Instructions to candidates
- There are six questions in this paper.
- This paper has two pages.
- Answer any FIVE questions.
- Each student must verify that all pages and questions are present in the paper.
- All answers must be in the answer sheets provided.
- All answers must be in English
- Identify the teachings about human beings from the Biblical creation accounts. (7 marks)
- State six reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present form by early Christians. (6 marks)
- Outline seven occasions when Christians use the Bible. (7 marks)
- Explain the meaning of the symbolic objects and acts used by the Hebrews on the night of exodus. (7 marks)
- Relate the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham. Genesis 15:1-19. (7 marks)
- Give six reasons why church leaders in Kenya take vows before starting their mission. (6 marks)
- Mention seven ways how King David is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)
- Outline six ways how King Ahab broke the covenant in the case of Naboth’s vineyard (6 marks)
- State seven reasons why it has been difficult to fight the evil of Bribery and corruption in Kenya today. (7 marks)
- Outline seven roles of prophets in the Old Testament. (7 marks)
- State seven teachings of Prophet Amos about the Day of the Lord. (7 marks)
- Identify six forms of hypocrisy in the church in Kenya today. (6 marks)
- Outline Jeremiah’s teaching about the New Covenant. (7 marks)
- State seven teachings of Jeremiah on Judgement and Punishment. (7 marks)
- Identify the evils that Church leaders condemn today. (6 marks)
- State any seven roles of ancestors traditional African society. (7 marks)
- Identify the importance of naming in traditional African society. (7 marks)
- What are some of the factors that affect initiation rites today? (6 marks)
- Identify the teachings about human beings from the Biblical creation accounts. (7 marks)
- Human beings are created in the image/likeness of God.
- They have the breath of life from God.
- They have been given authority/dominion over God’s creation.
- They communicate/fellowship with God.
- They are special/the greatest of God’s creation.
- They have the ability to think/reason/make choices/decisions in their lives.
- They are blessed by God.
- They have been given a specific place to stay/garden of Eden
- They are to take care of the creation/till the land/work.
- Human beings are to procreate/multiply through marriage.
- Man and woman are to complement/provide companionship for each other.
- Human beings are to use the other creation/plants for their benefit.
- Human beings are God’s creation/male and female.
- The woman was created out of the man’s rib.
- State six reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present form by early Christians. (6 marks)
- The eye witnesses of Jesus Christ were being killed/persecuted.
- In order to prevent information from being lost.
- Due to the expansion of the church/increased number of believers who needed material to refer to/for reference.
- To counteract false teachings/teachers who were confusing the believers.
- To ensure that same doctrines/beliefs were taught to all Christians.
- To reach out to Jews in diaspora/Gentiles.
- To preserve an orderly account of Biblical themes/avoid distortion.
- Outline seven occasions when Christians use the Bible. (7 marks)
- When preaching the word of God.
- When in court of law.
- When instructing new converts/conducting Bible study.
- During different Christian ceremonies/marriage/ordination/baptism/ burial.
- When teaching Christina religion education.
- When composing songs/plays/skits.
- During fellowships/prayers.
- During a swearing in ceremony/public office.
- Identify the teachings about human beings from the Biblical creation accounts. (7 marks)
- Explain the meaning of the symbolic objects and acts used by the Hebrews on the night of exodus. (7 marks)
- Moses was instructed by God to tell the Israelite elders to prepare for a sacrifice in readiness for divine liberation from slavery.
- Each family was to participate in the sacrifice as a way of identification with the Hebrew community.
- Each family was to select a young lamb without blemish to significance the purity/innocence of the sacrifice.
- Each lamb was to be slaughtered and its meat roasted as roasting was the quickest way of cooking since the Israelites were in a hurry.
- Everything was to be eaten up as a way of leaving no mark in Egypt, a country of slavery.
- The Israelites were to prepare unleavened bread to signify the lack of time/the purity of the bread.
- The Israelites were to eat bitter herbs as a symbol of their suffering in Egypt.
- The blood of the sacrificial animal was to be smeared on the door posts of the Hebrews to save them from the angel of death.
- Everyone was to remain indoors until morning so as to be protected from death/to strengthen one another.
- The Passover sacrifices were to be commemorated yearly and its reasons taught to the next generations so as for them to know their history/remember how God saved them.
- The Israelite women were to ask for jewelry, silver and clothing from the Egyptians as a compensation for the free labour they offered as slaves.
- The angel of death killed all the first borns of the Egyptians and passed over the houses of the Hebrews to spare the Israelite first born so as to be dedicated to God.
- Moses was allowed by Pharaoh to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to signify that Moses was God’s appointed leader of Exodus.
- Relate the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham. Genesis 15:1-19. (7 marks)
- Abraham was in doubt of the promise of a son.
- God assured him that his own son would inherit him and not Eliezer of Damascus. Vs 5
- God showed Abraham the many stars and confirmed that his descendants would be as the stars. Vs.6
- God asked him to bring a heifer, a goat, a ram each three years old and a dove and a young pigeon. Vs.9
- Abraham cut the animals into two and arranged the halves in two rows.
- The birds were not cut.
- He drove away the birds of prey that targeted the carcasses. Vs.11.
- At sunset, Abraham fell into a deep sleep. Vs. 12.
- God spoke to him giving the promise that his descendants would be slaves for 400 years but he would set to liberate them. Vs. 14.
- Abraham was promised a long peaceful life. Vs.16
- Abraham saw God pass through the carcasses in the form of a smoking fire pot and a flaming torch/re affirms to give his descendants land.
- Give six reasons why church leaders in Kenya take vows before starting their mission. (6 marks)
- To receive God’s blessings/guidance.
- To get acknowledgement from the people being served.
- It reminds the leader to stick to the church regulations/missions.
- To get the authority of God to lead.
- It gives the leader courage/confidence to do his/her work.
- It shows the willingness/commitment to serve/acceptance
- To emulate the Biblical way of commissioning servants of God.
- Explain the meaning of the symbolic objects and acts used by the Hebrews on the night of exodus. (7 marks)
- Ways how King David is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)
- Saint Paul asserted that the good news of salvation is about the Son of God who took human nature and was born from David’s lineage.
- The Gospels say that Jesus was born in the family of David as the Virgin Mary was betrothed to Joseph of the house of David.
- In Matthew’s genealogy, Jesus was a descendant of King David.
- In his annunciation message to Mary, the angel says that Jesus will be a king like his ancestor David.
- Zechariah says that God has raised up a savior descended from the house of David.
- Jesus was born in Bethlehem which was also the birth place of David.
- The blind man at Jericho hailed Jesus as the Son of David.
- In his triumphant entry to Jerusalem, Jesus was hailed by the crowd as the Messiah descended from David.
- The early apostles like Peter made a number of references to Jesus as a descendant of David in their sermons.
- Ways King Ahab broke the covenant in the case of Naboth’s vineyard
- He coveted Naboth’s vineyard
- He allowed his wife to bear false witness against Naboth
- He had Naboth killed/murdered
- He took Naboth’s vineyard
- He broke Jewish law of ancestral land
- As a king he failed to protect the weak/poor as demanded by Mosaic law (6x2= 6mks)
- Reasons why it has been difficult to fight the evil of Bribery and corruption in Kenya today. (7 Marks)
- Lack of political will in the fight against corruption.
- Weak legislative framework/the laws made lack ‘teeth’ to bite.
- Limited resources for effective fight against corruption
- The general public perception that there is nothing to be done about corruption and is there to stay.
- Weak institutions and poor corporate governance.
- The complexity and mutative nature of corruption – corrupt practices change and adopt new regulations.
- Moral delay in society/moral decadence/lack of Christian principles.
- The standards and practices in the anti-corruption body is not upto date. It suffers credibility issues.
- The code of ethics for public servants are not yet at its full operation/development.
- The investigative arm on corruption is not well developed and lacks emphasis.
- Law enforcement mechanism on would be culprits is weak/lacks the full powers.
- Lack of role models
- Publicity on the effects of corruption is not given the urgency it deserves.
(Any 7 X 1 = 7 Mks)
- Ways how King David is an ancestor of Jesus Christ. (7 marks)
- Roles of prophets in the Old Testament.
- Prophets conducted prayers for the community/Israel.
- They interceded with God on behalf of the people.
- They interpreted God’s message sent in form of dreams and visions.
- They communicated God’s message/will to the people.
- They carried out God’s commands/mission to the people.
- They foretold the future events/predicted future occurrences.
- They taught/guided and counseled the people against abandoning God’s law.
- They condemned social injustices/evils committed against the poor.
- They warned people of God’s coming punishment/judgement.
- They assured the Israelites of their hope/future salvation
- They revealed God’s nature as merciful, loving to the people.
- Some acted as advisors to kings/acted conscience to kings.
- Some anointed kings before assuming their mandates.
- Acted as priests/offered sacrifices on behalf of the people.
(Any 7 X 1 = 7 Mks)
- State the teachings of Prophet Amos about the Day of the Lord.
- It will come unexpectedly/sudden
- It will be a day of darkness and not light/gloom.
- People will mourn and wail
- Israel will be defeated by their enemies
- A day of thirst and hunger for God’s word/ a day of famine and drought.
- A day of judgement for Israel’s sins
- There will be earthquakes
- A day when feasts and festivals will not be joyful.
- All wicked people would not escape God’s severe judgement on their sins.
- There will be cosmic signs i.e solar eclipse.
(Any 7 X 1 = 7 Mks)
- Identify six forms of hypocrisy in the church in Kenya today.
- Insincere worship which involves elaborate rituals without inner piety/purity.
- Religious syncretism where they worship God and modern idols.
- Idolatry where Christians engage in the worship of many gods e.g money, beauty, sports etc.
- Use of spiritual gifts for selfish gains other than glorifying God.
- Praying with intent to show off as opposed to humility in prayer.
- Showing off riches/ones wealth during offerings/tithe giving.
- Practicing social evils yet professing being a Christian.
- Being enemies/unforgiving Christians.
- Divisions in the church.
(Any 6 X 1 = 6 Mks)
- Roles of prophets in the Old Testament.
- Outline Jeremiah’s teaching on the New Covenant. (7 marks)
- The laws will be written in people’s hearts
- Every individual will know God individually
- God was to forgive their sins and remember them no more.
- There will be individual responsibility for one’s sins.
- The new covenant will be initiated by God
- The new covenant was to last forever and not be broken any more.
- It will result in emergence of a new people of God or new Israel.
- It will be established after God had punished the Israelites and this are the remnants
- In the new covenant a ‘righteous branch’ would be established.
- State seven teachings of Jeremiah on Judgement and Punishment. (7 marks)
- God is a just judge – punishes for a reason.
- God will punish Judah as a group – the entire nation will be punished
- God punishes by looking at the heart
- God’s judgement will by means of political events
- God’s judgement was inevitable and unavoidable
- God’s punishment will be in form of natural disasters
- God’s judgement is universal
- Yahweh punishment is meant to correct a sinner.
- God gives the people a chance to repent before punishment
- Yahweh’s punishment is real – though it may take long it will surely come to pass
- Identify the evils that church leaders condemn today. (6 marks)
- Hypocrisy/ pretense
- Murder/suicide/abortion/genocide
- Witchcraft/divination/sorcery
- Exploitation of the poor
- Dishonesty
- False prophecy
- Bribery and corruption
- Class society – the rich vs the poor
- Outline Jeremiah’s teaching on the New Covenant. (7 marks)
- State any seven roles of ancestors in traditional African society. (7 marks)
- They bless the members of the living members/source of blessings
- They mediated between the living and God
- They welcomed the dead into the spiritual world.
- They were custodians of customs and morality
- They were consulted in difficult times to give directions on issues of inheritance of property.
- They bring punishment to the wrong doers.
- They warn on the impending punishment to those who fail to carry out their wishes
- Through the ancestors the living has a sense of belonging or identity.
- They provide a reservoir of names for children born.
- Identify the importance of naming in traditional African society. (7 marks)
- Naming gives a child identity to be considered a full member of the community
- Names are also given in honor of the ancestors as they are named after their dead relatives
- It is a way of remembering important events in the society
- It is a sign of acceptance of the children in the new family.
- Naming ceremonies also provide opportunity to teach the culture to the youth
- Names could also depict the character of the child.
- It’s also a way of showing respect to God for the gift of the children
- Naming ceremonies bring unity among the people who come to celebrate together.
- What are the factors that affect initiation rites today? (6 marks)
- Christianity condemns rituals associated with initiation.
- Government policy which banned female genital mutilation
- Formal education which gives no time for initiation rites
- Migration which leads to mixing of various cultures and hence decline of cultural values
- Economic hardships making it difficult to hold elaborate initiation ceremonies
- Modern technology has more modern surgeons than the traditional ones
- Effects of western lifestyle which has led to the decline of traditional African values.
- State any seven roles of ancestors in traditional African society. (7 marks)
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