Thursday, 21 April 2022 13:19

Hygiene and Nutrition Homework Activities - CBC Grade 1

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Health Practices

  1. Put a tick on healthy habits and an x on unhealthy habits
  2. Healthy habits are things we do to stay _______________( healthy, thin, fat)
  3. We should wash our hands ____________ visiting the toilet. (before, after, ever)
  4. We should _______________ the toilet after using it. (not flushing, flush, cover)
  5. You should wear__________clothes after taking a bath.(clean, dirty, torn)
  6. After working, our bodies need some________________(waste, rest)
  7. A clean body smells ____________(bad, good)
  8. We should eat healthy ___________(water, food)
  9. Good health habits prevent ____________(illness, welfare)
  10. Tick the healthy food.

Care for The Teeth

  1. The first teeth to grow are called ____________teeth
  2. We should brush our teeth ___________times in a day.
  3. We use_____________ and _____________ to brush our teeth.
  4. The second set of teeth to grow is called _____________teeth.( milk, permanent)
  5. Fill in the missing gaps with the correct answer

    How to remove teeth in a clean way
    1. Wash your___________(hands, teeth)
    2. Hold the tooth with  a clean ______________(scissors, cloth)
    3. Remove the _________________
    4. Put the tooth in a _________________
    5. Gurgle ____________ water
  6. teeth that we remove are _________________teeth. (milk, good)
  7. This is a ______________.hyg1.207
  8. A small baby has ____________ teeth (0,4,32)
  9. Join the dots and colour 
  10. Before removing our tooth we should ____________our hands(wash, bring)
  11. When we find a loose tooth we should tell an __________(adult, anybody)
  12. Drinking milk makes our teeth ____________(bad, strong)

Uses of Medicine

  1. Sick people take _____________ to feel better (medicine, milk)
  2. We should always keep machine in a __________ cupboard. (closed, open)
  3. Touching medicine with dirty hands is __________(good, bad)
  4. We should take medicine using ___________water(clean, sweet)
  5. Match the correct name of the medicine

    Personal hygiene
  6. Name the body parts
  7. name these items
  8. We clean our nose using a ____________________
  9. We wash our bodies using _________and ______________
  10. We use this to make our hair neat________________hyg1.310
  11. Ear buds helps us to clean our ________________
  12. after bathing, we wipe our bodies using a ____________________
  13. Personal items should not be __________( shared, thrown away)

Use of Toilets and Latrine

  1. Name the following
  2. Every home should have a _______________(television, knife, toilet)
  3. We should not pass faeces in _________________(toilet, urinal, latrine)
  4. We should wash our ___________after using the toilet.
  5. Clean toilets smeel ____________(good, bad)
  6. Good use of toilet and latrines prevents ________________(diseases, toilets , urinating)
  7. Latrines are built _____________ the house ( outside, inside)
  8. Fill the passage on how to use a toilet
    Sit on the __________,(toilet, hole) wipe yourself with a _________(rug, tissue paper) or clean yourself with __________. (soil, water)Throw the used toilet paper into the ___________(floor, toilet)after use. hyg2.208


  1. Colour these fruits to show they are ripe.
  2. Name these foods that are green in colour
  3. Name two foods we buy from the market 
    1. ______________________
    2. ______________________
  4. An ________________ is a fruit (beans, sukumawiki, orange)
  5. Name four fruits
    1. ___________________________
    2. ___________________________
    3. ___________________________
    4. ___________________________
  6. Milk is ______________________in colour (green, white, red)
  7. Circle the foods below that we get from plants 
    Guava         Apple       Bacons        Grapes       Chicken
    Passion       Milk           Peas            Avocado    Sausages
    Oranges      Meat         Sugarcane    Eggs         Bread 
  8. We eat the stem of a ___________(sugarcane, cassava)
  9. We eat roots of 
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
    3. ________________

Eating Habits

  1. Which food do you like most 
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
    3. ________________
  2. I like eating ________________ and ________________ in the morning 
  3. I do not like eating these foods. Tick them
    Fish            Coconut           Chicken             Eggs
    Pineapple   Mala                 Kales                Meat
    Maize          Water melon    Potatoes           Oranges
  4. Foos like ________________ and ________________ are not good for my teeth. (carrot, biscuits, milk, sweets)
  5. We can know food by its colour , taste, smell or ________________(touch, type)
  6. Foods that taste bitter are not good for our bodies (yes or no)________________
  7. Lemon tastes ________________(bitter, sour, sweet)
  8. We should eat ________________ fruits (fresh, rotten, dirty)
  9. Fruits should be ________________ before eating them.
  10. We eat everyday to get ________________(sick, energy , fat)

Good behaviour during meal time

  1. The time we eat is called _____________(meal time, lunch time)
  2. We should clear the table ________________ eating (before, after, when eating)
  3. You should chew food with mouth ________________(open, closed, laughing)
  4. Do not ________________ food(waste, eat)
  5. Which picture shows good behaviour when eating .
  6. Serve food that you can ________________(finish, waste, play with)
  7. a restaurant is a place where ________________ food is sold (raw, cooked, chips)
  8. Name two foods you buy from a super market 
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
  9. Which food do we buy from the butchery ________________
  10. We buy fruits and vegetables from the ________________

Safety Education

  1. An ________________ is bad thing that happens to us. ( cut, accident, falling)
  2. ________________ can cause accidents in the kitchen. ( a knife, blanket)
  3. We can prevent falls by ________________( not playing with a knife, keeping the floor dry)
  4. Electricity can cause ________________ (electric shock, drowning)
  5. Look at the pictures and say what has happened to the children.
  6. Name 3 accidents that can happen at home.
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
    3. ________________
  7. Name these items that can cause accidents at home.
  8. we should put all wastes in the ________________
  9. Name two dangerous chemicals found at home 
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
  10. Dangerous chemicals at home should be kept ________________ ( near food, away from food)
  11. ________________ is the first help given to a hurt person.
  12. We keep first aid things in a ________________(first aid kit, box, kitchen)
  13. Name four things that can cause accidents in our classroom 
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
    3. ________________
    4. ________________
  14. Name these items found in a first aid box
  15. We do first aid on a cut to ________________ ( stop crying, stop bleeding)



1.21 Healthy practice

  2. healthy
  3. After
  4. Flush
  5. Clean
  6. Rest
  7. Good
  8. Food
  9. Illness
    1. apple
    2. milk
    3. maize
    4. banana

Strand 1.2 
Care for teeth

  1. Milk
  2. 2
  3. Toothbrush and toothpaste
  4. Permanent
    1. hand
    2. cloth
    3. tooth
    4. bin
    5. clean
  6. milk
  7. toothbrush
  8. 0
  9. colouring
  10. wash
  11. adult
  12. strong

Strand 1.3

Uses of medicine

  1. Medicine
  2. Closed
  3. Bad
  4. Clean

    Personal hygiene
    1. hand
    2. leg
    3. ear
    4. nose
    1. pumice stone
    2. towel
    3. comb
    4. soap
    5. toothpick
    6. handkerchief
  7. handkerchief
  8. Soap and water
  9. hair brush
  10. ears
  11. towel
  12. shared

Strand 2.2

Uses of toilet

    1. toilet
    2. urinal
    3. latrine
    4. bucket
  2. toilet
  3. urinal
  4. hands
  5. good
  6. diseases
  7. outside
    1. toilet
    2. tissue
    3. water
    4. toilet

Strand 3

  1. Colouring
    1. Sukuma wiki
    2. cabbage
    3. spinach
  3. tomatoes , flour, oranges, beans
  4. orange
    1. orange
    2. banana
    3. grapes
    4. oranges
  6. whites
  7. guavas, grapes, sugar cane, apple, peas, oranges, passion, avocado
  8. sugarcane
    1. cassava
    2. potatoes
    3. carrots
    4. yams

Strand 3.2

  1. optional
  2. optional
  3. optional
  4. bsicuit, sweets
  5. touch
  6. no
  7. sour
  8. fresh
  9. washed
  10. energy

Strand 3.3

  1. mealtime
  2. after
  3. closed
  4. waste
  5. tick
  6. finish
  7. cooked
    1. flour
    2. spaghetti
    3. milk
    4. weetabix
  9. meat
  10. market/ groceries


  1. Accident
  2. Knife
  3. Keeping the floor dry
  4. Electric shock
    1. drowning
    2. bleeding knee
    3. Falling from a bike
    1. cut from sharp objects
    2. A head bump
    3. Burn from fire
    4. Prick of needle
    1. Fire
    2. Wet floor
    3. Faulty socket
    4. Broken chair
    5. open hole
    6. Broken glass
  8. Dust bin
    1. detergent
    2. kerosene
    3. Jik
    4. Acid
    5. rat poison
  10. Away from food
  11. First aid
  12. First aid kit
    1. wet floor
    2. broken chair
    3. pin, razor
    4. pencil
    1. bandage
    2. scissors
    3. safety pin
    4. gloves
    5. elastoplast
    6. cotton wool
  15. Stop breeding
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Read 4273 times Last modified on Thursday, 17 November 2022 11:14