Music Paper 3 Questions and Answers - Kakamega Evaluation Mock Exams 2022

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    1. Continue the following opening to make a sixteen-bar melody. Modulate to the relative minor before returning to the tonic. Introduce a sequence and a triplet.(8 mks)
    2. Using staff notation, fit a tune to the lyrics below.(7 marks)
      Janga hili la korona,limekuwa donda ndugu,
      Tunasema kwa pamoja,tutashinda kwa hakika.
  2. Add Alto,Tenor and Bass to the melody given below. Choose appropriate chords from the following; I,IV,V,ii and vi. Introduce a cadential six four. (15 Marks)


  1. African music     
      1. Outline three factors that determine the choice of costumes and décor used in a traditional  dance.(3 marks)
      2. Outline two roles  of artefacts as a visual display in the performance of African  traditional music performance.(2 mks)
    2. Discuss three ways in which formal education  has negatively  affected traditional African music.(3 mks)
      1. What is an aerophone?  (1 mk)
      2. Identify flutes from the list below (3 mks)
    4. Ornaments are decorative items  in a performance. Give two instrumental ornaments used in African music performance. (2 mks)
    Answer any two questions from (a),(b)(c) and (d)
    1. Antonio Vivaldi
      1. Outline two ways in which Vivaldi acquired his musical training.(2 marks)                                                                                                         
      2. Outline two musical duties which Vivaldi performed while at Ospedalle Dela Pieta.(2 marks)                                 
      3. The 1730s saw  a decline  in Vivaldi’s musical career. Explain three ways in which this decline came about. (3 marks)
    2. W.A. Mozart
      1. In which period did Mozart live? (1 mark)
      2. Outline three characteristic features evident in Mozart’s music. (3 marks)                                                            
      3. Name Mozart’s three masterpieces of Italian comic opera (3 marks)
    3. Johannes Brahms
      1. Outline three features that characterize Brahms music.(3 marks)
      2. A part from composing, give two other duties that Brahms carried out during his lifetime.(2 marks)
      3. Which type of works are each of the following; (2 marks)
        academic festival  -
        Gavotte in A Major -
    4. Benjamin Britten
      1. What is  Britten’s nationality? (1 mark)
      2. Give titles of three large scale operas by Britten.  (3 marks)
      3. State any three events that influenced Britten’s music education background.  (3 marks)
    POKOT folksong by Ortum Boys’ High School(PPMC Recording)
    1. Outline the sequence of events at the opening section of the performance. (3 mks)
    2. State two roles of the text in the recording. (2 mks)
    3. State two ways in which voice has been used in the recording.  (2 mks)
    4. Explain three styles of call and response that are evident in the performance. (3 marks)
    Choral Fantasy in c minor,op.80,Finale (Allegretto ma non troppo by L.V Beethoven
    1. Identify one area each where the following have been used. Cite the bar numbers. (2 mks)
      1. Arppegiated chords
      2. Antiphonal singing
    2. Identify two articulation marks that have been used in the music.   (2 marks)
    3. Describe the entry of voices between bar134 and 147. (3 marks)
    4. In which bar does the meter of the music change? (1 mark)
    5. Which cadence appears between bar 58 and 59?(1 mark)
    6. Give the meaning of the following as used in the score; (1 mark)
      poco marcato
  5. Unprepared analysis(6 marks)
    Study the excerpt given then answer the questions that follow.
    1. In which key is  the music between bar 13 and 18?  (1 mk)
    2. By use of bar numbers, identify the form of the music. (1 mk)
    3. Identify the cadence at bar 8,figuring  the chords that make up  the cadence. (2 mks)
    4. For which instrument is the music well suited? (1 mk)
    5. Identify an area where syncopation has been used in the score(1 mark)
    1. Outline three ways through which a traditional musician can earn a living from music.(3 mks)
    2. The music below is written for a clarinet in B Flat. Write it in concert pitch.(5 mks)
    3. Write the following melody in staff notation.(5 mks)
      Key=D  minor
      Time 2
    4. State the meaning of each of the following in relation to music (3 mks)


    1. Melody
      • 16 bars                                                 1mk
      • Modulation and back                        2mks
      • Triplet                                                   1 mk
      • Sequence                                              1 mk
      • Phrase marks                                      1mk
      • Lyricism                                                1mk
      • Melodic contour                                1 mk
        Total   =       8 Marks  
    2. Speech rhythm                                       1mk
      • Syllabic division                                     2 mks     
      • Lyricism                                                    2mks
      • Melodic shape                                         1mk
      • Rhythmic contrast                                  1 mk
        Total = 7 Marks
    • Chords                                                15x ½ =7 mks
    • Cadences                                            2 x ½   =1 mk
    • Voice leading                                    3 x ½   =    
    • Voice range                                        3 x  ½        
    • Appropriate use of  cadential  six four  = 1 mk
      Deduct 1 mark for each harmonic fault upto a maximum of  3 marks
      Total    = 15 Marks
    1. Factors that determine choice of costumes and décor;
      • Type of performance
      • Cultural values attached to the performance
      • Geographical factors eg the climatic conditions of an area.
    2. Roles of artefacts
      • Used to show past events that were specifically courageous
      • For comic purposes
      • To represent certain characters in the community eg ancestral spirits
    3. Ways in which formal education has negatively impacted on African music;
      • No traditional performers as most youngsters have gone to school
      • Many youngsters have been brainwashed and think African music is evil
      • Occasions when music was made have reduced because of new ways of life.
      • Making of African instruments has declined due to environmental conservation education.
      1. Aerophone- a wind instrument which is blown to produce sound through vibration of a column of air in a cylindrical tube.
      2. flutes
    5. Instrumental ornaments in African music;
      • drone
      • glissando
      • trill 
      • ostinato
      1. Ways he acquired musical skills
        • Taught by his father
        • Coached by Giovanni Legrenzi at a very young age
      2. Duties at Della pieta
        • Composing
        • Playing violin
        • Training violin
      3. Decline
        • The fickle Italian public began showing signs of tiring of his music
        • His powerful patron Phillip of Hesse-Darmstardt  died in 1736
        • In 1737 the church authorities banned him from mounting his operas in Ferrara(a papal territory)on account of his lapsed priesthood and his association with Anna Giraud
        • 1738,the directors of La Pieta refused to renew his contract
    2. W.A MOZART
      1. Period -Classical
        • Features of mozarts music;
        • His music conveys a feeling of ease,grace and spontaneity
        • Conveys a feeling of balance,retraint and perfect proportion.
        • Mysterious harmonies bring dark moods that contrast with the lyricism
        • Fuses power and elegance in a unique way
        • Compositions sound effortless and were created with miraculous rapidity.
      2. Three  masterpieces of Italian comic opera by Mozart;
        • the marriage of Figaro(1786)
        • Don Giovanni(1787)
        • Cosi Fan tutte(All women behave like this(1790)
      1. Features that characterize his music
        • Reverence for folk music
        • Rich harmonies and colourful orchestrations
        • Subtle rhythmic effwcts
        • Used chromaticism freely without necessarily challenging tonality
        • Used deep,somber tones and complex harmonies
      2. Two other duties by brahm
        • Playing piano
        • conducting
        • Academic festival –Overture
        • Gavotte in A    -Character piece
      1. Nationality-
      2. Large scale operas by Britten;
        • Peter Grimes(1945)
        • Billy Budd(1951)
        • Gloriana(1953)
        • A midsummer Night’s dream(1960)
        • Death in Venice(1973)
      3. Events that influenced Britten’s music education background;
        • Studied piano and composition at a public school in London
        • Studied composition at Royal college of music in London
        • Had private music lessons with Frank Bridge
        • Had  music lessons with R.Vaughan Williams
  5. PRESCRIBED AFRICAN(Pokot folksong)
    1. Sequence of events at the opening section;
      • starts with a call in a declamatory manner(oleyio)followed by a  group response(ho ho),
      • Immediately the soloist starts leading the singing  of the first melody,the singing is in solo- response style.
      • The jingles are heard alongside the chorus
      • Soon a horn joins the performance but is not played continuously.
    2. Roles of the text in the recording;
      • tells what the song is all about.
      • Helps in identifying the community
    3. Ways in which voice has been used;
      • For singing
      • For talkings/parlando
      • Heaving(in the middle of the performance ie melody 4)
    4. Styles of call and response
      • A soloist has a short phrase and the response comes in with a longer phrase
      • Overlapping
      • The soloist and the response going on concurrently
      • The response is  the same length as the soloist but with different text.
    1. Arppegiated chords-bar 1-2 piano
      antiphonal singing-bar 12-30 and 30-47
    2. articulation marks  staccatos,slurs,fermata
    3. Entry of voices at 134-147 –tenor,followed by soprano at bar 136 then alto and bass in bar 142.
    4. Meter change –bar 93
    5. Cadence at bar 58-59  imperfect
    6. Meaning of ;
      poco marcato-a little marked
    1. Key at bar 13-18—E  Major
    2. Form of music; bar 1-8 is A:||,Bar 9-28 is B:||,hence binary form.
    3. Cadence at bar 8 is Perfect ie chord v-I
    4. Instrument-keyboard instrument,has right hand and left hand .
    5. Syncopation-last note of bar13 to 14 ,15 and  16(use of a tie)
    1. Ways in which a traditional musician can earn a living in music;
      • Constructing and selling music instruments
      • Organizing for live performances of his items
      • Making and selling costumes and artefacts
      • Working as a resource person/instructor in learning institutions
      • Earning royalties from airplay.’
      • Earning from accompanying performances
      • Through commission to perform at special events.
    2. Transposed a major 2nd down
    4. etude  -a short composition, typically for one instrument, designed asan exercise to improve the technique or demonstrate the skill of the player
      Libretto-the text of an opera or other long vocal work
      Strophic-same music being used for successive stanzas eg  in hymns
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