- Outline seven roles of Samuel as a judge in Israel.(7mks)
- Identify six ways in which the Israelites practiced idolatry during the time of Prophet Elijah (6mks)
- Give seven qualities of Prophet Elijah that Christian leaders should possess (7mks)
- Outline six roles of healers in the Traditional African Society (6mks)
- Give seven requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in the Traditional African Society (7mks)
- State seven circumstances under which divorce may be allowed in the Traditional African Society (7mks)
- Outline the psalmist prophecy about the coming of the Messiah (7mks)
- Give seven things that Jesus said about John the Baptist (7mks)
- Highlight six ways in which Christians play the role of John the Baptist (6mks)
- State six reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth (6mks)
- Describe the healing at Centurion servant in Luke 7: 1-10 (7mks)
- Identify the lessons that Christians learn from the healing of the centurion servant (7mks)
- Narrate the parable of the rich fool with reference to Luke 12:13-34 (6mks)
- Explain seven teachings of Jesus on the parable of the sower (7mks)
- Give seven ways in which Christians can use their wealth (7mks)
- Identify seven occasions when Jesus prayed in St. Luke’s gospel (7mks)
- State seven injustices that happened during the trial of Jesus (7mks)
- Identify six lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the testimony of the repentant thief (6mks)

- Outline seven roles of Samuel as a judges in Israel.(7mks)
- Performed priestly duties
- Anointed the first two kings of Israel
- Was a mouthpiece of God’s will
- Settled disputes
- Led Israelites to war against enemies
- Foretold the future
- Mediated between God and Israelites
- Advised kings
- Condemned social injustices
- Reminded people to abide by the covenant way of life 7X1mk
- Identify six ways in which the Israelites practiced idolatry during the time of Prophet Elijah (6mks)
- Worshiped many gods
- Made images and symbols to represent gods and goddesses
- Worshipped false gods
- Offered human and animal sacrifices to gods
- Practiced apostasy
- Performed fertility rituals
- Practiced temple prostitution 6X1mk
- Give seven qualities of Prophet Elijah that Christian leaders should posses (7mks)
- Truthfulness
- Courage
- Faithfulness
- Loving/caring
- Honesty
- Responsibility
- Obedience
- Respect
- Faithfulness 7X1mk
- Outline seven roles of Samuel as a judges in Israel.(7mks)
- Outline six roles of healers in the Traditional African Society (6mks)
- Diagnose diseases
- Treating diseases
- Counseled people
- Prayed for the people
- Led in religious rituals
- Provided means of averting misfortune/impending danger
- Gave charms for protection
- Trained apprentices
- Gave potency drugs in marriage/relationships 6X1mk
- Give seven requirements that one had to fulfill to be made an elder in the Traditional African Society(7mks)
- Be initiated
- Be married
- Good moral standing/respectable
- Have children
- Be of the right age
- Ability to provide for others/wealthy
- Knowledgeable/wise
- Bonafide member of that community
- Undergo rituals of being an elder 7X1mk
- State seven circumstances under which divorce maybe allowed in the Traditional African Society (7mks)
- If the wife is found not to be a virgin on the wedding
- Perpetual cruelty by one partner
- If one partner is discovered to be a witch
- Having a lazy/negligent partner
- If the wife is barren
- If the man is unable to provide
- If one partner develops a serious disease like madness
- If the man fails to complete the payment of dowry 7X1mk
- Outline six roles of healers in the Traditional African Society (6mks)
- Outline the psalmist prophecy about the coming of the Messiah (7mks)
- Messiah would be a conqueror of enemies
- Will be betrayed by a close friend
- Would rule from Zion
- Would be honoured by God
- Would be protected by God
- Would sit at the right side of God
- Would be strengthened by God
- Would be Gods representation on earth 7x1mk
- Give seven things that Jesus said about John the Baptist (7mks)
- John was a prophet
- John’s mission had been prophesied in the scriptures
- John lived in the wilderness
- John will prepare the way for the messiah
- Was a Nazarite /never took wine
- Used to be referred to as Elijah
- The least in the kingdom would be greater than John
- Was rejected by people referring to him as demon possessed
- Was the greatest of all old testament prophets 7X1mk
- Highlight six ways in which Christians play the role of John the Baptist (6mks)
- Calling people to repentance
- Baptizing new converts
- Condemning evils of the day
- Reminding people to prepare for the second coming of Jesus
- Announcing the coming of divine judgment
- Preaching Christ as the promised messiah
- Advising political leaders
- Offering practical moral advise on sharing and honesty 6X1mk
- Outline the psalmist prophecy about the coming of the Messiah (7mks)
- State six reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth (6mks)
- They thought he was simply the son of Joseph the carpenter whom they knew
- Jesus told them that the prophecy of Isaiah had been fulfilled in Him and that He is the messiah
- They wanted Him to prove His Lordship by performing miracles which He didn’t
- He told them that their forefathers had rejected God’s prophets by persecuting them
- He told them how God favoured even the Gentiles and not Jews alone, He would even work miracles for the Gentiles and leave them alone
- He told them that a prophet is not welcomed in his home town 6X1mk
- Describe the healing at Centurion servant in Luke 7: 1-10 (7mks)
- Jesus entered Capernaum where a centurion servant was sick
- The centurion sent Jewish elders to Jesus to plead for his servant’s healing
- The elders told Jesus how good the centurion was to the Jewish community
- Jesus accepted and went with them
- The centurion learnt that Jesus was headed to his house
- He sent friends to stop Jesus from coming to his house because he did not deserve His visit
- He said that if Jesus gave command the servant will be well
- Jesus was marveled at the centurions faith
- He healed the servant
- The elders went back home and found the servant well 7X1mk
- Identify the lessons that Christians learn from the healing of the centurion servant (7mks)
- Christians should have faith in God
- Christians should always approach God with humility
- Christians should be generous as centurion was to the Jewish community
- Christians should be merciful as centurion was to his servant
- Christians should be humble despite their positions
- Christians should use their resources to support the spreading of the word of God
- Christians should serve all people equally without discrimination
- Christians should always seek Jesus when in trouble
- Christians with the gift of healing should use it to heal the sick
- Christians should provide medical services to the sick 7X1mk
- State six reasons why Jesus was rejected in Nazareth (6mks)
- Narrate the parable of the rich fool with reference to Luke 12:13-34 (6mks)
- A rich man had a good harvest
- He realized that his barns could not contain all the harvest
- He pulled down the old barns to build bigger ones\
- He planned to store his harvest in the new barns so as it can take care of him for a long time
- He never lived to enjoy his harvest because that night, God took away his life
- Jesus concluded that those who pile earthly riches and are not rich in Gods sight will suffer the same fate 6X1mk
- Explain seven teachings of Jesus on the parable of the sower (7mks)
- God’s word is preached to all but is received differently
- Some receives the word but the devil takes it away
- Others receives the word but fades during temptations
- Others live by the word until it bears fruits
- Christians should preach the word of God and win more converts
- Jesus was sent by God to preach good news in order to win people back to Him
- Christians should nourish the word of God so that it does not fade
- The kingdom of God faces challenges as it grows 7X1mk
- Give seven ways in which Christians can use their wealth (7mks)
- Promoting the spread of the gospel
- Building homes for the orphans
- Providing medical assistance for the sick
- Giving tithes and offerings
- Providing education for the children of the poor
- Creating employment opportunities
- Assisting victims of disasters
- Conserving/preserving environment 7X1mk
- Narrate the parable of the rich fool with reference to Luke 12:13-34 (6mks)
- Identify seven occasions when Jesus prayed in St. Luke’s gospel (7mks)
- During His baptism
- In the wilderness before temptations
- Before choosing His disciples
- During the feeding of five thousand
- During transfiguration
- After return of the seventy two from their mission
- When His disciples asked Him to show them how to pray
- During last supper
- During His arrest in Mt. Olives
- On the cross
- When with disciples in Emmaus 7X1mk
- State seven injustices that happened during the trial of Jesus (7mks)
- Jesus was mocked and beaten
- The accusations were false
- The crowd insisted on Jesus death even after Pilate found Him innocent
- The crowd intimidated Pilate
- He was whipped though He was innocent
- Barnabas, a convicted criminal was released to pave way for the crucification of Jesus who was innocent
- Herod treated Jesus with contempt
- Peter was threatened and intimidated 7X1mk
- Identify six lessons Christians learn about Jesus from the testimony of the repentant thief (6mks)
- Jesus was innocent
- Jesus is the messiah
- Jesus forgives sins
- Jesus offer salvation to those who repent
- Jesus answers our prayers
- Jesus is worth of respect and honour
- Jesus rewards those who have faith in Him
- Jesus gives eternal life 6X1mk
- Identify seven occasions when Jesus prayed in St. Luke’s gospel (7mks)
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