History Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2023

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  • This paper consist of three sections; A, B and C
  • Answer all the questions in section A, three questions from section B and two questions from section C.
  • This paper has twenty four questions. The candidate should ascertain that all the questions are printed.

                                                                              SECTION A (25 Marks)

                                            Answer All questions in this section in the answer booklet provided.

  1. Give two aspects of human activities studied in political history (2mks)
  2. Mention two reasons why the earliest mammals lived on trees (2mks)
  3. Give two ways in which the Sumerians reclaimed their land (2mks)
  4. State the reason why land was left fallow in Britain before Agrarian revolution (1mk)
  5. Give two advantages of the seed drill invented during the agrarian revolution in Britain (2mks)
  6. Identify two African cultures that spread to the Americans during the during the trans-Atlantic trade ( 2mks)
  7. Name two wheeless vehicles that were used for transport (2mks)
  8. Identify two forms of messages relayed by the use of drum beats in the ancient times (2mks)
  9. State one way in which poverty hinders industrialization in the third world countries (1mk)
  10. Identify two tourist attraction sites in the ancient Kilwa (2mks)
  11. Give one way in which the Berlin conference solved the dispute among the European powers in Congo (1mk)
  12. Name the charted company that administered Zimbabwe during the process of colonization (1mk)
  13. Name the person who introduced the policy of association in central Africa (1mk)
  14. State one challenge faced by South African nationalists (1mk)
  15. State one event that led to the end of World War 1 (1mk)
  16. Name one financial institution established by the African union (1mk)
  17. State one condition that a country should fulfil in order to become a member of the Non-Aligned Movement (1mk)

                                                                                SECTION B (45marks)
                                        Answer any three questions from this section in the answer booklet provided
    1. Name three distinct stages of evolution according to Charles Darwin (3mks)
    2. Describe the culture of man during the middle Stone Age Period. (12mks)
    1. State five challenges faced by Trans – Saharan Traders. (5mks)
    2. Explain five factors for the decline of the Trans- Saharan Trade (10mks)
    1. State five challenges faced by Johannesburg as an Urban center. (5mks)
    2. Explain five impacts of Agrarian and industrial development on urbanization. (10mks)
    1. State three functions of the Odwira festival among the Asante. (3mks)
    2. Explain six factors for the growth of the Buganda kingdom. (12mks)

                                                                            SECTION C: (30 Marks)
                                   Answer any two questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.
    1. State three reasons why the policy f assimilation was easily applied in the four communes of Senegal (3mks)
    2. Explain six reasons why indirect rule failed in Southern Nigeria (12mks)
    1. State five characteristics of the common wealth organization (5mks)
    2. Explain five causes of the cold war (10mks)
    1. State five factors limiting the powers of the US president (5mks)
    2. Explain five functions of the Prime Minister in Britain (10mks)

                                                                                       MARKING SCHEME

                                                                                      SECTION A (25 Marks)

  1. Give two aspects of human activities studied in political history
    1. Laws and order
    2. Systems of government
    3. Security
    4. Constitution making   (2x1=2mks)
  2. Mention two reasons why the earliest mammals lived on trees
    1. For security
    2. For food (2x1=2mks)
  3. Give two ways in which the Sumerians reclaimed their land
    1. Built dykes to control flooding
    2. They irrigated dry land
    3. Built canal to drain water (2x1=2mks)
  4. State the reason why land was left fallow before Agrarian revolution
    • To allow land to regain its fertility (1x1=1mk)
  5. Give two advantages of the seed drill invented during the agrarian revolution in Britain
    1. It enabled planting of seeds in a row
    2. It helped in planting specific number of seeds to avoid wastage(2x1=2mks
  6. Identify two African cultures that spread to the Americans during the during the trans-Atlantic trade
    1. Witchcraft (juju)
    2. Samba dancing style
    3. Jazz music (2x1=2mks)
  7. Name two wheeless vehicles that were used for transport
    1. Sledge
    2. Travois
    3. Sedan chair   (2x1=2mks)
  8. Identify two forms of messages relayed by the use of drum beats in the ancient times
    1. Declaring of the war
    2. Arrival of strangers
    3. Impending danger
    4. Announcement of death
    5. Summoning for a meeting
    6. Community ceremonies and festivals. (2x1=2mks)
  9. State one way in which poverty hinders industrialization in the third world countries
    • Low purchasing power which limits domestic markets
    • Inadequate funds to invest in industrialization (1x1=1mk)
  10. Identify two tourist attraction sites in the ancient Kilwa
    1. The great mosque
    2. The palace
    3. Stone citadel   (2x1=2mks)
  11. Give one way in which the Berlin conference solved the dispute among the European powers in Congo
    1. Rivers Congo and Niger were left free for any state to navigate
    2. King Leopold claim over the Congo free state was recognized (1x1=1mk)
  12. Name the charted company that administered Zimbabwe during the process of colonization
    • British South Africa Company (1x1=1mk)
  13. Name the person who introduced the policy of association in central Africa
    • Savorgnan de Brazza (1x1=1mk)
  14. State one challenge faced by South African nationalists
    1. Harassment/arrest/ detention by the government
    2. Killing of some nationalists such as Steve Biko
    3. Banning of political parties
    4. Intimidation of political leaders and trade unionists
    5. Banning of mass media
    6. Use of pass laws that limited their movements
    7. Use of divide and rule to divide Africans (1x1=1mk)
  15. State one event that led to the end of World War 1
    1. Entry of USA into the war
    2. Russian withdrawal from the war (1x1=1mk)
  16. Name one financial institution established by African union
    1. African Central Bank
    2. African Monetary Fund
    3. African investment Bank    (1x1=1mk)
  17. State one condition that a country should fulfil in order to become the member of the Non-Aligned Movement
    1. A country should be independent
    2. It should not be a member of any power blocs (1x1=1mk)

                                                                               SECTION B (45marks)
    1. State three distinct stages of evolution according to Charles Darwin
      1. Mutation
      2. Natural selection
      3. Isolation
      4. Environmental Adaption   (3x1=3mks)
    2. Describe the culture of man during the middle Stone Age Period.
      1. Man made and used sangoan tools.
      2. Man practiced hunting and gathering as economic activity.
      3. Man invented and used fire for example to provide light.
      4. Lived in caves and rock shelters.
      5. Communicated using click sounds and rudimentary language.
      6. Wore animal skins and applied red ochre on their skin.
      7. Practiced rock art.
      8. Lived in small social groups for security. (6x2=12mks)
    1. State five challenges faced by Trans – Saharan Traders.
      1. Journey was long and tiresome.
      2. Attack by hostile communities.
      3. Extreme desert temperatures.
      4. Traders got lost .
      5. Scarcity of water and food.
      6. Frequent sand storms which buried the traders
      7. Attacks from wild animals and insects like scorpions
      8. Disruption of the journey due to community wars.
      9. Communication barriers   (5x1=5mks)
    2.  Explain five factors for the decline of the Trans- Saharan Trade
      1. Exhaustion of trading commodities such as salt and gold.
      2. Insecurity in the region.
      3. Invasion of the Moroccan ports.
      4. Ottoman Turks activities brought insecurity.
      5. Moroccan invasion of the Western Sudan created insecurity.
      6. Growth of Trans -Atlantic trade
      7. Anti-slave trade crusaders.
      8. Colonization of Africa.        (Any 5x2=10mks)
    1. State five challenges faced by Johannesburg as an Urban center.
      1. Over exploitation of Africans- They were treated as slaves.
      2. Poor housing.
      3. Unemployment.
      4. HIV/AIDS
      5. High crime rates.
      6. Pollution from industries.
      7. A big/ large gap between the rich and the poor. (5x1=5mks)
    2. Explain five impacts of Agrarian and industrial development on urbanization.
      1. Agriculture led to a settled way of life-leading to growth of urban centers.
      2. Agrarian revolution led to landless populations who migrated to urban centers causing their expansion.
      3. Mining center/industries attracted people hence forming urban centers.
      4. Agrarian revolution led to adequate food supply leading to population growth.
      5. Financial industries to work and live in urban centers- banks.
      6. Use of machines in agriculture displaced laborers who moved to urban centers.
      7. Some ports that were used as export and import points attracted large settlements.     (5x2=10mks)
    1. State three functions of the Odwira festival among the Asante. (3mks)
      1. Pay allegiance to the Asantehere.
      2. To honor the dead.
      3. Omanhenes solved their disputes.
      4. Provided unity among the states.  (3x1=3mks)
    2. Explain six factors for the growth of the Buganda kingdom.
      1. Good, strong and able leaders.
      2. Small and compact kingdom/cohesive.
      3. Participated in trade – long distance.
      4. Strategically located near lake Victoria for natural defense.
      5. Strong economy based on agriculture.
      6. Strong standing army for defense and expansion.
      7. Acquired wealth from conquered areas ie Bunyoro- Gitara kingdom
      8. Centralized system for stability and growth.
      9. Ganda tradition – women farmers – men hunters. (6x2=12mks)

                                                                    SECTION C: (30 Marks)
    1. State three reasons why the policy of assimilation was easily applied in the four communes of Senegal
      1. The people had long interaction with European traders
      2. They had a high percentage of the Mulatto population
      3. Most of the population were Christians (3x1=3mks)
    2. Explain six reasons why indirect rule failed in Southern Nigeria
      1. Southern Nigeria had many ethnic groups
      2. Yoruba traditional leaders had more powers than others hence were rejected
      3. Egba resented taxation
      4. There was language barriers in the Southern part of Nigeria
      5. The educated elites resented the appointment of illiterate chiefs
      6. Elders were affected by appointment of mission educated young men (6x2=12mks)
    1. State five characteristics of the common wealth organization
      1. English is used as a common language
      2. They maintain cultural ties through games and sports
      3. They cooperate in the field of education through exchange programs
      4. The queen of England is recognized as the head of the organization
      5. They have a common military traditions based on the British military system
      6. They share common democratic institutions like the civil services (5x1=5mks)
    2. Explain five causes of cold war
      1. Ideological differences between the superpowers i.e capitalism and communism
      2. Arms race
      3. Economic rivalry between the super powers i.e marshal plan and COMECON
      4. Formation of military alliances i.e NATO and WARSAW pact
      5. Use of Russian veto powers in the UN
      6. Differences over Germany   (5x2=10mks)
    1. State five factors limiting the powers of the US president
      1. The congress checks the powers of the president
      2. The congress can impeach a sitting president
      3. The congress can refuse to approve the use of public funds
      4. The supreme court may declare president to have acted unconstitutionally
      5. The constitution limits an individual to two four year terms
      6. Use of mass media
      7. Presence of various pressure groups
      8. Use of public opinion         (5x1=5mks)
    2. Explain five functions of the Prime Minister in Britain
      1. Appointing and dismissing ministers
      2. Presiding of cabinet secretaries
      3. He settles disputes between various departments
      4. Is the leader of the House of commons
      5. Is the leader of the party that nominates him or her
      6. They control the cabinet secretary and observing the execution of the cabinet decisions by various departments
      7. They change laws as his /she has the majority support in the parliament. (5x2=10mks)
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