Christian Religious Education Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Asumbi Girls Mock Examinations 2022

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  • Answer any Five questions in the answer sheet provided.
  • Each question has three sections i.e. a,b,c
  • Each question carries 20 marks.
    1. Identify Seven literary forms employed in writing the Bible . ( 7 mks)
    2. Outline the responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creation. ( 7 mks)
    3. State six lessons that Christians learn about Work from the Genesis stories of creation. ( 6 mks)
    1. Give seven Reasons Why God called Abraham. ( 7 mks)
    2. Identify four promises God made to Abraham and how they were fulfilled. ( 8 mks) 
    3. What is the relevance of the Ten plaques to  both the Jesus & Egyptians .? ( 5 mks)
    1. State the failure of King Saul. ( 6 mks) 
    2. In what ways did King David promote the worship of Yahweh? ( 7 mks)
    3. Give seven factors that affect the true worship of God today. ( 7 mks)
    1. State seven roles of prophets in the Old Testament. ( 7 mks)
    2. Explain three categories of true prophets in the Old Testament. ( 6 mks)
    3. How can Christians assist the church leaders to perform their duties effectively? ( 7 mks)
    1. Outline the suffering of Jeremiah during his prophetic Ministry. ( 6 mks)
    2. State four promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah. (Nehemiah 10:28-20) ( 8 mks)
    3. State the importance of prayer in the life of a Christian. ( 6 mks)
    1. State the traditional African understanding of Spirits. ( 5 mks)
    2. Outline ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in traditional African communities. ( 8 mks)
    3. Give seven changes that are taking place in property ownership in Traditional African communities. ( 7 mks) 


    1. Literary forms employed during the writing of the Bible.
      1. Legislative texts
      2. Wise sayings
      3. Prophetic speeches
      4. Prayers
      5. Love songs
      6. Philosophical essays
      7. Religious epics
      8. Epistles
      9. Gospels     7 x 1 = 7 mks
    2. Responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creation.
      1. To rule over the rest of creation
      2. To procreate and fill the earth.
      3. To name the animals and birds.
      4. To guard the garden and fill it.
      5. To eat the fruits of the garden.
      6. To conserve and preserve the environment
      7. To obey God’s commands
      8. To worship God the creator.        7 x 1 = 7 mks
    3. Lessons about work from the Genesis stories of creation
      1. work is ordained by God for He worked for six days during creation 
      2. work is good because after completion of each piece of work, God appreciated saying” it is good”
      3. Work is to be enjoyed.
      4. Work should be done in an orderly manner.
      5. Through work, human beings are able to continue with God’s plan of creation.
      6. Work bears good fruits.
      7. Work is a necessary activity as it enables one to earn a living.
      8. Work is a duty as human beings were commanded to work by God.
      9. Human beings should co-operate and have a team spirit when working as reflected in x) The creation of male and female by the Holy Trinity
      10. Human beings should be committed to work.
      11. Rest is important.          6 X 1 = 6 mks
    1. Reasons why God called Abraham
      1. To reveal himself to His people
      2. To begin his plan of salvation
      3. To teach people the meaning of faith
      4. So as to be the founder of God’s chosen people
      5. To teach him about His (God) nature
      6. To given him the land of Canaan
      7. To separate him from idol worshipping
      8. To begin the worship of One God.       7 x 1 = 7 mks
    2. Promises God made to Abraham and how they were fulfilled
      1. God would give Abraham and his descendants a land of their own; they were given the land of Canaan.
      2. God would give him many descendants. – indeed, his descendants were many even Christians today. 
      3. God would bless him – he was blessed with many descendants and a lot of wealth.
      4. God would protect him – he protected him on his way from Haran to Canaan and even when he was in Egypt. 
      5. God would give him a son – he was blessed with Isaac. 
      6. His descendants would suffer slavery – the Israelites were under Egyptian bondage for 500 years and He saved them through Moses. 
      7. Abraham would die in peace and at old age – he died peacefully at an old age of 120 years. 
      8. He would make some of his descendants kings – he made his descendants like David and Solomon kings.
      9. God would bless all nations through Abraham – Jesus brought blessings to all            Any 4 x 2 = 8 mks
    3. Significance of the plagues to both the Jews and the Egyptians.
      1. They proved that Yahweh was more powerful than the Egyptian gods. 
      2. They showed that Yahweh was a ware of the afflictions of the Israelites
      3. They showed that Yahweh was determined to fulfil His promises.
      4. They proved that Yahweh was working through Moses.
      5. God’s presence was manifested in the form of plagues and nobody would doubt his presence. 
      6. They softened the heart of the pharaoh to release the Israelites.
      7. They made the Israelites have faith in God and Moses
      8. They taught them on obedience.     5 x 1 = 5 mks
    1. Failure of King Saul
      1. Saul demonstrated impatience in his leadership i.e he went a head to offer sacrifices to God instead of waiting for Samuel.
      2. He failed to obey God’s instructions to destroy everything and spared King Agag of the Amalekits.
      3. Saul became jealous and plotted to kill David when he learned that he had been chosen to be the next king of Israel.
      4. He consulted a medium so as to communicate with the spirit of Samuel who died, thus breaking the Mosaic Law which forbade divination.
      5. He committed suicide when he realized that the philistines would defeat them in battle.  This was a sin against God.
      6. He was not repentant of his mistakes.
      7. He took the best sheep and cattle from the Amalekites for self-gain; he cheated  Samuel that he wanted to offer the animals as sacrifice to God.    ( 6 mks)
    2. Ways in which King David promoted the worship of Yahweh
      1. David brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem.  This signified God’s presence among the people
      2. He made Jerusalem the holy religious city.
      3. He composed the psalms which were used in worship by the Israelites
      4. He showed respect to the prophets of Yahweh
      5. When David did mistakes, he humbly repented. 
      6. He advised the Israelites to obey God’s commandments. 
      7. David constantly prayed to God and in so doing acted as an example to the Israelites.
      8. David praised God through songs and dance
      9. David wanted to build a temple for God where the Ark of the convent would be kept.      (7 x 1 = 7 marks) 
    3. Factors that affect the true worship of God today.
      1. Devil worship
      2. Practice of witchcraft, sorcery, magic and divination
      3. Career and employment
      4. Love for money
      5. Peer pressure/selfishness
      6. Love for worldly pleasure
      7. Sexual immorality
      8. Poverty
      9. Lack of religious and moral teachings
      10. Greed for power and authority
      11. Ignorance and illiteracy.      7 x1 = 7 mks
    1. The roles of prophets in the old testament.
      1. They spoke on behalf of God/God’s messenger’s/mouth pieces
      2. They foretold the future events
      3. They guided/ counselled the kings
      4. They called people back to repentance/gave messages of hope
      5. They reminded the people about the covenant.
      6. They condemned the evil in society
      7. They warmed the people of God’s judgment.
      8. They made the people understand the nature of God
      9. They offered sacrifices to God and anointed kings.
      10. They interpreted the vision dreams from God/current events.    7 x 1 = 7 mkd
    2. Categories of true prophets in the old testament.
      1. Major prophets – their messages/book/are elaborate
      2. Minor prophets – they have short/brief messages
      3. Canonical prophets – they are prophets whose utterances are recorded in books that bear their names
      4. Non – canonical prophets – they are prophets whose oracles/ messages have been compiled by other authors.
      5. Cultic/ prophets – they are prophets whose duties were associated with cultic/early worship.
      6. Early prophets were sent by God for specific tasks e.g Moses.     6 x 1 = 7 mks
    3. How Christians assist the church leaders to perform their duties effectively.
      1. Giving financial/materials help
      2. Advising/counselling them on various issues
      3. Encouraging them in their work
      4. Participating fully in church activities/functions
      5. Giving tithes and offerings faithfully
      6. Praying for them
      7. Respecting them
      8. Practicing/obeying the word of God
      9. Defending them against unfair criticism
      10. Providing training opportunities for them.     6 x 1 = 6 mks
    1. The suffering of prophet Jeremiah during his ministry.
      1. He was rejected by his own family/relatives
      2. People made false accusations against him
      3. He was threatened with death because of speaking for God
      4. He lived a lonely solitary life/was commanded to neither marry nor attend any  social gathering.
      5. His message was rejected by the Israelites.
      6. He went through spiritual struggle as he saw the evil prosper while the righteous suffered
      7. He was physically assaulted/beaten
      8. The enemies attempted to kill him. Mocked
      9. He was imprisoned /jailed.
      10. He was arrested and put on trial.       6 x 1 = 6 mks
    2. Promises that the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with God during the time of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 10:28- 29)
      1. They were to live according to Gods/law obey all his
      2. They would not intermarry with the foreigners living in their land
      3. They promised not to farm every seventh year/they were to cancel all the debts
      4. They would make an annual contribution towards temple expenses /not to neglect the house of God.
      5. They were to provide wood for burnt sacrifices
      6. They were to offer the first fruits of their harvest/dedicated their first born sons/flocks as required by the law.
      7. They would pay their tithes in accordance with the law
      8. They will not do any business on the Sabbath day.     ( Any 4 x 2 = 8 mks)
    3. Importance of prayer in the life of a Christian.
      1. Prayer is a way of communicating with God/fellowship with God
      2. Through prayer Christian faith in God is strengthened.
      3. Christians have opportunity to confess/seek for forgiveness through prayer
      4. Through prayer Christians thank God for blessings received.
      5. Christians ask/petitions. God for their needs through prayer.
      6. They use prayer to intercede/show concern for others.
      7. Prayers are made in obedience to the teaching of Jesus/the Bible
      8. It is a way of emulating the example set by Jesus/the early church
      9. Christians praise/adore God through prayer
      10. Prayer promotes unity among believers.       6 x 1 = 6 mks
    1. Traditional African understanding of spirts.
      1. Spirits are invisible /do not have a physical form
      2. Spirits are more powerful than human beings
      3. They are believed to be residing in caves/rives/ trees /rocks
      4. Spirits can acquire physical forms/appear to human beings inform of birds /animals
      5. Spirits have the ability to enter human beings and through them to convey messages/reveal certain truths
      6. Spirits act as mediators between God and human beings
      7. Spirits change according to circumstances /they can bring either harm or good to people.      5 x 1 = mks
    2. Ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in traditional African communities.
      1. A relative/mediator/identifies a girl from  a family and suggested to the of the family of the young man.
      2. Parents make the decision for children when still young.
      3. Parents of the boy visits the parents of a girl to ask for her hand in marriage.
      4. The young people could court and choose who to marry
      5. The first wife chooses a girl for her husband.
      6. The young man and his age-mates waylay a girl and take her away for marriage.
      7. Bride-price could be paid to a family well in advance
      8. A young girl can be given as gift to another family
      9. Some exchange the girls from the two families.
      10. One could inherit a brother’s wife
      11. A young girl could be given a way of settling a dispute/replace one who had died/setting debts.    8 x 1 = 8 mks
    3. Changes taking place on property ownership in traditional African communities
      1. women/children can now own property
      2. wealth is no longer determined by the number of wives/children.
      3. The introduction of money economy had reduced the value attached to land
      4. The roles of elders in sharing of property had been eroded.
      5. Land is individually owned through the issuance of title deeds.
      6. People write wills to share /decide who should inherit their property.
      7. Property can be owned outside one’s ancestral home
      8. Land can now be sold/auctioned.       7 x 1 = 7 mks
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