- Answer all the questions.
- Spend the first 15 minutes of the 1 ¾ hours allowed for this paper reading the whole paper carefully before commencing your work.
- Answers MUST be written in the spaces provided in the QUESTION PAPER ONLY.
- This paper consists of 12 printed pages. Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all pages are printed as indicated and no questions are missing

- You are provided with the following materials and reagents. A straight portion of raw banana, labelled D
Two petri dishes, a scalpel/sharp razor blade, two beakers containing solution A and B ,A stop watch/access to a wall clock, Means of labeling- Label the two petri dishes, A and B
- Fill petri dish A with solution A and petri dish B with solution B
- Using the scalpel, prepare four thin, straight flat strips from the raw banana peel
- Each strip should measure about 4cm by 2mm as illustrated below
- Immerse two strips in petri dish A and the other two in petri dish B and leave the set ups undisturbed for 10 minutes.
- State your observations in petri dish A and B after 10 minutes
Petri dish A (1mk)
Petri dish B (1mk) - Account for the observations made in (a) (i) above
Petri dish A (3mks)
Petri dish B (3mks) - With reference to the observations made, compare the nature of the outer and inner surfaces of the pawpaw peel (2mks)
- Name the cell structure responsible for the observations made in this experiment (1mk)
- Explain how the cell structure named in (d) (i) above works to bring about the observations made (1mk)
- State your observations in petri dish A and B after 10 minutes
- Study the specimens provided then answer the questions below.
- Name the parts labeled U1, W1, W2 and V3 (4mks)
V3………………………………………………………………………………………… -
- Suggest the mode of dispersal of the specimen labeled U (1mk)
- Give a reason for your answer in b (i) above. (1mk)
- suggest the mode of dispersal of the specimen labeled X. (1mk)
- Give a reason for your answer in C (i) above (1mk)
- The Photograph shown below was taken from a damp tree bark. It has organism Q on the surface. Study it then answer the questions.
- Name organism labeled Q (1mark)
- Name two organisms that make up Q (2marks)
- Suggest the feeding relationship between the identified organisms in d (i) above (1mark)
- Identify the two possible Kingdoms represented by organism Q. (2marks)
- Name the parts labeled U1, W1, W2 and V3 (4mks)
- Study photographs shown below then answer the questions.
- State the type of evolution represented by structures Q1, R1 and S1. (1mark)
- Explain the type of evolution identified in (a) above. (1mark)
- Give the evolution term used to describe structures;
- Q1, R1 and S1. (1mark)
- A1, B1 and C1. (1mark)
- What type of evolution is illustrated by the limbs (A1, B1 and C1)? (1mark)
- Name class for organisms labeled Q, R and S.
Q (1mark)
R (1mark)
S (1mark) - Give two observable reasons for your answer for class S. (2marks)
- Name class for organisms labeled Q, R and S.
- suggest the diet of animals B and R.
B (1mark)
R (1mark) - How is beak of animal B adapted to its function? (2marks)
- suggest the diet of animals B and R.

- Petri dish A- strip curves towards the epidermis/epicarp with mesocarp outside/ curve outwards; reject: cortical cells
Petri dish B- The strip curve inwards/ the strip curves towards the mesocarp (with the epicarp outside) . reject: cortical cells
Accept: labelled diagram for explanation - Petri dish A-solution A is hypotonic to the cell sap of the banana; the mesocarp cells gained water by osmosis; become turgid/ increased in length; hence the curvature; epidermal cells/epicarp did not gain water because of water proof cuticle
Mark first 3
Petri dish B- solution B is hypertonic to the cell sap of the banana; the mesocarp cells lost water by osmosis; shrink and become flaccid/ decreased in length; hence the curvature; epidermal cells/epicarp did not gain water because of water proof cuticle Mark first 3 -
Outer surface
Inner surface
Not waxy
Non- cellular
Not transparent
- Cuticle;
- It is waterproof hence restricting gaining /losing of water
- Petri dish A- strip curves towards the epidermis/epicarp with mesocarp outside/ curve outwards; reject: cortical cells
- U1- Funicle
WI- Mesocarp.
W2- Seed. Reject seeds
V3- Placenta. -
- Self- dispersal.
N/B: Reject wrong spelling. - Presence of line of weakness/ sutures.
- Self- dispersal.
- Animal dispersed
- Presence of hooks for attachment on the animal skin/ fur or cloth.
- Organism Q- Lichen
- Blue green algae Acc Algae Fungus
- Symbiosis
- Kingdom Fungi
Kingdom Protista/ Protoctista First letters should be capital
- U1- Funicle
- Convergent evolution
- Organisms with different embryonic origin modified to perform same functions because of occupying same ecological niche.
- Analogous structures
- Homologous structures
- Divergent evolution
- Q- Insecta
R- Aves
S- Mammalia
N/B: First letter should be capital, reject small letter. - Body covered with fur. Reject hair
Presence of external ear/ pinna.
- Q- Insecta
- B- Flesh R- Nectar
- Short, strong and curved.

- Specimen D- Raw banana (one piece per student )
- 2 petri dishes.
- A scapel/ a sharp razor blade.
- Solution A (Distilled water).
- Solution B (Salt solution).
- A stop watch/ wall clock.
- 2 labels.
- 15cm ruler
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