SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section
- Identify two theories which explain the origin of man. (2 marks)
- State two ways in which the Agikuyu interacted with the Maasai during the pre-colonial period. (2 marks)
- Name the original homeland of the River-Lake Nilotes of Kenya. (1 mark)
- Identify the main economic activity of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period. (1 mark)
- Give one advantage of dual citizenship to a Kenyan. (1 mark)
- State two ways in which national integration has promoted economic development in Kenya. (2 marks
- Identify one minority group whose rights were protected by the Constitution of Kenya at independence. (1 mark)
- Outline two advantages of indirect democracy as practised in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Give the type of human right which is violated if a person is unlawfully detained (1 mark)
- State two demands of the African Elected Members' Organization (AEMO) presented to the Colonial Secretary in 1957. (2 marks)
- Give the main contribution made by Tom Mboya which improved the welfare of workers during the colonial period.(1 mark)
- Outline two types of cases which are determined by the Kadhis courts in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Give two reasons that may lead to the removal of a County Governor from office in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Identify one National Security organ of the Republic of Kenya. (1 mark)
- Give one classification of land ownership enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya. (1 mark)
- State two roles played by Theatre in nation building (2 marks)
- Give the main reason why president Daniel Arap Moi banned ethnic organisations in 1979. (1 mark)
SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- Outline three factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the East African Coast before 1500 AD. (3 marks)
- Explain six effects of the Indian Ocean Trade on the East African Coastal inhabitants before 1500 AD. (12 marks)
- Give three reasons why the British used direct rule in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Explain six results of collaboration between Lenana and the British (12 marks
- Outline three reasons why African reserves were created in Kenya during the colonial period. (3 marks)
- Explain six ways in which the construction of the Uganda Railway promoted economic development in Kenya. (12 marks)
- Identify three political organisations that Ronald Ngala worked with in his political career. (3 marks)
- Discuss six contributions of Professor Wangari Maathai in the politics of Kenya. (12 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the space provided at the end of question 24.
- State five economic challenges which Kenya was experiencing at independence. (5 marks)
- Discuss five features of African Socialism which was adopted in Kenya after independence. (10 marks)
- Give five qualities of a good public servant in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Explain five functions of the civil service of the National Government of Kenya. (10 marks)
- State five functions of the Controller of Budget of the Government of Kenya. (5 marks)
- Explain five ways in which the recurrent expenditure funds are used by the County governments in Kenya. (10 marks)

Marking Scheme
SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section
- Identify two theories which explain the origin of man. (2 marks)
- The Creation Theory/
- The Evolution Theory/
- The Traditional/mythical Theory
- State two ways in which the Agikuyu interacted with the Maasai during the pre-colonial period. (2 marks)
- They intermarried.
- They traded/exchanged goods.
- They borrowed items from each other.
- They raided each other/fought.
- Name the original homeland of the River-Lake Nilotes of Kenya. (1 mark)
- Bahr-el-Ghazal/Southern Sudan
- Identify the main economic activity of the Akamba during the pre-colonial period. (1 mark)
- Bahr-el-Ghazal/Southern Sudan
- Give one advantage of dual citizenship to a Kenyan. (1 mark)
- A person can work in either of the countries.
- One can choose to live in either of the countries.
- One is entitled to the rights/freedoms provided in the Constitution of Kenya.
- State two ways in which national integration has promoted economic development in Kenya. (2 marks)
- It has enabled citizens to work/employed in any part of Kenya.
- It has enabled free movement of goods/services within the country.
- It has cnabled citizens to invest/establish businesses in any part of the country.
- It has enabled people to buy property anywhere in the country.
- Identify one minority group whose rights were protected by the Constitution of Kenya at independence. (1 mark)
- The Europeans
- The Asians
- Minority indigenous African communities
- Outline two advantages of indirect democracy as practised in Kenya. (2 marks)
- People exercise their democratic rights/elect leaders of their own choice.
- The leaders are accountable to the electorate.
- The electorate/people can vote out/recall their elected leaders.
- People's views in decision making are taken into account.
- Give the type of human right which is violated if a person is unlawfully detained (1 mark)
- The right of movement/freedom of movement.
- State two demands of the African Elected Members' Organization (AEMO) presented to the Colonial Secretary in 1957. (2 marks)
- The increase of African elected members in the Legislative Council to be increased to 14.
- There should be special elections of four members from each race.
- The number of African-ministers be-raised to
- Registration of voters on a common role
- Give the main contribution made by Tom Mboya which improved the welfare of workers during the colonial period.(1 mark)
- He formed Trade union/workers' union
- Outline two types of cases which are determined by the Kadhis courts in Kenya. (2 marks)
- Marriage cases.
- Divorce cases.
- Inheritance cases.
- Personal status.
- Give two reasons that may lead to the removal of a County Governor from office in Kenya. (2 marks)
- If he/she violates the Constitution/any other law.
- If he/she commits a crime under national/international law.
- Due to abuse of office/gross misconduct.
- Due to mental or physical incapacity to perform functions of the office.
- Identify one National Security organ of the Republic of Kenya. (1 mark)
- Kenya Defence Forces.
- National Intelligence Service.
- National Police Service.
- Give one classification of land ownership enshrined in the Constitution of Kenya. (1 mark)
- Public land.
- Community land.
- Private land.
- State two roles played by Theatre in nation building (2 marks)
- It educates people on different cultural aspects.
- It provides entertainment.
- It creates employment.
- It helps in uniting people.
- It enhances creativity/sculpture/art and craft painting
- It promotes dance/music industry
- Give the main reason why president Daniel Arap Moi banned ethnic organisations in 1979. (1 mark)
- In order to promote national unity
SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section
- Outline three factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the East African Coast before 1500 AD. (3 marks)
- The accessibility of the East African Coast from the sea/ocean.
- The development of marine technology/existence of marines.
- The existence of monsoon winds.
- The technology/knowledge of boat making.
- Existence of natural/deep habours
- Explain six effects of the Indian Ocean Trade on the East African Coastal inhabitants before 1500 AD. (12 marks)
- It led to the development/growth of the city states/towns along the coast like Mombasa which were rich/famous.
- Many foreigners settled in the East African Coast thereby increasing the population in the region.
- Islamic code of law/sharia was introduced which was used to govern the coastal city states/people.
- Islamic religion widely spread in the region as many people were converted into it.
- Arabic/Persian architecture was introduced which was reflected in the designs of houses/mosques built in the region. Islamic education was introduced where Islamic schools/madrassa were constructed.
- There was intermarriage(s) between the early visitors and the coastal inhabitants resulting with the new breed of people called Waswahili.
- Kiswahili language emerged, which was a combination of Bantu and Arabic languages.
- There was introduction of new crops like ricc/cloves/millet fruits which became staple foods for the coastal people.
- Islamic dressing styles were introduced where men wore long robes (kanzus) and women wore veils (buibui).
- Outline three factors that enabled the early visitors to come to the East African Coast before 1500 AD. (3 marks)
- Give three reasons why the British used direct rule in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Most of the communities were stateless/did not have elaborate traditional governments
- They wanted to establish full control of the people.
- It had been used successfully elsewhere.
- They had enough personnel/administrators.
- Some communities were resisting.
- Most of the communities had been weakened by civil wars/famines.
- Explain six results of collaboration between Lenana and the British (12 marks)
- The Maasai were evicted/displaced from some of their lands which was given to the settlers.
- The Maasai lost their independence, hence colonized by the British (iii) Lenana was given the position of Paramount Chief by the British in order to please him.
- Maasai warriors were employed as mercenaries and were used to suppress/bring other communities under colonial rule.
- The Maasai were rewarded with livestock which was confiscated from resisting communities.
- Lenana was helped to fight his brother Sendeyo whom he forced together with his followers to move to northern Tanzania.
- Through Maasai agreements of 1904 and 1911, they were divided into Laikipia and Ngong reserves.
- The Uganda railway was constructed through Maasailand which enhanced colonial/British administration.
- Give three reasons why the British used direct rule in Kenya. (3 marks)
- Outline three reasons why African reserves were created in Kenya during the colonial period. (3 marks)
- In order to check/control the movement of Africans.
- In order to create room/land for settler farming.
- To create a pool of African labour force.
- To check/reduce curtail slow down the spread of nationalist ideas.
- It was a divide and rule tactic.
- For easier provision of social amenities to the Africans.
- Explain six ways in which the construction of the Uganda Railway promoted economic development in Kenya. (12 marks)
- It provided cheap/easy transportation of goods and services to and from the market.
- It enhanced the movement of labour/workers thereby enabling them to access their work places.
- There was development of towns/trading centres/duka wallas developed along the railway which generated revenue to the government.
- It created job opportunities to many people who were employed to man/maintain it.
- It opened up agricultural potential arcas where both settler and Africans started farming activities.
- Minerals were exploited as there was access to the mines and transport of the products.
- Agriculture-related industries were established to mainly process agricultural raw materials.
- It promoted local trade as goods could be transported to areas where there was demand.
- It generated revenue for the government through charges levied on goods/people transported,
- Outline three reasons why African reserves were created in Kenya during the colonial period. (3 marks)
- Identify three political organisations that Ronald Ngala worked with in his political career. (3 marks)
- Coast African Association.
- Kilifi African People's Union
- Kenya African Democratic Union.
- Mombasa African Democratic Union.
- Kenya African National Union
- Discuss six contributions of Professor Wangari Maathai in the politics of Kenya. (12 marks)
- She founded the Green Belt Movement which advanced environmental and political activism in the country.
- She served as the vice-chair and later as the chair of the National Council of Women of Kenya which encouraged the participation of women in political affairs
- Together with other pro-multiparty democracy activists, she campaigned for the need to have political pluralism in Kenya.
- Together with other activists, she participated in hunger strike in Freedom Corner/Uhuru Park to put pressure on the government to release political prisoners.
- She was an elected Member of Parliament for Tetu Constituency on a NARC ticket where she represented her people.
- She was an assistant minister for Environment and Natural Resources under the NARC government, a forum she used to improve the country's environment.
- She founded the Mazingira Green Party to allow the candidates to run on a platform for environmental conservation.
- Identify three political organisations that Ronald Ngala worked with in his political career. (3 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section in the space provided at the end of question 24.
- State five economic challenges which Kenya was experiencing at independence. (5 marks)
- High poverty levels among the people.
- Africanisation of jobs/economy.
- Unfavourable balance of trade.
- Low salaries/remunerations for Africans.
- High unemployment level.
- Inadequate capital for development.
- Redistribution of land settling landless people.
- Discuss five features of African Socialism which was adopted in Kenya after independence. (10 marks)
- Democracy was embraced where Africans were encouraged to participate actively.
- Mutual social responsibility, which emphasized the spirit of brotherhood in nation building.
- Private and public ownership of the factors of production would develop hand in hand.
- It emphasized equal job opportunities for all regardless of one's tribe/religion/background.
- Narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor would be achieved through o progressive taxation/mutual assistance.
- To provide the needed social services such as education/health which were inadequate.
- Mixed economy was emphasized in order to improve production/living standards of the people.
- Progressive Africanisation of the economy would be achieved without harming/disrupting it.
- State five economic challenges which Kenya was experiencing at independence. (5 marks)
- Give five qualities of a good public servant in Kenya. (5 marks)
- Efficiency/effectiveness.
- Impartiality.
- Accountability/transparency.
- Integrity/honest
- Professionalism.
- Responsiveness
- Self-driven/self-motivated.
- Explain five functions of the civil service of the National Government of Kenya. (10 marks)
- It provides services required by the people in various sectors of the economy
- It keeps government records/documents which ensures continuity in the provision of public service.
- It explains government policies to the people in order to make them easily understood by the public
- It maintains law and order/security through various security organs like the Kenya Police/ National Intelligence Services.
- It monitors the implementation of government projects/policies in order to ensure proper use of public resources.
- It defends the country from external aggression through the Kenya Defence Forces.
- It liaises with other countries/international organizations which conduct business with government
- Through the Judiciary, it settles disputes which arise among the people.
- Give five qualities of a good public servant in Kenya. (5 marks)
- State five functions of the Controller of Budget of the Government of Kenya. (5 marks)
- He/She oversees implementation of the budget of the National/County Government.
- He/She authorizes withdrawals of the public funds.
- He ensures that the withdrawals are lawful.
- He/She submits to parliament reports on implementation of budget.
- He/She checks the use of government funds.
- He/She advises the government on budgeting.
- Explain five ways in which the recurrent expenditure funds are used by the County governments in Kenya. (10 marks)
- They are used to pay salaries/wages to the county government workers who provide services within the county.
- They are used to repair/maintain government facilities in order to keep them in good working conditions.
- They are used to pay loans borrowed to finance operations/activities in the counties.
- They are used in provision of bursaries/sponsor needy students for further studies.
- They are used in financing sporting/cultural activities which take place is the counties.
- They are used to pay subscription fee to inter-county associations/programmes in order to sustain their operations.
- They are used to buy medical supplies/medicine required in the county bite health facilities. Show full awhubwoond.
- They are used to construct/maintain transport Anfrastructure in order to case movement of people/goods in the county/ case commercial activities
- State five functions of the Controller of Budget of the Government of Kenya. (5 marks)
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