Displaying items by tag: Class 6

Study the map of PAPA area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. What evidence in the map shows that Papa Area receives low rainfall?
    1. Presence of scrub vegetation.
    2. Existence of settlement.
    3. Existence of qually 
    4. Presence of hills.
  2. A police officer from Boro market wants an urgent message to reach the police station at Bogo Town. The quickest way of passing the message would be
    1. rive to Bogo police station.
    2. make a telephone call to Bogo police station.
    3. send a messenger to Bogo police station.
    4. send a letter to Bogo police station.
  3. Papa Area is administered by a
    1. MP
    2. Senator
    3. Governor
    4. Chief
  4. The length of the muram road from Toto market to the junction in Bogo Town is approximately 
    1. 3km 
    2. 4.5km 
    3. 6.5km 
    4. 10km
  5. The main form of transport in Papa area is 
    1. railway
    2. road 
    3. air
    4. pipeline
  6. The main economic activity carried out in Papa Area is 
    1. mining
    2. trading 
    3. cattle keeping 
    4. fishing 
  7. The general direction of flow of river Sogo is from
    1. North to South west.
    2. North east to South west.
    3. North west to South west.
    4. South west to North east.
  8. Below is a description of a kind of vegetation found in Kenya:
    1. It has short grass.
    2. It has thorny bushes.
    3. It is mainly made up of grass and scattered tress.
      The statements listed above describes the vegetation found in 
      1. The Nyika Platea 
      2. Coastal region 
      3. The lake Basin 
      4. Kenya Highlands
  9. In Kenya elections are held after every
    1. 5 years
    2. 10 years 
    3. 3 years
    4. 24 years
  10. Which one of the following traditional communities in Kenya were lead by Koitalel Arap Samoei? 
    1. Agikuyu
    2. Maasai
    3. Nandi
    4. Ameru
  11. Three of the following are problems resulting from development of industries. Which one is not? 
    1. They cause noise. 
    2. They cause unemployment. 
    3. They cause air pollution.
    4. They cause water pollution.
  12. Which one of the following is the fastest mode of Transport?
    1. Ship
    2. Bus
    3. Aeroplanes
    4. Train
  13. Which one of the following is the duty of std. 6 pupils at home?
    1. Sweeping the home compound.
    2. Working to get food for the family.
    3. Making laws to be followed by family
    4. Dividing the land for family members.
  14. When Eropeans partitioned Eastern Africa amongst themselves the Island of Zanzibar was taken by
    1. Britain
    2. Germany
    3. France
    4. Belgium
  15. Which game park is not correctly matched with the country where it is found? 
    1. Bwindi - Ethiopia 
    2. Dinder - Sudan 
    3. Amboseli - Kenya 
    4. Serengeti - Tanzania
  16. Which one of the following is a service industry?
    1. Cement making 
    2. Tourism 
    3. Meat canning 
    4. Tea packing
  17. Which of the following lakes in Eastern Africa is a source of mineral 
    1. Lake Kyoga
    2. lake Tanganyika 
    3. Lake Bogoria 
    4. Lake Magadi
  18. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa is the largest among the rest? 
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Tanzania
    3. Uganda
    4. Sudan

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer question 19 - 22

  1. The main reason why the language group which followed route marked V migrated from its original homeland was
    1. search for fishing ground. 
    2. their spirit of adverture. 
    3. search for fertile land. 
    4. search for water and pasture.
  2. The type of vegetation around the lake Area labeled P is referred to as
    1. Tropical rainforest 
    2. Mangrove forest 
    3. Woodland savannah 
    4. Papyrus swamp vegetation 
  3. The Town marked X in the map is called
    1. Dar es Salaam
    2. Kigali
    3. Arusha
    4. Dodoma
  4. What is the name of the country marked Z?
    1. Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan
  5. Which one of the following is not a festival in our society? 
    1. Drama
    2. Harvested
    3. Music
    4. Initiation
  6. The main problem facing beef farming in Tanzania is
    1. shortage of pasture and water. 
    2. animal diseases. 
    3. inadequate slaughter houses.
    4. attack by wild animals.
  7. Dairy farming in Kenya is well practiced in
    1. low land areas
    2. areas with enough slaughter houses.
    3. areas with cool and wet climato.
    4. areas with larger tracts of land.
  8. Which one of the following is not an element of a map? 
    1. Scale
    2. Title
    3. Frame
    4. Colour
  9. The diagram below shows the formation of a physical feature
    The above feature was formed through
    1. upward and faulting.
    2. faulting and down warping.
    3. evaption and faulting
    4. faulting and uplifting
  10. Which one of the following shows thep osition of Eastern Africa? It lies
    1. Longitude 23°N and 12°S latitude 22°E and 51°E.
    2. Latitude 5°N and 5°S longitude 22°E and 42°E.
    3. Latitude 23°N and 12°S longitude 22°N and 51°E.
    4. Longitude 5°N and 5°S latitude 34°E and 42°E.
  11. Three of the following is the main factor that influences tourism in Eastern Africa. Which one is not? 
    1. Good hotels
    2. Wildlife. 
    3. Coastal beaches. 
    4. Beautiful sceneries.
  12. Who among the following communities is a Semitic speaker?
    1. Dinka
    2. Luo
    3. Falasha
    4. Somali
  13. The basic unit in the society is the
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. age group
    4. warrior
  14. Dahalo and Sanye are Southern Cushites found in
    1. Kenya
    2. Uganda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Somalia
  15. River Ewaso Nyiro North drains its water into the
    1. Indian ocean
    2. Lorian swamp
    3. Yala swamp
    4. Saiwa swalip
  16. Which of the following is an example of a block mountain?
    1. Kenya 
    2. Elgon 
    3. Usambara 
    4. Kilimanjaro
  17. Which Kenyan communities is correctly matched with its area of origin? 
    1. Taita -Shungwaya 
    2. Iteso -Congo forest 
    3. Maasai . -Eastern Ethiopia 
    4. Luo -Bahr-el-Ghazel
  18. On 20th October Kenya celebrates day. 
    1. Mashujaa
    2. Moi 
    3. Madaraka
    4. Jamhuri
  19. The main tourist attraction along the coast is
    1. rift valley
    2. coastal Beaches 
    3. natural scenery
    4. wildlife
  20. Amount of rainfall is measured using a
    1. Windsock
    2. raingange
    3. windvane
    4. barometer
  21. Soda ash is mined at lake
    1. Magadi
    2. Turkana
    3. Bogoria
    4. Victoria
  22. Cutting down trees without replacing them is called
    1. mono cropping
    2. deforestation
    3. afforestation
    4. monocropping
  23. Which fishing method is mainly done in Indian Ocean 
    1. Trawling
    2. Hook and line
    3. Net drifting
    4. Long lining
  24. Which of the following can be used to communicate to many people at the same time?
    1. Letter
    2. Radio 
    3. Telephone
    4. Messenger
  25. The following are arms of the government except the 
    1. Legislature
    2. Executive
    3. Attomey General
    4. Judiciary
  26. Which one is not a natural physical feature in the Eastern African countries?
    1. Dams
    2. Mountains
    3. Plateaus
    4. Lake Bogoria
  27. The Greate Rift Valley was formed by
    1. folding
    2. faulting
    3. volcanicity
    4. drifting
  28. The Usambara and Ruwenzori mountains are examples of
    1. residual mountains 
    2. fold mountains 
    3. volcanic mountains 
    4. block mountains
  29. Which one of the following is not a Kenya's neighbour? 
    1. Uganda 
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Sudan 
    4. Tanzania
  30. The following are efforts made to solve problems in urban centres. Which is the best? 
    1. Decentralising industries in all areas. 
    2. Improving Transport network in the areas. 
    3. Building more industries in urban areas.
    4. Improving social amenities in the arca.
  31. Which one of the following is not a child abuse at home? 
    1. Forcing them to marry. 
    2. Forcing them to do homework. 
    3. Employing them in industries. 
    4. Excessive caning.
  32. During the pre-colonial period the Ameru were ruled by
    1. chiefs
    2. kings
    3. Council of elders
    4. Emperors
  33. Which one of the following factors does not influence distribution of vegetation?
    1. Relief
    2. Soil
    3. Cimate
    4. Longitude
  34. The following are economic uses of soil except
    1. making bricks 
    2. mining
    3. burrying the dead
    4. growing crops
  35. Which one of the following cannot cause lawlessness in Kenya?
    1. Poverty 
    2. Loyalty 
    3. Tribalism
    4. Corruption.
  36. The diagram below shows a weather instrument
    The weather instrument is called 
    1. Barometer
    2. Thermometer 
    3. Anemometer 
    4. Raingauge
  37. Which one of the following areas in Kenya is sparsely populated? 
    1. Meru
    2. Kiambu
    3. Garissa
    4. Eldoret
  38. Climate is
    1. the daily atmospheric condition of a place over a short period of time.
    2. the hotness or coldness of a place over long period of time.
    3. the amount of water vapour of a short period of time.
    4. the average weather condition of a place over a long period of time.
  39. Which one of the following places is the safest for pupils to cross the road?
    1. Where there are bumps. 
    2. Where there are traffic lights,
    3. At a roundabout.
    4. Where there is a junction.
  40. Who among the following is not a member of the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC)? 
    1. Secretary 
    2. Commissioner 
    3. Attomey General
    4. Chairperson
  41. Which one of the following is apolitical right? 
    1. Right to fair trials. 
    2. Right to life. 
    3. Right to vote.
    4. Right to work
  42. The following are members of the County Executive Committee except one. Which one?
    1. Govemor 
    2. Nominated Incmbers 
    3. Speaker 
    4. Deputy Governor


  1. Which sin did Adam and Eve commit?
    1. Eating the forbidden fruit.
    2. Covering themselves with leaves.
    3. Naming animals and other creation
    4. Talking to snake.
  2. When Abraham was called by God he experienced new life by, moving from
    1. Ur to Canaan 
    2. Haran to Canaan 
    3. Canaan to Havan 
    4. Ur to Havan
  3. Who were the parents of Jacob?
    1. Rebecca and Isaac 
    2. Jochebed and Amram 
    3. Elizabeth and Zechariah
    4. Sarah and Abraham
  4. During the call of Moses at Mt. Sinai, God showed Himself in form of
    1. cloud
    2. wind
    3. fire
    4. smoke
  5. When David killed Uriah he disobeyed God. Which commandment did he break?
    1. Do not steal.
    2. Do not commit murder. 
    3. Do not commit adultery. 
    4. Do not accuse anyone falsely
  6. King Saul the first king of Israel was annointed by
    1. Zechariah
    2. Samuel
    3. Zadock
    4. Eli
  7. Who was the third king of Israel?
    1. Ahab
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Saul
  8. The prophet who challenged the prophets of Baal at Mt. Carmel was called 
    1. Elijah
    2. Elisha 
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  9. Which prophet of God is associated with the new covenant that will be written in peoples' hearts? 
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Nehemiah
    4. Ezekiel
  10. Who were the first people to see Baby Jesus when He was born?
    1. The kings
    2. The wisemen
    3. The shepherds
    4. The angels
  11. What did Jesus say when the devil told him to change stones into bread during the temptations?
    1. Man shall not live by bread alone. 
    2. Man shall not put God into test. 
    3. Man shall not eat bread without buying,
    4. Man shall not worship an Idol.
  12. When Jesus was baptised by John the Baptist in River Jordan how did the following orders happen:
    1. Heaven was opened. 
    2. A voice was heard from heaven.
    3. The Holy Spirit descended in form of a Dove.
      1. (iI) (iii) (i)
      2. (iii) (ii) (i)
      3. (i) (iii) (ii)
      4. (i) (i)(iii)
  13. The Roman emperor who was ruling when Jesus was born was called 
    1. Herod
    2. Pilate
    3. Augustus
    4. Caiphas
  14. The birth of Jesus took place in a town called
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Judea
    4. Jericho
  15. The first miracle of Jesus was changing water into wine at
    1. Nazareth
    2. Cana of Galilee 
    3. Jerusalem
    4. Bethany
  16. Jesus said that we should                  our enemies. 
    1. hate
    2. beat
    3. love
    4. abuse
  17. The parable of the prodigal son teaches Christians about
    1. joy 
    2. humility
    3. patience 
    4. forgiveness
  18. Who among the following servants was healed by Jesus because of his master's faith? 
    1. Jairus daughter 
    2. Jacob 
    3. Mary 
    4. Roman centurion's servant
  19. What do Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus?
    1. They should give up when tempted. 
    2. They should not be tempted. 
    3. Temptations are meant for sinners. 
    4. They should not give up when in temptations.
  20. When Jesus was being baptised the Holy Spirit came upon Him in the form of a
    1. dove 
    2. eagle 
    3. sparrow 
    4. pigeon
  21. The following were done by the early church except
    1. they shared their belongings. 
    2. they always remained in doors, 
    3. they met daily 
    4. they fellowshipped together.
  22. Which of the following is not part of the Apostles creed? 
    1. I believe in Holy Catholic Church.
    2. The creator of heaven and earth. 
    3. Lead us not into temptation. 
    4. Who died under pontius Pilate.
  23. The day the disciples were filled by the Holy Spirit is termed as 
    1. Passover 
    2. Pentecost 
    3. Adent 
    4. Last supper
  24. In Traditional African Society work was shared according to the following except 
    1. gender 
    2. position in the society 
    3. education 
    4. age
  25. The following were stages of life in Traditional African Society. Which one was not?
    1. Naming 
    2. Mariage
    3. Baptism 
    4. Intiation
  26. Who among the following taught children in Traditional African Sociсty how to behave? 
    1. Pears 
    2. Agemates 
    3. Children 
    4. Elders
  27. Peter a std 6 pupils collected two hundred shillings in the school compound. What was the best thing for him to do?
    1. Pay for the school trip. 
    2. Give it to the teacher to ask for the owner. 
    3. Share it with friends.
    4. Hide the money and take it to his mother.
  28. Joyce, a std 6 girl was told by her friend that she was planning to carry out abortion. As a Christian what was she supposed to do? 
    1. Break the friendship. 
    2. Report to the teacher. 
    3. Tell her classmates. 
    4. Advice her to stop doing that.
  29. The following are qualities of a good leader. Which one is not?
    1. Polite 
    2. Cruel 
    3. Kind 
    4. Knowledgeable
  30. Which one of the following is a bad effect of irresponsible girl boy iclationship?
    1. Self control
    2. Teenage pregnancy. 
    3. Good results in school 
    4. Increased knowledge of God.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. C
  51. D
  52. C
  53. B
  54. A
  55. C
  56. D
  57. B
  58. C
  59. C
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. C
  26. D
  27. B
  28. D
  29. B
  1. One of the following is not a reason for storing tools properly. Which one is it?
    1. To cause accidents.
    2. For safe keeping.
    3. For them to last longer.
    4. Tidiness in the home.
  2. The following are parts of male reproductive system except 
    1. testis 
    2. uterus 
    3. urethra 
    4. sperinduct
  3. Three of the following are problems related to teeth except 
    1. bad smell 
    2. tooth decay
    3. tooth decay
    4. dental floss
  4. The following experiment was done by std 5 pupils of Elimu academy
    Which of the following statements is true about soil E?
    1. It has a fine texture.
    2. It is the best growing crops.
    3. Spreads easily.
    4. Best drainage.
  5. Which one of the following is not a function of roots?
    1. Absorbs water and mineral salts. 
    2. Making food
    3. Supports the plants.
    4. Holds plant firinly in the soil.
  6. Below are characteristics of different fypes of matter
    Definite shape.
    Definite mass
    Definite size
    Which pair of materials given below has the above characteristic?
    1. Sand and rice 
    2. Kerosene and salt 
    3. Paper and porridge. 
    4. Oxygen and water.
  7. Which of the following planets would require the most amount of clay to model? 
    1. Mercury 
    2. Neptune 
    3. Earth 
    4. Jupiter
  8. Which one of the following types of soil erosion is caused by moving air? 
    1. Gulley erosion. 
    2. Rill erosion. 
    3. Splash erosion.
    4. Sheet erosion.
  9. Which of the following foods can help to boost the immunity? 
    1. Wheat
    2. Peas 
    3. Spinach
    4. Sweet patatoes
  10. The following are signs and symptoms of a  certain disease: 
    1. Pain in joints. 
    2. Shivering followed by sweating 
    3. Fever 
    4. Can lead to anaemia
      Which disease is it? 
      1. Malaria
      2. Cholera roots?
      3. Tuberculosis 
      4. Typhoid 
  11. The following are rotational methods of  grazing except 
    1. strip grazing
    2. herding 
    3. paddocking matter
    4. tethering
  12. The transfer of heat that does not require any medium is known as
    1. convection 
    2. radiation 
    3. conduction 
    4. convection and conduction
  13. Study the diagram of a tooth below. How many such teeth can found in an adult person?
    1. Six 
    2. Four 
    3. Twelve
    4. Eight
  14. One of The following is both a modern and traditional method of preserving food. Which one is it?
    1. Canning. 
    2. Use of ashes. 
    3. Smoking. 
    4. Drying.
  15. Blood in the sputum is a major sign of
    1. Malaria 
    2. Tetanus 
    3. Tuberculosis 
    4. Anaemia
  16. Animals in the stall feeding cannot be fed on 
    1. pasture 
    2. concentrates 
    3. fodders 
    4. commercial feeds
  17. Which one of the following is not a reason for lighting a house? 
    1. To discourage pests. 
    2. To read comfortably. 
    3. For safety reason 
    4. For warming the house.
  18. The type of erosion shown by the figure below is called
    1. rill crosion 
    2. splash erosion 
    3. gulley erosion 
    4. sheet erosion
  19. Which of the following is a common  characteristics of all vertebrates? 
    1. They all give birth. 
    2. They all live on land. 
    3. They all have a backbone. 
    4. They are all warm blooded.
  20. Three of the following are characteristics of insect pollinated flowers except 
    1. flowers have brightly coloured petals. 
    2. Have a pleasant smell. 
    3. are usually small in size.
    4. They are usually big in size.
  21. Which of the following consists of sinkers only? 
    1. Nails and pieces of glass. 
    2. Feathers and pins. 
    3. Wood and nails. 
    4. Papers and leaves.
  22. Excessive loss of water in the body is called 
    1. sweating 
    2. vomiting 
    3. dehydration 
    4. diarrhoea
  23. Insect breath through 
    1. gills 
    2. nostrils 
    3. spiracles 
    4. Iungs
  24. Medicine used to treat patients are called
    1. pain relieves 
    2. curatives 
    3. preventive drugs
    4. vaccines
  25. A person who does not have HIV in his/her blood is said
    1. infected
    2. disinfected 
    3. HIV negative
    4. HIV positive
  26. Which of these plants cannot represent X ?
    1. mould
    2. mushroom
    3. peas
    4. toadstool
  27. Three of the following are true factors upon which an air thermometer works. Which one is not?
    1. Air expands on heating. 
    2. Air has weight. 
    3. Air contracts when cooled. 
    4. Air occupy space.
  28. In the lungs, gaseous exchange occurs in the
    1. bronchus 
    2. ileum
    3. air sacs
    4. colon
  29. Which of the following factors is common between a duck billed platypus, a crocodile, a frog and a tilapia?
    1. All breathe by lungs. 
    2. All breath by lungs. 
    3. All lay eggs. 
    4. All have scales.
  30. When a solid heated, it becomes bigger, we say it has
    1. contracted 
    2. been added 
    3. condensed 
    4. expanded
  31. Study the instrument shown below. A wrong statement about the instrument is that
    1. the sock-shaped bag points to where wind is coming from.
    2. it is open on both ends.
    3. it shows both the strength and direction of wind.
    4. When it gets filled with air it pops up (rises)
  32. Which one of the following is not a sense organ?
    1. the tongue 
    2. the head
    3. the car
    4. the nose
  33. Which one of the following is not correctly matched with its young one?
    1. Horse - foal
    2. Fish - fingerling 
    3. Pig -piglet
    4. Elephant -  kid
  34. Ann put an ice cube in sufuria and heated utill all the water evaporated. Which of the following shows the correct order of changes of state?
    1. Solid → Gas
    2. Liquid → Solid → Gas 
    3. Gas → Solid → Liquid 
    4. Solid → Liquid → Gas
  35. A crushed bottle top placed in water sinks due to its
    1. size 
    2. shape
    3. mass 
    4. material
  36. Which of the following is physical change in boys only?
    1. Pimples may develop.
    2. Wet dreams. 
    3. Increase in weight and height. 
    4. Menstruation starts.
  37. The following are proper methods of storing medicines except
    1. store medicines where children can reach. 
    2. keep medicines in a kit 
    3. lock the cupboard whero medicines are kept.
    4. store and lable the medicines
  38. The table below shows reproductive parts and their functions. Which of the parts is correctly matched with its use?
    A. Urethra produce sperm 
    B. Ovary produces ova
    C. Tests  urine passes in tests  
    D. Womb  menstruation occurs in womb
  39. The two main agents of soil erosion are
    1. wind and animals.
    2. human beings and flowering water. 
    3. water and insect. 
    4. water and wind.
  40. Which one of the following processes needs an increase in temperature?
    1. Melting and condensation 
    2. Evaporation and freezing 
    3. Melting and evaporation 
    4. Freezing and melting
  41. The extent at which soil feels smooth or rough depends on
    1. colour of the soil. 
    2. drainage of soil. 
    3. amount of water in soil. 
    4. size of soil particles.
  42. The diagram below represent a set up that is used to investigate a certain aspect of light.
    The aspect investigated is
    1. refraction. 
    2. reflection. 
    3. light travels in a straight line. 
    4. passage of light through materials.
  43. Which of the following pairs consists only of substances that are in the same state of matter? 
    1. Air and steam.
    2. Water and wax. 
    3. Water vapour and ice. 
    4. Wax and oil.
  44. The following are some methods of preserving foods:
    1. Canning
    2. Salting
    3. Drying
    4. Use of honey
    5. Freezing
      Which inethods are traditional?
      1. (iii) (i) (iv)
      2. (iv) (i)(iii)
      3. (v) (iii) (ii) 
      4. (ii) (iii) (iv)
  45. Which of the following type of teeth is correctly matched with its function? 
    1. Incisors -cutting and holding. 
    2. Molors -chewing and gripping.
    3. Canines -tearing and griping. 
    4. Premolars crushing and cutting.
  46. Which one of the following is not a part of the breathing system? 
    1. Oesophagus 
    2. Nose 
    3. Trachea 
    4. Bronchus
  47. The date before which medicine should be used is known as the 
    1. useful date.
    2. expiry day. 
    3. manufacture date. 
    4. supply date.
  48. In the word AIDS, letter 5 represents the word syndrome which means 
    1. protected from 
    2. lack of 
    3. got from. 
    4. a group of signs and symptoms.
  49. Which one of the following is not a special sound? 
    1. Screaming 
    2. Hooting. 
    3. Loud music. 
    4. Ringing of a bell.
  50. Std 4 pupils from Gokoigo Primary set up the experiment below.
    The set up was used to show that soil contains
    1. organic matter 
    2. water 
    3. bad smell 
    4. air


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Tagged under

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya vale uliyopewa.

Sisi _ 1_ na mama_ 2__mkali sana. Mama_3_ hakuturuhusu_4_ sheria zozote kiamboni petu. Kila alipohisi kuwa 5_kuoga, alitulazimisha kuoga maji baridi lakini 6 kutumia sabuni mbayo 7__ vizuri sana. Au kila alipogundua ___8utovu kinidhamu, tulikaripiwa na kukumbushwa kuwa ulikuwa wajibu 9 _kuwalinda wavyele wetu kwa tabia.

    1. tulilelewa
    2. tulielewa
    3. tulilelea
    4. tulilea
    1. aliyokuwa
    2. aliyekuwa
    3. aliyekua
    4. aliokuwa
    1. huo
    2. hio
    3. huyo
    4. hilo
    1. kuvuja
    2. kufunja
    3. ufuja
    4. kuvunja
    1. tuliogopa
    2. tumeogopa
    3. tutaogopa
    4. wanaogopa
    1. ingawa
    2. na
    3. kwa
    4. kuwa
    1. ilinukwa
    2. ilinukia
    3. inanukia
    4. ilinuka
    1. tuna
    2. mna
    3. wana
    4. lima
    1. wangu
    2. wetu
    3. wao
    4. yetu

Mawasiliano ni kitendo cha_10_ujumbe. Hii ni _ 11_. binadamu sanasana. Kuna njia 12 za mawasiliano. Kunazo zile za jadi kama vile kuwasha moto, kupiga uyoma au kutuma watu maalum_ 13 ujumbe mahali ulipohitajika, siku hizi, watu 14_ simu, magazeti, majarida na vifaa__15_ kuwasiliana.

    1. kupishana
    2. kupashia
    3. kupashika
    4. kupashana
    1. licha ya
    2. katikati ya
    3. baina ya
    4. mithili ya
    1. ' mingi
    2. nyingi
    3. jingi
    4. mingi
    1. kuupeleka
    2. kuzipeleka
    3. kulipeleka
    4. kukupeleka
    1. walitumia
    2. hutumia
    3. wametumia
    4. wangetumia
    1. nyinginezo
    2. zinginezo
    3. mengineyo
    4. vinginevyo

Kuanzia swali la 16-30. jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo.

  1. Chagua orodha ambayo ni ya vielezi
    1. hivi, nyingi, yoyote, chake
    2. nyinyi, wewe, mimi, sisi
    3. sana, upesi, hakika, kabisa
    4. lini, gani, vipi mbona
  2. Chagua kiashiria takriri kilicho sahihi kujaza pengo:
    Vikombe              vilianguka hapa.
    1. Vivi hivyo 
    2. hivyo hivi 
    3. hivi vivi
    4. vivi hivi
  3. Jaza pengo kwa neno sahihi:
    Mama alienda shambani na alishinda kuko huko mchana -
    1. kutua 
    2. kutwa 
    3. kutwaa 
    4. kucha
  4. Ni yupi mpangilio uletao mfululizo ufaao wa wakati?
    1. Alfajiri, asubuhi, adhuhuri, alasiri magharibi
    2. Alasiri, asubuhi, alfajiri, magharibiadhuhuri
    3. Asubuhi, alfajiri, alasiri, adhuhuri,magharibi.
    4. Alfajiri, asubuhi, alasiri, adhuhuri,magharibi
  5. Umbo hili ni
    1. duara
    2. mche
    3. mpira 
    4. duara dufu
  6. Mnyama ana manyoya mwilini, naye binadamu ana 
    1. nywele 
    2. malaika 
    3. ndewe 
    4. mashamba
  7. Tegua kitendawili hiki:
    Mava hapo mava pale
    1. kifo
    2. kioo
    3. kumetamcta
    4. kivuli
  8. Kutangaza kwa sauti kubwa ni
    1. kupiga maji
    2. kupiga mayowe
    3. kupiga mbiu
    4. kipiga domo
  9. Chagua kinyume cha sentensi ifuatayo:
    Kitindamimba alifurahi sana.
    1. Kifunguamimba alifurahi sana. 
    2. Kitindamimba alikasirika sana, 
    3. Mwanambee alifurahi sana. 
    4. Mwanambee alikasirika sana.
  10. Kanusha: Nimekula nikashiba
    1. Sijala nikashiba.
    2. Sijakula nikashiba.
    3. Sijala wala kushiba.
    4. Sikula wala kushiba.
  11. Jaza pengo kwa usahihi:
    Nyinyi               mli             tualika karamuni.
    1. ndinyi/o
    2. ndiwo/ wo
    3. ndio/o
    4. ndio/ ye
  12. Tunasema shungi la nywele                la kuni pia                 la mchanga.
    1. chane/ tita
    2. tita/ fungu
    3. shado/koja
    4. kicha/ bumba
  13. 3, 7, 17, 31 na 43 ni baadhi ya nambari
    1. tasa
    2. shufwa 
    3. chanya 
    4. witiri
  14. Kamilisha sentensi kwa usahihi:
    Mahali hapa palifyekwa
    1. pakafyekana
    2. pakafyekeshwa
    3. pakafyekela
    4. pakafyekewa
  15. Katika milioni sita kuna laki ngapi?
    1. Sita
    2. Sitini
    3. Elfu sita
    4. Mia sita

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 mpaka 40.
Mlango ulibishwa. Bakari akachungulia kwenye tundu la mlangoni. Akaona mwanamke na mwanamume wamesimama wamebeba matunda. “Baba na mama wako?" waliuliza watu wale wawili. "La, hawapo, wameenda sokoni," Bakari alijibu,
“Basi watakapokuja wasalimie na uwape matunda haya na kuku huyu," wakamaliza. "Ngojeni niwapokee, insiende tafadhali." Bakari alisema huku akifungua mlango. Kufumba na kufumbua, Bakari alijikuta amewekewa bastola kichwani. “Funga mdono wako ukitaka usalama wako, ng'ombe wewe. Nyinyi mnashiba na watu wafa njaa!" Alisema mwanamume yule kwa ghadhabu. "Pesa, dhahabu na vyombo vya mama yako viko wapi?" Mwanamke aliuliza huku akizaba Bakari makofi mawili mazito. Bakari akamwonyesha kila kitu kwani roho yake ilikuwa mikononi, alikuwa hajijui hajitambui!
Wezi wale wawili wakaisafisha nyumba na kuifanya msikiti. Wakampulizia Bakari dawa ya usingizi. Papo hapo akaanguka na kulala fofofo!

  1. Bakari alikuwa na nani nyumbani?
    1. Pekee
    2. Bibiye
    3. Rafiki yake
    4. Mama  na baba
  2. Watu wale wawili waliuliza akina nani?
    1. Baba
    2. Wazee
    3. Baba na mama
    4. Mama
  3. Ni nini kilichomfanya Bakari afungue mlango?
    1. Alishurutishwa kufanya hivyo.
    2. Zawadi alizoambiwa ni za wazazi wake.
    3. Alitaka kuwaona wageni wale vizuri.
    4. Aliwaona mwanamume na mwanamke.
  4. Bakari alipigwa makofi na nani?
    1. Mamake
    2. Rafikiye 
    3. Mwanamume yule 
    4. Mwanamke yule
  5. "Kufumba na kufumbua' ina maana gani?
    1. Hapo hapo
    2. Mara kwa mara 
    3. Baadaye 
    4. Kwa haraka kabisa
  6. Kumpokea mtu ni kufanya nini?
    1. Kumchukia 
    2. Kumkaribisha 
    3. Kumwongelesha 
    4. Kumfungulia mlango
  7. Kuwa roho mkononi ni sawa na kusema
    1. kuwa karibu kufa. 
    2. kuwa na woga zaidi. 
    3. kwenda na roho kwenye mkono. 
    4. kubeba roho kwenye mkono.
  8. Wezi walilalamikia nini?
    1. Kutofunguliwa mlango. 
    2. Wao kushiba na watu kufa kwa njaa. 
    3. Kutokuweko na wazazi. 
    4. Kutopata dhahabu, vy'ombo na pesa.
  9. Wezi hawa wangeshikwa wakiiba tungewaambia methali gani? 
    1. Siku za mwizi ni arubaini.
    2. Mtaka yote hukosa yote.
    3. Bendera hufuata upepo.
    4. Mtegemea cha nduguye hufa masikini.
  10. Neno ghadhabu lina maana gani kuligana na ufahamu? 
    1. Elekeza 
    2. Haraka kabisa 
    3. Hofu kubwa 
    4. Kukasirika

Soma kifingu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 mpaka 50.

Simu ni chombo cha watu cha kuwasiliana. Simu hutumia mawimbi ili kupokea sauti au picha. Kuna aina mbili za simu. Rununu na simu ya ofisi.
Stepford Press and Publishers, 2021
Simu ya ofisi au simu ya nyumbani mara nyingi hutumiwa ofisini ama nyumbani. Simu hii huwekwa mahali fulani maalum katika ofisi. Simu hii huwekwa katika mapokezi. Inapopigwa, huwezi kuona nambari ya anayepiga.
Rununu pia huitwa simu tamba, selula au rokono. Rununu ni simu ndogo ambayo unaweza kuibeba mahali popote unapoenda. Rumunu hutuinia simu kadi. Pia hutumia kadihela ili kupata muda wa maongezi. Manufaa ya rununu ni tumbi tumbi. Hata kama ni ndogo wahenga walisema usione wembamba wa reli, gari moshi hupita.
Manufaa ya rununu ni kuwa huweza kutuma arafa. Arafa ni ujumbe mfupi unaotumwa kwa njia ya kuandika. Pia, hutumika katika biashara kwa kutuma pesa za kununua bidhaa.
Simu pia hutumika kuwapa watu ajira kwa kuajiriwa katika duka la M-pesa, kuuza rununu na vifaa vyake. Watu wengine huzitengeneza simu zilizoharibika kwa malipo na wao hupata ajira.
Hakuna kizuri kisichokuwa na hila. Rununu ina hasara pia. Inaweza kutumiwa na waovu kuwaibia watu pesa. Aidha kutuma ujumbe wa chuki, matusi na picha chafu zisizofaa.
Daima, tutumie rununu kwa uangalifu mkubwa tusije tukajuta majuto ya mjukuu ambayo huja baadaye.

  1. Simu ndogo ambayo mtu anaweza akatembea nayo mahali popote inaitwa 
    1. simu tamba 
    2. simu ya nyumbani 
    3. simu ya ofisi 
    4. arafa
  2. Rununu ni kifaa cha
    1. maliasili 
    2. ajira 
    3. teknolojia 
    4. madini
  3. Rununu pia haiitwi
    1. ofisi 
    2. selula 
    3. rukono 
    4. simu tamba
  4. Kadi ambayo hununuliwa yenye nambari fulani za rununu ambazo mtu hutumia kwa kitambulisho chake pekee huitwa
    1. ajira 
    2. kadi 
    3. simu kadi 
    4. simu hela
  5. Ipi si manufaa ya rununu?
    1. Kutuma arafa.
    2. Kuwapa watu ajira.
    3. Kuwaibia watu pesa. 
    4. Kupata pesa kwa kutengeneza rununu zilizoharibika.
  6. Manufaa ya rununu ni tumbi tumbi.
    Maana ya tumbi tumbi ni
    1. si tele 
    2. chache 
    3. nyingi 
    4. haba
  7. Maana ya neno ‘ajira' ni
    1. Kazi 
    2. pesa 
    3. malipo 
    4. hela
  8. Ni methali gani inalingana na maelezo haya: Rununu, hata kama ni kifaa kidogo, kina faida nyingi? 
    1. Enga kabla ya kujenga. 
    2. Hakuna kizuri kisichokuwa na ila. 
    3. Majuto ni mjukuu huja kinyume. 
    4. Usione wembamba wa reli gari moshi hupita.
  9. Mojawapo ya hasara za rununu ni
    1. kuuza rununu na vifaa vyake kwa malipo kwenye duka la simu kama mfanyi kazi.
    2. kuwasiliana na marafiki.
    3. kutuma ujumbe wa chuki na matusi. 
    4. kuajiriwa katika duka la M-pesa.
  10. Kichwa mwafaka cha kifungu hiki ni
    1. Kadihela 
    2. Rununu 
    3. Mawasiliano 
    4. Arafa

Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako.


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. B
  36. B
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. D
  41. A
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

The young _ 1_ the old people worldwide have become __ 2___ active in taking drugs 3 the government warning 4 dangers of drugs _ 5 r adio, television and posters. Churches and non-governmental organisations __ 6__ take part in educating the society but without __ 7_ success. The drugs most often 8 are tobacco, bhang and 9 __ In our country, we also have drugs that are imported_ 10_ other countries. Examples are _ 11__cocaine, heroine and mandrax. Surprisingly, people 12 engage in_ 13_such drugs mainly 14 ___ from the middle class and _ 15 _rich families.

    1. and
    2. with
    3. while
    4. but
    1. moreover
    2. 'less
    3. normally
    4. extremely hand)
    1. when
    2. which
    3. despite
    4. inspite
    1. of
    2. on
    3. onto
    4. Over
    1. through
    2. in
    3. beside
    4. by 
    1. might
    2. or
    3. mostly
    4. also 
    1. more
    2. much
    3. many
    4. most
    1. catch
    2. smoken
    3. abused
    4. drank
    1. khat
    2. kat
    3. chat
    4. cat
    1. into
    2. beside
    3. by
    4. from
    1. ;
    2. :
    3. !
    4. ,
    1. whose
    2. which
    3. whom
    4. who
    1. traffiking
    2. traficking
    3. trafiking
    4. trafficking
    1. comes
    2. come
    3. came
    4. coming
    1. every
    2. too
    3. very
    4. So

For questions 16 - 17, choose the general word that replaces the others.

    1. Tomatoes
    2. Vegetables
    3. Carrots
    4. Spinach
    1. Stationery
    2. Books
    3. Pencils
    4. Erasers

For questions 18-19. choose the opposite of the underlined word.

  1. They planned to sell their friends car.
    1. use
    2. repair
    3. borrow
    4. buy 
  2. You will be surprised at how many friends he  has. D. 
    1. classmates
    2. colleagues
    3. enemies
    4. attackers 

For question 20, add the correct question tag to the given sentences

  1. They are not good friends,                   
    1. aren't they
    2. were they
    3. do they
    4. are they

For questions 21-22. select the best preposition to fill in the blank spaces.

  1. The boy was accused               stealing cassava
    1. from
    2. by
    3. on
    4. of
  2. Bob is good               English.
    1. at
    2. in
    3. with 
    4. for

For questions 23-24. Fill in the blank space with the best alternative

  1. The milk is too cold                the baby to  drink. 
    1. for
    2. to
    3. with
    4. because 
  2. His father gave him a
    1. five hundred shilling note. 
    2. five hundred shilling notes. 
    3. five hundreds shilling notes.
    4. five hundred shillings notes. .

For question 25. choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated.

    1. "We are knitting now," said the manager. 
    2. Peter shoes were stolen
    3. The dog drank it's milk 
    4. He went to visit his uncle in Nairobi

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38
Long time ago, in the village of Bobo, there lived two men. They were both hunters and they depended on what they caught in the forest for their meals. The younger one was Thomas, while the older one was called Bernard. One season, they went for months without catching any game in the forest. It was dry season and most animals had immigrated to other regions in search of food and water. Both men were very desperate as their only food reserves were running out and they did not know where to get food.
One day, as Thomas was hunting in the forest, he met an old man carrying two bags, one was large and another smaller one. The man appeared tired and thirsty and Thomas shared with him his little water supplies and offered to carry his bags for him. Thomas carried the old man's bags across the forest to his destination.
One day, the king got an idea. He decided to teach them a lesson in humility. He invited his ministers to his palace for a special banquet. A room was set aside for this purpose where they were to have their party. The day came and the ministers arrived in great style. Each seemed to out do the other in manner of dressing. Some came with special horse carriages made ofleather.
The older man offered Thomas one of the bags. Tom, being a humble man, chose the smaller one. He opened it and to his surprise, there were beautiful ornaments and gold jewellery. He looked around to thank the old man but realised he had disappeared.
When he returned home, he sold the jewellery and bought lots of food which he shared with his hunter friend. Bernard asked him where he got the money to buy food and Thomas told him. Bernard decided to go look for the old man the next day in the hope that he would also be showered with gifts.
On arrival at the same spot in the forest, Bernard found the old man seated. Bernard asked him what he would pay if he carried his bags. The old man refused to answer and asked for some water to drink instead.
Bernard had water in his bag but he lied that he didn't have any. The old man then told him where he was needed after Bernard took the bags and started carrying them. But he complained all the way that the bags were heavy, thinking he would be paid more than Thomas.
When they got to the man's destination, Bernard was asked to choose a bag. He greedily took the bigger bag and rushed home with it to brag to his family. However, on opening it, he realised that it was full of rocks and sand. He then realised that if only he hadn't been greedy, he might have got a better reward.

  1. The men who lived in Bobo village can be described as
    1. twins
    2. duo
    3. triplet
    4. trio
  2. How did the men in the passage get their daily meal? By
    1. hunting
    2. keeping animals
    3. trading
    4. farming
  3. What made the men not to catch game in the described season? 
    1. The animals had not given birth.
    2. Most animals had died.
    3. Most animals had been hunted. 
    4. Most animals had moved to other areas. 
  4. Why were the men desperate?
    1. They had to run for long to get water.
    2. The season was dry,
    3. They did not know where to get food.
    4. They started quarreling for food.
  5. The man Thomas met was
    1. hungry and tired.
    2. thirsty and tired.
    3. thirsty and satisfied.
    4. exhausted and thirsty.
  6. From the second paragraph, Thomas was
    1. obedient and arrogant.
    2. helpless and obedient.
    3. rude and silly.
    4. helpful and generous.
  7. Which of the following statements is not true about the third paragraph?
    1. Thomas was not willing to thank the old man
    2. Thomas thanked the old man for the jewellery
    3. Thomas chose the smaller bag.
    4. Thomas found beautiful ornaments in the  bag.
  8. What did Thomas do with the jewellery?
    1. He shared them with his friends.
    2. He sold them and bought food.
    3. He used them to beautify his house. 
    4. He kept them to be used later.  
  9. Which word can best replace the word  "showered' as used in the passage?
    1. Rained
    2. Attacked 
    3. Bathed 
    4. Given 
  10. By lying Bernard can be described as a
    1. rude
    2. gossiper
    3. cheat
    4. disobedient
  11. Why was Bernard complaining as he carried the bag?
    1. He did not like the man.
    2. To get more pay.
    3. The bag was too heavy to carry.
    4. The distance was too long.
  12. What made Bernard to choose the biggest bag?
    1. He knew it had rocks and sand. 
    2. He was advised so by the owner of the bag.
    3. He was used to carrying bigger bags.
    4. He wanted to get more pay than Thomas.
  13. The best proverb to summarise the above  passage would be 
    1. Grasp all lose all.
    2. One good turn deserves another. 
    3. Every cloud has a silver lining. 
    4. Where there is a will there is a way

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50.
Road accidents are very common on our roads today. Many of them are caused by recklessness by road users in the past few years, hundreds of people have lost their lives in fatal road accidents. Pedestrians and cyclist make up half of the deaths in our roads. The other half is made up of passengers. Among those killed and injured have been children. Some parents fear travelling with children, dreading what could happen.
However, there are measures parents can take to keep their children safe on the road. This is especially so when using private cars. Here, they have control of the activities that take place in the car. Parents should therefore equip themselves and their children with the knowhow ca presenting and dealing with road accidents. Adults seat belts are not designed for children. They also expose the child to harm in case of crash. Although a child can travel safely in the front seat of the car, it is safer for them to travel in the back seat.
When travelling, the parent may need to adjust the seat the child will use. If a parent is travelling with a newborn baby they should put them in a rear-facing seat. If you must travel with your child in the front scat, you should ensure that the air bag is turned off. The air bag could seriously injure the child during an accident. Aparent should only consider allowing a child to use an adult seat belt when they attain a height of 135 centmeters and above. If the adult seat belt does not lie on the child's hips, chest and shoulder but rather lie on their tuinmy and neck, the parent should continue keeping them in their car seat. Children should never jump, stand or play on their seat when a vehicle is moving. In addition, they should not walk on the seat when the vehicle, especially a bus, is moving. When buying a car seat, parents should bear in mind the price, comfort and the child's height and weight.
When walking, parents should teach their children to use paths and pavements. They should learn to use traffic lights and pedestrians' walk. They should always put down whatever they are holding, look right, left and right again before crossing the road. They should learn to make eye contact with drivers and watch out for vehicles that may be reversing or turning. A reversing driver may fail to see small children if they are behind the car or are below the height visible from the car's side mirror. Children's band should be held in car parks just as on roads. Finally, when walking with a child along a pavement, ensure that they are further from the road than you! are.

  1. What is the main cause of road accidents on our roads today?
    1. The recklessness of all people using the roads
    2. The recklessness of motorists using the roads.
    3. The carelessness of parents who travel alone 
    4. The carelessness of parents who travel with their children.
  2. We can say that 
    1. half of the deaths on the roads occur to passengers.
    2. pedestrians make up 50% of the road deaths
    3. parents are the main cause of road 
    4. children are not among the road accidents casualties.
  3. According to the passage, which one of the following best describes why parents using private cars are able to keep their children safe on the road?
    1. They are able to equip themselves and the children with the knowledge of how to prevent and deal with road accidents.
    2. They have better control of the activities that take place in the car.
    3. They are able to turn off the airbag when travelling with their children.
    4. They are able to bear in mind the price, comfort and the child's height and weight.
  4. Which one of the following do parents need not consider when deciding on the measures to take to keep their children safe on the road?
    1. The number of traffic lights and pedestrians
    2. The size of the seat belt.
    3. The position of the car seat.
    4. The activity of the child in a car.
  5. "They should learn to inake eye contact with drivers. This means that they should 
    1. ensure that the drivers see them.
    2. look at the drivers.
    3. ensure that themselves and the drivers look at each other directly in the eye.
    4. communicate with drivers on phone.
  6. Children using the road should not
    1. use traffic lights and pedestrian walks.
    2. use paths and pavements.
    3. watch out for reversing or turning vehicles
    4. be nearer the road than the adults they are walking with
  7. Which one of the following words means the same as crash as used in the passage? 
    1. Crush
    2. Accident roads.
    3. Clash
    4. Noise 
  8. Why do you think it is important for children to put down whatever they are holding as they prepare to cross the road?
    1. The luggage could easily distract then, making them fail to see an oncoming  vehicle. 
    2. So that they are able to cross the road comfortably. 
    3. To allow them look right, left and right deaths. again before crossing the road. 
    4. To be able to make eye contact with the accidents on our roads today.
  9. When buying a car seat, the writer suggests that parents should consider all the following  except 
    1. the cost. 
    2. the colour. 
    3. the comfort. 
    4. the child's height and weight.
  10. Which one of the following is not an adults  responsibility?
    1. Ensuring that children are further from the  road than they are, when walking with children along pavcinents. 
    2. Holding children's hands in car parks just as on roads.
    3. Equipping the children with the knowhow on preventing and dealing with road accidents.
    4. They should learn to use traffic lights and pedestrian walks.
  11. Children should 
    1. jump, stand and play on their seats when a  vehicle is moving.
    2. walk on the seat when the vehicle is moving. 
    3. look right, left and right again before crossing the road.
    4. cross the road when vehicles are reversing. 
  12. Which one of the following best summarises  the passage?
    1. Parents should avoid causing road accidents. 
    2. Children should not use roads because they also cause road accident. 
    3. If all road users were careful, there would be no road accidents. 
    4. Private cars should be banned from our roads.

You have 40 minutes to write an interesting composition on:


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. D
  21. D
  22. A
  23. A
  24. A
  25. A
  26. B
  27. A
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. A
  41. B
  42. A
  43. C
  44. D
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. C
  1. Write seventy million seven hundred and seven thousand and seventy in symbols.
    1. 70707070
    2. 7070707
    3. 70770070
    4. 70707007
  2. What is the total value of digit three in 57348912?
    1. 30000
    2. Three thousand
    3. 3000000
    4. 300000
  3. What is the sum of 16570 and 3102 to the nearest thousands?
    1. 19672
    2. 20000
    3. 19000
    4. 19700
  4. What is the place value of digit 8 in 19.7836?
    1. Hundredths
    2. Tens
    3. Hundreds
    4. Thousandths
  5. A square flower garden has an area of 1296m2. What is the length of one side of the square garden?
    1. 36 m
    2. 63m
    3. 314
    4. 144 
  6. What is the place value of digit 2 in  132816?
    1. Thousandths
    2. Hundred
    3. Hundredths
    4. Thousands
  7. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 8?
    1. 88176
    2. 17382
    3. 65456
    4. 84234
  8. What is the square root of 54/9?
    1. 21/3
    2. 2952/81
    3. 49/9
    4. 209 52/181 
  9. Which one shows the area of a square room measuring 8m by 8m?
    1. 62m2 
    2. 32m2 
    3. 64m2 
    4. 16m2
  10. Work out 10.32-9.79 + 0.175 and round off your answer to the nearest tenths
    1. 0.705
    2. 0.7
    3. 0.71
    4. 0.8
  11. What is the reciprocal of 52/3
    1. 17/3
    2. 10/3
    3. 3/17
    4. 3/10
  12. A total of eight hundred and sixty five pupils participated in a harambee to raise money for physically challenged pupils. If each pupil contributed three hundred and fifty shillings, how much money in total was raised?
    1. 1215
    2. 300650
    3. 292750
    4. 302750
  13. Mwaniki got 35% in a test. What was his mark in fraction, in the simplest form?
    1. 35/100 
    2. 7/20
    3. 5/20
    4. 0.35
  14. The area of the square drawn is 51/16m2.What is the measure of one of its sides?
    1. 9/16m
    2. 3¼m
    3. 2¼m
    4. 9m
  15. Convert 0.84 to fraction in its simplest form.
    1. 21/25
    2. 42/50
    3. 84/1000
    4. 84/100
  16. The population of a certain town in a country is four million three hundred and fifty thousand. The population of the second town is two million seven hundred and seventy six. What is the population of the two towns in total?
    1. 7126000
    2. 6350776
    3. 7050076
    4. 6050076
  17. Work out: 60 ÷ 12/3
    1. 100
    2. 24
    3. 150
    4. 36
  18. Find the quotient of 2.25 and 0.25
    1. 0.9
    2. 9
    3. 11
    4. 0.09
  19. Divide 24 by 1/6
    1. 4
    2. 1000
    3. 10000
    4. 144
  20. A motorist left town A at 11.15 pm. It took 3hrs and 55 minutes to reach town B. At what time in 24 hour clock system did he reach town B?
    1. 1510 hr
    2. 0310 hr
    3. 1500 hr
    4. 1410 hr
  21. Work out: l    dl   ml
                   65    8   17
                    x           7
    1. 455l 56dl 119ml
    2. 450l 60d1 19ml
    3. 460l 7dl 119ml
    4. 461l 17dl 19ml
  22. A car left Nyeri town at 8 am for another town a distance of 360 km away. What was the speed in kn/hr if it arrived at that town at 11 amn?
    1. 11 km/h
    2. 90 km/h
    3. 150 km/hr
    4. 120 km/hr
  23. Mama Eva went shopping and bought the following items 2 blouses @ sh 240, I dress for sh 770, 3 jackets @ 450.50,5 blankets for sh 2000. What was her total bill?
    1. 4601.50
    2. 2100.50
    3. 57000.50
    4. 3600.50
  24. A flower measures 3 m long and 1 m wide. What is its area in square metres?
    1. 5½m2
    2. 18m2
    3. 6m2
    4. 41/7m2
  25. Work out: 3.456 ÷ 16
    1. 2.16
    2. 20.6
    3. 216
    4. 0.216
  26. The line below drawn to scale is the distance between towns A and B. If the scale used is 1 cm represents 10 m, what is the actual distance from town A and B in metres?
    1. 4.2 m
    2. 42 m
    3. 4200 mm
    4. 420 m
  27. Work out: 9√177L 8dl 31 ml
    1. 109L 70dl 60ml
    2. 91L 7dl 59ml
    3. 1L 170dl 59ml
    4. 19L 7dl  59ml
  28. What is the product of 67.84 and 5.25?
    1. 35,616
    2. 356.16
    3. 3.5616
    4. 0.35616
  29. What is the next number in the sequence below 168, 84, 42
    1. 48
    2. 10
    3. 11
    4. 21
  30. What is the quotient of 11¼ and 1¼?
    1. 9
    2. 101/5
    3. 141/16
    4. 25
  31. A radio is bought at sh 3950 and sold for sh 3310. Calculate the loss
    1. sh 7260
    2. sh 840
    3. sh 640
    4. sh 1640
  32. Remove the brackets and simplify.
    15(4e - 3c + 2e + e)
    1. 4e
    2. 60e - 45e + 30e + 15e
    3. 60e
    4. 45e
  33. Which of the following numbers is divisible by 2, 5 and 10?
    1. 909183
    2. 5567128
    3. 41286
    4. 593860
  34. David had m of wire. He tied up bundles of sticks which required m of wire each. How many bundles of sticks did he tie?
    1. 3/32
    2. 6
    3. 1/6
    4. 32/3
  35. What is 0.06 x 0.07
    1. 0.00042
    2. 4200
    3. 0.0042
    4. 0.042
  36. What is 645x 720 ?
    1. 453400
    2. 46440 
    3. 464400 
    4. 46340
  37. Find the length of the rectangle.
    1. 9 cm
    2. 36m
    3. 18 cm
    4. 5 cm
  38. What is the reciprocal of 45/6
    1. 6/29
    2. 64/5
    3. 29/6
    4. 46/5
  39. What is the value of 2546328 + 9568 + 627852 ? 
    1. 3183748 
    2. 3713748 
    3. 317348 
    4. 2173648 
  40. Fill in the blank spaces marked (i), (ii) and (iii) respectively.
    1. 3, 24
    2. 24, 8, 4
    3. 2, 3, 4
    4. 3, 3, 4
  41. Find the value of √576
    1. 18
    2. 24
    3. 26
    4. 16
  42. Simplify 2x + 6y + 4x - 2y
    1. 6r - 4
    2. 6x + 6y
    3. 6x + 4y
    4. 6x + 8y
  43. Grace had 160 mangoes 40 of them were ripe. What percentage of mangoes was ripc?
    1. 120%
    2. 25%
    3. 200%
    4. 75%
  44. Arrange the following from the smallest to the largest 1/3, ½, 1/10 and 1/5
    1. 1/3, ½, 1/10,1/5
    2. 1/10,1/1/3, ½
    3. 1/10,1/31/, ½ 
    4. ½, 1/1/31/10
  45. Convert 20 m/s to km/hr
    1. 60 km/hr
    2. 120 km/hr
    3. 90 km/hr
    4. 72 km/hr
  46. Multiply 3t 250kg by 5.
    1. 16t 250kg
    2. 16t 1250kg
    3. 151 1250kg
    4. 10t 250g
  47. Work out: dl       ml
                    16      70
                  +29      40
    1. 14dl 10ml
    2. 46dl 10ml
    3. 45dl 10ml
    4. 46dl 110ml
  48. Ocampo had a rectangular piece of land measuring 20¼ cm and 151/3 cm. Calculate its perimeter.
    1. 737/12 km 
    2. 40½ km
    3. 367/12 km
    4. 711/6 km
  49. Work out 34/18 + 111/24 + 27/8
    1. 711/18
    2. 624/18
    3. 611/18
    4. 729/18
  50. Which of the following triangle is a scalene


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. B
  19. D
  20. B
  21. D
  22. D
  23. A
  24. C
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. C
  33. D
  34. B
  35. C
  36. C
  37. C
  38. A
  39. A
  40. D
  41. B
  42. C
  43. B
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. A
  50. A

Study the map of Nari Area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. River Nari rises from
    1. South
    2. North Wesf
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. Which one of the following is the main religion practised by people of Nari area?
    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditionalists
  3. The settlement pattern in Nari area can be described as
    1. nucleated
    2. clustered
    3. linear
    4. sparse
  4. Which one of the following type of industry can be located in the southern part of the map?
    1. Primary industry
    2. Secondary industry 
    3. Tertiary industry 
    4. Assembly industry
  5. Which one of the following factors has mainly lead to the growth of Nalli town?
    1. Trading Activities 
    2. Presence of a road junction 
    3. Security services
    4. Farming activities
  6. The type of soil likely found in the Southern part of the area
    1. black cotton soils 
    2. alluvial soils
    3. sandy soils
    4. red sub soils 
  7. What evidence shows that the North Eastern part of the map receives low rainfall is likeIy to be?
    1. Presence of a quarry 
    2. Presence of scrubs 
    3. The distribution of people 
    4. Distance from the lake
  8. Which one of the following is not a River lale Nilofes of Sudan?
    1. Lango
    2. Bayi
    3. Anuak 
    4. Dinka
  9. The following is a description of climate experienced in Eastern Africa.
    • High temperatures throughout the year
    • High rainfall throughout the year
    • Experiencesa rainfall maxima
      The climate described above is
      1. Tropical savannah climate 
      2. Mountain climate
      3. suotrootcst climate
      4. Equatorial climate
  10. The government of Kenya carries out census after every ten years mainly to
    1. know the number of people
    2. to plan for its people
    3. to prepare for elections
    4. to distribute land to people 
  11. Which one of the following factors explains why a rainguage should be fixed 15 centimetrés 15elow the ground? 
    1. To make it attractive 
    2. To make it stable 
    3. To make it visible
    4. To avoid splashing into it
  12. Which one of the following consist of the main coffee growing areas in Ethiopia?
    1. Moshi Arusha region 
    2. Jammo, Addis Ababa region
    3. Harar and Kaffar 
    4. Hadar Bouri
  13. Which one of the following towns is not a lake port in Lake Victoria in Tanzania? 
    1. Mwanza
    2. Musoma
    3. Ahirati
    4. Kigoma
  14. Which one of the following is the main government beef ranch in Tanzania 
    1. Mpwapwa
    2. Solai 
    3. Kongwa
    4. Hadeni
  15. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa does not share a border with Kenya?
    1. Uganda
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Somalia
  16. The following are uses of a mineral mined in Kenya
    1. Used to make fertilizer
    2. Used to make paint 
    3. Used to treat water
      The mineral described above is likely to be
      1. limestone
      2. fluorspar 
      3. diatomite
      4. salt
  17. The best way to upgrade to the local breeds is through
    1. controlling tsetse flies 
    2. cross-breeding
    3. paddocking 
    4. establish ranches
  18. Poultry reaning in Kenya is mainly done in the outskirts of the urban areas because
    1. there is a ready market
    2. plenty of poultry feeds
    3. area is free from pests
    4. there is plenty of space
  19. The best means of transporting heavy and bulky goods over long distance on land is
    1. pipeline transport
    2. railway transport
    3. water transport
    4. road transport
  20. Which one of the following title was given to the treasurer in the traditional Buganda kingdom? 
    1. Katikiro
    2. Omulamuzi
    3. Lukiko
    4. Omwanika
  21. Which one of the following water body does not border Eastern Africa?
    1. The Red Sea 
    2. The Indian Ocean
    3. Mediterranean sea
    4. Lake Victoria
  22. The following is a description of a town in Eastern Africa,
    1. Located on a foot of a mountain
    2. It's one of the largest town in its country
    3. Mainly serves as a tourism centre
      The town described above is
      1. Arusha
      2. Thika
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Kampala
  23. The main source of River Nile is
    1. Ethiopian highland
    2. Lake Tana
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lake Kyoga
  24. Which one of the following means of communication was recently introduced and possess a great competition to other forms of communication? 
    1. Letters
    2. Telegrams
    3. Computers
    4. Mobile phones
  25. Which one of the following types of lakes are formed when the river changes its course?
    1. Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga
    2. Lake Baringo, Lake Naivasha
    3. Lake Gambi, Lake Kanyamboli
    4. Lake Teleki, Lake Catherine
  26. Three of the following are facts about latitudes. Which one is not?
    1. They meet at the poles
    2. They are parallel to each other
    3. They influence the climate
    4. They are of different sizes
  27. Who among the following early visitor to Eastern Africa mainly came to look for the source of River Nile?
    1. Vasco da Gamma
    2. John Speke
    3. William MacKinnon
    4. Dr. Ludwig krapf
  28. Which one of the following is not true about maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania?
    1. It's mainly grow. by Small scale
    2. It's staple food of people in the region 
    3. It's a main foreign exchange earner
    4. Maize growing was introduced by the European settles
  29. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction on the floor of the Rift valley?
    1. Sandy beaches and warm climate
    2. International spurts and competitions
    3. Beautiful sceneries
    4. Wildlife in parks
  30. Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa is the highest non-volcanic mountain?
    1. Mt Ruwenzori
    2. Mt Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt Kenya
    4. The Ras Dashan
  31. The following are statements about a method of rearing poultry.
    1. Birds are left to feed
    2. Birds are fed separately in cages
    3. Birds have separate laying nest
    4. Feeds are mixed with standard straws
      There is a common collection point for eggs Which combination is suitable for battery system?
      1. i, ii, iv 
      2. ii, iii, v
      3. ii, iv, v 
      4. i, iii, v
  32. Use the diagrams to answer questions 32 and 33
    The main factor that influence the growth of vegetation
    1. altitude
    2. climate
    3. soil
    4. drainage
  33. The main economic activity carried out in the area marked D
    1. Lumbering
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Bee keeping
    4. Fruit growing
  34. Three of the foilowing are reasons for single parenthood. Which one is not?
    1. Travelling abroad
    2. Death
    3. Separation
    4. Divorce
  35. Which one of the following means of communication is mainly affected by low Supply of electricity in rural areas?
    1. Television
    2. Computers
    3. Newspapers
    4. Courier Service
  36. Which one of the following animals is not a big five?
    1. Rhino
    2. Buffalo
    3. Cheetah
    4. Leopard
  37. Which one of the following lakes were formed through the same processes?
    1. L. Stephanie, L. Manyara, L. Edward
    2. L. Katwe, L. Paradise, L. Utange
    3. L.Albert, L. Kivu!, L. Kyoga
    4. L. Chala, Lake Tana, L. Gambi
  38. Which one of the following was the first political party that was formed in Tanganyika?
    1. Chama Cha Mapinduzi
    2. Tanganyika African National Union
    3. Tanganyika African Association
    4. United Tanganyika Party
  39. Who among the following is a member of the county assembly?
    1. County Representative
    2. Speaker
    3. Nominated Member
    4. Senator
  40. Judiciary in Kenya is headed by the 
    1. President
    2. Chief justice
    3. Attorney general
    4. Chief registrar

Use the map below to answer questions 41 - 45 

  1. The main tourist attraction in the area Marked K
    1. Wildlife
    2. Human remains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Sandy beaches
  2. The town marked M started as a 
    1. trading post 
    2. fishing village 
    3. market centre 
    4. transport and communication centre
  3. The type of forest found in the area marked
    1. Highland forest
    2. Lowland forest
    3. Tropical rainforest 
    4. Planted forests
  4. The Mineral mined at the place marked L is
    1. soda ash
    2. fluorspar
    3. diatomite
    4. limestone 
  5. The mountain marked N was from a result of
    1. faulting and uplifting
    2. faulting and sinking
    3. volcanic eruption
    4. folding of rocks
  6. Which one of the following holidays in Kenya is celebrated to mark the day when Kenya was granted independence?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Jamhuri day
    3. Madaraka day
    4. Labour day
  7. Which one of the following trees is found in the a Natural Forest?
    1. Pine
    2. Eucalyptus 
    3. Camphor
    4. Cypress
  8. Which one of the following community was led by Mukite wa Nameme in resisting the establishment of colonial rule?
    1. Nandi
    2. Ababukusu
    3. Agiriama
    4. Hehe
  9. Which one of the following National parks is B. not found in Uganda?
    1. Soleus
    2. Murchison
    3. Kidepo valley 
    4. Queen Elizabeth
  10. Three of the following are effects of Maasai collaboration except A. 
    1. Lenana was made a paramount chief B. 
    2. Maasai got support to fight their enemies C 
    3. Maasai were rewarded with land D. 
    4. Maasai lost their land
  11. Which one of the following is not a sea port the county assembly?
    1. Asmara
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Dar es Salaam
    4. Kismayu  
  12. Which one of the following European power did not get a portion of Somaliland during the scramble and partition of Eastern Africa?
    1. Germany
    2. Britain
    3. France 
    4. Italy
  13. Which of the following winds are responsible for long rains in East African Highlands?
    1. North East Monsoon winds 
    2. South East Monsoon winds 
    3. North and dry winds
    4. South Westerlies
  14. Which is not a method of solving conflict?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Negotiation 
    3. Revenging
    4. Court settlement
  15. Which one of the following food crop is widely grown in Uganda?
    1. Maize
    2. Bananas
    3. Sisal
    4. Tea
  16. Which one of the following activities was not done by African Societies?
    1. Solving disputes 
    2. Making community laws
    3. Punishing the law breakers
    4. Spearheading
  17. The type of trade that involves only two countries is termed as
    1. regional trade
    2. multi-lateral trade PIS 
    3. bilateral trade
    4. domestic trade 
  18. The main reason why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa is
    1. A treat African diseases
    2. to civilize Africans 
    3. get raw material 45. 
    4. to stop slave trade 
  19. Which one of the following is not a function of Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission?
    1. Nominate members
    2. Conduct elections Kenya 
    3. Register voters 
    4. Announce election results  
  20. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. Head of state 
    3. Deputy president
    4. Chief justice


  1. From the book of Genesis Chapter 1 and 2, 1 which one of the following was created on the fourth day?
    1. Plants
    2. Animals
    3. Man
    4. Sun
  2. Who among the following gave his life to God?
    1. Lot
    2. Haron
    3. Terah
    4. Abraham
  3. The first Israelites Passover meal took place in
    1. Jericho
    2. Judah
    3. Egypt
    4. Canaan
  4. Which one of the following is the sixth commandment as given in the book of Exodus chapter twenty?
    1. Respect your mother and father
    2. Keep the sabbath day holy
    3. Do not kill
    4. Do not covet
  5. The Judge who defeated the Medianites being led by the Holy Spint was
    1. Jared
    2. Gideon
    3. Samuel
    4. Samson
  6. The third King in Israel was called
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Ahab
    4. Solomon   
  7. Which one of the following prophets spoke about the coming of the Messiah?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Jonah 
    3. Elisha 
    4. Obadia
  8. Gehazi, the servant of Elisha was punished because he lacked
    1. money
    2. honesty
    3. kindness
    4. love
  9. Which one of the following prophets predicted  about famine that was to affect people in Israel?
    1. Elijah 
    2. Agabus 
    3. Micah 
    4. Isaiah
  10. Who among the following prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Elijah 
    3. Micah 
    4. Jeremiah
  11. Which one of the following was given to the shepherds as a sign of the saviour who had  been born?
    1. They would find him in a hotel
    2. They would find a big baby
    3. They would find him with his parents
    4. They would find him wrapped in strips of clothes
  12. The raising of Lazarus from the dead by Jesus shows that Jesus
    1. Has power to heal the sick
    2. Has power to create
    3. Has power over evil
    4. Has power over death
  13. The first miracle of Jesus took place at
    1. Judah
    2. Israel
    3. Cana
    4. Egypt
  14. The first disciples of Jesus were
    1. farmers
    2. fishermen
    3. singers
    4. healers
  15. Who among the following repented his sins and was forgiven?
    1. Gehazi
    2. Prodigal son
    3. Disciples
    4. Ahab
  16. "Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani" means
    1. My God, my God why did you abandon me
    2. Elijah, you will be with me in paradise
    3. Father forgive them
    4. Lord, take this cup away from me. 
  17. Who among the following went to the tomb after the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Joseph
    4. Elzabeth
  18. The first disciples of were first called Christians at a place called 
    1. Jericho
    2. Antioch 
    3. Moab
    4. Egypt
  19. Who among the following denied Jesus three in times?
    1. James 
    2. John
    3. Peter
    4. Zacharia
  20. Which one among the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Love 
    4. Faith 
  21. Education in traditional African society was aimed at
    1. Instilling respect 
    2. Character moulding
    3. Acquiring degree
    4. Preparation for marriage
  22. The following are ways through which people get new life in traditional African society except
    1. Initiation
    2. Baptism 
    3. Marriage 
    4. Birth 
  23. Which one among the following is commonly practised by both Christians and Traditional African Communities?
    1. Sharing with others 
    2. Baptising new converts
    3. Tatooing bodies
    4. Reading the Bible
  24. The main purpose of sharing wealth or ideas  with others is to show
    1. concern for others
    2. envy for others
    3. jealous for others 
    4. brutality for other 
  25. Initiation in Traditional African society, prepared young people to take in society
    1. their own problems
    2. new responsibilities
    3. their talents
    4. their gifts
  26. Which one among the following is not true about the benefits of sharing work?
    1. Give people chance to share talents 
    2. To contribute to the welfare of others 
    3. Everybody get involved in work 
    4. Compete as we work
  27. Which one among the following is good use of time?
    1. Stealing 
    2. Cheating 
    3. Visit the needy 
    4. Complaining always
  28. In Traditional African Societies marriage negotiation are officiated by
    1. prophets
    2. seer
    3. elders
    4. priests
  29. Who among the following is a person with special need?
    1. HIV/AIDS victim 
    2. Jesus
    3. Rich person
    4. A farmer
  30. Which one among the following was the main activity of missionaries in Kenya? 
    1. Give people presents 
    2. Teach people local language
    3. Preach the Gospel 
    4. See Kenyans


  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. A
  60. B
  61. D
  62. D
  63. C
  64. C
  65. B
  66. D
  67. A
  68. B
  69. A
  70. C
  71. D
  72. D
  73. C
  74. B
  75. B
  76. A
  77. B
  78. B
  79. C
  80. C
  81. B
  82. B
  83. A
  84. A
  85. B
  86. D
  87. C
  88. C
  89. A
  90. C


  1. The following are parts of female reproductive system except
    1. Ovary 
    2. Uterus
    3. Urethra
    4. Birth Canal
  2. Which one of the following crop is not a beverage?
    1. Coffee
    2. Tea
    3. Barley
    4. Cashewnuts
  3. The tube that runs from mouth to the anus is known as
    1. Digestive system
    2. taut
    3. Trachea
    4. Food pipe
  4. An onion stores food in the
    1. Leaves
    2. Stern
    3. Roots
    4. Bud
  5. Which set of materials below consists of insulators of heat only?
    1. Pins, sufuria, glass
    2. Plastic, wood, glass
    3. Mail, copper wire, leaves
    4. Pencil, paper, pins
  6. The following are characteristics of wind pollinated flowers except
    1. Dull petals
    2. Scented
    3. Large quantities of pollen grains
    4. Feathery stigma
  7. Which one of the following parts is correctly matched with its function?
    Mix food with juice
    Absorption of water
    Absorption of minerals
    Digestion of food
  8. Which one of the following is not a method of rotational grazing?
    1. Strip grazing
    2. Herding
    3. Tethering
    4. Paddocking
  9. Which one of the following is not a concentrate?
    1. Bone meal
    2. Fish meal
    3. Salt licks
    4. Lucerne
  10. Pupils collected 2kg of sand, 2kg of cotton wool and 2kg of stones. Which one of them had a bigger volume?
    1. 2kg of sand
    2. 2kg of stone
    3. 2kg of cotton wool
    4. All were the same
  11. The phase of the moon drawn below is called
    1. Crescent
    2. New moon
    3. Full moon
    4. Gibbous
  12. Which one of the following is a way of maintaining all simple tool?
    1. Sharpening after use
    2. Regular use of the tools
    3. Cleaning after use
    4. Washing after use
  13. All the following happens when you inhale except
    1. Lungs expand
    2. Diaphragm flattens
    3. Pressure in chest cavity decreases
    4. Diaphragm form dome-shaped
  14. Which one of the following materialsexpands most when heated?
    1. Gases
    2. Liquids
    3. Solids
    4. Metal rods
  15. What is cross pollination?
    1. Transfer of pollen grain from anther to the stigma of a flower
    2. Transfer of pollen of one flower to stigma of another
    3. Transfer of pollen grain to anther of one flower to ovary of the same flower
    4. Transfer of pollen grain from anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower on different, plants of the same kind
  16. Study the diagram below
    The diagram above can be used to conclude that
    1. Air has mass
    2. Air occupy space
    3. Inflated balloon is heavier than deflated balloon
    4. Matter occupy space and has weight
  17. Which part of the digestive system does not produce digestive juices?
    1. Mouth
    2. Duodenum
    3. Stomach
    4. Liver
  18. The tooth used for tearing food
    1. Has cusps
    2. Has three roots
    3. Has one root
    4. Chisel shaped
  19. A germinating maize seedling gets its food from
    1. Endosperm
    2. Cotyledon
    3. Plumule
    4. Radicle
  20. Study the set-up used to investigate germination.
    Which statement is true about the set up above?
    1. Seeds did not germinate
    2. Seeds germinated
    3. There was no air in the water
    4. Seeds decayed after two days
  21. A weed that has thorns on stems and branches and has green fruit that turn yellow when ripe is
    1. Thorn apple
    2. Sodom apple
    3. Mexican marigold
    4. Wondering Jew
  22. Std6 pupils collected the following materials.
    • inner tube of a pen
    • Water and ink
    • Thin waled glass bottle
    • Cello tape and manila
      The instrument they made is:
      1. Liquid thermometer
      2. Air thermometer
      3. Wind sock
      4. Wind vane
  23. Which one of the following is an importance of HIV and AIDS testing?
    1. To secure employment
    2. To know who infected you
    3. To campaign for the spread of HIV
    4. To overcome fear
  24. Which food is good for teeth maintenance?
    1. Milk
    2. Cakes
    3. Biscuits
    4. Sweets
  25. HIV and AIDS can be transmitted through the following body fluids except 
    1. Blood 
    2. Saliva
    3. Brest milk
    4. Urine
  26. The largest planet is 
    1. Neptune
    2. Jupiter   
    3. Saturn
    4. Mercury
  27. When modelling the solar system you can use the following to mount the planet and  the sun except 
    1. Thorns  
    2. Pins 
    3. Cello tape
    4. Clay
  28. Which one of the following material cannot be used to make rollers?
    1. Maize combs 
    2. Pencils 
    3. Round sticks 
    4. Bottle tops
  29. The clouds that bring rains are
    1. White
    2. High in sky
    3. Feathery
    4. Dark grey
  30. Study the weather instrument below.
    Part marked M is made from:
    1. Mosquito net
    2. Manila paper
    3. Polythene bag
    4. Metal sheet 
  31. What is temperature?
    1. Amount of heat in the body
    2. Evaporation in the surrounding
    3. Coldness of the environment 
    4. Degree of hotness or coldness of a place or a thing
  32. Which one of the following is not an importance of lighting a house?
    1. Warming the house
    2. Discouraging pests
    3. For safety
    4. To read comfortably
  33. Which one of the following is not an industrial use of water?
    1. Mixing chemicals
    2. Making fountains
    3. Cooling machines
    4. Use of ferry services
  34. In which parts of the breathing system is air cleaned?
    1. Trachea 
    2. Lungs
    3. Bronchioles 
    4. Diaphragm
  35. Which one of the following animal feeds does not give animals carbohydrates?
    1. Molasses
    2. Polland
    3. Nappier glass
    4. Lucerne
  36. The set up below was used by pupils to experiment properties of heat
    Which pin dropped first?
    1. None 
    2. W
    3. X
    4. Y
  37. The sign showing stage of HIV infection is:
    1. Full blown stage
    2. Incubation stage
    3. Symptomatic stage
    4. Window stage
  38. Functions of a root in a plant includes all the following except
    1. Food storage
    2. Absorption of minerals
    3. Support the plant
    4. Making the food
  39. The form of energy produced by vibration is called
    1. Sound
    2. Heat
    3. Light
    4. Electricity
  40. In a flower, fertilization takes place in the
    1. Stigma
    2. Style
    3. Ovary
    4. Anthers
  41. Below are signs and symptoms of a certain waterborne disease.
    • Skin rash
    • Fever
    • Blood in urine and stool
      The above disease is best prevented by:
      1. Proper use of latrines and toilets
      2. Wearing protective clothing
      3. Drinking boiled water
      4. Immunization
  42. The factors that increase the rate of soil erosion includes all the following except
    1. Number of animals in soils
    2. Human activities
    3. Slopes
    4. Types of soil
  43. Study the method of food preservation drawn below.
    The method of food preservation above works by:
    1. Making bacteria inactive
    2. Coating of the food
    3. Dehydrating the food
    4. Removing air from the food
  44. Which one of the following is not an effect of increasing heat in a substance?
    1. Melting
    2. Evaporation
    3. Expansio
    4. Freezing
  45. Which one of the following is the best practice to prevent malaria?
    1. Sleeping under mosquito net
    2. Destroying breeding places for mosquitos
    3. Fitting house windows with mosquito gauge
    4. Taking anti-malaria drugs
  46. The type of soil erosion that forms a deep V shaped channel is best controlled by
    1. Making gabions
    2. Making terraces
    3. Planting cover crops
    4. Contour ploughing
  47. The excess medicine that remains should be
    1. Given to the needy and sick
    2. Thrown into a pit latrine
    3. Kept for future use
    4. Taken back to hospital
  48. The type of grazing where permanent structure is used is known as
    1. Zero grazing
    2. Strip grazing
    3. Paddocking
    4. Tethering
  49. Coloured water is used in liquid thermometer in order to make it
    1. Last longer
    2. Measure slightest change in temperature
    3. Visible
    4. Absorb more heat
  50. The experiment below is used to demonstrate that
    1. Light travels in all directions
    2. Candle is a source of light
    3. Light travels in a straight line
    4. Light can be reflected


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. B
  20. B
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. D
  34. A
  35. D
  36. A
  37. C
  38. D
  39. A
  40. C
  41. B
  42. A
  43. B
  44. D
  45. B
  46. A
  47. B
  48. A
  49. C
  50. C

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa kuchagua lifaalo zaidi

Kuna njia 1                za kuhakikisha kuwa tuna afya bora. Kwa 2               , tunashauriwa kula chakula 3                , kufanya mazoezi, kujiepusha na 4                na kutafuta matibabu tukiwa wagonjvva. Mtu akiwa mgonjwa, 5                kufanya kazi wale kusoma kwa njia inayofaa. Kipindupindu, kichocho na kuendesha ni baadhi ya 6                ambazo husababishwa na 7                usafi wa mwili na mazingira. Kila 8                ana jukumu la kuhakikisha kuwa mwili wake ni safi, anakula chakula safi na kuishi mahali safi. Wadudu hatari kama vile 9                nao hushambulia vidole vya mtu anayeishi mahali penye uchafu. Sote tujiepushe na uchafu.

    1. ambazo
    2. mengi
    3. mingi
    4. nyingi
    1. vile
    2. kuwa
    3. sababu
    4. mfano
    1. inayofaa
    2. kinachofaa
    3. linalofaa
    4. vinavyofaa
    1. madawa ya kulevya
    2. dawa ya kulevya
    3. dawa za kulevya
    4. madawa za kulevya
    1. anaweza 
    2. hawezwi
    3. hawezi
    4. hawawozi
    1. magonjwa
    2. ndwele
    3. ugonjwa
    4. maradhi
    1. kutozingatia
    2. kuzingatia
    3. kujua
    4. kutojua
    1. moja
    2. kimoja
    3. umoja
    4. mmoja
    1. tekenya
    2. mende
    3. kunguni
    4. chawa

Asubuhi 10                , wazazi wa Kajua 11                kuelekea shuleni iii wajue kwa nini mtoto wao alirudishwa nyumbani. Walianza safari hata biia kunywa 12              yao kama ilivyokuwa kawaida. Walipofika 13                waliarifiwa kuwa Kajua alipatikana akicheza na simu wakati wa masomo. Wazazi walishangaa na 14                sana. Walimpa 15                kali na kumpokonya simu hiyo Nadi akamiIishe masomo yake. Kajua aliomba msamaha na kubadilika kabisa.

    1. hiyo
    2. hio
    3. huo
    4. huwo
    1. walikata shauri
    2. walikata kauli
    3. walikata kamba
    4. walikata kiu
    1. kiamshakinywa
    2. staftahi
    3. chamcha
    4. uji
    1. ndani mwa shule
    2. katika shuleni
    3. kwa shule
    4. shuleni
    1. kulia
    2. kushangilia
    3. kuhuzunika
    4. kusherehekea
    1. adabu
    2. viboko
    3. adhabu
    4. heshima
  7. Kivumishi gani ambacho ni tofauti na vingine?
    1. zote
    2. wengi
    3. yeyote
    4. chenye
  8. Chagua maelezo ambayo si sahihi.
    1. Figo ni kiungo ambacho husafisha damu mwilini.
    2. Kiwiko ni sehemu ya mkono ambapo saa hufungwa.
    3. Mfupa ambao hufunika meno huitwa
    4. Mapafu huingiza hewa safi mwilini na kutoa hewa chafu.
  9. Chagua ukanusho wa;
    Unga umeletwa na mama.
    1. Unga hujaletwa na mama.
    2. Unga haujaletwa na mama.
    3. Unga umepelekwa na baba.
    4. Unga haukuletwa na mama.
  10. Tambua sentensi iliyotumia "ki" kuonyesha udogo.
    1. Ukimwona mwalimu shuleni uniambie.
    2. Magari yote yalikuwa yakioshwa na wafanyakazi.
    3. Kijibwa cha nyanya kimelala.
    4. Wacheni kucheza kijinga mtaumia.
  11. Neno eshukuru' lina herufi ngapi?
    1. 3
    2. 7
    3. 6
    4. 5
  12. Tambua usemi wa taarifa wa sentensi ifuatayo.
    "Kesho tutaenda Mombasa," mwalimu alisema.
    1. Mwalimu alisema kuwa wangeenda Mombasa siku iliyofuata.
    2. Mwalimu alisema kuwa tungeenda Mombasa kesho.
    3. Mwalimu alisema kuwa wataenda Mombasa siku iliyofuata.
    4. Mwalimu alisema kuwa tutaenda Mombasa kesho.
  13. Sentensi ifuatayo itaandikwaje katika wingi?
    Kuli ameweka chupa karibu na ukuta.
    1. Makuli wameweka chupa karibu na nyuta.
    2. Makuli wameweka vyupa karibu na kuta.
    3. Kuli wameweka chupa karibu na kuta.
    4. Makuli wameweka chupa karibu na kuta
  14. Rangi ya chini kabisa kwenye upinde wa mvua huwa ipi?
    1. nyekundu
    2. urujuani
    3. nili
    4. machungwa
  15. Tambua aina za maneno yaliyopigiwa mistari.
    Tulitembea polepole na kusimama chini ya mti.
    1. nomino, kihusishi
    2. kivumishi, kielezi .
    3. kielezi, kihusishi
    4. livumishi, kitenzi
  16. Sentensi gani iliyotumia kiashiria kisisitizi?
    1. Mkeka ule radio ulionunuliwa_
    2. Kinywaji hiki hiki kitapewa mtoto.
    3. Nguo yenyewe ndiyo iliyopigwa pasi.
    4. Baiskeli iyo hiyo itapelekwa kwa fundi
  17. Orodha ipi iliyo ria msamiati wa aina moja?
    1. funza, nzi, mbuni
    2. randa, msumeno, tarumbeta
    3. sabmarini, purutangi, machela
    4. dania, mdalasini, tangawizi
  18. Chagua sentensi ambayo ni
    1. Chaff ambacho kimeiva ni kitamu.
    2. Nyumba yenye imejengwa ni ya babu.
    3. Usinywe maji chafu, kunywa maji safe.
    4. Kutembea kunakopendeza ni kwa mtoto.
  19. 'Lima' ni kwa `mkulirria' kama vile ni kwa 'msomaji.'
    1. soma
    2. andika
    3. fundisha
    4. masomo
  20. Mpira wa kandanda huwa na umbo gani?
    1. tufe
    2. duara
    3. duaradufu
    4. tao
  21. Kiambishi kimetumikaje katika sentensi ifuatayo?
    Mtoto huyo amejiangusha chini.
    1. kirejeshi
    2. hall
    3. mtendaji
    4. ukubwa

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ulibu maswali 31- 40.
Vita ni hall ya kukosa amani na utulivu. Hall hiyo husababisha kutoelewana na kupigana. Mara nyingi, vita husababishwa na ugpmvi. Vita huweza kutokea kila mahali na kwa kila umri. Pengine hata mahali unaposomea, shuleni au darasani, umewahi kuona wanafunzi wenzako wakipigana. Pengine hata wewe mwenyewe umewahi kuhusika katika vita. Je, umewahi kuona watu wakipigana njiani ukielekea nyurnbani kutoka shuleni? Kuna nyakati ambapo vita hutokea kati ya watu wazima kama vile wazazi au makabila mawili ambayo ni tofauti. Kiwango cha juu cha vita huwa ni vita katika nchi. Vita kama hivi huweza kutokana na kutoelewana katika jambo la kitaifa kama vile matokeo ya uchaguzi. Vita vina madhara gani?

Ifahamike kuwa vita husababisha kuumia kwa watu na mifugo. Watu walioumizwa wakati wa vita hulia kwikwikwi kutokana na maumivu. Wengine huishia kuaga dunia kutokana na majeraha katika vita. Mali nayo huharibiwa mno. Utapata kuwa maduka ya watu na nyumba zao huchomwa bila sababu maalum. Magari hupigwa na kuvunjwa vioo au kuchomwa. Uharibifu huu wa niali hurudisha nyuma uchumi wa taifa letu. Masomo, biashara na kazi haziwezi zikafanyika kwa kuwa ni vigumu kusafiri katika mazingira yaliyo na vita. Wanafunzi na walimu hubakia katika nyumba zao wakihofia kuangamizwa na wapiganaji. Hakuna awezaye kuuza wala kununua chochote kwa kuwa maduka yote hufungwa. Upendo na umoja katika nchi nao hurudi chini. Hilo ni tatizo kubwa kwa kuwa umoja na ushirikiano ni muhimu sana.
Kunapotokea kutoelewana, njia ya pekee huwa ni kupigana ama kuna njia nyingine? Mwenzako anapokukasea shuleni ama nyumbani, unafaa kufanya nini? Jinsi tunavyojua, kupigana hakufai hata kidogo. Mazungumzo yanafaa kuwapo kati ya watu wawili waliokosana ama makundi mawili ambayo yamekosana. Kama hakuna kuelewana, husisheni mtu au watu wengine iii wasaidie kuleta utulivu. Aliyekosea hushauriwa kuomba msamaha na aliyekosewa amsamehe mwenzake. Tukumbuke kuwa kiln mtu hukosea. Hakuna mkamilifu ila Mungu pekee.

  1. Ufahamu unaeleza kuwa vita husababisha
    1. amani na utulivu.
    2. kutoelewana na amani.
    3. kutoelewana na kupigana.
    4. kupigana na utulivu.
  2. Ni kweli kuwa vita huweza kutokea wapi?
    1. Shuleni na njiani
    2. Sokoni na darasani
    3. Njiani na sokoni
    4. Kila mahali
  3. Kiwango cha juu cha vita kinahusu nini?
    1. Vita vinavyotumia bunduki
    2. Vita katika nchi
    3. Vita vinavyoleta kifo
    4. Vita kati ya watu wakubwa
  4. Ufahamu unaonyesha kuwa vita huongeza yafuatayo isipokuwu
    1. uchumi.
    2. vifo.
    3. umaskini.
    4. chuki.
  5. Maneno 'hulia kwikwikwi' ni mfano wa
    1. nahau.
    2. sitiari.
    3. tashbihi.
    4. tanakali ya sauti.
  6. Msimulizi anaeleza kuwa hall ya kukosana ikitokea watu wafanye nini?
    1. Wasigombane wala wasipigane sana.
    2. Wazungumze na kusameheana.
    3. Wapigane to ikiwa msamaha haupatikani.
    4. Aliyekosea anafaa kuombwa msamaha.
  7. Msimulizi ametumia maneno kuwa umoja na ushirikiano ni muhimu sana'.
    Methali gani inayokubaliana na maneno hayo
    1. Polepole radio mwendo.
    2. Mkono mmoja hauchinji ng'ombe.
    3. Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo akuavyo.
    4. Akufaaye kwa ndiye rafiki.
  8. Kulingana na ufahamu, hakuna mtu ambaye
    1. hana makosa.
    2. hukosea.
    3. huomba msamaha.
    4. husamehewa
  9. Nini ambacho huwa hakichomwi wakati wa vita kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. Nyumba
    2. Magari
    3. Maduka
    4. Vioo
  10. Ufahamu huu unahusu umuhimu wa nini?
    1. Vita
    2. Amani
    3. Mazungumzo
    4. Kutoetewana

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41- 50.
Katika cha Jikaze, paliishi kijana mmoja aliyeitwa Musa. Aiikuwa kijana wa miaka kumi na
mitano. Musa alipenda kufanya rnzaha na kuchezea wenzake. Wakati mwingine alipokuwa shuleni, alianguka chini na kuanza kulia. Walimu na wanafunzi waliingiwa na wasiwasi sana. Baada ya kuulizwa kwa mucla mrefur Musa alisema kwa sauti ya unyonge, "Mimi ni rngonjwa, ninaumwa na tumbo." Walimu walitafuta njia ya kumrudisha nyumbani kwao. Kula nyumbani alilala kidogo kisha akasimama na kusema kuwa amepona. Aliifanya hii kuwa tabia yake hasa alipojua kuwa hakuwa amefanya kazi yoyote ya mwalimu. Alijifanya mgonjwa kiasi cha kushindwa kutembea. Wanafunzi wengine walimsikia siku moja akimwambia mwenzake kuwa hiyo ilikuwa njia rahisi ya kutonaswa vvameiti tura' Wakati akiwa katika likizo ya Disemba, alikuwa akitumwa na wazazi wake kuwapeleka mifugo msituni wale nyasi. Kwa kuwa hakutaka kuifanya kazi hiyo, alitafuta njia ya kuwafanya wazazi waache kumtuma msituni. Baada ya muda mfupi wa kuwafikisha ng'ocr be malishoni, angeanza kupiga kelele, "Uuuuwi! Wooi! Weziii!" Wanakijiji walifika pale kwa kasi sana. Ajabu ni kuwa mifugo wote walikuwa wametulia tuti wakila nyasi. Musa naye alikuwa juu ya kitima fufani akiruka na kupiga kelele. Wanakijiji hao walikasirika na kuondoka. Wiki moja ilipopita, wanakijiji tena walizinduliwa kutoka katika shughuli zao na kamsa. "Jameeeni! Mungu wanguuu! Woooi! Mayoo!" Wanakijiji walifika pale kwa kasi ya umeme wakidhani kuwa amevamiwa na wezi au mnyama hatari. Waliondoka wakiwa wameudhika kwelikweli.
Siku moja, Jumamosi, Musa aliwasili malishoni wakati wa adhuhuri. Alijilaza chini ya mti na kutulia. Ghafia kama ajali, aliwaona wezi wakiondoka na mifugo wao. "Woooi! Mayoo! Woooi! Weziii!" Alipiga kelele na kuomba msaada. Hakuna aliyeonekana iii kumsaidia. Mwizi mmoja alimshika na kumfunga kwenye mti. Mifugo kumi walichukuliwa, watano wakauawa na wengine watano wakaachwa kwa sababu walikuwa wachanga. Mtoto wa watu akabaki akiwa amefungwa kwenye mti.

  1. Kulingana na ufahamu, ni kweli kuwa
    1. Musa alikuwa mgonjwa mara mbili.
    2. Musa hakuwa mgonjwa wakati wowote.
    3. Musa alikuwa akiumwa na tumbo.
    4. Musa alipenda sana masomo.
  2. Kwa nini Musa alikuwa akisema kuwa yeye ni mgonjwa?
    1. Ndipo apelekwe hospitalini.
    2. Ndipo awasaidie wazazi kuwalisha mifugo.
    3. Ili asiadhibiwe kwa kutofanya kazi.
    4. Ili apate nafasi ya kucheza na wenzake.
  3. Mara ya pill Musa alipopiga kelele;
    1. alisema kuwa ameshambuliwa na wezi.
    2. alisema kuwa ameumwa na nyoka.
    3. alisema kuwa ameshambuliwa na mnyama hatari.
    4. hapakuwa na hatari yoyote iliyomkumba.
  4. Mara ya tatu, Musa aliwasili malishoni saa ngapi kulingana na ufahamu?
    1. saa na nane
    2. saa tano
    3. saa kumi
    4. haijulikani
  5. Ufahamu unaonyesha kuwa Musa alikuwa na tabia gani?
    1. mwerevu na mtiffu
    2. mjanja na mzembe
    3. mwoga na mchafu
    4. mzuri na mwenye heshima
  6. Unadhani kwa nini wanakijiji hawakwenda kurnwona Musa alipopiga kelele mara ya tatu?
    1. Hawakusikia akipiga kelele.
    2. Walitaka wezi hao wa mfanye abadilishe tabia.
    3. Walifikiri kuwa Musa alikuwa akifanya mchezo kama kawaida.
    4. Walijua kuwa wezi hao hawakutaka kumwua Musa.
  7. Mifugo wa akina Musa waliibwa siku gani?
    1. Jumamosi
    2. Ijumaa
    3. Jumapili
    4. Alhamisi
  8. Kifungu hiki kinatushauri tuache tabia gani?
    1. Ya kufanya mzaha na kuwachezea wengine.
    2. Ya kusema kuwa sisi ni wagonjwa.
    3. Ya kupiga kelele tukiwa na mifugo msituni.
    4. Ya kuwaita watu kwa sababu ya wezi.
  9. Musa alikuwa na mifugo wangapi msituni?
    1. Ishirini
    2. Kumi
    3. Watano
    4. Kumi na watano
  10. Kichwa gani kinachofaa kwa makala haya?
    1. Musa na wezi.
    2. Vituko vya Musa.
    3. Musa shuleni.
    4. Musa na marafiki take.

Andika insha ya kusisimua inayoanza kwa maneno yafuatayo

Hayawi hayawi huwa. Siku tuliyokuwa tumeingojea kwa hamu kuu baadaye ilifika. Wanasoka wa shule yetu walikuwa wamejiandaa vya kutosha


  1. D
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. B
  12. B
  13. D
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. C
  31. C
  32. D
  33. B
  34. A
  35. D
  36. B
  37. B
  38. A
  39. D
  40. C
  41. B
  42. C
  43. D
  44. A
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. A
  49. A
  50. B
Tagged under

MLFill in the blank spaces numbered 1 to 15 with the best alternative from the choices given.

Being a cool and windy day,1                decided to go and fly kites at the Uwezo Park. The friends 2                whom we were going to the park 3                Ken, Paul and Sean. We had hardly walked a kilometre 4                Sean felt something stuck to his shoes. At first, he 5                it was bubble gum but when he checked, his face 6                at what he saw. It was a 7                note. We were all overjoyed at how lucky we 8               . Paul suggested that we go to a 9                for a nice meal. Ken thought it 10                be better to buy some snacks at the nearest Superrriarket. 11                , I did not agree 12                their proposals. I thought it
would wise for us to 13                the owner of the money. We spent a bit of time arguinngg on what course of action to take. 14                , Sean announced that the wind had blown the money out of his hand. We 15                in time to see the note flying away into a fast flowing river..

    1. I and my friends
    2. me and my friends
    3. my friends and I
    4. my friends and me
    1. with
    2. for
    3. to
    4. by
    1. comprised of
    2. included
    3. involved
    4. involves
    1. when
    2. so
    3. than
    4. then
    1. knew
    2. remembered
    3. saw
    4. thought
    1. changed
    2. renewed
    3. brightened
    4. transformed
    1. thousand shillings
    2. thousand-shilling 
    3. thousand shilling
    4. thousand-shillings
    1. were
    2. have been
    3. would be
    4. could be
    1. restrant
    2. restaurrant
    3. resteurant
    4. restaurant
    1. must
    2. should
    3. would
    4. can
    1. Besides
    2. However
    3. Therefore
    4. Furthermore
    1. on
    2. for
    3. with
    4. to
    1. look after
    2. look into
    3. look for
    4. look out
    1. Fortunately
    2. Suddenly
    3. Still
    4. Yet
    1. turned back
    2. turned out
    3. turned up 
    4. turned around

In question 16 to 18. choose the alternative that best completes the sentence.

  1. The girl was hungry to concentrate in class.
    1. so
    2. too
    3. rather
    4. very
  2. The children who out of school last week have been suspended.
    1. snuck
    2. sneeked
  3. Richard has not to talk to strangers ever again.
    1. sweared
    2. swore
    3. sworn
    4. swome

For questions 19 and 20. choose the sentence that is correctly constructed.

    1. I have given him a good advice
    2. Molly hanged the clothes outside on the line
    3. Tracy is taller than I am
    4. I cannot be able to remember
    1. Let this matter remain between you and i.
    2. My beddinos are always neat and dean.
    3. Kelvin is the tallest of the twins
    4. None of us knows where the chief lives.

In quesstions 21 - 23 choose the word that means the sam e as the underlined one.

  1. The enormous building the man has put up is beautiful.
    1. big
    2. great
    3. famous
    4. new
  2. She sounds certain about her next move.
    1. happy
    2. anxious
    3. doubtful
    4. sure.
  3. Do not ignore yoal information about the project.
    1. necessary
    2. insignificant
    3. important
    4. simple

In question 24 and 25. add the correct question tag

  1. We must work very hard,
    1. musn't we
    2. mustn't we
    3. isn't it
    4. don't we
  2. Felix rarely uses good handwriting,
    1. doesn't he
    2. isn't he
    3. is he
    4. does he

Read the passage below and use it to answer Questions 26 to 38.

Once upon a time, there lived a gentle mouse in the countryside. A !though he occasionally encountered trouble, he enjoyed the peaceful life in the countryside. There was plenty of food and he had numerous places to hide whenever he smelt danger. One day, lie countryside mouse invited his friend who lived in a distant town to spend a few days with him in Lhe countryside. The friend honoured the invitation and was received with open arms upon his arrival. The two friends shared exciting stones about their homes and life in general. The host served his guest a variety of sumptuous dishes. The town mouse enjoyed the meal and expressed his gratitude'. He had eaten to his fill besides enjoying some really nice local drinks.
Although the town mouse treasured the hospitality he got from his friend, he felt life in the countryside was rather boring. There was no entertainment of any kind. There was no electricity and darkness reigned supreme at night, Furthermore, the entire neighbourhood appeared d.ull and untidy. He preferred the excitement that the town provided. His friend had asked him to spend a fortnight in the countryside but he felt he missed the fun that characterised life in town. A couple of nights was enough. He opted to return to his home. Before he left, he asked his host to visit him the next weekend. The countryside mouse promised to pay his friend a visit at his earliest convenience. He assured the town mouse that he would bring him some fruits and vegetables from the countryside since he knew such foods were scarce in towns.
Eventually, the day of the visit came. The countryside had been looking forward to the day. This would be his maiden trip to the urban centre. He prepared himself and dressed in his best attire. He was dressed to the nines. Having packed his luggage, set off just after the morning meal. The journey took him roughly five hours. When he arrived in town, he was both fatigued and starving. His host picked him from the bus terminus and took him home. The countryside mouse was greatly amazed at what he saw. Flis friend lived in a big house, in the heart of the city. He lived especially in a banquet hail, where dozens of delicious dishes were served to a party of revellers and other guests, He was green with envy. He wished he got a chance to five in such a magnificent house. The food he was served was more delicious than any other food he had ever eaten. His mouth watered the moment food was brought to table.
While the two mice were enjoying a finger-licking meal, something unexpected happened. The barking of dogs rent the air. The countryside mouse was alarmed. He knew what such sounds meant. He would have scampered for safety had his host not assured him that his safety was guaranteed. Suddenly, the door of the banquet hail flung open. A party of dancers, together with four huge dogs entered the room. The two mice were frightened beyond measure. They jumped off the dining table and hid themselves in a far corner of the room.
When the things calmed down and the dancers went away with their huge dogs, the two friends came out of the hiding, still trembling with great fear. The country mouse bidding 'good-bye' to his friend said, if this is the fine way of living in the city, l would best prefer to have only my simple barley bread in the countryside. While there my safety is guaranteed i don't want to

  1. According to the first paragraph, is it true to say that the countryside mouse.
    1. had never left the village.
    2. was always happy.
    3. did not have any friend in the neighbourhood.
    4. polite.
  2. What did the mouse like about the countryside?
    1. There wasn't danger of any kind.
    2. it was pleasant
    3. He knew how to steal food.
    4. He had several holes to call home.
  3. Why did the countryside mouse invite his friend from town?
    1. To show him around the countryside.
    2. To share stories.
    3. He probably needed his company.
    4. He hadn't seen him in a long time.
  4. The word gratitude has been used in the passage It can be classified as:
    1. an adjective
    2. a noun
    3. an adverb
    4. a verb
  5. Which statement is true about town mouse?
    1. He had a large appetite.
    2. He had never been to the countryside before.
    3. He had little respect for those who lived in the countryside.
    4. He had some good time at his friend's Place.
  6. According to the passage, it is right to conclude that:
    1. the town mouse had biased opinion about the countryside
    2. darkness covered everywhere in the countryside.
    3. life was boring in the countryside.
    4. there was insecurity in the countryside.
  7. A fortrught is a period of
    1. fourteen nights
    2. seven days.
    3. two weeks.
    4. four nights.
  8. Which description best fits the countryside mouse? He was:
    1. charitable
    2. discourteous
    3. patient
    4. tolerant
  9. What shows that the countryside mouse was excited about visiting the urban centre?
    1. He began the journey very early in the morning.
    2. He had been anticipating it.
    3. He offered to carry some food.
    4. He had no idea what town looked iike.
  10. What is the meaning of the words his maiden trio to the urban centre?
    1. He rarely visited the town.
    2. It was a very long journey.
    3. He knew he would have some difficulties.
    4. It was his first time to go to town.
  11. When the countryside mouse saw where his friend lived, he:
    1. was shocked
    2. became a bit jealous
    3. got worried
    4. became contented.
  12. As soon as the countryside mouse heard the barking of the dog, he:
    1. scampered for safety.
    2. lost appetite.
    3. sensed danger
    4. became anxious.
  13. Which proverb best summarizes the story?
    1. One man's meat is another man's poison.
    2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
    3. AIl that glitters is not gold.
    4. He who laughs last laughs best.

Read the passage below and use it to answer questions 39 to 50.
Gardening is a good and enjoyable pastime. A garden is a piece of ground adjoining a house where various trees, flowers, fruits, vegetables and so on are ground. Each garden is surrounded by a fence. Domestic animals as well as pests are not meant to interfere with the garden. Usually, fences are made of wood or bamboo. The green fence is raised around the garden sometimes. The garden is split into various parts to accommodate flowers, crops, fruit trees and vegetables. There are many types of gardens, however, fruit and vegetable gardens are more popular with both urban and rural dwellers. Some of institutions of learning also have their own gardens to work in for their learners.
Skilled gardeners grow different kinds of vegetables during different seasons. There are vegetables that give good yields during rainy seasons. On the other hand, some vegetables grow a lot better in dry seasons. Gardeners require such information to get the best out of their gardens. Different species of flowers require certain climatic conditions to grow well. Fruit trees are meant to last long hence can be grown anytime although they definitely grow faster when the ground is
irrigation. Drought should not be an excuse of failing to practise gardening. in fact, one may not even need a big space to start a garden. It is not uncommon to see gardeners piling soil in sacks, pots or boxes and using them to grow vegetables. This practice is more common in urban areas.
It is important to keep the garden neat and tidy by attending to it several times a week, Pick up any unwanted litter and dump it in the bin. Plastics and paper bags should not left in the garden. Dry :eaves and grass do not have to be burnt. They should be left to rot and improve the fertility of soil. The use of manure can also be of great significance to the garden. Do not be tempted to use commercial fertilizers. They are harmful to the soil and pollute the environment. Weeding and mulching are also highly recommended for the well-being of the garden. Keep the garden as beautiful as possible. Let it be attractive to encourage other people to start the practice.

  1. From the first paragraph, it is right to say that:
    1. it is easy to start a garden if the compound is large.
    2. a garden is used for commercial purposes.
    3. it is good to grow only one kind of crop in the garden.
    4. a garden is always in the same compound as the house.
  2. Which statement is true about gardening?
    1. It is hardly ever practised in urban areas.
    2. All types of gardens are found in most homesteads.
    3. It brings pleasure to those who practise it.
    4. It must be tended to every day.
  3. The word pastime has been underlined in the passage. It means the same as:
    1. hobby
    2. interest
    3. leisure
    4. skill
  4. Why is it necessary to fence a garden?
    1. To ensure only the gardener gains access to it.
    2. To make it easier to harvest the crops or fruits.
    3. To keep it clean always
    4. To avoid unnecessary intrusion.
  5. The gardens established in schools are meant for
    1. making good use of the land available.
    2. learning purposes.
    3. providing fresh fruits and vegetables for use in school.
    4. keeping the environment clean.
  6. When starting a vegetable garden, it is wise to:
    1. ensure the space is big enough.
    2. grow vegetables with fruit trees.
    3. be mindful of the weather conditions.
    4. select common crops.
  7. According to the passage, it is right to conclude that unskilled farmers:
    1. may not know how to use the garden well.
    2. always get low harvests.
    3. only know about few types of vegetables.
    4. often misuse their gardens.
  8. What does the writer say about irrigation?
    1. it is the only way to make vegetables grow well.
    2. It is never practised unless vegetables begin to dry.
    3. It makes gardens give good yields.
    4. It solves all the problems gardeners experience.
  9. Why do some gardeners grow vegetables or flowers sacks, pots or boxes?
    1. They prefer to grow few crops and vegetables.
    2. They live in towns.
    3. Perhaps they don't have much space in their homes.
    4. They don't have gardening skills.
  10. When plastics and paper bags are left in the garden,
    1. vegetables tend to wither.
    2. the beauty of the garden is lost.
    3. pests get attracted to the garden.
    4. the soil becomes dry.
  11. Why are commercial fertilizers not recommended?
    1. They do not improve the quality of the soil at all.
    2. They make the environment appear bad.
    3. They are not reliable.
    4. They cause harm to the environment.
  12. The best title for the above passage is:
    1. Facts about gardening.
    2. The benefits of a garden.
    3. How to take care of a garden.
    4. How to start a garden.


Write an interesting composition beginning eith the following words

I woke up early in the morning as i always did, headed for the kitchen to help mother prepare breakfast, I was surprised when i opened the kitchen door only to find mother not there...


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. D
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. D
  27. B
  28. C
  29. B
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. C
  41. A
  42. D
  43. B
  44. C
  45. A
  46. C
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. A
Tagged under


  1. Which one of the following is, three hundred and ten thousand and ten in symbols?
    1. 310110
    2. 310100
    3. 301010
    4. 310010
  2. What is the place walue of digit 5 in the number 6459208?
    1. Ten thousand
    2. Hundred thousands
    3. Thousands
    4. Hundreds
  3. Round off 989568 to the nearest thousands.
    1. 980000
    2. 989000
    3. 990000
    4. 989600
  4. Work out: 10064 - 1999
    1. 9065
    2. 8065
    3. 1065
    4. 10065
  5. Work out: 32 - 57 + 36 =
    1. 61
    2. 53
    3. 11
    4. 21
  6. Find tile perimeter of the figure below.
    1. 30cm
    2. 60cm
    3. 216cm
  7. What is the total value of digit 4 in the number 64295?
    1. Four thousand
    2. Thousands
    3. 40 000
    4. 400
  8. The distance from Kanyi's home to school is 2.5km. How many kilometres does he cover in 3 days if he goes to school in the morning and return home in the evening?
    1. 5km
    2. 7.5krn
    3. 30km
    4. 15km
  9. What is the measure of angle marked t in the figure below?
    1. 110º
    2. 55º
    3. 125°
    4. 1401º
  10. Change 5km 2m into cm
    1. 500200
    2. 50020
    3. 50200
    4. 502000
  11. How many 125kg are there in 8.5tonnes of sugar?
    1. 680
    2. 6.8
    3. 68
    4. 14
  12. 422 pupils contributed money to buy school bus. Each pupil contributed sh 27027. How much was contributed together for the buying of the school bus?
    1. Sh 1145394
    2. Sh 27449
    3. Sh 11405394
  13. Find the area of the shaded part of the figure below
    1. 384cm2
    2. 192cm2
    3. 80cm2
    4. 160cm
  14. Convert 405/100 into decimals
    1. 4.5
    2. 40.5
    3. 0.405
    4. 4.05
  15. How many hours are there in three days
    1. 36hrs
    2. 54hrs
    3. 72hrs
    4. 68hrs
  16. What is the next number in the pattern be low?
    4, 9, 25, 49,
    1. 121
    2. 81
    3. 64
    4. 16
  17. The area of the square below is 324m.
    Find its perimeter. 
    1. 81m
    2. 36m
    3. 72m
    4. 18rn
  18. Work out:
    Km    m     cm
     17     4      14
    - 5    896    75
    1. 11km 791m 39cm
    2. 12km 691m 61cm
    3. 11km 729rn 39cm
  19. Kadogo had 5¼ kg of rice. She gave 1¾ kg to her sister and cooked ¾ kg. How much rice remained?
    1. 2¼ 
    2. 3¼ 
    3. 2¾ 
  20. A teacher had sh 2662. Which she shared equally among 3 students. How much remained after shring?
    1. Sh 10
    2. Sh 1
    3. Sh 204
    4. Sh 24
  21. Which one of the fo[lowing is a prime factor of 68?
    1. 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
    2. 2 x 2 x 7
    3. 2 x 2 x 17
    4. 2 x 2 x 17 x 17
  22. What is the size of the angle marked VV in the figure below?
    1. 45º
    2. 90º
    3. 135º
    4. 60º
  23. Find the perimeter of the figure below in cm.
    1. 38
    2. 3800
  24. Which one of the following statements is true about the equilateral triangle?
    1. Two sides are equal
    2. The largest angle is right angle
    3. There are two equal base angles
    4. Each interior angle is 60º
  25. Work out: 
    3½ ÷ 7/8
    1. ¼
    2. 4
    3. 31/16
    4. 7/16
  26. Find the difference of the square of 4 and square root of 81.
    1. 7
    2. 25
    3. 77
    4. 65
  27. What is (3¾)2
    1. 99/16149/16
    2. 141/16
    3. 191/16 
  28. In a construction company each worker is paid sh 450. How much did 217 workers get altogether?
    1. Sh97 650
    2. Sh96 550
    3. Sh87 650
    4. Sh97 540
  29. What is the volume of the box below?
    1. 1386cm
    2. 693cm3
    3. 1368cm3
    4. 1286cm3
  30. How many Ares are there in 4.5 hectares?
    1. 450 Ares
    2. 4500 Ares
    3. 45 000 Ares
    4. 45 Ares
  31. Which one of the following statements is true?
    1. 0.033 > 0.303
    2. ¾> 0.75
    3. 0.44 = 11/25
    4. ½ < 1/3
  32. Jane bought a goat for sh 6450 and Later sold it for sh 5050. How much loss did she make?
    1. Sh 10140
    2. Sh 11 500
    3. Sh 1 400
    4. Sh 1 450
  33. Name. the angle marked W in the figure below.
    1. Obtuse angle
    2. Reflex angle
    3. Acute angle
    4. Right angle
  34. Add: 29 + 20 and give your answer in roman numbers.
    1. XXXXIX
    2. XLIX
    3. XLXI
    4. LXIX
  35. What is the reciprocal of 0.8?
    1. 8/10
    2. 4/5
    3. 1/8
  36. Work out:
    6845 + 9528 + 895
    1. 18278
    2. 17158
    3. 17286
    4. 17268
  37. Arrange the fractions 2/5 , ½ , ¾ , 2/3 and from the smallest to the largest.
    1. 2/5 , ½ , 2/, ¾
    2. ¾, 2/, ½ ,  2/
    3. ½ , 2/, ¾, 2/
    4. ¾, 2/5 , 2/½ 
  38. Joyce mixed 2¾ of water and if L of juice. How many litres of mixture did she get?
  39. How many nights are there in one week?
    1. 7
    2. 8
    3. 5
    4. 6
  40. Kamau wrote the following number on a card: 13, 11, 7, 5, 3, 2
    What type of number are they?
    1. Odd numbers
    2. Even numbers
    3. Factors over 50
    4. Prime numbers
  41. What is 25% of sh 1200?
    1. Sh 300
    2. Sh 900
    3. Sh 240
    4. Sh 960
  42. Round off 42.8956 to the nearest two derimal places
    1. 42.89
    2. 42.90
    3. 42.99
    4. 43.00
  43. What is the circumference of the circle below? (Take π = 22/7)
    1. 66cm
    2. 132cm
    3. 0.33cm
    4. 99crn
  44. What is the GOD of 36 and 54?
    1. 9
    2. 108
    3. 18
    4. 6
  45. Which one of the following number is divisible by 9?
    1. 6052
    2. 696
    3. 2889
    4. 8868
  46. Subtract 16 - 65/16 
    1. 1011/16
    2. 911/16 
    3. 105/16 
    4. 95/16
  47. A motorist travelled a distance of 270krti in 3 hours. What was the speed in km/hr?
    1. 90 km/h
    2. 78 km/h
    3. 810 km/h
    4. 80 km/h
  48. How many cubes make the stuck below?
    1. 84
    2. 140
    3. 114
    4. 112
  49. The perimeter of the rectangle below is 76m. The length is 23m. Find its width
    1. 30m
    2. 7m
    3. 8m
    4. 15m
  50. The graph below shows the number of fruits sold in mama Ken's kiosk in two days.
    How many fruits were sold altogether in the two days?
    1. 185
    2. 195
    3. 200
    4. 210


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. C
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. C
  18. D
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. C
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A
  31. C
  32. C
  33. B
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. D
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. B
  44. C
  45. C
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. D
  50. C
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