Geography Paper 1 Questions and Answers - Kenya High Post Mock 2023 Exams

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  • This paper consists of two sections A and B.
  •  Answer all questions in section A.
  • Answer questions 6 and any other two questions in section B.


Answer all questions in this section

  1. The diagram below represent the flow of air currents. Use it to answer question a and b.
    1 4
    1. Name the air current marked F. (1mk)
    2. Describe how the air current marked E occurs. (4mks)
    1. What is Relative Humidity? (2mks)
    2.  The table below shows temperature readings of Dry bulb thermometer and wet bulb thermometer in three weather stations.













      Give the state of relative humidity in station J, K and L. (3mks)
    1. Differentiate between a magnitude of an earthquake and intensity of an earthquake. (2mks)
    2. Describe how a dyke is formed. (3mks)
    1. Name two types of ice masses found on mountains in East Africa. (2mks)
    2.  State three distinctive characteristics of a pyramid peak. (3mks)
    1. Name two ocean currents along the Western Coast of Africa. (2mks)
    2. State three causes of ocean currents. (3mks)

Answer question 6 and any other two questions.

  1. Study the map of Kisumu East 1:50,000 (sheet 116/2) provided and answer the following questions.
      1. What type of map is Kisumu East Sheet? (1mk)
      2. Give the vertical interval of the map. (1mk)
      3. State the latitudinal and longitudinal position of North West corner of the map. (2mks)
      1. What is the bearing of the trigonometrical station at Grid reference 081980 from rock outcrop at grid reference 071992? (2mks)
      2.  Measure the length of all weather road bound surface B2/1 from the junction at Grid reference 974911 to the edge of the map grid reference 947967. Give your answer in kilometres. (2mks)
      1. Draw a cross section between Grid Reference 070940 and 070980. Use a vertical scale 1cm to represent 100 metres. (4mks)
      2. On the cross section, mark and name:-
        • All weather road bound surface. (1mk)
        • River (1mk)
      3. Calculate the vertical exaggeration (VE) of the cross section. (2mks)
    4. Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (5mks)
    5. Citing evidence from the map, give two social services offered in Kisumu Town. (4mks)
    1. Describe the following characteristics of minerals.
      1. Lustre (2mks)
      2. Density (2mks)
      3. Cleavage (2mks)
    2. Giving an example for each, describe the three types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (9mks)
    3. You are required to carry out a field study on the types of rocks within the vicinity of your school.
      1. State four reasons why you would conduct a reconnaissance (4mks)
      2. State how you would use the following items during the field study.
        • Geological hammer (2mks)
        • Magnifying lens (2mks)
        • Geological map (2mks)
    1. Give two types of Earth Movement within the earth’s crust. (2mks)
      1. Describe the origin of continents according to the theory of Continental Drift. (6mks)
      2. Explain the following evidence which support the theory of Continental Drift.
        • Paleontological evidence. (2mks)
        • Paleoclimatic evidence. (2mks)
        • Sea floor spreading. (2mks)
      1. Name one fold mountains in:-
        • North America (1mk)
        • Asia (1mk)
        • Africa (1mk)
      2. With the aid of well labeled diagrams, describe how Fold Mountains are formed. (8mks)
      1. What is a river Divide. (2mks)
      2. Describe the three types of River Erosion. (9mks)
    2. Explain the following drainage patterns and systems.
      1. Dendritic. (2mks)
      2. Superimposed. (4mks)
    3. Explain four ways in which Rivers Negatively affect human environment. (8mks)
      1. What is soil texture. (2mks)
      2. Give two types of soil according to texture. (2mks)
    2. Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soil.
      1. Parent Rock (4mks)
      2. Living organisms. (4mks)
    3. The diagram below represents a well-developed soil profile. Use it to answer question C
      1. Name three layers of Horizon A (3mks)
      2. Describe the characteristics of Horizon B. (3mks)
      1. tate three economic benefits of soil. (3mks)
      2. Describe the following types of soil erosion.
        • Sheet erosion. (2mks)
        • Gully erosion. (2mks)



  1. The diagram below represent the flow of air currents. Use it to answer question a and b.
    1. Name the air current marked F. (1mk)
      F – Land Breeze (1mk each)
    2. Describe how the air current marked E occurs. (4mks)
      • During the day, land heats faster than the sea/lake
      • Air on land rises
      • Cool air from the sea/lake moves to the land
      • Cool air from the sea to the land is the sea/lake Breeze
        (4 X 1mk)
    1. What is Relative Humidity? (2mks)
      This is the ratio of the actual amount of moisture/water vapour of a given mass of air to the maximum amount of moisture/water vapour it can hold at the same temperature. (2 X 1mks)
    2. The table below shows temperature readings of Dry bulb thermometer and wet bulb thermometer in three weather stations.













      Give the state of relative humidity in station J, K and L. (3mks)
      J – High Humidity
      K – Low Humidity
      L – 100% (1mk each)
    1. Differentiate between a magnitude of an earthquake and intensity of an earthquake. (2mks)
      Magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of energy given off by an earthquake while intensity of an earthquake is a measure of how strong/hard the earthquake shakes the ground. (2 X 1mk)
    2. Describe how a dyke is formed. (3mks)
      • Magma under high pressure enters crustal rocks
      • The semi fluid rock/magma forces itself into vertical cracks/fissures.
      • The magma cools and solidifies in vertical cracks.
      • The vertical sheet of igneous rock is the dyke.
        (Any 3X 1mk)
    1. Name two types of ice masses found on mountains in East Africa. (2mks)
      • Valley glaciers
      • cirque glaciers
      • Ice caps (Any 2 X 1mk)
    2. State three distinctive characteristics of a pyramid peak. (3mks)
      • Has steep sides
      • Is surrounded by cirques
      • Is a sharp rock pinnacle/horn
      • Has a radiating systems of a retes. (3 X 1mk)
    1. Name two ocean currents along the Western Coast of Africa. (2mks)
      • Benguela
      • Guinea
      • Canary
        (2 X 1 mk)
    2. State three causes of ocean currents. (3mks)
      • Differences in water density/salinity
      • Differences in ocean temperature
      • Wind blowing over ocean
      • Rotation of the earth
      • Shape of the coastal landmass
        (Any 3 X 1mk)
    1. Study the map of Kisumu East 1:50,000 (sheet 116/2) provided and answer the following questions.
      1. What type of map is Kisumu East Sheet? (1mk)
        Topographical map
        (1 X 1mk)
      2. Give the vertical interval of the map. (1mk)
        (1 X 1mk)
      3. State the latitudinal and longitudinal position of North West corner of the map. (2mks)
        O°ool, 34°45lE
        Lat O° ool
        Long 34°451E
        (1 X 2mks)
      1. What is the bearing of the trigonometrical station at Grid reference 081980 from rock outcrop at grid reference 071992? (2mks)
        1390 ± 10 (1380 – 1400)
        (1 X 2mks)
      2. Measure the length of all weather road bound surface B2/1 from the junction at Grid reference 974911 to the edge of the map grid reference 947967. Give your answer in kilometres. (2mks)
        7.2km ± 0.1 (7.1 – 7.3 km)
        (1 X 2mks)
      1. Draw a cross section between Grid Reference 070940 and 070980. Use a vertical scale 1cm to represent 100 metres. (4mks)
        T – 1
        VA – 1
        HA – 1 5 max 4mks
        TR – 1
        SP/EP- 1
      2. On the cross section, mark and name:-
        • All weather road bound surface. (1mk)
          RD – 1
        • River (1mk)
          RV – 1
      3. Calculate the vertical exaggeration (VE) of the cross section. 2mks)
        V.E = V . S
                  H. S
        = 1⁄10000 ÷ 1⁄50000
        = 1⁄10000 × 50000⁄1
        = 5 times
    4. Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (5mks)
      • The highest area Nyando escarpment/1872m asL
      • The lowest area is the South West/1140m asL
      • Land slopes from North to South West
      • There is Nyando escarpment.
      • The East is a plain / Kano plain
      • The north western part is hilly with steep slopes
      • The east has gentle slopes
      • The landscape in the northern part is dissected by rivers
      • The south west is a basin/depression occupied by a lake.
      • There are many river valleys. (5 X 1mk)
    5. Citing evidence from the map, give two social services offered in Kisumu Town. (4mks)

      Social services


      -          Educational

      -          School

      -          Religion

      -          Mission/church

      -          Rehabilitation

      -          Prison

      -          Housing

      -          Huts/built up areas

      -          Water supply

      -          Water works

      -          Health/medical

      -          Hospital

      -          Security

      -          Police lines/police station

      -          Administration

      -          DO/DC

      -          Recreation

      -          Stadium

      -          Burial

      -          Cems/cem

      (2 X 2 mks)
    1. Describe the following characteristics of minerals.
      1. Lustre (2mks)
        • This is the appearance of a mineral as it reflects light.
        • Some minerals are dull while others are shinny. (1X2mks)
      2. Density (2mks)
        • Minerals have different weight per unit volume of water.
        • Some minerals are heavy while others are light. (1 X 2mks)
      3. Cleavage (2mks)
        • Minerals have patterns in which they break
        • Some Minerals break into thin layers while others break along layers.
          (1 X 2mks)
    2. Giving an example for each, describe the three types of mechanically formed sedimentary rocks. (9mks)
      • Arenaceoust - made up of particles of size of sand
        Example – Grit/sandstone.
      • Agillacteous made up of very small particles such as those of clay and mud
        Example – shale/clystone/siltstone/mudstone/loess
      • Rudaceouts. Made up of particles larger than sand
        Example – conglomeretes/Breccia/ Bounder clay. (3 X 3mks)
    3. You are required to carry out a field study on the types of rocks within the vicinity of your school.
      1. State four reasons why you would conduct a reconnaissance (4mks)
        • To seek permission for the visit
        • To prepare a work schedule
        • To determine appropriate tools for the study
        • To find out possible problems likely experienced during the field study
        • To determine appropriate methods of data collection
        • To formulate study objectives
        • To formulate study hypotheses
        • To draw a route map
          (Any 4 X1mk)
      2. State how you would use the following items during the field study.
        • Geological hammer (2mks)
          • Hitting for breaking rocks into portable pieces
          • Hitting the rocks to determine hardness. (1 X 2mks)
        • Magnifying lens (2mks)
          • For viewing rock crystals to determine their shapes/sizes (1 X 2mks)
        • Geological map (2mks)
          • To guide on the types/location/distribution of rocks in the area. (1 X 2mks)
    1. Give two types of Earth Movement within the earth’s crust. (2mks)
      • Vertical/Epeirogenic
      • Horizontal/Lateral/Orogenic
        (1 X 2mks)
      1. Describe the origin of continents according to the theory of
        • Continental Drift. (6mks)
          • the earth was originally one huge landmass/super continent/pangea
          • Pangea was surrounded by a large water body/sea/panthalassa
          • Pangea split into two subcontinents to form two other landmasses called Lauvasia and Gondwanaland
          • The two landmasses were separated by a sea called Tethys
          • The two land masses further split
          • Lauvasia broke to form continents in the Northern hemisphere
          • Gondwanaland broke to form continents in the southern Hampshire
          • The continents gradually drifted to their present position
            (Any 6 X1)
      2. Explain the following evidence which support the theory of Continental Drift.
        • Paleontological evidence. (2mks)
          The fossils of plants found in Africa are also found in other continents
          (1 X 2mks)
        • Paleoclimatic evidence. (2mks)
          Southern continents seem to have experienced large scale glaciation at same period/ presence of ancient glacial deposits in southern continents
          ( 1 X2mks)
        • Sea floor spreading. (2mks)
          Recent volicanic eruption in the Mid atlantic ridges fill the gaps left by drifting continents
          ( 1 X2mks)
      1. Name One fold mountain in .
        • North America (1mk)
          Rockies/Appalachians (1 x 1mk)
        • Asia (1mk)
          Himalayas (1 X 1mk)
        • Africa (1mk)
          Cape ranges/Atlas (1 X 1mk)
      2. With the aid of a well labeled diagrams, describe how fold maintains are formed (8mks)
        • Extensive shallow depression called Geosyncline develop on the earth’s surface
        • Prolonged and extensive erosion occurs on the surrounding higher grounds
        • The sediments are deposited in the Geosyncline forming thick layers
        • The weight of the sediments causes subsidence of the Geosyncline leading to accumulation of more sediments to great thickness
        • Further subsidence of the geosyncline triggers off compressional forces which cause sediments to fold
        • The folded layers of the geosyncline are thrust upwards to form fold mountain at the edge of the geosyncline
      1. What is a river divide (2mks)
        A river divide is a ridge line/ boundary line separating drainage/river systems/basins
      2. Describe the three types of River Erosion (9mks)
        • Headward Erosion
          Takes place at the river’s source.
          It lengthens the river
        • Vertical erosion
          Takes place on the river bed.
          It deepens the river
        • Lateral erosion
          Takes place on the river’s banks.
          It widens the river channel
    2. Explain the following drainage patterns and systems
      1. Dendritic (2mks)
        • It develops in areas where rocks have uniform structure
        • Direction of flow is influenced by the slope of the land
        • Tributaries join the main river at acute angles
        • Tributaries converge on the main river forming s shape like that of a tree and its branches
          (Any 2 X1mk)
      2. Superimposed (4mks)
        • Develops on a rock structure that overlie a totally different one
        • The river cuts through the surface rock layers into the underlying rocks
        • Gradually the surface rocks are removed
        • The underlying rock become exposed on the river bed
        • The river maintains its original direction of flow despite the new rock structure
          (Any 4 X1mk)
    3. Explain Four ways in which Rivers Negatively affect human environment (8mks)
      • When rivers flood, they destroy property/crops, may displace people, may lead to loss of human life
      • Wide/deep rivers are barriers to transport especially where bridges have not been constructed
      • River water can be a medium of spreading water borne diseases
      • Some rivers are habitats to dangerous wild animals which may attack human beings/destroy crops
        (Any 4 X 2mks)
      1. What is soil texture (2mks)
        • soil texture is the degree of fitness/coarseness of the particles making up the soil
        • it is the size of soil particles
          (Any 1X2mk)
      2. Give two types of soil according to texture
        • Gravel
        • Sandy
        • Silty
        • Loamy
        • Clay
          (Any 2X1mk)
    2. Explain how the following factors influence the formation of soil
      1. Parent Rock (4mks)
        • The nature of rock influences the rate of weathering in that soft rocks weather faster/ hard rocks are resistant and weather slowly
        • The parent rock determines the soil texture in that large/coarse grained rocks produce large/ coarse grained soil/small/fine grained rocks produces small/fine grained soil.
        • The type of minerals in the parent rocks are transferred to the soil during formation.
          (2x 2mks)
      2. Living organisms
        • Micro-organism in the soil assist in plant/animal decay to form humus
        • Micro-organism mix and aerate the soil
        • The roots of plants penetrate the soil enabling it to become porous
        • Penetration of plants roots/ ploughing/digging break up rocks into small particles forming soil.
        • When plants and animals die, they decompose/ decay to form humus/organic matter in the soil.
          (2 X 2mk)
    3. The diagram below represents a well developed soil profile. Use it to answer question (c)
      1. Name the three layers of horizon A (3mks)
        • A00
        • A0
        • A1
        • A2
        • A3
          (3 x1mk)
      2. Describe the characteristics of horizon B (3mks)
        • It is the accumulation zone for leached minerals from horizon A
        • The soil texture is clay in nature
        • Soils are generally dark/red/brown in colour
        • The zone sometimes form the hard pan/murram /lateritic duricrust
        • It is divided into B1, B2 and B3
          (Any 3X1mk)
      1. State three economic benefits of soil (3mks)
        • Soil provide the base for crops/forest cultivation
        • Some soils are source of valuable minerals
        • Soils are raw materials for ceramic/pottery/sculpture industries.
        • Soils are used for building houses/roads/bridges
        • Organic soils such as peat serve as fuel resource.
        • Salt licks are livestock feeds.
          (Any 3X1mk)
      2. Describe the following types of soil erosion
        • Sheet erosion (2mks)
          It occurs on gentle slopes which are bare
          When heavy rains falls water spreads over a large area
          As water moves, it removes the top layer of soil evenly/uniformly over the area
          (Any 2X1mk)
        • Gully erosion (2mks)
          It occurs on steep slopes
          Rain water cuts deep grooves/channels/rills on slope
          The channels are widened and deepened to form gullies through which soils are curried away
          (Any 2X1mk)
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