- David and Goliath
- Joseph and his coat of colours
- Elijah and the chariot of fire.
- Respecting my parents
- Handling the Holy Bible
- Divisions of the Holy Bible
- Books of the New Testament

David and Goliath
How David killed Goliath
- David was a young boy and loved
singing and praying. - Goliath was big and strong
- David prayed to God and he killed
- Goliath with a stone
David had faith in God.
- David liked to sing and pray to sing.
- He had faith in God.
- He did not fear Goliath
- He knew God would help him

Joseph and his coat of colours
Joseph and his coat of many colours
- Joseph was the son of Jacob
- His father Jacob gave him coat that had many colours.
- Jacob loved Joseph so much.
- Joseph and his coat of colours
Joseph and his brothers
- Joseph had a dream and told it to his brothers.
- The dream showed that he would rule over his brothers and they hated him.
- Joseph loved his brothers

Elijah and the chariot of fire
- Elijah was carried away in a chariot of fire
- Elijah walked wit Elisha his servant.
- One day they were walking and two horses came and with a chariot of fire and took away
- Elijah to heaven.
- Elijah and the chariot of fire.

Respecting my parents
- Elisha said that Elijah was his father
- Elijah taught Elisha how to serve God.
- Elisha respected Elijah.

Handling the Holy Bible
- Caring for the Holy Bible
- The Bible id the word of God
- The Bible guides us to live well.
- We should carry the bible well and and keep it safely.
- We should not tear the bible.

Divisions of the Holy Bible
- The Bible is divided into two sections.
- The old testament and the new testament.
- The Bible is a holy book.

Books of the New Testament
- The new testament has gospel books.
- The first two gospel books are Matthew and Mark.
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