Hygiene and Nutrition Schemes - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Specific learning outcomes

Key inquiry questions

Learning Experiences

Learning resources





Healthy Practices

Physical Activities

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

State the importance of practicing physical activities.

Participate in physical activities that promote wellbeing.

What is the importance of participating in physical activities?

Which physical activities do you like?

Learners to identify health habits that prevent illnesses like physical activities and exercise.

Learners to state the importance of participating in physical activities.

Learners to participate in physical activities.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 2
  • Video clips Charts Balls
  • Bean bags Tires Huddles
  • Skipping ropes Starter
  • Swings
  • Slides See-saws

Observing learners as they participate in physical activities





Washing hands

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

a) Identify health habits that prevent illnesses like

Washing hands.

b) Discuss the importance of washing hands to promote wellbeing of self and others.

Why do we wash hands?

Which times do we wash our hands?

Which materials do we use to wash our Hands?

Learners to state the importance of washing hands. 

Learners to observe washing hands demonstrations

Learners to role play washing hands.

Learners to practice washing hands.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 2
  • Video clips
  • Charts
  • Running water Containers Soap
  • Towel/serviettes

Observing the procedure of washing hands as carried out by learners.






By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

State the importance of medicine.

Discuss on the form of medicine and how it is taken.

Why do we take medicine?

Which type of medicine have you ever taken?

Which precautions should we observe when taking medicine?

Learners to state the importance of taking medicine when one is ill.

Learners to observe demonstrations of handling medicine.

Learners to role play taking medicine. 

Learners to name precautions to observe When taking medicine.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 2
  • Video clip of children taking medicine
  • Pictures of different forms of medicine (Tablets, capsules, ointment, inhaler, nose drops and syrup) Samples of forms of medicine.

Observing how learners demonstrate taking medicine and the precautions they observe.





Eating healthy foods

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name the foods they eat.

Discuss the importance of eating healthy foods.

Which foods do you now?

Which is your favorite food?

What is the importance of taking healthy foods?

Learners to identify health habits that prevent illnesses like eating healthy foods. 

Learners to state the importance of eating healthy foods. 

Learners to observe demonstrations of how to wash fruits before eating them.

Learners to role play on preparing healthy food for eating.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 2
  • Video clips of children washing fruits and eating a balanced diet. Pictures of various types of foods.
  • Real fruits Water Basin

Observing the procedure of washing fruits as carried out by learners.





Adequate sleep and rest

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Point out the importance of adequate sleep and rest.

Why do we sleep?

What do we sleep on?

Learners to identify health habits that prevent illnesses like having an adequate sleep and rest. 

Learners to name the importance of Adequate sleep and rest. 

Learners to role play on sleeping and spreading a bed after Waking up.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 4
  • Video clip on the right sleeping posture Pictures of sleeping
  • materials like baby cots and blankets

Observing learners as they sleep and role play on spreading their beds after waking up.





Care for the teeth

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Identify milk teeth as temporary in childhood.

What are milk teeth?

Guide learners to identify the appearance of teeth during the different stages of development (an infant, a toddler, a school age pupil). 

Learners to color or model a tooth. 

Learners to share experiences or tell stories about shedding milk teeth during Childhood.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 11
  • Video clips of children who have shed their milk teeth
  • Pictures of children who have shed their milk teeth

Listening to the learners as they tell stories on how they shed their milk teeth





Care for the teeth

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Mention hygienic practices to observe during shedding of milk teeth.

Observe hygienic practices during shedding of milk teeth.

What should we use to remove a tooth?

How is a tooth removed?

Guide learners to mention the hygienic practices to observe during shedding of teeth (washing hands, gurgling salty water after extraction, proper disposal of shed tooth, proper disposal of soiled materials used after tooth extraction). 

Learners to observe a demonstration of hygienic practices during shedding of teeth.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 12
  • Video clips Pictures of children removing teeth Soap
  • Clean water
  • Salt
  • Dust bin
  • Clean cloth

Observing the learners demonstrate on how to remove the milk teeth.





Care for the teeth

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Mention ways of taking care of the gum where the tooth has been removed.

How do you take care for the gum where the tooth has removed?

Guide learners to mention the various ways of taking care of the gum where the tooth has been removed. 

Learners to observe a demonstration of taking care of the gum where the tooth has been removed.

  • Video clips Pictures of children taking care of the gum where teeth have been removed 
  • Salty water

Observing the procedure of taking care of the gum where teeth have been removed.





Use of medicine

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Mention common forms of medicine used in our homes.

Which forms of medicine do you know?

Guide learners to identify common forms of medicine used at home (tablets, capsules, syrups, ointment creams, inhalers, eye/ear/nose drops). 

Learners can watch a video clip on different forms of medicines.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 15
  • Pictures of forms of medicine
  • Forms of medicine (tablets, capsules, syrups, ointment creams, inhalers, eye/ear/nose drops).

Ask oral questions to determine the mastery of forms of medicine





Use of medicine

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

State precautions when handling medicine found in the home.

What precautions are needed when handling medicine at home?

Learners to discuss the precautions to take when handling medicine at home (washing hands when handling medicine, use of clean and safe water to take medicine, not sharing medicine, taking dosage as prescribed, proper Storage of medicine). 

Learners to role play on precautions when taking medicines.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 15-17
  • Video clips of children handling medicine properly
  • Pictures of forms of medicine
  • Forms of medicine (tablets, capsules, Syrups, ointment creams, inhalers, eye/ear/nose drops).

Listening to the learners as they discuss on precautions to take when handling drugs





Use of medicine

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Observe cleanliness when taking medicine at home and school.

Why should we practice cleanliness when taking medicine?

Guide learners to discuss why they should observe cleanliness when taking medicine at home and school. 

Learners to role play on cleanliness when taking medicines.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 15 - 17
  • Video clips of children handling medicine properly
  • Pictures of forms of medicine
  • Forms of medicine (tablets, capsules, syrups, ointment creams, inhalers, eye/ear/nose drops)
  • Soap Water
  • Towel/serviettes

Observe learners as they demonstrate cleanliness when taking medicine.






Care of Parts of the body

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Sing songs related to parts of the body.

Identify different parts of the body.

Which parts of the Body do you know?

Guide learners to name different parts of the body shown in their Learner’s Book

  • Oxford Everyday
  • Hygiene and Nutrition ,
  • Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 20
  • Parts of the body chart Parts of the body pictures
  • Video clips on prats of the body

Listening to learners as they Identify parts of their body.





Materials used to clean parts of the body

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean

The different parts of the body.

What materials do we use to clean our bodies?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean parts of the body.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 19
  • Pictures Video clips Soap Water Towel
  • Nail cutter Pumice Stone Comb Toothbrush Toothpaste
  • Improvised cleaning materials

Listening to learners as they mention materials they use to clean their bodies.





Cleaning our face

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean the face.

Mention the procedure used to clean the face.

Use appropriate materials to clean the face.

Why do we clean our face?

What materials do we use to clean our face?

How do we clean our face?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean the face.

Learners to observe a demonstration on cleaning the face.

Learners to practice how to clean the face using dolls.

Learners to clean parts of their face.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on cleaning the face.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 22
  • Pictures of materials used to clean the face Video clip on cleaning the face
  • Soap Water
  • Towel

Observing the learners as they demonstrate the procedure of cleaning the face.








Cleaning our teeth


By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean the teeth.

Mention the procedure used to clean the teeth.

Use appropriate materials to clean the teeth.

Why do we clean our teeth?

What materials do we use to clean our teeth?

How do we clean our teeth?


Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean the teeth. 

Learners to observe a demonstration on cleaning the teeth.

Learners to clean their teeth.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on cleaning the teeth.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 23-24
  • Pictures of materials used to clean the teeth Video clips
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush/ chew stick Water

Observing the learners as they demonstrate other procedure of brushing the teeth.







Washing our hands

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to wash our hands.

Mention the procedure used to wash our hands.

Use appropriate materials to wash the hands.

Why do we wash our hands?

What materials do we use to wash our hands?

How do we wash our hands?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials

Used to wash the hands.

Learners to observe a demonstration on washing the hands.

Learners to wash their hands.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on washing the hands.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 25
  • Pictures of materials used to wash our hands Video clips on the washing our hands Soap
  • Water
  • Towel/ Serviettes

Observing the procedure of washing hands as carried out by learners.








Washing our feet


By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean the feet.

Mention the procedure used to clean the feet.

Use appropriate materials to clean the feet.

Why do we clean our feet?

What materials do we use to clean our feet?

How do we clean our feet?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean the feet.

Learners to observe a demonstration on cleaning the feet.

Learners to clean their feet.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on cleaning the feet.

  • Oxford Everyday
  • Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 26- 27
  • Pictures of materials used to clean our feet Video clip on cleaning the feet
  • Soap Water
  • Towel
  • Pumice stone Nail cutter

Observing the procedure of washing the feet As carried out by learners.






Cleaning our nose

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean the nose.

Mention the procedure used to clean the nose.

Use appropriate materials to clean the nose.

Why do we clean our nose?

What materials do we use to clean our nose?

How do we clean our nose?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean the nose. 

Learners to observe a demonstration on cleaning the nose. 

Learners to clean their nose.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on cleaning the nose.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 27
  • Picture of a handkerchief
  • Video clip on blowing the nose
  • A clean handkerchief

Observing the procedure of blowing the nose as carried out by learners.





Cleaning our ears

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to clean the ears.

Mention the procedure used to clean the ears.

Use appropriate materials to clean the ears.

Why do we clean our ears?

What materials do we use to clean our ears?

How do we clean our ears?

Guide learners to identify cleaning materials used to clean the ears. 

Learners to observe a demonstration on cleaning the ears. 

Learners to clean their ears.

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on cleaning the ears.

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 27
  • Pictures materials use dot clean our ears Video clip on cleaning the ears
  • Ear buds

Observing the procedure of cleaning our ears as carried out by learners.





Combing our hair

By the end of the sub- strand, the learner should be able to:

Name materials used to comb the hair.

Mention the procedure used to comb the hair.

Use appropriate materials to comb the hair.

Why do we clean comb our hair?

What materials do we use to comb our hair?

How do we comb our hair?

Guide learners to identify materials used to comb our hair 

Learners to observe a demonstration on combing the hair. 

Learners to comb their hair

Learners to sing songs and recite poems on combing the hair

  • Oxford Everyday Hygiene and Nutrition, Learner’s Book Grade 1 pg. 27
  • Pictures of materials used to comb the hair Video clips on combing hair
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Towel A comb

Observing the procedure of combing hair as carried out by learners.


Read 328 times Last modified on Monday, 30 January 2023 11:16

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