- The photograph shows the inner surface of the upper left side of the rib cage.
- Name the bone covered by the fatty tissue labeled K. (1 mark)
- Explain the role of part labelled M in the inhalation. (5 marks)
- The photograph below shows a mammalian vertebra.
- State the view of the vertebra presented. (1 mark)
- Name and state one function of the part labeled T.
- How are the parts labelled S and V adapted to their functions? (4 marks)
- The actual width of the vertebra below in cm is shown by a section of the ruler in the photograph.
- Determine the width of the vertebra on the photograph. (1 mark)
- Calculate the magnification of this image. (2 marks)
- Determine the actual length of the vertebra from point A to B. Show your working. (2 marks)
- The photograph shows the inner surface of the upper left side of the rib cage.
- You are provided with a food sample labelled solution C. Using the reagents provided, carry out tests to identify the food substances present in the sample.
- Below are photographs showing some observable features of leaves.
Using the features in the order given below, construct a dichotomous key that can be used to identify the specimen.
- simple and compound leaves;
- leaf venation;
- leaf margin;
- arrangement of leaves on the stem;
- pinnate or trifoliate nature of leaves. (10 marks)

- Sternum; (1 mark)
- The internal intercostal muscles relax; pulling the ribs upwards; and outwards;
This increases the volume of the rib cage while pressure decreases;
Forcing air into the lungs; (5 marks)
- Anterior/dorsal view; (1 mark)
- Name - Neural canal; (1 mark)
Function - Passage of the spinal cord. (1 mark) - V: It is thick and solid; for bearing the weight of the body (back) (2 marks)
S: It is long; to provide a large surface area for attachment of muscles; (2 marks)
- Image width = 9.8 cm
- Magnification = Image length / width
Actual lrngth / width
=9.8 ± 0.1
4.6 ± 0.1
Mg = x 2.13 - Actual length = 10.4 ± 0.1
= 4.8826 cm
- Simple leaves ............................................................... go to 2;
- Compound leaves ........................................................ go to 4;
- Leaves net-veined/reticulate ........................................... go to 3;
- Leaves parallel veined ............................................... Commelinaceae;
- Leaves with serrated margins .................................... Malvaceae;
- Leaves with smooth (entire) margins .......................... Nystaginaceae;
- Leaves opposite .......................................................... go to 5;
- Leaves alternate ........................................................ Bignoniceae;
- Leaves pinnate .......................................................... Papilionaceae;
- Leaves trifoliate ......................................................... Compositae; (10 marks)
Food Substance Tested | Procedure | Observation | Conclusion |
1.Reducing sugars | Put 2 cm3 of C in a test tube; Add equal volume of Benedict’s Solution. Put in a hot water bath/heat/ warm/boil; |
No colour change/ blue colour remains/ colour of Benedict’s solution remains/ persists; |
Reducing sugars absent; |
2.Reducing sugar | Put 2 cm3 of C in a test tube; Add a few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid. Place the test tube in a hot water bath for 3 minutes; Remove the test tube and cool in cold water. Add (NaH)2CO3 drop by drop until fizzing stops Add 2 cm3 of Benedict’s Solution. Place the test tube in a hot water bath/heat/warm/boil; |
Colour changes to green / yellow / orange / brown; |
Reducing sugars present; |
3.Proteins | Put 2 cm3 of C in a test tube; Add an equal amount of sodium hydroxide solution and shake. Add copper sulphate drop by drop, shaking well after each addition; |
Colour changes to purple/violet/mauve; |
Proteins present; |
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