SECTION A (40 marks)
Answer all the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
- List two levels of qualifications of Technical Personnel in the woodwork industry. (2 marks)
- State four factors that determine the appearance of grains in timber. (2 marks)
- Sketch and label a wing divider. (4 marks)
- With the aid of sketches differentiate between chamfering and rounding as used in shaping. (4 marks)
- Describe the following terms as used in timber: (4 marks)
- texture;
- figure.
- State two functions of a jointer. (2 marks)
- Column 1 of table 1 shows fire extinguishing agents for different classes of fire.
Table 1
EXTINGUISHING AGENTS CLASS OF FIRE Water and sand Chemicals and foam
- State four characteristics of lacquers. (2 marks)
- Classify the following types of pencils as either soft, medium or hard: 4H, 3B, B, HB,
- Sketch a cross-sectional view of each of the following widening joints.
- Rebated tongue and groove joint; (2 marks)
- Splayed butt joint. (2 marks)
- State three precautions to be observed to ensure that there is no damage to a saw blade when in use. (3 marks)
- Sketch the following types of bits and state the function of each.
- flat bit; (2 marks)
- countersink bit. (2 marks)
- Figure 1 shows a polygon ABCDE.
Enlarge the figure such that AB is 80 mm long. (4 marks)
SECTION B (60 marks)
Answer question 11 on A3 paper provided and any other three questions from this section in the spaces provided after question 15. Candidates are advised not to spend more than 25 minutes on question 11.
- Figure 2 shows a shaped block.
In first angle orthographic projection, draw the three views of the block to a scale of 1:1. Insert any six dimensions. (15 marks) -
- State three precautions to be observed when using a steel tape measure. (3 marks)
- Figure 3 (a) shows a surface of an irregular wooden block.
Using a pair of compass and a ruler and to a scale of 1:1- Outline the construction procedure to produce the shape in figure 3 (b). (7 marks)
- Construct and mark out the shape shown in figure 3 (b). (5 marks)
- Explain three factors to consider when grading timber for use. (5 marks)
- State four purposes of a primer coat as used in painting. (4 marks)
- Using labelled sketches, show the difference between blockboard and plywood. (6 marks)
- State six benefits of starting a small scale business in rural areas. (6 marks)
- Figure 4 shows pictorial views of wall mounted shelf. All members are 22 mm thick softwood.
Prepare a cutting list for purchasing the timber required for the shelf. (9 marks)
- With the aid of labelled sketches, describe the ripping and cross cutting operations on a piece of timber. (8 marks)
- State two advantages and two disadvantages of quarter sawing method of timber conversion. (4 marks)
- List three precautions to be observed to prevent splitting the work piece when making a hole using a chisel. (3 marks)

- Levels of qualifications.
- Artisan
- Craftsman
- Technician
- Engineer
- Factors which determine the appearance of grains. 2 x 1 = (2 marks)
- Methods of cut.
- The location of the cut.
- The condition of wood.
- The arrangement of wood cells.
- Direction of cut.
- Levels of qualifications.
- Wing divider (4 marks)
- Difference between chamfering and rounding
- Texture - is a surface condition resulting from the size and distribution of wood cells
2 x 2 = (4 marks) - Figure - pattern 2 or markings which are formed 2 on the surface of processed 2 timber as a result of wood tissue being cut 2 through.
- Texture - is a surface condition resulting from the size and distribution of wood cells
- Functions of a jointer
- Makes edges straight and square.
- Makes rebates, tongues and chamfers. 2 x 1 = (2 marks)
EXTINGUISHING AGENTS CLASS OF FIRE Water and sand A 1 Chemicals and foam B 1
- Functions of a jointer
- Four characteristics of laquer
- Crystal clear
- Fast drying
- Produce hazardous fumes during application
- Can be sprayed or brushed
- Do not form layers as thick as most varnishes.
= (2 marks)
- Classification of pencils (3 marks)
Soft Medium Hard 3B B 4H 2B HB 2H
- Four characteristics of laquer
- Sectional views of joints
- Precautions to be observed when using a saw
- No nails/ metallic objects in the workpiece.
- No obstacles in front of the cutting line.
- Ensure that the saw is well maintained.
- Make/ apply uniform strokes to drive the saw.
Any 3 x 1 = (3 marks)
- Enlargement
(15 marks) -
- Precautions to be observed when using a steel tape measure.
- Do not pull or push the tape when the locking device is engaged.
- Check the accuracy with a vernier calliper to ensure the hook at the end is not bend.
- Do not extend the tape beyond its limits.
- Do not drop the tape.
3 x 1 = (3 marks)
- Step of marking out the shape
- Establish line AB = 60 mm
- At point A and B construct perpendicular lines.
- At point A and B and along the perpendicular line, mark 80 mm - C and D.
- At point A construct ∠300 to cut at E.
- Measure 30 mm from point E to establish point F.
- At point F construct an arc 30 mm radius to meet at C and D.
7 x 1 = (7 marks)
- Precautions to be observed when using a steel tape measure.
- Factors to consider when grading timber.
- Quality when judging the quality the grader considers the type size and number of defects on the face (i.e) natural defect,
sawing defect, seasoning e.t.c. - Condition 2 - The grader should consider the condition of the surface (i.e) staining 2, discolouration due to weathering, fungi attack moisture content e.t.c.
- Strength - The ability of the timber to withstand shearing stresses, bending stresses and compression.
(5 marks)
- Quality when judging the quality the grader considers the type size and number of defects on the face (i.e) natural defect,
- Purpose of a primer
- Prevent previous applied finishes from bleeding into the paint.
- Seals wood pores and stick to surfaces better than paint does.
- As they seal the pores, they make the surface smooth, hence the surface is easier to paint and less absorbent.
- Help to preserve the wood and reduce blistering, peeling and ratting.
- Forms a surface for finishing coat.
Any 4 x 1 (4 marks)
- Blockboard and plywood
- Factors to consider when grading timber.
- Benefits of small business start up
- Creates employment to the local community.
- Control the rural urban migration
- Generates revenue to the local authority by paying levies.
- Takes services closure to the people.
- Improves the living standards of the local community.
- Makes use of the locally available materials.
- Creates taxable revenue to the Government.
Any 6 x 1 = (6 marks)
- Cutting list
Item No Description Size(mm) No.Off Marks 1 Top 25 x 150 x 900 1 =2 2 Bottom 25 x 200 x 900 1 =2 3 Sides 25 x 200 x 900 2 =2 4 Partition 25 x 200 x 900 1 =2
= 9 marks
- Benefits of small business start up
- Advantages of quarter sawing
- retains the shape upon drying.
- Produces decorative radial face.
- Produces timber appropriate for joists.
Disadvantages - Expensive form of conversion.
- Creates a lot of waste.
- Ideal for large logs.
Any 2 x 1 = (2 marks)
Total = 4 marks
- Precautions to avoid splitting.
- Ensure the workpiece is clamped firmly on the bench.
- Select an appropriate chisel.
- Apply light blows to start with.
- Turn the piece and finish from the other side.
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