CRE Schemes - Grade 3 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry  Question(S)

Learning Experience

Learning Resources

Assessment Methods





Self- Awareness Parts of the body 

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to:  appreciate himself/herself as created in the image and likeness of God for His glory

In whose image and likeness are you created?

Learners to read Genesis 1:27

Learners to recite Psalms 139:13

Learners to list in groups good thoughts and feelings e.g. loving others, sharing, helping parents, having joy

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 2-3

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Self- Awareness 

How I think and feel

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: make choices that are acceptable to God in their lives


What are the effects of the choices you make?

In pair’s learners to list effects of choices they make and present them before the class Learners to sing a song ‘I’ m happy today so happy in Jesus name I’m happy……………’

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 4

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces ,puzzles





Self- Awareness How I think and feel

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: control thoughts and feelings in daily life

How do you control your thoughts and feelings?

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages

Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 2-3

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 2-3

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Self-Awareness : Making the right choices

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: make choices that are acceptable to God in their lives

What are the effects of the choices you make?

In pairs learners to list effects of choices they make and present them before the class Learners to sing a song ‘I’

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 5-6

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





My Family The head of the family

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: recognize the head of the family and respect them

Who is the head of the family?

Learners to name the head of the family

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 7-8






My Family: The extended family

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: name family members in the nuclear and extended family for identification

Who are you? Family members?

Learners to name family members

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 8-9

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





My Family The family tree

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: draw the family tree to understand relationships within the family

What is a family tree?

Learner to draw and color the family tree

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 9-11

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Adam and Eve

Our first parents 

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: acknowledge God as the creator of Adam and Eve as our first parents on earth

Who created? Adam and Eve?

Learners to read Genesis 2:7, 21

Learners to read Genesis 2:16-17

Learners to tell how man disobeyed God in Genesis 3:6-7

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 12-13

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Adam and Eve disobeyed God


By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: describe how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and desire to obey God in their daily lives

How did man disobey God?

Learners to mention the result of man’s disobedience; Genesis 3:23

Learners to list the importance of obeying parents

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 14-15

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Adam and Eve are punished

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: state the results of disobeying God’s command to avoid sin explain the importance of obeying parents to live a harmonious family life

What was the result of man’s disobedience?

Why should you obey your parents?

Learners to recite Ephesians 6:2 Learners to compose a poem on the importance of obeying teachers

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 16-17

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Adam and Eve are punished

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to explain the importance of obeying teachers to promote good relationships at school

Why should you obey teachers?

Learners to recite Ephesians 6:2

Learners to compose a poem on the importance of obeying teachers

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 16-19

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The Bible as the word of God

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: differentiate the Bible from other books as a Holy Book used by Christians

What is the Bible?



Learners to sing the song “My Bible and

Learners to read 2 Timothy 3:16 and discuss why they should respect the Bible

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 20-21

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The Bible as the word of God

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: explain how the writing of the Bible was different from other books and respect it

Who wrote the? Bible

In pairs, learners to state the number of books in the New Testament

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 21

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The Bible as the word of God

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: name the four Gospel books in the New Testament and relate them to the teachings of Jesus Christ Appreciate the Bible as a guide in their daily lives

What are the four Gospel books in the?

New Testament?

Why is the Bible important in your daily lives?

Learners to discuss the importance of reading the Bible always

The learners to recite Psalms 119:105

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 25

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The Bible Story: Moses and the Burning Bush

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: narrate what happened in the story of Moses and the burning bush and relate it with the holy places of worship

What happened to Moses at Mt.Sinai?

In groups, learners to role play the story of Moses and the burning bush In pairs, learners to discuss the value of obedience

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 26-27

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The Bible Story: Moses and the Burning Bush

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: discuss how Moses expressed obedience and apply it in their daily lives

What did Moses do to show that the place was holy?

In groups, learners to role play the story of Moses and the burning bush In pairs, learners to discuss the value of Obedience

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 26-27

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





The Bible Story: Moses and the Burning Bush

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: narrate what happened in the story of Moses and the burning bush and relate it with the holy places of worship

How did Moses Express obedience

Learners to read Exodus 3:1-6 Learners to watch a video of Moses and the burning bush in groups, learners to role play the story of Moses and the burning bush

In pairs, learners to discuss the value of Obedience

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 28-29

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





The Bible Story: Moses and the Burning Bush

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: discuss how Moses expressed obedience and apply it in their daily lives

How did Moses express obedience

Learners to read Exodus 3:1-6

Learners to watch a video of Moses and the burning bush in groups, learners to role play the story of Moses and the burning bush

In pairs, learners to discuss the value of obedience

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color

Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 29-30

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




Bible Story;


The big fish swallows Jonah

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: narrate the story of Jonah and be obedient to God

How did Jonah disobey God

In pairs, learners to draw and color the big fish In groups, learners to state why they should be obedient to God and others

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 31-32

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




Bible Story;


The big fish swallows Jonah

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: explain results of Jonah’s disobedience and desire to obey God

What was the result of Jonah’s disobedience?

In pairs, learners to draw and color the big fish In groups, learners to state why they should be obedient to God and others

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 31-32

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




Bible Story;


Naaman is Healed

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: describe the healing of Naaman


Which disease was Naaman suffering from?

Learners to read the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-14 In groups, learners to list instructions given to Naaman by prophet Elisha Learners to watch a video clip on Naaman’s healing Learners to dramatize the story of Naaman

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 35-36

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




Bible Story;


Naaman is Healed

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: Explain desire to have faith in God 


Which instructions were given to Naaman? By Prophet Elisha?

Learners to read the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1-14 In groups, learners to list instructions given to Naaman by prophet Elisha Learners to watch a video clip on

Naaman’s healing Learners to dramatize the story of Naaman

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 35-36

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




Bible Story;


Naaman is Healed

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: explain how God helps us

Which instructions were given to Naaman by Prophet Elisha?

In groups, learners to list instructions given to Naaman by prophet Elisha

Learners to watch a video clip on Naaman’s healing Learners to dramatize the story of Naaman

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 36-37

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The three Hebrew men are rescued from fire.

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: narrate the story of the three Hebrew men 


What happened to the three Hebrew men?

Learners to tell why the three men were thrown into the fire

Learners to draw and color the three Hebrew men and the fourth person who rescued them

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 40-41

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The three Hebrew men are rescued from fire.

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: narrate the strengthen their relationship with God

What happened to the three Hebrew men?

Learners to tell why the three men were thrown into the fire

Learners to draw and color the three Hebrew men and the fourth person who rescued them

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 40-41

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

The three Hebrew men are rescued from fire.

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: trust God to cope with daily challenges

Who rescued the three Hebrew men from fire?

Learners to tell why the three men were thrown into the fire

Learners to draw and color the three Hebrew men and the fourth person who rescued them

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 40-41

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Holy Bible

Elisha and the Boys

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: explain the story of Elisha  explain the boys and relate it to their day to day lives

Why was Elisha annoyed with the boys?

Learners to read 2 Kings 2: 23-24

Learners to mention the number of boys in the story

Learners to draw, color and display pictures of two bears

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 42-43

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles





Elisha and the Boys

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: apply the story in their daily lives by respecting the elderly at home, church, school and the community

How many boys were there?

Learners to sing a simple song on Elisha and the boys

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 42-43

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles




The Early Life of Jesus Christ

Wise men guided by the Star

By the end of the Sub strand, the learner should be able to: identify the star that guided the wise men and desire to be led by God in their daily lives Respecting the elderly

Who were the wise men?

Matt 2:1-2 Learners to role play, “wise men guided by the star’’

Learners to draw  stars and color them

Learners to watch a video clip on the wise men from the East

Learners to sing a song about the stars

Movement and Creative Activities as they sing, dance, draw and color Languages Activities as they recite Bible verses Oxford growing in Christ pg. 42-43

Oral questions, portfolios, written quizzes, reciting, checklists, filling in blank spaces, puzzles


Read 323 times Last modified on Friday, 17 February 2023 07:23

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