- Answer all question

- Name four skills that a student acquires by learning business studies. (4marks)
- Highlight four possible contents of a business plan. (4marks)
- Outline four benefits of the improved road network in Kenya. (4marks)
- Nacada began a business on 1st Jan 2023. With capital of sh 650,00 which he deposited in the business bank account. During the year the following transaction took place
- Brought into the business equipment valued at sh. 50,000
- Made a profit of sh. 120,000
- Withdrew sh, 80,000 from the business bank account to pay for his son’s university fee. Determine Nacada final capital
- State four incentive that a government may give investors to locate their firms in rural area(4marks)
- The gap in incomes between the rich and the poor is so wide in Kenya. Highlight four factors that have contributed to this. (4marks)
- Outline four features of a sole proprietorship form of business unit. (4marks)
- Give four advantages of using M-pesa as a means of payment. (4marks)
- Outline four circumstances under which downwards communication may be used. (4marks)
- Mention the principle of insurance involved in the following statement. (4marks)
- One cannot insure the neighbor’s house
- Compensation is paid out by an insurance company only if the loss is as a direct result of happening of the event insured against
- After having been compensated the insured is not allowed to take the scrap
- The aim of the insurance company is to put back the insured to his original material financial position and not to profit him
- For each of the following daybooks, State the relevant source document
- Sales journal……………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Cash receipt journal……………………………………………………………………………………
- Purchases return journal……………………………………………………………………………..
- Sales return journal……………………………………………………………………………….......
- On 1.5.2015 Kui traders bought 240 carton of battery at ksh.1000 each . Terms of sale were 20%trader discount and cash discount if payment was made on 29.4.2015
Calculate the amount paid if payment was done on 26.4.2015 (4 marks) - Hadjia has an intention of starting a business in the local market. The demand and supply is represented in the diagram below
State four consequences of selling the cabbages at p2 (4marks) - Outline four circumstances under which a trade would advertise his products over the radio instead of television (4marks)
- Outline four ways in which the physical environment may lead business failure (4marks)
- Give four types of errors that are not disclosed in a trial balance. (4marks)
- Highlight four reasons for dishonoring a properly drawn cheque (4marks)
- In each of the following cases,state the type of inflation described. (4marks)
- The unrest in Ukraine has resulted to an increase in the price of fertilizers……………………………….
- The price of bread has gone up to sh.60 due increase in the price of fertilizers……………………………
- A lot of money in circulation has led to the general increase of price………………………………………
- Arise in price due to uneven growth in some sectors of the economy ……...................................................
- The following information relates to average price of exports and imports in 2021 and 2022 of country k
Year Average price of export Average price of imports
2021 100,000 400,000
2022 120,000 650,000
Required:- Calculate the terms of trade (3marks)
- Comment on the term of trade calculated above (1mark)
- Rufus trader
Dr Three column cash book cr
D .All
From the above cashbook state the transactions that took place on- 22.1.01 (2marks)
- 22/1/08 (1mark)
- 22/1/12 (1mark)
- Outline four problems that the Kenyan government may experience in implementing her vision 2030 (4marks)
- State four types of business activities in central Kenya (4marks)
- Outline the significance of the following international terms of sale. (4marks)
- Ex-works
- Free on rail
- Free on board
- Cost and freight
- State four types of direct taxes (4marks)
- The following transactions took place in the business of Kua traders during the first week of March 2023.
March 2 issued an invoice no. 840 to Karen sh.80,000
March 3: Received an invoice no 940 from Mugera Traders sh 50,000 (4marks)
Record the above information in the relevant ledger accounts.

- Skill acquired in studying business studies
- Acquire business skills of buying and selling goods
- create career foundation to the learning students
- Acquire self reliance skills
- Acquire critical thinking and making rational judgment
- Acquire basic recording skills/accounting
- Acquire negotiations skills/ bargaining skills
- Acquire management skills
- Acquire enterpreneunal skills
- Content of business plan
- Name of the business
- Description of the market opportunity
- Organizational structure
- Owners of the business
- Financial requirement
- Human resources needed
- Summary of the plan
- The product or service to be offered
- Future revenues stream
- Proposed legal structure
- Benefits of improved road network in kenya
- Easy access to market
- Reduced cost of transport
- Create time utility/save time
- Open up productive regions hence exploitation of the idle resources
- Reduces the cost of operations
- Provide variety of goods in many regions
- Initial capital 650,000
Add additional capital 50,000
Add profit 120,000
Less drawings 80,000
Final capital 740,000 - Incentives given by a government to attract investors
- ax relief/holidays
- Giving financial assistance(low interest rate on loans)
- Provision of security
- Offering free or cheap land
- Provision of goods infrastructure
- Shorten/ease registration process for firm
- Influencing government policy of delocalization
- Factors that contribute to disparity in income distribution in Kenya
- Corruption
- Disparity in access to education
- Differences in individual/ personal talent endowment
- Some people being politically advantaged over others
- Nepotism in securing good job opportunities
- Inheritance some people had a lot to inherit from their parents while other did not have anything
- Disparity in natural resources
- Features of sole proprietorship
- Owned by one person/ capital in contributed by one person
- Is usually small due to limited capital
- Is highly flexible
- Secrecy and confidentiality are maintained in this business
- The proprietor has unlimited liability
- Lack perpetual succession/its life is limited
- In law the business and the owner are one
- Advantages of using M-pesa as a means of payment.
- Secure means of payment can be accessed 24/7
- Fast means of payment
- Can pay large amount of money
- Accessible to many parts of the country
- Reduces transport cost when looking for money transfer services
- Circumstances under which downward communication may be used
- When senior employee are providing training to the junior employees
- When senior employees are evaluating performance of junior employees
- When senior employees are assigning duties and task to the junior workers
- When management is trying to solve problem affecting workers
- When management want to inspire or motivate junior employees
- Principles of insurance
- Insurable interest
- proximate cause
- Subrogation
- Indemnity
- Relevant sources of documents
- Invoice sent/issued/outgoing invoice
- Cash Receipt issued /cheque received , cash slip issued
- Credit note received/incoming
- Credit note issued/outgoing
- catalogue price 240 × 100=240,000
trade discount 20⁄100 × 24000=48,000/ sh192000
cash discount 10⁄100 ×192000=19200
amount paid (192,00-19,200)=172800 - Consequences of selling the cabbage at price p2
- There will be pressure on the price to go down
- Consumers may go for substitute which are cheaper
- Demand for cabbages decreases
- Likely to have surplus cabbages/ less will be bought
- When a large audience is targeted
- When the target is low to afford radio
- When it is cheaper to advertise through radio than T.V
- When visual impression of the product is not necessary
- Where there is need to use local language appropriate to the target group since most T.V stations do use vernacular languages
- Ways in which physical environment may lead to business failure
- Poor transport network making it difficult for traders to transport their goods to market
- Poor terrain making construction of business expensive
- Poor climate making poor harvest in agricultural goods
- Inadequate network in valleys
- Errors not disclosed in trial balance
- Error of omission:- result from total omission of transaction from ledger account thus there is no record of the transaction
- Error of commission,- this is committed in the ledger when one or both entries are posted to the correct class of account but wrong personal account
- Error of principle- Result from double entry of transaction made in the wrong class of account
- Error of original entry:- made from misreading of figures at the source document
- Compensation errors:- it arises from two errors of the same magnitude on either side of the ledger cancelling each other
- Error of complete reversal -this arises from complete reverse of double entry of transaction in the ledger
(not must for the explanation )
- Reasons for dishonoring a properly drawn cheque
- If the drawers account has insufficient funds
- If the drawer instruct the bank not to honour the cheque
- If the signature on the face of the cheque differs with the specimen in the bank
- If the cheque is postdated
- If the cheque is staled cheque
- Imported inflation
- Cost push
- Demand pull
- Structural
Export price index = 12000⁄100000 × 100%=120%
import price index= 650000⁄400000 ×100%=162.5%
export price index = terms of trade= export price⁄import price index indpx × 100%=120⁄1625 ×100% - Comment on the term of trade calculated above
- unfavorable terms of trade
- 22/1/01 Started a business with cash of sh 20,000 and a bank overdraft of sh.1000
- 22/1/08 deposited 10,000 in the bank account(contra entry)
- 22/1/12 took 2000 cash for personal use
- Problems faced by Kenyan government implementing vision 2030
- Lack of domestic resources such as skilled personnel
- Over reliance on donor funding
- Natural calamities such as diseases, flood, drought
- Over-ambitious plans
- Lack of co-operation among executing parties
- Inflation which may make the estimated value of implementation not be adequate
- Business activities in central Kenya
- Trade
- Manufacturing
- Processing
- Construction
- Provision Of Services
- Distribution
- Significance of international terms.
- Ex-work the price quoted include the cost of goods as they are in the exporters premises
- Free- on rail-this means that the price is quoted include cost of transporting goods from the seller premises onto the nearest station and loading them to rail
- Free on board-this means that the price quoted include the cost of goods, carriage cost and the cost of loading goods into ship.
- Cost and freight-this means that the price quoted include the price for goods as well as shipping charges
- Types of direct taxes
- Income Tax/PAYE taxes
- Estate duty tax
- Stump duty tax
- Capital gain tax
- Residual rental income tax
- Wealth tax
- Capital transfer tax
- Withholding tax
- Property tax
March 2
March 2
March 13
Amount 1
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