- Answer any FIVE questions in the spaces provided at the end of question six.
- Candidates should answer the questions in English.

- Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran. (6 marks)
- Discuss the rationale for the narratives of the prophets in the Holy Quran. (6 marks)
- State the modern ways adapted in teaching the Quran. (8 marks)
- Discuss any four differences between the Mas-haf of Abubakar and that of Uthman. (8 marks)
- Outline the significance of reciting ayatul Kursy. (6 marks)
- Explain how a Muslim can modify his life according to Suratul Hujurat. (6 marks)
- State any five Shia collections of Hadith (5 marks)
- Give reasons why the fourth period of Hadith collection is regarded as the Golden age of Hadith collection. (8 marks)
- The prophet (S.A.W) said “looking for a lawful earning is an obligatory act next to obligatory worship. With reference to the Hadith explain how Muslims can eradicate poverty in the society. (7 marks)
- Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Shariah law. (8 marks)
- Outline the features of a Juma’a prayer. (6 marks)
- Mention six main activities of Hajj. (6 marks)
- Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of Ramadhan. (7 marks)
- Highlight five ways of asking for tawbah (5marks)
- Discuss the challenges of Zakat collection in Kenya (8 marks)
- Give the rationale of forbidding Shirk in Islam (7 marks)
- Discuss any four stages that a Muslim passes through immediately after death (8 marks)
- Explain the incident of Ghadir Khum according to Shia belief (5 marks)

- Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran (6marks)
- It addresses the importance of acquisition of knowledge in one’s life
- We learn that it is God who created man
- We learn that in life everything has to be struggled for including knowledge
- We learn that Allah is the source of knowledge
- We learn that we should always start with the name of Allah in everything
- We learn that women played a great role in upholding Allah’s religion
- We learn that unrecorded knowledge is of less significance in the life of man
- We learn the origin of mankind being created from the clot of blood
- Discuss the rationale of the prophets’ narratives in the Quran (6marks)
- They serve as an explanation of the general principles of the message of Islam
- The prophets inculcate in the minds of the people the doctrine of the unity of Allah
- To give general guidance to people
- They give lessons on communities who lived before prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
- They strengthen the faith of the prophet, his companions and believers
- As a reminder of the earlier prophets and how they underwent hardships and problems in their mission
- To prove the universality of the prophethood of Muhammad (S.A.W)
- They affirm the truth of the prophecy of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
- They act as a challenge against the opponents of Islam
- Explain the modern ways adapted in teaching the Quran (8marks)
- Madrasas are offering Muslims opportunity to learn Quran
- Online through skype
- Through internet e.g youtube
- Through applications that have quran
- Adopted In the schools curriculum unum
- Translated in many languages
- Quran modern day competition
- Adopted as a science (.memorization)
- Highlight the lessons derived from the first portion of revelation of the Quran (6marks)
- Discuss any four differences between Abubakar’s Mas-haf and Uthman’s Mas-haf (8marks)
- Abubakar’s mas-haf could be read in 7 dialect while Uthman’s could be read in one dialect i.e quraish dialect
- Abubakar’s mas-haf had an aim of preservation of quran from disappearing while Uthman’s mas-haf was written with the aim of unifying recitation so that it doesnot cause confusion
- Abubakar’s Mas-haf relied on written loosed leaf to compile it while Uthman’s mas-haf depended on the copy left with Hafswa the daughter of Umar r.a
- Abubakar’s mas-haf was compilled as a result of the death of the memorisers of the Quran while Uthman’s mas-haf was as a result of differences in the recitation of the Quran
- Surahs were not properly arrangement in Abubakar’s mas-haf while that of Uthman they were properly arranged
- Explain the significance of reciting Ayatul Kursy (6marks)
- It was among the verses given to prophet Muhammad pbuh only
- It provides refuge in Allah from satan and other forms of calamity
- It is the greatest verse in the Quran
- It contains the greatest names of Allah (ismul-A’dham)
- If read after every swalat one will enter Jannah
- It contains attributes of Allah (SWT) upon their recitation one is protected against vexation of Shetan
- One is rewarded as it is sunnah to do so
- Explain how a Muslim can modify his life according to Suratul Hujura(6marks)
- By verifying rumours brought to them by evil minded people so as to avoid conflicts
- By employing institution of reconciliation to enable peace among quarelling parties
- By incorporating fellow Muslims without despising anybody thereby enhancing good relationship among Muslims
- By refraining from insults and usage od vulgar language that hurts other people
- By shunning away from calling others using nicknames as it annoys
- By avoiding suspecting others without proves because it leads to hatred
- By avoiding backbiting and spying others because this destroys the bond of Islamic brotherhood
- By advocating the fear of Allah when giving other people merit.
- Discuss any four differences between Abubakar’s Mas-haf and Uthman’s Mas-haf (8marks)
- Enumerate five shia collections of Hadith (5marks)
- AlKafi
- Man la yahdhuruhul Faqih
- Tahdhibul ahkam
- Al-istibsar
- Biharul anwar
- Al wafi
- Wasailu shia
- Give reasons why the fourth period of Hadith collection is regarded as golden age (8marks)
- The sahih sitta were compiled during this period
- The scholars separated the hadith from the atharu-sahaba (sayings and actions of sahaba)
- The science of hadith emerged and there was a branch of hadith to detect fabricated hadith
- The science of men (ulumu-rijal) was developed documenting each narrator
- The six authentic books of hadith were compilled
- The study of the authenticity of hadith was developed
- Hadith was classified into Sahih, Hassan and Dhwaif
- Prominent scholars appeared during this period
- The holy prophet (S.A.W) said, “Looking for lawful earning is an obligatory act next to the obligatory worship” in reference to the above hadith, how can Muslims eradicate poverty. (7marks)
- Since working is a form of worship, one will work hard to earn thawab
- Allah love those who help others, by giving those who are less fortunate will eliminate poverty
- Seeking education I.e vocational training
- Appreciating one’s ability and weakness hence one is discouraged from having negative attitude towards menial jobs
- Establishment of vocational training centers
- Sponsoring the youth to acquire skills
- Promotion of positive values and ethics in jobs e.g hard work and integrity
- Shunning laziness and engaging in value addition occupation by avoiding idleness
- Sensitizing the muslims on self employment (mentorship)
- Enumerate five shia collections of Hadith (5marks)
- Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Sharia law. (8marks)
- It promotes fairness and justice in the society
- Kind abomination may give a criminal a chance to reflect on his conduct
- It gives the criminal room for reform
- It helps maintain peace and harmony in society by minimizing criminal acts
- It is a way of deterring others from committing similar or other related crimes
- It shield Muslims from effects that may arise as a result of sins or crimes e.g transmission of sexually transmitted diseases through crimes like zinaa
- Since the prescription is from Allah (SW) the believers are satisfied psychologically
- The sharia instills fear thus the potential criminals will have fear
- The law is deterrent hen e stop crime
- It is punitive to stop others from engaging in crime
- Describe the features of a Juma’a prayer (6marks)
- It is observed on a friday
- The time for the prayer is at noon
- It has two separate aadhan
- It is preceeded by two khutbas
- The prayer consists of two rakaas
- The prayer is performed in congregation
- No talking during the khutbah
- Its rewards depend on the time one arrives in the mosque
- Mention six main activities of Hajj (6marks)
- Putting on Ihram and niyyah at the appointed station (miqaat)
- To perform Tawaf ziyarah
- To spend night in muzdalifa
- Standing on Arafa
- To spend night in Mina
- Stonning the three jamarat
- Performing say’i
- Discuss the relevance of punishment according to Sharia law. (8marks)
- Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of Ramadhan. (7marks)
- Takes one closer to Allah (SWT) as Allah loves those who do sunnah acts by uplifting ones faith
- Brings unity and brotherhood e.g when people pray together taraweh
- One gets thawab more
- Creates a sense of responsibility when sharing iftar
- Wellness and healthy living by breaking fast with dates
- Eating suhur makes one enagetic
- Reading the quran is both rewarding and preserved the quran
- Avoiding israf makes one preserve and avoid wastage
- Paying zakatul fitr creates a sense of responsibility
- Avoid anger this create peace
- Highlight five ways of asking for tawbah (forgiveness) (5marks)
- Slaughtering an animal
- Fasting kafarah fasts
- Releasing a slave
- Feeding the poor sixty days
- Performance e of hajj
- Performing taiba Nashua by(He / she must stop doing the sinful acts,)
- One must make a firm commitment not to return to the sinful acts
- One must feel sorry and regret for having committed the sin
- One has to have strong belief that Allah is ready to accept our tawba
- If it involves the right of others then one should compensate
- Discuss the challenges of zakat collection in Kenya (8marks)
- There is no proper body accountable for the collection of zakat
- Some muslims are not aware if there is any organization that is in charge of collecting zakat
- Some rich people prefer to give zakat on their own
- Corruption on the recipients as some of them do not deserve
- There is little trust among the rich and those in charge of collecting zakat
- Lack of data on who deserves zakat
- Zakat is not paid at the same time
- No information on who is supposed to give hence the rich do not want to disclose their wealth
- Poverty levels are different (the society has many dynamics)
- Lack of officials / authorized and recognized body to collect zakat
- Discuss the relevance of the sunnah acts observed during the month of Ramadhan. (7marks)
- Give the rational of forbidding Shirk in Islam. (7marks)
- It is an act that defies the oneness of Allah
- It involves taking away the right of Allah SWT i.e the right
- One loses dignity by engaging in shirk as it involves some uncivilized activities such as night running
- Shirk makes a community to be inflicted with calamities and natural phenomena
- It create enmity in the society since people will always be suspicious of each other
- Shirk puts one into poverty as Allah will not bless any wealth acquired by one who practices shirk
- It may lead to death as some rituals are dangerous/ require human sacrifice or witchcraft
- It leads to psychological problems as one is stressed or li s in fear (witchcraft)
- Makes people not to engage in lawful activities hence relay on shortcuts
- Discuss the relevance of the belief in Qadar. (8marks)
- The grave
- It is the place where a dead person is buried
- In the grave the dead persons si questioned by Munkar and Nakir
- Barzakh
- This refers to the life in the grave until the day of resurrection
- The grave can be either a garden among the gardens of paradise or a well among the wells of the hellfire depending on one’s deeds
- Resurrection
- This refers to the state of being brought back to life from the graves to be informed of the results of one’s deeds .
- Judgement
- This refers to the period after resurrection when people will be judged according to their deeds
- ● It’s the judgement that will determine whether one will go to the paradise or hellfire.
- Paradise or Hellfire
- Paradise refers to eternal dwelling for the good doers while Hellfire is the eternal dwelling for the wrong doers.
- The grave
- Explain the incident Ghadir Khum according to the Shia doctrine(5marks)
- It happened after the fairwell piligrimage of the prophet
- The prophet left Makkah and stopped at a place called Ghadir Khum where pilgrims from various places would bid good bye to each other
- At Ghadir Khum the prophet gave a speech
- He took Ali’s hand raised it and saidbefore the assembly and said “Everyone whose patron I am has Ali as his patron also…..”
- By these words the Shia believed that the prophet appointed Ali as his successor.
- Give the rational of forbidding Shirk in Islam. (7marks)
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