- How does nutrition as a characteristic of living organisms differ in plants and animals? (2 marks)
- The diagram below represents a certain organism collected by a student at the sea shore.
- Name the class to which the organism belongs. (1 mark)
- Give three reasons for your answer in (a) above. (3 marks)
- The figure below is a fine structure of a generalized animal cell as seen under an electron microscope.
- Name the parts labeled A and B. (2 marks)
- How is the structure labeled B adapted to its function? (2 marks)
- In an investigation, a student extracted three pieces of paw paw cylinders using a cork borer. The cylinders were cut back to 50 mm length and placed in a beaker containing a solution.
The results after 40 minutes were as shown in the table below.
Feature Result Average length of cylinders (mm) 56mm Stiffness of cylinders stiff - Account for the results in the table above. (3 marks)
- What would be a suitable control set-up for the investigation? (2 marks)
- The table below shows results of a study of three plants C, D and E growing in different habitats.
Feature Plant C Plant D Plant E Number of stomata on upper surface of leaf per square area 4 20 6 Number of stomata on lower surface of leaf per square area 6 0 8 Thickness of leaf cuticle (mm) 0.4 0.1 0.2 Surface area of roots (cm2) 2000 1000 1200 - Which one of the plants C, D and E grows in the area of relatively low water availability? (1 mark)
- Explain your answer in (a) above. (3 marks)
- The diagram below represents part of the gaseous exchange system in human.
- Name the parts labelled F and G. (2 marks)
- State one function of each of the parts labeled H and J. (2 marks)
- The diagram below represents a set-up that students used in an investigation.
- Name the physiological process being investigated. (1 mark)
- State the role of potassium hydroxide in flask K. (1 mark)
- Account for the observation in boiling tube L and flask N. (2 marks)
- What is the probability of a couple with blood group AB getting a child with blood group AB? (4 marks)
- State the importance of negative phototaxis in termites. (1 mark)
- What is meant by the term irritability? (1 mark)
- State two ways in which the heart muscles are special. (2 marks)
- Name the muscles found in the following organs: (2 marks)
- Name the part of a light microscope used to bring an image of a specimen into sharp focus. (1 mark)
- Why is it recommended to keep the stage of the microscope dry? (1 mark)
- State three factors that affect the rate of diffusion. (3 marks)
- Name the type of respiration that is most effecient. (1 mark)
- Give a reason for your answer in (a) above. (1 mark)
- What name is given to a group of hormones that control the development of secondary sexual characteristics in a human male? (1 mark)
- The diagram below represents an experiment set-up by students to investigate a certain process.
Flower Q produced seeds while P did not. Account for the results. (3 marks) - Name two substance that leave the foetal blood through the placenta. (2 marks)
- Why are plants able to accumulate most of the waste products for long? (1 mark)
- List four symptoms of diabetes mellitus. (4 marks)
- State three aspects that can be used to estimate growth in seedlings. (3 marks)
- Name the process through which free atmospheric nitrogen is converted into nitrates. (1 mark)
- State the importance of divergent evolution to organisms. (2 marks)
- Name the strengthening materials found in the following support tissues: (2 marks)
- collenchyma; ................................................................................................
- xylem. .........................................................................................................
- State four characteristics of apical meristem cells. (4 marks)
- State the role of the following hormones in the life cycle of insects: (2 marks)
ecdysone hormone; .......................................................................................
juvenile hormone. .......................................................................................... -
- State the theories of evolution proposed by the following scientists. (2 marks)
Charles Darwin .............................................................................................
Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. .............................................................................. - State the evidence of the evolution based on (2 marks)
- cell organelles .......................................................................................
- fossils ...................................................................................................
- State the theories of evolution proposed by the following scientists. (2 marks)
- What is the function of contractile vacuoles in amoeba? (1 mark)
- State two differences between open and closed circulatory systems. (2 marks)
- Name two nutrients that are absorbed without being digested by enzymes in humans. (2 marks)
- Name the organelle that is involved in each of the following: (2 marks)
- manufacture of lipids; ........................................................................................
- formation of lysosomes........................................................................................

- Plants make their own food from Carbon (IV) Oxide and water in the presence of light autotrophic/ photosynthesis; while animals eat ready made food from plants or animals/heterotrophic nutrition;
(2 marks) -
- Crustaceae/crustacea; (1 mark)
- Head fused with thorax/has a cephalothorax;
- Have two pairs of antennae;
- Have compound eyes/a pair of compound eyes;
- Have several pairs of limbs/five to twenty pairs of limbs;
- Exoskeleton is hard;
- Have external gills;
- Four pairs of mouth parts consisting of maxilla, maudiblis, labium and labrum.
(max 3 marks)
- A-nucleopore;
- B-Rough Endoplastic Reticulum;
(2 marks)
- Surface covered with ribosomes; for protein synthesis; Has interconnected channels: for transportation of proteins; (2 marks)
- The solution was hypotonic/less concentrated compared to the cell sap of pawpaw cylinder cells; The tissue/cells gained water by osmosis; becoming turgid/longer/stiff, (3 marks)
- Pawpaw cylinders of the same size/length; placed in an isotonic solution; Boiled potato cylinders of the same size; placed in a similar solution;
(2 marks)
- Plant C; (1 mark)
- Thick cuticle reduces water loss;
- Low number of stomata reduces water loss;
- Large root-surface area enhances water absorption;
(3 marks)
- F- Bronchiole;
G - Intercostal muscles/external intercostal muscles;
(2 marks) - H - (Pleural membranes) secretes encloses pleural fluid to lubricate lungs/protect lungs: (1 mark)
J - (Diaphragm) separates chest cavity from abdominal cavity/works to effect volume and pressure changes in chest cavity necessary for inhalation and exhalation/ ventilation/breathing; (1 mark)
- F- Bronchiole;
- Respiration/aerobic respiration; (1 mark)
- Flask K Potassium hydroxide removes Carbon IV Oxide from atmospheric air; (1 mark)
- L-Lime water remains clear because Carbon (IV) Oxide has been removed;
Flask N lime water forms a white precipitate because the respiring cockroaches produce Carbon (IV) Ovide; (2 marks)
- Parental genotype is AB
Probability is ½ or 0.5/50%; (4 marks) - Reduces dehydration; Avoid predators; (max) (1 mark)
- Ability of an organism to detect, interpret and respond to changes in the environment/stimulus;
(1 mark) -
- Can contract continuously without fatigue; Their contraction is started by the muscles themselves/myogenic; (2 marks)
- stomach: smooth;
bone: skeletal; (2 marks)
- Fine adjustment knob; (1 mark)
- Avoid refraction of light;
Prevent wetting of the slide; (1 mark) (max)
- Temperature; surface area; distance that particles have to travel; diffusion/concentration gradient; size/density of particles, surface area to volume ratio; thickness of membrane: medium of diffusion
(3 marks) -
- Aerobic respiration; (1mark)
- It releases more energy per unit mass; (1 mark)
- Androgens; (1 mark)
- The plant/flower is self sterile/not successfully self pollinated; covering prevents pollination; in flower P. Flower Q received pollen from other plants/cross pollination; (3 marks)
- Carbon IV Oxide;
Nitrogenous waste/urea; (2 marks) - Most of the waste products are harmless; Converted into harmless products; (1 mark)
- Passing urine frequently/polyuria; glucose/excess glucose in blood/hyperglycaemia; constant feeling of thirst/dehydration; loss of weight; excessive eating/increased appetite/polyphagia/ hyperphagia; poor resistance to diseases; (4 marks)
- height/length; weight/mass; surface area; (3 marks)
- Nitrogen fixation; (1 mark)
- Results in adaptations that enable organisms to exploit different ecological niches, leads to the formation of new species; (2 marks)
- Cellulose;
- Lignin;
(2 marks)
- Small/round; central nucleus/prominent nucleus; dense cytoplasm/protoplasm, no vacuoles; continuously dividing; thin cell walls (4 marks)
- Ecdysone causes metamorphosis; towards adult stage
Juvenile hormone maintains larval characteristics; (2 marks) -
- Theory of natural selection; (1 mark)
Theory of environmental influence on inherited characteristics; (1 mark) -
- Similar organelles performing similar functions in different organisms suggest a common ancestry/cell biology; (1 mark)
- Fossil records/palaeontology/by comparing fossils to show phyllogenetic relationship between organisms/common ancestry: (1 mark)
- Theory of natural selection; (1 mark)
- Removes excess water/waste products/Homeostasis; (1 mark)
Open Closed Blood flows in haemocoel/ sinuses/body cavity directly in contact with cells Blood confined in vessels; Blood flows at low pressure Blood flows at high pressure; Blood lack pigments Blood has pigments for oxygen and Carbon (IV) Oxide transportation - Water, mineral ions; vitamins
First two 2 marks -
- Smooth endoplasmic reticulum; (1 mark)
- Golgi bodies/golgi apparatus. (1 mark)
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