Health Practices
- Put a tick on healthy habits and an x on unhealthy habits
- Healthy habits are things we do to stay _______________( healthy, thin, fat)
- We should wash our hands ____________ visiting the toilet. (before, after, ever)
- We should _______________ the toilet after using it. (not flushing, flush, cover)
- You should wear__________clothes after taking a bath.(clean, dirty, torn)
- After working, our bodies need some________________(waste, rest)
- A clean body smells ____________(bad, good)
- We should eat healthy ___________(water, food)
- Good health habits prevent ____________(illness, welfare)
- Tick the healthy food.
Care for The Teeth
- The first teeth to grow are called ____________teeth
- We should brush our teeth ___________times in a day.
- We use_____________ and _____________ to brush our teeth.
- The second set of teeth to grow is called _____________teeth.( milk, permanent)
- Fill in the missing gaps with the correct answer
How to remove teeth in a clean way- Wash your___________(hands, teeth)
- Hold the tooth with a clean ______________(scissors, cloth)
- Remove the _________________
- Put the tooth in a _________________
- Gurgle ____________ water
- teeth that we remove are _________________teeth. (milk, good)
- This is a ______________.
- A small baby has ____________ teeth (0,4,32)
- Join the dots and colour
- Before removing our tooth we should ____________our hands(wash, bring)
- When we find a loose tooth we should tell an __________(adult, anybody)
- Drinking milk makes our teeth ____________(bad, strong)
Uses of Medicine
- Sick people take _____________ to feel better (medicine, milk)
- We should always keep machine in a __________ cupboard. (closed, open)
- Touching medicine with dirty hands is __________(good, bad)
- We should take medicine using ___________water(clean, sweet)
- Match the correct name of the medicine
Personal hygiene - Name the body parts
- name these items
- We clean our nose using a ____________________
- We wash our bodies using _________and ______________
- We use this to make our hair neat________________
- Ear buds helps us to clean our ________________
- after bathing, we wipe our bodies using a ____________________
- Personal items should not be __________( shared, thrown away)
Use of Toilets and Latrine
- Name the following
- Every home should have a _______________(television, knife, toilet)
- We should not pass faeces in _________________(toilet, urinal, latrine)
- We should wash our ___________after using the toilet.
- Clean toilets smeel ____________(good, bad)
- Good use of toilet and latrines prevents ________________(diseases, toilets , urinating)
- Latrines are built _____________ the house ( outside, inside)
- Fill the passage on how to use a toilet
Sit on the __________,(toilet, hole) wipe yourself with a _________(rug, tissue paper) or clean yourself with __________. (soil, water)Throw the used toilet paper into the ___________(floor, toilet)after use.
- Colour these fruits to show they are ripe.
- Name these foods that are green in colour
- Name two foods we buy from the market
- ______________________
- ______________________
- An ________________ is a fruit (beans, sukumawiki, orange)
- Name four fruits
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- ___________________________
- Milk is ______________________in colour (green, white, red)
- Circle the foods below that we get from plants
Guava Apple Bacons Grapes Chicken
Passion Milk Peas Avocado Sausages
Oranges Meat Sugarcane Eggs Bread - We eat the stem of a ___________(sugarcane, cassava)
- We eat roots of
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
Eating Habits
- Which food do you like most
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
- I like eating ________________ and ________________ in the morning
- I do not like eating these foods. Tick them
Fish Coconut Chicken Eggs
Pineapple Mala Kales Meat
Maize Water melon Potatoes Oranges - Foos like ________________ and ________________ are not good for my teeth. (carrot, biscuits, milk, sweets)
- We can know food by its colour , taste, smell or ________________(touch, type)
- Foods that taste bitter are not good for our bodies (yes or no)________________
- Lemon tastes ________________(bitter, sour, sweet)
- We should eat ________________ fruits (fresh, rotten, dirty)
- Fruits should be ________________ before eating them.
- We eat everyday to get ________________(sick, energy , fat)
Good behaviour during meal time
- The time we eat is called _____________(meal time, lunch time)
- We should clear the table ________________ eating (before, after, when eating)
- You should chew food with mouth ________________(open, closed, laughing)
- Do not ________________ food(waste, eat)
- Which picture shows good behaviour when eating .
- Serve food that you can ________________(finish, waste, play with)
- a restaurant is a place where ________________ food is sold (raw, cooked, chips)
- Name two foods you buy from a super market
- ________________
- ________________
- Which food do we buy from the butchery ________________
- We buy fruits and vegetables from the ________________
Safety Education
- An ________________ is bad thing that happens to us. ( cut, accident, falling)
- ________________ can cause accidents in the kitchen. ( a knife, blanket)
- We can prevent falls by ________________( not playing with a knife, keeping the floor dry)
- Electricity can cause ________________ (electric shock, drowning)
- Look at the pictures and say what has happened to the children.
- Name 3 accidents that can happen at home.
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
- Name these items that can cause accidents at home.
- we should put all wastes in the ________________
- Name two dangerous chemicals found at home
- ________________
- ________________
- Dangerous chemicals at home should be kept ________________ ( near food, away from food)
- ________________ is the first help given to a hurt person.
- We keep first aid things in a ________________(first aid kit, box, kitchen)
- Name four things that can cause accidents in our classroom
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
- ________________
- Name these items found in a first aid box
- We do first aid on a cut to ________________ ( stop crying, stop bleeding)

1.21 Healthy practice
- healthy
- After
- Flush
- Clean
- Rest
- Good
- Food
- Illness
- apple
- milk
- maize
- banana
Strand 1.2
Care for teeth
- Milk
- 2
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Permanent
- hand
- cloth
- tooth
- bin
- clean
- milk
- toothbrush
- 0
- colouring
- wash
- adult
- strong
Strand 1.3
Uses of medicine
- Medicine
- Closed
- Bad
- Clean
Personal hygiene -
- hand
- leg
- ear
- nose
- pumice stone
- towel
- comb
- soap
- toothpick
- handkerchief
- handkerchief
- Soap and water
- hair brush
- ears
- towel
- shared
Strand 2.2
Uses of toilet
- toilet
- urinal
- latrine
- bucket
- toilet
- urinal
- hands
- good
- diseases
- outside
- toilet
- tissue
- water
- toilet
Strand 3
- Colouring
- Sukuma wiki
- cabbage
- spinach
- tomatoes , flour, oranges, beans
- orange
- orange
- banana
- grapes
- oranges
- whites
- guavas, grapes, sugar cane, apple, peas, oranges, passion, avocado
- sugarcane
- cassava
- potatoes
- carrots
- yams
Strand 3.2
- optional
- optional
- optional
- bsicuit, sweets
- touch
- no
- sour
- fresh
- washed
- energy
Strand 3.3
- mealtime
- after
- closed
- waste
- tick
- finish
- cooked
- flour
- spaghetti
- milk
- weetabix
- meat
- market/ groceries
- Accident
- Knife
- Keeping the floor dry
- Electric shock
- drowning
- bleeding knee
- Falling from a bike
- cut from sharp objects
- A head bump
- Burn from fire
- Prick of needle
- Fire
- Wet floor
- Faulty socket
- Broken chair
- open hole
- Broken glass
- Dust bin
- detergent
- kerosene
- Jik
- Acid
- rat poison
- Away from food
- First aid
- First aid kit
- wet floor
- broken chair
- pin, razor
- pencil
- bandage
- scissors
- safety pin
- gloves
- elastoplast
- cotton wool
- Stop breeding
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