Displaying items by tag: 2021



  1. Name three things you can use when making wax crayons.
    1. ____________________________
    2. ____________________________
    3. ____________________________
  2. Name one primary colour _____________________________
  3. Give 2 examples of secondary colours.
    1.  _______________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
  4. Name two materials that you can use for basketry.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  5. A place where we dry and harden the modelled items is called a ________________________________________
  6. Which technique has been used to add value in the picture below?
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 AMP Q6   (cross hatching, smuldge)
  7. _____________ is the surface appearance of an object. (value, colour, shade)
    1. Primary colour + primary colour = ________________________
    2. Primary colour + 'secondary colour = ______________________
  9. How many dimensions are there in a 3D artwork?__________________________________
  10. Draw a basket and show the warps.
    Grade 4 Set 2 P.E Q3



  1. Some songs are sung when people are happy while others are sang when people are sad. Sadness or happiness in a song is the ____________________________ (tone, mood, value)
  2. Write the first line of the East African Community Anthem.
  3. When two voices are in agreement while singing together, they are said to be in ______________________________
    (speed, harmony, rhythm)
  4. In which languages are folk songs perfomed? __________________________________
  5. I am the person who plays instruments in a song. What is my name? ________________________________
  6. How do we play this instrument?
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 AMP Q6a ______________________________________
  7. We play this instrument by ___________________________
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 AMP Q7
  8. Name two parts of a descant decorder. 
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  9. Draw a symbol for the following note.
    Grade 4 Set 2 P.E Q3



  1. Explain the meaning of the following commands as used while starting an elongated start in athletics.
    1. On your marks - __________________________
    2. Get set - ___________________________
    3. Go - __________________________
  2. Identify the four stages of hurdling.
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
    3. _______________________________
    4. _______________________________
  3. Name three physical fitness gained from participating in hurdling events.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
    3. ____________________________________
  4. Identify two tools and equipment that are needed while playing softball.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  5. The diagram below shows a softball bat. Name the parts labelled X, Y, and Z.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 AMP Q5
  6. Name 2 examples of throwing skills in the game of rounders.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  7. Briefly explain the following terms as used in the game of rounders.
    1. Push pass ___________________________________
    2. Stance ______________________________________
    3. Stamping ____________________________________


Section A: Art and Craft

    1. Paraffin
    2. Cutting tools
    3. Bees wax
  2. Blue/yellow/red
    1. Orange
    2. Green
    1. Banana fibres
    2. Palm leaves
    3. Sisal fibres
  5. Kiln
  6. Cross hatching
  7. Colour
    1. Secondary colour
    2. Tertiary colour
  9. 3 dimensions
  10. Check diagram

Section B: Music

  1. Mood
  2. Ee Mungu twaomba uilinde
  3. Harmony
  4. Local languages
  5. An instrumentalist
  6. By hitting
  7. Blowing
    1. Mouth piece
    2. Thimble hole
  9. Check diagram

Section C; P.H.E

    1. The body shpould be in a crouch position
    2. Get ready with the whole body while the hips are raised abovethe shoulders.
    3. Press hard against the nground for a forward push
    1. Approach
    2. Take off
    3. Flight
    4. Hurdle clearance
    1. Makes bones and muscles stronger
    2. Makes one to be active
    3. Promotes brain function
    1. bats
    2. soft balls
  5. X-knob
    Z- Barrel
    1. Under arm
    2. Over arm
    1. It is a type of pass used to move a ball by a push action
    2. Refers to the placement of a kicking foot and the arms when performing a push pass
    3. Stepping on a player who is on the ground.



Study the map of Rwaka area below and answer questions 1 - 5.

Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q1

  1. River Rwaka flows from__________________ to _____________________
  2. The symbol Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q2 shows that there is _______________in Rwaka area. 
  3. Name two physical features that are found in Rwaka area. __________________, ________________
  4. People in Rwaka area lives near the _____________________
  5. State two economic activities practised by the people of Rwaka area. __________________, ______________________
  6. The border that is drawn around a map is called _________________________
  7. Kenya is found to the _________________________ of Ethiopia
  8. Nyika and Yatta are examples of ____________________________ (plains, plateaus) 
  9. Name one physical feature that is shared by Kenya, Uganda nd Tanzania. ______________________________
  10. Another name for hot and wet climatic region is _________________________ 
  11. Complete the box marked P.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q11
  12. Areas with good climate and fertile soils have ____________________________ population
  13. What is apprenticeship? ______________________________________________________________________
  14. The following are duties of a school administrator.
    1. Prepares and maintains class register.
    2. Mantains class discipline. 
    3. Provide guidance and counselling to pupils.
      The school adminstrator who performs the above duties is _____________________

For questions 15 - 17 match the resource with their economic activity.

           Resource                   Economic activity

  1. Wild life                        Saw milling
  2. Mineral                         Tourism
  3. Forests                         Mining

  4. Growing of crops and keeping of animals for home use is known as _________________________ farming 
  5. Growing of crops in a small piece of land is known as ______________________ farming.
  6. The history of a community in traditional Kenyan societies was learnt through _____________________________
  7. Tick the historic built environment found in the coastal region of Kenya.
    1. Vasco da Gama pillar answer box
    2. Bomas of Kenya answer box
    3. Kobi Fora  answer box
    4. Fort Jesus. answer box

Study the map below and answer the questions 22 - 24.

            Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sst Q22

  1. The country marked P is known as ____________________________
  2. State two importance of the river marked L. 
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  3. The language group found in the region markes sss is ________________________
  4. Kenya is made up of _________________counties.



  1. Identify one responsibility that was given to man by God in the garden of Eden. _________________
  2. Name two values that Christains acquire when they use the Bible as their daily guide.
  3. The last book in the Bible is __________________
  4. The third king of Israel was known as __________________________
    Pick the correct words from the box below to fill in gaps in questions 6 - 9.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 CRE Q4
  5. Jesus prayed with His disciples at ________________________
  6. Elijah defeated the prophets of Baal at _______________________
  7. God gave Moses the ten commandments at _____________________
  8. Abraham offered his son for sacrifice to God at ____________________________
  9. The son of Noah who saw his father's nakedness was ________________________
  10. _________________and __________________ were put to jail for preaching that Jesus had risen from the dead. 
  11. Jesus was baptised in River ____________________
  12. The miracle of Jesus calming the storm shows that Jesus has power over ________________________
  13. ____________________ baskets of leftovers remained when Jesus fed 5000 people.
  14. God wants us to _______________________ our enemies.
  15. Jesus healed a paralyzed man and forgave his _________________________
  16. From the parable of the lost sheep, the good shephered represents ___________________________
  17. Happy are those who are ___________________________ to others, God will be merciful to them.
  18. Happy are the pure in for heart they will ______________________________



  1. Abu Lahab's wife was cursed in surah _______________________________
  2. Where was surah Al Kafirrun revealed?  ______________________________________
  3. When talking, we should always _______________________ the truth.
  4. What is twahara in Islam? _________________________
  5. No one will enter paradise except the ______________________________
  6. There are ___________________________________ classes of najissat.
  7. It is faradh to clean wudhu parts____________________times.(1, 3, 6) 
  8. When is it recommended to be in a state of Wudhu? ___________________________
  9. The naked parts of a Muslim are referred to as the _______________________
  10. Moral values are referred to as __________________________in Islam 
  11. Why did Allah sent down clothing?_________________________ 
  12. The television is ____________________of communication. (means, part) 
  13. Bad things in the society are called _______________________________________________
  14. _______________________________ encourages laziness in Islam. (Beggining, Working)
  15. Work is a form of _______________________(punishment, ibaadah) 
  16. The word 'Iqraa' means ____________________________
  17. Small kindness are mentioned in surah ___________________________
  18. We should say ____________________ among ourselves show love for each other.
  19. Seeking knowledge is ________________________ upon every Muslim. 
  20. The term "Al Waheed" means ___________________________


Section A: Social Studies

  1. South, West
  2. Railway line
  3. River, hills
  4. Road
  5. farming, mining, trading
  6. Frame
  7. South
  8. Plateaus
  9. Lake Victoria
  10. Equatorial
  11. Maasai
  12. Dense
  13. Learning from specialist
  14. Teacher
  15. Tourism
  16. Mining
  17. Sawmilling
  18. Subsistence
  19. Small Scale
  20. Stories/narratives
  21. Vasco Da Gama, Fort Jesus
  22. Southern Sudan
    1. Irrigation
    2. Production of electricity
  24. Cushites
  25. 47

Section B: Christian Religious Education

  1. Taking care of God's creation
  2. Responsibility; humility
  3. Revelation
  4. Solomon
  5. Mount Olives
  6. Mt. Carmel
  7. Mt. Sinai
  8. Mt.Horeb
  9. Ham
  10. Paul and Silas
  11. Jordan
  12. Nature
  13. 12
  14. Love
  15. Sins
  16. Jesus Christ
  17. Merciful
  18. See God

Section C: Islamic Religious Education

  1. Lahab
  2. Makkah
  3. Speak
  4. Cleanliness
  5. Clean
  6. Three
  7. One
  8. When going to bed
  9. Aura
  10. Akhlaa
  11. To cover our aura
  12. means
  13. Vices
  14. Begging
  15. Ibaadah
  16. Read
  17. Maun
  18. Salaam
  19. Obligatory
  20. The one



  1. List two signs and symptoms of cholera.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
  2. List two characteristics of plants as living things.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
  3. Name two examples of flowering plants.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
  4. Match the computer parts to their uses.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sci Q4
  5. State three safety precautions when handling animals.
    1. ___________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
    3. ___________________________________
  6. Name two types of fuel used at home.
    1. ___________________________________
    2. ___________________________________
  7. List two characteristics of the animal shown below.
                Grade 3 CBC swa ET2 set 2 2021 F3
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  8. Draw the safety wear used to handle plants.
    Grade 3 CBC maths ET2 2021 F6 square
           Safety gloves
    Grade 3 CBC maths ET2 2021 F6 square
  9. List any two examples of fungi.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________



  1. The process by which the soil is moved by wind or water from one place to another is called ____________________
  2. Name three farming practices that conserve water from the soil.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
    3. _____________________________________
  3. Giving rise to a young one of the same kind is called _________________________________
    (reproduction, feeding, response to change in environment)
  4. Match the animal with where it lives.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sci Q4a
  5. Draw and colour a chick.
    Grade 3 CBC maths ET2 2021 F6 square
  6. Name the gardening tools shown below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sci Q6a ______________________________

    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 sci Q6b ________________________________
  7. List down three methods of controlling soil erosion.
    1. ____________________________________________
    2. _____________________________________________
    3. _____________________________________________


HOMESCIENCE (15 marks)

  1. Name the cleaning tool drawn below.
    Grade 3 CBC hyg ET2 2021 F5 ___________________________________________
  2. Name two uses of buttons in clothes and household articles.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  3. Give two tools which are used in needlework.
    1. ______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
  4. Write 'true' or 'false' in the following statements.
    1. Using good table etiquette is good manners.______________________
    2. Being unkind and rude is good manners. _______________________
    3. Using technology wisely and safely is good manners. ____________________________
  5. Pouring water on a plain wooden surface can lead to _____________________________
    (slipperiness, damage, baking)
  6. The easiest way to stop the spread of germs is through _________________________
    (sleeping long hours, washing hands)
  7. Match the clothes with the time they are worn.
                Cloth                          Time
    1. Uniform                  Sleeping time
    2. Casual wear           School time
    3. Pyjamas                 When at home 
  8. Name two basic food groups. 
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________


Section A: Science and Technology

    1. Vomiting
    2. Dehydration
    3. Diarrhoea
    1. They grow
    2. They die
    1. Benas
    2. Mango tree
    1. Display what is being typed in the computer
    2. Used for typing
    3. Gives instructions when clicked
    1. Do not run when handling animals
    2. Approach animals with caution
    3. Avoid dangerous animals
    1. Firewood
    2. Charcoal
    3. Paraffin
    1. They are cold blooded
    2. They have moist skin
  8. Check diagram
    1. Mould
    2. Yeast
    3. Mushroom

Section B: Agriculture

  1. Soil erosion
    1. Mulching
    2. Covercropping
    3. Sleeping crops
  3. Reproduction
    1. Sty
    2. Coop
    3. Kennel
  5. Check diagram
    1. Jenbe
    2. Watering can
    1. Constructing gabbions
    2. Planting cover crops
    3. Making terraces

Section C:Homescience

  1. Dust pan
    1. Fastening
    2. Decorating
    3. Close and opening
    1. Tape measure
    2. Threads
    1. True
    2. False
    3. True
  5. Slipperiness
  6. Washing hands
    1. School time
    2. When at home
    3. Sleeping time
    1. Vitamins
    2. Proteins


Mwalimu asome kifungu kifuatacho kisha amwulize mwanafunzi maswali kwa sauti.

Kandanda hupendwa na huchezwa kote duniani. Ni mchezo unaoleta watu pamoja kwa amani na furaha. Zamani mchezo huu ulichezwa na wanaume pekee. Siki hizi, wanawake pia hucheza. Mchezo wa kandanada pia huitwa soka, ngozi ama kabumbu. Huchezwa na watu kumi na mmoja kila upande.


  1. Kandanda hupendwa na kuchezwa wapi? _____________________________
  2. Zamani mchezo huu ulichezwa na nani? __________________________
  3. Majina mengine yenye maana sawa na kandanda in ______________________
  4. Mchezo wa soka huchezwa na watu wangapi kila upande? ______________________________


Soma kifungu kifuatacho kwa sauti

Wanyama wanaofugwa huitwa mifugo. Wanyama hawa ni kama mbuzi, kondoo, ng'ombe, ngamia na punda. Wanyama hawa wana faida nyingi sana. Mfugaji huwakamua ng'ombe ambao humpa maziwa ambayo humpa pesa nyingi akiyauza.

Maziwa pia hutumiwa kutengeneza siagi. Jbini hizi ni tamu sana. Kondoo hutupa sufi ambazo hutumiwa kutengeneza fulana. Maziwa ya mbuzi ni mazuri sana. Ngamia hutumiwa kubebea mizigo.

Maziwa yake pia hunywewa na watu wengine huamini kuwa ni dawa. Wanyama wote wanahitaji kutunzwa. Sharti waishi mahali safi na wapewe chakula cha kutosha ili wawe na afya nzuri. 


Soma kufungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.

Hodari alikuwa kifunguamimba wa Bwana na Bi Omar. Kwa jumla walikuwa watoto wanne; wasichana wawili na wavulana wawili. Familia hii ilikuwa na maisha mazuri siku zote. Watoto hawa walilelewa na kusomeshwa vizuri.

Kwa bahati mbaya, baba yao alifutwa kazi kule alikoajiriwa. Alifutwa kwa sababu wenzake walimfitini. Hapo ndipo maisha yalipobadilika katika familia hii.

Maisha yakawa magumu. Ilibidi Hodari ambaye ni kifunguamimba kutafuta kibarua ili aweze kuwasaidia wazazi wake na wadogo wake. Kazi hizi za vibarua alikuwa anazifanya baada ya kutoka shuleni. Wakati mwingine chakula na mahitaji mengine yakakosekana. Ilibidi Hodari aache shule na kuamua kutafuta kazi ya uyaya. Kazi hizi zilikuwa nyingi kijijini.

Tajiri mmoja alimpa kazi ya nyumbani. Kazi ilikuwa ngumu sana kwa mtoto wa shule kama vile Hodari. Aliteseka sana kwa kukosa nafasi ya kucheza na watoto wenzake. Mizigo mizito aliyobebeshwa ilimwacha akiwa mchovu kwelikweli.

Kwa bahati nzuri msamaria mwema mmoja alimwonea huruma na kuamua kumsaidia. Pamoja na mambo aliyosaidiwa nayo ni ajira kwa wazazi wake.


  1. Kisa hiki kinahusu mtoto aitwaye ___________________________
  2. Ni nani alifutwa kazi? ______________________________
  3. Ni vibaya kumnyima mtoto haki ya ________________________________
  4. Hapo mwanzoni maisha ya Hodari na wadogo wake yalikuwa  ___________________________
  5. Taja kazi moja aliyofanyishwa Hodari _______________________


Kanusha sentensi hizi.

  1. Wewe unapenda chakula kitamu. 
  2. Alisoma hadithi.
  3. Yeye ataegesha gari karibu na soko.

Jibu kwa usahihi kwa kuchangua majibu kutoka kwa mabano.

Baada ya siku____4____ (mingi, nyingi) kuku alianza ___5___ (kutaga, kutoa) mayai. Alifurahi sana.

Alitaka mayai ____6____ (hiyo, hayo) yote yatoe vifaranga. Jioni ____27____ (monja, moja), aliporudi kibandani alianza kuatamia mayai ____8____ (zake, yake).

Ambatanisha nomino hizi ili kuunda nomino ambata

               A                           B

  1. Mwana                 hazina
  2. Askari                   sesere 
  3. Mweka                  kanzu
  4. Tegua kitendawili kifuatacho: Achora lakini hana kalamu _________________________ 
  5. Kisawe cha barabara ni ______________________
  6. Taja viungo viwili vya upishi.
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
  7. Tunga sentensi ukitumia nomino hizi.
    1. Upishi _________________________________
    2. Picha  _________________________________
  8. Jibu maagano haya. "Alamsiki" _____________________________________
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 SWA Q17
    Kifaa hii hutumika _____________________________________
  10. Kikundi cha matunda huitwa__________________ (pakacha, mtumba, numbi)
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 SWA Q19
    Kifaa hiki huitwa __________________________.
    Andika sentensi zifuatao kwa wingi.
  12. Ndoo hii imejaa maji ________________________________ 
  13. Ukuta huu umebomoka ____________________________________
  14. Sentensi moja katika ushairi huitwa________________________________
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 swa Q23
    Hii ni namba gani? _____________________________________________


Andika insha ya kusisimua ukizingatia maagizo uliyopewa

Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu: 




























Sehemu ya kwanza

  1. Kote
  2. Na wanaume
  3. Kambumbu, soka
  4. Kumi na mmoja

Sehemu ya tatu

  1. Hodari
  2. Bwana Omar
  3. Kucheza/kula/kuomba
  4. Mazuri
  5. Kubeba mizigo mizito

Sehemu ya nne

  1. Wewe hupendi chakula kitamu
  2. Hakusoma hadithi
  3. Yeye hataegesha gari karibu na soko
  4. Nyingi
  5. Kutaga
  6. Haya
  7. Moja
  8. Yake
  9. Sesere
  10. Kanzu
  11. Hazina
  12. Konokono
  13. Njia/baraste
    1. Pilipili
    2. Masala
    1. Hakiki kwa usahihi
    2. hakiki kwa usahihi
  16. Binuru
  17. Kuonyesha saa
  18. Pakacha
  19. Kiwambo
  20. Ndoo hizi zimejaa maji
  21. Kuta hizi zimebomoka
  22. Mshororo
  23. Thelathini
  1. Write the number 10101 in words. ________________________________________________________
  2. The total number of people who attended a church service were 840653. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number of people? _________________________________________________
  3. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order.
    3954, 5900, 6451, 3593,4956.
  4. Round off 6345 to the nearest hundred. ________________________________________
  5. Write two factors of 45 after 5. ___________________________________________
  6. Work out:
    23279 + 516577= ____________________________
  7. In a political rally, there were 64561 women and 54234 men. Estimate the sum of people who attended the rally by rounding off to the nearest 100. ______________________________________________
  8. Complete the pattern:
    100000, 90500, 90000, 85000, _____________, _______________
  9. Multiply:
    x 24
  10. Write the fraction of the unshaded part in the figure below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 math Q10 __________________________
  11. Work out;   7/92/3 = ____________
  12. What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 0.364? _____________________
  13. Work out:
    62.253 + 6.321 = _________________________
  14. Oduor had 307 hens. Twenty eight of them died. How many hens remained?
  15. Convert 12000m into kilometres
  16. Work out;
      Km       m
      73       134
    −44      224 
  17. A rectangualr plot measures 62cm by 41cm. What is the area of the plot in cm2?_____________________
  18. Convert 2 hours 26 minutes into minutes. _______________________
  19. Show the time 10:45 on the clock face below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 math Q19
  20. Work out;
    Sh            cts
    121          30
    −72          40
  21. Work out the value of; 
    Weeks    days
      3             6
    +2             3   
  22. Simplify;
    p + 3p + 4p = _______________________________
  23. Name two properties of a rectangle.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  24. Name the angle below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 math Q24 _______________________________________

  25. Complete the pattern below
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 2 math Q25


  1. Ten thousand, one hundred and one
  2. 40,000
  3. 3593, 3954, 4956, 5900, 6451
  4. 6300
  5. 15,45
  6. 539856
  7. 118800
  8. 80000, 75000
  9. 20328
  10. 3/8
  11. 14/9 
  12. Thousandths
  13. 68.574
  14. 279
  15. 12km
  16. 28km 910m
  17. 2542
  18. 146 minutes
  19. check diagram
  20. sh 193 70 cts
  21. 6wks   2 days
  22. 8p
    1. All angles are equal
    2. Two parallel lines are equal
  24. Acute angle
  25. Check diagram


  1. A group of continous dots form a ___________________________.
  2. Write three ways of making items in basketry.
    1.  ________________________
    2. ________________________
    3. ________________________
  3. The art of making and manipulating puppets in a performance is called ___________________________
  4. Write three available materials used to make a glove puppet.
    1. ______________________________
    2. ______________________________
    3. ______________________________
  5. Which of the following is NOT useful when having a smudge technique lesson? ______________________________
    (crayons, charcoal, dye)
  6. A person who operates puppets is called a _______________________________
  7. Write digital devices used to take photos of our artwork.
    1. _____________________________
    2. _____________________________
  8. Thonging technique is used in ____________________________
  9. List three primary colours.
    1. ___________________________
    2. ___________________________
    3. ___________________________
  10. The art of putting artwork in frames before displaying them is called _________________________
  11. The art of making items from stones of a piece of wood is called ___________________________
  12. Which part of body is used to manipulate string puppets? ______________________________
  13. We add black colour to other colours to form _________________________________ effect.
  14. Draw the following tools.
    1. Brush
      Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6
    2. Scissors
      Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6


  1. Write two reasons which can make the national flag be hoisted half?
    1. __________________________
    2. __________________________
  2. List two non melodic percussion instruments.
    1. __________________________
    2. __________________________
  3. State three methods used to play percussion instruments.
    1. __________________________
    2. __________________________
    3. __________________________
  4. A group of men singing during worship in church form a _
    Pupils sang the song below.
    Tuishangilie Kenya
    Taifa letu tukufu
    Kenya tunayoipenda
    1. The song sung by the pupils is a __________________________________ song.
    2. The song was sung to ______________________________ our country.
  6. Lullabies are sung in ________________________ tempo.        (slow, quick, high)
  7. Name two male voices in choir.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
  8. Fill in the missing sounds in the solfa ladder.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Q8
  9. Draw the following musical instruments.
    1. Kayamba
      Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6
    2. Fluter
      Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6
  10. Name two musical notes below.
      Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Q10a _____________________________
      Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Q10b ____________________________
      Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Q10c ______________________________
  11. Complete the folllowing
    Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Q11


Art and Craft

  1. Line
    • Twining
    • Plaiting
    • Coiling
  3. Puppetry
    • Old clean socks
    • Glue
    • Buttons
    • Fibre
  5. Dye
  6. Puppeteer
    • Camera
    • Mobile phone
    • Tablet
    • Laptop
  8. Leather
    • Red
    • Blue
    • Yellow
  10. Mounting
  11. Carving
  12. Hand
  13. darker
    1. Brush
    2. Scissors


    • Death of a president in another country
    • Death pof current president in a country
    • Drums
    • Bells
    • Shakers
    • Jingles
    • Kayamba
    • Shaking
    • Hitting
    • Plucking
  4. Choir
    1. Patriotic
    2. Praise
  6. Slow
    • Bass
    • Tenor
    1. m
    2. s
    3. t
    1. kayamba
    2. flute
    1. crochet
    2. Semi breve
    3. Quaver
    Grade 5 End Term 2 ACM Set 1 Ans11


  1. Write two reasons why we cook food.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
  2. Factors to consider when buying a button for a garment.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  3. To break the mucus in a handkerchief when washing we soak it in _____________________ water.
  4. The process of washing, ironing and storing clothes is called  _________________ work.
  5. Write health measures that prevent common cummunicable diseases.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  6. List three physical changes that take place in both boys and girls during pre-teen stage.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  7. State three healthy eating habits practised by pre-teens.
    1. _________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________
  8. Write the importance of dressing well by pre-teens.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  9. State three types of media used in advertisement.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  10. Name two diseases that can be caused by lack of exercise.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
  11. Write two causes of communicable diseases.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________


  1. Rounders game is played between how many teams? ________________________
  2. Name four safety measures to observe when throwing, catching and stamping when playing rounders.
    1. _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________
    3. _______________________________________
    4. _______________________________________
  3. State two types of throwing skills in rounders.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
  4. Write three importances of sliding in soft ball.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
  5. Name four soft ball equipment.
    1. ________________________________________
    2. ________________________________________
    3. ________________________________________
    4. ________________________________________
  6. Draw the following. Softball bat
    Grade 5 End Term 2 HSc Set 1 Q6



    • Make it soft
    • have good taste
    • Make it easy to digest
    • To last longer
    • Kill germs
    • Make it easy to chew/eat
    • Shape of button
    • Colour of garments
    • Colour of button
  3. Slaty
  4. laundry
    1. Unblocking drainage systems
    2. Clearing bushes
    3. Proper use of toilets/latrine/urinal
    4. Washing hands
    • Increase in weight and height
    • pubic hair grows
    • Pimples appear
    • Eating healthy foods
    • Eating a balanced diet
    • Avoid suagry foods
    • Eat right amount of food
    • One feels uncomfortable
    • Confidence
    • One looks smart
    • people respect a well dressed persoon
    1. Radio
    2. Television
    3. Mobile Device
    4. Window display
    • Heart disease
    • Obesity
    1. Viruses
    2. Fungi
    3. bacteria
    4. parasites

Physical Education

  1. Two
    1. Remove dangerous objects from the ground.
    2. Do not throw the ball dangerously to your partner
    3. Avoid colliding with an opponent of team mate
    1. Over arm throwing
    2. Under arm throwing
    1. To prevent injury.
    2. To avoid a tag
    3. To make a diversion
    4. Sliding is the quickest way to the base
    1. Battling helment
    2. Uniform
    3. leg guard
    4. Chest protector
    5. Fielding gloves
    6. Bat


                                         Grade 5 End Term 2 sst Set 1 Q1

  1. What is the direction of the mosque from the school? _______________________________
  2. Which is the main religion practised in Githima area? ________________________________
  3. State one type of cash crop grown in Githima area. ________________________________
  4. State two economic activities carried out in the map.
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
  5. What is a resource? ___________________________
  6. Name four resources in Kenya.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  7. State four ways of caring for resources in Kenya.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  8. State three ways in which Kenya maintains good relations with her neighbours.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
    1. Physical features are divided into ________________ and _______________ features.
    2. Name two uses of physical features.
    3. State two ways of taking care of our physical features.
  10. Name four administrative leaders in the school.
  11. What is population density? ________________________________
  12. Write three methods of instruction used in African traditional education.
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________


  1. Who baptised Jesus? ______________________________
  2. Jesus was baptised in River ____________________________
  3. When Jesus was being baptised the Holy Spirit came down inform of a ______________________________
  4. Who came to prepare for the coming of the Messiah? _________________________
  5. King ________________ used wisdom from God to solve the disagreement between two women.
  6. _________________________ saw his father's nakedness.
  7. King ________________________ used the holy vessels from the temple to drink wine and praise other gods.
  8. Who read and interpreted the writings on the wall? ________________________________
  9. Elijah contested the prophets of Baal at Mount ___________________________
  10. Who was put in a basket by his mother and was hidden at the edge of River Nile? ______________________________
  11. Who was Moses father-in-law? _________________________________
  12. Why was Moses told to remove his sandals? _________________________________
  13. State three values christians should practice towards the needy in the society
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
    3. ____________________________________


  1. Write two importances of greeting one another.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  2. The Quran mentions ____________________________ prophets.
  3. Which pillar of Islam promotes sharing? ____________________________________
  4. The father of prophet Muhammad was called _________________________________
  5. Complete the verse below.
    "Fajaalajum ka'asfin ___________________________________"
  6. Which is the second and fourth pillar of Iman? ___________________________ and ___________________________
  7. _____________________________ was the first prophet of Allah. (S.W) while ____________________ was the last prophet. 


  1. North West
  2. Christianity
  3. Tea
    1. Farming
    2. Fishing
  5. A resource is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Minerals
    2. Soil
    3. Water
    4. Forests
    1. Keeping sources of water clean
    2. Using minerals wisely
    3. Planting trees
    4. Planting cover crops
    • Tide
    • Ganes and Sports
    • Common language of Kiswahili
    • Free movement of people
    1. Relief drainage
      • Fishing e.g lakes
      • Provide water- rivers
      • Tourist attraction- Mountains
      • Avoid dumping litter in lakes and rivers
      • providing secutrity to such areas.
    1. Headteacher
    2. Deputy headteacher
    3. Senior teacher
    4. Teachers
    5. The children's government
  11.  The number of people living in an area.
    • Story telling
    • Narratives
    • Proverbs
    • Riddles
    • Songs
    • Dances


  1. John the Baptist
  2. Jordan
  3. Dove
  4. John the Baptist
  5. Solomon
  6. Ham
  7. Belshezzar
  8. Daniel
  9. Carmel
  10. Moses
  11. Jethro
  12. He was standing on a Holy Ground
    1. Mercy
    2. Love
    3. Responsibility
    4. Amparthy


    1. It promotes love and friendship among muslims
    2. It is a form of due
    3. When two people greet one another their sins are forgiven.
    4. Allah rewards those who promote greetings.
  2. 25
  3. zakat
  4. Abdullah
  5. Maakul
  6. Believing in angels (S.W)
    Believing in prophets of Allah (S.W)
  7. Nabii Adam (AS)
    Nabii Muhammad
  1. Grade five pupils had put water in different containers as shown below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 sci Set 1 Q1
    They concluded that liquids do not have a  __________________________________
  2. List two poor conductors of heat. 
    1. _______________________________
    2. _______________________________
  3. Materials which do not allow any light to pass through them are called ______________________ materials.
  4. Write three diseases that affect the breathing system.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
    3. ________________________________
  5. List two green non-flowering plants.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  6. Importance of flowering plants.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  7. Name four water borne diseases.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
    4. _________________________________
  8. Write two laying mammals.
    1. ________________________________
    2. ________________________________
  9. Animals with varying body temperature are called ___________________________________
  10. Write three signs and symptoms of cholera.
    1. _________________________________
    2. _________________________________
    3. _________________________________
  11. Muscles that hold the head up and move it in all directions are called ____________________________________
  12. The 3Rs means:
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________
  13. Name three internal body parasites.
    1. ______________________________________
    2. ______________________________________
    3. ______________________________________


  1. A ___________________________ is a place where mature plants grow and are taken care
  2. Write two reasons for using tools properly.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  3. List three materials which can be re-used for gardening in places with little space.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  4. Write down three importances of compost manure in the farm.
    1. __________________________________
    2. __________________________________
    3. __________________________________
  5. List three examples of climbing fruits.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  6. Why is a nursery bed raised above the ground? __________________________________
  7. The process of collecting the deposited top fertile soil from deposition sites is called _____________________________
  8. Identify the type of soil erosion below 
    Grade 5 End Term 2 sci Set 1 Q8

  9. List two organic wastes used in making compost manure.
    1. ____________________________________
    2. ____________________________________
  10. Write two farming practices that help to conserve water.
    1. _____________________________________
    2. _____________________________________
  11. Write the small animal controlled using the repellant crop below. Onions
  12. Grade five pupils grouped the following crops in the table below. 
    • maize 
    • rice
    • cowpeas
    • sukuma wiki
    • beans
    • pumpkin
       Cereals       Vegetables    


  1. Definite shape
    • Plastic
    • Wood
    • Glass
    • Feathers
    • Cloth
  3. Opaque
    1. Cold
    2. Asthma
    3. Pneumonia
    4. Tuberculosis
    5. Covid-19
    6. Coughs
    • Algae
    • Mosa
    • Fern
    • Pine
    • Cedar
    • Liverworts
    • Source of food
    • Control soil erosion
    • Soutrce of medicine
    • Source of firewood
    • Source of income
    • Beautify environment
    1. Typhoid
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Cholera
    4. Dysentry
    1. Duck billed patypus
    2. Spiny ant eaters
  9. Cold blooded
    1. Body weaknesses
    2. Fever
    3. headache
    4. Vomiting and wateryDiarrhoea
    5. Loss of fluids and severe dehydration
  11. neck muscles
    1. Reuse
    2. Recycle
    3. Reduce
    1. Roundworms
    2. Tapeworms
    3. Hookworms
    4. Pinworms


  1. Garden
    • Safety measure
    • Long lasting
    • Plastic containers
    • Bottles
    • Reduces waste
    • Saves on fertilizer
    • Enhances soil quality and nutrients
  5. passion fruits, grapes, blackberries, kiwi fruits, raspberry fruits and gooseberry fruits.
    • It is possible to provide favourable growth conditions
    • Easy weed control
  7. Soil recovery/restoration
    1. Splash erosion
    2. Gulley erosion
  9.  plants materials, animal waste, food remains or kitchen wastes
  10.  mulching, shading, and cover cropping
  11.  Aphids
     Cereals   Vegetables  
     Sukuma wiki 


Sehemu ya A: Kusikiliza na kuongea

Ningependa tuzungumze kuhusu heshima na adabu. Wewe ni kiranja wa darasa lako una mazungumzo na mwalimu wako wa darasa.

  1. Anza mazungumzo kwa maamkizi yafuatayo.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  2. Taja maneno ya adabu ambayo kama kiranja unawasisitizia wanafunzi kuyatumia darasani.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  3. Eleza mwalimu umuhimu wa kuwa mwanafunzi mwenye heshima na adabu.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  4. Toa maelezo mafupi vile utakavyoonyesha heshima na adabu kwa mgeni aliyealikwa nyumbani kwenu.
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  5. Taja maneno ya heshima na adabu badala ya maneno uliyopewa
    1. Mtoto anahara _________________________
    2. Fatuma ana mimba ___________________________
    3. Halima amezaa ________________________

Sehemu ya B: Kusoma Kwa Sauti

Mama alikumbuka kuwa baba alisahau kumeza dawa. Aliingia chumbani na kutoka na vidonge viwili vya dawa akampa baba aweze kumeza kwa maji. Baba alikuwa na ugonjwa wa kisukari na shinikizo la damu.

Alikuwa anatueleza kuwa ugonjwa wake ulitokana na hali ya maisha katika harakati zake za biashara ambayo ilikuwa mara inapanda mara inashuka. Alikuwa akizinunua bidhaa kutoka Uchina na kuziuza humu nchini. Ingawa aliipenda biashara hiyo, aliichukia hali ile ya ugonjwa na hivyo akaamua kupunguza shughuli zake na kuongeza muda wa kupumzika nasi nyumbani.

Baba alipokata kauli kupunguza shughuli aliendelea kuwa na afya nzuri. Tuliendelea kuzungumza naye mambo aliyofurahia kusikiliza kama vile umilisi tuliokuwa tumepata shuleni. Hasa, alifurahi tulipomwambia tulijifunza kuhusu jinsi ya kuzuia magonjwa. Tulimweleza pia kuhusu magonjwa yanayotokana na hali za maisha kama vile kisukari na shinikizo la damu.

SEHEMU YA A: Ufahamu

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali yanayofuata (alama 5)

Unapotembea mjini, chukua tahadhari kubwa sana. Kuna matapeli wanaohadaa watu mjini. Vile vile matapeli hao hujiweka katika makundi ili kungojea watembezi wanaoonekana wageni. Mara wanapowagundua, wao hunasa pesa, simu na vitu vingine na kukimbia navyo. Pia kuna wale hutumia maneno matamu. Wao hukuandama na ukifika kichorochoroni watakupora na kukimbia. Wengine watakupiga na kukuacha umeumia. Iwapo unataka msaada wowote, basi mtafute bawabu au askari akusaidie. Usijiingize kwenye shida tupu bure.


  1. Kulingana na habari ni watu gani wanaoiba pesa? ___________________________
  2. Mwandishi anatushauri tufanye nini tunapotembea mjini? ____________________________
  3. Kamilisha: Maneno matamu humtoa __________________ pangoni.
    1. simba
    2. nyoka
    3. sungura
    4. mdudu
  4. Eleza maana ya neno wanaohadaa. _______________________
  5. Andika maana ya neno 'matapeli ________________________
  6. Unapofika vichochoroni huwa unafanyiwa nini? ________________________


  1. Chagua maneno yaliyopo kwenye mabano kujaza mapengo
    ____1____.anapenda sana kuogelea majini. Yeye hutaga mayai makubwa makubwa. ____2____ yake ni tamu sana. Kuku pia hutaga _____3_____ japo madogo kushinda va bata. Nyama va kuku pia ni _____4_____ Kuna kuku wa kienveji na kuku wa ______5_______ . Kuku wa gredi huwa na mapato ya juu zaidi. Wao hukua kwa haraka na kutaga mayai ______6______.
    ( mayai, tamu, nyama, bata, gredi, hukiwa, mengi)
  2. Jaza pengo kwa kutumia viunganishi vifaavyo.
    1. Juma alikula ______________________ hakushiba. (kwa sababu, lakini, pia)
    2. Tulipita mtihani _____________ tulifanya bidii. (lakini, na, kwa sababu)
    3. Halima ________________ Fatuma wanaosha vyombo. (na, lakini, kwa sababu)
    4. Waliadhibiwa ______________________ walivunja sheria za shule. (pia, kwa sababu, na) (5
  3.  Andika sentensi zifuatazo kwa umoja.
    1. Miti ya mapera imekatwa.
    2. Nguo zao ni chafu sana.
    3. Viti vizuri vitauzwa.
    4. Wakulima wanalima kwa bidii.
    5. Maembe hayo ni matamu.
  4. Andika kinyume cha nomino hizi
    1. Mzee ____________________________________
    2. Mchana __________________________________
    3. Maskini __________________________________
    4. Rafiki ____________________________________
    5. Mfalme ___________________________________
  5. Pigia mstari nomino za makundi katika sentensi zifuatazo
    1. Barabarani kulikuwa na mlolongo wa magari.
    2. Safu ya milima hupendeza.
    3. kikosi cha askari kilikuwa kimesimama barabarani.
    4. Fatuma alinunuliwa jozi ya viatu.
    5. Mama alinunua pakacha la matunda kutoka sokoni.
  6. Kamilisha methali hizi
    1. Mgagaa na Upwa. ___________________________
    2. Achanikaye kwenye mpini ____________________________
    3. Mtumai cha nduguye ___________________________
  7. Tunga sentensi ukitumia maneno yafuatayo.
    1. Mlindalango
    2. Vinasasauti


Andika insha kuhusu;





























  1. Anaendesha
  2. Ni mjamzito
  3. Anejufungua


Sehemu ya A 

  1. Matapeli
  2. Mtafute bawabu na askari
  3. Nyoka
  4. Wanaodanganya
  5. Wezi
  6. Kukupora

Sehemu ya B

    1.  Bata
    2. Nyama
    3. Mayai
    4. Tamu
    5. Gredi
    6. Mengi
    1. Lakini
    2. Kwa sababu
    3. Na
    4. Kwa sababu
    1. Mti wa mapera umekatwa
    2. Nguo yake ni chafu sana
    3. Kiti kizuri kitauzwa
    4. Mkulima analima kwa bidii
    5. Embe hilo ni tamu.
    1. Kijana
    2. Usiku
    3. Tajiri
    4. Adui
    5. Malkia
    1. Mlolongo wa magari
    2. Safu ya milima
    3. Kikosi cha askari
    4. jozi la viatu.
    5. pakacha la matunda
    1. Hali wali mkavu
    2. Halali njaa
    3. hafi maskini
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