Geography Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Lainaku II Joint Mock Examination 2023

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  • This paper has two sections: A and B.
  • Answer all the questions in section A.
  • Answer question 6 and any other two questions from section B.

Answer all questions in this section

    1. Give three reasons why it is important to study geography. (3 marks)
    2. What is the relationship between geography and mathematics? (2 marks)
    1. Give two types of igneous rocks. (2 marks)
    2. State three conditions necessary for the growth of coral polyps. (3 marks)
    1. Apart from the sun, name three other components of the solar system (3marks)
    2. Give two reasons why the sun is considered a unique star. (2marks)
    1. Give three reasons for studying of plate tectonic theory (3 marks)
    2. List two types of tectonic boundaries (2 marks)
    1. What is river regime (2 marks)
    2. State three factors influencing river regime (3 marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section

  1. Study the map of Kisumu East 1: 50,000 (Sheet 116/2) provided to answer questions that follow.
      1. Convert the map scale into a statement scale. (2 marks)
      2. Identify two methods that have been used to represent relief on the map. (2 marks)
      3. Name two drainage features found in grid square 0384. (2 marks)
    2. Give the six figure grid reference of the Air Photo Principal point to the East of Obumba School. (2 marks)
    3. Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (5 marks)
      1. Citing evidence, name three social services offered in the area covered by the map. (6 marks)
      2. Explain three factors that may have influenced the distribution of settlements in the area. (6 marks)
    1. State four causes of mechanical weathering. (4 marks)
      1. Describe the carbonation process of chemical weathering. (3 marks)
      2. Name two rocks that can be weathered through the carbonation process. (2 marks)
      3. Name three features that can be formed on the earth's surface as the carbonation process of weathering takes place. 3 marks)
      1. What is an exfoliation dome? (2 mark)
      2. Describe how an exfoliation dome is formed. (3 marks)
    4. Explain four ways in which weathering influence man's activities. (8marks)
      1. What is a coast? (2marks)
      2. Name three types of coasts (3marks)
      3. Distinguish between a coast line and shore line. (2marks)
      1. Give three types of ocean tides (3marks
      2. Describe how blow hole and geo are formed
        - Blow hole (3marks)
        - Geo (2marks)
      1. Name two features that result from the process of Long shore drift. (2marks)
      2. Describe the process of Long shore drift. (3marks)
    4. Students of Mwatate School conduct a field study on coastal emergence along the coast of Kenya.
      1. State two objectives of their study (2marks)
      2. List three major evidences they identified to prove that the coast of Kenya is partly as a result of coastal emergence. (3 marks)
    1. The diagram below shows a local wind. Use it to answer questions that follow.
      1. Name the type of local wind. (1mark)
      2. Describe how the local wind develops. (3marks)
    2. Describe the formation of relief rainfall. (6marks)
    3. The world map below shows the climatic regions. Use it to answer questions that follow:
      1. Identify the climatic regions marked U, V and W. (3marks)
      2. State six characteristics of climate marked X. (6marks)
      1. What is Micro climate? (2marks)
      2. State four effects of global warming on human activities. (4marks)
      1. Give two types of magma (2marks)
      2. Name two types of volcanic eruptions. (2marks)
    2. The diagram below represents features of vulcanicity. Use it to answer questions that follow.
      1. Name the features K,L and M. (3marks)
      2. Give two examples of the features labeled N in East Africa. (2marks)
    3. Describe how an explosion caldera is formed. (6 marks)
    4. Explain two ways in which geysers and hot springs at Olkaria are of significance to the economy of Kenya. (4marks)
    5. Students from Kisau girls intend to conduct a field study on volcanic features in the rift valley of Kenya.
      1. Other than Olkaria, name two other places they are likely to observe hot springs. (2marks)
      2. State two methods of data recording they are likely to use during the study. (2marks)
      3. State two problems they are likely to encounter during the study. ( 2marks)


Answer all questions in this section

    1. Give three reasons why it is important to study geography
      • It provides knowledge about the immediate and wider environment
      • It creates awareness about the country and the rest of the world and promotes international understanding
      • It promotes awareness on the sustainable use of resources
      • It promotes development of skills and critical thinking
      • It prepares one for career opportunities.
      • Field study helps learners to develop time management skills. (Any 3×1=3 marks)
    2. What is the relationship between geography and mathematics?
      • Mathematics principles/formulae are used in geography to calculate distance/area/population density
      • Geographical information can be analysed /presented accurately through the application of mathematical techniques.
      • Geographical techniques are applied in calculating direction/bearing in mathematics  (Any 2×1=2 marks)
    1. Give two types of igneous rocks.
      • Intrusive/plutonic rocks
      • Extrusive/volcanic rocks
      • Hypabyssal rocks (Any 2×1=2 marks)
    2. State three conditions necessary for the growth of coral polyps.
      • Shallow water for the polyps to thrive
      • Well oxygenated water for the survival of the organisms
      • Clear water for penetration of light
      • Salty water to enable the organisms extract lime
      • Warm water with temperature of 20oc for the organisms to survive  (Any 3×1=3 marks)
    1. Apart from the sun, name three other components of the solar system
      • Asteroids
      • The planets
      • The moon/satellites
      • Commets
      • Meteorides / meteorites
      • meteors   (Any 3×1=3 marks)
    2. Give two reasons why the sun is considered a unique star.
      • It generates its own solar energy.
      • All the planets revolve around it in an orbit.
      • It does not move /it’s static unlike the other stars.
      • It’s the centre of the solar system (Any 2×1=2 marks)
    1. Give three reasons for studying of plate tectonic theory
      • To know the origin of continents
      • Helps us understand how the earth maintains balance
      • It explains the causes of earthquakes and vulcanicity
      • Enables one to understand the origin /creation of structural landforms   (Any 3×1=3 marks)
    2. List two types of tectonic boundaries
      • Compressional/destructive/convergent boundary
      • Extensional/constructive/divergent boundary
      • Transform/lateral boundary (Any 2×1=2 marks)
    1. What is river regime
      • River regime is the seasonal fluctuation /variation in the volume of water in the river  (Double tick -2marks)
    2. State three factors influencing river regime
      • Seasonal precipitation/rainfall
      • Change in temperature/melting of ice
      • Nature of rocks/permeability of rocks
      • Characteristics of vegetation along the river valley
      • Rate of evaporation (Any 3×1=3 marks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section

  1. Study the map of Kisumu East 1: 50,000 (Sheet 116/2) provided to answer questions that follow.
      1. Convert the map scale into a statement scale.
        • Convert 50,000 cm to km= 50,000/100,000×1=0.5km
        • 1cm represent 0.5km/ ½ (2 marks)
      2. Identify two methods that have been used to represent relief on the map.
        • Contours
        • Trigonometrical station          (2×1=2 marks)
      3. Name two drainage features found in grid square 0384.
        • Rivers
        • Seasonal swamp (2×1=2 marks)
    2. Give the six figure grid reference of the Air Photo Principal point to the East of Obumba School.
      • 097898 (2 marks)
    3.  Describe the relief of the area covered by the map.
      • There are steep slopes in the north western part of the area covered by the map
      • There is Kano plain in the eastern part of the area covered by the map
      • There is Nyando escarpment in the eastern part of the area covered by the map
      • There is a dissected landscape as indicated by numerous rivers
      • There are many river valleys
      • The highest point is 1872metres in the Nyando escarpments
      • The lowest point is 1140 metres in the southern part of the area covered by the map
      • There are numerous spurs in the area covered by the map
      • There are numerous hills
      • There are gentle slopes generally to the southern part of the area covered by the map.  (Any 5 x1=5 marks)
      1. Citing evidence, name three social services offered in the area covered by the map.
        • Education services evidenced by schools
        • Administration services evidenced by Kisumu DC/chief
        • Health/Medical services evidenced by Hospital/Dispensary/ Health centre
        • Rehabilitation services evidenced by prison
        • Security services evidenced by Police station
        • Religious services evidenced by churches
        • Recreational services evidenced by a stadium    (Any 3 x 2= 6 marks)
                                                                                           NB- Evidence must be there to score
      2. Explain three factors that may have influenced the distribution of settlements in the area.
        • Drainage- There are no settlements in the seasonal swamps because of waterlogging conditions which discourage farming and enhance the spread of waterborne diseases
        • Transport - There are settlements along the motorable track from Rabuour Market to Nyamonge because the road facilitates movement of goods and services.
        • Relief - There are no settlements on Nyando Escarpments because it is a steep slope. This hinders construction of houses. There are many settlements to the North West because it is a gentle slope ideal for farming.
        • Economic activities - there are many settlements in Kisumu town because it provides opportunities for trade. 
          (Any 3 x 2=6mks)
    1. State four causes of mechanical weathering.
      • Changes in temperature
      • Effect of rain water
      • Freezing and thawing action of ice
      • Crystal growth (4x1=4marks)
      1. Describe the carbonation process of chemical weathering.
        • Rain water mixes with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form a weak carbonic acid
        • Weak carbonic acid reacts with limestone and chalk carbonates to form calcium bicarbonate
        • The calcium bicarbonate is removed in solution form from the rock through the joints causing the rock to disintegrate (3xl=3marks)
      2.  Name two rocks that can be weathered through the carbonation process.
        • Limestone rock
        • Chalk rock
        • Dolomite (any 2 marks)
      3. Name three features that can be formed on the earth's surface as the carbonation process of weathering takes place.
        • grikes
        • clints
        • uvalas
        • poljes
        • dolines
        • sink holes (Any 3x 1 =3marks)
      1. What is an exfoliation dome?
        • An exfoliation dome is a rounded- off mass of rock left behind after peeling-off of outer layer due to temperature changes (2 marks)
      2. Describe how an exfoliation dome is formed.
        • High temperature heats the outer surface layer of rock during the day in hot and arid areas.
        • The outer layer expands at a faster rate than the inner layer.
        • Low temperatures during the night cause outer layer to contract at a more rate than the inner layer due to cooling.
        • Repeated expansion and contraction cause stress within outer layer of the rock mass causing it to peel off as curved shells
        • This reults into a smooth rounded mass of rock known as an exfoliation dome (Any 3x1=3marks)
    4. Explain four ways in which weathering influence man's activities.
      • Formation of fertile soils for man’s agriculture
      • Broken small rocks particles may contain valuable minerals such as iron ore, manganese and nikel which can be exported for foreign exchange
      • Some features like tors, exfoliation domes, inselbergs attract tourists who in turn creates employment.
      • Brick making industries use clay and bauxite produced by weathering
      • Building and construction materials such as rocks and sand are more accessible where weathering has taken place.
      • Quarrying and mining is made easier for man by weathering
      • Speeding up the process of erosion thereby destroying agricultural lands
      • Some weathered landscape is unsuitable for man's activities such as agriculture and transport where features such as grikes , clints, poljes and uvalas may be formed.  (Any 4×2=8 marks)
      1. What is a coast?
        • A coast is a strip of land bordering a sea. (2 marks)
      2. Name three types of coasts
        • Emerged coasts
        • Submerged coasts
        • Coral coast (3×1=3 marks)
      3. Distinguish between a coast line and shore line.
        • A coastline is the point where the highest storm waves reach the land while a shore line is a point where the shore and water meet. (2marks)
      1. Give three types of ocean tides
        • Spring tide
        • Neap tide
        • Apogean tide
        • Perigean tide ( any 3x1=3 marks)
      2. Describe how blow hole and geo are formed
        Blow hole
        • Wave erosion cuts on a line of weakness at the back part of the roof of a sea cave.
        • At the same time weathering especially by solution acts on the line of weakness from the surface downwards
        • Eventually a vertical shaft/hole which connects the surface to the cave below is formed called a blowhole (3 marks)
        • During high tides as the breaking wave splash against a cliff face, a spray of water emerges through the blowhole.
        • When the roof of the cave tunnel collapses a narrow inlet is formed known as geo.   2marks
      1. Name two features that result from the process of Long shore drift.
        • Beaches
        • Spits
        • Bars e.g Bay bars, offshore bars, tombolo
        • Cuspate forelands
        • Dune belts (Any 2×1=2 marks)
      2. Describe the process of Long shore drift.
        • It involves the swash and the backwash.
        • The long shore drift moves at an angle and the backwash moves at a right angle.
        • The materials are pushed and dragged up and down the shore.
        • Therefore the long shore drift is a product of swash and back wash continuously.  (3 marks)
    3. Students of Mwatate School conduct a field study on coastal emergence along the coast of Kenya.
      1. State two objectives of their study
        • To find out features formed by waves
        • To investigate the effects of wave erosion along the coast
        • To find out features of wave deposition
        • To investigate the scenery created by wave erosion and deposition. (Any 2 x1 = 2 marks)
      2. List three major evidences they identified to prove that the coast of Kenya is partly as a result of coastal emergence.
        • Raised cliffs
        • Raised beaches
        • Raised wave cut platforms
        • Abandoned caves
        • Marine terraces (any3x1=3 marks)
    1. The diagram below shows a local wind. Use it to answer questions that follow.
      1. Name the type of local wind.
        • Sea Breeze (1 x 1 = 1mark)
      2. Describe how the wind develops.
        • During the day land is heated faster than the sea. Low pressure develops on land water remains cooler and with high pressure.
        • Heated air becomes less dense and rises.
        • Wind blows from the sea towards land to take place of rising air. ( 3x1 = 3marks)
    2.  Describe the formation of relief rainfall.
      • A water body/sea/Lake is heated causing evaporation of water.
      • Moist air from the sea is forced to ascend up a hill/mountain side.
      • Forced ascend leads to expansion and cooling of air.
      • The moisture in the air condenses forming clouds.
      • Rain falls mainly on the wind ward side of the hill/mountain.
      • Descending air are dry and cause dry condition on the leeward side of the mountain/hill
      • With little or no rain.
        Systematic explanation = 6marks
    3. World map showing climatic regions. Use it to answer questions that follow:
      1. Identify climatic regions marked U, V and W.
        • U – Mountain
        • V – Dessert
        • W – Mediterranean (3 x 1 = 3marks)
      2. State six characteristics of climate marked X.
        • Experience high temperature throughout the year/ 24°C – 27°C
        • Experiences a small annual range of temperature/3degree Celsius.
        • Under low pressure /doldrums throughout the year due to high temperature.
        • Heavy rainfall /over 1500mm annually,
        • Rainfall is convectional type -occurs during afternoons, accompanied by lightning and thunder and takes long period.
        • Heavy clouds cover/Cumulus and cumulus nimbus clouds.
        • Relative humidity is high throughout the year due to high temperature and a lot of moisture.
        • Region receives plenty of sunshine since sun is overhead almost throughout the year.
        • Atmospheric pressure is relatively low 1014mls throughout the year.
        • Trade winds meet and rise within the region. (Any 6x1= 6mks)
      1. What is Micro climate?
        • It is localized climate within a given small area that is modified from the general climate covering the region. (2 x 1 = 2marks)
      2. State four effects of global warming on human activities.
        • Semi-arid tropical regions would become drier and affect pastoral communities while tropical regions would become wetter.
        • Global warming could result in shifting of crop growing areas eg wheat growing areas of Canada and Russia will shift towards the poles.
        • Cause changes in the natural ecosystems, some species would adapt to new conditions while others become extinct. Thus affect wildlife and tourism.
        • City environments become hotter causing discomfort to people.
        • Wetter or drier climate affect water resources planning, reservoirs, dams and HEP project schemes.
        • Flooding from rising sea levels leads to deaths and loss of lives. (Any 4 x 1 = 4marks)
      1. Give two types of magma
        • Acid magma
        • Intermediate magma
        • Basic magma
        • Ultra basic magma (Any 2×1=2 marks)
      2. Name two types of volcanic eruptions.
        • Vent erruptions
        • Fissuse erruptions (2x1 =2 marks)
    2. The diagram below represents features of vulcanicity. Use it to answer questions that follow.
      1. Name the features K,L and M.
        • K – Batholith
        • L – Lopolith
        • M – Laccolith (3x1 = 3marks)
      2. Give two examples of the features labeled N in East Africa.
        • Mt. Elgon
        • Mt. Meru
        • Mhavura
        • Marsabit
        • Mgahinga
        • Jukuyu (Any 2 x 1 =2 marks)
    3. Describe how an explosion caldera is formed.
      • Volcanic eruption leads to the formation of a volcano
      • Magma in the vent settles, cools and solidifies firmly sealing the vent/forming a volcanic plug.
      • This suppresses subsequent eruption.
      • Pressure builds up in the void.
      • Eventually, the pressure overcomes the resistance of the overlying rocks resulting in an explosive eruption. This eruption blows off the head of the volcano, destroying the plug to open the vent.
      • This leaves a large basin – shaped depression at the top of the old volcano called an explosion caldera.
        (Systematic explanation =6 marks)
    4. Explain two ways in which geysers and hot springs at Olkaria are of significance to the economy ofKenya.
      • The geysers are used to generate geothermal power for domestic and industrial uses.
      • The hot springs and geysers at Ol Karia geothermal project attract tourists thus earning the country foreign exchange.
      • Geothermal power project at Ol Karia has created employment opportunities/source of income thus improving living standards.
      • Through establishment of geothermal power plant at Ol Karia, there has been an improvement in infrastructure through road construction, provision of water and electricity.     (Any 2x2 =4 marks)
    5. Students from Kisau girls intend to conduct a field study on volcanic features in the rift valley of Kenya.
      1. Other than Olkaria, name two other places they are likely to observe hot springs.
        • Lake Bogoria
        • Eburu
        • Between lakes Naivasha and Nakuru
        • Longonot crater
        • Around Lake Turkana  (Any 2x1 =2 marks)
      2. State two methods of data recording they are likely to use during the study.
        • Note taking
        • Editing Photographs/videos
        • Filling questionnaires       (Any 2x1 =2 marks)
      3. State two problems they are likely to encounter during the study.
        • Steep/rugged terrain which are difficult to climb thus delaying the study
        • Accidents in the terrain would delay/end the study abruptly.
        • Sudden rainfall would stop the data collection temporarily or even end it permanently.
        • High temperatures from scorching sun would make data collection difficult.
        • Lack of adequate data.
        • Fatigue (Any 2x1 = 2 marks)
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