



Strand Theme

Sub Strand

Special Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Questions

Learning Experience

Learning Resources

Assessment Methods




Environment and Its Resources

Animals (exploring animals in the immediate environment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able Learners to appreciate diversity of animals in the immediate environment

How many animals have observed?

The learner should be able to draw various types of animals and name the body part

MTP grade 1 page 39-40


observe and identify animals found near the school 




Environment and Its Resources

Animals (exploring animals in the immediate environment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able Learners to appreciate diversity of animals in the immediate environment

How many animals have observed?

The learner should be able to draw various types of animals and name the body part

MTP grade 1 page 39-40


observe and identify animals found near the school 




Environment and Its Resources

Animals (exploring animals in the immediate environment

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able identifying items got from animals in the community

What do we get from different animals

The learner should be able to draw various types of animals and name the body part

MTP grade 1 page 41-45


observe and identify animals found near the school 





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: recognize sounds in the immediate environment

What makes sounds

Learners take a sound walk in the immediate environment

MTP grade 1 page 46-47


Observe pupils listening the different sounds in the immediate  environment





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identifying what makes sound near the school compound

What makes sounds

Learners take a mention things that make sound in the immediate environment

MTP grade 1 page 48 Chicken Cows Dogs

Observe what that the pupil has identified from the school compound.





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: drawing animals that make sounds  from the  school compound

What makes sounds

Learners take a mention things that make sound in the immediate environment

MTP grade 1 page 48 Chicken Cows Dogs

Observe what that the pupil has drawn from the school compound.





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identifying how we make sound using our body parts

How We make sounds?

Learners take a mention how to make  sound using body part

Learners to make  sounds using body part

MTP grade 1 page 49 Handclapping Mouth-shout whistles Foot Laugh.

Observe pupil making sounds using body parts





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identifying animals that make sounds

Animals  makes sounds

Learners take a mention how to make  sound using body part

Learners to make  sounds using body part

MTP grade 1 page 50-51



Observe pupil making sounds using body parts





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: recognize sounds  made by machines in the immediate environment

How machines make sound

Learners take a sound walk in the immediate environment

MTP grade 1 page 52-53


Observe pupils listening the different sounds made by machines in the immediate  environment





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to identify ways of producing sounds and vibrations from different objects;

How could we produce sounds

Learners could identify ways of creating sound using the body, objects and voice

MTP grade 1 page 54 Bottles Spoons drum

Observe how the pupils are making sound using object found in the school environment Check the items collected by pupils to be sued in making different sounds





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to create sounds and vibrations from a variety of sources for enjoyment;

How could we produce sounds by shaking things 

Learners could identify ways of creating sound using the body, objects and voice

MTP grade 1 page 55 Bottles Spoons Drum Bottle with stones Hand shakers Kayamba 

Observe how the pupils are making sound using object found in the school environment





Producing sounds

create sounds and vibrations from a variety of sources for enjoyment

How could we produce sounds by plucking  strings 

Learners could identify ways of creating sound using the body, objects and voice

MTP grade 1 page 51 rubber bands and a tin Guitar Nyatiti 

Observe how the pupils are making sound using object found in the school environment





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to create sounds and vibrations from a variety of sources for enjoyment

How to make sounds by blowing air into things to make sounds

Learners could identify ways of creating sound using the body, objects and voice

MTP grade 1 page 52-53 Horn, flute, whistle, vuvuzela Empty bottle


Observe how the pupils are making sound using object found in the school environment





Producing sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to develop curiosity in producing sounds and vibrations from different objects

How to make sounds by blowing air into things to make sounds

Learners could identify ways of creating sound using the body, objects and voice

MTP grade 1 page 52-53 Horn, flute, whistle, vuvuzela Empty bottle

Observe how the pupils are making sound using object found in the school environment





Sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identify sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers in the immediate environment

What sounds alert on danger

Learners could come up with different sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers.

MTP grade 1 page 54  A dog barks Car hoots An ambulance 

Checking the name of sounds that warns us.





Sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: explaining the dangers of loud sound

What are the dangers of loud sounds

Learners identify the sound that are dangerous and where they come from

MTP grade 1 page 56 Speaker Screaming Posh mill Factory

Observing the name of the items that make loud sound





Sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: discriminate sounds and vibrations and vibrations that alert us on dangers for appropriate response;

What are the dangers of loud sounds

Learners could identify sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangerous situations

MTP grade 1 page 56


Observing the name of the items that make loud sound





Sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate different sounds and vibrations that alerts on dangers

How could we respond appropriately to various sounds?

Learners could practice appropriate response to sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers.

MTP grade 1 page 56


Observing the name of the items that make loud sound





Sounds and vibrations that alert us on dangers

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: appreciate different sounds and vibrations that alerts on dangers

How could we respond appropriately to various sounds?

Learners to ask parents or guardians how to appropriately respond to sounds and vibrations that alert people on dangers in the community

MTP grade 1 page 56

Observing the name of the items that make loud sound





Dangers of loud sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:  identify sources of loud sounds in the immediate environment

What are the sources loud sounds?

Learners could explore sources of loud sound in the immediate environment

MTP grade 1 page 57 Car Human being Animals 

Observing the name of the items that make loud sound





Dangers of loud sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: explain the effects of loud sounds on health and safety

What are the sources loud sounds?

Learners could discuss effects of loud sounds on their wellbeing

MTP grade 1 page 58 Musical instruments, flash cards, pictures, video clips Immediate environment.

written questions on effects of loud sounds





Dangers of loud sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: observe practices that protect us from effects of loud sounds;

How could loud sound affect us?

Learners could identify ways of avoiding loud sound

MTP grade 1 page 58 Musical instruments, flash cards, pictures,  video clips Immediate environment

Oral questions on how to protect ourselves from effects of loud sounds;





Dangers of loud sounds

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: demonstrate willingness to limit dangers from loud sounds to self and others

How could we avoid loud sound?

Learners could pantomime on dangers of loud sounds.

MTP grade 1 page 58 Musical instruments, flash cards, pictures,  video clips Immediate environment

Oral questions on how to protect ourselves from effects of loud sounds




Social environment

Home Environment: Caring for things found in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to sign the various things found in the home;

What things are found in the home?

Learners could identify and sign things found in the home (utensils and furniture).

MTP grade 1 page 59 Cups sufuria Spoons Kettle Plates\jug Cooking sticks

Observe the items given by the pupils Observe diagrams make by the pupils.




Social environment

Home Environment: Caring for things found in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to Explain how to care for things found in the home;

How could we care for things found in the home?

Learners could identify ways of caring for things found in the home (washing and dusting

MTP grade 1 page 60 Picture cut outs, Natural Environment Charts Video Clips Photographs Utensils, Furniture  Electronic Gadgets, 

Oral question on how to take care of things found at home.




Social environment

Keeping home environment clean

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to sign things that make the home environment dirty

What makes our home environment dirty?

Learners could sign things that make the home environment dirty

MTP grade 1 page 60 Picture cut outs, Natural Environment Charts Video Clips Photographs Brooms  Mops Dusters Dust Bins Rakes, Spade

Oral question on how to clean  things found at home




Social environment

Keeping home environment clean

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to participate actively in making the home environment clean

How to clean home environment dirty?

Learners could demonstrate cleaning of home

MTP grade 1 page 61-62 Picture cut outs, Natural Environment Charts Video Clips Photographs Utensils, Brooms  Mops Dusters Dust Bins Rakes, Spade

Oral question on how to clean  things found at home

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school environment. 




Social environment

Keeping home environment clean

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to demonstrate willingness to keep the home environment clean.

How could we keep our home environment clean?

Learners could demonstrate cleaning of home environment using relevant cleaning activities.

Learners could visit a nearby home, if possible of an elderly person, and clean the home environment.

MTP grade 1 page 63 Picture cut outs, Natural Environment Charts Video Clips Photographs Brooms  Mops Dusters Dust Bins Rakes, Spade

Observing how the pupils are cleaning the school environment




Social environment

Keeping safe and secure in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to identify common risks at home;

What are some of the possible risks in the home?

Learners could listen or observe signed stories on possible risks in the home

MTP grade 1 page 64-65


Oral question on how to keep the school compound safe.




Social environment

Keeping safe and secure in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to observe safety and security in the home environment to avoid risk to self and others

How could we keep safe and secure in the home?

Learners could identify common risks in the home

MTP grade 1 page 64-65


Oral question on how to keep the

school compound safe




Social environment

Keeping safe and secure in the home

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to demonstrate responsibility towards own safety and security in the home environment.

Learners How could we keep safe and secure in the home?

Learners could demonstrate ways of keeping safe and secure in the home

MTP grade 1 page 66-67


Oral question on how to keep the school compound safe




Social environment

Child Rights and responsibilities in the family

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to identify rights of a child in a family

What are the rights of a child in the family?

Learners could identify child rights in a family (right to a name, nutrition, shelter, schooling and play).

MTP grade 1 page 66-69


Oral questions on child rights and responsibilities.




Social environment

Child Rights and responsibilities in the family

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to perform the responsibilities of a child in a family;

What are the responsibilities of a child in the family?

Learners could identify responsibilities of a child in a family

MTP grade 1 page 70


Oral questions on child rights and responsibilities




Social environment

Child Rights and responsibilities in the family

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to perform the responsibilities of a child in a family;

What are the responsibilities of a child in the family?

Learners could identify responsibilities of a child in a family

MTP grade 1 page 71


Oral questions on child rights and responsibilities




Social environment

Child Rights and responsibilities in the family

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to develop a sense of responsibility for family social cohesion.

What are the responsibilities of a child in the family?

In groups, learners could complete a postcard on responsibilities of a child in a family

MTP grade 1 page 71-74


Oral questions on child rights and responsibilities




Social environment

Meeting family needs.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to state basic needs in a family

What are basic family needs?

Learners could state some of the basic family needs (food, water and shelter

MTP grade 1 page 75


Oral questions on basic family needs




Social environment

Meeting family needs.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to explain ways in which parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs;

How can parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs?

Learners could fill printable age appropriate forms on basic family needs

MTP grade 1 page 75-77


Oral questions on ways in which parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs




Social environment

Meeting family needs.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to explain ways in which parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs;

How can parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs?

Learners could identify how parents or guardians

Meeting basic family needs (farming, employment and business).

MTP grade 1 page 78-79


Oral questions on ways in which parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs




Social environment

Meeting family needs.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to appreciate the efforts of parents or guardians in Meeting family needs.

How can parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs?

Learners could sign or sing songs and recite poems or rhymes on how parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs.

MTP grade 1 page 78-79


Oral questions on ways in which parents or guardians Meeting basic family needs




Social environment

Enterprise Projects: Ways of generating money in the family.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to Identifying forms of money

How could we make money rightfully?

Learners to state forms of money

MTP grade 1 page 80-81 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on forms of money




Social environment

Ways of generating money in the family.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;

How could we make money rightfully?

Learners could be guided to identify how families generate money.

MTP grade 1 page 82 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;




Social environment

Ways of generating money in the family.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to Identifying thing that are at home that can be used to generate income.

Making money from things found in the home

Learners could be guided to identify how families generate money.

MTP grade 1 page 83 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;




Social environment

Ways of generating money in the family.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to demonstrate awareness of rightful ways of generating money to promote good citizenship

Making money from things found in the home

In groups, learners could discuss rightful ways of generating money.

Using case stories, learners could identify various ways of generate money rightfully.

MTP grade 1 page 84 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;




Social environment

Ways of generating money in the family.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to Appreciate genuine ways of generating money as good citizens.

Making money from things found in the home

Learners could be guided to find out more from parents or guardians on rightful ways of earning money.

MTP grade 1 page 85 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;




Social environment

Exploring the environment for appropriate income generating activities

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to identify income generating activities for the family;

What activities could generate income for the family?

Learners could suggest an income generating activity at home.

MTP grade 1 page 85 Money( notes and coins)

Oral  question on identify ways of generating money rightfully in the family;






Strand/ Theme

Sub Strand/Sub theme

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Questions

Learning Experience

Learning Resources





Reading : Weather and our Environment

Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non-decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do you do when reading a long word?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually

Story book, poems, and audiovisual recordings of short stories. 

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 48


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Hygiene

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Discriminate the sounds /j/ /k/ in different spoken words for comprehension.

Pronounce the words with the sounds in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognise new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.

How do you say these words? Cow, Bag, Grass.

Learners pronounce the sounds /j/ /k/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects. 4. Learners interact with audio material to listen to the correct pronunciation of the vocabulary, where applicable.


Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 50-51


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Hygiene

Language structures and functions

Simple past tense

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about personal hygiene activities using simple past tense.

Appreciate/enjoy communicating ideas using the simple past tense.

What did you do in the morning before coming to school?

Learners respond to simple questions on activities in the past.

Learners engage in games, changing verbs from present simple to past simple tense, in small groups

Learners group verbs/take part in fishing game on verbs in the simple past tense.

Charts, pictures/ photographs on grooming activities, audiovisual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on Personal hygiene using simple past tense.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 51

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Hygiene

Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non-decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.



What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Story book, poems, and audiovisual recordings of short stories.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 52







Guided Writing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Write words from a picture prompt for effective communication.

Draw the letter patterns Ww, Mm, Tt Jj Kk correctly for neat handwriting.

Copy the sentences correctly.

What items are found in the school?

Learners observe and respond to picture prompts appropriately.

Learners practice writing letters and words from left to right.

Learners write a three word sentence using the prompts. 4. Learners are guided in filling in the gaps correctly and meaningfully.

Realia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 49-53

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Hygiene

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words with the sounds /c/ and /g/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.


How do you say these words? Cold, gold.

Learners pronounce the sounds /c/ /g/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects. 4. Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 54-55


Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Hygiene

Language structures and functions

Simple past tense

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about personal hygiene activities using simple past tense.

Appreciate/enjoy communicating ideas using the simple past tense.

What did you do in the morning before coming to school?

Learners engage in games, changing verbs from present simple to past simple tense, in small groups

Learners group verbs/take part in fishing game on verbs in the simple past tense.

Learners construct sentences using simple past on demonstrated actions e.g. jump, walk, laugh, smile

Repeat sentence structures containing simple past tense from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.

Charts, pictures/ photographs on grooming activities, audiovisual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on personal hygiene using simple past tense

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 55

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Hygiene


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non-decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Story book, poems, and audiovisual recordings of short stories.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 56-57

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Myself/ Parts of the body

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: a) Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /r/ and /l/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Appreciate the variation in meaning of similar sounding words that look different.


How do you say these words?

Rake, Lake.

Learners pronounce the sounds /c/ /g/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing.

Pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 58-59

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Myself/ Parts of the body

Language structures and functions

Demonstratives for singular and plurals.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Use demonstratives to talk about body parts and gender.

Identify singular and plural nouns,

What things can you see inside the classroom?

What things can you see outside the classroom?

In pairs, learners are aided by picture prompts to attach a demonstrative to either a singular or plural noun.

Learners use objects that are near and far in the classroom to illustrate the correct use of demonstratives (This/That)

Learners use simple phrases to talk about parts of the body, in pairs or small groups.

Charts, pictures/ photographs and models of parts of the body, computer devices that have audio/visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on parts of the body.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 59 

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Myself/ Parts of the body



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non-decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Story book, poems, and audiovisual recordings of short stories.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 60

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Myself/ Parts of the body

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /p/ and /b/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.



How do you say these words?

Rake, Lake.

Learners pronounce the sounds /c/ /g/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 62-63

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Myself/ Parts of the body


Language structures and functions

Demonstratives for singular and plurals.

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Use demonstratives to talk about body parts and gender.

Identify singular and plural nouns.

Appreciate the use of different demonstratives when communicating about objects that are near and far.

What things can you see inside the classroom?

What things can you see outside the classroom?

Learners use objects that are near and far in the classroom to illustrate the correct use of demonstratives (These/Those)

 Learners use simple phrases to talk about parts of the body, in pairs or small groups.

Learners identify demonstratives correctly to show location of singular and plural items for Effective communication.

Learners are assisted to choose appropriate demonstratives for the singular and plural nouns identified.

Learners repeat sentence structures containing demonstratives from a story, poem or conversation they have listened to.

Charts, pictures/ photographs and models of parts of the body, computer devices that have audio/visual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on parts of the body.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 63

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Myself/ Parts of the body



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound /p/ /b/ correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Read a text of about thirty (30) words containing decodable and non-decodable words, in phrases, in preparation for fluent reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read simple sentences aloud in groups, pairs, and individually.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Story book, poems, and audiovisual recordings of short stories.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 64

Oral questions, portfolio, observation





Guided Writing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Write their names correctly, neatly and legibly.

Recognise the correct form and meaning of the words to be used in filling in gaps.

What do you use to smell your food?

Learners observe and respond to picture prompts appropriately.

Learners practice writing letters and words from left to right.

Learners write a three word sentence using the prompts.

Learners are guided in filling in the gaps correctly and meaningfully.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 61-65

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Family

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /f/ and /v/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.



How do you say these words?

Fan, Van.

Learners pronounce the sounds /f/ /v/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Learners use simple dialogues to practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by

Oxford  Pg. 66-67

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Family

Language structures and functions

Noun Sets

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Recognise the sets of nouns denoting male and female within the family setting.

Appreciate the gender sets in communicating effectively about family members.

Which word would you replace with mother/sister/aunt?

Learners talk about male and female members of the family to illustrate the concept of gender sets.

Learners name the members of a nuclear family based on a picture/video clip/ photo.

In groups learners are guided to talk about: the brother to their father or mother, the sister to their father or mother, the father to their father or mother, the mother to their father or mother.

Charts, pictures/ photographs and models of members of the family, audiovisual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on male and female members of the family.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 67

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Family


Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound /f/ /v/ correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, full stop and question marks as they read.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners read a text or view pictures for enjoyment and information.

Learners read writings on the school walls, posters and bill boards in the surrounding environment.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 68

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Family

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: a) Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /sh/ and /ch/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.

How do you say these words?

Sheep, Chick.

Learners pronounce the sounds /sh/ /ch/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Learners use simple dialogues to practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 70-71

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Family

Language structures and functions

Noun Sets

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Recognise the sets of nouns denoting male and female within the family setting.

Use the sets of nouns denoting male and female within the family to communicate effectively

Appreciate the gender sets in communicating effectively about family members.

Which word would you replace with mother/sister/aunt?

Learners talk about male and female members of the family to illustrate the concept of gender sets.

Learners name the members of a nuclear family based on a picture/video clip/ photo.

In groups learners are guided to talk about: the brother to their father or mother, the sister to their father or mother, the father to their father or mother, the mother to their father or mother.

Charts, pictures/ photographs and models of members of the family, audiovisual recordings of dialogues with sentence structures on male and female members of the family

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 71

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Family


Connected text and fluency

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound /sh/ /ch/ correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Observe basic punctuation marks (comma, full stop and question marks as they read the text ‘Rabbit and her children’.

Read the title to make predictions about a story.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people or animals they can see.

Learners read writings on the school walls, posters and bill boards in the surrounding environment.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 72

Oral questions, portfolio, observation





Guided Writing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Write the patterns correctly.

Recognise the correct form and meaning of the words to be used in filling in gaps.

Write sentences correctly.

What do you use to smell your food?

Learners observe and respond to picture prompts appropriately.

Learners practice writing letters and words from left to right.

Learners write a three-word sentence using the prompts.

Learners are guided in filling in the gaps correctly and meaningfully.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 69-73

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Safety

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /y/ and /z/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.

How do you say these words?

Yellow Zebra.

Learners pronounce the sounds /y/ /z/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Learners use simple dialogues to practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.  

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 74-75

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Safety

Language structures and functions  

Simple prepositions (in, on, under, Between)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Use prepositions to talk about personal safety, security and simple injuries.

Appreciate the use of pre-positions for indicating location.

What can you see in the classroom?


What is on your desk?

Learners describe various positions of regalia as displayed in the classroom.

Learners engage in hide and find game in small groups to locate various objects/play a digital game.

Learners construct sentences based on the objects used in the hide and find game.

Charts, pictures/ photographs of people and objects in different positions, computer devices with audio-visual recordings of people and objects in different positions  

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 75

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Safety


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound /y/ /z/ correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

Read the title to make predictions about a story.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people or animals they can see.

Learners read writings on the school walls, posters and bill boards in the surrounding environment.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 76

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Safety

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words which start with the sounds /ch/ and /j/ in isolation in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.

How do you say these words?

Chair, Jug.

Learners pronounce the sounds /ch/ /j/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Learners use simple dialogues to practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 78-79  

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Safety

Language structures and functions  

Simple prepositions (Inside, Outside, in front of, behind)

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Use prepositions to talk about personal safety, security and simple injuries.  

Recognise the location given by prepositions in oral construction sentences.

Appreciate the use of pre-positions for indicating location.

What can you see in the classroom?

What is on your desk?

Learners describe various positions of regalia as displayed in the classroom.

Learners engage in hide and find game in small groups to locate various objects/play a digital game.

Learners construct sentences based on the objects used in the hide and find game.

Charts, pictures/ photographs of people and objects in different positions, computer devices with audio-visual recordings of people and objects in different positions

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 79

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Reading : Safety


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Read short words with letter -sound /ch/ /j/ correspondence in preparation for phrasal reading.

Respond to direct and indirect questions from a text of about 60 words in short simple sentences to show comprehension.

Read the title to make predictions about a story.

What do the pictures tell us about the story?

What does the title tell us about the story?

In small groups, learners practice reading unfamiliar Sentences containing decodable and non-decodable words.

Learners observe pictures and in groups, discuss where the action could be happening, identify the people or animals they can see.

Learners read writings on the school walls, posters and bill boards in the surrounding environment.

Learners read or listen to a text then answer questions.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs, newspaper cuttings.  

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford Pg. 80

Oral questions, portfolio, observation





Guided Writing

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: a) Write the letter patterns /y/ /z/ correctly.

Recognize the correct form and meaning of the words to be used in filling in gaps.

Draw the pictures as per the guidelines given

What do you use to smell your food?

Learners observe and respond to picture prompts appropriately.

Learners practice writing letters and words from left to right.

Learners write a three-word sentence using the prompts. 4. Learners are guided in filling in the gaps correctly and meaningfully.

Regalia, charts, pictures/ photographs that prompt learners to write.  

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 77-81

Oral questions, portfolio, observation




Listening and Speaking : Community Leaders

Pronunciation and Vocabulary



By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: a) Talk about the pictures and discuss what they see.

Pronounce the words with the sounds /ee/ and /i/ in preparation for reading.

Recognize new words used in the themes to acquire a range of vocabulary and their meaning.

How do you pronounce the sounds /ee/ /i/


Learners pronounce the sounds /ee/ /i/ by taking turns as modeled by the teacher or audio record.

Learners use dialogues, rhymes, tongue twisters, language games and songs individually, in pairs and in groups to practice vocabulary.

Learners practice matching simple short words with pictures and objects.

Learners say words beginning with a common sound.

Learners use simple dialogues to practice the pronunciation of the vocabulary.

Plasticine or clay models of objects, regalia, pictures/ photographs, charts, posters, computer devices and flash cards bearing pictures of learnt words.  

New Progressive Primary English Learners Book Grade 1 by Oxford  Pg. 82-83

Oral questions, portfolio, observation







Sub Strand

Specific Learning Outcome

Learning Experiences

Key Inquiry Question

Learning Resources





SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

narrate the event of the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners are guided to name the date, month and year of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Learners are guided to name the place of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

When was the prophet born?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

narrate the event of the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners are guided to name the date, month and year of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Learners are guided to name the place of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Where was the Prophet (S.A.W.) born?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth.

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth.

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

 Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate Makka, the birth place of the Prophet as the holy city of Muslims

Learners pick out the name of the Prophet (S.A.W) from a set of flash cards containing other names.

Learners in small groups or class sing qasida or recite poems on the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to name the Prophet’s parents

What events took place during the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)?

Flash cards.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith to show obedience to parents

Learners listen to different stories on obedience.

Learners are guided to give instances where obedience is practiced in their daily life.

What is obedience

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith to show obedience to parents

Learners listen to different stories on obedience.

Learners are guided to give instances where obedience is practiced in their daily life.

What is obedience

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Practice obedience in their day to day life to follow the orders of Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on obedience ‘Allah’s pleasure is in parents’ pleasure and Allah anger is in parents’ anger’’ Organize learners in groups or pairs to name activities that show obedience

What do you do to please Allah?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Practice obedience in their day to day life to follow the orders of Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on obedience ‘Allah’s pleasure is in parents’ pleasure and Allah anger is in parents’ anger’’ Organize learners in groups or pairs to name activities that show obedience

What do you do to please Allah?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






Appreciate the importance of the Hadith in shaping the life of an individual

Learners read Hadith on obedience displayed for practice. Learners role play the virtue of obedience

How do you show obedience to different people (peers, teachers, parents, elders etc.)?

Charts, hadith book.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith on cleanliness as an act of worship

Learners are guided to discuss cleanliness and its importance (body, clothes, environment)

How do you maintain cleanliness?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the selected Hadith on cleanliness as an act of worship

Learners are guided to discuss cleanliness and its importance (body, clothes, environment)

How do you maintain cleanliness?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin. KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Maintain personal hygiene for healthy living.

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individuals recite the Hadith on cleanliness ‘Cleanliness is part of faith…”

When do we wash our hands?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin. KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Practice cleanliness in their day to day life as an act of ibadah

Organize learners in class, groups or pairs, to discuss the teachings of the Hadith.

When do we wash our hands?

Charts, soap, water, dustbin KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.






By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate the importance of cleanliness as part of faith

Learners to read the Hadith on cleanliness displayed on chart for practice.

Learners are engaged in cleaning activities such as cleaning the school compound, washing hands.

Why do you clean your school compound everyday

Charts, soap, water, dustbin KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation.




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the five pillars of Islam to strengthen their faith

Learners to name the five pillars of Islam in sequence

What are the five pillars of Islam?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the five pillars of Islam to strengthen their faith

Learners to name the five pillars of Islam in sequence

What are the five pillars of Islam?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Shahadah as an act of ibadah

Learners to sing songs or poems on the pillars of

Islam/shahada Learners to arrange pillars of Islam on flash cards in their sequence

How do you pronounce the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Shahadah as an act of ibadah

Learners to sing songs or poems on the pillars of Islam/shahada

Learners to arrange pillars of Islam on flash cards in their sequence

How do you pronounce the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Devotional Acts

Pillars of Islam

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Appreciate the importance of Shahadah as a basic principle of Islam

Learners in pairs or groups to recite the shahada

Learners to give occasions when the Shahada is said

When do we say the shahada?

Flash cards, chart.

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

use the Islamic greetings in their daily lives to inculcate the spirit of love

Learners recite the Islamic greetings

Learners are guided in pairs or small groups to listen to the manners of Islamic greetings from a Cd.

What do you do when you meet your friend?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

use the Islamic greetings in their daily lives to inculcate the spirit of love

Learners recite the Islamic greetings

Learners are guided in pairs or small groups to listen to the manners of Islamic greetings from a Cd.

What do you do when you meet your friend?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

identify Islamic etiquettes on greetings to inculcate the culture of greeting in Islam

Learners in pairs , small groups or as a whole class practice Islamic greetings

 Learners to read words of Islamic greetings displayed on a chart

What is the Islamic way of greeting people?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

identify Islamic etiquettes on greetings to inculcate the culture of greeting in Islam

Learners in pairs , small groups or as a whole class practice Islamic greetings

Learners to read words of Islamic greetings displayed on a chart

What is the Islamic way of greeting people?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation




Moral Teachings

Islamic etiquettes

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

appreciate the use of Islamic greetings to attain rewards

Learners to salute and respond to greetings through role play

Why should we use Islamic greetings?

charts, pocket boards, Cds KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1

Oral questions, portfolio, and observation





Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

What do you do before eating

charts, pictures, audio visual materials, utensils






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to:

Recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

Which hand do you use when eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials, utensils,

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: recite the prescribed dua before eating, to seek the blessings of Allah and after eating to thank Allah.

Learners to be guided to view Islamic manners of eating through pictures or audio visual materials

Which hand do you use when eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: practice Islamic manners of eating as per the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to be guided to practice Islamic manners of eating (washing hands, Say Bismillah, use of right hand, eating what is before you and say Alhamdullillahi after eating)

What do you do during eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1






Manners of eating

By the end of the sub-strand the learner should be able to: practice Islamic manners of eating as per the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners to be guided to practice Islamic manners of eating (washing hands, Say Bismillah, use of right hand, eating what is before you and say Alhamdullillahi after eating)

What do you do during eating?

charts, pictures, audio visual materials,


KLB Visionary

IRE Activities

Grade 1








Sub - Strand

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Question

Learning Experience

Learning Resources





Bible story

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Narrate the story of Elijah and the chariot of fire and apply it their relationship with others Identify the lesson learned values acquired from the story Elijah and the chariot of fire

What happened when Elijah and Elisha were walking?

Learners to read 1kings2:11-12

Learners to observe the picture and tell the lesson and values learned from the story of Elijah and the chariot of fire and they apply in their day to day life Learners to recite the verse 1king: -11 and memorize it Learners to sing a song about Elijah being taken by the chariot of fire



growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 31-33


Asking questions learners on what happened to Elijah




Bible story

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Importance of pleasing God and state ways of pleasing God in their daily life

Appreciate father-son relationship between Elijah and Elisha and desire to honor their parents

How was Elijah related to Elisha?

What did Elisha say when he saw

Elijah taken by the chariot of fire?

Learners to read the verse in the book of 2 kings 2:11

Learners to observe the picture of Elijah taken away by the chariot of fire and identify ways of pleasing God

Learners to draw and color the chariot of fire

Sing a song about ways of pleasing God and how Elijah pleased God



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh, page 31-33

Observe learners as they read the verse and ask them question




Bible story 

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Recognize the importance of being holy and honoring god and apply it in their daily lives Identify ways of pleasing God and apply it with the relationship with others

Describe the story of Elijah and applies the values acquired in their daily interaction

What does God expect from us?

What values do we acquire from the story of Elijah?


Learners to list ways of pleasing God Learners to watch a video clip on Elijah and the chariot of fire Learners to role play on Elijah and Elisha walking and talking until the chariot appeared Learners to describe the story of Elijah and identify the values acquired on it 

Audio visual material


growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 31-33

Observe learners as they role play and guide them




The early of life Jesus  

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Mention the parents of Jesus and identify it with their own Identify the city Jesus was born Recognize the importance of children to their parents and how they are appreciated by their parents and relate with themselves

Which city was Jesus born?

What are the names of Jesus Christ?

Learners to read the verse Matthew 2:1 Learners to narrate the birth of Jesus Christ and identify the lesson learned

Learners to listen to the recordings of the coral on the birth of Jesus (jingle bells) Learners to sing the song

Audio recording


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 34-39





The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Describe the joy of the shepherds when Jesus was born relate with their s when a child is born in their family  Understand the reason why they celebrate Christmas and relates with their birth day

How did the shepherds show their joy when Jesus was born?

Learners to watch a video clip on how he shepherds celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ Learners to describe the joy of shepherds and state the reason why thy celebrate Christmas Learners to dramatize the way shepherd’s celeb rate when Jesus was born 

Learners to sing the song the angels sang during the Birth of Jesus Christ

Audio visual material


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they sing and ask the questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Narrate the birth of Jesus and compare it with theirs

Identify the values and lessons learned from the birth of Jesus and apply it in their daily life


What happened when he baby is born?

What values do we learn from the birth of Jesus?

Learners to narrate the birth of Jesus as they relate with their ownLearners to tell how their parents show love and appreciate them

Learners to observe the pictures of Jesus and their parents and identify them

Learners to draw baby Jesus and their parents joseph 




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they draw and ask them question




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Identify that children are a blessing to the parents and should love and respect their parents 

Recognize that parents love children and should love and appreciate themselves as they belong to God for a sense of belong

Why do our parents love us?

Why does God love?

Learners to observe pictures of shepherd worshipping baby shower

Learners to role play on how shepherd worship Jesus

Sing a song (baby Jesus)



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they draw and ask questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Understand what happened when the baby is presented to God

Recognize that children should be given names for identification

Describe the process of naming and presentation in church

What happened after Jesus was born? 

Why was Jesus referred to as a king?

Learners to read luke2:22-24

Learners to say in class why presentation of babies to God is important

Learners to watch the naming and presentation process in a video clip Learners to discuss in groups and present in class the naming and presentation process in church

Audio visual materials  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j

watiki, Denis Rutere, G Togo  , page 34-39

Ask learners questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the leaners should be able to: Explain the naming and dedication of Jesus Christ and relate to their own life experience

Identify the reason why the parents of Jesus gave out two doves

Why was Jesus dedicated to God? Why do we have names?

Learners to read

Luke2:22-24 Learners to watch a video on the presentation and dedication process of Jesus Christ to God Learners to state the reason as to why parents of Jesus gave out two doves

Leaners to sing a song related to dedication of Jesus and memorize the verse Luke2:22-24

Audio visual material Growing in

Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Heron

Oyango, l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39 Bible 

Observe learners as they sing and memorize the verse in the Bible and ask questions




The early life of  Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Recognize the importance of naming 0f children and relate with themselves having names to enhance self – awareness Appreciate their parents for giving them names and presenting them to God

Understand the reason for learning the birth of Jesus and relate to their daily life

Why do name children after birth?

Learners to state the importance of having names 

Learners to observe the picture of naming and presentation of the baby Jesus and draw and color Jesus and his parents 

Learners to state the reason why they are learning the birth of Jesus Christ

Learners to a sing a song on the birth of Jesus Christ



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39  

Observe learners as the draw and sing the song and ask questions




The early life of

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ at the temple

By the end of the sub stand the learner should be able to: Identify the reason why Jesus went to the temple and compare to themselves going to church

Tell the reason why Jesus remained in the temple

Identify the reason why Jesus tell his parents that he was in his father’s house

Why did Jesus go to the temple? Why do we go to church?

Learners to read Luke2:42-49 Learners to observe pictured of Jesus in the temple

Learners to role play on how Jesus show assertiveness when question by his parents



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 40-42

Observe learners as they role play and ask the question on what did Jesus say to his parents by remaining in the temple




The early life of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ at the temple

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Emulate Jesus example by obeying his parents Identify the importance of obeying their parents

Recognize how God want them to obey their parents in order to live long


How do we obey our parents?

How did Jesus obey his parents?

Learners to tell how Jesus obeyed his parents Learners to sequentially arrange the flash cards on the events that took place when Jesus was left from the temple

Learners to say how they obey their parents at home




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe and guide learners as they arrange the flashcards




The early life of Jesus Christ





Jesus Christ in the temple

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Desire to follow Jesus Christ example to accompany their parents to church Recognize the importance of going to church to enhance spiritual growth

What do people do in church?

Learners to watch a video clip of Jesus in the temple and what happens in church Learners to role play and dramatize what happened in church learners to draw and color the church


Audio visual

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe learners as they role and draw the church




The early life of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ in the temple

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: identify the values acquired and lesson learned from Jesus Christ at the temple

What values do we acquire from Jesus

Christ at the temple?

Learners to watch a video clip of Jesus Christ at the temple and state the values and lessons learned from, it

Learners to role play on Jesus at the temple when the parents question him Learners to observe the picture of Jesus Christ at the temple and draw and color


Charts Audio visual material

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe learners as they role play and drawing and coloring




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptisms of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Identify the reason why people get baptized

Describe how people get baptized Identify the places where people get baptized

What is baptism? Why do people get baptized?

Learners to state the reason why people get baptized

Learners to observe pictures of people being baptized and to state the places where baptism takes place

Learners to discuss in groups how people get baptized

Draw and color a person being baptized in the river



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page43-34

Observe learners as they draw and color person being baptized in the church




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Name the place Jesus

Christ was baptized Identify the lesson learned from Jesus being baptized  Who baptized Jesus and why

Who baptized Jesus?

Why was Jesus baptized?

Learners to watch video on baptism of Jesus Christ

Learners to mention incidents of baptism they may have witnessed in their churches

Learners to read Mathew 3:13-15 about the baptism of Jesus and identify the place Jesus was baptized and who baptized him

Learners to state lesson learned from the baptism of Jesus Christ

Audio visual material  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 43-45



Ask learners question on who baptized Jesus and why




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Describe the events that took place in the baptism of Jesus Christ

Identify the lesson learned and values acquire in the baptism of Jesus Christ and applied in their day to day life

How Jesus Christ did express humility?

Learners to watch a video clip on Jesus Christ baptism and describe the events that took place 

Learners to state the values learned from the baptism of Jesus Christ Leaners to draw and color Jesus Christ being baptized

 Learners to sing a song on baptism

Audio visual material  Charts

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 43-45

Observe learners as they draw and sing a song on baptism of Jesus Christ




The early life of Jesus Christ 

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Acquire the value of humility for peaceful co-existence with others

Understand the importance of baptism as it creates a bond between us and God 

Why do people have humility

Learners to read a verse on Mathew 3:13-15 about baptism of Jesus Christ

Learners to observe a picture of Jesus being baptized and state how Jesus show humility Learners to say how baptism create a bond between us and God



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learner book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45

Asking learners questions on how baptism creates a bond between us and God




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe the baptism of Jesus Christ and state values learned and apply it in their day to day life Recognize that the baptism of Jesus Christ was special because Jesus is the son of God

Why was there a dove during the baptism of Jesus Christ?

Learners to read and describe the baptism of Jesus and state the values acquired from it

Learners to discuss in group and state the reason why Jesus Christ baptism was special Learners to observe the picture of Jesus Christ being baptized and see the presence of a dove



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45





The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe the process of baptism in church Identify the reason why John the Baptist baptized Jesus Recognize that baptism is important because it is away that brings us closer to God to enhance spiritual growth

Why did Jesus get baptized?

Learners to observe the pictures showing the baptism process in church and describe the process

Learners to read the verse in the Bible and to state the reason why Jesus was baptized



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45





The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe what happened at the wedding in Cana Identify the reason why Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana 

What happened at the wedding in Cana?

Learners to read john 2:11-10

Learners to discuss in groups and describe what happened at the wedding in Cana

Learners to observe the picture and role play what happened at the wedding in Cana




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play and ask question




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Narrate how Jesus changed water into wine and should desire to depend on

God always Identify the importance of believing in Jesus as he was able to perform a miracle

Why Jesus turn water into wine?

Learners to read john2:1-11

Learners to narrate what happened at wedding in Cana

Learners to state the importance of believing Jesus by turning water into wine

Learners to watch a video clip on what happened in Cana and role play

Audio visual material  Bible 

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Discuss how the servant obeyed Jesus instructions and relate with their daily lives

 Identify the importance of obeying Jesus Christ

How the servant did obeyed Jesus?

Learners to read john2:6-7

Learners to discuss how the servant obeyed Jesus instructions

Learners to discuss the process where Jesus turned water into wine and present water into wine

Learners to observe pictures and draw in class the six-jar filled with water at the wedding




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they draw six jar filled with water




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding in Cana 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Recognize that we should believe and have faith in Jesus  Identify the values and lessons learned from what happened at the wedding in Cana

How did the servant respond to Jesus instructions

Learners to read john2:7-8

Learners to tell the response of the servant to Jesus instructions

Learners to watch a video on Jesus changing water into wine learners to role play on what happened at the wedding in Cana

Audio visual 


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play on what happened at the wedding in cane




The early life of Jesus Christ 

Healing Simon peters mother in law

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: describe what happened when one feel sick describe how Jesus heal the mother in law of Simon peter recognize how Jesus can heal us when we feel sick


What happened when Jesus visited Simon peters mother in laws house?

Learners to read Mathew 8:14-15

Learners to discuss and narrate how Jesus healed Simon peters mother in law by looking at the picture

Leaners to role play on how Jesus healed Simon peters mother in law Learners to sing a song about the healing of Simon peters mother in law

Pictures Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 49-51

Asking learners questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

Healing of Simon peters mother in law

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Describe how Simon peters mother in law show she was grateful to Jesus for healing her

Appreciate Simon peters mother in-law reactions by expressing gratitude for every good gift thy receive and relate to their daily life that they should be thankful

Recognize the importance of having faith in Jesus like Simon peters mother in law

How Simon did peters mother in law than Jesus?

Learners to red Mathew 8:14-15

Learners to describe how Simon peters mother in law show gratitude

Leaners Watch a video on Simon peters mother in-law shows gratitude Learners to role play on Simon peters other inlaw show gratitude

Audio visual material


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 49-50

Ask learners question




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Identify items they share at home to enhance togetherness

Understand the reason why they should share at home or school 


What do you share at home?


Learners to name items they share at home

 Learners to identify in the picture the thing they share at home

Learners to state reason why they share at home and school



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59

Ask learners questions




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Understand the importance of sharing at home to enhance family unity

Draw items they share at home to enhance individual development and promote creativity and imagination

Why do we share?

Learners to observe and discuss a picture of a family sharing a meal together

Learners to draw and color items they share at home

Learners to share what they have to show kindness

Leaners to sing a song on sharing



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59

Observe learners as they draw items they share at home




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: State the items they share at home to enhance family unity State items they should not share at home for a healthy living

Why don’t we share some items at home?

Learners to read a verse on john6:1-14

Learners to state the reason they should not share some items at home by discussing in class with their friends

Learners in pairs to discuss the items they share in the picture

Asking learners questions 





Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Narrate the story of a little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread 

Understand the importance of believing God through blessing two fish and five loaves of bread to feed the people

Why should we share things with other

Learners to read john 6:1-14

Leaners to watch a clip and role play on the story of little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread

Learners to tell the Importance of believing in Jesus and his miracles  Learners to sing a song on the little boy and with two fish and five loaves of bread

Audio visual material  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron  Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59


Asking questions







Sub strand

Specific learning outcome

Key inquiry question

Learning experiences

Learning Resources





Paper Craft

Folding Technique

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: observe items made using folding method in paper craft to help in creating paper decorations

What type of decorations do we use during celebrations?

In groups, learners to observe and identify items made using folding method in paper craft

Assorted paper, cutting tools, rulers, adhesives

Signed question, discussion, observation, portfolios




Paper Craft

Folding Technique

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: create decorations using folding method of paper craft; have fun as they make paper decorations using folding method of paper craft

What type of decorations do we use during celebrations? How do we fold paper to make a decoration

Individually, the learner to freely express themselves by creating decorations using folding method in paper craft.

The learner to display and sign about own and learner others work

Assorted paper, cutting tools, rulers, adhesives

Signed question, discussion, observation, portfolios




Fabric Decoration

Painting on fabric with brushes

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: observe brush painted fabric from teacher samples to help in creating decorations

How does fabric painted with brushes look like?

In groups, learners identify samples of brush painted fabric. Individually learner to decorate fabric using brushes

Fabric, paint, dye, bristle brushes, water, cleaning rags, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Fabric Decoration

Painting on fabric with brushes

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

use brush to paint on fabric to create decorations; Have fun painting decorations on fabric

How does fabric painted with brushes look like?

How do we paint on cloth using brushes

Individually learner to decorate fabric using brushes.

The learner to display and talk about own and others brush painted fabrics

Fabric, paint, dye, bristle brushes, water, cleaning rags, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Fabric Decoration

painting on fabric with sponge

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: observe sponge painted fabric from teacher samples to help in creating decorations;

How fabric do painted with sponge look like?

In groups, learners identify samples of sponge painted fabric

Fabric, paint ,dye, sponge, water, cleaning rags, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios






Painting on fabric with sponge

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: use sponge to paint on fabric to create decorations; have fun painting decorations on fabric

How do we paint on cloth using sponge

Individually learner to decorate fabric using sponges

The learner to display and sign about own and others sponge painted fabrics

Fabric, paint, dye, sponge, water, cleaning rags, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Mounting Techniques


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identify and collect different types of material from the environment that can be used to create mosaic;

How do we identify materials used to create mosaic?

In groups learners to take nature walk to the environment identify and collect materials that can be used to create stones, pebbles, leaves papers, small plastic, egg shells etc.

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Mounting Techniques


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: identify and collect different types of material from the environment that can be used to create mosaic;

How do we identify materials used to create mosaic?

In groups learners to take nature walk to the environment identify and collect materials that can be used to create stones, pebbles, leaves papers, small plastic, egg shells etc.

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Mounting Techniques


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: create simple pictures in mosaic using locally available materials; have fun while creating simple pictures in mosaic

How do we create mosaic? How do learners react when making mosaic

Guide the learner individually, to create simple pictures using mosaic technique

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Mounting Techniques


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: create simple pictures in mosaic using locally available materials;

How do we create mosaic? How do learners react when making mosaic

The learner to display and sign about their own and others WORK

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Mounting Techniques


By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: have fun while creating simple pictures in mosaic

How do we create mosaic? How do learners react when making mosaic

The learner to display and sign about their own and others WORK

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Decorating Forms

Decorating plastic bottles using colored paper

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

Observe decorated plastic bottles ion to help in motivating them to decorate three dimensional (3D forms);

What kind of adhesive can be used in decorating plastic bottles using colored paper? Where can learners source colored paper

In groups learners to observe decorated bottles from teachers collection

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital devices

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios




Decorating Forms

Decorating plastic bottles using colored paper

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

decorate plastic bottles using colored paper for self-expression

What kind of adhesive can be

Used in decorating plastic bottles using colored paper? Where can learners’ source colored paper

Collect and use colored paper from the environment in decorating plastic bottles

The learner to display and talk about their own and others work.

Found materials, adhesives, mounting surfaces, digital devices

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios





Single stranded bracelets

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to:

observe beaded ornaments from teacher’s samples to help in making bracelets using single strand beading;

What materials can be used from the environment in making beads?

In groups learners to identify samples of bracelets made using local techniques and materials e.g. glass beads, plastic beads, clay beads, wooden beads, bone beads etc.

Assorted beads, cutting tools, strings, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios





Single stranded bracelets

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: experiment with local materials to create bracelets using single strand beading; enjoy making bracelets using single strand beading.

What materials have you used in making beads?

Learner to display, discuss and appreciate their work

Assorted beads, cutting tools,

strings, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios





Single stranded bracelets

By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: enjoy making bracelets using single strand beading.

What materials have you used in making beads?

Learner to display, discuss and appreciate their work

Assorted beads, cutting tools, strings, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios






By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: Observe samples of toys, material and tools from teacher’s collection to motivate them make their own;

Which toys are in class nature corner?

What materials and tools are used for making toys?

How do you feel when playing with toys?

In groups, learners be taken to their class nature corner to identify toys?

Sample toys, found materials, strings, rubber bands, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios






By the end of the sub strand, the learner should be able to: make simple toys using local materials for playing;  have fun as they make toys and play with them

Which toys are in class nature corner? What materials and tools are used for making toys?

How do you feel when playing with toys?

Individually make simple toys using locally available materials

Learners to display and sign about own and others toys

Sample toys, found materials, strings, rubber bands, digital images

Signed questions, discussion, observation, portfolios













Specific learning outcomes

Learning experiences

Key inquiry question

Learning resources






Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Arabic sounds correctly for proper recitation of the Qur’an 

Learners listen to pronunciation of Arabic letter sounds. Learners practice the pronunciation of Arabic letter sounds 

Why do we learn the Arabic Alphabet?       

Flash cards,

Juzuu,  pocket

boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

 IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions

portfolio, and observation





Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Pronounce the Arabic sounds correctly for proper recitation of the Qur’an

Learners listen to pronunciation of Arabic letter sounds. Learners practice the pronunciation of Arabic letter sounds

Learners practice the pronunciation of Arabic letter sounds.

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions

portfolio, and observation





Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to: identify alphabet for reading readiness 

Learners pick Arabic letters from a pool of flash cards for identification

How do you pronounce?

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1 

Asking learners questions Writing  exercise 





Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to: identify alphabet for reading readiness


Learners pick Arabic letters from a pool of flash cards for identification.



How do you read?

  ْ   َ  ،    َ ببَ   َ  ِ

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Asking learners questions Writing  exercise





Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to:

read simple Arabic words for readiness in reciting the Qur’an

Learners are introduced to simple Arabic words

How do you read?

  ْ   َ  ،    َ ببَ   َ  ِ

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 


Asking learners questions Writing  exercise





Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to:

Identify alphabet for reading readiness Read simple Arabic words for readiness in reciting the Qur’an

Learners pick Arabic letters from a pool of flash cards for identification. Learners are introduced to simple Arabic words

How do you read?

  ْ   َ  ،    َ ببَ   َ  ِ

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1






Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to:

write Arabic letters for writing readiness from right to left

Learners group Arabic letters according to their shapes

Which letters are in?

 ، ِ مِ   ،   ّ َ ببَ

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1






Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to: write Arabic letters for writing readiness from right to left

Learners group Arabic letters according to their shapes

Which letters are in?

 ، ِ مِ   ،   ّ َ ببَ

Flash cards, Juzuu, pocket boards and Cds 

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1






Arabic Alphabet

By the end of the lesson,  the learners should be able to: appreciate proper articulation of Qur’an recitation

Learners are guided on how to arrange Arabic alphabet in sequence.

Learners practice to write Arabic alphabet.

Which letters are in?

 ، ِ مِ   ،   ّ َ ببَ

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu

KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1








By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: recite the selected surah correctly for spiritual nourishment

Share copies of the Qur’an with the learners


When is surah AlFatiha recited?

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu








By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: recite the selected surah correctly for spiritual nourishment

Discuss with the learners manners of handling the Qur’an.

When is surah AlFatiha recited?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1








By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: use the selected surah in swalah

Learners through Audio Visual materials listen and recite verses from surah AlFatiha and AnNas

When is surah An-Nas recited?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:  use the selected surah in swalah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:  handle the Qur’an with care and respect

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited? Where is the Qur’an kept?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:  appreciate the importance of reciting the selected surah to get blessings from Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited?

Where is the Qur’an kept?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:  appreciate the importance of reciting the selected surah to get blessings from Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited?

Where is the Qur’an kept?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: recite the selected surah correctly for spiritual nourishment

Share copies of the Qur’an with the learners


When is surah AlFatiha recited?

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu


Visionary IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: recite the selected surah correctly for spiritual nourishment

Discuss with the learners manners of handling the Qur’an.

When is surah AlFatiha recited?

Flash cards,

Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: use the selected surah in swalah

Learners through Audio Visual materials listen and recite verses from surah AlFatiha and AnNas

When is surah An- Nas recited?

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to: handle the Qur’an with care and respect

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited?

Where is the Qur’an kept?

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions







By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

appreciate the importance of reciting the selected surah to get blessings from Allah

Learners as a class, groups, pairs, or individual recite the selected surah.


Why is the Qur’an recited?

Where is the Qur’an kept?

Flash cards, Cds, Juzuu

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions





Pillars Of Iman

Belief in Allah AlKhaaliq Ar-Razaq

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify Allah’s creation in the immediate environment to strengthen their Iman.

Learners name the pillars of Iman

Who created you?

Plants, animals, crayons, papers, paint, brushes, water and pictures.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




Pillars Of Iman

Belief in Allah AlKhaaliq Ar-Razaq

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Appreciate the existence of Angels as part of Allah’s creation

Learners draw and color Allah’s creation in the immediate environment.

Learners name some angels.

How do you

Plants, animals, crayons, papers, paint, brushes, water and pictures.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

 IRE Activities Grade 1  

Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




Pillars Of Iman

Belief in Angels

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify Allah’s creation in the immediate environment to strengthen their Iman.

Learners name the pillars of Iman

Who created you?

Plants, animals, crayons, papers, paint, brushes, water and pictures.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




Pillars Of Iman

Belief in Angels

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Identify Allah’s creation in the immediate environment to strengthen their Iman.

Learners name the pillars of Iman

What else has Allah (SWT) created?

Plants, animals, crayons, papers, paint, brushes, water and pictures.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1


Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




Pillars Of Iman

Belief in Angels

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Appreciate the use of Allah ’s creation in life

Appreciate the existence of Angels as part of Allah’s creation

Learners discuss in pairs or small groups about Allah’s creation.

Learners sing or

listen to songs, poems and qasida related to Allah’s

What else has Allah (SWT) created?

Plants, animals, crayons, papers, paint, brushes, water and pictures.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1


Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: narrate the event of the birth of the Prophet (S.A.W)

Learners are guided to name the date, month and year of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

Learners are guided to name the place of birth of the Prophet (SAW)

When was the prophet born?

Flash cards.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1


Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth.

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1


Oral questions

portfolio, and observation




SIIRAH (Life of Prophet S.A.W)

Birth of Prophet Muhamma d (S.A.W)

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: identify the name given to the Prophet (S.A.W) at birth. Appreciate Makka, the birth place of the Prophet as the holy city of Muslims

Learners listen to the story about the events of the Amul fiil (the elephant year)

Learners are guided to draw and color the Kaaba, elephant and birds

What name was the Prophet (S.A.W.) given at birth

Flash cards.

IRE VOL 4 KLB Visionary

IRE Activities Grade 1

Oral questions

Portfolio, and observation.






Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Questions  

Learning Experiences

Learning Resources






Number concept 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to sort and group different objects according  same size 

How can we group objects of the same size

 Learners in pairs/groups to collect different types of objects.   Learners in pairs/groups to sort objects with the same attributes and group them together.

  • Sticks 
  • Stones 
  • Books 
  • Pencils 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2

Observe how learners collect, sort and group objects.





Number concept 

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to sort and group different objects according to color.

How can we group items having different colors?

Learners in pairs/groups to sort objects with same colors and group them together.

Learners in groups /pairs collecting and presenting different objects of differentcolors

  • Textbooks
  • Exercise books
  • Pens
  • Sharpeners
  • Bottles 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2

Observe how learners collect, sort and group objects of different colors  Giving out in class exercise





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to sort and group items according to shape

How can we group items having different shapes?

Learners in pairs/groups to collect different types of objects of different shapes.  

Learners in groups/pairs to sort objects with same shape

  • Balls
  • Cups
  • Spoons
  • Wooden items
  • within the class 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2 

Observe learners collecting and sorting different items









Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to sort and group items of different sizes

How can we sort and group items having different sizes?

Learners in pairs/groups sorting and grouping items of same sizes and grouping them together

  • Pencils  
  • Sticks
  • Stones
  • Bottles 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2 

Observe learners collecting, sorting and grouping items according to their shapes





Number concept

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to; sort and group different items according to their use

How can we group items according to their use?

Learners in pairs/groups to collect different types of safe objects

Learners in pairs/groups sorting items of the same use and group them together

  • Spoons and plates
  • Books and pens
  • chalks 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2

Observe learners collecting, sorting and grouping different objects





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to should be able to represent number up to 10 using objects


How do you represent numbers using objects

Learners in groups/pairs to represent numbers up to 10 using objects. guide learners to fill inthe tables

  • Books and pens
  • learner’s shoes
  • learner’s bags JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-2 

Observing the learners sort different items according to shape, size and color. 





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to pair and match objects in the environment

How can we pair and match objects?

Learners in pairs/groups to play digital games involving sorting and grouping objects according to different attributes

  • News papers
  • Text books
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 3 

Giving matching exercise in class

Observing learners play the matching games





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to pair and match objects to establish ‘equal to’ ‘more than’ and ‘less than’ and same as

How do you identify less than?

How do you identify ‘more than’?

How do you identify ‘same’

Learners in groups/pairs to pair and match objects to establish less than and more than  Learners in pairs/groups to pair and match objects to establish same as

  • Number of boys and girls  Number of books 
  • Chairs and tables in class  Text books 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 3 

In class exercise

Observing learners counting objects





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to pair and match objects to establish “one less than”

How do you identify ‘one less than’?

Learners in pairs/groups to pair and match objects to establish those ones that are ‘one less than’

  • Text book
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 3 

 In class exercise   Observation





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to order and sequence objects in ascending order

What is an ascending order?

Learners in pairs/groups to order objects according to size from smallest to biggest

  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-3 

Observing learners ordering items from smallest to biggest





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: order and sequence objects from the biggest to the smallest (descending order)

How ca we order objects from the biggest to the smallest

 Learners in pairs/groups to collect objects of different sizes  Learners in pairs/groups to order objects according to size from the biggest to smallest

  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-3 

In class exercise 

Observing learners doing the ordering of objects from the biggest to the smallest  





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: make patterns using real objects

How do you make patterns? 

How do you identify patterns?

Learners in pairs/small groups to identify patterns from any given source

Learners in pairs/groups to make patterns using real objects

  • Text books 
  • Roof patterns 
  • Wall patterns JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 4-8

Observing learners making patterns 

Exercise on patterns in groups





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the leaner should be able to recite  number names in order up to 50

How many?

Learner to recite number names up to 50

Learners in small groups to bring sticks and stones from outside the class for counting  

  • Chalkboard
  • Sticks 
  • Stones
  • Chart
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 4-13

Counting along with learners Observing learners count objects

Oral counting by learners





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to represent numbers 1-30 using concrete objects

How many?

Learners to represent concreteobjects as well as their body parts

  • Chairs tables
  • Fingers
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 4-13

Observe learners count concrete objects





Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: demonstrate through counting that a group in all situations has only one count

How do you count this?

Learners to demonstrate that any given group has only one count

  • Text books
  • Chalkboard
  • Body parts
  • Chairs 
  • Classes
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-13

Observe learners count objects of different groups In class exercise






Number concept

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to appreciate the use of sorting and grouping items in day to day activities

How do we sort objects in our environment?

Learners in pairs/groups to collect and sort litter in the environment and put in various groups according to an attribute of their choice and give reasons for grouping

  • School compound
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 1-13 

Observing learners collecting and sorting litter in the school compound





 Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count numbers 1’s and 2’s.

How can we count in 1’s and 2’s?

Learners in pairs/groups to count by 1’s and 2’s up to 10 starting from any point using concrete objects as well as body parts.

  • Boys/girls Different objects in class  Chalk board
  • JKF Primary Mathematics  Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 14-15

In class exercise  Observing learners count objects in 1’s and 2’s 





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count numbers 3’s and 4’s.

How can we count in 3’s and 4’s?

Learners in pairs/groups to count by 1’s and 2’s up to 10 starting from any point using concrete objects as well as body parts.

  • Objects in class room
  • Chart models JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 16-17 

Observing learners counting objects





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count numbers 5’s and 6’s. 

Is it possible to count in 5’s and 6’s?

Learners to take turns in counting by 5’s and 6’s? Learners in pairs/groups to count by 1’s and 2’s up to 10 starting from any point using concrete objects up to 50

  • Body parts in counting 
  • Chalkboard 
  • Charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 18. 

Observe learners counting body parts and other objects

In class exercise 





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count numbers and backward from 100 in 10’s,

How many ways can we count backwards from 100?

Learners to take turns in counting to 100

Learners to count backwards from 100 to 1


  • Textbooks 
  • Chalkboard
  • Charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 35-36

Oral questions






Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count numbers and backward from 100 and forward to 100 

Can we count from 100 to 1?

Learners in pairs/groups to play games that involve

counting up to 100 and back

Learners to take turns in counting to 100

Learners to count backwards from 100 to 1

  • Skipping ropes 
  • books
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 35-36

Counting orally






Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to count any concrete object that ranges from 1 to 100

How many?

Learners in pairs or small groups to count trees, classes and other concrete objects found outside the class room and inside the class

  • School compound
  • Classroom objects for counting
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 37-39

Observing learners moving around and counting concrete objects in their groups





Whole numbers 

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to represent numbers 1-50 using concrete objects

How many do you see?

Learners to walk around and count any concrete object they can see within the school environment

  • School compound
  • objects for counting
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 37-39

Observe learners walking around and counting every concrete object they see





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

identify place value of ones and tens

How do we identify place values?

Learners to identify place value of ones and tens  Learners in pairs /groups to identify place values of the given numbers by the teacher

  • Chalk board
  • Charts 
  • text books 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 40-42






Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify place value of ones and tens

How do you identify the place value of your age?

Learners to give the place value of their ages and the ages of their friends

  • Ages of learners 
  • Chalkboard
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 40-42

Oral presentation of place value of ages Writing exercise in class





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to read and write numbers 1-50 in symbols

How do we write number 1-50?

Learners to recite number 1-50 in symbols

  • Chalk board 
  • Charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 14-44

Oral recitation of numbers from 1-50 in symbols 

Writing exercise of numbers from 150 in class





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to Write numbers 1-10 in words

How do we write in words?

Learners to practice writing numbers 110 in words


  • Chalk board
  • Textbooks charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 14-44 

Writing exercise in class  

Observe learners as they write numbers in words. 





Whole numbers 

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to Write numbers 1-10 in words

How do we write in words?

Learners to practice writing numbers 110 in words


  • Chalk board
  • Textbooks charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 14-44 

Writing exercise in class  

Observe learners as they write numbers in words.





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to Write numbers 1-10 in words

How do we write numbers in words?

Learners in pairs to write down numbers in words in turns and read them out to class

  • Exercise books
  • charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 14-44 

Writing exercise in class

Oral presentation of numbers in words





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify missing numbers in number patterns up to 20

How do we find missing numbers?

Learners to identify missing numbers in number patterns up to 20

  • Textbooks 
  • Chalk board
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 45 

Observing learners identifying missing numbers

 In class exercise





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify missing numbers in number patterns up to 20

What is the next number in the pattern?

Learners in pairs /groups to identify the next numbers in the given patterns 

  • Chalk board
  • text books
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 45 

Writing class exercise






Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to identify missing numbers in number patterns up to 20

How do you find the missing number?

Learners in groups to find the missing numbers orally by asking each other  Learners to identify missing numbers in number pattern up to 20

  • Chalk board
  • Exercise books
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 45 

In class representation of

group work






Whole numbers 

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to appreciate number patterns by creating and extending patterns during play activities

How can we create a pattern?

Learners in pairs/groups to patterns with numbers up to 20 and share with other groups. Learners to play digital games involving whole numbers

  • Books
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 45 

Observe how learners create patterns and share with others and play digital games involving whole numbers 





Whole numbers

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to appreciate number patterns by creating and extending patterns during play activities

How can we get a missing number at a cashier place?

Learners to role play a cashier in day today life activities such as a cashier counting 5shilling coins

  • Shilling coins
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 45

Observing learners finding out the missing amounts at a cashier’s place






By the end of the lesson the leaner should be able to model addition as putting objects together

How can you add objects?

Learners in pairs groups to put two groups of objects and count to the total

  • Class room objects for counting
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 46

Oral questions  Observing learners adding objects together






By the end of the lesson the leaner should be able to model addition as putting objects together

How many are they together?

Learners to learners in groups /pairs to model addition using concrete objects

  • Pens and books 
  • Chalk board
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 46-47

Oral questions Observing learners putting together different objects they have in class






By the end of the lesson the leaner should be able to: model addition as putting objects together

How can we put them together?

Leaners to put together items on pictures and on charts 

Learners to identify different objects and them up

  • Text books 
  • Charts 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 46-47 

Observe learners add up objects from charts  In class exercise






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to model addition as putting objects together

How many are they altogether?

Learners to get out in groups /pairs to count the concrete objects outside the class and add them up

Learners to play games that involves adding numbers of scores together

  • Skipping ropes 
  • balls
  • Trees
  • buildings
  • people
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 46-47 

Observe learners moving and adding up objects

Oral counting and adding of numbers






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in writing addition sentences

How can you use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in addition?

Learners to practices writing the + and = in addition

  • Chalkboard 
  • Books 
  • Charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 48-50

Writing exercise involving + and = signs






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in writing addition sentences

How many?

Learners to use ‘+’ and = signs in writing addition sentences

  • Chalk board 
  • Charts 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 48-50

In class writing exercise






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in writing addition sentences

How many?

Learners to use’+’ and ‘=’ signs in adding different objects within the class 

  • Books 
  • chalkboard
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 48-50

In class oral presentations  Writing exercises






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in writing addition sentences

How do you add two singles numbers by skipping a number line?

Learners to add two single digit numbers by skipping on a number line 

  • Chalk board
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 48-50

Writing exercises







By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: use ‘+’ and ‘=’ signs in writing addition sentences

What should be added next?

Learners to add two single digit numbers by skipping on a number line of numbers adding up to 10

  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 48-50

Writing exercise






By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to add 2-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10

How do we add a 1- digit number to another 1- digit number?

Learners to ad 2digit single numbers using the family of 10

  • Chalkboard 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 51

In-class exercises






By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to add 2-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10

In how many ways can we add single digits that add to 10? 

Learners in pairs/groups of not more than 10 to gather themselves and find their total number according to their gender etc. Learners to count and add objects within the class that are not more than ten. 

  • Boys and girls for counting Objects within the class
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 53-55

Observe how learners gather themselves and find their total numbers

Oral presentation of objects counted






By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to add 2-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10

How many do we get?

Learners to add 2single digits by counting on 

  • Chalkboard 
  • Charts 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 53-55

Oral exercise [individual]






By the end of the sub-strand, the learner should be able to add 2-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10

How many single digits can be added up to get10?

Leaners in pairs /groups to come up with single digits that can be added up to get 10 only 

  • Chalk board
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 53-55







By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: add 3-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10 in different contexts

Which 3 digits do you think we can add to get 10or less than 10?

Learners to add 3- single digit numbers by counting on

  • Chalk board 
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 56-60

Writing exercises





By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: add 3-single digit numbers up to a sum of 10 in different contexts

Which three digits can be added to sum up ten?

Learners in pairs /groups to identify 3 digits in each group that can be added to get 10 or a number less than 10

  • Exercise books
  • Charts
  • JKF Primary Mathematics Learner’s Activity Book 1 page 56-60


Writing in class exercises





Sub strand

Specific learning outcome

Key inquiry question

Learning experiences

Learning resources







By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to: sign name types of songs performed for different purposes in the community; sign a variety of simple songs in unison from different cultures for enjoyment, cultural preservation, and advancement

During which activities do you sing while at home?

Learners sign name types of songs performed in the community.

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to demonstrate the steady beat (pulse) by tapping/ stamping/clapping when sign singing familiar songs for beat familiarization

During which activities do you sing while at home?

Learners are guided to observe am variety of live or recorded songs and be probed to identify possible occasions of when the songs are performed

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to sign verse 1 of the Kenya national anthem in English for cohesion and peaceful co-existence;

Which songs do you like singing?

Learners are guided in sign signing various types of songs e.g. story songs, lullabies, patriotic songs, action songs, sacred songs and other topical songs on pertinent and contemporary issues paying attention to accuracy in rhythm.

Learners are guided in applying expressive elements of music (loud, soft, fast, slow) while sign singing different types of songs.

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to state the official occasions during which the national anthem is performed for self-esteem

Why do you sing?

Learners are guided in sign signing various types of songs e.g. story songs, lullabies, patriotic songs, action songs, sacred songs and other topical songs on pertinent and contemporary issues paying attention to accuracy in rhythm.

Learners are guided in applying expressive elements of music (loud, soft, fast, slow) while sign singing different types of songs.

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to apply expressive elements of music through sign singing for communication

How do you feel when you sing?

Learners are guided in identifying and discussing important issues in topical and patriotic songs such as social cohesion, health etc.

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to express ideas, feelings and emotions through sign singing for creativity;

What do the songs that you sing talk about? When do we sing the Kenya National anthem?

Learners are guided in identifying the beat in familiar songs by tapping, clapping and dynamics to express feelings, ideas and emotions while sign singing. 

In groups, learners are guided in sign singing and dramatizing of stories and action songs Individually and in groups learners are guided in sign singing verse 1 of the Kenya National anthem paying attention to accuracy in sign and, rhythm.

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs
  • Audio visual equipment 
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists, adjudication using performance rubric






By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to appreciate and enjoy sign singing songs from diverse cultures;

appreciate sign singing songs from diverse cultures for enjoyment.

What do the songs that you sing talk about?

When do we sing the Kenya National anthem?

In pairs and in groups learners sign songs from diverse cultural sources

  • Audio-visual excerpts of a variety of songs 
  • Audio visual equipment
  • Musical instruments 
  • Music print material i.e. Music scores of songs and the Kenya National Anthem

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, check lists,

adjudication using performance rubric





Singing Games

By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to:

perform various signed singing games drawn from the local culture for enjoyment;

Do you sing as you play? What songs do you sing during play

Learners are guided to watch a variety of live or recorded singing games from the locality

  • Audio-visual excerpts
  • singing games
  • Audio-visual equipment 
  • Costumes and props

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, adjudication, check lists





Singing Games

By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to apply the aspects of sign singing, movement, props and costumes in performing signed singing games for creativity and imagination observe safety during performance of signed singing games;

Name some of the materials or objects used during play.

Learners perform age appropriate signed singing games with game aspects, movements and proper use of props and costumes observing safety

  • Audio-visual excerpts
  • singing games
  • Audio-visual equipment 
  • Costumes and props

Signed questions, portfolio, observation, adjudication, check lists





Singing Games

By the end of the sub strand the learner, should be able to practice etiquette during performance of signed singing games and share available resources equitably for integrity appreciate performing signed singing games from the local culture for enjoyment.

What roles do you like taking during play?

In groups and individually learners are guided in performing signed singing games from the local cultures

  • Audio-visual excerpts
  • singing games
  • Audio-visual equipment 
  • Costumes and props


Signed questions, portfolio, observation, adjudication, check lists














Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

Name the parts of the body and watch a video clop on walk race for digital literacy

Which body part do we use for walking?

The learner to answer questions on the parts of the body and watch a video clip on the body parts that is used when walking to create body awareness

  • Video clips
  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Learners to practice walking in different ways by: walking in different directions (forward and backwards)

How many different directions can you walk?

Learners to perform walking in different ways

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Learners to perform walking in different ways for strength, coordination, endurance and for excellence. (to the right)

How many different directions can you walk?

Learners to practice walking in different ways.

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Learners to perform in different ways for strength, coordination, endurance and for excellence (to the left)

How many different direction can you walk?

Learners to practice walking in different ways

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Learners to practice and perform walking in different ways. (circular letter O)

Which direction can you walk faster?

Learners to practice walking in different pathways. (Circular) letter O

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:

Perform and practice walking in different ways (straight-letter c Numbers 1,4,7)

How many different direction can you walk?

Learners to practice I different ways by walking in different pathways. (straight)

  • Field
  • Letter shapes
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Perform and practice walking in different ways (curved-letter c number 2, 3)

How many different directions can you walk?

Learners to practice walking in different ways by walking in different pathways. (curved)

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Perform and practice in different ways. (zigzag letters z, w, v)

How many different directions can you walk?

Learners to practice walking in different by walking in different pathways

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Perform and practice walking in different ways. (swivel –letter Q)

How many different directions can you walk faster?

Learners to practice walking in different ways by walking in different pathways

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

Perform and practice walking in different levels

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High


Learners to practice waling in different ways by walking in different levels

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Walking)

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

Play simple games for enjoyment, collaboration and peaceful coexistence

Which games do you like?

Learners to play games that involve walking.

Learners to observe rules as they walk for own and play games.

  • Field
  • Bean bags
  • Spoon
  • Potatoes
  • Eggs
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

Establish relationships through walking for critical thinking and problem solving

Which direction can you walk faster?

Learners walk in varying levels slow, medium and fast while making shapes

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

Name the parts of the body and watch a video clip on the run race for digital literacy

Which body parts do we use for running?

The learner to answer questions on the parts of the body and watch a video clip on the body parts that are used when running to create body awareness

  • Video clips
  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

Learners to perform walking in different ways by running in different directions. (forward and backward)

How many directions can you run?

Learners to perform running in different ways

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

Learners to perform running in different ways for strength, coordination, endurable and for excellence. (to the right)

How many different directions can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

Learners to perform running in different ways for strength, coordination, endurance and for excellence ( to the left)

How many different directions can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways

  • Field markers


Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

Learners to practice and perform running in different ways. (circular, letter o)

Which direction can you run faster?

Learners to practice running in different pathways. (circular, letter o)

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (running)

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to perform and practice running in different ways.

(straight – letter A-Numbers 1, 4, 7)

How many different directions can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways by running in different pathways (straight)

  • Field
  • Letter shapes
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill


Perform and practice running in different ways. (curved-letter C- Numbers 2,3)

How many different directions can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways of running in different pathways

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill


Perform and practice running in different ways. (zigzag-letters z, w, v,

How many different direction can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways by running in different pathways.

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills

Perform and practice running in different ways (swivel-letter 2)

How many different directions can you run?

Learners to practice running in different ways by running in different pathways.

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Running)

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to perform and practice running in different ways.

  • Low
  • Medium
  • High

Which direction can you run fast?

Learners to practice running in different ways by running in different levels

  • Field
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Running)

The learner to make appropriate play items for creativity and imagination

Which play items do you like playing with?

Learners to make appropriate play items for creativity and imagination

  • Bean bags
  • Seeds
  • Spoon
  • Potatoes





Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Running)

The learner to play games for enjoyment collaboration and peaceful coexistence

Which games do you like playing?

Learners to play games that involve running such as: run carrying bean bags, egg and run while in sacks with slow, moderate and fast speed.

  • Bean bags
  • Spoon
  • Potatoes
  • Field
  • Sacks
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Running)

Establish relationships through running for critical thinking and problem solving

Which direction can you run faster?

Learners to obey rules as they run and play games

  • Bean bags
  • Sacks
  • Spoon
  • Potatoes etc.
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

Watch a video clip for height for body awareness and digital literacy

Name the body parts in se when jumping for height

Learners to watch video clips and identify the parts of the body used when jumping for height

  • Ropes
  • Field
  • Video clips
  • Field makers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

Learners to practice jumping in different ways. (forward and backward)

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learners to practice jumping in different ways

  • Roped
  • field
  • field makers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

Learners to perform jumping in different ways for strength coordination, endurable and for excellence. (to the right)

Which direction is easier for you to jump to?

Learners to perform jumping in different ways for strength, coordination, endurable and for excellence

  • Ropes
  • Field makers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill



Learners to perfume jumping in different ways (to the left)


Which direction is easier for you to jump to?


Learners to perform to jumping in different ways (to the left)


  • Ropes
  • Field markers


Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to practice and perform jumping in different ways. (circulat)

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learner to practice and perform jumping in circular ways

  • Ropes
  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

The learner to perform and practice jumping in different ways.(straight)

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learner to practice and perform jumping in circular ways

  • Ropes
  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

Perform and practice jumping in different ways.(curved)

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learner to practice and perform jumping in curved ways

  • Ropes
  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

Perform and practice jumping in different ways.(zigzag)

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learner to practice and perform jumping in zigzag ways

  • Ropes
  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to run in varying levels- slow, medium and fast while making shapes

Which direction can you run fast

Learners to vary in levels slow, medium and fast while making shapes

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

Establish relationships through jumping for height for critical thinking and problem solving

Which direction you to jump easily?

Learner to relationships through jumping.

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills Jumping for height

The learner to make appropriate play items for creativity and imagination

Which direction is easier for you to jump?

Learner to make appropriate play items for creativity and imagination

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Locomotion Skills (Jumping for height)

The learner to play games for enjoyment, collaboration and peaceful coexistence

Which games do you like playing?

Learner to play game that involve jumping for height such as in threes and with a rope

  • Field markers
  • Observation
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Non-Locomotion Skills (stretching )

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

Explore stretching in different directions for body awareness

Name the body parts that are in use when stretching

Learners to answer questions on parts of the body that are in use when stretching

  • Field
  • Field markers
  • Oral questions
  • Practical




Basic Motor Skill

Non-Locomotion Skills (stretching )

Learner to watch a video clip of a cheetah and a cat stretching

Which animals stretch themselves?

Learners to watch a video clip of a cheetah and a cat stretching

  • Video clips
  • Oral questions




Basic Motor Skill

Non-Locomotion Skills (stretching )

Perform stretching in different ways for flexibility, agility, coordination and space awareness

How many different directions can you stretch towards?

Learners to stretch towards different directions such as sideways

  • Field
  • Field markers
  • Oral questions
  • practical














Karibu Darasani

Kusikiliza na kuzungumza



Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua maneno yanayotukika katika maamkuzi kuamkua na kuitikia maamkuzi ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumza  

Tunatumia maneno yepi katika salamu?

Mwanafunzi aigize maamkuzi kama vile hujambo?

Sijambo; Hamjambo?

Hatujambo darasani   

Mwanafunzi ajadili mchoro wa watu wawili wakisalimiana   

Wanafunzi wasalimiana na kisha washirikishwe katika mjadala kuhusu maamkuzi

Mwalimu asikilize wanafunzi wakitaja maneno yanayopatikana katika salamu.

Mwalimu ubao chati Uk 1-2  

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kufurahia kushirika katika maamkizi

Kutambua umuhimu wa salamu

Kwa nini watu husalimiana?

Je kuna furaha unapomsalimu mwenzako?

Wanafunzi waweza  kuigiza maamkuzi darasani wakiwa wawili wawili

Mwalimu asikilize maoni ya wanafunzi kwa kushiriki katika maamkuzi.



Uk 4-5  

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua maagizo mepesi yanayotolewa darsani


Je unaweza kutambua maagizo yoyote?

Mwanafunzi ashiriki katika kutoa na kufuata maagizo kama vile simama, keti, andika na chora  

Mwanafunzi aweza kuonyeshwa video ya jinsi ya kutoa na kufuata maagizo   

Mwanafunzi ashiriki katika mjadala wa maagizo yafaayo na yasiyofaa kufuatwa.

Mwalimu  asikilize wanafunzi wakitambua  maagizo mepesi yanayotolewa

Kitabu chati Uk 6-7  

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kutatoa na kufuata maagizo mepesi yanayotumiwa darasani

Ni nani anayetakiwa kutoa maagizo?  

Kufuata maagizo kuna umuhimu gani?

Mwanafunzi afafanue umuhimu wa maagizo   

Mwanafunzi aweza kushirikishwa katika masimulizi ya matokeo ya kufuata na kutofuata maagizo

Mwalimu asikilize wanafunzi wakifuata maagizo mepesi darasani.



Kitabu mwalimu Chati Uk 7-6 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze;

Kutambua majina ya vifaa vinavyopatikana darasani ili kurahisisha mawasiliano.

Je mwanafunzi anajua vitu ambavyo anatumia darasani?

Mwalimu kusikiza vifaa ambavyo wanafunzi wanazijua. Mwalimu kusikiza vifaa ambavyo wanafunzi wanazijua.

Mwalimu kusikiza vifaa ambavyo wanafunzi wanazijua.

Ubao  mwaklimu chati uk 10-11 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutumia majina ya vifaa darasani ilinaweze kuzungumza na wenzake.

Kufurahia kuvitunza na kuvitumia viufaa vinavyopatikana darasani.

Je wajua umoja na wingi wa vitun vya darasa?  

Je unafurahia kuwa na vifaa mbalimbali darasani?

Mwanafunzi ataje vifaa halisi k.v. dawati, kitabu, kalamu na kifutio  

Mwanafunzi aweza kuonyeshwa picha za vifaa halisi na kutaja majina   

Mwanafunzi achore maumbo ya vifaa vya darasani

Mwalimu kutazama michoro ya wanafunzi darasani.


Dawati Mwalimu wanafunzi  

uk 11-12 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua msamiati uliotumika katika hadithim ili kuimarisha ufahamu..

Je ni maneno yapi  mapya unayoyatambua katika hadithi?

Mwanafunzi ajadili picha zilizojumuishwa kwenye hadithi 

Mwanafunzi atabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi 

Mwanafunzi  athibitishe utabiri wake baada ya usomewa hadith

Mwalimu asikize msamiati uliotumika kutoka kwa wanfunzi

Mwalimu Michoro kitabu  

uk 13-14

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusikiliza hadithi ikisomwa na mwalimu ili kujenga usikivu

Unapenda hadithi?

Kwa nini unapenda kusikiliza hadthi?

Mwanafunzi aeleze matumizi ya msamiati uliotumika kwenye hadithi 

Mwanafunzi aulize na kujibu maswali.   

Wanafunzi waweza kujadiliana kuhusu hadithi wakiwa wawili wawili

Mwalimu afafanue hadithi kwa wanafunzi.

Mwalimu awpe wanafunzi zoezi la kueleza walichoelewa




Uk 14

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze;

Kuchangamkia hadithi katika maisha ya kila siku

Kufafanua hadithi kwa wenzake

Je unaweza kuhadithia wenzako?  

Je unakumbuka hadithi yoyote uliyosikia?

Wanafunzi waweza kujadiliana kuhusu hadithi wakiwa wawili wawili   

Mwanafunzi aweza kusikiliza hadithi ikisomwa kwa kutumia tarakilishi na projekt

Mwalimu asikilize kisa chochote cha mwanafunzi.




Uk 15

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua wezake darasani kwa majina, miaka ,gredi  ili kuweza kuwaeleza

Wewe ni nani?  

Uko katika gredi ipi?

Mwanafunzi asikilize maelezo ya wengine.   

Mwanafunzi aweza kusikiliza maelezo ya wenzake yaliyorekodiwa kwenye simu, kinasa sauti, kipatakalishi n.k.  

Wanafunzi watoleane maelezo kuwahusu katika vikund.



mwanafunzi akimweleza mwenzake






Uk17 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutoa muhtasari wa maelezo aliyoyasikia katika mazingira yake.  

Kudhihirisha umakinifu wa kusikili za katika mazingura yake

Unapenda kufanya nini?  

Je unamfahamu mwenzako vizuri?

Mwanafunzi aeleze maana ya msamiati unaotumiwa kujieleza k.v. umri, miaka,msichana, mvulana, gredi na rafiki.   

Mwanafunzi atunge sentensi kwa kutumia maneno yanayotumiwa kujieleza na kueleza wenzake.

Mwalimu aangalie kazi ya mwanafunzi  anapojieleza





Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia  mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze;

Kujivunia nafsi  yake na wenzake katika miktadha mbalimbali

Je unaeza nieleza muktadha wowote ?

Mwanafunzi ajadili picha zilizojumuishwa kwenye hadithi. 

Mwanafunzi atabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi. 

Mwanafunzi athibitishe utabiri wake baada ya kusomewa hadithi.

Mwalimu asikize  mwanafunzi akimueleza




Uk 18-19  Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusimulia hadithi aliyosikiliza darasani ili kujenga stadi ya kusikiliza  

Kufahamu hadithi aliyosimulia ili kupata ujumbe?

Umewahi kusimulia kisa kipi?  

Unatarajiwa kufanya nini unaposimuliwa masdimulizi?

Mwanafunzi aweze kuwa makini anaposimuliwa masimulizi.   

Mwanafunzi asikilize masimulizi kupitia vifaa vya kiteknolojia k.m. simu, kinasa sauti, kipatakalishi n.k.   

Mwanafunzi aweza kusikiliza mgeni mwalikwa akisimulia masimulizi.

Mwalimu asikilize mwanafunzi akisimukia hadithi


Uk 20-21

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kuonyesha umakinifu wa kusikiliza klatika darasani

Kuchangamkia hadithi simulizi maishani

Unakumbuka ni ni katika masimulizi uliyosimuliwa?

Mwalimu asikilize maoni ya mwanafunzi kuhusu masimulizi.

Mwalimu asikilize maoni ya mwanafunzi kuhusu masimulizi.


Uk 21-22  

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1










Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze 

Kutambua wenzake darasani kutambua msamiati uliotumika 

Kuskiza hadithi zikisomwa ili kujenga usikivu 

Je,ni hadithi ipi iliosomwa?


Unatarajiwa kufanya nini unapo somewa hadithi

Mwanafunzi ajadili picha zilizojumuishwa kwenye hadithi.   

 Mwanafunzi atabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi.   

Mwanafunzi athibitishe utabiri wake baada ya kusomewa hadithi.



mwanafunzi akisoma hadithi.





Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusikiliza kufahamu hadithi aliyo somewa darasani ili kupata ujumbe


kusikiliza hadithi kila siku

Unafikiria ni nini kitakacho tokea katika hadithi hii?

Wanafunzi wajadiliane kuhusu hadithi waliosomewa katika vikundi. 

 Mwanafunzi aweza  kushirikishwa kusikiliza hadithi zikisomwa kupitia vifaa vya teknolojia k.v. tarakilishi, projekta n.k.


asikilize maoni ya mwanafunzi kuhusu hadithi.




Uk 24-25





Kusikiliza na kuzungumza 

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze 

Kutambua habari moja hadi kumi katika mazingira yake

Kuhesabu nambari moja hadi kumi

Unajua kuhesabu nambari ngapi?

Mwanafunzi anaweza kupewa kadi za nambari azitaje kwa maneno. 

Mwanafunzi aweza  kukariri mashairi kuhusu nambari hadi kumi. 

Mwanafunzi aweza kushirikishwa kuimba nyimbo za tarakimu

Mwalimu atazame wanafunzi wakihesabu tarakimu



Uk 26-27












Kutaja majina ya nambari moja hadi kumi kwa mfululizo ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumza

Kutumia majina ya nambari moja hadi kumi kutunga sentensi ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumuza

Je unaweza kuhesabu moja hadi kumi?  

Je unaweza kutumia majina yapi ya nambari moja hadi kumi?

Wanafunzi waambatanishe nambari na maneno kwa kuonyeshwa nambari na kutaja jina la nambari husika.   

Wanafunzi wahesabu vidole kwa Kiswahili wakiwa wawili wawil

Wanafunzi wanaweza kupanga kadi za majina ya nambari hadi kumi kwa utaratibu

Mwalimu asikilize wanafunzi wakitaja nambari moja hadi kumi.










Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusikiliza kwa makini masimulizi kuhusu shambani katika kujenga usikivu

kutaja majina ya  vifaa vinavyo tumika shambani

Je ni vifaa vipi hutumika shambani?

Wanafunzi wanaweza kupanga kadi za majina ya nambari hadi kumi kwa utaratibu.  

 Mwanafunzi aweza kuonyeshwa nambari na jina kwa kutumia tarakilishi na projekta.  

 Mwanafunzi aweza kuonyeshwa video ya wanafunzi wakisoma nambari hadi kumi kwa tarakilishi.

Mwalimu asikilize mwanafunzi akifafanua masimulizi





Uk 30-31





Kusoma hadithi

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua msamiati  ulio tumika kurahisisha ufahamu

Umewahi kusikiliza hadithi?  

Unatarajiwa kufanya nini unapo somewqa hadithi?

Mwanafunzi aweza kusikiliza masimulizi kupitia kwa vyombo vya kiteknolojia kama vile simu, kinasasauti na kipatakalishi vyaweza kutumiwa katika kusimulia visa mbalimbali.  

mwalimui ashirikiana na wanafunzi wenzake kusoma ufahamu


Uk 33-34

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusikiza hadithi na kuielewa

Kufahamu hadithi aliyo somewa ili kupata ujumbe

Unatarajiwa kufanya nini wakati wa kusoma hadithi?

Mwanafunzi ashirikiane na wengine kujadili picha zilizojumuishwa kwenye hadithi.   

Mwanafunzi atabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi.   

 Mwanafunzi athibitishe utabiri wake baada ya kusoma hadithi..



mwanafunzi akitambiri kitakachoto kea.



Uk 34-35

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1




Siku za wiki

Kusikiliza na kuzungumz a msamiati

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

kutambua siku za wiki katika mawasiliano ya kila siku

Kutaja majina ya siku za wiki

Je wiki moja iko na siku ngapi?  

Unaenda shuleni siku ngapi?



Mwanafunzi atunge sentensi akitumia msamiati uliotumika kwenye hadithi.   

Wanafunzi wajadiliane kuhusu hadithi waliosomewa katika vikundi.

. Mwalimu asikilize majibu wa siku za wiki kutoka kwa wanafunzi.


Uk36 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1




Siku za wiki


Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kueleza shughuli za siku mbalimbali za wiki ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumza

Kudhamini kila siku ya wiki ili kutilia maanani shughuli za maishani

Je unaweza kutaja na Kuandika majina yapi ya siku za wiki kwa mfuatano?


Mwanafunzi aweza kusikiliza hadithi zikisomwa kupitia vifaa vya kiteknolojia k.v. tarakilishi, projekta n.k.   

Mwanafunzi aulize na kujibu maswali kutokana na hadithi

mwalimu ashiriki katika majadiliano ya shughuli ya siku


Uk 36

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1




Siku za wiki


Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kusimulia matukio katika siku tofaotui ili kujenga stadi ya kuzungumza

Kufahamu masimulizi ya matukio ya siku za wiki yaliyosimuliwa ili kupata ujembe

Kuonyesha umakinifu wa kusikiliza kaatika mawasiliano Kuchangamkia masimulizi maishani ili kuimarisha usikivu

Ni matukio yapi uliowahi kushuhudia?

Unatarajiwa kufamnya nini unaposimuliwa kisa?

Mwanafunzi ashiriki katika majadiliano ya shughuli za siku za wiki k.m. Jumatatu naenda shule, Ijumaa, Jumamosi au Jumapili nashiriki ibada n.k.   

Wanafunzi waweza kupanga kadi za majina ya siku za wiki kwa utaratibu wakiwa wawili wawili

Mwalimu asikize mwanafunzi akisimulia kisa darasani.



UK 40 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kutambua msamiati uliotumika katika hadithi kuielewa

Kufahamu hadithi aliyo somewa ili kupa

Kutabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi

Unafikiria ni nini kitakacho tokea katika hadithi hii?

Mwanafunzi ajadili picha zilizojumuishwa kwenye hadithi.   

Mwanafunzi atabiri kitakachotokea kwenye hadithi.   

Mwanafunzi athibitishe utabiri wake baada ya kusomewa hadithi.

mwalimui aweze kutazama picha za kadi za

msamiati unaotumiwa katika hadithi



Uk 41


dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1






Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

Kufahamu hadithi iliyosomwa katika mada ili kupata ujumbe

kutamka sauti nne za herufi moja ili kuimarisha mazungumzo

Unakumbuka hadithi ipi iliyosomwa?

Mwanafunzi aweza kushirikishwa kusikiliza hadithi kwa kutumia vifaa vya teknolojia k.v. tarakilishi, projekta n.k.   

Mwanafunzi aweza kuonyeshwa picha na kadi za maneno yaliyotumiwa katika hadithi.  

Mwanafunzi ajibu na aulize maswali kutokana na hadithi.

Mwalimu asikilize mwanafunzi akitoa hadithi.


Hadithi wamnafunzi  

Uk 43-44 Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1





Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

kutambua sauti za herufi moja zilizofunzwa katika

maneno  ili kuimarisha mazungumzo

Ni sauti zipi unazojua kutamka?

Mwanafunzi atumie teknolojia (papaya) kutamkia sauti.   

 Mwanafunzi atambue herufi inayowakilisha sauti lengwa kwa kutumia kadi za herufi.

Mwanafunzi aambatanishe silabi kusoma maneno yanayotokana na sauti lengwa..

Mwalimu asikilize kama mwanafunzi anajua kutambua sauti za herufi moja.



Kiswahili dadisi

mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1





Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

kutambua majina ya herufi zinazowakilisha sauti lengwa katika kuimarisha stadi ya kusoma

kusoma herufi za sauti moja katika kujenga stadi ya kusoma

Unajua kusoma herufi na maneno?

Mwanafunzi atenganishe silabi katika kutambua sehemu mbalimbali za maneno.  

 Wanafunzi waweza kushirikishwa kusikiliza mgeni mwalikwa mwenye umahiri wa kutamka sauti lengwa.   

Mwanafunzi asome maneno kwa kutumia silabi au kugawa maneno marefu zaidi vipande vipande.



mwanafunzi akitambua herufi zinazowakili

sha sauti lengwa katika kuimarisha stadi ya kusoma.


Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1





Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Kufikia mwisho wa mada mwanafunzi aweze

kusoma maneno kwa  kutumia silabi zinazotokana na sauti lengwa katika kujenga stadi ya kusoma


Unajua kuandiaka maneno na heruf?

Mwanafunzi asikilize na kusoma hadithi kupitia vifaa vya kiteknolojia kama vile tarakilishi, projekta n.k. 

Mwanafunzi afinyange na aandike maumbo ya herufi za  sauti alizosoma hewani na vitabuni.  

 Mwanafunzi aandike maneno yaliyo na herufi za sauti alizofunzwa kwa kunakili aliyoandika mwalimu.

Soma maneno katika kitabu kwa kutumia silabi


Uk 48  

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Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Kufikia mwisho wa mada, mwa aweze:      

Kuandika maumbo ya herufi zinazowakilisha sauti lengwa.

Unaeza Kuandika maumbo ya herufi zinazowakilisha sauti lengwa?

Mwanafunzi asome maneno kwa kutumia silabi au kugawa maneno marefu zaidi vipande vipande

Wanafunzi wasome hadithi zilizo na maneno yaliyobeba sauti lengwa kama darasa au wawili wawili.

Mwalimu atazame mwanafunzi akiandika maumbo ya herufi zinazowakili sha sauti lengwa.

Wanafunzi uk51  

Kiswahili dadisi mazoezi ya lugha gradi 1