- Write your name, admission number in the spaces provided above.
- Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided
- This paper consists of THREE Sections: A, B and C
- Answer ALL the questions in section A and three questions in section B and two in section C
For Examiner’s use only.
A |
B |
C |
1-17 |
18 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
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22 |

- Name the first settlement of the River lake Nilotes during their migration to Kenya (1mks).
- Identify the main source of history and government of the Kenyan communities in the pre colonial period (1mks)
- State one factor that facilitated contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside world in the 16th century (1mk)
- Give two items of trade from the coast of East Africa during the long distance trade (2mks)
- State two ways through which Kenyan citizens exercise direct democracy.(2mk)
- Outline two reasons why the colonial chiefs in Kenya were unpopular (2mks)
- Identify the main feature of the Kenyan independence constitution (1mk)
- Give two roles of welfare organizations in Kenya during the colonial period (2mk)
- Highlight two ways through which the colonial land policies promoted settler farming in Kenya during the colonial period (2mk)
- Give the main reason why KANU refused to form government after 1961 elections (1mk)
- State the main reason why the Taita Hills association was formed in 1939 (1mk)
- Who was the founder of Kenya Peoples Union(KPU) in 1966 (1mk)
- Outline two political events that threatened the stability of Kenya between 1975 and 1978. (2mk)
- Name two superior courts in Kenya. (2mks)
- Identify two parliamentary committees that monitor government expenditure in Kenya (2mk)
- Give one function of the clerk of the National Assembly in Kenya (2mk)
- Mention one legislative function of the president of the republic of Kenya. (1mk)
- identify five sub groups of the Kelenjin community of Kenya (5mks)
- Explain five effects of the migration and settlement of the eastern cushites to Kenya (10mks)
- Give five reasons why the Akamba actively participated in the long distance trade(5mks)
- Discuss five effects of the long distance trade in Kenya during the 19th century. (10mks)
- State five ways in which Nabongo Mumia of the Wanga collaborated with the British (5mks)
- Describe the hierarchy of the British colonial administration in Kenya (10mks)
- State five reasons why the government of Kenya adopted sessional paper no 10 of 1965 (3mks)
- Describe the social effects of national philosophies in Kenya (10mks)
- State three factors that may lead to revocation of citizenship by registration (3mks)
- Explain six rights enjoyed by arrested persons in Kenya (12mks)
- why are general elections held in Kenya after every five years .(3mks)
- Discuss six functions of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (12mks)
- Identify five ways of reducing criminal activities in Kenya (5mks)
- Discuss six challenges facing the Judiciary in Kenya (12mks)

- Identify the first settlement of the river lake nilotes during thir migration to kenya
- Pubungu Pakwach in uganda
- Identify one main source of History and Government of the Kenya communities during the pre-colonial period .
- Oral tradition any 1x1
- Identify the factors that facilitated contact between the Kenyan coast and the outside worldin the 16th century
- Presence of monsoon wind
- Marine technology
- Deep natural harbours
- The knowledge of navigation
- Enterprising merchants who financed voyages 1x1
- Identify two items of trade from the coast of east Africa during the long distance trade
- Cloths/ silk
- Beads
- Iron ware/tools
- Glasses/porcelain bowls/utensils
- Cowrie shells
- Spices
- Guns/weapons 1x1
- State two ways through which Kenyan citizens exercise direct democracy
- Through recalls
- Through referendum
- Through initiatives
- through plebscite
- Outline two reasons why the colonial chiefs in Kenya were unpopular
- They were harsh and cruel when collecting taxes
- They used force when recruiting Africans into forced labour
- They assisted the whites in acquiring plenty of Africans land
- Some of them acted as spies to the colonial government
any 2x1
- Give the main feature of the kenya’s independence constitution
- It was federal/ provided for federalism/ provided for majimboism/provided for regionalism
any 1x1
- It was federal/ provided for federalism/ provided for majimboism/provided for regionalism
- Give two reasons why Africans moved to urban centre during the colonial mperiod
- to escape forced labour and taxation in the rural areas
- they were attracted by the social amenities available in towns
- to look for jobs in towns for better wages
- African entrepreneurs wanted to take advantage of the wide markets n towns
- congestion in the reserves compelled them to move to towns
any 2x1
- Identify one way way through which colonial land policies promoted settler agriculture in kenya
- They pushed the Africans into reserves there by creating a pool of labour
- Led to alienation of africans land for settlers farming
- They reserved the white highlands for the whites only.
- Give the main reason why KANU refused to form government after 1961 elections in kenya
- Jomo Kenyatta was still in prison/they wanted kenyatta to be released from prison
any 1x1
- Jomo Kenyatta was still in prison/they wanted kenyatta to be released from prison
- state the main reason why the Taita Hills association was fo4rmed in 1939
- To oppose/they were against the destocking policy introduced by the British
any 2x1
- To oppose/they were against the destocking policy introduced by the British
- Identify the founder of Kenya peoples union in 1966
- Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Any1x1
- identify two political events that threatened Kenyans stanility between 1975 and 1978
- Assassination of J.M Kariuki
- Death of Jomo Kenyatta
- Identify two parliamentary committees that monitor government expenditure
- Public accounts committee(PAC)
- Public investment committee(PIC)
- Committee of ways and means
- Name two superior courts in kenya
- The supreme court
- The court of appeal
- The high court
any 2x1
- Give one function of the clerk of the national assembly in kenya
- manintains the parliamentary library
- is the secretary to psc
- advices the speaker on house procedures any 2x1
- Mention one legislative functions of the president of the republic of kenya.
- Assents to bills from parliament to become law
- Opens newly elected parliament
- Dissolves parliament
any 1x1
- Identify five sub groups of the kalenjin community of kenya
- The Nandi
- Kipsigis
- Marakwet
- Pokot
- Keiyo
- Sabaot
- Turgen
any 3x1
- Explain the effects of migrations and settlement of eastern cushites in Kenya.
- Intermarriage which strengthened relationship with other communities.
- There was population increase in the areas where they settled
- Exchange of cultural activities and practices / some communities were absorbed / assimilated. E.g. Bantu copied some customs from the Cushites like circumcision and age-set system, and also taboo against fish eating among some Bantu communities.
- Intensified warfare, hence many deaths over control of resources and raids.
- Displacement / redistribution of the population e.g. the Bantu were displaced from Shungwaya.
- Increased trading activities between the cushites and their neighbours
- It led to the spread of iron working in the region.
- The Cushites formed alliances with other groups to help them overcome their enemies.
- They learned the art of mixed farming from the Bantu.
any 6x2
- Identify five sub groups of the kalenjin community of kenya
- Give five reasons why the akamba actively participatred in the long distance trade
- Their land was infertile hence could not support agriculture
- Availability of trade items like ivory in ukambani
- Presence of enterprising leaders like chief kivoi
- Kamba land was centrally positioned between the coast and the interior
- Unfavourable weather conditions / inadequate rainfall
- The 1886 hunger outbreak in ukambani forced them to turn to the trade.
- Existance of well established trade routes
- High demand of some of their trade goods at the coast
- The akamba had much experience in both local and inter community trade 5x1
- Explain five effects of the long distance trade to the people of kenya.
- Led to growth of towns eg Mombasa , lamu , kilwa etc
- Led to increase in the volume of both local and regional trade
- Emergence of wealthy Africans along the coasty and the interior eg chief kivoi of ukambani, Ngonyo of Mijikenda
- Introduction of new goods eg beads , cloths and plates
- Introduction of new crops e.g bananas , rice and mangoes
- Spread of Islamic culture to the people of east African coast by arabs and swajhili
- Development of trade routes and market centres
- Development of plantation agriculture in malindi and Mombasa
- Development of money economy which replaced barter trade
- Led to colonization of east Africa by the Europeans
any 5x2
- Give five reasons why the akamba actively participatred in the long distance trade
- State five ways in which Nabongo Mumia of the Wanga collaborated with the British
- He offered his seat at Elureko to become an operational base for the British
- He offered his men to fight alongside the British troops against resisting communities
- He offered the Wanga agents to assist the British in administering conquered areas like Bukusu
- The Wanga community provided food, water and shelter to the British fighting resisting communities
- Nabongo offered the British free passage through his territory
- Mumia signed treaties of friendship with the British
any 5x1
- Describe the hierarchy of the British colonial administration in kenya
- At the top of the hierarchy was the colonial secretary who was based in London.he was the overall coordinator of colonies
- The colony was headed by the colonial governor who was the head of the executive council. he was answerable to the colonial secretary
- Third in the hierarchy was the provincial commissioner who represented the governor at the provincial level. implemented government policies at the provincial level
- Below the provincial commissioner was the district commissioner who was the head of the the district advisory committee.
- Below the DC was the district officer who was in charge of the division and supervised the work of the chiefs.
- Bhe district officers were followed by the chiefs who were in charge of location and acted as the the link between the governor and the people at the grassroot
- Below the chiefs were the assistant chiefs who were in chrge of the sub locations and supervised the work of the village headmen NB: the hierarchy must be in order
any 5x2
- State five ways in which Nabongo Mumia of the Wanga collaborated with the British
- State three reasons why the government of Kenya adopted the sessional paper No 10 of 1965.
- To ensures equal opportunities for all citizens.
- To promote democracy.
- To ensures that resources are used for the benefits of society and its members.
- To encourage various form of ownership of propertys
- To promote freedom from diseases ,ignorance and poverty.
- To promote freedom of conscience and human dignity.
- Explain social effects of the National philosophies on social development in Kenya .
- Education has been promoted and people are mindful of others who are needy through school fees harambee.
- Medical services have improved ,Kenyans raise fund to build hospital
- Medical bills for the sick and the needy have been offset by well wishers.
- It has promoted African culture by drawing from Africa traditions
- The plight of people with disabilities and other disadvantage groups havebeen looked into.
- The philosophies have promoted spiritual and social development.
- The pillars of peace,love and unity have fostered the spirit of cooperation among Kenyans.
- State three reasons why the government of Kenya adopted the sessional paper No 10 of 1965.
- State three factors that may lead to revocation of citizenship by rergistration
- If citizenship was acquired through fraud / false representation.
- If it is discovered that the person was 8 years and above, when found in Kenya.
- If the nationality / parenthood of the person becomes known and reveals that he/s was a citizen of another country. any 3x1
- Explain six rights enjoyed by arrested persons in kenya.
- Right to be informed in a language that he understands the reason for the arrest
- Right to remain silent and to be informed of the consequences for not remaining silent
- Right to get legal assistance from an advocate/ lawyer
- right not to be compelled to make confessions that can be used as evidence against the person.
- Right to be taken to court within 24 hours after arrest
- Right to be held separately from those serving jail term
- Right to be informed of charges one is facing to enable him prepare defence
- Right to be released on bail/ bond pending trial
- right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty
- Right not to be held in custody for offences punishable by fine
any 6x2
- State three factors that may lead to revocation of citizenship by rergistration
- Outline three reasons why general elections are held in Kenya after every five years
- to give Kenyans a chance to elect their leaders of their choice
- it is a constitutional requirement
- to keep elected leaders on their toes
- to provide alternative ideas on running of government
- give the citizens a chance to exercise their democratic rights
any 3x1
- Discuss six functions of the Independent Electoral andBoundaries Commission in kenya
- It is responsible for conducting elections and referendum in kenya to enable citizens choose their leaders
- Ensures continuous registration of citizens as voters to enable them take part in elections
- it regularly revises the voters roll to remove dead voters and include newly registered voters
- It is in charge of delimitation of constituency and ward boundaries to ensure equal representation
- It regulates the process by which poitical parties nominate candidates for elections to ensure fairness
The commission ensures registration of candidates for elections to enable the contest for various seats - It conducts voter education to enable voters understand the electoral system and process
- It facilitates the monitoring , observation and evaluation of election Iit regulates the amount of money used by candidates and political parties in their campaigns
- It develops a code of conduct for candidates to follow during the electioneering period
- It settles electoral disputes arising from nominations and not after elections
any 6x2
- Outline three reasons why general elections are held in Kenya after every five years
- Outline three efforts made by the government in reducing criminal activities in ke
- introduction of nyumba kumi initiative
- establishment of more police posts in the rural area
- reporting suspected criminals to the police
- improve transport and communication system to facilitate aesy movement of police
- introduction of police hotline to report suspected criminal activities
- introduction of mobile courts to try minor cases
- reforms in the police service eg improving their remuneration
- improving lighting system along streets
- installation of modern security system eg CCTV
- introduction of police patrol bases
any 3x1
- Discuss six challenges facing Judiciary service in Kenya.
- Inadequate personnel leading to delays in the administration and backlog cases
- Corruption in courts which results to unfair ruling.
- Low level public awareness on their rights and legal procedures.
- Interference of judicial matters by powerful politicians.
- Extra judicial killings among judicial officers which fear among in the line of duties.
- Use of outdated laws eg penal code
- Inadequate funds from the government to expand juciary services.
- Poor terms of services and working conditions of some judicial officers.
- Shortage of equipment and facilities such as computers and office space.
- Outline three efforts made by the government in reducing criminal activities in ke
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