IRE Paper 1 Questions and Answers - KCSE 2021 Past Papers

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    1. Describe the language and style of the Quran.  (7 marks)
    2. How can Muslims apply the teachings of Surah Al-Asr in their lives?  (6 marks)
    3. State seven ways in which the Quran was preserved during the time of the rightly guided Khalifas. (7 marks)
    1. Why is the Quran considered the perfect revelation from Allah to mankind? (7 marks)
    2. Discuss the social teachings found in Surah An-Nur. (8 marks)
    3. State five similarities between the Quran and Hadith Qudsi.  (5 marks)
    1. Why did it become necessary to collect and compile Hadith after the death of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)? (7 marks)
    2. State seven conditions that the matn of a hadith should fulfil before it is accepted as authentic
    3. The Prophet (P.b.u.h) said: "cursed is he who misleads a blind person away from his path."
      In reference to the Hadith, explain six ways through which Muslims can care for the disabled. (6 marks)
    1. Mention five categories of items on which Zakat is payable. (5 marks)
    2. Differentiate between Swalatul Idd and Swalatul Jumaa.  (8 marks)
    3. Discuss the rationale for punishment in Islamic law.  (7 marks)
    1. State six contributions of Imam Malik to Islamic jurisprudence.  (6 marks)
    2. In which ways can Zakat promote economic development of a nation? (7 marks)
    3. State seven qupages of Majtazid  (7 marks)
    1. Differentiate between angels of Allah and human beings. (8 marks)
    2. Explain six Islamic beliefs about Yaumul Qiyama. (6 marks)
    3. Discuss the effects of Shirk.   (6 marks)


    1. Language and style of the Quran
      1. The Quran uses pure and clear Arabic (Arabiyyun mubin) and in bot the Quraysh dialect
      2. The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of Allah are in soft language
      3. The Quran uses rhymed prose (saj) which does not strictly follow poetic rules in its rhythm.
      4. The Quran also uses narratives/stories(qasas) to convey its message e.g. Surah Yusuf
      5. The Quran uses similes (amthal) in some of its verses by comparing two things that are similar
      6. The Quran uses repetition as a way of emphasis and making the message impressive
      7. In the Quran, certain verses begin with the phrase" Qul" (say) to address questions that had been raised to the Prophet
      8. The Quran uses oaths (aqsaru) to show the seriousness of the message Allah wishes to convey e.g. Surah Al-Asr
      9. The Quran uses abbreviated letters at the beginning of certain surah and whose meaning is only known to Allah. This is part of the Ijaz of the Quran e.g. Surah Yasin.
      10. The Quran uses rhetorical questions that do not need answers / e.g. Surah Fil verse 1 'Have you not considered how your Lord dealt with the people of the elephant'
      11. In the Quran, a surah can deal with several issues e.g. Surah Baqarah also a particular topic can be repeated in several surahs
           (7x1=  7 marks)
    2. How Muslim can apply the teachings of Surah Al-Asr in their lives
      1. Muslims must utilise their time properly in beneficial activities that please Allah
      2. Muslims must have sincerity of faith in Allah and purity of action. Sincerity in a Muslim will make one secure in all his/her endeavors
      3. Muslims must spend their time and life in pursuit of righteousness e.g. performing acts of Ibadah, working, studying for the sake of Allah and human benefit
      4. Muslims must stand for the truth in speech and action even if it is against self or those close to them.
      5. Muslim should encourage one another to be patient in times of calamity/difficulty and help one another in overcoming such adversities.
      6. Muslims should seek success here and in the hereafter by leading virtuous lives based on Iman, good-deeds, upholding truth and being patient   (6 x 1= 6 marks)
    3. Ways in which the Quran was preserved during the time of the rightly guided Khalifas
      • Living companions of the Prophet had committed Quran into memory and that served as the living copies of the Quran
      • Individual companions had written portions of the Quran for personal use
      • Quran written on parchments and other materials was collected and compiled into one copy during the time of Abubakar. This copy was kept under the custody of Hafswa.
      • Muslim scholars were sent by Khalifa Umar (R.A) to different parts of the Islamic state to teach the Quran
      • The Quran was harmonized using the Quraish dialect to overcome variations in recitation and the copies thus produced and distributed to different cities during the time of Khalifa Uthman (R.A) (diacriticalisation)
      • All un-official copies of the Quran in circulation were collected and burnt under the instruction of Khalifa Uthman.
      • The companions living in the era of the Khalifas recited, memorized, put into practice and constantly taught the tabiun the Quran.
        (7 x 1)= 7 marks
    1. Why the Quran is considered the perfect revelation from Allah to mankind
      1. It is a comprehensive legislation governing all aspects of human life
      2. It's language and style are unique and cannot be imitated It lacks contradiction in it's teachings
      3. It lacks human manipulation/omissions or additions
      4. Copies of the Quran in existence are all uniform
      5. Allah promised to preserve it from alteration or loss
      6. It has balanced teachings which answer to all human needs and problems
      7. It addresses the past, present and future with all its prophecies coming true
      8. It was revealed in its precise meaning and wording and transmitted by numerous persons both verbally and in writing
        (7x 1)= 7 marks)
    2. Social teachings found in Surah An-Nur
      1. The Surah highlights chastity which is a virtue for both men and women Q24:15-16 highlights the punishment for sex offences e.g. fornicators to be given 100 lashes and there must be witnesses when the punishment is being carried out
      2. Adultery is discouraged and Muslims are called upon to boycott adulterers and should not have any relations with them Q24-3.
      3. Those who slander or create false allegations about sexual misconduct, those who accuses others of adultery without evidence to be given 80 lashes and if they repent thereafter then Allah will forgive them Q24:4-5.
      4. Husbands who accuse their wives of infidelity without evidence should swear 4 times and invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if the wives swear in the same way, then they are acquitted Q24:6-10
      5. The Surah lays down general principles regarding relations between Muslims that should be based on faith and not suspicions Q24:26
      6. Believers are forbidden from entering house of other people unless with permission Q24:27-29
      7. Believers are warned to be careful about false rumours because they can cause pain and divisions among them, those who spread evil rumours deserve punishment and not encouragement Q24:11 - 16
      8. Marriage is encouraged among the single and pious even if they are slaves or poor as Allah will enrich them.
      9. Slavery is discouraged. Slave owners are asked to give financial help to the slaves so that they can earn their freedom. Prostitution by slave girls is also forbidden Q24:33
      10. Muslim men and women should lower their gaze from looking at forbidden things and shun illegal sexual acts
      11. Women are forbidden from revealing their adornment except to their husband and Mahrim Q24:30-31
      12. Rules regarding coexistence and social relations are established e.g. privacy in the home is encouraged servants and under age children should not enter private rooms without permission especially before Fajr prayers, at noon and after Isha prayers.
      13. Old women past child bearing age are permitted to set aside their outer garments within the house 024-60
      14. Muslims are encouraged to treat the disabled kindly e.g. the blind, lame, crippled and sick are allowed to eat in other people's houses
      15. When entering other people's houses, it id good to offer greetings.         (8x1) = 8 marks
    3. Similarities between the Quran and Hadith Qudsi
      1. Both originate from Allah.
      2. They are both sacred.
      3. They are both sources of spiritual guidance.
      4. They both address matters dealing with ilmul ghayb such as the Attributes of Allah and divine powers.
      5. The meaning of both the Quran and Hadith Qudsi originates from Allah.
      6. The chain of transmission in both ends with Allah.
      7. They are both sources of Islamic Shariah    (5x1)= 5 marks
    1. Why it became necessary to collect and compile hadith after the death of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)
      1. Memorisers of hadith were dying of old age. It was feared that hadith would perish and thus it had to be compiled.
      2. There was need to study hadith especially for the people who were not there during the time of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)
      3. Compilation of the Quran was complete thus there was no fear of tampering with the purity of the Quran.
      4. The Quran had already been memorized and also copies circulated to the people.
      5. There was need to compile the hadith so as to safeguard its purity
      6. To discourage the fabrication of hadith.mbership-join/ (vii) There was need to distinguish between authentic and weak hadith.
        (7x1)=7 marks
    2. Conditions that the matn of a hadith should fulfil before it is accepted as authentic
      1.  The hadith must quote what was said or done by the Prophet  (P.b.u.h)
      2. It must be in Arabic.
      3. It should not contain accusations against the Prophet or his sahabas.
      4. It must be consistent, logical and appealing to reason.
      5. It should not contradict other hadith on the same subject which are considered authentic.
      6. It should not contradict the teachings of the Quran. (vii) It should not favour a particular madh'hab.  (7x1)=   = 7 marks
    3. Ways through which Muslims can care for the disabled
      1. Providing them with basic necessities e.g. food, shelter, clothes
      2. Visiting and socializing with them.
      3. Consoling them when bereaved.
      4. Praying for them.
      5. Honouring them during special occasions, e.g. Idd
      6. Assisting them when in need, e.g. helping the blind cross the road.
      7. Reserving special facilities for their use, e.g. special ramps, parking area, modified facilities.
      8. According them preference and special treatment in all areas that require queueing, e.g. when boarding vehicles, in banks.
      9. Offering them employment.
      10. Offering scholarship to those in need.
      11. Establishing institutions for people with special needs to cater for their needs, e.g. schools, colleges.   (6 x 1)=6 marks
    1. Categories of items on which Zakat is payable
      1. Animals
      2. Agricultural products
      3. Treasures
      4. Merchandise               
      5. Gold and silver     (5 x 1)= 5 marks
    2. Differences between Swalalatul Idd and Swalatul Jumaa
      1. Swalatul Idd is optional while swalatul Jumaa is obligatory
      2. Swalatul Idd is performed during the morning hours before noon while swalatul Jumaa is performed at Dhuhr time
      3. There are two sermons given after Swalatul Idd while in Swalatul Jumaa, the sermons are given before the swalat.
      4. Swalatul Idd has no adhan or Iqama while swalatul Jumaa has two adhans and Iqama
      5. Swalatul Idd is preferably performed in an open ground while swalatul Jumaa should be performed in a central mosque.
      6. Swalatul Idd can fall on any day of the week depending on the sighting of the moon while Swalatul Jumaa is specifically performed on Friday.                                         (4x2)= 8 marks
    3. Rationale for punishment in Islamic Law
      1. Punishment helps to reduce crime in the society e.g. knowing that you will be given 80 lashes for slander will deter you from commiting the offense
      2. It provides criminals and wrong doers with an opportunity to reform e.g. a thief will not steal again after their hands are chopped off
      3. It acts as a deterrent to those who may be tempted to commit crimes e.g. seeing an adulterer stoned to death will deter others from the illicit act
      4. Punishment guarantees law and order in the society
      5. Ensures that justice prevails in the society by punishing those who are guilty
      6. It builds a deep feeling of abhorrence for transgression against fellow human beings and against Allah in the society
      7. It helps in minimizing disorders and corruption in our society
      8. It helps in reducing the violation of people's rights in the society   (7x 1 = 7 marks)
    1. Contributions of Imam Malik to Islamic jurisprudence
      1. He authored several books in the field of Islamic jurisprudence, e.g. al-Muwatta.
      2. He taught and produced prominent and competent Muslim jurists such as Imam al-Shaffi.
      3. He organized regular jurisprudence classes in the mosque of the Prophet (P.b.u.h) where various issues in law were discussed. 
      4. He issued well-articulated fatwa (Islamic decrees) which are applicable up to today.
      5. He is one of the founders of the Maliki School of jurisprudence.
      6. He gave prominence in his formulation of principles of jurisprudence (Usul-al-Fiqh) on Quran, Hadith and the practices of the people of Madina (amal ahl-al-Madina)
      7. He motivated and inspired many young scholars to study Islamic jurisprudence.  (6 x 1)= 6 marks
    2. Ways in which Zakat can promote economic development of a nation
      1. Zakat helps in poverty alleviation.
      2. Eliminates crimes such as theft thus creating security which is conducive for development.
      3. Helps in maintaining peace and harmony and good will among citizens which creates a good atmosphere for development.
      4. Contributes to economic development as it is a form of tax.
      5. Promotes equality/brotherhood/unity which are motivating factors for development.
      6. Bridges the gap between the rich and poor and raises the standards of living for the poor.
      7. Cleanses the soul against greed thus helps in the fight against corruption  
      8. Reduces debts.        (7x 1)= 7 marks
    3. Qualities of a Mujtahid
      1. Should be conversant with the knowledge of Quran.
      2. Should have a mastery of Arabic Language.
      3. Should have a mastery of Sunnah.
      4. Have complete knowledge of the development of Islamic Shariah.
      5. Must be conversant with Islamic Shariah.
      6. Must be of upright character.
      7. Must have a mastery of Fiqh            (7 x 1)= 7 marks
    1. Differences between angels of Allah and Human Beings
      1. Angels are created from light while human beings are created from clay/soil.
      2. Angels do not disobey Allah while human beings are liable of transgressions, sins against Allah's commandments.
      3. Angels were created to worship Allah without being given the will to choose between good and bad while human beings were given the free will to choose between good and evil, obedience and disobedience.
      4. Angels are free from material or physical needs while human beings are given desire for food and other worldly and bodily pleasures.
      5. Angels are neither males nor females while human beings were created of specified gender.
      6. Angels were created to perform specific errands/duties by Allah while the primary objective of creating human beings is to worship Allah
      7. Angels have no inert knowledge except what Allah has taught them while humans have capability to learn through revelation intuition, dicovery, experimentation or experience.        (4 x 2) = 8 marks 
    2. Islamic beliefs about Yaumul Qiyama
      1. The world will come to an end on a predetermined day
      2. No human being or angel knows when Qiyama will take place. This knowledge is with Allah
      3. Certain signs of Qiyama have been given by the Prophet indicating the eminence of its occurrence e.g. the appearance of Dajjal
      4. Qiyama will be signaled by the blowing of a trumpet by angel Israfil
      5. There will be disorder and confusion on the Day of Qiyama
      6. The Day of Qiyama is a transition to another stage of life i.e. the final judgement
      7. One's faith is not complete without the belief in the Day of Judgement. It is one of the pillars of Iman
      8. Believers will be rewarded with paradise and non-believers punished with hell fire    (6 x 1) = 6 marks
    3. Effects of Shirk
      1. It keeps one away from the worship of Allah
      2. It ascribes power to Allah or beings who do not deserve to be associated with those powers
      3. It lowers the status of human beings who are created by Allah as the most dignified among His creation
      4. It diminishes trust in the dependence and reliance on Allahin
      5. It attracts the wrath of Allah in a person's life and consequently leads to hell fire
      6. One who engages in shirk will not prosper in this life and the hereafter
      7. Deeds of those who engage in shirk are rendered useless in front of Allah (Q 6:88)
      8. It is a gateway to commitment of other evils in the quest to appease other gods
      9. It creates perpetual fear and anxiety as one relies on a deity who is not eternal or all powerful   (6 x 1)= 6 marks
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