- Write your name and index number in the spaces provided above.
- Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
- This paper consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer all the questions in section A and B.
- Answer any two questions in section C.
- All answers should be written in the spaces provided.
For Examiner’s Use Only:
A |
1-18 |
30 |
B |
19-22 |
20 |
C |
20 |
20 |
90 |

- Give two reasons why jersey breed of cattle are better suited to arid areas than Friesian cattle (2mks)
- Give two methods of handling rabbits (1mk)
- Describe four factors to consider when selecting a breeding boar (2mks)
- Name the other tool used together with the following (1mk)
elastrator………………………………………………. - State four characteristics of roughages in livestock nutrition (2mks)
- Name four livestock structures used to control livestock parasites on the farm (2mks)
- Name a breed of a pig which has the following characteristics (1mk)
- Black body with a white patch on the shoulders ……………………………………………………………
- Erect ears and a broad dished snout …………………………………………………………………………….
- Give two ways in which proper nutrition helps control livestock diseases (1mk)
- List two methods that dairy farmers can use for outbreeding (1mk)
- Give four maintenance practices which are carried out on a wheelbarrow (2mks)
- State two characteristics that will be observed on chicks when the brooder temperatures are high (2mks)
- List two causes of bloat in ruminant animals (1mk)
- List two sources of animal power in the farm (1mk)
- Give two reasons for washing the cow’s udder with warm water before milking (2mks)
- Differentiate between cropping and harvesting in fish farming (1mk)
- Give four reasons why bees swarm (2mks)
- State four reasons why it is necessary to take weights of animals in the farm (2mks)
- Name four systems of a tractor engine (2mks)
- Give four characteristics of a good site for a fishpond (2mks)
- The diagram below shows a reproductive system of a cow, study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the parts labelled X and Y (2mks)
Y - Give two functions of the part labelled Z (2mks)
- Name any disease that can be transmitted to the above reproductive system through natural mating (1mk)
- Name the parts labelled X and Y (2mks)
- The diagram below shows a farm structure, use it to answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the practice being carried out (1mk)
- Name the structure in which the practice is being carried out (1mk)
- Give three advantages of the above structure (3mks)
- Study the diagrams below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the livestock management practice taking place in diagram A and B (2mks)
B……………………………………………………………………. - State two problems associated with practice A in the diagram above (2mks)
- What is the importance of carrying out the management practice illustrated by diagram B? (1mk)
- Identify the livestock management practice taking place in diagram A and B (2mks)
- Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify the practice (1mk)
- Why is the practice recommended on the 18th day of incubation? (1mk)
- State three defects of an egg that can be detected using this set up (3mks)
Answer Any Two Questions from This Section
- Describe the procedure of erecting wooden post for fencing (10 mks)
- Describe the process of egg formation in the reproductive system of a hen (6 mks)
- State four predisposing factors of mastitis in cattle (4 mks)
- Describe seven advantages of artificial insemination (7 mks)
- State five factors to be considered when formulating a livestock ration (5 mks)
- Describe the effect of parasite on livestock (8 mks)
- What preparation would a farmer carryout in preparation for arrival a day old chicks (8 mks)
- Discuss pneumonia in calves under the following sub-heading (8 mks)
- Symptoms
- Control
- State four causes of long calving intervals (4 mks)

- jersey cattle can survive on poor pasture
- more tolerant to tropical diseases
- More tolerant to heat
- support hind quarter with one hand and steady by holding ears
- Grasp loose skin over shoulder with hands (2×0.5=1mk)
- high libido
- Fertile
- Free from hereditary defect
- High feed conversion rate
- fast growth rate
- good body conformation
- Free from physical defect
- Suitable to environment condition
- Be mature
- be healthy (4×0.5=2mks)
- Canular-trocar
- Elastrator -rubber ring (2×0.5=1mks)
- bulky
- High fibre content
- Low nutrient content
- Low digestibility
- plant origin (4×0.5=2mks)
- spray race
- Housing/shed
- Fences
- Crush
- plunge dip (4×0.5=2mks)
- wessex saddleback acc. Saddle back
- Large white (2×0.5=1mk)
- prevent nutrient deficiency diseases
- ensure resistance against diseases (2×0.5=1mk)
- cross breeding
- Outcrossing
- Upgrading (2×0.5=1mk)
- painting to avoid rusting
- Lubricating moving parts
- Clean after use rej. washing
- Replace worn out wheel
- repair broken parts (4×0.5=2mks)
- panting/open beak
- Drooping wings/wings away from the body
- Chicks make a lot of noise
- Chicks move away from heat source
- drinking excess amount of water(4×0.5=2mks)
- lack of fibre in the diet
- Feeding on succulent feeds
- Rapid gas production
- Fermentation of feed in the rumen
- obstruction of the esophagus by food (2×0.5=1mk)
- donkey
- Oxen accept bull
- Camels(2×0.5=1mk)
- to remove dirt
- Stimulates milk let down (2×1=2mks)
- cropping-removal of market size fish from the pond to provide more space for those left behind.
harvesting- removal of all the fish from the pond during pond cleaning/maintenance. (1×1=1mk) -
- shortage of food
- Lack of adequate ventilation
- Damage of the brood comb
- Outbreak of diseases
- infertile queen(4×0.5=2mks)
- cropping-removal of market size fish from the pond to provide more space for those left behind.
- to determine the growth rate
- To evaluate weight gain in relation to age
- To plan for proper feeding regime
- To determine the management level of the mother during gestation(4×0.5=2mks)
- ignition system
- Fuel system
- Power transmission
- Electrical system
- cooling system(4×0.5=2mks)
- reliable water source
- Secure from predators and thieves
- Accessible site
- Soil type/preferable clay soil
- topography/ gentle sloping land(4×0.5=2mks)
- x-ovary (1×1=1mk)
y- cervix (1×1=1mk) -
- produce ovum/female gametes
- Produce hormones/ progestrones
- Brucellosis/contagious abortion
- Trichonomiasis
- Campilobacteriosis
- Vibriosis (1×1=1mk)
- x-ovary (1×1=1mk)
- spraying (1×1=1mk)
- spray race (1×1=1mk)
- convenient for sick/pregnant animals
- Its less laborious
- Economical in spray use
- Faster than plunge dip
- animals cant swallow the acaricide (3×1=3mks)
- A-branding
B- bloodless/closed castration rej. Castration (2×1=2mks) -
- lowers hide quality
- Wounds which act as pathway for secondary infection
- Inflicts pain to the animal (2×1=2mks)
- control breeding
- Avoid bad smell in goats hence improve meat quality
- fast growth rate (1×1=1mks)
- A-branding
- egg candling (1×1=1mk)
- confirm the presence of a chick/embryo (1×1=1mk)
- displaced air space
- excessively large air space
- meat and blood spot
- displaced yoke
- hair cracks (3×1=3mks)
- clear the site to be fenced
- Use a string to lay out the fence line
- Determine the position of the posts using a tape measure
- Dig the holes using a hole digger/claw bar
- use a ruler to determine the right hole depth
- Obtain the right length of the post using a tape measure
- Obtain the right depth using soil auger
- Put concreate at the bottom of the hole
- Place the posts in the hole
- ensure posts are vertical and at right angles
- Fill the holes with soil/concrete
- Firm the soil/concrete using a ramming rod
- Heap soil/concrete at the base of the of the post (10×1=10mks)
- ovary-produces ovum
- Funnel/infundibulum- chalazae are added and the egg moves to the magnum, fertilization takes place here, receives ovum.
- Magnum- the light albumen is added and the yoke moves into the isthmus
- Isthmus- water and mineral salts are added/vitamins - shell membrane is added to uterus/ albumen addition is completed
- uterus/shell gland- shell is added around the egg/ contains calcium deposits shell pigmentation occurs here. Egg takes 22hrs.
- vagina- egg is temporarily stored
- egg is inverted to be laid with the broad end first
-egg is lubricated (6×1=6mks)
- dirty and filthy milking sheds that encourage breeding of the bacteria
- In large and pendulums under hanging below hock/genetic factor
- Incomplete/partial milking
- Old age/old animals
- high yielding cows
- Stress
- Injury of udder/ teats (4×1=4mks)
- control breeding diseases/parasites
- Control breeding
- It’s easier to transport semen to and from an area
- Semen from a superior bull can be used to serve so many cows
- farmers who cannot afford a superior bull get the service at a lower cost
- Bulls that cannot serve naturally due to injuries/defects are utilized
- Prevent injuries to the cows by heavy bulls
- Semen can be stored for long periods even after the death of the bull
- Saves the cost of rearing a bull
- controls in breeding
- Useful research tools (7×1=7mks)
- age of animal
- Type of animal whether ruminant or non-ruminant
- Nutrient required of the animal
- Cost of the feed stuff
- availability of the feed stuff (5×1=5mks)
- causes anemia
- Deprive food
- Cause injury and damage to tissue and organs.
- Transmit diseases
- causes irritation
- Obstruction of internal organs
- Causes wounds
- Lowers quality of hides and skins (8×1=8mks)
- construct a brooder
- clean the brooder
- disinfect the brooder
- place litter on the floor
- provide heat source
- ensure enough feeders
- ensure enough drinkers
- place newspapers on the litter
- provide dim light to prevent toe pecking (8×1=8mks)
- pneumonia in calves
- symptoms
- loss of appetite
- rough hair coat
- abnormal lung sound/whizzing
- dullness
- nosal discharge
- fluctuating body temperature(4×1=4mks)
- control
- proper sanitation
- hygiene
- isolation of sick animals
- avoid overcrowding
- treat with appropriate antibiotics
- keep animal house warm (4×1=4mks)
- symptoms
- poor health
- Poor selection
- Poor nutrition
- Incorrect timing of service
- irregular heat signs
- Type of breed
- Poor breed methods (4×1=4mks)
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