English Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Achievers Joint Mock Exams 2023

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  • Answer all the questions in this question paper.
  • Answer all questions in English.


    1.  Imagine that you are the captain of your school. You fall sick and have to go home for three days to seek medical attention. Write instructions to your assistant telling him or her six things you would like done while you are away. (12 marks.)
    2. Once you come back to school, you find all the instructions were followed to the latter. Write a thank you note to your assistant. (8marks)
    Fill in each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.

    In (1)…………………………….to pass examinations well, one needs to (2)………………...a good foundation from the beginning. Revising (3)………………. for the examinations requires you to actually study and (4)………………your facts rather than memorizing them.(5)………………of the main problems that (6)………..…..students face is anxiety. A little bit of anxiety before examinations is okay but too much (7)………………detrimental .Excess anxiety may come from (8)…………………understanding the crucial points in a topic before moving (9)……………… to the next. When students simply gloss (10)…………………facts, they fail to understand them and therefore they get mixed up or confused before examinations.
  3. ORAL SKILLS (30marks)
    1. Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
      I wonder by the edge
      Of this desolate lake
      Where wind cries in the sledge
      Until the axle break
      That keeps the stars in their round
      And hands hurt in the deep
      The banners of east and west
      And the girdle of light is unbound,
      Your breast will not lie by the breast
      Of your beloved in sleep
      1. Describe the rhyme scheme of the poem. (2mks)
      2. Identify and illustrate any two sound pattern used in the poem (4mks)
      3. How would you say the last two lines of the poem? (2mks)
      4. Give homophones for the following words used in the poem (2mks)
    2. Underline the word that is said differently from the sets of words given below. (4mks)
      1. Fairy ferry furry
      2. Floor flower flour
      3. Pear pare peer
      4. Canal kernel colonel
    3. Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)
      The short child shot a shot of his short white wash.
      1. Classify the genre. (2 marks)
      2. Identify any sound pattern used in the genre above. (2 marks)
    4. State two functions of the genre above. (2 marks)


    A giving instructions

    Format (4mks)
    Date 1mk
    To (name 1mk
    Introduction 1mk
    From 1mk
    Content 5mks
    Five instructions written in imperative language and in point form
    Language 3marks

    Thank you note
    Format 3mks
    Date 1mk
    Salutation 1mk
    Signing off(name 1mk
    Content 3mks
    Why you appreciate
    Mention what was done for you
    Language 2mks
    Fill in each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.
    In (1) order to pass examinations well, one needs to (2) lay a good foundation from the beginning. Revising (3) properly / well for the examinations requires you to actually study and (4) understand your facts rather than memorizing them. (5) One of the main problems that (6) many / some students face is anxiety. A little bit of anxiety before examinations is okay but too much (7) is detrimental. Excess anxiety may come from (8) not understanding the crucial points in a topic before moving (9) on to the next. When students simply gloss (10) over facts, they fail to understand them and therefore they get mixed up or confused before examinations.
      1. ab ab cd ec ed (1mk) irregular rhyme scheme√ 1
      2. Alliteration ( 1 mk) where wind /hands hurt/Breast …..by
      3. Assonance (1mk) the edge (1mk) /wind …….in
      4. Rhyme (1mk) edges} deep
        Sledge} sleep
          1. I would wear/ put on a sad facial expression√ 1
            To bring out the unhappy/sad/forlorn/cheerless mood of the persona. √ 1
          2. would say them in a low and sad tone to bring out the persona’s sadness√ 1
          3. I would say them in a falling intonation because they are statements√ 1
            NB: any one explained point 1x2 = 2 marks
        1. – wander
      1. furry
      2. floor
      3. peer
      4. canal
    2. Study the genre below and answer the questions that follow. (6 marks)
      The short child shot a shot of his short white wash.
      1. Classify the genre. (2 marks)
        tongue…twister ……---……repetition ofsounds
      2. Identify any sound pattern used in the genre above. (2 marks)
        Assonance-----------shot short /o/
        Alliteration---------short shot sh
    3. State two functions of the genre above. (2 marks)
      • Entertainment
      • Speech therapy
      • To pass time
      • Test pronunciation
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