have been told by your P.E teacher to make a ball at home. Name three materials that you can use to make your own ball (6 marks)
    1. _________________________
    2. _________________________
    3. __________________________
  6. Before any activity taking place in the field one should perform some warm up exercises. Name four examples of warm activities carried out by your P.E teacher during P.E lesson. (8marks)
    1. ____________________________
    2. _____________________________
    3. _____________________________
    4. _____________________________
  7. Name two parts of your body that can be used to play a ball (4marks)
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  8. Paul wanted to participate in athletics. Name two track events that he could participate in (4marks)
    1.  ________________________________
    2. ________________________________


    1. Throwing
    2. Striking
    3. Dodging
    4. Kicking (any other method of playing a ball named by the learner)
    1. Ball
    2. Bean bag
    3. Ropes ( any other play item named)
    1. Football
    2. Volleyball
    3. Handball (any other organised game)
  4. Draw a ball and a bean bag
    1. Strings
    2. Papers
    3. Old cloths (Any other materials that can improvise a ball)
    1. Jogging
    2. Stretching
    3. Squatting
    4. Rolling(Any other warm up activity named)
    1. Hands
    2. Legs (any other body part that can play a ball)
    1. 100m race
    2. 4 by 100m race (any other track event nmaed by the learner
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