Answer any five of the given questions.
All answers must be written in the Answer Booklet provided.
All questions carry equal marks.
- Give the characteristics of the suffering servant of Yahweh according to prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 53). (8 Marks)
- In what ways did Jesus fulfill prophesies given to King David by Prophet Nathan? (5 Marks)
- What is the relevance of God’s promises to David to Christians today? (5 Marks)
- Mention ways in which John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah. (10 Mark)
- State reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth. (4 Marks)
- In what ways are church leaders put to test today? (6 Marks)
- Give examples from the life and Ministry of Jesus which show that He promotedsocial equality. (8 Marks)
- Explain how the disciples reacted to the use of parables in Jesus’ teachings. (6 Marks)
- What activities does the church engage in to demonstrate love for others? (6 Marks)
- Relate the message of Peter on the Day of Pentecost. (10 Marks)
- In what ways did the coming of the Holy Spirit transform the life of Peter on the Day of Pentecost? (5 Marks)
- What activities of the church in Kenya show that the Holy Spirit is working amongthem? (5 Marks)
- From the teachings of Jesus, what role would the Holy Spirit play? (8 Marks)
- Describe the fruits of the Holy Spirit according to Galatians 5: 22 – 26. (6 Marks)
- In what ways do Christians demonstrate the fruit of generosity? (6 Marks)
- Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the body of Christ. (6 Marks)
- State teachings of Peter concerning the people of God. (1st Peter 2:9 - 10) (6 Marks)
- How do churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today? (6 Marks)

- The characteristics of the suffering servant of Yahweh according to prophet Isaiah (Isaiah53)
✔ Is despised, rejected, ignored, arrested and sentenced to death.
✔ Is humble and simple.
✔ Will be buried in a rich man’s tomb.
✔ Suffers innocently.
✔ Will suffer as willed by God.
✔ Will be highly honoured and will succeed in His work.
✔ Will suffer and die for the salvation of humankind.
✔ Will be allotted with the sinners in his death. 9 x 1 = 9 Marks - Ways in which Jesus fulfilled prophesies given to King David by Prophet Nathan
✔ Jesus’ foster father, Joseph was a descendant of David.
✔ Was the son of God as prophesied by Nathan.
✔ Established an everlasting kingdom.
✔ Was supported by God as the witness of the voice from heaven at his baptism affirms.
✔ Is the great king whose kingdom is kept strong.
✔ The angel Gabriel confirmed that Jesus’ kingdom will have no end and that he will rule over Israel for ever. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks - The relevance of God’s promises to David by Prophet Nathan
✔ Jesus Christ is a descendant of David and is an heir to the Kingdom of God.
✔ Christians are assured of God’s love and mercy through Jesus who is an eternal one i.e. God had promised David an everlasting kingdom.
✔ Christians believe that they are spiritual descendants of David through their faith in Christ
✔ Christians are promised eternal homeland (heave) to live in.
✔ Christians believe the promises made to David have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
✔ Christians are assured of God’s protection through Jesus Christ. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
- The characteristics of the suffering servant of Yahweh according to prophet Isaiah (Isaiah53)
- Ways in which John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah.
✔ Baptized people in River Jordan.
✔ Advised people to live holy lives by doing what was right.
✔ Preached repentance of sin.
✔ Baptized those who repented.
✔ Encouraged the rich to share with the poor.
✔ Advised people to lead honest lives e.g. the tax collectors were not to collect what was illegal.
✔ Advised workers not to misuse their offices.
✔ Warned people of the coming judgement.
✔ Acknowledged Jesus’ greatness over him.
✔ He introduced Jesus to his disciples.
✔ He told the people that he was not the Messiah but his forerunner.
✔ He preached the good news that the Messiah would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit.
✔ Reprimanded Herod for marrying his brother’s wife.
✔ Baptized Jesus in River Jordan.
✔ Cautioned the Jew’s not to boast about being Abraham’s descendants but to bear fruits that befit repentance. 10 x 1 = 10 Marks - Reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth
✔ He annoyed the people by telling them that their forefathers rejected God’s prophets.
✔ He failed to perform the kind of miracles that he had performed in Capernaum.
✔ He told the people that prophets are ignored in their own country.
✔ He declared that he had come to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the Messiah.
✔ He was the son of Joseph. 4 x 1 = 4 Marks - How church leaders are put to test today.
✔ Human suffering which hinders people from accepting the message of hope.
✔ Lack of cooperation from the congregation.
✔ Problems of how to react/relate objectively when expectations are not met.
✔ Inadequate knowledge on how to deal with various groups/women/youth/choir/rival groups/relatives.
✔ There are temptations to acquire property unjustly.
✔ Difficulties in harmonizing the message of the gospel and innovations of science and technology.
✔ Too much time/service is expected out of them.
✔ Inability to control / meet their human desires (sexually).
✔ Being in an environment that is hostile / insecure. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
- Ways in which John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah.
- Examples from the life and Ministry of Jesus which shows that he promoted social equality.
✔ Though Jesus was God/divine son, he was born of ordinary peasant parents (Mary and Joseph).
✔ Jesus was born in a stable / manger.
✔ Jesus’ birth was first revealed to shepherds (who were ordinary people)/ not first revealed to the priests in the temple/he was visited by the shepherds.
✔ Lived ordinary life of a Jewish child (by undergoing the Jewish rites of passage / assisting his parents).
✔ Though he was not a sinner, he was baptized by John the Baptist like all who sought repentance of sin.
✔ He selected his disciples from low /high status e.g. sons of Zebedee – James and John who were of low status and all the others were of high status.
✔ He preached the message to all – Jews/gentiles/poor/rich etc.
✔ He called everybody to repentance/forgave all Jews/gentiles/poor/rich/etc.
✔ He healed all Jews/gentiles/great/might/low
✔ He mixed with all – rich/poor/famous/ordinary people/criminals/children etc
✔ He reinstated the status of a woman as a helper not as subordinate to a man – any other relevant example.
✔ In his parables, he used daily experiences from different life situations to address the audience-any parable of Jesus.
✔ He was falsely accused like some people who suffer unjustly/crucified with other criminals.
✔ He died like everybody else.
✔ He condemned evil doers irrespective of status/oppression. 8 x 1 = 8 Marks - How the disciples reacted to the use of parables in Jesus’ teaching.
✔ They were surprised/amazed at the meaning/did not understand reasons for the use of parable.
✔ They failed to understand the message of some of the parables.
✔ They felt privileged.
✔ They understood some parables clearly (especially about religious practices of the Pharisees/priests).
✔ They marveled at Jesus’ ability to teach using parables/his wisdom.
✔ They enjoyed listening to Jesus parables.
✔ They felt challenged by Jesus’ parables. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks - Activities that the church engages in to demonstrate love for others.
✔ Pastoral care/counseling (visits – in general terms).
✔ Giving offering/tithes.
✔ Worshipping together/fellowships.
✔ Praying for one another/faith healing.
✔ Preaching/evangelizing.
✔ By baptizing/confirming converts/other sacraments.
✔ Giving education/training so as to improve living standards.
✔ Condemnation of evil.
✔ Opening of money generating projects to assist those in need / offering employment
✔ Involvement in Harambee projects.
✔ Providing affordable medical care.
✔ Homes for destitute/orphaned children / aged.
✔ Provide water by digging boreholes in the arid semi-arid areas.
✔ Relief food/clothes/sharing resources/arms/work of charity/helping the needy.
✔ Visiting the sick in hospitals/homes. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
- Examples from the life and Ministry of Jesus which shows that he promoted social equality.
- Relate the message of Peter on the Day of Pentecost.
✔ Peter stood up to explain what was happening and defended the disciples. He said it was early in the morning and they could not be drunk.
✔ What was happening was the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy about the outpouring of God’s Spirit.
✔ The outpouring of the Holy Spirit was a positive proof that the Messianic age had arrived through Jesus Christ.
✔ Jesus was from Nazareth through whom God worked miracles.
✔ Jesus suffered and was crucified by sinful people in accordance with God’s plan.
✔ God raised him up to fulfill the prophecy of King David.
✔ The Apostles are living witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus.
✔ God has exalted Jesus. whom you rejected and made him both Lord and Saviour.
✔ Jesus is a descendant of David.
✔ The people who heard Peter’s message were moved and asked Peter what they were to do.
✔ Peter invited the people to repentance so that they could be forgiven and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
✔ About 3,000 people were converted to Christianity on that day. 10 x 1 = 10 Marks - Ways in which the coming of the Holy Spirit transformed the life of Peter on the Dayof Pentecost
✔ He was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.
✔ He spoke in tongues like other disciples.
✔ He stood up and defended the apostles.
✔ Peter became courageous.
✔ He preached the word of God boldly.
✔ He had knowledge about the scriptures in the Old Testament.
✔ He gained wisdom and advised the people what to do.
✔ He baptized new converts he converted 3,000 to Christianity. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks - Activities of the church in Kenya which show that the Holy Spirit is working amongthem
✔ Praying at individual or congregation level.
✔ Decision making in the church / solving issues and problems in the church.
✔ Faith healing/healing the sick.
✔ Speaking in tongues.
✔ Interpretation of tongues.
✔ Confession of sins/reconciliations.
✔ Education/giving instructions.
✔ Prayers are answered.
✔ Singing and dancing music.
✔ Preaching/teaching.
✔ Giving of offertory and alms/sadaka.
✔ Hold fellowship meeting, Bible study/Bible reading.
✔ Celebrating of sacraments e.g. Eucharist/Lords supper.
✔ Bringing new converts to the church.
✔ Pastoral care and counseling.
✔ Helping the poor and the needy.
✔ Working together of the churches e.g. in writing books/ecumenism/co-operating.
✔ Writing Christian literature e.g. pamphlets/magazines.
✔ Acts of faith by Christians.
✔ Discerning spirit.
✔ Works of miracles.
✔ Love among members.
✔ Through fostering unity of believers.
✔ Providing guidance to leaders.
✔ Building hospitals and learning institutions – schools and universities. 5 x 1 = 5 Marks
- Relate the message of Peter on the Day of Pentecost.
- The role that the Holy Spirit would play according to the teachings of Jesus
The Holy Spirit:
✔ Was going to be a counselor and an advocate to intercede for Christians before God
✔ Was going to reveal hidden truth about God and about Jesus
✔ Was going to take the place of Jesus and be with the people forever
✔ Was going to give them company so that they would not be desolated
✔ Was going to guarantee God’s love for them because anyone who loved Jesus was loved by God
✔ Was going to be their teacher
✔ Was going to remind them of all the teachings Jesus had taught them.
✔ Was going to make them aware of their sins.
✔ Was going to inform the world about the impending judgement so that they could repent.
✔ Was going to be God’s messenger to them /speak on Gods behalf
✔ Was going to revel the future to them
✔ Was going to glorify and exalt Jesus by telling them about him.
✔ Was going to empower them to be Jesus’ witnesses anywhere in the world 8 x 1 = 8 Marks - Fruits of the Holy Spirit according to Galatians 5: 22 – 26
✔ Love.
✔ Joy.
✔ Peace.
✔ Kindness.
✔ Patience.
✔ Self control.
✔ Faithfulness.
✔ Goodness.
✔ Gentleness. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks - Ways in which Christians demonstrate the fruit of generosity
✔ By giving of alms.
✔ Giving clothing to the needy.
✔ By welcoming strangers to their homes.
✔ By putting their skills, time and resources to the service of the church.
✔ Sharing the word of God.
✔ Visiting the sick and prisoners.
✔ Rehabilitating street children/Drug addicts.
✔ Caring for Aids Orphans.
✔ Ministering to people with HIV/AIDS. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
- The role that the Holy Spirit would play according to the teachings of Jesus
- How the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the body of Christ.
✔ Church, like a human body has many parts that function for the good of the whole body.
✔ As the body of Christ, the church has many members from different backgrounds but all have been baptized in one spirit.
✔ Every member of the church has a role to play for her/his development.
✔ Different members have different spiritual gifts that are used for the development of the church.
✔ All members of the body of Christ are equal because they serve the same God.
✔ All spiritual gifts have been given by God hence none is inferior to the other.
✔ Christians strive to remain in Christ and also invite others to become members of the body of Christ.
✔ Unity is archived through the practice of virtues such as humility, gentleness or patience.
✔ The spirit is the unifying power that brings Christians together as one body of Christ.
✔ Jesus is the head of the church.
✔ Christians share one faith in Christ.
✔ Christ has given Christians gifts for the purpose of building the body of Christ. 4 x 2 = 8 Marks - The teachings of Peter concerning the people of God (1st Peter 2:9 - 10)
✔ The believers are chosen people/race/they have been selected.
✔ They are a royal priesthood/they are to serve the greatest king/God.
✔ They are a Holy nation/expected to lead holy/righteousness lives.
✔ They belong to God/they form a family of God’s own possession.
✔ They were called from darkness to light/their lives had been transformed and should not be dominated by evil.
✔ They were once not a people/they were outside the covenant way of life.
✔ They are led by the mercies of God/have received God’s grace. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks - How churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today
✔ They are denied leadership positions.
✔ Are denied some services of the church such as wedding rites, burial rites e.t.c.
✔ Are charged a fine.
✔ They are reprimanded and asked to apologize.
✔ Workers who cause disunity can lose their jobs.
✔ Leaders who cause disunity are asked to resign.
✔ Some churches excommunicate members who blaspheme.
✔ Sometimes they may be suspended from church duties and church services.
✔ They are denied sacrament. 6 x 1 = 6 Marks
- How the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of the body of Christ.
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