CRE Schemes - Grade 1 Schemes of Work Term 2 2023

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Sub - Strand

Specific Learning Outcomes

Key Inquiry Question

Learning Experience

Learning Resources





Bible story

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Narrate the story of Elijah and the chariot of fire and apply it their relationship with others Identify the lesson learned values acquired from the story Elijah and the chariot of fire

What happened when Elijah and Elisha were walking?

Learners to read 1kings2:11-12

Learners to observe the picture and tell the lesson and values learned from the story of Elijah and the chariot of fire and they apply in their day to day life Learners to recite the verse 1king: -11 and memorize it Learners to sing a song about Elijah being taken by the chariot of fire



growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 31-33


Asking questions learners on what happened to Elijah




Bible story

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Importance of pleasing God and state ways of pleasing God in their daily life

Appreciate father-son relationship between Elijah and Elisha and desire to honor their parents

How was Elijah related to Elisha?

What did Elisha say when he saw

Elijah taken by the chariot of fire?

Learners to read the verse in the book of 2 kings 2:11

Learners to observe the picture of Elijah taken away by the chariot of fire and identify ways of pleasing God

Learners to draw and color the chariot of fire

Sing a song about ways of pleasing God and how Elijah pleased God



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh, page 31-33

Observe learners as they read the verse and ask them question




Bible story 

Elijah and the chariot of fire

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Recognize the importance of being holy and honoring god and apply it in their daily lives Identify ways of pleasing God and apply it with the relationship with others

Describe the story of Elijah and applies the values acquired in their daily interaction

What does God expect from us?

What values do we acquire from the story of Elijah?


Learners to list ways of pleasing God Learners to watch a video clip on Elijah and the chariot of fire Learners to role play on Elijah and Elisha walking and talking until the chariot appeared Learners to describe the story of Elijah and identify the values acquired on it 

Audio visual material


growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 31-33

Observe learners as they role play and guide them




The early of life Jesus  

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Mention the parents of Jesus and identify it with their own Identify the city Jesus was born Recognize the importance of children to their parents and how they are appreciated by their parents and relate with themselves

Which city was Jesus born?

What are the names of Jesus Christ?

Learners to read the verse Matthew 2:1 Learners to narrate the birth of Jesus Christ and identify the lesson learned

Learners to listen to the recordings of the coral on the birth of Jesus (jingle bells) Learners to sing the song

Audio recording


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 34-39





The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Describe the joy of the shepherds when Jesus was born relate with their s when a child is born in their family  Understand the reason why they celebrate Christmas and relates with their birth day

How did the shepherds show their joy when Jesus was born?

Learners to watch a video clip on how he shepherds celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ Learners to describe the joy of shepherds and state the reason why thy celebrate Christmas Learners to dramatize the way shepherd’s celeb rate when Jesus was born 

Learners to sing the song the angels sang during the Birth of Jesus Christ

Audio visual material


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j watiki, Denis Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they sing and ask the questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand learners should be able to:

Narrate the birth of Jesus and compare it with theirs

Identify the values and lessons learned from the birth of Jesus and apply it in their daily life


What happened when he baby is born?

What values do we learn from the birth of Jesus?

Learners to narrate the birth of Jesus as they relate with their ownLearners to tell how their parents show love and appreciate them

Learners to observe the pictures of Jesus and their parents and identify them

Learners to draw baby Jesus and their parents joseph 




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they draw and ask them question




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Identify that children are a blessing to the parents and should love and respect their parents 

Recognize that parents love children and should love and appreciate themselves as they belong to God for a sense of belong

Why do our parents love us?

Why does God love?

Learners to observe pictures of shepherd worshipping baby shower

Learners to role play on how shepherd worship Jesus

Sing a song (baby Jesus)



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39

Observe learners as they draw and ask questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Understand what happened when the baby is presented to God

Recognize that children should be given names for identification

Describe the process of naming and presentation in church

What happened after Jesus was born? 

Why was Jesus referred to as a king?

Learners to read luke2:22-24

Learners to say in class why presentation of babies to God is important

Learners to watch the naming and presentation process in a video clip Learners to discuss in groups and present in class the naming and presentation process in church

Audio visual materials  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango, l wachira, j

watiki, Denis Rutere, G Togo  , page 34-39

Ask learners questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the leaners should be able to: Explain the naming and dedication of Jesus Christ and relate to their own life experience

Identify the reason why the parents of Jesus gave out two doves

Why was Jesus dedicated to God? Why do we have names?

Learners to read

Luke2:22-24 Learners to watch a video on the presentation and dedication process of Jesus Christ to God Learners to state the reason as to why parents of Jesus gave out two doves

Leaners to sing a song related to dedication of Jesus and memorize the verse Luke2:22-24

Audio visual material Growing in

Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Heron

Oyango, l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39 Bible 

Observe learners as they sing and memorize the verse in the Bible and ask questions




The early life of  Jesus Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Recognize the importance of naming 0f children and relate with themselves having names to enhance self – awareness Appreciate their parents for giving them names and presenting them to God

Understand the reason for learning the birth of Jesus and relate to their daily life

Why do name children after birth?

Learners to state the importance of having names 

Learners to observe the picture of naming and presentation of the baby Jesus and draw and color Jesus and his parents 

Learners to state the reason why they are learning the birth of Jesus Christ

Learners to a sing a song on the birth of Jesus Christ



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 34-39  

Observe learners as the draw and sing the song and ask questions




The early life of

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ at the temple

By the end of the sub stand the learner should be able to: Identify the reason why Jesus went to the temple and compare to themselves going to church

Tell the reason why Jesus remained in the temple

Identify the reason why Jesus tell his parents that he was in his father’s house

Why did Jesus go to the temple? Why do we go to church?

Learners to read Luke2:42-49 Learners to observe pictured of Jesus in the temple

Learners to role play on how Jesus show assertiveness when question by his parents



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 40-42

Observe learners as they role play and ask the question on what did Jesus say to his parents by remaining in the temple




The early life of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ at the temple

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Emulate Jesus example by obeying his parents Identify the importance of obeying their parents

Recognize how God want them to obey their parents in order to live long


How do we obey our parents?

How did Jesus obey his parents?

Learners to tell how Jesus obeyed his parents Learners to sequentially arrange the flash cards on the events that took place when Jesus was left from the temple

Learners to say how they obey their parents at home




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe and guide learners as they arrange the flashcards




The early life of Jesus Christ





Jesus Christ in the temple

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Desire to follow Jesus Christ example to accompany their parents to church Recognize the importance of going to church to enhance spiritual growth

What do people do in church?

Learners to watch a video clip of Jesus in the temple and what happens in church Learners to role play and dramatize what happened in church learners to draw and color the church


Audio visual

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe learners as they role and draw the church




The early life of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ in the temple

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: identify the values acquired and lesson learned from Jesus Christ at the temple

What values do we acquire from Jesus

Christ at the temple?

Learners to watch a video clip of Jesus Christ at the temple and state the values and lessons learned from, it

Learners to role play on Jesus at the temple when the parents question him Learners to observe the picture of Jesus Christ at the temple and draw and color


Charts Audio visual material

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 40-42

Observe learners as they role play and drawing and coloring




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptisms of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Identify the reason why people get baptized

Describe how people get baptized Identify the places where people get baptized

What is baptism? Why do people get baptized?

Learners to state the reason why people get baptized

Learners to observe pictures of people being baptized and to state the places where baptism takes place

Learners to discuss in groups how people get baptized

Draw and color a person being baptized in the river



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page43-34

Observe learners as they draw and color person being baptized in the church




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Name the place Jesus

Christ was baptized Identify the lesson learned from Jesus being baptized  Who baptized Jesus and why

Who baptized Jesus?

Why was Jesus baptized?

Learners to watch video on baptism of Jesus Christ

Learners to mention incidents of baptism they may have witnessed in their churches

Learners to read Mathew 3:13-15 about the baptism of Jesus and identify the place Jesus was baptized and who baptized him

Learners to state lesson learned from the baptism of Jesus Christ

Audio visual material  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 43-45



Ask learners question on who baptized Jesus and why




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learners should be able to: Describe the events that took place in the baptism of Jesus Christ

Identify the lesson learned and values acquire in the baptism of Jesus Christ and applied in their day to day life

How Jesus Christ did express humility?

Learners to watch a video clip on Jesus Christ baptism and describe the events that took place 

Learners to state the values learned from the baptism of Jesus Christ Leaners to draw and color Jesus Christ being baptized

 Learners to sing a song on baptism

Audio visual material  Charts

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh, page 43-45

Observe learners as they draw and sing a song on baptism of Jesus Christ




The early life of Jesus Christ 

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Acquire the value of humility for peaceful co-existence with others

Understand the importance of baptism as it creates a bond between us and God 

Why do people have humility

Learners to read a verse on Mathew 3:13-15 about baptism of Jesus Christ

Learners to observe a picture of Jesus being baptized and state how Jesus show humility Learners to say how baptism create a bond between us and God



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learner book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45

Asking learners questions on how baptism creates a bond between us and God




The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe the baptism of Jesus Christ and state values learned and apply it in their day to day life Recognize that the baptism of Jesus Christ was special because Jesus is the son of God

Why was there a dove during the baptism of Jesus Christ?

Learners to read and describe the baptism of Jesus and state the values acquired from it

Learners to discuss in group and state the reason why Jesus Christ baptism was special Learners to observe the picture of Jesus Christ being baptized and see the presence of a dove



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45





The early life of Jesus Christ

The baptism of Jesus Christ

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe the process of baptism in church Identify the reason why John the Baptist baptized Jesus Recognize that baptism is important because it is away that brings us closer to God to enhance spiritual growth

Why did Jesus get baptized?

Learners to observe the pictures showing the baptism process in church and describe the process

Learners to read the verse in the Bible and to state the reason why Jesus was baptized



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 43-45





The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Describe what happened at the wedding in Cana Identify the reason why Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana 

What happened at the wedding in Cana?

Learners to read john 2:11-10

Learners to discuss in groups and describe what happened at the wedding in Cana

Learners to observe the picture and role play what happened at the wedding in Cana




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play and ask question




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to: Narrate how Jesus changed water into wine and should desire to depend on

God always Identify the importance of believing in Jesus as he was able to perform a miracle

Why Jesus turn water into wine?

Learners to read john2:1-11

Learners to narrate what happened at wedding in Cana

Learners to state the importance of believing Jesus by turning water into wine

Learners to watch a video clip on what happened in Cana and role play

Audio visual material  Bible 

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding at Cana

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Discuss how the servant obeyed Jesus instructions and relate with their daily lives

 Identify the importance of obeying Jesus Christ

How the servant did obeyed Jesus?

Learners to read john2:6-7

Learners to discuss how the servant obeyed Jesus instructions

Learners to discuss the process where Jesus turned water into wine and present water into wine

Learners to observe pictures and draw in class the six-jar filled with water at the wedding




Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they draw six jar filled with water




The early life of Jesus Christ

The wedding in Cana 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Recognize that we should believe and have faith in Jesus  Identify the values and lessons learned from what happened at the wedding in Cana

How did the servant respond to Jesus instructions

Learners to read john2:7-8

Learners to tell the response of the servant to Jesus instructions

Learners to watch a video on Jesus changing water into wine learners to role play on what happened at the wedding in Cana

Audio visual 


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 46-48

Observe learners as they role play on what happened at the wedding in cane




The early life of Jesus Christ 

Healing Simon peters mother in law

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: describe what happened when one feel sick describe how Jesus heal the mother in law of Simon peter recognize how Jesus can heal us when we feel sick


What happened when Jesus visited Simon peters mother in laws house?

Learners to read Mathew 8:14-15

Learners to discuss and narrate how Jesus healed Simon peters mother in law by looking at the picture

Leaners to role play on how Jesus healed Simon peters mother in law Learners to sing a song about the healing of Simon peters mother in law

Pictures Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 49-51

Asking learners questions




The early life of Jesus Christ

Healing of Simon peters mother in law

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

Describe how Simon peters mother in law show she was grateful to Jesus for healing her

Appreciate Simon peters mother in-law reactions by expressing gratitude for every good gift thy receive and relate to their daily life that they should be thankful

Recognize the importance of having faith in Jesus like Simon peters mother in law

How Simon did peters mother in law than Jesus?

Learners to red Mathew 8:14-15

Learners to describe how Simon peters mother in law show gratitude

Leaners Watch a video on Simon peters mother in-law shows gratitude Learners to role play on Simon peters other inlaw show gratitude

Audio visual material


Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 49-50

Ask learners question




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Identify items they share at home to enhance togetherness

Understand the reason why they should share at home or school 


What do you share at home?


Learners to name items they share at home

 Learners to identify in the picture the thing they share at home

Learners to state reason why they share at home and school



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59

Ask learners questions




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Understand the importance of sharing at home to enhance family unity

Draw items they share at home to enhance individual development and promote creativity and imagination

Why do we share?

Learners to observe and discuss a picture of a family sharing a meal together

Learners to draw and color items they share at home

Learners to share what they have to show kindness

Leaners to sing a song on sharing



Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Hezron Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59

Observe learners as they draw items they share at home




Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: State the items they share at home to enhance family unity State items they should not share at home for a healthy living

Why don’t we share some items at home?

Learners to read a verse on john6:1-14

Learners to state the reason they should not share some items at home by discussing in class with their friends

Learners in pairs to discuss the items they share in the picture

Asking learners questions 





Christian values


By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to: Narrate the story of a little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread 

Understand the importance of believing God through blessing two fish and five loaves of bread to feed the people

Why should we share things with other

Learners to read john 6:1-14

Leaners to watch a clip and role play on the story of little boy with two fish and five loaves of bread

Learners to tell the Importance of believing in Jesus and his miracles  Learners to sing a song on the little boy and with two fish and five loaves of bread

Audio visual material  Bible

Growing in Christ C.R E Activities learners  book grade 1 by Heron  Oyango,l  wachira, j watiki, Denis  Rutere, G Atogoh  , page 52- 59


Asking questions




Read 344 times Last modified on Tuesday, 31 January 2023 11:58

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