Study the map of Soliat area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.
- Which one of the following forms of transport is NOT used in the map?
A. Road
B. Air
C. Rail
D. Pipeline - Which one of the following crops is grown in Soliat area to manufacture insecticides?
A. Maize
B. Pyrethrum
C. Cotton
D. Sisal - The MAIN religion that is practised in Soliat area is -
A. traditionalist
B. Islamic
C. Christianity
D. Paganism - Three of the following economic activities are practised in Soliat area EXCEPT:
A. livestock farming
B. tourism
C. lumbering
D. cash crop farming - What is the approximately distance of the railway line in the area?
A. 7 km
B. 12 km
C. 15 km
D. 9 km - Which type of soil is LIKELY to be found in the North Eastern part of Soliat area?
A. Loam soil
B. Volcanic soil
C. Clay soil
D. Alluvial soil - River Kamama flows from ____to___
North East to South East
B. South East to North West
C. North West to South East
D. South to North - African resistance was easily conquered by the colonialists MAINLY because:
Africans used crude weapons
B. Europeans were united
C. Europeans had large armies
D. Africans had better weapons - Which one of the following countries used constitutional reforms to attain her independence?
A. Namibia
B. Zimbabwe
C. Kenya
D. Ghana
Use the map of Africa to answer questions 10 to 12.
- The island marked X was granted independence by :
A. Portugal
B. France
C. Britain
D. Germany - When is the winter period experienced in the area marked xxx?
A. December to February.
B. March to May.
C. June to August.
D. September to November. - The highlands marked J are known as:
A. Ahaggar
B. Tibesti
C. Adamawa
D. Atlas mountain - The body in charge of conducting general elections in Kenya is the:
D. EBCK - According to the new constitution the nation assembly consists of the following EXCEPT:
A. 12 nominated members
B. 210 elected members
C. the speaker
D. 47 women representatives - Which one of the following countries is CORRECTLY matched with its former colonial power?
A. Angola - Italy
B. Nigeria - France
C. Namibia - Germany
D. Cameroon - Britain. - Which one of the following arms of the government is responsible of interpreting the law and applying justice?
A Judiciary
B. Legislature
C. Executive
D. Cabinet. - The largest and the MAIN sea port in Kenya is: -
A Kisumu
B. Nakuru
C. Mombasa
D. Nairobi - Which one of the following was a traditional way in which the youth interacted?
A. Conferences
B. Watching movies
C. Employment
D. Initiation ceremonies. - Which one of the following is NOT a form of print media as a means of communication used in our country?
A. Books
B. Radios
C. Magazines
D. Newspapers. - The Swaziland national council or the cabinet that assists the king in ruling is called:
A. Liqoqo
B. Ngwenyana
C. Tinkhundla
D. Libandla - Which one of the following species of trees is mainly found in the Equatorial rainforest?
A. Pine
B. Olive
C. Ebony
D. Eucalyptus - In Kenya the government departments known as ministries are headed by:
A. cabinet secretaries
B. the head of civil service
C. cabinet ministers
D. principal secretaries - The Tazara railway line was constructed MAINLY:
A. to promote trade between Tanzania and Zambia.
B. to connect landlocked Zambia to Tanzania coast.
C. to increase infrastructure in both countries
D. to facilitate administration programmes in Zambia and Tanzania. - Which one of the following industries is considered as an invisible export?
A. Media services
B. Glass making
C. Tourism
D. Banking
Use the physical feature below to answer question 25 and 26.
- Which economic activity is LIKELY to be undertaken in the region marked X?
A. Mining
B. Cash crop farming
C. Wildlife and tourism
D. Pastoralism - The above type of rainfall is experienced i. the:
A. highlands
B. rift valley
C. plateaus
D. coastal plains - Which one of the following traditional techniques of predicting the weather was NOT associated with rainfall?
A. Trail of ants
B. Shedding of leaves
C. Croaking of frogs
D. Appeareance of toads. - The first remains of the Homo Habilis were discovered at:
A. Fort Tenan
B. Olduvai Gorge
C. Koobi Fora
D. Nariokotome - Which one of the following is a similarity between the population of Kenya and Germany?
A. Both population are made up of youth.
B. The two countries have population not evenly distributed
C. The two countries have a high birth rate.
D. Both countries have more people living in rural areas. - Which one of the following types of marriages is carried out according to African traditions and culture?
A. Customary marriage
B. Christian marriage
C. Civil marriage
D. Islamic marriage - Which one of the following lakes was formed through down-warping?
A. L. Tanganyika
B. L. Chad
C. L. Tana
D. L. Magadi - In which of the following types of soil are fish ponds mainly constructed?
Loam soil
B. Volcanic soil
C. Sand soil
D. Black cotton soil. - Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Mediterranean type of vegetation?
Common trees are pine, fir and olives
B. Trees have small shinny need-like leave
C. Trees form an umbrella-like shape called canopy.
D. Trees have thick barks and deep roots. - Amhara and Tigre are communities found in which Eastern Africa country?
A. Sudan
B. Ethiopia
C. Uganda
D. Somalia - The MAIN economic activity of the Mijikenda during the pre-colonial period vas:
A. hunting
B. mining
C. pastoralism
D. farming - The gradual process through which modern man has developed from an ape-like creature is called:
A. evolution
B. creation
C. migration
D. stone period. - Who among the following did NOT take part in teaching children in the past?
A. Relatives
B. Elders
C. Teachers
D. Parents
Use the diagram below to answer questions 38 and 39.
- The vegetation distribution in the illustration above is MANILY influenced by:
A. altitude
B. soil
C. climate
D. human activities - Which type of vegetation is found in the area marked X?
A. Rain forest
B. Hearth and moorland
C. Savanna woodland
D. Bamboo forest - Three of the following are importance of cultural artifacts. Which one is NOT?
A. Makes us understand the culture of our people.
B. Are items of trade between communities
C. Makes us like other people's culture
D. They are used as part of entertainment. - Which one of the following is NOT a function of a clan?
A. Allocating land to its members
B. Settling members' disputes
C. Presiding over major religious ceremonies
D. Creating wealth for members - Growing of crops and raising of animals is referred to as:
A. agriculture
B. viticulture
C. floriculture
D. farming - Which one of the following counties grows maize in large scale?
A. Kirinyaga
B. Machakos
C. Trans-Nzoia
D. Migori - The MAIN staple food for the Buganda community in Uganda is
A. maize
B. wheat
C. rice
D. bananas - Which one of the following is NOT a use of copper?
A. Making of coins
B. Making of jewellery
C. Making of rust resistant tubes.
D. Making of glass - Which of the following is a traditional method of fishing?
A. Handline
B. Purse seining
C. Gill nets
D. Trawling - Which one of the following is an advantage of using railway compared to road transport?
A. It is quite flexible
B. It is the most convenient
C. It transports bulky goods
D. It is very fast for long distance. - The capital city of Old Ghana was located at:
A. Kumbi Saleh
B. Kankan
C. Accra
D. Abijan - Who among the following African leaders embraced the colonialists?
A. Mekatilili wa Menza
B. Koitalel arap Samoei
C. Samori Toure
D. Lewanika of Lozi. - The tirst missionary to arrive in East Africa was: A. Johannes Rebman
A. Dr. Ludwig Krapf
C. John Speke
D. DR. David Livingstone - Which one of the following is the MAIN reason that led to the scramble and partition of Africa?
A. TC top slave trade.
B. Need for land to settle.
C. Need to acquire raw materials.
D. To obtain a market for manufactured goods. - Which one of the following policies of administration was used to rule Senegal by the French?
A. Association
B. Paternalism
C. Indirect rule
D. Assimilation - Which one of the following is NOT a form of child abuse?
A. Putting children under detention.
B. Denying children their right to play.
C. Forcing children to do their homework.
D. Forcing young girls into early marriages. - Which one of the following types of democracy is practised by the government of Kenya?
A. Representative democracy
B. Direct democracy
C. Majority democracy
D. Delegative democracy - Which one of the following is NOT a function of the National Assembly?
A. To enact legislation
B. Implements government policies
C. Approves presidential appointees
D. Approves government expenditure. - The presidential election results are announced by the:
A. Returning officer
B. Presiding officer
C. County returning officer
D. Chairman of the IEBC. - Which one of the following countries is ruled by a prime minister?
A. Ethiopia
B. Swaziland
C. Kenya
D. Uganda - Who among the following is an ex-officio member of parliament?
A. Attorney general
B. Clerk of the house
C. The speaker
D. Chief justice - Which one of the following conditions may NOT lead one to lose a parliamentary seat?
A. If a member of parliament is imprisoned for one month.
B. If the election is nullified by the high court.
C. If the member of parliament misses six consecutive sittings in parliament.
D. if a member of parliament is declared bankrupt by the court of law. - Three of the following are reasons that made Samori Toure to become powerful EXCEPT that:
A. he had built a strong centralised state.
B. he was helped by neighbouring communities
C. he imported firearms and horses to be use; in his army
D. he built a strong army.
- Which one of the following is TRUE about the first woman according to the Genesis stories of creation?
A. She was meant to be Adam's subject.
B. She was wiser than Adam.
C. She was to offer companionship to Adan.
D. She always had a desire to gain more knowledge. - By making clothes for Adam and Eve despite their disobedience, God mainly showed that He is:
A. charitable
B. merciful
C. holy
D. faithful - How many members of Noah's family escaped the floods?
A. Ten
B. Twelve
C. Six
D. Eight - While going to mount Moriah to offer a sacrifice to God, Abraham did NOT carry:
A. wood
B. a knife
C. a lamb
D. fire - Who was the father-in-law of Jacob?
A. Laban
B. Eleazer
C. Jethro
D. Bethuel - Why did the brothers of Joseph dislike him?
A. He always reported them to Jacob.
B. He usually had funny dreams.
C. He was his father's favourite son.
D. He always received nice gifts. - What was Moses doing at the time God called him?
He was threshing corn.
B. He was ploughing.
C. He was talking to Jethro's daughter.
D. He was caring for animals. - Why did Moses pour blood on the Israelites during the covenant with God?
To make them a chosen nation of God.
B. To make them loyal.
C. To punish the non-believers
D. To give them strength to overcome challenges. - Who among the following Kings of Israel built the temple for God?
A. Saul
B. Jeroboam
C. Solomon
D. David - Which prophet foretold the killing of baby boys at the time of Jesus' birth?
A. Isaiah
B. Jeremiah
C. Hosea
D. Joel - The following miracles w re performed by Elisha EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
A. He healed a beggar
B. He fed a large number of people.
C. He raised the dead.
D. He multiplied flour. - Why was Mary chosen to be the mother of Jesus?
A. She was greatly blessed.
B. She was prayerful.
C. She was betrothed to Joseph.
D. She was a Jew. - During the presentation of Jesus, Simeon described him as:
A. the lamb of God.
B. the light to the Gentiles.
C. the prince of peace.
D. the mighty God. - Which one of the following was NOT a temptation Jesus faced in the wilderness?
A. Jump from the highest point of the temple.
B. Turn stones into bread
C. Worship Satan
D. Denounce God. - By healing the paralysed man, Jesus proved that He:
A. was a universal saviour
B. had power over demons
C. had power to forgive sins
D. had power over life. - Which one of the following is NOT an element of prayer?
A. Adoration
B. Fasting
C. Thanksgiving
D. Confession. - Why is Stephen considered the first martyr?
A. He was killed because of his faith.
B. He refused to deny Jesus.
C. He was among the seven deacons.
D. He prayed for his persecutors. - Jesus resurrected from the dead on:
A. the day of Pentecost
B. Easter Monday
C. Laster Sunday
D. Palm Sunday - Which parable did Jesus use to teach his followers about love and concern for the poor?
A. The prodigal son
B. The rich man and Lazarus
C. The rich young fool
D. The ten virgins. - Who foretold about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
A. Prophet Joel
B. Prophet Jeremiah
C. Prophet Isaiah
D. Prophet Hosea. - The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit except one. Which one is it?
A. Wisdom
B. Patience
C. Love
D. Faithfulness - Which follower of Jesus was referred to as the apostle to the Gentiles?
A. John
B. Peter
C. Andrew
D. Paul - Which book in the old testament teaches about tithing?
A. Deuteronomy
B. Genesis
C. Malachi
D. Judges - What did Jesus promise to the peacemakers during the sermon on the mount?
A. They will be shown mercy.
B. God will call them his children.
C. They will be satisfied fully.
D. They will inherit the land. - Which one of the following is true about initiation in traditional African society and baptism in Christianity?
A. They mark the start of a new life.
B. Both involve sacrifice.
C. Both are performed by priests.
D. They involved shedding of blood. - In traditional African society elders were MAINLY expected to be:
A. responsible
B. respectful
C. humble
D. wise - Which traditional African community refers their God as the Great distributor?
A. Luo
B. Maasai
C. Kikuyu
D. Luhya. - As a Christian the BEST advice you can give a person abusing drugs is:
A. to care for his family
B. to avoid ruining God's temple
C. keep himself busy at work
D. observe the Sabbath day - Stephen, a Std 8 pupil found his lost books in his deskmate's bag. What is the BEST thing for him to do as a Christian?
A. Report his deskmate to the class teacher.
B. Never to sit with that deskmate again.
C. Pray for the deskiate to change.
D. Find out how the books got into his deskmate's bag. - The first Christian missionaries to come to Kenya were representatives of -
A. The Church Missionary Society
B. The holy Ghost fathers
C. The Consolata Fathers
D. The Presbyterian Church.
- "Let them adore the Lord of this house" is an extract from surah:
A. Tiyn
B. Quraish
C. Kafirun
D. Maun - Which of the following surahs lays emphasis on protection of orphans?
A. Nasr
B. Kauthar
C. Maun
D. Tiyn - In which of these surahs is a Muslim commanded to give Zakah?
A. Dhuha
B. Adiyat
C. Takathur
D. Bayyinnah - The Surah that gives Muslims encouragement in coping up with life is:
A. Inshirah
B. Dhuha
C. Asr
D. Humazah - Which surah is closely related to the conquest of Makkah?
A. Nasr
B. Fiyl
C. Quraish
D. Masad - "The bravest among you is the one who can control himself during anger and the most humble is that who forgives when he has the ability to revenge." The MAIN teaching of the Hadith is -
A. brave person
B. importance of revenge
C. forgiving others
D. self-control - Which of these funeral rites is performed LAST?
A. Dafan
B. Kafan
C. ghusul
D. prayer - Equality in hajj can be manifested BEST through:
A. sharing meals
B. performing tawaf
C. pelting the pillars
D. putting on ihraam. - On which of the following days is saum prohibited?
A. Sitatu shaawwal
B. 1st Ramadhan
C. Ayyamul beidh
D. Ayyamul Tashriq - Which of the following attributes of Allah bears a similar meaning as Al-BAAR?
A. Al-Khaaliq
B. Al-Musawwir
C. Al-Wahhab
D. Al-Qudur - Which parts are common in BOTH udhu and tayammum?
A. Face, legs
B. Head, ears
C. Mouth, face
D. Face, arms - The business malpractice of hiding goods in anticipation for hike in price in the near future is: -
A. ghush
B. ikhtikar
C. khitan
D. ribaa - Halimah, a Std. 8 girl saw a janazah being carried as she was on her way back to school one afternoon. What was the BEST action for her to do?
A. Join the mourners to the grave
B. Hide in a nearby house.
C. Take another route to evade the janazah.
D. Stand still until the janazah passes. - During the conquest of Makkah some places were declared safe. Which of the following is NOT among them?
A. Abu Ayub's house
B. one's own house
C. the Kaabah
D. Abu Sufyan's house - Which of the following is NOT a pillar of umrah?
A. Sa'ay
B. Shaving
C. Ihraam
D. Arafah - The battle in which Muslims emerged with great victory was:
A. Uhud
B. Khandaq
C. Badr
D. Khaibar - The prophet of Allah who attained the title khaliilah' was:
A. Adam
B. Musa
C. Issa
D. Ibrahim - The prophet p.b.u.h went for miiraj in the company of
A. Zeid bin Harith
B. Ali bin Abu Twalib
C. Abubakar
D. Jibril - Your friend Salim is looking for a wife. Which quality would you advise him to consider first?
A. Piousness of the woman
B. Beauty of the woman
C. Family of the woman
D. Occupation of the woman - During the second Hijra to Habash, Muslims were led by:
A. Ali
B. Hamzah
C. Jaafar
D. Athman - Which of the following prayers is conducted following a lunar eclipse?
A. Istisqai
B. Kusuf
C. Dhuha
D. Khusuf - Which of the following birds took errands for Nabii Suleiman to the queen of Saba'a?
A. parrot
B. Sparrow
C. Hoopoe
D. Owl - Which of the following najsat must be removed by washing seven times?
A. Vomit
B. Alcohol
C. Stool
D. Pig - Which of these items is NOT liable for zakat?
A. Agricultural produce
B. Personal clothes
C. Burried treasure
D. Money - Muslims lost in the battle of Uhud as a result of:
A. withdrawal of 300 soldiers
B. poor weapons
C. disobedience of the archers
D. absence of Abdalla bin Ubay - The pillar of hajj that demonstrate physical fitness of Muslims is:
A. Ihraam
B. Tawaf
C. Arafah
D. Shaving - Who among the following people passed on as a result of the boycott at Shiib Abu-Twalib?
A. Hamzah
B. Ali
C. Abu-Jahal
D. Abu-Twalib - All the following terms have one thing in common EXCEPT:
A. Baath
B. Mah-shar
C. Hukmu
D. Ghusul - The angel who is the guardian of hell is:
A. Harut
B. Malik
C. Marut
D. Jibril - Which of these phrases is uttered to conclude prayer?
A. Taslim
B. Tahmiid
C. Takbir
D. Tahlil

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