SECTION A (25 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the booklet provided.
- State the scientific theory that explains the origin of human beings. (1 mark)
- State two uses of stone tools by early people during the Stone Age period. (2 marks)
- Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began. (1 mark)
- Name two metals that were used as currencies during the pre-colonial period. (2 marks)
- State one advantage of using the pipeline over vehicles in transporting oil. (1 mark)
- Give two main items of the Trans-Saharan trade. (2 marks)
- Identify two social functions of the ancient city of Athens in Greece. (2 marks)
- Name the chartered company that was used to administer Tanganyika during the process of colonization. (1 mark)
- Which was the main factor that unified the communities of the Shona Kingdom during the pre-colonial period? (1 mark)
- State two functions of the Lukiiko in the Buganda Kingdom during the 19th Century. (2 marks)
- Give one economic reason which made the European countries to scramble for colonies in Africa. (1 mark)
- State one way in which the Ndebele benefited after the British-Ndebele war of 1893 to 1896. (1 mark)
- Identify two economic results of the First World War. (2 marks)
- Give two principal organs of the United Nations. (2 marks)
- Identify two ways in which Mwalimu Julius Nyerere promoted the development of Education in Tanzania after Independence. (2 marks)
- State one condition that a country should fulfill in order to become a member of the Non-Aligned Movement. (1 mark)
- Identify one Parliamentary duty of the Monarch in Britain. (1 mark)
SECTION B (45 marks)
Answer any THREE questions from this section in the answer booklet provided. - State five reasons why early people domesticated crops and animals during the neo-lithic period. (5 marks)
- Explain five causes of food shortages today. (10 marks)
- Give three problems faced by factory workers in Europe during the Industrial Revolution. (3 marks)
- Explain six factors that have promoted industrialization in South Africa. (12 marks)
- Give three methods used by the European Powers to establish colonial rule in Africa. (3 marks)
- Explain six results of the collaboration between the Baganda and the British during the process of colonization. (12 marks)
- State three ways used by nationalists in Ghana to fight for independence. (3 marks)
- Explain six factors that led to the development of African Nationalism in Ghana. (12 marks)
SECTION C (30 marks)
Answer any TWO questions from this section in the answer booklet provided.
- Give three conditions which one had to fulfill in order to become a French citizen in Senegal. (3 marks)
- Explain six differences between the use of British indirect rule and the French Assimilation Policy. (12 marks)
- State the role played by the United States of America in the ending of the Second World War. (3 marks)
- Explain six causes of the cold war after 1945. (12 marks)
- Identify three duties performed by the Secretary-General of the new East African Community established in 2001. (3 marks)
- Explain six benefits of the East African Community established in 2001. (12 marks)

- State the scientific theory that explains the origin of human beings.
- The Evolution theory/Darwin 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- State two uses of stone tools by early people during the Old Stone Age period.
- For skinning animals after hunting.
- For digging uproots
- For cutting meat
- For sharpening one/wood
- For scraping animals skins/softening
- For killing animals during hunting
- For protecting/defence any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Identify the method used to plant cereal crops when early agriculture began.
- The broadcasting method 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- Name two metals that were used as currency in pre-colonial Africa.
- Iron
- Gold
- Copper
- Silver
- Bronze
- State one advantage of using the pipeline over vehicles in transporting oil.
- The pipeline delivers oil faster than vehicles.
- It is safer to transport oil by pipeline than vehiclesThe p
- ipeline ensures regular/continuous supply of oil to required areas/depots.
- It is easier to maintain the pipeline than vehicles. 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- Give the two main items of the Trans-Saharan trade.
- Gold
- Salt
- Give tow social functions of the ancient city of Athens in Greece.
- It was a cultural centre/music/art/theatre
- It was an educational centre
- It was a sports centre
- It was a religious centre Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Name any chartered company that was used to administer Tanganyika during the process of colonisation.
- The German East Africa Company 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- Which was the main factor that unified the communities of the Shona Kingdom during the pre-colonial period?
- The Mwari religious cult/Mlimo/religion 1 x 1= 1 mark
- State two functions of the Lukiko in Buganda Kingdom during the 19th Century.
- It advised the Kabaka.
- It represented the wishes of the people.
- It assisted in settling disputes/acted as final court of appeal.
- It directed the collection of taxes/how the wealth of the kingdom would be spent.
- It was the law formulating body in the Kingdom.
- It assisted/no general/administration Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Give one economic reason which made European Countries to scramble for colonies in Africa.
- To obtain raw materials for the industries.
- To search for markets for the manufactured goods.
- To acquire areas to invest their surplus capital Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- State one way in which the Ndebele benefited after the British-Ndebele War of 1893 to 1896.
- The Ndebele Indunas were made headmen.
- The Shona police were removes from Matebeleland. Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- Identify two economic results of the First World War.
- European governments spent huge sums of money.
- There was massive destruction of property.
- It led to economic depression/employment/starvation/unemployment. Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Give two principal organs of the United Nations.
- The General Assembly
- The Security Council
- The Economic and Social Council
- The Secretariat
- The Trusteeship Council
- The international Court of Justice Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- Identify two ways in which Mwalimu Julius Nyerere promoted the development of Education in Tanzania after independence.
- He established the universities of Dar-es-Salaam and Sokoine
- He made Kiswahili the medium of instruction in schools.
- He made education to be free and compulsory from primary school to university.
- He popularized the philosophy of “Education for self reliance”
- He introduced Adult education. Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks
- State one condition that a country should fulfill in order to become a member of the Non-aligned Movement.
- A country should be independent.
- A country should not be a member of either NATO or WARSAW pact military.
- Identify one parliamentary duty of the Monarch in Britain.
- Summons parliament after a general election.
- Prologues parliament
- Dissolves parliament
- Assents bills of parliamentNominates members to th
- e House of Lords. Any 1 x 1 = 1 mark
- State five reasons why early people domesticated crops and animals during the Neolithic period.
- Due to increased Human population more food was required.
- There was competition for food between human beings and animals.
- Over hunting developed stocks of animal on which human beings relied on for food.
- Hunting and gathering had become tiresome/insecure.
- Calamities such as bush fire/floods destroyed vegetation/drove away animals.
- Some crops and animals had economic value.
- Animals were domesticated to provide security.
- There was a change in climate which caused aridity/weather sometimes hindered gathering and hunting. Any 5 x 1 = 5 marks
- Explain five causes of food shortages to Africa today.
- Many parts of Africa experience little or no rain at all over several years leading to crop failure and hence food shortages/natural hazards.
- The rapid population growth rate has overtaken food production rate resulting into food shortages.
- Inadequate/food storage facilities had contributed to food wastages as farmers cannot store store food for a long period.
- Poor state of roads in many African countries hinders transportation of food from the areas of surplus to those of deficit.
- Low prices of food stuff has discouraged many farmers who may have invested so much capital leading to food shortages.
- Many farmers in Africa lack enough capital to buy required farm inputs.
- Due to crop diseases and pest, a lot of food is destroyed either on the farms or in stores resulting to food shortages.
- The emphasis on cash crop farming at the expense of food crops has contributed to low food production leading to food shortages.
- Environmental degradation through deforestation/overgrazing of animals had led to soil erosion leading to wasteland, hence low food production/desertification.
- Civil wars in many African countries have displaced people from their farms and therefore diverted their attention from farming resulting in food shortages.
- Poor food policies have discouraged farmers as they are not given enough incentives incase of crop failure/poor economic planning.
- The young-able bodied persons migrate to urban centres thus leaving farming to the aged who are not able to contribute much towards food production.
- HIV and AIDS pandemic has impacted negatively on the labour force in food production.
- Poor land tenure system/land fragmentation has reduced the acreage that would have been used for production scarcity.
- Over reliance/dependence on famine relief food/other forms of aid has made people not to look for permanent solutions to food shortages.
- Lack of modern farming methods her led to low food production. Any 5 x 2 = 10 marks
- State five reasons why early people domesticated crops and animals during the Neolithic period.
- Give three problems faced by factory workers in Europe during the industrial revolution.
- They were paid low wages/salaries
- They worked for long hours
- They were exposed to accidents
- Accidents victims were laid off without compensation.
- Inadequate housing made them live in slums.
- They suffered from diseases due to poor sanitation/pollution. Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six factors that have promoted industrialization in South Africa.
- The availability of many sources of energy to provide the required power of industrialization.
- The existence of varied mineral resources to sustain the process of industrialization.
- The presence of well developed transport network/infrastructure to facilitate the movement of raw materials and finished industrial goods to the market.
- The availability of both internal and external markets for their manufactured goods.
- The availability of both skilled and unskilled manpower required for industrialization.
- The availability of capital generated from South Africa trade in other goods has enabled her to set up industries.
- The government’s sound industrial policies which encouraged both local and foreign investors to boost industrialization.
- The high quality of goods has led to increased demand for South Africans manufactured goods.
- The political instability in the country since the end of apartehid era has created a conducive environment for industrial development. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Give three problems faced by factory workers in Europe during the industrial revolution.
- Give three methods used by European powers to establish colonial rule in Africa.
- Military conquest/expenditions
- They signed treaties/agreements with African rulers/diplomacy/collaboration
- Deception/treachery/luring Africans with European goods.
- Chartered trading companies
- Playing off communities against each other in order to weaken.
- Explain results of the collaboration between the Buganda Agreements of 1900.
- It led to the loss of independence.
- Introduction of Christianity and European influence in buganda.
- Islamic influence declined.
- Buganda got protection from the British against their traditional economic e.g Bunyoro.
- Kabakas power were reduced in the peace of the growing educated member of the Lukiko.
- Kabaka gained recognition and was referred to as his luglilness.
- Buganda an administration position in the colonial administration and was used to conquer other communities.
- Buganda advanced more economically than other communities as it acquired European manufactured goods e.g cloth, guns.
- Buganda benefited from Western Education and medicine. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Give three methods used by European powers to establish colonial rule in Africa.
- State three ways used by nationalists in ghana to fight for independence.
- They formed political parties.
- They used boycotts/demonstrations/strikes/go-slows.
- They organized political rallies to mobilise mass support.
- They used newspapers to articulate their views.
- They used the legislative council
- They composed songs/poems to attack colonialism.
- They used trade unions.
- They used international forum. Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six factors that led to the development of African Nationalism in Ghana.
- Inadequate African representation in the Legislative council based discontent among the Ghanaians.
- Loss of powers by the traditional African chiefs created discontent against the colonial government.
- The need to guard against possible land alienation by the British united the Africans.
- Introduction of taxation by the colonial government was resented by Ghanaians.
- The meagre earnings by Africans from the sale of cocoa to Europeans created discontent among them.
- The order by the colonial government that farmers uproot their crops due to prevalence of the “swollen shoot” disease upset them.
- Then involvement of the ex-servicemen in the Second World War inspired them to fight for their independence.
- The attainment of independence by India/Pakistan in 1947 encouraged the Ghanaians to demand for their right to govern themselves.
- The existence of young educated Ghanaians who had understood the ideals of democracy/freedom who inspired the masses towards a worthy cause.
- High rate of unemployment among the Africans created resentment/discontent.
- The United Nations Charter’s declaration of the importance of political independence for all people inspired the Ghanaians and other leaders.
- The charismatic leadership provided by Kwame Nkrumah united the people in their struggle against colonial domination.
- xiii) The selective granting of trading licenses to Europeans traders while denying the same to the Africans created discontent. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- State three ways used by nationalists in ghana to fight for independence.
- Give three conditions which one had to fulfil in order to become a French Citizen in Senegal.
- Literate/able to read and write in French.
- Able to speak in French
- Be a Christian
- One must have worked in the French Civil service/be loyal in the French government/military service.
- Practice monogamy Any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six differences between the use of British indirect rule and the French assimilation policy.
- The British used traditional rulers as chiefs while the French appointed assimilated whereas chiefs to become chiefs.
- African traditional rulers under British rule retained most of their powers whereas chiefs under French rule had limited powers.
- British colonies were administered as separate territories while French colonies were administered as provinces of France.
- Most French administrators were represented in the French Chamber of Deputies in France while in British colonies Laws wee made by the Colonial Legislative Assemblies.
- Africans in French colonies were military officers while the British administrators were both as provinces and non-professionals.
- Laws used to govern French colonies were made in the chamber of Deputies in France while British colonies Laws were made by the Colonial Legislative Assemblies.
- Assimilated Africans in French colonies became full French citizens while in the British colonies, educated Africans remained colonial subjects.
- British indirect rule preserved African cultures while assimilation undermined African culture. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Give three conditions which one had to fulfil in order to become a French Citizen in Senegal.
- State the role played by United States of America in ending the Second World War.
- The U.S.A provided modern military equipment to the allied forces.
- She gave financial support to the allied forces.
- She provided military personnel to the allied powers.
- U.S.A blockaded the Panama Canal against the central powers.
- She dropped atomic bombs at Horishoma and Nagasaki which forced Japan to surrender.
- Explain six causes of the Cold War after 1945.
- The disagreements between the Soviet Union and the United States of America over reduction of arms led to arms race.
- The occupation of Eastern Europe by Soviet Union caused fear among U.S.A and its allies in Western Europe/Iron curtain policy by the USSR.
- The ideological differences pursued by the U.S.A and U.S.S.R created mistrust/suspicion among them leading to hostility.
- The domination of United Nations by United States of America and her allies was checked by U.S.S.R through the use of her veto power thus increasing the tension.
- The involvement of both United States of America and U.S.S.R in European conflicts in the late 1940s created tension among them.
- America’s Marshal plan to revive European economies after the war made U.S.S.R to counteract by arming a similar one/comical thus enhancing tension.
- Formation of military alliances/N.A.T.O by United States of America and her allies led to U.S.S.R and her allies to form a similar alliance/Warsaw pact thus intensifying the rivalry.
- Construction of the Berlin wall by U.S.S.R in Germany to block Western after the Second World War. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- State the role played by United States of America in ending the Second World War.
- Identify three duties performed by the Secretary General of the new East African Community established in 2001.
- Is the head of secretariat.
- Authorizes expenditure on behalf of the members.
- Is the secretary to the summit/take minutes
- Keep records of the proceedings.
- Implements decisions adopted by East African Community Summit.
- Prepares agenda for the meeting any 3 x 1 = 3 marks
- Explain six benefits of the new East African Community established in 2001 to its members.
- There is wider market for different types of goods produced by each member states.
- The citizens of member states buy goods at fair prices due to low tariffs levied on goods.
- Opening of border closed establishing a common visa/East African passport has boosted free movement of people within the region.
- The community provides a forum for heads of states to discuss issues harmoniously thus promoting mutual understanding/co-operation/friendship.
- There are employment opportunities for people of member countries in the established common services.
- Establishment of the common market create room for enhanced economic development of member countries/spurs greater industrial growth.
- The member countries are working together towards establishing East African Federation in order to apply common laws.
- There is improvement in transport and communication network to facilitate the movement of people and goods. Any 6 x 2 = 12 marks
- Identify three duties performed by the Secretary General of the new East African Community established in 2001.
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