Displaying items by tag: integrated learning


  1. Which one of the following is an egg laying mammal?
    1. Chicken 
    2. Duck - billed platypus
    3. Cow
    4. Snake
  2. All the following plants produce flowers except;
    1. Mango
    2. Pawpaw
    3. Fern
    4. Tomatoes
  3. Which one of the following is a non- flowering plant?
    1. Watermelon 
    2. Bean
    3. Blackjack
    4. Moss
  4. Which one of the following plants can prick us with their thorns if handled with bare hands?
    1. Mango tree
    2. Maize plant 
    3. Cactus
    4. Liverworts
  5. Bees obtain nectar from _________________________________________________ as part of a plant
    1. Seeds
    2. Flowers
    3. Fruits
    4. Leaves
  6. Name the plant shown below
    1. Jacaranda
    2. Cassava
    3. Fern
    4. Moss
  7. Which one is not a protective clothing you can wear when handling harmful plants?
    1. gloves
    2. mask
    3. gumboots
    4. raincoat
  8. Which one of the following is not an importance of fungi to human beings?
    1. Earn a living by selling them
    2. Baking bread
    3. Making medicine
    4. Eating spoilt maize
  9. Which one of the following plants are correctly grouped?
           Flowering              Non - flowering
    1. Algae                      Fern
    2. Maize                     Blackjack
    3. Beans                     Pine
    4. Mushroom              Pawpaw
  10. Digestion of food does not take place in the ________________________________
    1. ileum
    2. mouth
    3. stomach
    4. colon
  11. A normal person has _____________________________ sense organs
    1. five
    2. six
    3. eight
    4. four
  12. The tooth drawn below is known as _______________________________
    1. Canine
    2. Incisor
    3. Molar
    4. Pre-molar
  13. Which one is not a use of sense organs?
    1. Hearing
    2. Talking
    3. Seeing
    4. Smelling
  14. Which plant below has the same type of leaves as maize?
    1. Sugarcane
    2. Cabbage
    3. Tomatoes
    4. Carrot
  15. The process of reclaiming old materials and using them to create new products is known as _________________________
    1. reducing
    2. reproducing
    3. recycling
    4. remaking
  16. The following can be recycled except?
    1. Glass
    2. Pampers
    3. Plastic
    4. Metal
  17. All the following are examples of human skeletal muscles except?
    1. Abdominal muscles
    2. Biceps
    3. Triceps
    4. Skull
  18. Which among the following parts of the skeleton protects the heart and the lungs from damage by external forces?
    1. Ribcage
    2. Limb bones
    3. Back bone 
    4. Skull
  19. The following are functions of skeletal muscles. Which one is not?
    1. They make our body weak
    2. They enable movement of different parts of the body
    3. They support other body parts
    4. They help us to stand upright
  20. Which one of the following is not part of the human breathing system?
    1. Nose
    2. Mouth
    3. Trachea
    4. Lungs


  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. A
  20. B


  1. What is the direction of chief's camp from cattle dip in the map above? 
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. North East
    4. South West
  2. The people of Nyawira area are likely to be; 
    1. christians 
    2. muslims 
    3. pagans
    4. hindus
  3. What is the settlement pattern in the area covered by the map? 
    1. Clustered 
    2. Scattered 
    3. Linear
    4. Nuclear
  4. The following economic activities takes place in the area except;
    1. farming
    2. trading
    3. tourism
    4. mining
  5. Which one of the following community does NOT belong to Cushites? 
    1. Iteso
    2. Gabra 
    3. Somali
    4. Rendille
  6. A group of people who are initiated at the same time forms 
    1. age group 
    2. age set 
    3. age bracket 
    4. circumcision
  7. Which practice is best fitting the semi arid areas of Kenya?
    1. Pastoralism 
    2. Cash crop farming 
    3. Crop farming 
    4. Fishing
  8. Wildlife is important to our country in the following ways EXCEPT; 
    1. it creates employment 
    2. attract tourism hence foreign exchange 
    3. they destroy our vegetation
    4. enhances development of the country
  9. Which one of the following is the law making arm of government? 
    1. Judiciary
    2. Legislature
    3. Executive 
    4. Supreme court
  10. The following types of fish are caught in inland fishing. Which one is NOT?
    1. Mud fish
    2. Tilapia
    3. Trout
    4. Star fish
  11. The following methods of teaching were used in African traditional education EXCEPT: 
    1. use of proverbs 
    2. riddles 
    3. story telling 
    4. internet
  12. Which one of the following is a way of caring for soil? 
    1. By planting trees 
    2. Deflorestation 
    3. Use of excess fertilizer 
    4. Dumping waste oil in the soil
  13. Leaders are important to us because;
    1. they give us money 
    2. they cook for us food 
    3. they help to solve disputes
    4. they grab our land
  14. Who among the followng is NOT elected by votes during general election?
    1. Attorney general
    2. President 
    3. Governor 
    4. Member of Parliament
  15. A school is headed by: 
    1. deputy headteacher 
    2. BOM 
    3. director 
    4. headteacher


  1. Which is the last book in the old testament? 
    1. Genesis
    2. Revelation 
    3. Malachi 
    4. Exodus
  2. Which one of the following prophets did the donkey speak to;
    1. Balaam
    2. Balak
    3. Esaiah
    4. Jeremiah
  3. Who was the father to John the Baptist? 
    1. Zechariah
    2. John 
    3. Elizabeth 
    4. Elikanah
  4. Eternal life means; 
    1. outside life
    2. beginning of life
    3. life with an end
    4. everlasting life
  5. Believers were first called christians
    1. Jerusalem 
    2. Egypt
    3. Israel
    4. Antioch
  6. Which of the following is not a fruit of the holy spirit? 
    1. Love
    2. Faith 
    3. Humility
    4. Self-control
  7. Which one of the following is not a lesson christians learn from the parable of the talents? 
    1. God has a purpose for our life
    2. We should use talents to serve God 
    3. We should use talents to serve others 
    4. We should use talents to serve ourselves only
  8. One of the following is not a cause of child labour. Which one is it? 
    1. Poverty
    2. Death of parents
    3. Mistreatment 
    4. Low self esteem
  9. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God which value did they lack? 
    1. Kindness 
    2. Humility 
    3. Truthfulness 
    4. Charity
  10. Which lesson do christians learn from the story of king Solomon when he solved a dispute between two women? 
    1. We should love our enemies 
    2. We should cut babies into two 
    3. We should seek wisdom when solving disputes 
    4. Wisdom is only for kings
  11. Which king saw a hand write on the wall? 
    1. Solomon 
    2. David 
    3. Belshazzar 
    4. Ahab
  12. What is the name of the prophet that called for a contest at Mount Carmel? 
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha
    3. David
    4. Isaiah
  13. What value did Pharaoh's daughter demonstrate when she rescued Moses? 
    1. Rudeness 
    2. Pride 
    3. Kindness 
    4. Holiness
  14. How best can christians show compassion for the elderly woman? 
    1. Helping them do house chores
    2. Teaching them table manners 
    3. Playing with them
    4. Singing for them
  15. Shasha met her two friends fighting on her way home. What would be the best action she can take as a christian? 
    1. Report to the teacher 
    2. Beat one of her friends 
    3. Separate them and tell them that fighting is bad 
    4. Tell them to stio fighting


  1. Bowing down in swalah is referred to as: 
    1. Sujud
    2. Rukuu 
    3. Sunnah
    4. Prostration
  2. An Islamic subject that teaches how to worship is called;
    1. Fiqh
    2. Tafsir 
    3. Tarbia
    4. Seera
  3. The eighth Islamic month is referred to as 
    1. Dhul qaada 
    2. Ramadhan 
    3. Thaani
    4. Shaaban
  4. Prophet was ordered by Allah to migrate from Mecca to: 
    1. Syria
    2. Jerusalem 
    3. Egypt
    4. Medina
  5. Nabii Daud died at the age of;
    1. 60
    2. 63
    3. 85
    4. 70
  6. Muslims greet one another by saying: 
    1. Assalamu aleikum 
    2. habari 
    3. how are you
    4. jambo
  7. Aqiqah is the slaughtering of a goat, sheep or any other animal for the sake of; 
    1. young people
    2. old people
    3. a child
    4. women
  8. Al-Quddus means:
    1. security
    2. holy 
    3. giver
    4. protector
  9. The prayer that have three rakaat is; 
    1. Dhuhr
    2. Asr 
    3. Maghrib
    4. Fasr
  10. A good muslim prays times a day. 
    1. fourth
    2. five 
    3. nine
    4. three
  11. The prophets mentioned in the Quran are: 
    1. 50
    2. 35
    3. 20
    4. 25
  12. Who was the first woman to accept Islam?
    1. Halima
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Haiswa
  13. The prophet preached secretly for 
    1. 4
    2. 2
    3. 5
  14. The third caliph of Islam was;
    1. Ali
    2. Uthman
    3. Umar
    4. Abubakar
  15. If you have ksh 2000 for a year, your zakat is; 
    1. 50
    2. 25
    3. 2.50
    4. 1.50


  1. Which one of the following is not considered when doing exhibition?
    1. Proper use of space
    2. Placement of artwork 
    3. Distance of artwork
    4. Labelling of artwork
  2. The following are reasons for mounting artwork in a frame. Which one is not? 
    1. To preserve it 
    2. To make it firm 
    3. To make it beautiful 
    4. To prevent it from creasing
  3. Learning artwork has got so many job related opportunities. Which one is not? 
    1. Doctor
    2. Graphic designer 
    3. Fashion designer 
    4. Book illustrators
  4. Which one is odd one out? 
    1. Camera
    2. Phone
    3. Blue tooth 
    4. Tablet
  5. Which of the following statement is correct? 
    1. Marionette is a puppet 
    2. Puppet is a marionette
    3. Marionette is manipulated by use of both legs and hands 
    4. Marionette is another name of puppet
  6. The following are differences between book cover and book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. Book jacket is removable while book cover is permanent 
    2. Book jacket has 4 parts while book cover has only two parts 
    3. Book jacket can act as book cover but book cover cannot act as book jacket 
    4. Book cover has got 4 flaps while book jacket has 2 flaps.
  7. The diagram below shows block letter.
    Which type of decoration has been used;
    1. colouring
    2. painting
    3. shading
    4. cross hatching
  8. Which one of the following shows a 3D block letter "B"?
  9. In wood carving, the method of decorating wooden item that sharp tool is used to make patterns is called; 
    1. incising 
    2. texturing 
    3. polishing 
    4. cutting
  10. Pieces of strings used in thonging industry are called;
    1. thongs
    2. hides
    3. skin
    4. leather


  1. Name the following musical instrument.
    1. Nyatiti
    2. Wandindi
    3. Guitar
    4. Orutu
  2. The following is a description of a traditional instrument. Which one is it?
    1. I am made of bamboo
    2. I have a notched mouth hole
    3. I have four pitch holes
    4. My origin is the Luhya community
      1. Descant decorder 
      2. Mulele
      3. Windpipe
      4. Guitar
  3. Which of the following musical notes are correctly matched with the french rhythm?
    1. Semibreve - taa aa aa aa
    2. Minim - taa aa
    3. Two quavers - ta - te
    4. Crotchet - taa
  4. How many quavers make a minim?
    1. 4
    2. 6
    3. 8
    4. 16
  5. How many crotchet make a minim?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
  6. Which is the correct solfa ladder?
    1. d, r, m, f, s, 1
    2. d, t, l, r, m
    3. f,s,l, t, d, d
    4. d, f, l, m, d, m
  7. What is the role of costumes in a folk dance? They;
    1. make the message more understood 
    2. Show the origin of the community 
    3. Make the dance more interesting 
    4. Are used to identify dancers
  8. Which of the following dances is correctly matched with its community?
    1. Gonda - Luo
    2. Iburundi - Taita
    3. Isukuti - Luhya
    4. Muchungwa - Kamba
  9. James heard his friend singing the song below;
    Ewe Kenya nchi yangu
    Ewe Kenya mama yangu
    Ewe Kenya baba yangu sitakuacha milele
    1. patriotic song 
    2. topical song 
    3. sacred song 
    4. action song
  10. Study the hand sign below.
    Which of the following pitches is represented bythe hand sign?
    1. re
    2. mi
    3. doh
    4. soh


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. C
  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. A

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C



  1. List 5 materials that are needed when creating a still life composition using smudge technique.
  2. In the space beiow, draw two overlapped cylindrical forms and shade using cross hatching technique to create light and dark effect.
  3. List 5 materials that are needed to create crayon etching pictorial compositions.
  4. Write 5 secondary colours you know.
  5. What is painting?
  6. Draw and paint a colour wheel to show primary, secondary and tertiary colours.
  7. List any 3 materials that are needed when drawing a colour wheel.


  1. Explain what these songs are:
    1. Patriotic songs _______________________________________________________________________________________________
    2. Lullaby songs
    3. Action songs
    4. Topical songs 
    5. Sacred songs
  2. Write the first verse of the East African Anthem in Kiswahili. (5 marks)
  3. Outline 4 aspects of folk songs.
  4. State 4 safety measures that should be observed when performing folk songs.
  5. Name 4 Kenyan musical instruments: 
  6. Draw a descant recorder in the space below.


  1. Give 4 health benefits gained through participating in running
  2. Outline 2 safety measures that should be observed when practising the -run through finish' technique.
  3. List 2 materials that can be used to improvise a relay baton.
  4. Give 4 safety measures that should be observed when improvising'a relay baton.
  5. Draw a relay baton in the space below.
  6. Explain the term straddle as used in skipping rope.
  7. Outline 4 safety measures that should be observed when practising straddle to avoid injuries.
  8. List 5 health benefits of rope skipping.
  9. List 3 responsibilities of infield players when playing batting
  10. Outline three qualities of a good outfield player when playing batting games.