Answer any five of the given questions.
All answers must be written in the Answer Booklet provided.
All questions carry equal marks.
- Give reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into the curriculum in Kenyan schools today. (8 Marks)
- Explain the meaning of the expression, ‘the Bible is the Word of God’. (5 Marks)
- On what occasions do Christians use the Bible? (7Marks)
- Briefly explain the significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover. (6 Marks)
- What qualities did Moses show during his call? (9 Marks)
- What lessons do Christians learn from the call of Moses? (5 Marks)
- Give reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them. (7Marks)
- Show reasons why Elijah was un-compromising in his attitude to Baal worship. (8 Marks)
- Why should Christians fight against the spread of devil worship in the society? (5 Marks)
- What were the characteristics of true prophets in the Old Testament? (7 Marks)
- Give reasons why Amos proclaimed God’s judgment on Israel and Judah? (6 Marks)
- What lessons do Christians learn from Amos’ teachings on judgment? (7Marks)
- What responses to God’s call did Jeremiah exhibit in Jeremiah 4:4 – 19? (5 Marks)
- Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant. (6 Marks)
- How should a Christian respond when offered a job in a hardship area? (9 Marks)
- Give the roles of ancestors in Traditional African Society. (9 Marks)
- On what occasion were sacrifices offered in Traditional African Society? (6 Marks)
- What aspects of traditional religion have been integrated into the Christian faith? (5 Marks)

- Give reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into the curriculum in Kenyanschools today.
✔ To make us aware of our religion and culture.
✔ To improve our understanding of the bible/know the character of some personalities in the Bible to emulate them (e.g. Abraham/Moses/David etc)
✔ For career development leading to employment.
✔ To appreciate God’s creation.
✔ To acquire skills and knowledge so as to make social / moral / spiritual decisions.
✔ To develop our faith in Jesus / to lead a holy life.
✔ To assist the student to achieve the National goals to education (i.e. equality / unity)
✔ To help one to analyze the mystery of life (e.g. why people die / what happens after death) 8 x 1 = 8 Marks - The meaning of the expression ‘the Bible is the Word of God’
✔ The Bible was inspired by God.
✔ The authors of the Bible wrote under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
✔ The Bible deals with God’s revelation to human beings and their responses.
✔ The Bible contains the true message of God for daily living.
✔ God wrote the Ten Commandments on the stone tablets.
✔ The bible is the revealed word of God / God reveals himself to us through His activity in the Old Testament and in the Holy Spirit in the Church today. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks - Occasions when Christians use the Bible
✔ When preaching the word of God (crusade / church sermons).
✔ When in court.
✔ When instructing new converts / conducting Bible study.
✔ During different Christian Religious ceremonies / festivals e.g. marriage & funerals.
✔ When composing songs / plays/ Christians literature/ magazines.
✔ During fellowships/prayers/guidance/counseling.
✔ During a swearing-in ceremony. 7 x 1 = 7 marks
- Give reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into the curriculum in Kenyanschools today.
- Significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover
✔ Each family was to sacrifice a young lamb or goat without blemish to signify the innocence and purity of the sacrificial animal.
✔ Blood of the sacrificial animal was to be collected and applied on door posts so as to distinguish the house of the Israelites from those of the Egyptians so that the Angel of death would spare the first born males of Israelites.
✔ The sacrificial meat was to be roasted whole to signify the hurry the Israelites were in to leave Egypt.
✔ The Israelites were to eat while standing dressed and luggage packed to signify the hurry to leave.
✔ Israelites women were to ask for jewellery from the Egyptians. This was to act as compensation for their free labour to Egyptians.
✔ Everyone was to remain indoors till morning to be protected from the angel of death. 3 x 2 = 6 Marks. - The qualities that Moses showed during His call
✔ Care.
✔ Inquisitiveness.
✔ Respect / cautiousness.
✔ Patience.
✔ Obedience.
✔ Wisdom / intelligence.
✔ Courage / bravery / fearlessness.
✔ Faith / trust.
✔ Consistence / reliability.
✔ Humility.
✔ Repentance. 9 x 1 = 9 marks - Lessons that Christians learn from the call of Moses
✔ God commissions / appoints people to perform certain tasks / chooses or works through people of his choice.
✔ God does not give people impossible tasks.
✔ God is beyond human understanding / transcendent.
✔ God responds to the cry of his people when they call upon him.
✔ God is almighty / all powerful / omnipresent and omniscient / all knowing / Holy / pure.
✔ God punishes the enemies of his people. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks
- Significance of the events that took place on the night of the Passover
- Reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them
✔ Samuel, their judge, was old.
✔ The sons of Samuel had failed as judges / they were unjust / corrupt / greedy / selfish.
✔ They wanted a king who would lead them into war.
✔ They wanted a political government.
✔ They wanted a leader who would be recognized by other nations.
✔ The wanted a human leader whom they could see / had rejected God their unseen king.
✔ The sons of Samuel did not have the leadership qualities of their father.
✔ Samuel had imposed his sons as judges. 7 x 1 = 7 Marks - Reasons why Elijah was un-compromising in his attitude to Baal worship.
✔ He believed that only Yahweh was the Israelites God / Elijah was a true monotheist.
✔ By worshiping Baal, people had broken the covenant law.
✔ As the people worshipped Baal, they failed to recognize Yahweh as God and the Lord of everything.
✔ The worship of Baal led to the killing of Yahweh’s prophets.
✔ A lot of suffering had resulted from Baal worship.
✔ Elijah had strong faith in God.
✔ By condemning Baal worship, Elijah knew that he could put away the foreign ideology that Ahab was trying to bring in his rule.
✔ Elijah believed that the people might turn to the covenant way of faith.
✔ Being a prophet, Elijah was against Baalism because it was his vocation. 8 x 1 = 8 Marks - Reasons as to why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society.
✔ Devil worship is against God’s commandments and Christians have a duty to fight it.
✔ Because it advocates for human destruction.
✔ It advocates for materialism as the guiding factor to man’s success.
✔ Devil worship leads to lack of faith and reliance on God.
✔ Rituals involved in devil worship are dehumanizing.
✔ Christians fight devil worship to warn people of God’s judgement if they do not turn back to him.
✔ It instills fear in God’s people. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks
- Reasons why the Israelites asked Samuel to appoint a king for them
- What were the characteristics of true prophets in the Old Testament?
✔ They were called by God.
✔ They received revelation from God through dreams / visions / direct command / familiar objects.
✔ They were obedient.
✔ They faced opposition / rejection from the people because of their uncompromising attitude.
✔ They relayed God’s message to the people.
✔ The prophets spoke with authority/were fearless.
✔ They acknowledged one God who was universal / monotheism.
✔ They understood the nature of the prophesies.
✔ They preached about God’s judgement for sin/hope for restoration.
✔ Their prophesies were fulfilled.
✔ They did not prophesy for material gains.
✔ They led holy lives. 7 x 1 = 7 Marks - Reasons why Amos proclaimed God’s judgement on Israel and Judah
✔ The people of Israel and Judah sold their debtors to slavery.
✔ They perverted justice in law courts i.e. bribery and corruption.
✔ They practiced sexual immorality.
✔ The poor were exploited.
✔ The rich drunk wine in the temple.
✔ They ordered prophets not to speak in God’s name.
✔ They practiced idolatry.
✔ They had no regard for the Sabbath. 6 x 1 = 6 marks - Lessons that Christians learn from Amos’ teachings on judgment.
✔ God is a moral God and His moral claims are the same for all people.
✔ The prophet’s prophecies came to pass.
✔ Other peoples’ liberty should be protected.
✔ People learn that they should do to others what they expect to be done to them.
✔ God is a universal God.
✔ God punishes evil and it doesn’t matter who commits it.
✔ God is the giver of life and He expects it to be protected.
✔ Religion and behavior should not be separated.
✔ People should have love for their fellow men. 7 x 1 = 7 Marks
- What were the characteristics of true prophets in the Old Testament?
- Responses to God’s call in Jeremiah 4:4 – 19
✔ He was hesitant/ immature due to age (young).
✔ He was not ready.
✔ He did not know how to speak.
✔ He had dialogue with God/ talked to God.
✔ He saw two visions that changed his attitude towards God’s mission for him.
✔ He accepted to be sent. 5 x 1= 5 Mark - Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant.
✔ The law will be written on people’s hearts and not on stones tablets.
✔ The new covenant will be between an individual and God/personal salvation /relationship.
✔ There will be individual responsibility / punishment for those who sin.
✔ The covenant will be everlasting.
✔ It will be universal.
✔ There will be forgiveness of sins/they will not be remembered.
✔ The new covenant will be fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ / No need of sacrificial animals. 6 x 1 = 6 marks. - How a Christian should respond when offered a job in a hardship area
✔ Give thanks to God for the job opportunity.
✔ One should pray about it.
✔ Should take up the challenge/accept the offer.
✔ Should carry out the mission of Jesus Christ.
✔ Should work with commitment/dedication.
✔ Should adhere to professional ethics.
✔ Should keep the contract of service.
✔ Should take care of the family.
✔ Should seek guidance on how to work / live in the hardship area.
✔ Seek training in life skills. 9 x 1 = 9 Marks
- Responses to God’s call in Jeremiah 4:4 – 19
- Roles of ancestors in Traditional African Society
✔ Provided protection from diseases and calamities.
✔ They blessed the living with livestock, rain and good health.
✔ Solved problems of the living by instructing them through dreams on what to do.
✔ Punished offenders and were the guardians of morality.
✔ They warned the living of impending danger.
✔ Mediators between the living and God.
✔ Helped people to become specialists.
✔ Ancestors provided people with a sense of identity.
✔ They are guardians of religious and cultural practices of the community.
✔ They received the souls of dead family members into the spiritual world.
✔ They are guardians/heads of the families as seen when they are invited to ceremonies
✔ Encourage, bless and strengthen people during the rite of passage.
✔ They welcome those who die in the spiritual world.
✔ They guard the customs and traditions of families and communities against family and community. 9 x 1 = 9 Marks - Occasion when sacrifices were offered in Traditional African Society
✔ Sacrifices were offered during planting time.
✔ Harvest time.
✔ When an epidemic broke out in the community.
✔ During the birth and naming of children.
✔ When drought and famine occurred.
✔ During initiation.
✔ During marriage.
✔ During funeral or burial / rituals.
✔ When purification ceremonies were conducted.
✔ In time of wars, raids as the community asked for protection and victory. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks - Aspects of traditional religion which have been integrated into the Christian faith.
✔ The use of vernacular has been adapted in worship in Christian churches.
✔ Traditional music instruments are used in churches as Christians worship God through songs and dance.
✔ Christian churches perform cleansing rituals.
✔ Some churches are built using the Traditional African architectural designs.
✔ African tunes and melodies have been adopted in Christian songs.
✔ Some aspects of African marriage ceremony are accepted in Christian churches e.g. dowry, traditional marriage songs. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks
- Roles of ancestors in Traditional African Society
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