Mathematics - 2021 Grade 4 Revision Papers and Exams - Set 1

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  1. Write in words (4marks)
    1. 4009
    2. 7865
  2. Write in figures (4marks)
    1. Five thousand and five
    2. Thirty thousand five hundred and fifty eight
  3. What is the place value of digit 8 in the following numbers (4 marks)
    1. 87365
    2. 98274
  4. Add (4 marks)
    1. 5678 + 9 =
    2. 8888 + 7566 =
  5. What is the sum of nine thousand three hundred and fifty seven and two hundred and ninety four (2 marks)
  6. Maina bought three thousand and fifty sacks of maize. He bought eighty seven more sacks. How many sacks of maize did he have? (2mks)
  7. What is the total value of each digit in this number 48639 (10 marks)

    4 = _______________________
    8 = _______________________
    6 = _______________________
    3 = _______________________
    9 = _______________________
  8. Write the following roman numbers in hindu arabic numerals (4 marks)
    1. V ________
    2. X _________
  9. Mary had an orange.She shared it equally to her five children. What fraction did each child eat? (2mks)
  10. Circle the odd numbers only (2mks)
    24, 36, 19, 10, 97, 120, 2, 44, 84
  11. What are the multiples of 9 between 50 and 70? (2mks)
  12. Arrange the following numbers in ascending order (2 mks)
    546, 768 ,234, 765, 134, 786, 645
  13. Paul bought 5 books each at 25 shillings. How much did he pay for all the books? (2mks)
  14. Multiply (3 mks)
    × 26_ 

  15.    205 
    × 115
    _____ (3 mks)
  16. Mr. Omondi bought 54 books and shared them equally among 12 pupils. How many books was he left with? {2mks}
  17. Round off 457 to the nearest tens ______________ (2mks)
  18. Work out (2mks)
    11 −
    12   12
  19. Which of these fractions is the biggest? (2mks)
    1, 1, 1, 1
    2  4  8  7
  20. Four English books costs sh.200. What is the cost of one book?__________________ (2mks)
  21. What is ¼ of 20?_______________ (2mks)
  22. Which number comes before ten thousand? ____________ (2mks)
  23. Which one is not a multiple of 6 (2 mks)
    12, 42, 18, 98 ______________
  24. Draw a cone 2 mks)
  25. Work out (2mks)
    20 × _____ = 80
  26. Karen had 500 chicken. He sold 192 of them. How many chicken remained? 
    _________________ (2mks)
  27. Which one of the following is heavier? (2mks)
    1kg wool
    1kg sand
    1kg stones
    1kg feathers
  28. Which is the next number in the pattern (2mks)
    4, 8, 12, _____, 20
  29.    M       CM
      17       43
    + 8       75
    _________ (2mks)
  30. Numbers whose last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 are called _____________(2mks)
  31. 33 × 4 = __________ (2mks)
  32. Add using the place value chart (2mks)
    8243 + 545 + 5656 =
  33. How many days are there in the month of April ? __________ (2mks)
  34. 100 shillings note was changed into 20 shillings coins. How many 20 shillings coins were gotten?______________(2mks)
  35. Take away 56 from 100 = (2mks)
  36. Write greater than or lesser than (2mks)
    1. 486 is ____________468
    2. 98 is ______________89
  37. What is the total value of digit 5 in 25641? (2mks)
  38. Give two examples of odd numbers = ______________________(2mks)
  39. What is the next multiple of 7 after 56?
  40. Find the value of
    × 20
    ____ (2mks


    1. four thousand and nine
    2. Seven thousand eight hundred and sixty five
    1. 5005
    2. 30,558
    1. Ten thousands
    2. Thousands
    1. 5687
    2. 16454
  5. 9651
  6. 3137
    4 = 40,000
    8 = 8000
    6 = 600
    3 = 30
    9 = 9
    1. 5
    2. 10
  9. 1/5
  10. 19, 97
  11. 54, 63
  12. 134, 234, 546, 645, 765, 768, 786
  13. 124
  14. 8918
  15. 23575
  16. 6
  17. 460
  18. 5/12
  19. ½
  20. 50
  21. 5
  22. 9999
  23. 98
  25. 4
  26. 308
  27. none/equal/same
  28. 16
  29. 26m and 18cm
  30. even numbers
  31. 132
  32. 14444
  33. 30
  34. 5
  35. 44
    1. greater than
    2. Greater than
  37. 5000
  38. 1, 3, 7(any other odd number named)
  39. 63
  40. 400
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