Environmental Schemes - Grade 2 Schemes of Work Term 2 2023

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Strand / Theme

Sub Strand

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Questions

Learning Experience

Learning Resources

Assessment Methods




Environment and its resources

Precautions when using light energy

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify practices in which light energy could harm eyes

How could light energy harm us?

Learners to identify practices that in which light energy could harm the eyes (reading in dim light, looking directly at bright light with bare eyes, long exposure to bright light from electronic devices)


Grade 2 page 38 Torch

Sun Lamp  matchbox 

Oral questions 




Environment and its resources

Precautions when using Light energy

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: take safety measure against harmful light energy to reduce risk to self and others

How could we protect ourselves from harmful light energy?

In groups, learners discuss safety precautions in protecting self and others from harmful

light energy Learners create messages on awareness of harmful effects of light energy


Grade 2 page 38 Torch

Sun Lamp  matchbox

Oral question on measure to be taken to protect us from lights




Environment and its resources

Precautions when using light energy

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: make poster to educate people be aware of precaution of using light in the community

How could we protect ourselves from harmful light energy?

In groups, learners discuss safety precautions in protecting self and others from harmful

light energy Learners create messages on awareness of harmful effects of light energy


Grade 2 page 38 Torch

Sun Lamp  matchbox

Observing posters made by pupils




Environment and its resources

Precautions when using light energy

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to appreciate safety precautions when using light energy

How could we protect ourselves from harmful light energy?

Learners create messages on awareness of harmful effects of light energy Learners to share messages on harmful effects of light and safety precautions.


Grade 2 page 38 Torch

Sun Lamp  matchbox

Oral question on measure to be taken to protect us from lights




Social environment 

School environment and its neighborhood Locating places using key features.

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: finding place near the school compound

What are the main features between your home and school?

Learners to discuss the main features between home and school (physical and build-up features such as rivers, hills, valleys, forest, bridges, roads, railway line, buildings)


Grade 2 page 40-41 rivers, hills, valleys, forest, bridges, roads, railway line, buildings


oral question of finding places




Social environment 

School environment and its neighborhood Locating places using key features.

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: locate places using main features between home and school

What are the main features between your home and school?

In a nature walk, learners to point out the main features between home and school

Using video clips, pictures and photographs, learners to identify the main features between home and school


Grade 2 page 40-41 rivers, hills, valleys, forest, bridges, roads, railway line, buildings


oral question of finding places




Social environment 

School environment and its neighborhood Locating places using key features.

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: Discuss how to find place

How do we tell where a place is?

Learners to locate main features between their homes and school (relative location)


Grade 2 page 41-40 rivers, hills, valleys, forest, bridges, roads, railway line, buildings

oral question of finding places




Social environment 

School environment and its neighborhood Locating places using key features.

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

In pairs when going home from school identify things next to your home. appreciate the significance of locating places using key features


How do we tell where a place is?

Learners to locate main features between their homes and school (relative location)


Grade 2 page 42 rivers, hills, valleys, forest, bridges, roads, railway line, buildings


oral question of finding places




Social environment  

Keeping the school environment clean

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: state ways of keeping the school environment clean

How could we keep the school

Learners discuss what makes the school environment dirty


Grade 2 page 45 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans 

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the classroom




Social environment  

Keeping the school environment clean

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: in pairs demonstrate ways of keeping the school environment clean

How could we keep the school

Learners discuss what makes the school environment dirty


Grade 2 page 45 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school classroom.




Social environment  

Keeping the school environment clean

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: ways of keeping the school environment clean

How could we keep the school

Learners discuss what makes the school environment dirty


Grade 2 page 45 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school compound




Social environment  

Keeping the school environment clean

Discussing ways of cleaning the school

How could we keep the school

Using video clips and pictures, learners discuss ways of keeping the school environment clean


Grade 2 page 45 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school compound




Social environment  

Keeping the school environment clean

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: outline the importance of a clean school environment

Why should we keep the school environment clean

In groups learners discuss importance of keeping the school environment clean. Learners practice keeping the school environment clean


Grade 2 page 45 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school compound




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify possible dangers in the school

What are the danger in schools

Learners walk around the school compound to identify what could expose them to danger in the school.


Grade 2 page 46 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify in pairs the things that cause harm in school

What are the danger in schools

Using video clips and pictures, learners discuss ways of keeping the school environment clean


Grade 2

page 50


Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: suggest ways of keeping safe and secure in school

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

Using video clips and pictures, learners discuss ways of keeping the school environment clean


Grade 2 page 50 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: suggest ways of keeping safe and secure in school

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

Using video clips and pictures, learners discuss ways of keeping the school environment clean


Grade 2 page 50


Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to develop habits that will keep one safe and secure in school

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

In groups, learners identify possible dangers in the school. (by drawing or writing)

Using video clips, photographs and pictures, learners identify how to keep safe and secure in school


Grade 2 page 53 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to in groups discuss the importance of keeping the school safe

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

In groups, learners to discuss the importance of keeping safe and secure at school Learners develop rules on keeping safe and secure at school Learners to find out more on keeping safe and secure in school from parents and guardians.


Grade 2 page 53 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to In pairs make video about safety in school

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

Learners to find out more on keeping safe and secure in school from parents and guardians


Grade 2 page 74-75 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to Make posters on school safety rules

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

Learners to find out more on keeping safe and secure in school from parents and guardians


Grade 2 page 53 Poster

Video clip


Dust pin

Dust pans

Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

Keeping Safe and Secure in School

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to Make posters on school safety rules

How could we keep safe and secure in school?

Learners to find out more on keeping safe and secure in school from parents and guardians


Grade 2 page 53


Oral questions on how to keep the school safe and secure




Social environment  

The National flag of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify colors of the Kenya National flag as a National symbol

What are the colors of the Kenya National flag?

Using the Kenya National flag, learners to identify its colors


Grade 2 page 48 Picture


Oral question on the colors of the national flags




Social environment  

The National flag of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify colors of the Kenya National flag as a National symbol

What are the colors of the Kenya National flag?

Using the Kenya National flag, learners to identify its colors


Grade 2 page 48 Picture flags

Oral question on the colors of the national flags




Social environment  

The National flag of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: demonstrate respect for the Kenya national flag as a National symbol

How could we demonstrate respect for the Kenya National flag?

Learners to observe and describe the expected behaviour (stand at attention and show respect) when raising and lowering the National Flag


Grade 2 page 50 Picture flags

observing the colors of the national flags




Social environment  

The National flag of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: Appreciate the National flag as a symbol for national unity.

Appreciate the National flag as a symbol for national unity

Learners to draw and color the Kenya National Flag Learners to find out from parents or guardians the importance of the National flag of Kenya


Grade 2 page 50 Picture


observing the colors of the national flags





Social environment  

The National Anthem of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify occasions when the Kenya National Anthem is sung

On what occasions do we sing the Kenya National Anthem?

In groups, learners to sing the National Anthem.

Learners to demonstrate the expected conduct when singing the Kenya National Anthem.


Grade 2 page 51 National anthem

observing the colors of the national flags





Social environment   

The National Anthem of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

explaining the importance of national anthem

On what occasions do we sing the Kenya National Anthem?

In groups, learners to sing the National Anthem.

Learners to demonstrate the expected conduct when singing the Kenya National Anthem.


Grade 2 page 51 National anthem

observing the colors of the national flags





Social environment  

The National Anthem of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

demonstrate etiquette when singing the Kenya National Anthem

On what occasions do we sing the Kenya National Anthem?

Learners to demonstrate the expected conduct when singing the Kenya

National Anthem. Using audio recording and pictures, learners to identify occasions when the Kenya National Anthem is sung.


Grade 2 page 52 National anthem

Observing how the pupils are singing the national anthem




Social environment  

The National Anthem of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

demonstrate etiquette when singing the Kenya National Anthem

On what occasions do we sing the Kenya National Anthem?

Learners to demonstrate the expected conduct when singing the Kenya

National Anthem. Using audio recording and pictures, learners to identify occasions when the Kenya National Anthem is sung.


Grade 2 page 52 National anthem

Observing how the pupils are singing the national anthem




Social environment  

The National Anthem of Kenya

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate the importance of National Anthem as a national symbol of unity.

On what occasions do we sing the Kenya National Anthem?

Learners to find out from parents or guardians on the importance of National Anthem of Kenya


Grade 2 page 52 National anthem

Observing how the pupils are singing the national anthem




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

outline Child Rights and responsibilities in the school

What are the basic Child Rights?

Learners identify Child Rights and responsibilities using age appropriate stories (parental care, health care, protection from exploitation and cruelty)


Grade 2 page 52 Poster

Video clip

Oral question about responsibilities in the school




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: outline responsibilities of the child in school

What are the responsibilities of the child in school

Learners discuss some of the responsibilities of children in school


Grade 2 page 55 Poster

Video clip

Oral questions of responsibilities of children 




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

Discussing how children are treated badly in school and in the community

How are children treated badly

Learners to discuss ways in which children treated badly


Grade 2 page 56-57 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on how the children are treated




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

demonstrate responsibilities of a child in school

What are the responsibilities of the child in school

In pairs, learners simulate responsibilities of children in school


Grade 2 page 58 Poster

Video clip


Observing how the pupils treat each other




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate child rights and responsibilities for attainment of social justice.

What are the responsibilities of the child in school

Learners to use multi- media resources to explore responsibilities of children in school.


Grade 2 page 59 Poster

Video clip

Oral question and observing




Social environment  

Child Rights and responsibilities

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

Make poster on right of children.

What are the responsibilities of the child in school

Learners to use multi- media resources to explore responsibilities of children in school.


Grade 2 page 59 Poster

Video clip  

Oral question and observing




Social environment  

School rules

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: outline the rules that guide conduct in school state the importance of school rules

What are the school rules?

Using probing question learners discuss the importance of school rules.


Grade 2 page 60 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school rules




Social environment  

School rules

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: participate in making school rules

What is the importance of school rules?

Learners to think pair and share their experiences on what happen when school rules not observed


Grade 2

page 62

Oral question on school rules




Social environment  

School rules

Listing the leaders in the class Discussing the importance of class leaders

What is the importance of school rules?

Learners to think pair and share their experiences on what happen when school rules not observed


Grade 2 page 62 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school rules




Social environment   

School rules

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: Discussing the importance of school rules

What is the importance of school rules

Learners to be guided to debate on importance of school rules 



Grade 2 page 63 Poster

Video clip


Oral question on school rules




Social environment  

School rules

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: making poster on school rules


What is the importance of school rules

Learners to be guided to  Develop a poster for the school rules


Grade 2 page 64 Poster

Video clip

Observing posters made by the pupils




Social environment  

Class Leadership

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: describe a good class leader

Who is a good class leader?

Learners to listen to narrative of inspirational stories of child leaders, heroes or heroines


Grade 2 page 65 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school leaders




Social environment  

Class Leadership

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: outline the work of a good class leader

What is the work of a class leader?

Learners to discuss “who is a good class leader”?

Learners to discuss the work a class leader


Grade 2 page 65 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school leaders




Social environment  

Class Leadership

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate good class leadership for harmonious living.


What is the work of a class leader?

Learners to find out from parents or guardians about good leaders in the community and report back


Grade 2 page 65 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school leaders





Social environment  

The school community

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: identify members of the school community

Who are the members of the school community?

In groups, learners to identify members of the

school community (Head teacher, teachers, nonteaching staff and learners)


Grade 2 page 66-67


Video clip

Oral question on school community




Social environment  

The school community

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: outline the importance of the school community

What do the people in the school do?

Learners to outline the general importance of members of the school community


Grade 2 page 66 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school community




Social environment  

The school community

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to:

In pairs discuss what we do in school

What do we in school

Learners to discuss their roles as members of the school community Learners to skit different work of members of the school community


Grade 2 page 66 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school community




Social environment  

The school community

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: work together with members   of the school community

What do we in school

Learners to discuss their roles as members of the school community Learners to skit different work of members of the school community


Grade 2 page 66 Poster

Video clip

Oral question on school community




Social environment  

The school community

By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate working together with the school community for sustainable interactions

What do we in school

Learners to discuss their roles as members of the school community

Learners to skit different work of members of the school community.


Grade 2 page 66 Poster

Video clip


What do we in school




Read 354 times Last modified on Monday, 13 February 2023 13:23

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