Reading Aloud
Deux ou trois ans après les élections, les populations regardent les chefs politiques avec suspicion. Ils avaient promis des lendemains chantants aux gens pendant les élections mais une fois élus, ils ont oublié les promesses ! Mais de quelles promesses s’agit-il ?
Les promesses comprennent des meilleures routes, des meilleures salaires, la gratuite de l’éducation et de la santé, la transparence et la responsabilité financière, la fin de corruption, la justice sociale, la démocratie …… et la liste continue. Mais pourquoi les populations sont-elles déçues ?
Le premier problème est le manque d’éducation civique qui aurait permis aux électeurs de comprendre leurs responsabilités. Beaucoup vont aux élections sans savoir comment évaluer les candidats politiques. De plus, beaucoup sont illettrés et très pauvres. Avec des populations pauvres et illettrées, il est possible de les manipuler avec un peu d’argent et bien sur avec des mensonges.
Reading Aloud
Un ou deux mois après être sortis de l’école, les étudiants semblent être sans direction précise. Ceux qui n’ont pas encore décidé quoi faire de leur vie tournent soit vers leurs parents soit leurs amis pour le conseil. Malheureusement, la plupart perdent direction grâce au mauvais conseil qu’ils reçoivent de leurs camarades.
Pour ceux qui sont assez chanceux d’avoir choisi leurs carrières avant de quitter l’école, ils entrent dans les collèges tout en attendant leurs résultats. De nos jours, on doit se munir des connaissances supplémentaires à part ses bons résultats. C’est ainsi qu’ils rejoignent des cours de l’informatique ou entrent à l’auto-école. Quelques-uns ont même la chance d’être embauchés à mi-temps dans certaines entreprises.
Cependant, on a entendu parler de quelques filles qui jettent leur avenir à la poubelle au profit de se marier avec des types qui ne s’intéressent pas du tout à elles ! Quelle catastrophe ! Il faut les conseiller contre une telle action qui est dirigée par des fausses promesses du paradis à la perte éternelle de leur rêve.
Instructions to Candidates.
- You will talk on the topic given overleaf.
- You will have ten minutes to prepare for the task.
- You will have two minutes to talk on the topic.
Candidate’s Card A
Les avantages et les inconvénients des industries dans votre pays.
Candidate’s Card B
Quelle est la relation entre les maladies et l’économie ?
Candidate’s Card C
Quelle est la relation entre l’environnement et la santé ?
Candidate’s Card D
Les inconvénients de la nouvelle technologie.

Instructions to examiners
Section I of this examination will test Reading aloud skills. There will be two or more reading aloud passage to be alternated between candidates. Candidates should study the passage for 5 minutes before entering the examination room.
Section II of the examination will be Exposé based on the situation outlined on the examination card. Candidates should study the situation for 10 minutes and then be prepared to talk on the topic assigned to them. The examiner should tell the candidate when to start and should stop the candidate after two minutes. The exposé should last for 2 minutes.
Section III of this examination will test the candidate’s conversational skills of a general nature. The conversation will be based on topics related to the candidate’s experience. It should last 5-7 minutes. All three sections of the examination should be marked according to the marking scheme provided.
Reading Aloud Marking Scheme
Total = 5 marks
NOTE: Award ½ marks where necessary.
5 |
Will be given for a pleasing approximation to a native French speaker, convincingly sustained throughout the passage. |
4 |
(to be considered as ‘down from 5’) will be given when the ‘Frenchness’ is not sustained throughout. |
3 |
(to be considered as up from 2’) where there is a significant amount of pleasing rhythm and intonation. |
2 |
(the pass/fail line) will be given where there are signs of correct stress and intonation but a lot of distortion. |
1 |
Will be given for the laboured and inaccurate. |
Down from 5? |
- The cards provided contain one situation each. The candidates will pick a card by drawing lots from the set of cards provided. The candidates should not be made aware of the content of the cards prior to making their choice.
- Each candidate should be given a maximum of ten minutes to prepare for the topic on the card that he/she has picked.
- Each candidate should be given a maximum of 2 minutes to present the exposé.
- The examiner may not interrupt the candidate before the expiry of the two minutes.
- Only verbal communication will be assessed: marks will not be awarded for gestures, facial expressions or any other non-verbal forms of communication.
Marks will be awarded using the following scale.
The exposé will be marked out of 15 marks based on the scale above. The total marks for the exposé being 5 marks the examiner should scale down the candidate’s total marks by dividing it by 3 to get the right score out of 5 marks.
Total (15 marks)
About 5 minutes
- It should be a conversation of general nature related to the candidate’s experience.
- The examiner is expected to ask specific questions on related topics and not just concentrate on one topic:
- You should allow the stipulated length of time for each candidate.
- You should start out from any point of interest noted earlier or ask a few general questions relating to everyday life such as school, family, etc. Not more than four topics should be examined.
- Precise factual knowledge or information is not necessary.
- Be ready to pass on quickly to another subject if a candidate is out of his/her depth.
- Candidates should be expected to respond naturally to questions; their answers need not therefore be in the form of complete sentences. You should take care to avoid questions inviting simply ‘Yes’ or No’ by using a variety of interrogatives (see list next page).The examiners should use ‘vous’ when addressing the candidates during the examination.
- Questions should be adjusted to the candidate’s ability. Candidates should be prompted and encouraged where necessary.
- Long periods of silence should be avoided.
- Do not interrupt the candidate unless you are sure that he/she cannot complete the answer.
- Incorrect answers should neither be corrected, nor answers supplied when none is given.
- Questions should either be rephrased or allowed to go unanswered rather than be repeated.
- The use of English vocabulary should be avoided.
List of questions
- Quels sont les avantages/inconvénients/problèmes …………………..?
- Qu’est-ce que vous aimez/préférez?
- Qu’est-ce qui vous intéresse?
- Comment trouvez-vous ……………..?
- Comment trouvez-vous……………...?
- Que pensez-vous de ………………...?
- Quelle est l’importance de…………..?
- Qu’aimerez-vous faire/devenir?
- Quelle sorte de……………………...?
- Pouvez-vous donner des exemples?
- Qu’est-ce qui se passé……………...?
- Que peut-on faire…………………..?
- Comment est-ce qu’on…………….?
- Que feriez-vous si…………………?
- Parlez-moi un peu de………………
- Comparez………………………….
Conversation Marking Scheme
Total = 15 MARKS
NOTE: No half marks should be awarded. The objective here is to induce a spontaneous fluent conversation in which the candidate speaks more than the examiner.
0 |
Will be given to the ‘Oui/Non’ followed by silence or where there is no real communication between the examiner and the candidate. |
1 -3 Very poor |
Will be given to the candidate who responds after a lot of effort from the examiner and whose responses are often inappropriate and contain many serious errors. |
4 – 5 Poor |
Will be given to the candidate who constantly requests for repetition of the examiner’s question and yet sometimes responds inappropriately, making many errors. |
6 – 7 Pass |
Will be given to the candidate who responds to questions but whose response are limited, hesitant and contain many errors. |
8 – 9 Quite good |
Will be given to the fairly forthcoming candidate whose answers contain quite a number of errors. |
10 – 11 Good |
Will be given to the candidate whose responses are good, and fairly fluent but he/she is rather hesitant and makes a few errors. |
12 – 14 Very good |
Will be given to the candidate whose responses are confident, spontaneous idiomatic and fluent but with a few errors. |
15 Excellent |
Should be given to a really outstanding candidate whose French is perfect. |
- La famille
- L’école/La vie scolaire.
- Les professions/careers/métiers.
- Les loisirs/les sports
- La santé et l’environment.
- Le transport/Les voyages.
- Le tourisme et les activités économiques.
- Média/L’informatique/La nouvelle technologie.
- La francophonie.
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