CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers - Kapsabet Mock Exams 2023

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Instructions to Candidates
  • The paper consists of six questions
  • Answer ANY FIVE questions in the answer sheets provided
    1. Outline six prophecies of Jeremiah about the Messiah. (Jeremiah 23: 5 – 6) (6 marks)
    2. With reference to Luke 1:16 – 17, state the mission of John the Baptist from the message of angel Gabriel to Zachariah. (8 marks)
    3. State six lessons Christians learn from the role of John the Baptist? (6 marks)
    1. Describe the incident of the healing of Centurion’s servant. (Luke 7:1 – 10). (7 marks)
    2. Give six explanations why Jesus hid his identity.  (Luke 9:18 – 17). (6 marks)
    3. Identity seven leadership qualities demonstrated by the centurion whose servant was healed. (7 marks)
    1. Identify six privileges that the disciples of Jesus enjoyed. (6 marks)
    2. Outline Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness. (Luke 12:35-48) (8 marks)
    3. Give six ways in which Christians should be watchful and ready for the second coming of Christ. (6 marks)
    1. Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-40)  (8 marks)
    2. Explain the criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. (7 marks)
    3. How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the church today?   (5 marks)
    1. Outline six Christian teachings on marriage. (6 marks)
    2. Give six reasons why people are choosing to remain unmarried in Kenya today. (6 marks)
    3. Explain eight problems related to family life today. (8 marks)
    1. Give seven Christian teachings on wealth. (7 marks)
    2. Outline Christian view on euthanasia. (7 marks)
    3. Give six reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today. (6 marks)

                                                                          MARKING SCHEME

    1. Outline six prophecies of Jeremiah about the Messiah. (Jeremiah 23: 5 – 6) (6 marks)
      1. The Messiah would come from the house of David.
      2. He would be righteous/righteous branch.
      3. He would reign as King.
      4. The Messiah would rule wisely/deal wisely.
      5. He would execute justice and righteousness in the land.
      6. In his days, Judah would be saved/bring salvation upon Judah.
      7. In his days, Israel would dwell securely/He would provide security / safety in Israel.
      8. He would be called “The Lord is our righteousness”.   (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    2. With reference to Luke 1:16 – 17, state the mission of John the Baptist from the message of angel Gabriel to Zachariah. (8 marks)
      1. He would reconcile the Israelites to God.
      2. He would go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah.
      3. He would bring justice/turn the disobedience to wisdom of the just.
      4. He would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah.
      5. He would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children.       (4 x 2 = 8 marks)
    3. State six lessons Christians learn from the role of John the Baptist?  (6 marks)
      Christians should:
      1. Preach the message of repentance to the people.
      2. Bear fruits that befit repentance.
      3. Condemn immorality in society.
      4. Preach about judgement that would be effected by Jesus.
      5. Practice charity.
      6. Be content with their pay.
      7. Be truthful about others.
      8. Be baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire.
      9. Should be honest in their dealings.Should separate themselves from evil and do good.   (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    1. Describe the incident of the healing of Centurion’s servant. Luke 7:1 – 10. (8 marks)
      1. Jesus entered Capernaum.
      2. A centurion had a slave who was dear to him, who was sick and at the point of death.
      3. When he heard of Jesus, he sent elders of the Jews to him, asking him to come and heal his servant.
      4. They went and besought Jesus earnestly telling him that the centurion was worthy of the miracle for he loved their nation and had built a synagogue for the Jews.
      5. Jesus went with them.
      6. When they neared the centurion’s house, the centurion sent his friends to tell Jesus not to trouble himself coming to his house for he was not worthy to have Jesus come under his roof.
      7. He asked Jesus to say a word and his servant would be healed.
      8. Jesus marveled at the faith for the centurion for he had not found such a great faith even in Israel.
      9. When his messengers returned to the centurion’s house, they found the centurion’s servant healed.  (8 x1 = 8 marks)
    2. Give six explanations why Jesus hid his identity. (Luke 9:18 – 17). (6 marks)
      1. The Jews would have killed him before he accomplished his mission.
      2. His identity as a suffering Messiah was too difficult to be comprehended by the Jews.
      3. His sonship would be misconstrued as blasphemy.
      4. He wanted people to find out on their own about his divinity from his miracles and wonders in an opportune time.
      5. To show his humility.
      6. People would have followed him with wrong motives like receiving miracles.   (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    3. Identity seven leadership qualities demonstrated by the centurion whose servant was healed. (7 marks)
      1. Humility
      2. Mercy
      3. Faithfulness
      4. Honesty
      5. Authoritative
      6. Kindness
      7. responsibility     (7 x1 = 7 marks)
    1. Identify six privileges that the disciples of Jesus enjoyed. (6 marks)
      1. They become members of the Kingdom of God.
      2. They have assurance of eternal life.
      3. They have the joy of winning others to the kingdom of God.
      4. They share in the divine power of Jesus.
      5. They are members of those specifically called to serve Christ.
      6. Their reward will be great in heaven.
      7. They have been forgiven their sins.        (6 x 1 = 6 marks)
    2. Outline Jesus’ teaching on watchfulness and readiness. (Luke 12:35-48)   (8 marks)
      1. Believers should be dressed for his coming.
      2. They should keep their lamps burning.
      3. They should be awake and/alert.
      4. They should be prepared at all times since they do not know the time for Christ’s coming.
      5. Believers should continue working until Christ comes back.
      6. The servants/believers who are drunkards/mistreat fellow workers, will be punished.
      7. They who know what is required of them/their masters will and fail to do it will receive a severe beating.
      8. Believers are expected to respond to God according to how much they received.
      9. Those who do wrong out of ignorance will receive lesser beatings/punishment.   (8 x1 = 8 marks)
    3. Give six ways in which Christians should be watchful and ready for the second coming of Christ. (6 marks)
      1. They should follow God’s commandments and the teachings of Jesus /They should accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
      2. They should accept suffering on account of their ………………. in Jesus Christ.
      3. They should confess their sins and seek forgiveness.
      4. They should act responsibly by providing service to God and other people.
      5. They should be committed followers of Jesus by accepting His baptism.
      6. They should continue preaching the gospel to those who have not heard it.
      7. They should be able to identify God’s presence among Christians.  (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    1. Relate the message of Peter on the day of Pentecost. (Acts 2:1-40) (8 marks)
      1. He said that the disciples were not drunk because it was still very early in the morning – 3rd hour. (Verse. 15)
      2. The coming of the Holy Spirit was fulfilment of Joel’s prophecy. (Verse 16)
      3. Jesus had sent the Holy Spirit as a fulfilment of His promise to the disciples. (verse 16-21)
      4. Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God. (Verse 22a)
      5. Jesus performed mighty deeds, wonders and signs through God’s power.   (Verse 22b)
      6. The disciples and other Jews were witnesses to Jesus’ miracles. (Verse 22)
      7. Jesus was delivered into the hands of evil men, suffered and was crucified in accordance to God’s will. (Verse 23)
      8. God raised Jesus from the dead to fulfil the prophecy of David. (Verse 24)
      9. The apostles were living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
      10. Jesus had been exalted into heaven and sits at the right hand side of God to fulfil David’s prophesy. (Verse 33)
      11. God has made Jesus both Lord and judge. (Verse 36)
      12. The people were moved by Peter’s speech and asked what they were to do to escape God’s judgement. (Verse 37)
      13. Peter invited them repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins.  (Verse 38)
      14. About 3000 people accepted Peter’s message and were baptized on this day.     (8 x1 = 8 marks)
    2. Explain the criteria for discerning the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. (7 marks)
      1. A believer is under the influence of the Holy Spirit will never curse Jesus. (I Cor. 12:3b)
      2. One must accept Jesus as Lord. (I Cor. 12:3c)
      3. A spirit filled person will always produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit like joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Gal. 5:22; Matt. 7:15-20)
      4. Genuine gifts of the Holy Spirit must be faithful to the authority of Jesus.
      5. A person who walks by the Holy Spirit will not gratify the desires of the flesh, e.g. fornication.
      6. Their teachings should be about Jesus/Christian doctrine.
      7. A Christian who leads a victorious life over temptations.
      8. Those who possess the gifts of the Holy Spirit do not use the gifts of the Holy Spirit for selfish gains/enrich themselves.
        (7 x1 = 7 marks)
    3. How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifested in the church today?   (5 marks)
      1. Through prayers.
      2. By unity of believers/ecumenism.
      3. Through wise decisions made in church.
      4. Their faith in healing/cast out demons in the church/any other miracles.
      5. Through preaching/teaching of the word of God/evangelism/prophecy.
      6. By Christians helping the poor/giving alms/offerings.
      7. Through giving tithes and offering in church Christians receive revelations/word of knowledge.
      8. They speak in tongues/able to interpret tongues.
      9. Through repentance/confession of sin/forgiving.
      10. Through singing/dancing/composing songs, writing literature.
      11. Pastoral care and counselling.
      12. Courage displayed in condemning evil in the society.
      13. Holding fellowship.         (5 x1 = 5 marks)
    1. Outline six Christian teachings on marriage. (6 marks)
      1. Marriage is between a man and woman.
      2. Marriage is monogamous.
      3. Husband and wife should be complementary/help each other.
      4. Husband should love the wife.
      5. Marriage is for the companionship/complete without children.
      6. Husband and wife should be faithful to each other.
      7. Conjugal rights should be enjoyed in marriage /sex should only be for married couple.
      8. The wife should submit to the husband.
      9. Husband and wife should respect/cherish each other.
      10. Marriage is permanent/is commitment/no divorce/till death.
      11. Marriage is God’s plan for human beings/It is instituted by God./Ordained by God.
      12. The husband and wife should cleave to each other/become one/one flesh.
      13. Marriage provided for procreation /multiplication.   (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    2. Give six reasons why people are choosing to remain unmarried in Kenya today. (6 marks)
      1. They have seen/experienced incidents of broken marriages/unfaithfulness in marriage.
      2. In order to pursue their career/education.
      3. They are not ready to take responsibilities of marriage.
      4. Poverty/lack of jobs/inadequate resources to start a family/economic empowerment.
      5. Permissiveness allows many to satisfy their sexual lust without marriage commitment.
      6. Failure to get an expected/ideal partner.
      7. Marriage is no longer a communal duty/it is an individual decision.
      8. Religious commitment/superstition hinder one from involving themselves in marriage.
      9. Low self-esteem/lack of confidence/fear of being jilted/failed relationship.               (6 x1 = 6 marks)
    3. Explain eight problems related to family life today.    (8 marks)
      1. Child abuse; mistreatment, overworking, physical, verbal and sexual abuse and neglect affect children.
      2. Lack of communication between parents and their children leads to mistrust.
      3. Domestic violence/family disputes related to property cause fights and killings, threaten family unity.
      4. Single-parenthood due to divorce, unplanned families and death may cause hardship in bringing up children due to financial problems.
      5. Drug abuse by both parents and children may lead to separation, divorce or death.
      6. Generation gap between the grandparents, parents and children has resulted to strained relationships.
      7. Divorce affects the family psychologically, emotionally and economically.
      8. Unfaithfulness adultery leads to contraction of sexually transmitted infections.
      9. Misuse of family resources.
      10. Dependency due to unemployment and death cause financial constraints.
      11. Childlessness may cause tension/suspicion/unfaithfulness/hatred/divorce.     (8 x1 = 8 marks)
    1. Give seven Christian teachings on wealth. (7 marks)
      1. Wealth is a blessing from God.
      2. Wealth is good and gives people economic independence.
      3. Wealth should be acquired through honest and lawful means such as hard work, inheritance and gifts.
      4. Wealth should be used to help the needy.
      5. Wealth should not be squandered.
      6. The rich should share their wealth with the poor.
      7. Christians should be good stewards of God’s wealth.
      8. Christians should not allow wealth to be a stumbling block to eternal life.
      9. Christians should not put all their trust in their wealth.                (7x1=7 marks)
    2. Outline Christian view on euthanasia. (7 marks)
      1. Every human being is created in the image of God.  The intrinsic God-given value of life should not be interfered with.
      2. It is equivalent to murder or suicide, which is strongly condemned in the Bible.
      3. Life is sacred and only God has the right to take it away.
      4. Those who practice euthanasia render life meaningless by distorting its sanctity.
      5. Those who argue that a patient is a burden simply interpret life materialistically.
      6. As Christians, we have to bear our suffering and not end our lives or that of others which is the cost of true discipleship.
      7. Accepting euthanasia weakens the societies’ respect for life.
      8. Euthanasia exposes vulnerable or disturbed people to pressure to end their lives.
      9. Euthanasia sends a negative message about disability.
      10. Euthanasia may infringe on other people’s rights.
      11. Euthanasia contradicts Jesus’ teaching and works in the restoration of human life.  God expects Christians to care for all people including the sick.        (7 x1 = 7 marks)
    3. Give six reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today. (6 marks)
      1. Unemployment cases which make an individual desperate to secure an employment chance by engaging in corrupt activities.
      2. Desire for instant services/wealth makes some people become corrupt.
      3. Some people feel that they have not been adequately paid for work done hence engage in corrupt acts to compensate themselves.
      4. Fear of arrest/punishment make law breakers to engage in corrupt deals.
      5. Some people engage in corrupt deals in order to be served due to ignorance of rights.
      6. Lack or moral integrity by some people.
      7. Greed make some people engage in corruption.
      8. Due to tribal ethnic/ethnic affiliations.
      9. There is lack of /efficient machinery to curb corruption practices/absence of law to deal with corrupt cartels.
      10. The judiciary is not able to deal with increased cases of corruption hence some people go unpunished.
      11. Some government agencies abuse power bestowed upon them /poor role model.
      12. The belief of the common person that the government is a master and therefore has to be corrupt before receiving services.
        6 x1 = 6 marks)
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