- This page consists of three sections A, B and C.
- Answer ALL the questions in sections A and B and only two questions from section C.
A |
1-9 |
30 |
B |
10-12 |
20 |
C |
13-15 |
40 |

Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- Define the following terms. (3 marks)
- Under sowing
- Over sowing
- Ammonification
- State four factors which determine soil depth. (2 marks)
- State four benefits of soil organisms in crop growth. (2 marks)
- Give four natural factors that would encourage the gully erosion on a farm. (2 marks)
- State four ways by which mulch control soil erosion. (2 marks)
- List four materials used in the construction of gabions. (2 marks)
- State four factors that should be considered when selecting a forage crop species to be established in a given area. (2 marks)
- Define topping as used in forage crops. (1 mark)
- State four ways of weed control in a field of tomatoes. (2 marks)
- State four factors that should be considered when collecting seeds for tree planting. (2 marks)
- Name two types of labour used on a farm. (2 marks)
- State four problems farmers face in a loan repayment. (2 maks)
- Outline four uses of gross margin to a farmer. (2 marks)
- Outline four reasons why a farmer should diversify his farm enterprises. (2 marks)
- State two advantages of contract marketing. (2 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- The photographs below show two maize pests labeled A and B. Study them carefully and answer the questions that follow.
- Name the pests. (2 marks)
- ............................................
- ............................................
- Define the term economic injury level. (1 mark)
- Outline three factors to consider before deciding to use a chemical method of pest control. (3 marks)
- List three advantages of biological pest control. (3 marks)
- Name the pests. (2 marks)
- Below is a graph showing the relationship between supply and demand in price determination.
- Name the curves. (2 marks)
M ............................................
N ............................................ - What is the name given to the point where the two curves M and N intersect. (1 mark)
- Give two reasons why there is excess supply above P4. (2 marks)
- Define the law of demand. (1 mark)
- Given that at a price of ksh 100 per bag, 20 bags of maize are on demand but when the price changed to 80sh per bag 22 bags are demanded. Calculate electricity of demand. Show your working. (3 marks)
- Give two types of production functions in agricultural economics. (2 marks)
- Name the curves. (2 marks)
Answer ANY TWO questions from this section in the spaces provided.
- Describe the functions of agricultural marketing. (10 marks)
- Explain the role of agricultural cooperatives in Kenya. (10 marks)
- Explain ten problems hindering agricultural development in Kenya. (10 marks)
- Describe the process involved in water treatment using a chemical treatment system.(10 marks)
- Describe ten harmful effects of weeds. (10 marks)
- Outline ten advantages of zero grazing. (10 marks)

- Under sowing-establishment of pastures below already existing crop
- Over sowing-establishment of a pasture legume on existing grass pasture
- Ammonification-process where during decaying proteins from dead animals and plants and broken to ammonia and other substances by putrefying bacteria.
- topograph
- Parent rock
- Climate
- Age of the soil
- Biological activities
- help to aerate soil
- Decompose organic matter
- Some fix nitrogen in the soil
- Source of nutrients upon death and decay
- Some produce toxic substances which kill pest or diseases or cethogens
- types of soil
- Steepness of slope or topography
- Rainfall intensity and amount
- Length of slope
- Size of water shed or catchment areas
- reduce effect of rain drops or splash erosion]
- slows down speed of runoff
- encourages rate of infiltration of water into the soil
- concrete
- stones
- wires or wiremesh
- wood or metal or pegs
- types of soil
- adaptability to thearea
- Production potential
- Skills required in establishment
- Soil type
- Resistance to pests or diseases
- Whether pure or mixed stand
- topping is the removal of top fibrous materials left over a period of grazing to stimulate new or fresh growth.
- use of suitable herbicides
- Uprooting
- Mulching
- Cultivation
- Slashing
- viability of seeds
- Healthy seeds
- Seeds from moisture trees
- Seeds from trees that are adaptable to local conditions
- High yielding seeds
- Seeds of good quality
- family labour
- Hired labour
- Communal labour
- lack of collateral
- Mismanagement
- High interest
- Non payment of loan
- Lack of knowledge and skill
- Lack of proper records
- Project failure
- Political instability
- compare performance of one farm and another
- Compare performance of one farm between one season and another
- Compare performance of one enterprise and another in same farm
- Acts as a measure of profit in a farm
- spreads income through the year
- To guard against total loss incase of failure
- To guard against price fluctuation
- Maximize labour use
- Complement enterprises
- guarantees a fixed market for farm produce
- When prices fall farmer benefits
- A maize weevil or sitophilus zeamais
- B squirrel
- a pest population that causes damage beyond tolerance level and therefore control measures should be effected.
- intended use of the crop or time within which to use the crop
- when all other methods are inadequate
- cost of pesticide
- safety of pesticide to the user
- saves labour
- cheap
- doesn’t pollute the environment
- M-demand curve
- N-supply curve
- Equilibrium or market price
- low demand for community
- high price for the commodity hence high supply
- it states that the quantity of a good or service demanded varies inversely with the price.
- Ed=%Q
Ed=10∕20=0.5 -
- diminishing/decreasing returns
- constant returns
- increasing
- Carrying out advertising of the farm produce to increase demand
- Providingfinances or capital
- Transporting of farm produce
- Storage of farm produce
- Packing farm products to reduce storage space to reduce storage space
- Processing farm produce
- Grading farm produce
- Assembling of farm produce
- Protection of farm produce from damage
- Buying farm produce
- Gathering market information
- cooperators pool resources together to buy expensive machinery
- provide education
- provide loans
- negotiate for higher prices for members
- share overhead costs
- provide inputs at lower prices
- provide employment
- benefit members from lower taxes
- provide strong bargaining power for members on policy issues
- market farmers produce
- paying dividends to members
- some provide banking services to members
- prevalence of pest
- Poor farming methods
- Poor marketing
- Low level of technology or poor machinery
- Lack of capital
- Unpredictable commodity prices
- Very poor rainfall or climate change
- Poor infrastructure
- Poor types of land system
- Poor storage
- STAGE I- filtration of water at intake
- STAGE II-softening of water
- STAGEIII-coagulation and sedimentation
- STAGEIV-filtration
- STAGEV-chlorination
- STAGEVI-storage
(1mk for statement and 1mk for description)
- compete for nutrients
- Some are poisosnous
- Lower quality of produce
- Some are parasitic
- Some are altenate hosts
- Some block irrigation channels
- Some affect fish farming
- Some irritate workers
- Increase cost of production
- Hinders farm operations
- injurious effects on soil and plants are eliminated
- high milk production
- easy and convenient for farmer to have a close observation of his livestock
- easy control of feed intake or efficient use of fodder
- high stocking rate
- farmers without pasture land can keep cattle
- require little land -disease control
- quick accumulation of manure -easy parasite
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