- The prologue opens in Governor Thorne Macay's mansion, which is described as lavish and one that rents the air of power and authority.
- The Governor is seemingly angry at the natives' ineptitude and incompetence and feels disempowered by the abolition of the whip as the natives have now downed their tools.
- The Governor's attendant has kept Bishop Menninger, (brain of the empire) Princess Sangoi, and King Kutula, who have come to see the governor, waiting for an hour because the latter is on a tea-break, and when asked why he keeps the guests for that long replies,. your orders is: "Do not disturb his excellent tea-time and meditetioning hour..." (p.3-4).
- The natives have rioted against the white settlers, destroyed their property, molested the women and children and have breached the agreement and trust made earlier “…a situation that could lead to a long bloody war... ! " (p.8).
- Bishop Menninger has documented advice for the Governor. He points out in the document that natives would never change from their confused simple nature and that they would never be like the sophisticated and civilized whites but would only remain as copycats.
- He also points out to the governor that the imperialists would have to continue to rule and lay basic rules for the natives since left on their own; they would offer nothing of significance.
- King Kutula 's entry to the governor's mansion is ushered in by an attendant who regards him with awe and reverence.
- He addresses the king as "The son of the king…from the stars and the heaven," (p.6)
- Governor Thorne Macay has never understood the 'infernal allegiance’ that natives have their leaders but Menninger is born from their inability to reason and think. He sees them as common animals way below the whites whom he terms as democratic and civilized.
- Governor thorne has summoned the king to register his disappointment about king Kutula’s silence on the escalating violence in his kingdom resulting from the nationwide upraising by the natives against the white leaders.
- King Kutula dismisses Thorne’s concerns by quoting an African proverb to mock the Governor. He says “ The chameleon told the hare: make your step I make mine; it is good company… friend.” (pg 8)
- Thorne is offended and threatens to imprison the king for life before Menninger reminds him that he is talking to the king. He asks Thorne to ask direct questions and avoid the long winged proverbs and proverbial drivels when the king begins to bombard the governor with many more proverbs and sayings.
- Thorne is then shocked when Kutula admits his knowledge of the countrywide uprising and his support of the violence against the governor’s people despite their good will to bring civilization to the natives. He says, “…I cannot shut the voices of my father…” (pg 10)
- The governor is shocked by the sudden change of attitude when Kutula bluntly tells him that “we do not want you here!” (pg 10)
- Kutula regrets why his fathers assented to the imperialist drafted agreement thathad allowed the colonialist to subject his people to devastating effects of their oppressive rules and excessive zeal.
- Kutula threatens the governor that his people will continue to die if he won’t let the natives build and run their home. He, however, has no objection to the white man teaching the natives his was but with moderation.
- Sangoi joins the leader and expresses her willingness to go abroad and pursue the white man's education.
- Governor Thorne's fear over King Kutula's efforts to groom his adopted daughter is that she will be an empowered matriarch and a lioness to contend with in the future.
- Menninger is quick to console Thorne that Sangoi's education would only confuse her. The Bishop's plan is to unleash Sangoi against her simple folk upon the completion of her education for their benefit.
- What does Thorne mean by the statement, "Africa supports, nay maintains, the empire" (pg.4)?
- "Make her a slave...again...Revisit history, Menninger... revisit..." (pg.5). What is your understanding of this statement?
- In what ways do the natives exhibit 'infernal allegiance' to their leaders?
- Identify the proverbs in the prologue and their relevance.
- Menninger admits to use of "excessive zeal." How have the natives reacted to it?
- "The king is dangerous. Like the Queen bee..." Demonstrate the truth of this statement.
- Comment on the conflict that arises in the prologue.
- What does Thorne mean when he says "Turmoil in Africa means a great loss to the empire" (pg. 4)?
- Outline the reasons King Kutula gives for wanting the imperialists to leave Kutula.
- Point out at instances in the prologue that reveal Thorne Macay's attitude towards the natives.
- What is the prologue all about?

Movement One
Summary: Leadership Inheritance
- Kutula, thirty years later, is an independent Republic under the leadership of Lacuna Kasoo yet the standards of living are poor.
- Tamina Zen Melo is emaciated and older than her age with no proper housing and food.
- Bengo, a political activist who has just arrived from jail in the capital, is treated to a cold welcome by Tamina who still holds to age-old bitterness.
- Tamina explains to Bengo that the water they used to get from the nearby springs and brooks has been diverted by Councilor Chipande to Bukelenge Mountains fifteen kilometers away to make a dam despite Reverend Sangoi 's protests. In fact, an inauguration for the dam is done and receives much praise.
- The natives have been denied licenses to grow coffee and their lands taken by Chipande after the Whiteman left making them slaves in their own farms. Tamina says "My coffee farm in Bukelenge Mountains? All gone. Now I must pick coffee for Chipande on the farm that he had me sell to him for peanuts. "(p.24).
- Tamina is bitter with Bengo because of his indulgence in opposition politics that led to the near death of her husband, Judah Zen Melo, who was Lacuna's spokesperson and party man, after his refusal to kill his brother who was "Lacuna's thorn in his political side."(p.23).
- This earns Judah unemployment and he is exiled. Tamina lost everything including the good life she once lived.
- Bengo, who is popular and would have won the elections with a landslide, is taken to jail to pave way for Chipande, Lacuna 's crony.
- Lulu arrives home from school earlier than usual to collect the two thousand shilling fees balance for the construction of a perimeter fence and the computer laboratory despite paying one thousand the previous day.
- Tamina complains of her lack of basics like food and water and wonders about the essence of education. Lulu is bitter and somewhat insolent and disrespectful to her mother.
- Lulu is frustrated by her mother's helplessness and poverty and threatens her, "l will use my beauty then! I must complete school and be somebody... in any way… (pg31 )Unlike her mother Lulu wants to be free from poverty and oppression.
- Judah arrives from the town of Patola and is warmly welcomed by his wife. He says jobs were not forthcoming and the pay was low. Besides, you needed your own tribesman to get a job.
- He sacrifices his morals for employment because, "...religion doesn't sit well on an empty stomach..." (p.36). He therefore begins drinking and bribes Mithambo with beer to get a job as a Machine Operator. He works for long hours and competition is stiff. Meanwhile, their sons are also in towns looking for jobs.
- Before Judah can rest, he leaves to "say hello to the crowd and escort the sunset"(pg.38) but leaves Tamina eight hundred shillings besides the assortment of groceries that he has brought home.
- Lulu is back and apologetic for disrespecting her mother. She learns of her father's return with excitement.
- Sangoi has been appointed a minister in the Ministry of Reclamation and Remedies by Lacuna against her will. She accepts the post for fear that Lacuna might assassinate her now that during his coronation, people preferred Sangoi for Lacuna to be their leader after King Kutula's death.
- The government plans to evacuate people from the valley and Sangoi hopes that Lacuna would change his mind over the evacuation before Kutula's much publicized commemoration ceremony.
- Tamina is against Lulu's attendance of the king Kutula commemoration ceremony, despite her key role as a lead dancer in the school's dance troupe invited by Lacuna himself.
- It is only through Sangoi's intervention that Tamina permits Lulu to attend what she calls "a pagan ritual" (pg.43) on condition that she would run back home after the festival. Sangoi promises to watch over Lulu and even pay her school fees balance.
- Melo returns home drunk. He says he rules his family with love and not machines and police guards like Lacuna. Judah celebrates his family and refers to Tamina as "...beauty queen... so beautiful..." and Lulu as "Girl, you're a black queen and... ori...hic ...ginal!" (Pg.48) and challenges Lulu to work hard and achieve her dreams of becoming a doctor and then he goes to bed.
- Lulu is totally uninspired by her parents' marriage. She says, "If this is what it means to be a parent, I won't follow their footsteps to be crowned queen of rags". (pg.51 ).
- Outline the counter-productivity of Chipande's dam project.
- Why is Tamina still bitter with Bengo?
- In what ways is Bengo "...a thorn in Lacuna's political side"?
- State the challenges that parents like Tamina with school-going children must undergo.
- How does Judah Zen Melo's absence contribute to Tamina's challenges?
- "I don't want this life! I don't! I don't!" (Pg.31 ). What exactly does Lulu mean by this statement?
- Describe how Zen Melo gets his job as a machine operator.
- What character of Lulu demonstrates her understanding of her goals in life?
- Give three illustrations of incidences of disillusionment in this episode.

Movement Two
Scene One: Kutula's Commemoration Ceremony
- The scene is set at Kutula Peoples' Park. The stage is set for the celebration of a National Commemoration Day and all the leaders, delegates, bosom friends of Kutula Republic and other citizens are gathered at the park.
- Miss Gerima, the teacher is helping the dancers with the final touches of rehearsals before the ritual begins.
- Lacuna steps forward to the royal grave to perform the commemoration ritual.
- A pitcher with water is handed to Lulu who washes Lacuna's hands. Lacuna then pours water at the foot of the grave and then Lulu puts the crown on his head, gives him the mandate to lead and declares the day to be a national rest day.
- Melissa comments that the crown does not fit Lacuna's head and Sangoi is quick to say it's time Lacuna put the crown aside as he doesn't fit the mandate.
- Afterthe ceremony, Lacuna invites Sangoi and the school children to a banquet in his palace. He is to discuss with Sangoi matters of evacuation of the people, to pave way for the irrigation project, although he is aware that she is against the proposal.
- Lacuna then leads his guests in the banquet and is to later share a meal with Lulu at his private chambers as required by the custom.
- Describe the rituals performed during the commemoration chronologically.
- What does Lacuna mean by "customs must bow to national emergencies" (pg. 57)?
- Identify the irony of the quote in number 2 above.
- Comment on Sangoi's saying, "When the dead murmur in a conscience, the guilty hear in it the terror of thunder, our forefather said it" (pg. 56).
- How do you think the national rest that Lacuna declares impacts on the economy?
- Why do you think Sangoi, the elders and the two white men fail to respond to Malipoa?
- Explain the symbolism in Lacuna's crown that does not fit and is lopsided on his head.
- Who is Gerima and what is her role in the commemoration ceremony?
- Describe Melissa's role in the episode.
Scene Two: Lacuna's Business Deals with the Imperialists
- The setting shifts to the leader's palace formally, Governor
- Macay's residence which has now been extensively modernized. It is here that Lacuna, Goldstein and Robert's meeting takes place.
- Chipande welcomes Goldstein and Robert to the palace. They are catching up on the just ended commemoration ceremony before Lacuna arrives.
- Chipande rudely handles the attendant. He brags about how he treats them in summary statements in the name of democracy and development while faulting King Kutula for having treated everyone equally.
- Robert sarcastically points at how Africans love celebrations at the expense of serious issues like time management and economy. Chipande comes in defense saying. "the drums of prayer and thanksgiving are intended to bring the dead and the living to communion." (pg.59).
- Robert's contempt for Africans is evident when he says the whites are superior and that "it's choking me . doing business with immoral ragamumns..." (pg.60). He adds that African leaders borrow monies abroad in the name of the natives only to enrich themselves- the money has availed nothing to the people.
- With reference to the extravagant and unnecessary banquet, he notes that most drinks and meals served are imported. The coffee is grown by the locals but then exported to London for processing then sold back to them. Robert wonders, "How can we do business with people like these?" (pg.61 ).
- Goldstein's perspective of business is to lend, make profit and enslave the natives by "... putting the noose
- The Whiteman and poisoned his own father to death. "He loved me, but I killed him." (Pg. 69). However, he goes ahead to justify the murder, "... my father loved me but I loved my people more...that's why he had to die." (Pg.69).
- Goldstein recounts what they have done for Lacuna and the natives financed his inauguration.... Look, around thirty universities with ultra-modern equipment computer. ...mining Company
- Robert and Lacuna fall out because the former is quick to criticize Lacuna's leadership.
- Planet World Financiers Limited had extended a loan of thirty billion to salvage Kutula's economy. Lacuna gets arrogant when Goldstein demands an account of how the money was spent because he has no any record of expenditure. He threatens to leave the office and to freeze Lacuna's accounts abroad.
- Lacuna tones down and admits to have embezzled the funds; he bought himself a sleek aircraft and has banked thirty percent of the money in foreign accounts. He also discloses that he shares the money with other leaders for their personal benefits.
- Lacuna cannot account for the rest of the money. Yet he claims to be giving the natives free medical services, education, food, etc.
- Goldstein is now seated on the throne and takes advantage of an intimidated Lacuna's ignorance, mismanagement of funds and poor governance to set him into bigger loans.
- Lacuna now wants another bigger loan to boost the
- Economy and reclaim his popularity among the people yet has no way of paying the loan back since the "...exports, silver, running at a loss..." (pg.75) and fanning has dismal returns.
- To date, Kutula has a loan advancement of ninety eight billion exclusive of interest and Lacuna and his ministers owe Robert and Goldstein a hundred and twenty two billion which should be paid within a month. However, the debt will be paid by Lacuna's subjects.
- Lacuna is given conditions upon the new loan extended to him by Goldstein.
- He is to ensure money is paid for jobs done and not offices and positions and to avoid nepotism.
- He is also to remove controls on prices especially for the foreign exchange.
- He should increase the production of silver and coffee for export. Lacuna is also to cut down on employment and ensure longer hours for workers.
- Concerning agriculture, he is to evacuate the occupants of the valley to pave way for the irrigation project.
- State instances of sarcasm and discuss their significance.
- How effectively does the writer portray greed in this scene?
- Contrast the characters of Robert and Goldstein as portrayed in the scene.
- Explain the motives of both Goldstein and Lacuna that lead to King Kutula's assassination.
- "And we let you run it. Didn't interfere" (pg. 70), Explain this statement as made by Goldstein.
- Outline the conditions that Goldstein and Robert imposed on Lacuna.
- Demonstrate in what way business between the West and Kutula has "no human face". (pg. 82).
- "The mother befriended the weaver bird" (pg. 82). What did Lacuna's father mean by this statement?
- In your opinion, how does the Whiteman stand to benefit from the conditions he imposes before advancing a loan to Lacuna?
Scene Three: Resistance and Rebellion
- The scene is still in the palace. Sangoi and respected leaders from Bukelenge Basin have come to see Lacuna over the evacuation of people from the valley to Samuka.
- Lacuna wants the elders to convince the occupants of the government's intention to relocate them and use the fertile basins to reclaim agriculture as the Bukelenge valley is earmarked for development
- Sangoi and the elders have put it plainly to Lacuna that the evacuation will not be possible.
- Lacuna is annoyed by their disobedience and blames Sangoi for poisoning the opinion leaders against the irrigation project. He says, "... this silent rebellion... anything to do with you?" (Pg.85). Lacuna's contempt for his subjects is evident when he says the mass is illiterate and they cannot think of international business.
- Lacuna threatens to eliminate Sangoi as he tells Chipande that that is the only way for him to remain on the throne. He senses strong opposition from Sangoi bearing Sangoi's popularity amongst the people which he does not take for granted.
- Lulu is expected to spend a night with Lacuna in the Royal chamber as the Annual Custom demands. All the preparations have been done by Chipande. Apparently Lulu and Lacuna fail to show up.
- Lacuna fears that his leadership will fail because Robert might have defiled Lulu's purity before uniting Lacuna with the powerful dead and the unborn of the world."She stands in the gap and must usher in tomorrow's sun. She is the bridge." (pg.88).
- Lacuna tries to lure Lulu by his power and a luxuriant lifestyle against that of Lulu that is poor. He tells her, "... what will your mother give you? (Pg.93). But Lulu remains firm that she is too young for him and still in school; besides, she respects Melissa. She wonders why she has been confined in the palace and wants to go home.
- The ritual is postponed until after four weeks and Lulu will be confined in the chambers to be cleansed and taken care of so that "...not to anger and pain and worry the wise ones within the deep" (pg.92)
- Meanwhile, there is a peaceful demonstration outside by the peoplefrom Malima Tema against the relocation of people from the valley. Women, men and children are carrying twigs and doves, singing, dancing and marching.
- Meshak, the commander of the armed forces, reports that the demonstration is harmless and there is no need of using guns.
- Lacuna is annoyed to hear that no one has been shot or imprisoned. He threatens that any leader who will not support the evacuation will be dismissed forthwith and replaced by people from the royal clan regardless of their level of education.
- State instances of superstition in Scene 3.
- In what ways does the Bukelenge Basin disappoint leader Lacuna?
- Contrast the reprisal of natives during King Kutula's reign to the protest by the Bukelenge mountain occupants.
- "But let all be done in wisdom..." (pg. 92). Show how Lacuna takes [eave of wisdom in this scene.
- What character trait of Lacuna is revealed when he responds toSangoi saying, "Their second alternative, begins, Sangoi And no, go out there and effect obedience upon my people. Two weeks, Sangoi" (pg. 86-87)
- What is Lacuna's perception of women in light of how he describes Melissa on (pg. 94)?
- In what ways does Commander Meshack disappoint Lacuna with regard to tracking the insurgents at Malima-Tema Mountains?
- What is your understanding of the word "cannibal" as used in the scene?

Movement Three
Scene One: Judah Zen Melo's Death
- The scene is set in Tamina Zen Melo's hut. It is in the evening and Tamina has just entered with a bundle of firewood.
- Judah has written a letter to inform her that he will be coming home that day the second of September. In the letter, Judah wants to know the whereabouts of his children.
- This reminds Tamina how Lulu, their daughter has been confined in the palace with a promise of a new home and land in the mountains which she detests. She says,"...and he had the prudence to salt my raw wound I spat on his face and he and his friends fled from my cooking spoon." (pg.98).
- Sangoi visits Tamina's hut shortly. The issue of evacuation is a grave one but all, including Tamina, will rally behind her. She reports that she has not seen Lulu in the palace and that Judah was visited in the mines concerning Lulu's marriage to Lacuna.
- Though hiding, Sangoi bears the bad news of Zen Melo's death. Tamina says, "...my husband is dead, that's what you came to tell me but you didn't have the courage. Is it true?" (Pg.100). Judah dies at the mines when the machine he operates snaps and crushes him. Tamina is inconsolably desperate and breaks into mourning.
- Bengo stops by Tamina's house and finds her beside herself with grief and wants to assign some women to take care of her. The Mother's Union in her church will look into her needs.
- Tamina is disillusioned and disappointed by Lacuna's leadership. He has taken her husband, sons, Lulu her daughter and her valley. She has nothing and no one to help her. Sangoi consoles Tamina.
- How does the discussion between Sangoi and Tamina at the start of the scene prepare Sangoi to break the news of Judah's death?
- Describe the events that lead to Judah Melo's death.
- Discuss the theme of hopelessness and disillusionment in the scene,
- "The mole digs God's earth merely to live in... grass grows in the soil he threw aside." Discuss the significance of this saying in the scene.
- Which disease is Sangoi referring to by saying, "...this strange disease from across the seas. The disease."
- Identify and explain an instance of biblical allusion from the scene.
Scene Two: Martial Law and Lacuna's Predicaments
- It is in the palace. Lacuna has a heated argument with Malipoa over when he will have Lulu as a wife. Malipoa says another week will be needed because Lulu is still mourning her father's death.
- Lacuna is disappointed by Lulu's consistent resistance to his advances. He has poured libations to her late father's spirit; he has channeled a lot of finances to her comfort in the palace and has offered Tamina vast lands and labourers to till the land but she has spurned his advances.
- Robert and Goldstein are back to see Lacuna after a month to assess the progress made in meeting the conditions laid for the loan grant.
- Apparently, tea, coffee, silver show no promise, the machines are broken down, and the industries are in shambles besides assassinations of workers.
- The occupants of the valley still are due for evacuation
- Not a shilling of the one twenty billion borrowed is used beyond the palace.
- Lacuna says the poor production is as a result of rotten machines and the death of Judah who was the machine operator. However, Robert tells him that they know Judah was murdered and not the old machine's error as was reported.
- Goldstein holds the gadget screen to Lacuna to read, "Mene Mene Tekel' (pg.109), meaning he has been weighed and found wanting and God has numbered his kingdom.
- When Lacuna bluntly states that he will pay the loan when he wants, all his money in the private accounts abroad is transferred to pay the debt. Robert says, "We must recover our debt." (pg.112).
- Lacuna has been disabled completely but orders the arrest of Robert and Goldstein. He also declares a curfew from dawn to dusk.
- Lacuna orders Chipande to cancel the evacuation plans, suspend all the workers' salaries, and interdict all public officials including councilors, ministers, directors and principals. Lacuna himself is to be the commander in chief in place of Meshak.
- Lacuna has extended a hundred percent tax on the profits made by all corporations, banks, parastatals and businesses and the money to be collected into the national kitty under his custody.
- Chipande warns him of more riots now that the situation is volatile because of the plans to forcefully evacuate the people from the valley.
- Lacuna wants to be joined to Lulu in a holy matrimony before sunset. Malipoa has gone to fetch her and before he comes back, Lulu enters to meet Lacuna without permission from either the attendant or Lacuna himself,
- Lacuna accuses Lulu of an affair with Robert. Lulu objects to the accusation but then apologizes. She wants to go home for the second interment of her late father and fears for her name being tarnished as "a palace gold digger" (pg.119) besides, her mother has disowned her.
- Lulu wants to pursue her academics and become a doctor. She rejects Lacuna's advances of love and allure of pleasures. Lacuna is infuriated and slaps Lulu.
- In annoyance, Lulu reminds Lacuna how he has kept her in the palace against her will, killed her father, impoverished them and made them slaves. Besides, he is ten times her father's age and will never get married to him.
- Lulu is forcefully led out by Chipande and the guard and confined to her quarters under Lacuna's command pending a forceful marriage.
- "All the wise ones have ordered, I have fulfilled." Outline all the orders and how Lacuna has fulfilled them.
- "They must play the game-totally, if both parties are to benefit" (pg. 107). What does Robert mean by this?
- Why do you think Judah Melo is murdered in the mines?
- State the foreign banks that Lacuna has saved his money in.
- Cite instances of irony and sarcasm in the scene.
- "Did these hands embrace a foreigner?" (pg.118). What would be the traditional implication of Lulu embracing a foreigner on the night of the commemoration?
- Outline the weakness of Lacuna's leadership as portrayed in the scene.
- Contrast the character of Lacuna as a leader and as a carnal man with reference to the advances he makes on Lulu.

Movement Four
Scene One: Plans to Overthrow Lacuna's Government
- It is at dawn in a house in the densely forested mountains. Bengo is chairing a meeting of a group of leaders from the village both young and old, which plans to overthrow Lacuna's government. Sangoi comes in later.
- There is a conflict between the young male leader and the elderly leader over the previous approach to issues where the elderly leaders have been slow in the cause of their actions over serious matters in the name of caution leading to the current predicament of the people of Kutula.
- The group has to review their approach now that a curfew has been declared to ensure the success of the demo. They have the support of every tribe including some of Lacuna's loyalists.
- Bengo says that the mission should be accomplished without pain, hate or bloodshed. He insists on unity to win and if not at least died saying, "no" to tyranny; particularly the tyranny of our history and international neo- slavery." (pg.125).
- Sangoi is the favourite of everybody and the suggested leader after Lacuna is overthrown. However, she accepts the leadership with a condition to withdraw the armed section of the movement. This receives a lot of objection from the leaders who feel they should be armed because Lacuna has an armed army, too.
- Sangoi will embark on her church roles and a political leader sought afterwards.
- How does the enemy catch Bengo and his family off-guard in the entire play?
- "We have persisted because we know and are convinced that our cause is just," Give reasons to justify this statement.
- Why do you think the people have so much confidence in Sangoi?
- What is the purpose of the meeting?
- Explain the conflict that arises between the young and the old.
- "Can you imagine the bitterness throughout the land?" Comment on this statement with regard to the episode.
- Outline the details of the plan on how to attack the palace.
- What does the young leader mean when he says, "Our leopards move among Lacuna's forces" (pg. 124)?
- Outline the steps that the new leadership will take to rebuild the state?
- Explain what Sangoi means by saying "They squandered it and we have felt its yoke on our necks."
Scene Two: Lacuna's Loss of Power
- It is in the morning and an agitated Lacuna and a cowering Chipande are in the palace and out of control. Lacuna has fired everybody including Malipoa.
- People have mobilized themselves and the demonstration is on. Lacuna orders for the mobilization of the troops to attack the rabble of dissidents and orders for the detention of Robert and Goldstein.
- Lacuna is obsessed with having Lulu as his second bride. He instructs Chipande amidst the confusion to prepare to be the best man during the ceremony.
- Lacuna is adamant until he hears the sounds of gunshots. Attendant II shows him the march has drawn close to the palace from all directions. The city is under attack, the barracks have fallen and the palace has been besieged.
- The protestors surround the palace chanting, "Down with Lacuna! Corrupting our children! Stealing from the poor! Starving the poor!" . ..."We shall not be moved "Down with tyrants!" "Down with curfews in free land!" (pg. 132).
- Meanwhile Bengo, Sangoi and Tamina come closer to Lacuna as Bengo addresses the crowd about the need for justice and restrains people from using violence against Lacuna.
- Reverend Sangoi addresses the crowd amid cheers and chants of revenge to perpetrators of evil from the crowd. She confirms the need to deal with the evils of the past before forging forward with the reconstruction and healing of the land.
- Sangoi isquick to point out that the evil ones have reduced the people to beggars in their own homeland, the youth into criminals and drug addicts, disintegration of families,"... Tamina, Zen Melo and others . ...since disaster struck her home, she has lost her mind.. '' (pg.135).
- Lacuna is ordered to join Robert and Goldstein. The crowd refers to them as leeches that bleed the country dry. Lacuna is guilty of tyranny and sinking the country into debts.
- Sangoi commands Lacuna, Malipoa and Chipande to be jailed.
- Lacuna blames his advisors but Chipande says Lacuna always gave orders.
- Even after Sangoi is educated abroad and married by a white, she does not spare Goldstein and Robert. The two foreigners are deported back to their country.
- She informs Robert in response to his demand for their debt that the money was borrowed in the name of the natives but squandered by Lacuna and his cronies.
- Lulu moves to the front where she embraces her mother Tamina. Sangoi questions Lacuna over Lulu 's confinement and Tamina out of rage slaps Lacuna for confining her daughter for many days.
- "I can see further without glasses than he with his spiritual binoculars." Show the irony of Lacuna's statement in light of the events later in the scene.
- What is Sangoi's role in liberating her people?
- "I AM POPULAR! Not so?" Comment on the irony of this statement.
- Outline the evils that the natives have suffered due to Lacuna's leadership.
- What is Bengo's role during the demonstrations?
- "Hang the leeches! Bleeding our country dry!" Explain the above statements.
- Identify and explain the use of language in this episode.
- What is Sangoi's attitude towards Lacuna, Robert and Goldstein?
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